This document summarizes a "glory sighting" that occurred at the congregation's church. A member had emailed about a person in need of an air conditioner due to the heat. Within 24 hours, a brand new air conditioner was donated and delivered to the person in need. The author was thankful to witness God working through the congregation to meet this need.
This document summarizes a "glory sighting" that occurred at the congregation's church. A member had emailed about a person in need of an air conditioner due to the heat. Within 24 hours, a brand new air conditioner was donated and delivered to the person in need. The author was thankful to witness God working through the congregation to meet this need.
This document summarizes a "glory sighting" that occurred at the congregation's church. A member had emailed about a person in need of an air conditioner due to the heat. Within 24 hours, a brand new air conditioner was donated and delivered to the person in need. The author was thankful to witness God working through the congregation to meet this need.
This document summarizes a "glory sighting" that occurred at the congregation's church. A member had emailed about a person in need of an air conditioner due to the heat. Within 24 hours, a brand new air conditioner was donated and delivered to the person in need. The author was thankful to witness God working through the congregation to meet this need.
you haven't heard this term before, it simply is a testimony to how someone has seen God at work in the events of everyday life. On Monday of this week, Nancy sent an email to the congregation regarding a person in the community who was struggling with the heat and in need of a window unit air conditioner. Within 24 hours of that email, an air conditioner (brand new, not used!) was sitting in the church. A very short time after that, the air conditioner was at the person's home and helping to bring relief from the summer heat. I was blessed to watch it all Children and youth (pg. 2) Thank You Cards (pg. 3) Important Dates (p. 4) Calendar (p. 5) Vol. 10, No. 9 September 1, 2014 (cont. on pg. 6) In this Edition
On Sunday, September 14, join us in welcoming David Carroll, Chief Operations Ofcer for Gospel For Asia. David will be sharing with us the mission and eforts of this organization during both worship services that morning. We wanted to let you get to know a little more about David himself and how he began with Gospel For Asia: When David and his wife, Debi, frst heard of the ministry of Gospel for Asia, they immediately began sponsoring a national missionary and praying for the ministry. In January 1992, after learning of the need for staf in GFAs home ofce, David and Debi sold their CPA practice and moved their family to Carrollton, Texas, to serve with GFA. David works in several capacities, but his primary responsibility is for the overall operation of the U.S. headquarters. He also presents the work and vision of GFA to churches and ministries across America. David has been to the mission felds of Asia and has seen frst hand the work of GFAs national missionaries. His heart is truly broken with the reality that half of the world has not yet heard the precious name of Jesus Christ. Thats why he passionately challenges Gods people in America to become radically involved in winning Asia to Christ. I have seen the work God is doing in the lives of thousands of hope- lessly lost and perishing people, David reports. I was gripped by the faces of the people whose eyes told of their sufering and des- pair. I can still see them clearly in my mind, making their way to local temples to worship hideous and hateful idols. Most of these people have never heard of Jesus love or forgiveness. My heart burns within me to send them the Gospel and allow them to experience the joy of knowing Jesus. We are back!! Starting Wednesday, September 3, K5 Kids will resume meeting from 6-7pm. Dont miss the fun, fellowship and FOOD! The Youth Group is gearing up for an awesome year! We will begin meeting Wednesday, September 3rd from 6-7p.m. You dont want to miss out on all the fun. Bring your friends for a great time with us! K5 Kids Choir will start practice Wednesday, September 3rd at 5:30 p.m. Come lend your voice to our wonderful choir, then stay for the fun at K5 Kids! We look forward to seeing you! K5 Kids The youth had a great time at their Back to School lock in! Thank You Cards Dear Church Family, It is with grateful hearts that our family thanks you for your prayers, love and support. We could not make it these days without your prayers. Also, thank you for your cards, phone calls, and food during these past few months. Love, Judy Powers and Family
