Industrial Worker - Issue #1769, November 2014

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Industrial Worker

PO Box 180195
Chicago, IL 60618, USA
ISSN 0019-8870
Periodicals Postage
Chicago, IL
and additional
mailing offces
In November We
Remember U.S. Labor
Struggles 11-14
Jimmy Johns Workers
Picket in Baltimore
Making Our Voices
Heard Against Sexism
In The IWW 3
N ov e mb e r 2 0 1 4 #1 76 9 Vo l . 1 1 1 N o. 9 $2 / 2 / 2
Portland IWW Battles With Non-Profits Over Union Busting
Demonstrations In
Greece 16
Photo: Shane Burley
They Go Wild, Simply Wild, Over Me!
By X344543, IWW EUC
On Monday, Sept. 22, more than
2,500 demonstrators punctuated the
400,000-strong Peoples Climate
March with a more in-your-face,
anti-capitalist protest called Flood
Wall Street. Channeling the IWW
soap-boxers of the Pacifc Northwest
during the lumber strikes of the late
1910s, IWW Environmental Union-
ism Caucus (EUC) member and co-
founder Elliot Hughes was the frst to
engage in civil disobedience (and the
frst arrestee). Thanks to one of the
demonstrators we have ample, albeit
very muddy, video and audio footage
of the incident. Here is a transcript of
some of the audio of Fellow Worker
(FW) Hughes soapboxing:
Mic Check!!! (mic check!)Im
doing a civil disobedience right now!
Im a member of the Industrial Work-
ers of the World! We want all workers
to rise up! Take control of all industry!...
And dismantle anything that is unsustain-
able! And through workers powerWe
need to dismantle all forms of oppression!
Including sexism...racism...homophobia...
transphobia...speciesism...Together, we
can build an ecological general strike!
To take over all industries and dismantle
capitalism once and for all!indigenous
people, who are on the front line, and join
in the struggle against capitalism! Utilize
your privilege and support (to aid those
on) the front lines!
At this point FW Hughes began lead-
Workers and community supporters rally at Grassroots Cam-
paigns Inc. (GCI) headquarters in Portland on Aug. 2.
In November We Remember Penny Pixler
By Shane Burley
Outside of coffee shops and book-
stores, crowded Whole Foods stores and
worker-run co-ops nationwide, youre
bound to fnd canvassers asking for dona-
tions or signatures in support of a host of
causes. Theyre often young people shak-
ing the can for high-profle non-profts.
But as we get deeper into the post-crash
precarious economy, the image of canvass-
ers as idealistic college students making a
few extra bucks on summer break quickly
disintegrates. People are turning to this
occupation as their primary source of
income, according to many active cam-
paigners. They are hired by independently-
contracted companies to canvas for non-
profts. The quotas are demanding, making
the work one of the most diffcult low-wage
jobs to hold on to.
In Portland, Ore., one union local has
formed precisely to take on this precari-
ous world of street canvassing, and they
are growing at a pace no one could have
In early August, the United Campaign
Workers (UCW) union, an affliate of the
Portland IWW, announced its second
organized workplace in its less than two
months of existencethe first was the
Campaign for the Restoration and Regula-
tion of Hemp (Portland Canvass Work-
ers Walk Off The Job, Demand Unpaid
Wages, September 2014 IW, pages 1 & 7).
Canvassers working for Grassroots
Campaigns Inc. (GCI), a third-party con-
tractor that does street canvassing and
fundraising for progressive non-profit
organizations such as Planned Parenthood
and the Southern Poverty Law Center, in-
formed management of their unionization
drive. The union drive began in response
to what workers say were unsustainable
turnover rates from firings and overly
complicated pay scales.
According to workers, GCIs strict
quota system means many workers dont
last past the frst few days of canvassing.
New hires must bring in $130 in donations
during at least one of their frst three days
on the job; otherwise, their probationary
period ends in termination. After that,
workers must average $130 per day each
Continued on 6
Photo: FW Elliot Hughes in NYC.
Photo: Michael Vincent Wobblies, others gather at
the Haymarket Martyrs Monument at Waldheim
(Forest Home) Cemetery near Chicago.
ing the crowd in a chant. After a minute,
the police demanded that FW Hughes step
down. FW Hughes stepped down, where
police were waiting to detain our fellow
worker, even though no crime had been
committed. FW Hughes raced away from
the unsuspecting officers, who eventu-
ally caught up and then placed our fellow
worker in an illegal chokeholdat which
point the crowd began chanting Shame!
FW Hughes was arrested, but has since
been released upon bail, which was raised
thanks to the efforts of fellow IWW EUC
members and supporters.
By Mike Hargis
Wobblies, former Wobblies and
friends of Fellow/Sister Worker Penny
Pixler, who passed away last spring, gath-
ered at the Haymarket Martyrs Monu-
ment at Waldheim (Forest Home) Cem-
etery in Des Plaines (near Chicago) on
Labor Day, Sept. 1, to honor Pennys last
wish to have her ashes scattered there.
After several friends and fellow work-
ers shared their memories of Penny, her
ashes were scattered around the base of
the monument and at the graves of other
fallen comrades, like Emma Goldman,
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Lucy Parsons and
Voltairine de Cleyre.
Photo: FW Carl Greer FW Penny
Pixlers ashes scattered on
Elizabeth Gurley Flynns grave.
Page 2 Industrial Worker November 2014
Taiwan IWW: c/o David Temple, 4 Floor, No. 3, Ln. 67,
Shujing St., Beitun Dist., Taichung City 40641 Taiwan.
098-937-7029. [email protected]
New South Wales
Sydney GMB: [email protected]. Laura, del.,
[email protected].
Newcastle: [email protected]
Woolongong: [email protected]
Lismore: [email protected]
Brisbane: P.O. Box 5842, West End, Qld 4101. iww-
[email protected]. Asger, del., happyanarchy@riseup.
South Australia
Adelaide: [email protected], www.wobbliesSA.
org. Jesse, del., 0432 130 082
Melbourne: P.O. Box 145, Moreland, VIC 3058. mel-
[email protected], www.iwwmelbourne. Loki, del., lachlan.campbell.type@
Geelong: [email protected]
Western Australia
Perth GMB: P.O. Box 1, Cannington WA 6987. perthwob-
[email protected]. Bruce, del.,coronation78@hotmail.
IWWCanadian Regional Organizing Committee (CAN-
ROC): c/o Toronto GMB, P.O. Box 45 Toronto P, Toronto ON,
M5S 2S6. [email protected]
Edmonton GMB: P.O. Box 4197, T6E 4T2. edmontongmb@,
British Columbia
Red Lion Press: [email protected]
Vancouver GMB: 204-2274 York Ave., V6K 1C6.
604-732-9613. [email protected]. www.
Vancouver Island GMB: Box 297 St. A, Nanaimo BC, V9R
5K9. [email protected]. http://vanislewobs.wordpress.
Winnipeg GMB: IWW, c/o WORC, P.O. Box 1, R3C 2G1.
204-299-5042, [email protected]
New Brunswick
Fredericton: [email protected],
Ottawa-Outaouais GMB & GDC Local 6: 1106 Wellington
St., P.O. Box 36042, Ottawa, K1Y 4V3. [email protected],
[email protected]
Ottawa Panhandlers Union: Raymond Loomer, interim
delegate, [email protected]
Peterborough: c/o PCAP, 393 Water St. #17, K9H 3L7,
705-749-9694. Sean Carleton, del., 705-775-0663,
[email protected]
Toronto GMB: P.O. Box 45, Toronto P, M5S 2S6. 647-741-
4998. [email protected].
Windsor GMB: c/o WWAC, 328 Pelissier St., N9A 4K7.
519-564-8036. [email protected]. http://wind-
Montreal GMB: cp 60124, Montral, QC, H2J 4E1. 514-
268-3394. [email protected]
European Regional Administration (ERA): P.O. Box 7593
Glasgow, G42 2EX.
ERA Organisation Contacts
Central England Organiser: Russ Spring, central@iww.
Communications Department: communications@iww.
Cymru/Wales Organiser: Peter Davies [email protected]
East of Scotland Organiser: Dek Keenan, eastscotland@
Legal Ofcer: Tawanda Nyabango
London Regional Organiser: Tawanda Nyabango
Membership Administrator: Rob Stirling, membership@
Merchandise Committee: [email protected]
Northern Regional Organiser: Northern Regional Organ-
ising Committee, [email protected]
Norwich Bar and Hospitality Workers IUB 640: norwich-
[email protected]
Organising and Bargaining Support Department:
[email protected]
Research and Survey Department: [email protected]
Secretary: Frank Syratt, [email protected]
Southern England Organiser: Nick Ballard, south@iww.
Tech Committee: [email protected]
Training Department: [email protected]
Treasurer: Matt Tucker, [email protected]
West of Scotland Organiser: Keith Millar, westscotland@
Womens Ofcer: Marion Hersh, [email protected]
ERA Branches
Clydeside GMB: [email protected]
Cymru/Wales GMB: [email protected]
Edinburgh GMB: [email protected]
Tyne & Wear GMB: [email protected]
Bradford GMB: [email protected]
Leeds GMB: [email protected]
Manchester GMB: [email protected]
Shefeld GMB: IWWOfce, SYAC, 120 Wicker, Shefeld
S3 8JD. [email protected]
Nottingham GMB: [email protected]
West Midlands GMB: [email protected]
Bristol GMB: [email protected]
Reading GMB: [email protected]
London GMB: [email protected]
Floris De Rycker, Sint-Bavoplein 7, 2530 Boechout,
Belgium. [email protected]
German Language Area
IWWGerman Language Area Regional Organizing
Committee (GLAMROC): IWW, Haberweg 19, 61352 Bad
Homburg, Germany. [email protected]. www.
Austria: [email protected], [email protected].
Berlin: Ofenes Trefen jeden 2.Montag im Monat im Cafe
Commune, Reichenberger Str.157, 10999 Berlin, 18 Uhr.
(U-Bahnhof Kottbusser Tor). Postadresse: IWWBerlin, c/o
Rotes Antiquariat, Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin, Germany.
[email protected].
Bremen: [email protected]. iwwbremen.
Cologne/Koeln GMB: c/o Allerweltshaus, Koernerstr.
77-79, 50823 Koeln, Germany. [email protected].
Frankfurt - Eurest: IWWBetriebsgruppe Eurest
Haberweg 19 D- 61352 Bad Homburg. harald.stubbe@
Hamburg-Waterkant: [email protected]
Kassel: [email protected]. www.wobblies-kassel.
Munich: [email protected]
Rostock: [email protected].
Switzerland: [email protected]
Greece: [email protected], [email protected]
Iceland: Heimssamband Verkaflks / IWWIceland,
Reykjavkurakademunni 516, Hringbraut 121,107
Lithuania: [email protected]
Netherlands: [email protected]
Norway IWW: 004793656014. post@iwwnorge.
iwwnorge. Twitter: @IWWnorge
United States
Mobile: Jimmy Broadhead, del., P.O. Box 160073, 36616.
[email protected]
Tuscaloosa: Gerald Lunn. 205-245-4622. geraldlunn@
Fairbanks GMB: P. O. Box 80101, 99708. Chris White, del.,
907-457-2543, [email protected]. Facebook: IWW
Phoenix GMB: P.O. Box 7126, 85011-7126. 623-336-
1062. [email protected]
Flagstaf IWW: 206-327-4158, [email protected]
Four Corners (AZ, CO, NM, UT): 970-903-8721, 4corners@
Fayetteville: P.O. Box 283, 72702. 479-200-1859.
[email protected]
Los Angeles GMB: (323) 374-3499. iwwgmbla@gmail.
Sacramento IWW: 916-825-0873, iwwsacramento@
San Diego IWW: 619-630-5537, [email protected]
San Francisco Bay Area GMB: (Curbside and Buyback IU
670 Recycling Shops; Stonemountain Fabrics Job Shop
and IU 410 Garment and Textile Workers Industrial
Organizing Committee; Shattuck Cinemas; Embarcadero
Cinemas) P.O. Box 11412, Berkeley, 94712. 510-845-
0540. [email protected]
IU 520 Marine Transport Workers: Steve Ongerth, del.,
[email protected]
Evergreen Printing: 2412 Palmetto Street, Oakland
94602. 510-482-4547. [email protected]
San Jose: [email protected], www.facebook.
Denver GMB: c/o Hughes, 7700 E. 29th Avenue, Unit 107,
80238. 303-355-2032. [email protected]
Connecticut: John W., del., 914-258-0941. Johnw7813@
Washington DC GMB: P.O. Box 1303, 20013. 202-630-
9620. [email protected]., www.
Gainesville GMB: c/o Civic Media Center, 433 S. Main St.,
32601. Robbie Czopek, del., 904-315-5292, gainesvil-
[email protected],
South Florida GMB: P.O. Box 370457, 33137. 305-894-
6515. [email protected], http://iwwmiami.wordpress.
com. Facebook: Miami IWW
Hobe Sound: P. Shultz, 8274 SE Pine Circle, 33455-6608.
