Awesome Countries: Australia
Awesome Countries: Australia
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A constitutional monarch based government, Australia operates through the Parliamentary is controlled by the Queen. Much like the
United States government the Australian government has three separate branches of government that includes legislature,
executive, and judiciary. Furthermore, the Australian government also consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This
system is decided on based on elected votes by the Australian population except for the House of Representatives who are elected
in by transferable voting. Finally, the two main political parties consist of the coalition party who veers toward the right and the
Labor Party on the left side.
In terms of financial status of Australia there are several different resources from which money is generated through. While banking
and manufacturing are common throughout the country other generated forms of revenue include mining activity and
telecommunications. The country's economy operates off of market economy principles and there is little poverty stricken areas in
the country. Although exporting is limited to that of commodities instead of typical goods Australia seems to be a bit on the
struggling side in terms of trades made with all partners but continual economic growth is still going on. Furthermore, Australia has
had a 2 - 3% inflation.
Indigenous to the land known as Australia, there is a largely wide diversity in the type of land that can be discovered. While the
majority of the land is made up of desert, it is also common to see a tropical rainforest or two. Along with the deserts and tropical
rain forests are the forests that contain evergreen life including eucalyptus. Many of these areas also contain inhabitants such as
kangaroos and kuala bears as well as nearly 800 different reptilian species. Furthermore, although considered a serious issue in
politics many species are protected.
When it comes to the population numbers of how many inhabitants live in Australia the only known fact is that the numbers have
tripled since WWI. While the population is combined between both immigrants who chose to settle in these lands after traveling
from places like the British Isles and the rest of the indigenous population which is made up of those who originated from the
European countries. Australia has no official language, nor religion but does not place restrictions on what inhabitants practice or
speak, although Australian English is common. Also, crime rates and unemployment have also shown to be high.
Strongly influential of its Anglo-Celtic roots, Australia has a rich culture that consist's of the arts, sports, various forms of media, and
of course food. While many of the art forms are passed through story telling there was once an art movement that included
paintings from artists such as Sidney Nolan and Fred Williams. Radio, television, and movies are also the three common media
forms as there are many radio and television selections and, as of the 1970's a steady wave of movies. Organized sports include
rugby, hockey, and cricket while main dishes include roast and other hunted game.
USA is my all time favorite country. I just love it !
France is the country of the baguette and wine.
11/2/2014 Awesomecountries 2/2
Australia is the land of kangaroos and skin cancer
Canada and the caribou but especially Quebec
The Germany is the world leader in beer thanks to oktober