With Our Thanks, Words seem inadequate to express my sincere thanks to each of you for the many expres- sions of love through your constant prayers, cards, calls and words of encouragement for my sister, Jane Webber, since her diagnosis of cancer and surgery. To those of you who have walked in her shoes, a special thank you for your words of encouragement to both of us. In Christian Love, Lucy and Jane
With Our Thanks, Over the course of seven months since Macks stroke, the Christian love shown to us has sus- tained us and kept us focused on the unend- ing grace of God in Jesus Christ. Your fervent prayers, loving thoughts, encouraging cards, phone calls, and visits have been greatly ap- preciated by each of us. With Deepest Gratitude, Lucy Hill, Mack Waller and Family
Dear Russell Memorial UMC, Wills Point ISD would like to thank you for the wonderful cookies you provided for the teach- ers and staf! We greatly appreciate your sup- port and involvement with our schools. You are a light in this community! Way to Show Your Stripes! WPISD
Attention Supper Club Members
Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 13, our frst get together this fall. Hosts will be calling you to invite you to their homes. We meet from 6:30-9:00pm, the 2 nd
Saturday of each month. We always welcome new folks to join us, so invite someone you know, and ask your host to include them. See UMW Meeting The UMW will hold a business meeting on Sunday, September 7 th , directly after the traditional worship service. We hope to see as many ladies as possible attend! Lunch will be served if you would like to bring something, please let Gerda David or There- sa Turner know. Our Presence and Our Gifts July 27 August 3 August 10 August 17 the early service 43 44 49 59 Sunday School 93 84 70 82 Traditional Worship 114 99 96 107 $7,602.00 $5,544.25 $4,784.00 $6,436.50 Dates to Remember!
September 1, Labor Day, Church ofce closed. September 3, 5:30 p.m. K5 Choir, 6:00 p.m. K5 Kids and Youth, 6:00 p.m. Hand Bells, 7:30 p.m. Sanctuary Choir September 13, Supper Club Resumes September 14, David Carroll from Gospel for Asia will bring the message at both services SAVE THE DATE: OUR AUCTION WILL BE OCTOBER 4TH September Worship Assistants
Altar Guild: Sara Bullard (Chair), Becky Hardy, Judy Powers, Lucy, Sharon Lumsden Ushers: Ernie Fields (Head), Fields family C a l e n d a r
o f
E v e n t s
f o r
S e p t e m b e r
Happy Birthday! Sandra Smith 9-1 Robert Greenwald 9-3 Sandy Brown 9-5 Charlie Ellis 9-5 Don Hollister 9-6 Bret Wortham 9-14 Kerin Wortham 9-14 Damon Davis 9-14 Shane McBride 9-15 McKenzie Roberts 9-16 Ben Carter 9-18 Mike Lang 9-19 Darya Ross 9-19 Dean Rogers 9-22 Natalie Hullum 9-23 Karl Lybrand 9-23 Danny Brown 9-23 Makenzie Fincher 9-28 Lopez Miles 9-30 Community Outreach Program Neighbor to Neighbor Lunch 11 am-1pm Fourth Saturday of each month Deen Building - George Hall OPEN TO ANYONE WHO CHOOSES TO COME Please contact Gerda David for details (214-538-0192). September Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Labor Day Church office Closed 2 3 5:30pm K5 Kids Choir 6:00pm K5 Kids and Youth 6:00pm Bells 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 4 5 6
7 8:30 am Early Service 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 12:00pm UMW Meeting
8 10:00 am Prayer Group 6:00pm Trustees 9 6:45pm Bee Keepers
Supper Club 14 8:30 am Early Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship
15 10:00 am Prayer Group 6:00pm Finance 16 Cub Scouts in Deen Building 17 Birthday Girls 5:30pm K5 Kids Choir 6:00pm K5 Kids and Youth 6:00pm Bells 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 18
21 7:30am UMM Breakfast 8:30 am Early Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship 12:00 pm Church Council 3:00pm Crestwood 22 10:00 am Prayer Group 6:30pm Day School
24 10:00am Sunshine Circle 5:30pm K5 Kids Choir 6:00pm K5 Kids and Youth 6:00pm Bells 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 25
Neighbor to Neighbor Lunch 11 am1pm
28 8:30am Early Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship 12:00pm Potluck
29 10:00 am Prayer Group
30 come together, clearly convinced that God was at work to meet a need through His people called the Church.