772-545-9591, [email protected]
Atlanta GMB: P.O. Box 5390, 31107. 678-964-5169,
[email protected],
Boise: Ritchie Eppink, del., P.O. Box 453, 83701. 208-371-
9752, [email protected]
Chicago GMB: P.O. Box 15384, 60615. 312-638-9155,
[email protected]
Indiana GMB: [email protected]. Facebook:
Indiana IWW
Eastern Iowa IWW: 319-333-2476. EasternIowaIWW@
Lawrence GMB: P.O. Box 1462, 66044. 816-875-6060
Wichita: Richard Stephenson, del., 620-481-1442.
[email protected]
Kentucky GMB: Mick Parsons, Secretary Treasurer,
[email protected]. 502-658-0299
Louisiana IWW: John Mark Crowder, del, wogodm1@
Maine IWW: 207-619-0842. [email protected], www.
Baltimore GMB: P.O. Box 33350, 21218. baltimoreiww@
Boston Area GMB: P.O. Box 391724, Cambridge, 02139.
617-863-7920, [email protected], www.IW-
Cape Cod/SE Massachusetts: [email protected]
Western Mass. Public Service IU 650 Branch: IWW, P.O.
Box 1581, Northampton, 01061
Detroit GMB: 4210 Trumbull Blvd., 48208. detroit@
Grand Rapids GMB: P.O. Box 6629, 49516. 616-881-5263.
[email protected]
Grand Rapids Bartertown Diner and Rocs Cakes: 6
Jeferson St., 49503. [email protected], www.
Central Michigan: 5007 W. Columbia Rd., Mason 48854.
517-676-9446, [email protected]
Duluth IWW: P.O. Box 3232, 55803. iwwduluth@riseup.
North Country Food Alliance: 2104 Stevens Ave S, Min-
neapolis, 55404. 612-568-4585. www.northcountry-
Pedal Power Press: P.O. Box 3232 Duluth 55803.www.
Phoenix Mental Health, P.L.C.: FWJefrey Shea Jones,
3137 Hennepin Ave. S., #102, Minneapolis, 55408.
Red River GMB: [email protected], redriveriww@gmail.
Twin Cities GMB: 3019 Minnehaha Ave. South, Suite 50,
Minneapolis, 55406. [email protected]
Greater Kansas City IWW: P.O. Box 414304, Kansas City,
64141. 816.875.6060. 816-866-3808. greaterkciww@
St. Louis IWW: P.O. Box 63142, 63163. Secretary: stl.
[email protected]. Treasurer stl.iww.treasurer@
Construction Workers IU 330: Dennis Georg, del., 406-
490-3869, [email protected]
Two Rivers IWW: Jim Del Duca, del., 106 Paisley Court,
Apt. I, Bozeman 59715. 406-599-2463. delducja@
Nebraska GMB: P.O. Box 27811, Ralston, 68127. nebras-
[email protected].
Reno GMB: P.O. Box 12173, 89510. Paul Lenart, del.,
775-513-7523, [email protected]
IU 520 Railroad Workers: Ron Kaminkow, del., P.O. Box
2131, Reno, 89505. 608-358-5771. ronkaminkow@
New Jersey
Central New Jersey GMB: P.O. Box 10021, New Brunswick,
08906. 732-692-3491. [email protected]. Bob
Ratynski, del., 908-285-5426.
Northern New Jersey: 201-800-2471. [email protected]
New Mexico
Albuquerque GMB: P.O. Box 4892, 87196-4892. 505-
569-0168, [email protected]
New York
New York City GMB: 45-02 23rd Street, Suite #2, Long
Island City,11101. [email protected]. www.wobblycity.
Starbucks Campaign: [email protected],
Hudson Valley GMB: P.O. Box 48, Huguenot 12746. 845-
342-3405. [email protected].
Syracuse IWW: [email protected]
Upstate NY GMB: P.O. Box 77, Altamont, 12009. 518-
861-5627. [email protected]
Utica IWW: Brendan Maslauskas Dunn, del., 315-240-
3149. [email protected]
North Carolina
Greensboro: 336-279-9334. [email protected].
North Dakota
Red River GMB: [email protected], redriveriww@gmail.
Mid-Ohio GMB: c/o Rife, 4071 Indianola Ave., Columbus
43214. [email protected]
Northeast Ohio GMB: P.O. Box 141072, Cleveland 44114.
Ohio Valley GMB: P.O. Box 6042, Cincinnati 45206, 513-
510-1486, [email protected]
Sweet Patches Screenprinting: [email protected]
Oklahoma IWW: 539-664-6769. iwwoklahoma@gmail.
Lane GMB: Ed Gunderson, del., 541-743-5681. x355153@,
Portland GMB: 2249 E Burnside St., 97214, 503-231-
5488. [email protected],
Red and Black Cafe: 400 SE 12th Ave, Portland, 97214.
503-231-3899. [email protected]. www.
Primal Screens Screen Printing: 1127 SE 10th Ave.
#160 Portland, 97214. 503-267-1372. primalscreens@
Lancaster IWW: P.O. Box 352, 17608. 717-559-0797.
[email protected]
Lehigh Valley GMB: P.O. Box 1477, Allentown, 18105-
1477. 484-275-0873. [email protected].
Paper Crane Press IU 450 Job Shop: 610-358-9496. pa-
[email protected],
Pittsburgh GMB: P.O. Box 5912,15210. 412-894-0558.
[email protected]
Rhode Island
Providence GMB: P.O. Box 23067, 02903. 401-484-8523.
[email protected]
Mid-Tennessee IWW: Jonathan Beasley, del., 218 S 3rd
St. Apt. 7-6, Clarksville, 37040. [email protected]
Houston: Gus Breslauer, del., [email protected].
Facebook: Houston IWW
Rio Grande Valley, South Texas IWW: P.O. Box 5456
McAllen, Texas 78502. Greg, del., 956-278-5235 or
Marco, del., 979-436-3719. [email protected]. www.
Salt Lake City GMB: P.O. Box 1227, 84110. 801-871-
9057. [email protected]
Burlington: John MacLean, del., 802-540-2561
Richmond IWW: P.O. Box 7055, 23221. 804-496-1568.
[email protected],
Bremerton: Gordon Glick, del., [email protected]
Bellingham: [email protected]. www. Facebook: Bellingham IWW
Seattle GMB: 1122 E. Pike #1142, 98122-3934. 206-429-
5285. [email protected].,
Spokane: P.O. Box 30222, 99223. spokaneiww@gmail.
Madison GMB: P.O. Box 2442, 53701-2442. www.
IUB 560 - Communications and Computer Workers: P.O.
Box 259279, Madison 53725. 608-620-IWW1. Madiso-
[email protected].
Lakeside Press IU 450 Job Shop: 1334 Williamson,
53703. 608-255-1800. Jerry Chernow, del., jerry@
Madison Infoshop Job Shop:1019 Williamson St. #B,
53703. 608-262-9036
Just Cofee Job Shop IU 460: 1129 E. Wilson, Madison,
53703. 608-204-9011,
Railroad Workers IU 520: 608-358-5771. railfalcon@
Milwaukee GMB: P.O. Box 342294, 53234. 630-415-7315
Northwoods IWW: P.O. Box 452, Stevens Point, 54481
IWW directory Industrial Worker
The Voice of Revolutionary
Industrial Unionism
Offcial newspaper of the
Post Offce Box 180195
Chicago, IL 60618 USA
773.728.0996 [email protected]
Monika Vykoukal
Ryan G., Yvonne Yen Liu,
DJ Alperovitz, Michael White,
Brian Latour, Jim Del Duca,
Montigue Magruder
Diane Krauthamer
[email protected]
Maria Rodriguez Gil,
Joel Gosse, Nicki Meier
Jonathan D. Beasley, Jacob Brent,
Don Sawyer, Neil Parthun,
Skylaar Amann, David Patrick,
Chris Heffner, Billy OConnor,
Globe Direct/Boston Globe Media
Millbury, MA
Next deadline is
November 7, 2014
U.S. IW mailing address:
IW, Post Offce Box 180195,
Chicago, IL 60618,
United States
ISSN 0019-8870
Periodicals postage
paid Chicago, IL.
POSTMASTEr: Send address
changes to IW, Post Offce Box
180195, Chicago, IL 60618 USA
Individual Subscriptions: $18
International Subscriptions: $30
Library/Institution Subs: $30/year
Union dues includes subscription.
Published monthly with the excep-
tion of February and August.
Articles not so designated do
not refect the IWWs
offcial position.
Press Date: October 21, 2014
Letters Welcome!
Send your letters to: [email protected] with
Letter in the subject.
Mailing Address:
Industrial Worker, P.O. Box 180195,
Chicago, IL 60618, United States.
Get the Word Out!
IWW members, branches, job shops and
other affliated bodies can get the word
out about their project, event, campaign
or protest each month in the Industrial
Worker. Send announcements to iw@ Much appreciated donations
for the following sizes should be sent to:
IWW GHQ, Post Offce Box 180195,
Chicago, IL 60618, United States.
$12 for 1 tall, 1 column wide
$40 for 4 by 2 columns
$90 for a quarter page
IWW Convention Report: A Call To Action
Friends and Fellow Workers,
I wanted to voice my support for the
challenging piece by Fellow Worker (FW)
Maria Parrotta in the October Industrial
Worker (The 2014 IWW General Conven-
tion: Learning From Our Mistakes, Mov-
ing Forward, pages 1 & 6). I was unable
to attend the Convention, so I was eagerly
awaiting a report back. The dispatch in
the Industrial Worker was very eye
opening. As a male-identifying member
of this union, there were some troubling
behaviors that I was unaware of within this
union. Perhaps these behaviors are not a
problem in our local branches, or perhaps
Im part of the problem in not seeing such
male dominance around non-male iden-
tifying fellow workers. I will certainly be
sure to have conversations about this issue
with Wobblies of all genders around me,
and Ill also fnd it impossible to not be
vigilant to stop such rude and dismissive
behaviors where I see them.
I had expected to see a simple recap of
what had happened in the union. Instead,
I received a much more important analysis
of where we need to be heading. I want
to thank FW Maria Parrotta for standing
up for the dignity of all members and for
writing a much more compelling call to
action to grow the union from the inside.
Yours for the Revolution,
Matt Meister x371220
I am seething. It would have been nice
to read a report on the business conducted
by this years General Convention in the
IW but instead we were treated to a sub-
jective, disjointed rant about how screwed
up the IWW is (The 2014 IWW General
Convention: Learning From Our Mistakes,
Moving Forward, October 2014 IW,
pages 1 & 6). Now, the author is certainly
entitled to her opinion on the state of the
IWW but her OPINION is not NEWS. The
IW editor should have labeled the article
as opinion and certainly should not have
placed it as news on the front page our
unions newspaper.
Furthermore, the writers character-
ization of the Chicago General Member-
ship Branch (GMB) as dysfunctional is
rich, given that the author admits that her
own branch could barely get a quorum at
the meeting where they discussed Conven-
tion resolutions. The Chicago GMB, in
contrast, consistently attracts one-third to
one-half its local membership to monthly
branch meetings and is engaged in the
work of the IWW (i.e. organizing workers
at the point of production). We arent per-
fect by any means, but I think we function
pretty well, thank you.
The walkout of the Chicago GMB del-
egates from the Convention (and I was one
of them) was in protest at the injustice of
barring a member of our GMB from the
Convention, not for something he did but
for something that people imagined he
might do. After all, an injury to one is an
injury to all. The IWW certainly has prob-
lems, no one would deny that, but parad-
ing them on the front page of the IW just
adds to them. I am greatly disappointed
that the editor of the unions newspaper
couldnt produce an article that reported
on the General Convention and, instead,
chose to publish a rant that can only leave
the reader with the worst possible impres-
sion of the IWW.
If I were not already a member of the
IWW (for 42 years now) I would have to
think twice about signing up after reading
this issue of the IW.
For the Works,
Mike Hargis, X328826
Convention Report Was A
Disjointed, Subjective Rant
November 2014 Industrial Worker Page 3
__I affrm that I am a worker, and that I am not an employer.
__I agree to abide by the IWW constitution.
__I will study its principles and acquaint myself with its purposes.
Name: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________
City, State, Post Code, Country: _______________
Occupation: ____________________________
Phone: ____________ Email: _______________
Amount Enclosed: _________
The working class and the employing
class have nothing in common. There can
be no peace so long as hunger and want
are found among millions of working
people and the few, who make up the em-
ploying class, have all the good things of
life. Between these two classes a struggle
must go on until the workers of the world
organize as a class, take possession of the
means of production, abolish the wage
system, and live in harmony with the
We fnd that the centering of the
management of industries into fewer and
fewer hands makes the trade unions un-
able to cope with the ever-growing power
of the employing class. The trade unions
foster a state of affairs which allows one
set of workers to be pitted against another
set of workers in the same industry,
thereby helping defeat one another in
wage wars. Moreover, the trade unions
aid the employing class to mislead the
workers into the belief that the working
class have interests in common with their
These conditions can be changed and
the interest of the working class upheld
only by an organization formed in such
a way that all its members in any one
industry, or all industries if necessary,
cease work whenever a strike or lockout is
on in any department thereof, thus mak-
ing an injury to one an injury to all.
Instead of the conservative motto, A
fair days wage for a fair days work, we
must inscribe on our banner the revolu-
tionary watchword, Abolition of the wage
It is the historic mission of the work-
ing class to do away with capitalism. The
army of production must be organized,
not only for the everyday struggle with
capitalists, but also to carry on produc-
tion when capitalism shall have been
overthrown. By organizing industrially
we are forming the structure of the new
society within the shell of the old.
TO JOIN: Mail this form with a check or money order for initiation
and your frst months dues to: IWW, Post Offce Box 180195, Chicago, IL
60618, USA.
Initiation is the same as one months dues. Our dues are calculated
according to your income. If your monthly income is under $2000, dues
are $9 a month. If your monthly income is between $2000 and $3500,
dues are $18 a month. If your monthly income is over $3500 a month, dues
are $27 a month. Dues may vary outside of North America and in regional
Organizing Committees (Australia, British Isles, German Language Area).
Membership includes a subscription to the Industrial Worker.
Join the IWW Today
he IWW is a union for all workers, a union dedicated to organizing on the
job, in our industries and in our communities both to win better conditions
today and to build a world without bosses, a world in which production and
distribution are organized by workers ourselves to meet the needs of the entire
population, not merely a handful of exploiters.
We are the Industrial Workers of the World because we organize industrially
that is to say, we organize all workers on the job into one union, rather than dividing
workers by trade, so that we can pool our strength to fght the bosses together.
Since the IWW was founded in 1905, we have recognized the need to build a
truly international union movement in order to confront the global power of the
bosses and in order to strengthen workers ability to stand in solidarity with our fel-
low workers no matter what part of the globe they happen to live on.
We are a union open to all workers, whether or not the IWW happens to have
representation rights in your workplace. We organize the worker, not the job, recog-
nizing that unionism is not about government certifcation or employer recognition
but about workers coming together to address our common concerns. Sometimes
this means striking or signing a contract. Sometimes it means refusing to work with
an unsafe machine or following the bosses orders so literally that nothing gets done.
Sometimes it means agitating around particular issues or grievances in a specifc
workplace, or across an industry.
Because the IWW is a democratic, member-run union, decisions about what is-
sues to address and what tactics to pursue are made by the workers directly involved.
IWW Constitution Preamble
Making Our Voices Heard Against Sexism In The IWW
Fellow Workers,
Many of you have expressed criticism
at my decision to publish Fellow Worker
(FW) Maria Parrottas piece, entitled The
2014 IWW General Convention: Learning
From Our Mistakes, Moving Forward,
October 2014 Industrial Worker (IW),
pages 1 & 6. Those of you who have writ-
ten to me, both in letters published in the
Readers Soapbox section of this issue
(pages 2 & 3) and in private messages,
have expressed such scrutiny as (1) this ar-
ticle should have appeared in the General
Organization Bulletin (GOB) or another
internal IWW publication, as the IW is an
external publication, (2) this article should
have been clearly labeled as an opinion
piece and not news, and (3) this piece
was too corrosive and does not appeal to
potential fellow workers who we are trying
to organize. I will explain why I made the
decision to publish this piece on the front
page of the newspaper, and I encourage
any fellow workers or subscribers who
agree or disagree with my decision to write
letters explaining your opinions, and I will
gladly consider publishing these as well.
Let me just say, frst and foremost,
that while I respect the aforementioned
criticisms, I made the editorial decision
to publish this piece on the front page,
just as I publish other pieces that express
individuals opinions on the front page and
every page of each issue of the paper. As
you will read on the masthead of page 2
of every issue, Articles not so designated
do not refect the IWWs offcial position.
This implies that each article is not objec-
tive journalism at all, but is very much the
opinion of each author. The articles that
appear in the IW are written by workers,
for workers, and, as such, will refect their
opinions. You will see many examples of
this from male authors as welleven in an
article by FW db, which appeared in the
very issue we are discussing (New Survey
Of Online IWW Sign-Ups: A Wake-Up Call
And Call To Action, October IW, page 3).
His piece includes strong opinions related
to sexism in the union, and provides simi-
lar internal criticism on the
same problems that FW Ma-
ria identifes in her piece. The
only difference in FW dbs
piece, and the reason I be-
lieve folks have not expressed
such strong opposition of
my decision to publish his
piece on page 3, is that it was
written by a male-identifed
author. I encourage fellow
workers to take a step back
and think about why they did
not have the same reaction to
his piece. Perhaps it speaks to
the very nature of the prob-
lem that FW Maria identifes.
I believe that giving a prominent voice
to a female delegate attending her frst
Convention is essential for providing all
members and potential members with
a fresh perspective on what the union is
doing right and what the union is doing
wrong. FW Maria is certainly not the frst
person to voice harsh but valid critiques of
sexism in the union, but shes one of the
frst who was given a prominent voice in
union media, instead of being relegated
to an email list or on the back pages of a
GOB, which would only serve to neutralize
her opinion. We are a member-run union
for all workers, and, as such, we have a
diversity of opinions and perspectives. I
chose to publish her piece for everyone
to read, understand and be able to learn
from together.
How can we call ourselves a demo-
cratic organization if we want to shut out
the voices of those who are critical? FW
Maria is a member of the working class
as much as the guys on the factory foor
are. Sometimes its not just about what ap-
peals, its about being honest and transpar-
ent about who we are as an organization.
This openness should not be hidden from
potential members out of fear it wont ap-
peal to them, as theyll very quickly fnd
out about our problems as soon as they
join and possibly quit shortly thereafter. I
dont say this to be cynical, I say this as a
very deeply-rooted concern,
because we have been alien-
ating many, many non-male
fellow workers in recent
years due to sexism, and this
needs to change.
In my eight-and-a-half
years as a member of this
organization, I have seen
countless active, passionate
women and gender non-
conforming fellow workers
drop out one-by-one, all for
similar reasons: they were
pushed out after having to
battle through a lengthy
charges process involving
male harassment, or they got sick of be-
ing constantly interrupted, put down, and
not taken seriously by many of the male
fellow workers in the groups with which
they worked, and when they did speak
up and power through, they were overly-
scrutinized in the same way that I am being
for publishing this piece and that Maria is
being for writing it.
If we are to move forward as a revo-
lutionary organization, it is time we start
acting like one. This means not only pat-
ting ourselves on the back for our hard-
fought struggles against the bosses but
being able to openly recognize that we are
not perfect; however, there are conscious
things we can do to better ourselves and
our organization. Highlighting the voices
of those in the union who are marginalized
is one of those things. If fellow workers are
scared to do this or feel that publicizing
these criticisms will not further our cause,
I urge you to refect on what Ive said and
ask yourself why. Until we get comfortable
with self-criticism and hearing the voices
of our marginalized membership, we will
continue to function on the periphery of
the left, the fringes of the labor move-
ment, and alienating even to the people
who believe in the principles of the IWW.
Diane Krauthamer
Industrial Worker Editor
Graphic: -Myriad-
Participate In The
2014 IWW
Organizing Survey!
The IWW Survey & Research
Committee (SRC)part of the
Organizing Department Boardhas
just launched our 2014 member
survey at:
We hope you can take 5 to 10 min-
utes of your time to complete this
survey and to share it with as many
of your fellow workers as possible.
Paper copies are also available
upon request.
The information you share with
us is vital to moving forward with
organizing efforts around the world.
This year, we are especially focused
on understanding where fellow
workers are organizing, as well as
past efforts and future goals. The
more comprehensive this survey is
(i.e. the more people who respond!),
the better we will be able to plan
strategically and provide necessary
trainings and resources.
If you have any questions, con-
cerns, or feedback about the survey
or are otherwise interested in the
work of the SRC,
please contact us
at [email protected].
For the
One Big Union,
I strongly support the articles pub-
lished in the IW on addressing patriarchy
and on the saddening behavior of a few
of my fellow workers at the IWW General
Convention. As a worker affliated with
the Chicago branch, Ive watched as dis-
senting voices have been harassed and
threatened within this branch for their
criticism of statements and actions that
harm our cause.
If a worker is made to feel unsafe
within their union, this hurts our credibil-
ity as a movement to look up to, and drives
away people in need of representation
and solidarity. Union members deserve
the opportunity to talk about oppressive
behavior they see within their branch, just
as they deserve this opportunity within
the workplace, and this has to include the
right to speak to their fellow workers in
the absence of those who have acted in
threatening ways.
Instead, these voices within the Chi-
cago branch have been driven out of the
conversation, and the policies of the IWW
have been used as a tool for protecting the
connected rather than a tool for self-im-
provement. The labor movement is more
important than ever, and it is our duty
to become more inclusive so that every
worker can fnd a safe space to organize
and realize her rights.
An injury to one is an injury to all, and
after the discouragement Ive felt watch-
ing the Chicago branch from within, I am
profoundly relieved to see that the IWW
as a whole understands and lives by this
Daniel Miller
An Injury To One Is
An Injury To All
Page 4 Industrial Worker November 2014
Three Ways To Win Your IWW Campaign
By Daniel Gross
The IWW has made dramatic strides in
the last decade, returning to its roots as an
effective and transformative labor union.
Unique campaigns in diverse industries
have won important gains for workers and
signifcantly infuenced the broader labor
movement. Still, the building of endur-
ing worker-led and operated industrial
unions, a founding mandate of our union,
has not yet been fully realized.
With the IWWs strong recent track
record, unparalleled experience in rank-
and-file organizing, and rich learnings
from our work, we are positioned to get
to the next level of building durable in-
dustrial unions to scale.
Here are three ways we can get to the
next level:
1) Take a step back. Too many
Wobbly campaigns start with a group of
workers deciding they are going to talk to
their co-workers and organize their shop.
The idea is after the shop or chain is orga-
nized, they will then fgure out how to or-
ganize the industry. This
approach is not working
because a shop is not a
significant unit in our
economy; industries are.
Instead of jumping
right in to organize your
shop, take a step back
and look at your industry. Your job as an
IWW organizer is to organize your shop,
but more so, it is to co-found a successful
industrial union of workers in your indus-
try. Understand the industry, its workers,
employers, customers, investors, supply
chain, distribution, and so forth. Build a
model to win in the industry, including at
your job.
Once you have taken a step back you
might decide that your industrial union
building effort actually should start with
organizing your shop or chain, and that is
totally fne. You will have the roadmap to
do it right and the missions clarity in that
your ultimate project is to build an effec-
tive industrial union. On the other hand,
you might decide on a totally different path
into an industry that at the moment does
not directly involve your employer. That
is fne, too, as then you have just avoided
years of misdirected effort.
It is completely understandable to
want to get the ball rolling, fght injustice
at your shop or company, and then fgure
out the bigger picture as you go. But, by
taking a step back you will avoid the fate
that has felled many Wobbly campaigns
and instead, you will be investing in big,
durable victories to come.
2) Get clarity on your strategy.
Many IWW campaigns have faltered for
lack of a viable strategy or even a lack of
any articulated strategy. We need to learn
strategy-making in the IWW. Without
finding a strategy that works for your
industrial union building effort, the most
courageous and hard-fought efforts will
be beaten.
The two essential questions to formu-
late strategy are: where will we struggle
and how will we win? Where to struggle
means things like which industry, sector,
geographic location, employers, or other
stakeholders that will be our focus. How
to win means the unique choices we make
to achieve our winning objective in the
feld of struggle we have picked. These two
strategy questions are adapted from the
work of business school professor Roger
Martin, which we modifed in New York
for use in worker organizations. A good
way to start practicing with the where to
struggle and how to win questions is
to apply them to various worker organiz-
ing campaigns that you are familiar with,
successful and unsuccessful, inside and
outside the IWW.
More than anything, your strategy
must assert the power you will need to
win your demands. Asserting suffcient
power is extremely diffcult and will not
come from generic formulations. Each
industrial union effort will have to do its
own thinking about this question. Differ-
ent industries, sectors, workers, employers
and geographies pose varied challenges
and opportunities for power assertion.
Always include secondary targets or
infuencers in your analysis. A common
success factor for many worker organizing
campaigns has been the ability to move
those stakeholders.
Several IWW campaigns today have
only an employer-level strategy, which is
related to the need to step back, which I
have discussed. Do not fall into that trap.
The mission is to build an industrial union
and that requires a cascade of strategies
beyond your shop or employer.
Many industrial union building ef-
forts will need an overall organizational
strategy, an industry-level strategy, a
sector-level strategy, and an employer-
level strategy. You will answer the where
to struggle and how to win question for
each level. And each level is interrelated.
You should be able to write down the
core of each strategy level in the ballpark
of 25 words or less. This
short statement will not
replace a strategic plan;
but, the best engines of
power assertion are ame-
nable to simple and brief
articulation. It is much
easier to remember and
align a team of founding fellow workers
around 25 words than it is 25 pages.
Scared you will assess and test several
strategies but still choose the wrong path?
You probably will. However, with a system
for regular strategy reviews and the will
to keep the struggle alive, you will adjust
until you find the strategy that works.
And adjust again if it stops working. With
effective strategy-making, you and other
workers will see big and game-changing
results in IWW organizing.
3) Build a model. A strategy to win is
necessary but not suffcient to create an in-
dustrial union. In casual conversation, we
often interchange strategy and model. We
cannot afford to make that mistake in the
high-stakes and incredibly diffcult project
of founding an industrial union. Strategy is
a component of an organizational model.