Why do I consider this an occasion for praise? First, because someone not only saw the need, but went the next step in opening the doors of possibility in hope that the need would be met. Often the needs of those around us are obvious, yet we may not actually give thought to the possibility of doing something about those needs. God is the author of endless possibilities. We just need to keep those doors open to see how God might work. Secondly, I consider this an occasion for praise because someone actually took the opportunity to respond. In our society we are inundated with opportunities to help worthy causes. The term "compassion fatigue" is a fairly new concept in our culture. So often we respond to invitations to help with the attitude of "I just can't help with everything." While for most of us that is true, it is also true that from time to time God puts an opportunity right in front of us. In this case, someone essentially said, "I can help with that." And, might I say, they helped with generosity. Lastly, I am quick to give praise because I had the privilege of seeing the joy in the person receiving the air conditioner. I'm not much of a crying person, but I feel a tear while writing this as I remember the smile I saw (and the big hug that I received) in response to this compassionate act. When a life is touched in such a basic yet meaningful way, how could we not ofer praise for the way God is at work through our congregation?
In Matthew 14 we read the familiar account of the Feeding of the Five Thousand. There is a verse in that account that I have long considered a powerful reminder of God's purpose for the Church. Seeing the large crowd and perceiving the great need, the disciples wanted Jesus to dismiss the crowd so they could go fend for themselves regarding their evening meal. Jesus' response in verse 16 was clear: "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." You give them something to eat. I'm sure we can appreciate how the disciples felt in response to that statement. There is so much need; how can we make a diference? It may be true that we cannot solve every problem in our community. We may not be able to meet every need. But let us be reminded that God is a source of abundant resources. Because of that truth, we can do much more than we often think we can do. So continue to think extravagantly about how we are called to serve our community. There are so many more glory sightings yet to come. Let's keep the doors of possibility open.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Dave= (cont. from pg. 1) Remember in Prayer: Miller Family Vaught/Bennett Family Bennie Scott Bill Lacy Billy Bobbitt Billy Bruster Bo & Maxine Clopton Bobby Spears Bret Wortham Connie Watsons Dad Cotton & Lue Miles Chris Cagle Chuck Currie David Cartwright Dennis Basham Don Hollister Elizabeth Blasingame Gail Groover Garrett Matlock Gary Keller Ginger Hess Grace Kosub Grady Cloud Methodist Church (RMUMC) Helen Lawrence Inez Wade Our World Jack Clark Jane Webber Jennifer Langford Jerry Bell Jim Lathem Johnny & Laura Bates John & Meredith Neil Joni Tunnell Judy Powers Ken Davis Lana Burnside Hughes Londell Green Mack Waller Margaret Butler Margaret Butlers brother Merle Penney Nadine & Charles Mills Nancy Stearns Norma Hundley Our Armed Forces/America Phil Looney Rick Lutzinger Robert Ruckart Sandra & Mark Brown Shirley Reed Students & Teachers Sue Davis Tom Richardson
In memory of James Lawrence given by Larry & Theresa Turner.
In memory of Weldon Powers Given by Larry & Theresa Turner and Jimmy & Melody Blasingame.
In memory of Joyce Cornwell Given by F. G. & Becky Hardy.
In memory of Chuck Johnson Given by Class of 1947. Help Jana on Her 3 Day Journey Jana Davis, and her husband Damon, will walk in their 2nd 3 Day 60 mile journey in November to raise money for breast cancer research. They are walking in memory of Linda Glover. If you would like to help them meet their fund raising goal, forms will be available at the church or you can donate online at Keep an eye out for more opportunities to give to this cause.
The Russell Report Russell Memorial United Methodist Church A Family Rooted in Christ and Reaching Out in Love 201 S. Fourth Street P. O. Box 335 Wills Point, TX 75169
NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #2 Wills Point, TX Rev. David Cartwright, Pastor Dr. Bob Gilbreth, Music Director Nancy McDonald, Ofce Administrator Fritz Gilbreth, Organist Theresa Turner, Ladies Hand Bells Director Mary Keller, K5 Kids Coordinator Denise Ross, Pianist Jackie Cockerham, Financial Administrator Ofce Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday Join us Sunday Morning! Contemporary Worship @ 8:30 Sunday School @ 9:45 Traditional Worship @ 11:00