A model includes all of your organizations
fundamental building blocks and how they
Which set of workers in the industry
will you and your fellow workers seek out
frst? What channels will you prioritize
to reach those workers? How will leaders
If you are able to successfully assert
power, what mechanism will use to defne
and hold the gains you win? A collective
bargaining agreement? A code of conduct
with large brands? A non-contractual
standard, which was for example IWW
Local 8s approach on the Philadelphia
How will you tie the value created by
the industrial union to being a member
of the organization? How will you retain
members? What will you measure to see
if your vision is making progress in the
messy world of reality?
These are some key questions that
a model must seek to answer and test.
Though interrelated with strategy, hope-
fully, it is clear they require their own
thinking and formulation. It takes a com-
plete model for an industrial union to win,
scale and endure.
Like strategy, the model almost never
works right off the bat and that is fne. The
key is to dialogue, debate, and document
your model as founding co-workers and
to stay alive. You will refne the model
as you go and even transform it dramati-
cally if needed. When it does click you will
change your industry and your workplace,
and maybe even the labor movement and
the world.
A member of the New York City IWW,
Daniel Gross founded the worker center
Brandworkers and helped launch the
IWW Starbucks Workers Union while he
was a barista at the company.
Graphic: Mike Konopacki
For the Unknown
For the numberless, unrecorded workers who have been
killed in the struggle, beaten, starved, driven mad, impris-
oned, had their houses burnt, their families terrorized; for
the workers who have been thrown off trains, driven out
of work, ridden out of town; for the workers who have
striven and sacrifced without recognition, whose names
we no longer know, who gave up everything so that we
might have a better day and a chance at freedom, and did
not back down. May we be worthy of them.
We never forget
Vancouver Island GMB (Canada)

November 2014 Industrial Worker Page 5
Wobbly & North American News
By the Baltimore IWW
Baltimore Jimmy Johns worker and
veteran James Hegler was fred on Sept. 5
in retaliation for organizing a union at his
workplace and participating in concerted
activity against low wages and appalling
working conditions. On Sunday, Oct. 19,
workers and supporters picketed outside
the Pratt Street Jimmy Johns to demand
both the reinstatement of James Hegler
and an end to illegal retaliation against
By fring James, Jimmy Johns man-
agement made it clear that they are will-
ing to violate federal labor law in order to
punish workers for organizing a union.
By ignoring attempts to meet and discuss
terms for his reinstatement, Jimmy Johns
management hopes to break the organiz-
ing drive through intimidation and con-
tempt for the National Labor relations Act
(NLrA). Workers responded with a picket
to show Jimmy Johns that this behavior
will not be tolerated.
In addition to the picket held, the
union is also fling an unfair labor prac-
tice charge against Jimmy Johns and
franchise owners Dolchin Pratt LLC over
James fring. This charge will be heard by
the National Labor relations Board, along
with six other counts of illegal retaliation
against workers engaged in protected
union activity.
When Jimmy Johns fired James
Hegler, they put an American veteran on
the street in direct contradiction of their
pledge to support American military fami-
lies. In July, Jimmy Johns gave a donation
to Folds of Honor, stating, Jimmy Johns
is proud to be an American company and
is privileged to aid families of veterans.
On Oct. 19, workers demanded that Jimmy
Johns stand by their pledge to support
military families by reinstating James with
full back wages.
In the city of Baltimore, where the
low-wage service sector has grown rapidly,
campaigns such as the one underway at
Jimmy Johns have massive potential.
Labors share of income has been rapidly
stolen from working people at the same
time that the low-wage service sector has
been pulling in record profts. New efforts
to bring justice to this sector are becoming
more and more necessary in light of the
gross inequalities and stunting poverty
present in the city and across the country.
The IWW sees the current efforts at Jimmy
Johns as an important part of this larger
The campaign in Baltimore is the sec-
ond franchise in the company to go public
as the IWW Jimmy Johns Workers Union,
the frst being Minneapolis in 2010.
By the Vancouver IWW
Members of the Vancouver, British
Columbia and Bellingham, Wash. IWW
branches met at the Peace
Arch on the British Colum-
bia/Washington border on
Saturday, Sept. 20 to par-
ticipate in the weekends
international climate action.
It was a great oppor-
tunity to discuss labor is-
sues and organizing in our
region. It was inspiring to
hear from a diverse group
of speakers, several of whom
directly tied industrial capi-
talism to the climate crisis.
Another world is possible. A
special thanks to The Wilderness Com-
mittee for organizing transportation to
the event.
IWW Branches Raise Money For Sato Fund
By the Toronto GMB
In November, the Industrial
Workers of the World (IWW) honor
those who fought, and often died, in
the class struggle. Figures such as
August Spies, Joe Hill, Wesley Everest
and Karen Silkwood stand tall in our
minds, but there are so many others
who struggled for progress and do not
receive the same level of attention.
This past summer, the Toronto
General Memership Branch (GMB)
of the IWW initiated a fund raiser in
memory of Charlene Charlie Sato
(1951-1996). Charlie was a profes-
sor of linguistics at the University of
Hawaii, and a member of the Oahu
GMB of the IWW. Upon her death, she
bequeathed a donation to the IWW
to establish a fund dedicated to help
women with travel costs in order to
attend the General Assembly. This
fund has since evolved into a bursary
program dedicated to providing cis-
gender women, transgender women
and men, and gender non-conforming
fellow workers with travel funding in
order to increase their representa-
tion and participation throughout
the union.
The branches that participated in-
clude Indiana, Twin Cities, Portland,
and Toronto. The deadline was set for
Sept. 30, and the competition was on!
Everything from socials, clothing swaps
and assessments were used to raise funds.
After the fnal tally, the winning branch
was the Twin Cities GMB!
As the winning branch, a group photo
will be displayed on the cover of the Ca-
nadian Organizing Bulletin and the
General Organization Bulletin (internal
publications of the IWW) and they will
receive bragging rights for a year (those
lucky people). Heres a count on the total
Toronto GMB: $715
Twin Cities GMB: $850
Portland GMB: $100
Indiana GMB: $61.58
Congratulations to the Twin Cities
GMB, and everyone who helped raise
By the New York City GMB
On Oct. 5, Taiwan IWW member and
student labor activist Catta Chou visited
the New York City General Membership
Branch (GMB) to give a fascinating pre-
sentation on current Taiwanese social
movements. In her talk, called Small
Progress, Big Struggles in Taiwans
Social Movements, she discussed
the state of the labor movement in
the country as well as several recent
worker and migrant organizing and
solidarity campaigns in which she
has participated. Chou also had a
personal fght of her own, a highly
visible and successful campaign to
recover her unpaid wages from a
student-work program in Australia.
Chou also gave a critical overview
of the Sunflower Revolution in
which students occupied the nations
Parliament for a month earlier this year to
protest a proposed free trade agreement
with China. She led a discussion about
the current Occupy protests in Hong Kong
and drew some parallels to the Taiwanese
Jimmy Johns Workers Picket In Baltimore
Discussing Taiwan Social Movements In NYC
Climate Change Knows No Borders
Photo: Erick Crash Catta Chou is Portland.
Graphic: FW Kelly Flynn
Photo: Baltimore IWW Wobblies from D.C., Baltimore picket Jimmy Johns on Oct. 19.
Photo: Vancouver & Bellingham Wobs.
By John Kalwaic
In August, Maria
Fernandes, a 32-year-
old woman from New-
ark, N.J., suffocated
while sleeping in her
car, which was still
running. Fernandes
had four jobs, two of
which were working at
two separate Dunkin
Donuts. According to
reports, she lived out
of her car and always
carried an extra tank of
gas because she would
sometimes run out. A
911 call was made and
then the emergency medical technicians
came to the car and found all the windows
and doors closed. When they opened the
door, they were hit with noxious fumes and
found Fernandes dead.
This tragedy could
have been avoided if
Maria Fernandes had
not been working so
many jobs, desperately
trying to make ends
meet. Paying workers
less does not result in
more jobs for more
workers but rather
causes the same work-
ers to have to work
more than one job.
If one of Fernandes
jobs paid a living wage,
other people could have
had the other three jobs
she worked. Having to
neglect self-care is also a side effect of
employment without a break, which led
to this tragedy. Maria Fernandes was only
trying to take a nap.
With fles from The Star-Ledger.
Overworked Woman Dies Sleeping In Her Car
Photo: Maria Fernandes.
By Kenneth Miller
Black Friday, the biggest shopping
day of the year, the day after Thanksgiv-
ing, is a big day for consumer awareness
and workers rights. The stores are flled
with workers while consumers wrap-
around the store in long lines. It is known
as Buy Nothing Day, and
that is a wonderful way to cel-
ebrate our anti-consumerism
and protest bad working con-
For the third consecutive
year, the James Connolly
Upstate New York regional
General Membership Branch
(GMB) of the Industrial Work-
ers of the World will be pub-
lishing their anti-sweatshop
newsletter, Black Cat Moan,
for distribution on Black Friday 2014.
It will include solidarity messages and
specifc factory and retail information
from the National Garment Workers
Federation of Bangladesh. It will explain
how to carry out an unfair labor practice
strike and have news about which unions
are organizing retail workers.
The Upstate New York GMB has been
protesting against sweatshops and talk-
ing to baseball fans about sweatshops
in Cooperstown, N.Y. at the National
Baseball Hall of Fame for nearly a de-
cade. Their experience with the workers,
the consumers, security, and the Major
League Baseball executives
and agents on the streets of
Cooperstown is completely
similar to the experience
talking to baseball fans about
sweatshops at PNC Park in
Pittsburgh, or in Milwau-
kee or Arizona, or 100 other
major and minor league ball
Greg Giorgio, editor of
Black Cat Moan, chairs the
IWWs Bangladesh Working
Committee, where he bottom lines the
IWWs correspondence with the National
Garment Workers Federation of Bangla-
desh. Please call Greg at 518-861-5627
and learn how you can have hundreds of
the Black Friday 2014 edition of Black
Cat Moan for distribution in your work-
place or school on Friday, Nov. 28, 2014.
Fighting For Workers This Black Friday
Photo: Kenneth Miller
Cake commemorat-
ing the 2012 Tazreen
factory fre disaster.
Page 6 Industrial Worker November 2014
Front Page News
Portland IWW Battles With Non-Profits Over Union Busting
Continued from 1
week. Workers say the policy causes such
a high turnover rate that few canvassers or
supervisors have more than a few weeks
experience (GCI Regional Director Elise
Stuewe said via email that this turnover
rate and the diffculty of meeting quotas
are vastly overstatedthough its true
this is a challenging job thats not for
After GCI workers informed manage-
ment of their organizing campaign, they
asked to sit down and negotiate terms.
Management refused, and instead, work-
ers say, instituted a hiring freeze, which
they believe was intended to keep new
workers from being recruited by the union.
Previously, they say, hiring was a constant
process at the Portland GCI offce, with
feld managers reporting 6 to 10 new hires
weekly. The hiring freeze was set to be
lifted in mid-August.
The case is different from most union-
ization efforts, as UCW workers have
chosen not to seek a contract or fle for a
National Labor relations Board (NLrB)
election. Because of the high turnover rate
and workers lack of confdence that GCI
would maintain neutrality during card
check, the workers are instead using the
old-school tactic of solidarity unionism.
A form of organizing that dominated be-
fore unions had institutional recognition
through the NLrB, solidarity unionism
means the demands of workers are en-
forced only through the actions workers
can take in response to management,
rather than NLrB sanctions (although
their right to organize as a union is still
legally protected). As a result, workers
have fewer limitations on direct action
than in a traditional organizing drive: they
can legally strike and take other actions at
any point.
Right now, the union is leveraging
public pressure. On Aug. 2, workers and
community supporters of the organizing
drive rallied in front of the GCI headquar-
ters in Portland, calling for the company to
be held accountable for its labor practices.
Im out here [rallying in front of GCI]
because I have worked with GCI for over
a year, and the turnover is absolutely
unacceptable, said union member and
GCI canvasser Haley Boyd. People are
undertrained for their jobs and they are
disrespected. The result is that when we go
out there to talk to people about organiza-
tions like the Planned Parenthood Action
Fund, ACLU [American Civil Liberties
Union], [and] The Nature Conservancy, we
are giving a bad impression on the whole.
Workers allege that, despite company
policy mandating 90 minutes of training
for new hires during the probationary pe-
riod, new employees are given only about
30 minutes of in-offce training about can-
vassingoften without suffcient informa-
tion about individual campaignsbefore
going out into the feld, which means they
cannot fully represent the organizations
they are raising funds for. Management
maintains that the stated policy is en-
forced, and that new employees receive
an hour of training each day after the frst.
Uncertain wages, too, are a major
sticking point for canvassers. Workers say
theyre unsure what wages they can expect
in a given week. GCI offers a base pay of
minimum wage in addition to fnancial
incentives for reaching a quota of $130 in
donations per day, on average, over the
course of a fve-day weekwhich the vast
majority of workers do not.
Workers say that about one-third of
the fuctuating workforce in their Portland
location is older than 25, and many can-
vassers rely on the job as their sole source
of household income.
Additionally, workers say that health-
care and sick leave are not always avail-
able, even when they should be. We have
had people in our union canvassing on
the street through very serious medical
conditions because our employer never
informed any of its employees weve been
accruing paid sick leave since January 1,
notes canvasser Andrew Lee. We also
have several members of our union [say]
that upon applying, they were required to
refuse the healthcare that the company
offered as a condition of employment.
No ones employment has ever been
conditioned on refusing healthcare, says
Stuewe. There may be confusion over
notices handed out to newly hired staff
as part of complying with the Affordable
Care Act.
Workers confrm that they received
packets about the Affordable Care Act,
but maintain that they were instructed to
check the refusal of healthcare box.
In addition, former employee Mandie
Gavitt claims that workers were promised
promotions they never received and that
she and several co-workers were termi-
nated after trying to raise the issues with
management. [GCI] needs to be held ac-
countablebecause when I complained to
them, they didnt do anything, she says.
Canvassers say they are galled by the
irony of advocating for non-profts when
they themselves dont receive fair treat-
We are campaigning for sustain-
ability, but we dont have sustainable
jobs, says Lee. We are campaigning for
womens healthcare, but we are lied to
about healthcare in our own workplace.
At the Aug. 2 action, workers and al-
lies entered the GCI campaign offce and
read a list of demands to their manager:
healthcare, overtime, sick leave, a $15
hourly base pay for workers, an exemp-
tion from quotas for the frst two weeks
of employment, a revised quota system,
adequate training for new hires, proper
training for feld managers, terminations
only for just cause, and regular meetings
between management and the union.
Workers had hoped the Aug. 2 com-
munity action would be enough to coax
management to deal with the union di-
rectly, but the instability that has marked
their tenure at GCI has extended to the
talks as well. They have also matched this
with collective call-ins from supporters
from around the country and even a soli-
darity action from IWW members at GCIs
Boston headquarters.
The way that a lot of us look at it
is that we have no job security already,
says Lee. Ive been in the offce about
three weeks; Im one of the longest-term
employees there now. I have seen over
70 [to] 80 percent of the people working
there when I was hired be fred since then.
Of course, theres always the risk that our
employer will retaliate against us illegally,
but I think a lot of us have been so sup-
portive of this organizing and so involved.
Management told the workers that
GCIs regional director would be meeting
with the workers on Aug. 6 to begin nego-
tiations but have since refused to recog-
nize the union without an NLrB election.
Workers responded to the decision with a
community rally in front of the local GCI
offce at the close of business on Aug. 7.
They had planned to meet with GCI staff
as they left for the day. The managers in
question, however, refused to leave the
building with the workers present.
The workers came together and or-
ganized a follow-up action, now claiming
100 percent of the current non-managerial
staff at GCI being with the union. The vast
majority of these workers are new to the
union and to the labor movement broadly
but are taking a lead as the campaign
continues. On Aug. 13, a rally formed in
front of GCI with almost 40 workers and
community supporters. They rallied with
chants directed at management and waited
for workers to get off for the day, all of
whom joined the rally and spoke out about
their conditions.
One worker, a single parent, discussed
how she was forced to work with a concus-
sion and damaged eye because GCI did not
inform her about her legally-mandated
sick leave. Because it is obviously diffcult
to fundraise with a bloody eye I did not do
so well and did not meet quota that week,
she said. The following week manage-
ment put me on review. I nearly lost my
job. This is her primary income that she
uses to raise her daughter, and her ability
to do so was put into question as a direct
result of managements withholding of sick
leave information.
Workers then led the attendees up the
stairs into the offce where they banged on
the door, demanding that management
open up and listen to their demands.
Management refused and instead hid
while workers chanted and continued
knocking aggressively. After it became
clear that they were not going to be al-
lowed in to discuss terms, the rally went
outside and waited for management to
leave for the day. For the next four hours,
management continued to cower inside
instead of heading to their cars. Workers
led IWW songs, played games and did a
limbo competition to keep up peoples
spirits as they attempted to wait out the
bosses. Afterwards, several unfair labor
practice complaints were fled, most citing
To show that the union had complete
worker support, they staged a personal
vote. The vote was held anonymously, and
a third party participated in the vote count
to ensure neutrality, though it was not
done through the NLrB process. Manage-
ment refused to discuss the conditions or
recognize the union even after this process
and, in a move that illustrates the pettiness
of their union-busting tactics, had workers
clock out for the 15 minutes it took for the
union ballots to be cast and counted.
Once the feld manager returned from
her vacation, workers surprised her with
another rally that brought out dozens of
supporters. On Aug. 27, a large mobiliza-
tion attempted to again enter the offce
to negotiate with management, and the
assistant manager refused to allow anyone
into the offce.
Workers have stated the repression
continued as management began using
the complicated quota system to threaten
specific workers jobs, which has been
interpreted as retaliation for union activ-
ity. One worker organizer, Laryssa, who
had been incredibly active during the
campaign, had her job put into a precari-
ous place. Like many workers, when her
numbers drifted downward, she was put
on review. As the numbers returned to
normal, Laryssa got taken off review, but
later management recanted this and said
that the review period had never ended.
The union organized an emergency call-
in, in which supporters and fellow union
members called into GCI and The Nature
Conservancy to declare disgust at the al-
leged retaliation.
As The Nature Conservancy became
the sole contract with the Portland offce
of GCI, attention began to be paid to them
and their relationship with their fundrais-
ing wing. An action was organized on Sept.
9 where canvass workers and supporters
entered The Nature Conservancy to read
a letter to the key manager in charge of
fundraising. In the letter, workers dis-
cussed their conditions and pay, and asked
The Nature Conservancy to put pressure
on GCI to negotiate with the union. The
manager who was present listened intently
and noted that the workers had completely
valid concerns and that this information
would go to the correct channels internal
to The Nature Conservancy. This was the
most receptive response that UCW mem-
bers have received since the beginning of
the campaign, and workers made it clear
that they did not want The Nature Conser-
vancy to cut its contract with GCI and to in-
stead force them to negotiate in good faith
with the union constituency. Management
also noted that it sounded like GCI was
not even living up to the contracts that it
had signed with The Nature Conservancy,
not to mention violating basic labor laws.
Though claiming that their hiring
freeze was over, GCI has failed to add
staff at any comparable rate as before.
Many workers are interpreting this as the
beginning of GCI closing up shop in their
Portland offce, which is a common union-
busting tactic that other canvassing ships
have used in the past.
Even against what the workers asked,
The Nature Conservancy decided to pull
their contract with GCI in response to
GCIs treatment of workers. GCI, in re-
sponse, did exactly what workers feared
they would: they closed up the Portland
location entirely. Workers came in on
Sept. 17 for a regular work day and were
told they would all be fred immediately,
and they only received pay for the week.
Workers decided to confront The Nature
Conservancy about their turn of face by
marching into their offces on the same
day as the mass termination.
Over several actions at The Nature
Conservancy, workers demanded a clear
answer to why the contract was pulled
even though they explicitly asked for it to
be maintained. On Sept. 25 workers en-
tered their location to demand that upper
management at The Nature Conservancy
call their former employer and put pres-
sure on them to give the workers a fair
severance pay. Though the staff on site said
that they were sympathetic, as workers
challenged them and refused to leave, the
management would not take any actions
and passed the responsibility to other staff
people. Workers returned the following
day, hoping to confront the person who
pulled the plug on the contract directly.
As the workers entered the building,
management and campaign directors were
ready and waiting, with a letter written by
Kaie Valvo, the Conservancys Director of
Canvassing Programs. In the letter she
feigned interest in the workers plight, yet
repeatedly stressed that nothing would be
done about it. We understand your posi-
tion but TNC [The Nature Conservancy]
does not have the ability to solve your is-
sues, she wrote. Protest at TNC will not
result in pressure on GCI to agree to your
Workers decided to call her while in
the offce, putting her on speaker phone
to confront her and the staff in the of-
fce simultaneously. Both repeated their
stance of non-involvement and said that
they would be prohibited from making a
call to GCI and stating that they supported
severance pay for the workers. They per-
sisted that pulling the contract from GCI in
Portland was not due to union activity but
instead because of a decline of donations
coming in and of recruitment practices
at GCI that annoyed some larger donors.
Even though the workers at the GCI
Portland may have lost their jobs perma-
nently, they are refusing to back down
from what has become a substantial fght
for a union in the canvassing industry.
They are going to continue to put pressure
on GCI and their contracting clients na-
tionally. UCW is also putting a call out for
other IWW locals to prioritize canvassing
work, GCI specifcally, when creating or-
ganizing priorities. Because of the nature
of this canvassing work, and the political
nature of many of the existing IWW mem-
bership, it serves to reason that many
IWW members are already intersecting
with these predatory canvassing shops.
This makes the IWW a perfect candidate
to take the UCW campaign national and
to look at organizing GCI shops in differ-
ent cities simultaneously. Unlike many
campaign-specific canvassing projects,
GCI is contracted for fundraising con-
sistently throughout the year and can be
a company that is an ongoing target for
union agitation.
This piece frst appeared on Aug. 13,
2014 in In These Times. It was reprinted
with permission from the author.
November 2014 Industrial Worker Page 7
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Page 8 Industrial Worker November 2014
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November 2014 Industrial Worker Page 11
In November We Remember
A Recap Of Some Teacher-Student Education Struggles In 2014
By John Kalwaic
Students Protest Cutting the Build-
ing Trades Program
In March 2014, the school board of
Ottawa Township High School in Illinois
was talking about cutting the shop and
building trades program and fring its in-
structor, Dave Kelly, allegedly due to a lack
of attendance and a budget defcit. Around
130 students took issue with the fact that
their shop classes were being canceled and
organized protests. The students staged a
sit-in at the school administrators offce;
they made the point that other projects,
like the $2 million gym remodeling project
and giving each student an iPad, were not
fscally wise. The students were ordered to
leave and go back to class; the ones that
refused were suspended and barred from
attending the prom.
When the media heard about this, the
building trades union leaders decided to
support the students against the cuts to
the industrial arts and building trades
program. Another person that came to the
students defense was Mike Rowe, former
host of the television show Dirty Jobs.
Rowe attended protests, though it is im-
portant to note that he has come under fre
a few times from unions for doing Walmart
ads. The students have community sup-
port, including from unions. The struggle
still continues in Ottawa.
Students Rally Behind Fired Union
Science Teacher
In April 2014 a science teacher, Greg
Schiller, was suspended from Ramn C.
Cortines School of Visual and Performing
Arts in downtown Los Angeles. Schil-
ler was a well-loved science teacher and
fencing coach who the students greatly
respected. He was allegedly suspended
because a student made an invention for a
science fair that the administration consid-
ered as a weapon. In reality it was simply
a kind of catapult that shot foam rubber
out of a tube using air. The administration
thought that the science fair invention was
dangerous and put Schiller on suspended
leave. Schiller claimed that the science
projects were confscated before he had a
chance to inspect or grade them.
Schiller was also very active in the
teachers union, United Teachers Los An-
geles (UTLA), and was the teacher union
representative at the school. Some parents
and teachers suspect that was the real
reason he was fred. The students started
a movement to get Schiller reinstated. Stu-
dents have had several rallies to that end,
holding signs and t-shirts with Schillers
iconic mustache and goatee on it saying
reinstate Schiller. The students also
launched a Facebook page, which received
1,130 likes. Eventually, Schiller was rein-
stated after the wave of community sup-
port from students, parents and the UTLA.
Students Protest for Teachers and
Against White-Washing History
In September 2014, a new school
board was elected in Jefferson County in
Colorado, which had a very reactionary
take on education. The school board of-
fcials wanted to do away with anything
that made the United States look bad,
including any reference to slavery and
protest movements. These subjects were
eliminated or at least deemphasized. In
its place the students were to learn patri-
otic history, learning the values of free
enterprise and respect for law and order.
The move to change the history curriculum
has been backed by many outside groups
including Americans For Prosperity, which
is controlled by the Koch Brothers.
This history curriculum affected the
Jefferson County Advanced Placement
(AP) history courses, although the pro-
posal also leaves the door open for the
school board to censor any-
thing they fnd unpatriotic
or Anti-American. The
boards focus on law and
order brings into question
whether any social move-
ments such as civil rights,
the womens movements,
labor movements, the en-
vironmental movement or
LGBTQ rights could be tough
at all without being censured.
A group called The College
Board in Colorado has said that if the
school board goes through with its plan,
that Jefferson County AP history will not
count towards students college credits.
The teachers took the frst blow in an-
other confict with the school board over
evaluations. On Sept. 19, many teachers
called in sick, effectively shutting down
classes at Conifer High School and Stand-
ley Lake High School. Students also did
their part and rallied for the teachers but
also took a stand against the whitewashed
history curriculum that the school board
was imposing over the local schools. It
did not end there, students at Conifer,
Standley Lake and several other local Jef-
ferson County schools walked out several
times during the next week in response
to the revisionist history lesson. Students
from other schools the joined in, includ-
ing Lakewood High School, Dakota Ridge
High School and Columbine High School,
where the infamous school massacre took
place in 1999. At one point around 1,000
students were present at the walkouts
and demonstration. The Jefferson County
Education Association has come out in
support of the students position. Students
held signs and chanted by the roadside as
many passersby honked.
Another teacher sick-out was staged
on Sept. 29, as two more Jefferson County
schools were shut down do to teacher ab-
sences. On Sept. 30, there was a smaller
walkout at Cormody Middle School. Stu-
dents walked out to protest the history
curriculum changes. Fox News anchor
Gretchen Carlson called the students
who walked out punks, while other
pundits have called them a puppet of the
teachers union. Many of the students
disagreed and have said that the teachers
were not directing them, but rather they
were making up their own minds. People
think because we are teenagers, we dont
know things, but we are going home and
looking things up, said Savanna Barron,
a senior at Lakewood High School, as
she waved a sign on Kipling Street. If
they dont teach us civil disobedience, we
will teach ourselves. On Oct. 2, parents,
students and teachers packed the school
board meeting with around 500 people;
many student leaders spoke at the event.
The school board voted for the proposal
with the small concession that students,
teachers and parents may serve on the
review committee.
With fles from The Illinois review,
My Webs Times, KTLA News video, Yahoo
News, The Blaze, The Denver Post, Wash-
ington Post, Democracy Now!, http://, http://www.,,, http://www., as well as Facebook.
This November I Remember My Parents
Supporters of the
Spanish Workers Revolution
(1936 to 1939)
Raymond S. Solomon
Photo: UTLA students protest on April 10.
Page 12 Industrial Worker November 2014
St. John in 1905.
By Juan Conatz
During the 109 years of the existence
of the Industrial Workers of the World
(IWW), there have been many organizers
and members whose names have come to
prominence within the union. Some were
respected, a few have been hated, and oth-
ers triggered feelings that are a mixture of
the two. But arguably, no one has been as
admired in the IWW as Vincent St. John.
Nicknamed The Saint, St. John was
born to parents of Irish-Dutch ethnic back-
ground in 1876. For the next 15 years, his
family moved around frequently, residing
in four different states before fnally set-
tling in Colorado in 1895, when St. John
was 19 years old.
In Colorado he began working as a
miner and union organizer. Within fve
years, at the age of 24, he was elected
president of his Western Federation of
Miners (WFM) local in Telluride. The next
year, the Telluride local was involved in
a hotly contested strike. One of the mine
owners organized an anti-union Citizens
Alliance to oppose the striking miners.
The police deputized and armed the scabs.
In response, St. John ordered 250 rifes
and 50,000 rounds of ammunition for
the union.
As the strike dragged on, a confronta-
tion between scabs and strikers occurred,
in which shots were fred and a few men
were killed. At the end of the battle, the
scabs withdrew, and the strikers occupied
the mines, foreshadowing the sit-downs
and occupations that were frst done by the
IWW in 1906 and followed by the Congress
of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and
independent unions in the 1930s.
After the strike died down a year later,
the mine owner, Arthur Collins, who had
brought together the Citizens Alliance,
was shot and killed. Although
little evidence existed to
implicate St. John, he was
harassed by police and black-
listed from mining work for
years because of this.
Around this same time,
and adding to the mythology
of his nickname, St. John was
involved in the rescue op-
eration of a mining disaster.
He was considered a local
hero, although he contracted
chronic bronchial asthma for
his efforts, which is believed
to have contributed to his
early death.
Radicalized by his expe-
rience as a miner in the American West, St.
John was considered on the left-wing of
the Western Federation of Miners. When
the WFM became one of the founding
unions of the IWW, he threw himself into
IWW work as well. He also became a mem-
ber of the Socialist Party, even running for
offce at one point.
At the 1906 General Convention of the
IWW, he was one of the main members of
the revolutionary unionists who sought
to and succeeded in ousting the president
of the IWW, Charles Sherman, seen as too
conservative, and abolishing his position.
St. John was elected general organizer. In
the same year, he was arrested in the Coeur
dAlene area of Idaho, probably for union
agitation. At the end of the year, and run-
ning into 1907, he was heavily involved in
the Goldfeld strike in Nevada.
Goldfeld, Nev., now a ghost town, was
a booming mining area of around 20,000
people during this time. The strike by the
now IWW-affliated WFM was met by the
Citizens Alliance again, as well as martial
law and federal troops. Al-
though, the town workers
organized with the IWW and
went on a sympathy strike,
the federal troops entry into
the situation gave the mine
owners strength, which they
used to slash wages and de-
clare an open-shop policy. St.
John was once again impli-
cated in a murder with little
to no evidence, this time of a
local restaurant owner. Fur-
ther complicating matters
for the strike and St. John
was a jurisdictional dispute
between the WFM and an
American Federation of
Labor (AFL) carpenters union, which
seemed to have spilled into violence with
St. John being shot in the hand, possibly by
an AFL member. His hand was disabled for
the rest of his life. Despite the strike being
considered a loss, it did win the eight-hour
day, some wage hikes, and other benefts.
However, the experience led to the WFM
leaving the IWW and St. John either leav-
ing or being expelled from the WFM later
that year.
At the IWWs convention in 1908, he
presided as chair. Although hesitant to
bring it to the foor, St. John ended up
siding with the direct actionists against
the political socialists such as Daniel
DeLeon. He also was elected General Sec-
retary (GS), a position he held until he left
the union. Upon entering offce, he found
the union in a deep fnancial crisis and
suspended the Industrial Union Bulletin,
a publication with roots in the revolution-
ary unionist faction of 1906.
For the next several years, in his posi-
tion as GS of the IWW, he helped shape
In November We Remember
Remembering A Greatly-Admired Wobbly: Vincent St. John
the union in a more radical fashion and
saw the union nearly grow 10 times in
membership. Many of the most famous
strikes, campaigns, organizing drives,
and strategies happened in this pre-World
War I era, when St. John was the GS. He
also acted as one of the unions public
faces, making public calls in the pages of
union publications such as Solidarity to
reinforce Free Speech Fights in places like
Spokane, Wash. and Duluth, Minn. To the
mayors of Fresno and San Diego, Calif., he
sent statements saying, Free speech will
be established ... if it takes twenty years.
In 1914, possibly exhausted after years
of organizing battles and factional fghts,
he resigned as General Secretary and went
to the Southwest to be a prospector. De-
spite this, he was still rounded up in 1918
during the U.S. governments wartime
persecution of the IWW and went to trial
with 101 other Wobblies. Even though St.
John was a labor radical with little illu-
sions in the justice system, his 20-year
sentence shocked him.
I did not think that mob justice would
prevail in a U.S. court, he said.
He served two-and-a-half years in
Leavenworth, Kan., before being par-
Upon his release, he rejoined the
IWW, which was in the middle of a confict
with the newly established Communist
Party USA (CP) that was trying to win
Wobblies to their party. He sided with the
Very little is known about what St.
John did between his immediate release
and his death at the age of 56 in San Fran-
cisco. He was buried in an unmarked grave
in Oakland, Calif., which was eventually
given a proper headstone nearly 70 years
By Kenneth Miller
IndyKids is a free paper for free kids
published in Brooklyn, N.Y. It is great
for kids, college students and workers,
providing a real education with front page
stories on deportation and family separa-
tion, saving our schools, Haiti, the life
cycle of a cell phone and more. It is great
for people who are just learning to read
English. It comes with lesson plans and
encouragement for teachers who want a
peace and justice curriculum.
The Black and White reunion and
the Pittsburgh General Membership
Branch (GMB) of the IWW have been
bringing IndyKids to Pittsburgh and
handing them out at events, meetings,
and at work for about fve years. It is a
great organizing tool: dont do a house
call without IndyKids. IndyKids hosts
workshops for journalists and they have
been invited to do so with the Pittsburgh
Anti-Sweatshop Community Alliance at
the 2015 Pennsylvania Farm Show at the
Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, Pa.
Pittsburgh Community Television
(PCTV): Local Free Speech TV
PCTV is a contract between Verizon
and Comcast in the city of Pittsburgh. The
cable companies are obligated to provide
us with the channels and the equipment,
education and staff to produce television
programming. I used it to produce seven
episodes of Lets Talk about Sweatshops
At PNC Park. Black and White reunion
(BWR) programming about the Summit
Against racism is popular on PCTV. Car-
lanna rhoten is the most active Thomas
Merton Center (TMC) member, using her
credentials as a PCTV community pro-
ducer to produce Pittsburgh Progressive
Notebook and putting the TMC peace
and justice programming of Rich Fishkin
on the air. There are many members of
the TMC community with vast experience
producing and broadcasting peace and
justice programming at PCTV.
We need a new community producer
to help submit programs for broadcast.
Maintaining regular peace and justice
programming at PCTV is one of the things
Carlanna does very well. We could have a
lot more peace and justice programming
on PCTV when we give them program-
ming offcially, through another BWr/
TMC community producer. Are you
burning for some massive alternative
journalism in your life? This might be for
you. The Black and White reunion has a
$75 scholarship you can use to become a
PCTV Community Television Producer.
Call Kenneth for more information at
412-512-1709 or learn about the orienta-
tion program for new PCTV community
producers. It is free speech television,
and we need it!
Fifth Estate
Fifth Estate is an anarchist magazine
that has been published in Detroit since
1965. I became familiar with it when
Sunfrog was the editor. He whispered
anarchy in my ear. He was eloquent and
passionate and spoke to me so clearly.
He knows my friend Marius Mason, cur-
rently imprisoned at the Federal Medical
Center, Carswell in Texas, from before
her imprisonment too. He wrote about
osmosis on a prison wall and osmosis
going through the prison walls. It was
Fifth Estate continues to be pub-
lished. The latest issue is about art and
anarchy. There are many terrifc essays
pertinent to people concerned with art in
our schools and the August Wilson Center
here in Pittsburgh. That Pittsburgh and
Detroit have so much in common is one
reason why I would like to distribute Fifth
Estate more in Pittsburgh, with more
writing about jazz and the civil war and
the IWW. Look for upcoming issues of
Fifth Estate at TMC.
A Year In Alternative Media
November 2014 Industrial Worker Page 13
In November We Remember
By Mike Kuhlenbeck
The revolutionary movement of the
working class will date from 1905, from
the organization of the INDUSTrIAL
WOrKErS OF THE WOrLD. Economic
solidarity is to-day the supreme need of
the working class. The old form of union-
ism has long since fulflled its mission and
outlived its usefulness, and the hour has
struck for a change.
These words were spoken by Eugene
Debs, Socialist Party leader and notable
fgure in the 1894 Pullman Strike, in a
speech delivered at Grand Central Palace,
New York, on Dec. 10, 1905, eulogizing the
old unions and yet, at the same time, spoke
of a new dawn for the working class.
The most militant leaders of the
working-class movement emphasized the
need to unite all workers since the IWWs
1905 founding convention at Brands Hall
in Chicago, barring no one from member-
ship on the grounds of sex, race, color
or creed, a legacy they have kept alive
to this day. While current unions such as
the American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations
(AFL-CIO) now have inclusive polices
toward all workers in their ranks, it took
visionaries like the Wobblies to show them
the way.
In the late 1800s, even after the defeat
of the Confederacy in the American Civil
War and the signing of the Emancipation
Proclamation, former slaves and their
families were not free. Racism was insti-
tutionalized, especially in the Jim Crow
south, where poll taxes prevented African-
Americans from voting and the threat of
violence against the black community
always loomed above them. They were,
like all workers, victims of wage slavery.
The frst labor organization that al-
lowed African-Americans into its ranks,
and eventually its leadership, was the
Knights of Labor, which formed in 1869,
with the slogan An Injury to One is the
Concern of All, a battle cry of the labor
movement that was adopted and strength-
ened by the IWW as An Injury to One is
an Injury to All!
The American Federation of Labor
(AFL), formed in 1886, later surpassed
the ailing Knights of Labor and by 1904
reportedly had 2 million workers in their
ranks. By the early 20th century, the AFL
was still practicing craft unionism, an out-
dated system that only accepted member-
ship from workers with specifc skills, such
as plumbers, electricians and machinists.
As advancements were made in the
modes of production, craft unionism was
becoming obsolete. The lily-white labor ar-
istocracy was accused of failing to organize
the working class. Socialist Labor Party
leader Daniel De Leon humorously said
the AFL was a cross between a windbag
and a rope of sand.
The IWW, by contrast, has always
promoted industrial unionism, which ac-
cepts skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled
workers into their ranks, making it the
Grand Industrial Union. But the divisive
practices of the AFL, denounced as the
American Separation of Labor, divided
workers in other ways.
At the AFL national convention in
1900, the organization endorsed so-called
separate but equal locals, or segrega-
tionist unions. Non-white workers would
have mostly fallen into the category of
being unskilled, which the traditional
crafts unions did not consider worthy of
organizing. A leafet issued by the IWW
makes this point, stating that black work-
ers have no chance in the old-time trade
unions. They do not want him. They admit
him only under compulsion and treat him
with contempt.
Samuel Gompers (1850-1924), a
London-born cigar maker, was one of the
founders of the AFL. He was the Federa-
tions president from 1886 until his death
in 1924. The man who once claimed to be
a socialist sympathizer in his youth, rose
through the ranks to become one of the
most conservative and reactionary lead-
ers of the trade union movement. He was
denounced as a labor faker by William
Big Bill Haywood, De Leon, Eugene Debs
and other IWW leaders.
Gompers was an unapologetic racist,
like many early American labor leaders,
who professed the need to implement
divide-and-conquer strategies already
institutionalized in American society by
the ruling class with statements like, [M]
aintenance of the nation depended on the
maintenance of racial purity and strength.
Author Rudyard Kipling, known as
the poet laureate of the British Empire,
wrote a poem titled The White Mans
Burden, which praised the white race as
the saviors to savage peoples, referring
to non-whites. Gompers shared similar
attitudes, bringing this sentiment from
his native England to the United States.
In the September 1905 issue of American
Federationist, the official organ of the
AFL, Gompers writes:
[If] the colored man continued to lend
himself to the work of tearing down what
the white man has built up, a race hatred
far worse than any ever known will result.
Caucasian civilization will serve notice that
its uplifting process is not to be interfered
with in any way.
American Federationist, which
claimed to be the journal devoted to the
interests and voicing the demands of the
trade union movement, obviously did not
represent the interests of non-white work-
ers. This hostility extended to foreign-born
workers, particularly non-whites who did
not speak English.
Historian Milton Metzer in his 1967
book Bread and roses: The Struggle of
American Labor 1865-1915, describes
the AFLs role in whipping up fear against
Chinese immigrant toilers, an era that was
infamously known as the yellow peril:
Prejudice against immigrants de-
veloped rapidly among workingmens
organizations. The Chinese in the West
were among the frst victims of racism.
They had come frst in the Fifties, to work
in the goldmines. After the Civil War they
helped build the railroads and harvest
the crops, working for lower wages. Fury
against them mounted in the depression
of the Seventies. They were victims of
lynching and mass riots. By the early 1890s
Congress passed a series of laws keeping
out almost all Chinese.
Gompers and other AFL bureaucrats
had supported the Chinese Exclusion Act,
which was signed into law on May 6, 1882,
prohibiting all immigration of Chinese
The labor unions played a big part in
putting up the barriers, Metzer writes.
Even the so-called socialist leaders at
the time, such as Socialist Party politician
Victor Berger, who boasted about their
segregationist and sexist beliefs, ignored
basic principles they claimed to espouse.
Berger served two terms in U.S. Congress,
representing mostly German immigrant
workers from Milwaukee. There can be no
doubt that the negroes [sic] and mulattoes
constitute a lower race, he once wrote.
The AFL, the right wing of the Social-
ist Party and the ruling class conspired
to spread the same lies and prejudices
against immigrant workers, workers who
are referred to as illegal aliens by reac-
tionary circles today. These lies would pit
worker against worker, and weaken soli-
darity within the struggle to emancipate
the working class.
From the beginning, the IWWs vision
as a working-class organization was drasti-
cally different from the AFL and the other
establishment organizations.
Big Bill Haywood, then national-secre-
tary of the Western Federation of Miners
union, said in the opening speech of the
convention on June 17, 1905, denounced
the AFL and its lily-white craft-unionism
and outlined the IWWs revolutionary
program, designed to unite the whole
working class:
The American Federation of La-
bor, which presumes to be the labor
movement of this country, is not a
working class movement. It does not
represent the working class. There are
organizations that are affliated, but
loosely affliated with the A. F. of L.,
which in their constitution and by-laws
prohibit the initiation of or conferring
the obligation on a colored man; that
prohibit the conferring of the obligation
on foreigners. What we want to estab-
lish at this time is a labor organization that
will open wide its doors to every man that
earns his livelihood either by his brain or
his muscle.
This is why the IWW was the Industri-
al Workers of the World, not the Industrial
Workers of America.
Haywood, when he spoke at the 1912
Brotherhood of Timber Workers conven-
tion in Louisiana, a state where it was il-
legal to hold interracial meetings, said the
following in response to concerns that the
meeting would be broken up by the police:
You work in the same mills together.
Sometimes a black man and a white man
chop down the same tree together. You are
meeting in a convention now to discuss
the conditions under which you labor.
Why not be sensible about this and call
the Negroes into the Convention? If it is
against the law, this is one time when the
law should be broken.
Unlike rhetoric from the white labor
aristocracy, which spoke of sugary plati-
tudes and class-collaborationist practices,
the IWW did not rely simply on theories
but put their ideas into direct action.
The most successful strike in IWW
history was the landmark 10-week battle
against the bosses of the textile mills in
Lawrence, Mass., which historian Melvyn
Dubofsky nicknamed Satans Dark Mills,
of 1912. The division of craft, nationality,
religion and political attitudes among the
workers made the task at hand seemingly
impossible, but it was a challenge heartily
accepted by the Wobblies.
Employers planned to cut workers pay
and the workers responded by staging a
walk-out, bringing approximately 23,000
workers into Lawrence. Breaking language
barriers, the IWW successfully organized
workers of numerous nationalities, includ-
ing: Armenian, German, French-Canadi-
an, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian,
Turkish, Syrian and others. It is estimated
that only 8 percent of the mill workers in
Lawrence were native-born.
Preparing for this landmark event, the
IWW called in some of their most seasoned
organizers, including 26-year-old Joseph
Ettor, who could communicate to the
Lawrence strikers in English, Hungar-
ian, Italian, Polish and Yiddish. Working
alongside him was Arturo Giovannitti, an
Italian-born poet and scholar who exuded
a certain maturity compared to Ettors
youthful charisma, despite being only a
year older than him.
Despite the historical precedent of
failed organizing efforts of the past, the
textile workers and the IWW prevailed.
The results caused shockwaves around
the country. Muckraking journalist Ray
Stannard Baker, writing for The American
Magazine, mirrored this with his account.
It was nothing short of amazing, he
writes, the power of a great idea to weld
men togetherThere was in it [the strike]
a peculiar, intense, vital spirit, a religious
spirit if you will, that I have never felt
before in any strike.
This victory inspired workers all across
the nation, fanning the fames of discon-
tent, as it were.
One of the most famous IWW leaders
was an African-American organizer named
Ben Fletcher (18901949) of the Marine
Transport Workers Industrial Union 510.
He joined the One Big Union sometime
around 1912 and became an infuential
Wobbly History: The IWW, AFL, And The Issues Of Race And Class
organizer, introducing non-segregated
union locals on the waterfronts of Balti-
more, Norfolk and Philadelphia.
What has miscegenation got to do
with our job conditions? Fletcher once
said. I dont see anyone as black as I am.
But we all damn well know the reason.
The IWWs call was answered by some
3,000 members by the end of the year. Due
to the success of a series of strikes between
1915 and 1916, all but two of Philadelphias
docks were under IWW control.
Fletchers example showed that Afri-
can-Americans were not simply allowed
membership, but were encouraged to be as
active as possible in the long-term goal of
abolishing the wage system. The IWW did
not simply have members; their members
were leaders.
While the IWW won several important
battles, more was yet to come.
After the slaughter of World War I
had ended in 1918, a war supported by the
AFL and opposed by the IWW, millions
of demobilized soldiers were desperately
seeking work, often fnding themselves
pitted against each other, especially whites
competing for jobs also sought after by
people of color. Following this a series of
race riots erupted across the country in
25 cities. Along with the riots, the num-
ber of lynchings drastically increased in
the South.
In 1919, the IWW circulated a pam-
phlet entitled Justice for the Negro: How
Can He Get it?, which states:
The wrongs of the Negro are not con-
fned to lynching, however. When allowed
to work and live in the community, he is
subjected to constant humiliation, injus-
tice and discriminationThroughout this
land of liberty, so-called, the Negro worker
is treated as an inferior; he is underpaid
in his work and overcharged in his rent;
he is kick about, cursed and spat upon; in
short, he is treated, not as a human being,
but as an animal, a beast of burden for the
ruling class.
Former Industrial Worker reporter
Art Shields, in his memoir On the Battle
Lines 1919-1939, recalls one of the most
tragic events of that year. More than
200 Black men and women were lynched
in the former slave states in 1919. Among
the victims were more than 100 sharecrop-
pers in the Arkansas River delta who had
formed a union to get a better price for the
cotton they harvested.
The killings began when landlords
attacked a church where the sharecroppers
were meeting. The Black unionists fought
back. State troops then hunted the rebels
down in the canebrakes along the river.
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the female
frebrand who captured the imagination of
millions of workers, both male and female,
with her passionate speeches condemning
the robber barons and the system that
bleeds the working class, condemned the
violence of the racist mobs. In New York
she publicly defended the revolutionary
black journal The Messenger, which pro-
moted the idea that African-Americans
had the right to exercise self-defense.
The IWW has fought many battles on
the front lines of the class struggle, stand-
ing by the principles laid out by its found-
ers 109 years ago. Today the members of
the IWW, despite attacks from the bosses,
police and vigilantes, continue this proud
tradition of solidarity.
Big Bill Haywood marching
with strikers in Lowell, Mass., in 1912.
Page 14 Industrial Worker November 2014
In November We Remember
Bloody Well Right: Who Won The Harlan County Miners Strike?
By Spencer Wells
You say it all depends on money
And who is in your family
Right, you're bloody well right
You know you got a right to say
Me, I don't care anyway!
Write your problems down in detail
Take them to a higher place
You've had your cry
no, I should say wail
In the meantime hush your face
Time seems to have eroded the crim-
son-laced and dust-stained distant mem-
ory of the Harlan County War from the
history books. Yet, time...time is a con-
stantly fowing, steady stream, my friend;
it is not diverted and blocked by dams and
blockades. It moves as we do. The greatest
crime that our society has committed is
to compartmentalize history, to divide it
into generations, ages, eras, and periods.
There are no punctuations in reality. This
was the frst step in the separation of man
from himself.
Next came depersonalization: we no
longer saw each other as members of the
same species, but members of nations
with histories independent of the rest of
the world. Nationalism emerged. This led
to imperialism. You are a citizen of your
country, and your country solely. This was
followed by the fnal blow: the rise of clas-
sism. The upper class ruled the means of
production and the elite tiers of education.
With the Industrial Revolution, the advent
of the modern era began.
The world of then was one of harsh
divisions and cruelty, versus the global-
ized and equalized world of now. The
standards we now take for granted did not
exist, especially in the setting of our story:
Harlan, bloody Harlan.
Part 1: Black Lungs, Black Hearts,
Blue Bloods, and a Bloody Back-
I must explain and enlighten you to
the surroundings of our narrative before
we start. The cultural and literal landscape
of our setting is vastly different to the
modern one we dwell in. Even I, a Ken-
tuckian bred, born, raised, educated, and
seemingly permanently and perpetually
rooted frmly in this state, can beneft from
this information. The easternmost borders
seem a distant and alien country. The city
of my birth and residence, Louisville, is by
far the most populated and conventional of
cities in this state, while arguably not the
wealthiest or most economically stable.
That distinction has been endowed to
the blue-blooded bastion of Lexington,
which boasts the title of the Athens of
West. Its second and more insightful
title, The Horse Capital of the World,
would permit you a more generalized and,
perhaps, biased portrait of its function: the
beating heart and nervous system for my
hometowns most cherished and enshrined
event, the Kentucky Derby.
The Southern Pageant of Opportunis-
tic Opulence, also known as the Kentucky
Derby, is staged at Churchill Downs. With
the mass infux of tourism and much-need-
ed cash that the so-called Greatest Two
Minutes of Sports brings into the state,
you could be forgiven for falling victim to
the illusion cast by the Kentucky Depart-
ment of Commerce. If you partake in the
ecstasy of the event, you will most likely
fnd yourself literally drunk off the history
of our proud state. You will choke down
mint julep after mint julep on Derby day
as you watch the eloquent equine beasts
of burden race down those spectacular
dirt tracks.
As your blood alcohol level rises and
with blinding buzz words such as Mil-
lionaires Row, you would be forgiven
for forgetting to notice the unruly mob of
commoners down in the infeld as Hugh
Heffner and the Queen of England liter-
ally look down at them from Millionaires
Row. You, the outsider, most likely in
the stands, given the good money youve
burned, will want to see the horses and
most certainly will be blinded by the grand
illusion of it all.
So let me sober you up with facts:
the Brown-Forman sponsored mint ju-
leps that you and literally 120,000 other
patrons guzzle down are not mint juleps
because they are made with Kentucky
whiskey, not Kentucky bourbon. Now that
youve had a minor taste at subterfuge, lets
get to the heart what all of this is meant to
distract you about: despite all of the show
youve seen Kentucky has a child poverty
rate of 27 percent. Harlan, the alien subject
of our study, is seated and near the heights
of the Commonwealths Black Mountain,
where those darkened stones of power
are nestled. The people mining those cold
stones so my state can be provided with
heat and other life-sustaining powers are
subject to a poverty rate of 32 percent, and
are rewarded with an average county-wide
per capita income of $11,595. Lexington,
the seat of old antebellum wealth and
power, enjoys an unemployment rate of
less than 5 percent.
Now that I have imparted you with
knowledge, lets begin. Envision now that
you live in Harlan County. The year is
1930. The town you live in was designed,
built, and owned by the coal companies.
You have no protection from the abuse of
your owners. There are no regulations to
protect you at work. Only the lord knows
the blackness of your lungs, or how many
days you can count down left of your life
that you scarcely call your own. Any dis-
pleasure or slight to your masters will lead
you to a destitute life of homelessness and
hunger. You will be fred from your job,
which is literally killing you day after day.
You will be evicted from your home, along
with your family, and blacklisted.
You cannot relocate, even if you had
the money, because all but three towns
in your county are owned by the mines,
where the residents are slaves. You cannot
feed your family when blacklisted because
the companies own the stores. God forbid
you try to form a union because the sheriff
and his men are armed and paid by the
company. They are known to shoot people
onsite who try to unionize. The law is not
on your side. You are alone. You have to
keep your head down and mouth shut so
you and your family can survive. Youre
paid, but not much, with an average an-
nual income of $1,739 that allows you to
continue the struggle of life.
Then, it happens. A year later, the
mine operators decided, due to pressure,
to cut your wages by 10 percent. You barely
scraped by before. Now you have nothing.
How much longer will the company work
you with no protection? How more will
they take? You dont plan on fnding out.
Its time to take action. Direct action. ITS
Part 2 will appear in the December IW.
The Workers Grand March
By John Gorman
At 10 a.m. on the fne Tuesday morn-
ing of Sept. 5, 1882, William McCabe
was a very nervous man. As an offcer of
the International Typographical Union,
he had taken on the task of being grand
marshal of a great parade of workers to be
held that day, but the parade was nowhere
in sight. Supposedly, large contingents of
working men were mustering at their as-
signed stations farther uptown, but in the
park south of New Yorks City Hall, only a
crowd of curious onlookers had gathered.
Planning for the march had gone on
all summer, but even the most zealous
had felt twinges of skepticism. There had
been similar parades in other cities, but
never on a working day. Theoretically, the
Central Labor Union, an umbrella organi-
zation of 60 unions and 80,000 members,
which had called the demonstration,
could count on a massive turnout. But
it remained to be seen how many of its
adherents would be ready to lose at least
a half days pay for the cause.
Indeed, 1882 was not a good year for
workers. The state of Connecticut had
recently passed a bill prescribing five
years imprisonment for any laborer who
refused his bosss order to work at another
enterprise where a strike was in progress,
and similar law and order legislation
was on the books in many other states.
Unions were often viewed as criminal
conspiracies and had to operate in semi-
secrecy to function at all. Pledges not to
join a union were frequently the price of
employment, and becoming known as a
labor organizer was a virtual guarantee of
dismissal and lifelong blacklisting.
The press, owned largely by the same
magnates who controlled the railroads,
mines and factories of the land, was
almost uniformly hostile and fond of
headlines such as Communists Come
Forward and The Communist Meeting
when covering labor gatherings. Only
New Yorker Volk-
szeitung and Irish
World, which had
linked the Irish Na-
tional Land League
struggles with the
fght for the Ameri-
can worker for fair
treatment, had con-
sistently supported
the labor movement
in New York City.
Organized reli-
gion had not been particularly helpful
either. While most clergymen did not
command the eloquence of mighty Henry
Ward Beecher who proclaimed from his
Brooklyn pulpit that God intended the
great to be great and the little to be little,
and that the man who cannot live on
bread and water is not ft to live, there
were many who shared his views and few
who dared oppose him.
McCabe turned all these things over
in his mind as he tried to reach a decision.
Should he start the parade and go ahead
with only a handful of men, or should he
call off the march and put an end to this
farce, as some onlookers had already
loudly advised?
Suddenly, McCabe whirled to see
machinist Matthew Maguire, another or-
ganizer, running across the lawn.
Theyre coming! Theyre coming!
Maguire panted.
The Jewelers, the Jewelers from
Newark, hundreds of them, and they have
a marching band.
Scarcely had Maguire fnished, when
the band could be heard playing tunes
from the then-current musical hit, Pa-
tience, by Arthur Sullivan and libretto by
W. S. Gilbert.
Without a pause, the smartly stepping
craftsmen, each one carrying a beribboned
cane against his shoulder like an infan-
try offcers sword,
swung north onto
Br oadway and
headed off on the
appointed route,
wi t h Mc C a b e
and the six-man
mounted pol i ce
escort following.
The frst Labor Day
Parade was under-
But McCabes
troubles were not over yet. At nearly
every street corner, the procession was
halted by policemen demanding to see
the parade permit. This harassment only
ceased when 500 burly bricklayers took
up their stations in the line of the march.
After much debate, these men had agreed
to give up a days pay to serve as marshals
for this parade, and they were in no mood
to be trifed with. By the time the parade
had reached 14th Street, it had swelled
to 20,000 or more, and even the most
reactionary authorities had given up any
thought of interfering.
The sprinkling of idlers on the side-
walks was soon replaced by sympathetic
crowds drawn by the music of dozens of
bands and thrilled by the performances
of the Big 6, the local Typographers Union
famed for its precision marching. Signs
ranging from Labor Pays All Taxes to 8
Hours Constitutes A Days Work caught
the attention of sweatshop workers who
peered warily through tightly closed win-
dows. When lunchtime came hundreds
more joined in, marching along as far
as their time permitted. By the time the
parade broke up at its terminus beside
reservoir Park, now the site of the New
York Public Library on 42nd Street, it was
clear the labor had shown a unity and a
determination that could no longer be
ignored by friend or foe.
The participants in the Great March
had every right to celebrate, and celebrate
they did that evening at Wendells Elm
Park, then located at 92nd Street and
Ninth Avenue in the wilderness of up-
per Manhattan. Admission was 25 cents,
which entitled you to all the beer and
simple, but plentiful, fare you could get
down, and all the speeches you could
bear. The elevated railway laid on extra
trains to accommodate the thousands
upon thousands who joined the party,
which continued far into the night. Per-
haps because the speeches were merci-
fully short and feelings of fraternity so
strong, there were no incidents to mar
labors day in the sun, and everyone went
peacefully home to bed.
Although the original organizers of
the parade had thought of it as a single
event, the triumph of 1882 soon led
them to think of Labor Day as an annual
event. It was calculated that the march-
ers had lost about $75,000 in wages, an
astronomical sum in those days, by their
participation, but their zeal was undi-
minished. Parades were indeed held in
the following years, but Labor Day did
not become a national holiday until 1898.
Agreement on the day to celebrate, how-
ever, was not reached until 1923, when
Wyoming became the last of the states
to recognize the holiday and set it for the
frst Monday in September.
Over the decades, much of the signif-
cance of the day has faded, and it is often
thought of as a convenient time to hold a
sale or to mark the end of summer. But
when labor marches in towns and cities
across the nation, it should remind us all
of a time when paid holidays, eight-hour
days and overtime pay were the utopian
dreams of bold and farsighted men who
risked everything for what they believed
in. They had other dreams too, like ending
racism and organizing great labor coop-
eratives that are not realized even today.
But the struggle goes on.
Photo: Labor Day Parade, 1885.
National Guard keeps picketers at bay as
strikebreakers work, halting all protests.
November 2014 Industrial Worker Page 15
By Dennis S. Boatwright,
Mid-Michigan Correctional Facility
Lingering inside a mismanaged,
overcrowded prison systemand quietly
foating atop a raging sea of unharnessed
violence and wholesale despairlives a
shining group of prisoners who manage
to keep the fre of their sanity, dignity
and intellectual dexterity glowing despite
living in corrupt institutions that nourish,
glamorize and facilitate dark tendencies.
The existence of these unique indi-
viduals is largely unknown by society.
Their voices are muted and maliciously
misrepresented by lawmakers and status
quo media outlets, whose political survival
and television ratings signifcantly depend
upon making dreadful perceptions of pris-
oners seem like reality. Toughen-crime
rhetoric is amplifed to rescue endangered
re-election bids. The resulting pattern re-
veals itself as an endless passing of redun-
dant crime bills and a surge in television
crime shows, such as Prison Break and
Juvies. U.S. politicians portray sympa-
thy. This is a winning strategy: as long as
the crime rate is above zero, theoretically,
tougher legislation is warranted.
Forgotten in this hype are scores of
reformed and self-taught prisoners. These
brilliant prisoners possess extraordinary
intellectual capabilities that are benefcial
to society. Many demonstrate that they
are willing and capable of participating
in scholarly discourses. The fact that they
exist should not surprise those familiar
with the history of resistance.
The social environment of prisons
produces one of the worlds most perplex-
ing paradoxes: they house dangerous and
chronic lawbreakers, yet they also produce
great thinkers who are models of strength
and integrity. Throughout history, pris-
oners have played an important role in
advancing the parameters in the social
sciences. Important papers and political
treatises were written by authors held in
dungeons or solitary confnement. Some
of their work continues to inspire millions
and infuence the direction of academic
discussion today. One of these convicts
was Antonio Gramsci.
Antonio Gramsci is regarded by many
as the most infuential Marxist thinker of
the 20th century. He was jailed in 1926
for his political activities in Italy during
the authoritarian rule of Benito Mus-
solini, the Fascist premier of Italy from
1922-43. While in prison, Gramsci wrote
Prison Notebooks, a collection of notes
and essays. His work has become very
infuential in the study of international
political economy, and he is credited with
originating the concept of the organic
intellectual. According to Gramsci, only
by achieving cultural hegemony could
progressives move into the stage of
socioeconomic revolution. Gramsci be-
lieved that dominant ideologies become
embedded in society, to the extent that
they begin to be considered unquestioned
common sense. Whats more remarkable
about Gramsci is that he wrote without
access to books, and also in code, in order
to circumvent the prison censor. Gramsci
remained in prison for 11 years, until his
untimely death.
Great thinkers and leaders often tower
higher in death than in life. Sayyid Qutb
may be counted among them. Sayyid Qutb
is considered the ideological grandfather
of modern Islamic militancy. Through-
out his life he delivered fiery speeches
and wrote scathing articles and essays
condemning the oppression of Muslims
in general and the atrocities and human
rights abuses perpetrated by the Egyp-
tian government in particular. Accused of
trying to assassinate Egyptian President
Gamal Abdel Nasser in October 1954,
Qutb was thrown into prison and tor-
tured. While in prison, he continued his
political activities, effectively converting
Egyptian jails into universities of radical
Islamic thought. Before his execution in
1966, Qutb managed to smuggle out the
manuscript of his monumental book,
Milestones, chapter by chapter. Senior
intelligence offcials begrudgingly concede
that Qutbs life and works continue to rally
todays resistance activities in Iraq and in
the broader Middle East.
Most educated African-American
prisoners boast that George Jackson had
a profound impact on their decision to
take corrective steps toward rehabilita-
tion. Jackson was sent to prison for a petty
robbery. During his incarceration he spent
most of his time reading and chopping it
up (raising the sociopolitical awareness)
with his fellow convicts, which earned
him the ire of prison authorities. In his
own words:
For the first four years I studied
nothing but economics and military
ideas. I met Black guerrillas, George Big
Jake Lewis and James Carr, W.L. Nolen,
Bill Christmas, Terry Gibson and many,
many others. We attempted to transform
the Black criminal mentality into a Black
revolutionary mentality. As a result, each
of us has been subjected to years of the
most vicious violence by the state.
Jackson and two other prisoners
John Clutchette and Fleeta Drumgowere
charged with the murder of a white prison
guard, John Mills, that happened just mo-
ments after another white prison guard,
O.G. Miller, was exonerated on Jan. 13,
1970 for the racist shooting death of three
Black prisonersCleveland Edwards,
Alvin Miller and W.L. Nolenat Soledad
State Prison. While in solitary confne-
ment, Jackson authored Soledad Brother:
The Prison Letters of George Jackson
and Blood in My Eye. Jacksons plight
attracted international attention and his
writings exposed the cruel anatomy of the
Prison Industrial Complex. Blood in My
Eye is regarded as the convicts version of
Frantz Fanons Wretched of the Earth.
Both books have been canonized and ad-
mitted into the pantheon of revolutionary
literature. Jackson is still esteemed as the
premier penitentiary revolutionary. He
was assassinated by gun tower guards on
Aug. 21, 1971. Space constraints prevent
enumeration of the scores of other pris-
oners who are worthy of mention, such as
rosa Luxemburg (The Mass Strike: The
Political Party and the Trade Union),
Eldridge Cleaver (Soul on Ice), Leon
Trotsky, and numerous others.
Prisons are insulated from societys
distractions, which enables time for in-
trospection and contemplation. This is
one explanation as to why prisons have
a transformative power for certain pris-
oners. During isolation, some prisoners
discover unusual abilities and untapped
potentials which lay dormant inside of
them. Oppressive prison conditions ac-
count for the signature militant disposi-
tion of some learned prisoners. In prison,
some prisoners also sharpen their skills of
observing variations of human behavior,
including that of prison guards. They see
the best of human behavior as well as the
worst expressions of racism being exhib-
ited by the prison staff. The torture and
sadistic photos documented at Iraqs Abu
Ghraib prison is not uncommon in U.S.
prisons. Future leaders and thinkers are
projected to emerge from prisons. Conse-
quently, counterintelligence measures are
used to forestall this possibility. In 1994
college grants were taken away from all
U.S. prisons.
This measure was intended to stunt
the academic growth of prisoners and
inhibit the development of critical think-
ing. Acquiring knowledge is an expensive
endeavor; intellectually inclined prisoners
need the support of society. They need
funds to procure educational material
such as news magazines, scholarly journals
and college textbooks. Prisoners do not
have access to the internet. This restric-
tion severely hampers their ability to do
research and stay abreast of new fndings
and developments.
In this tumultuous post-9/11 worlda
world with a shortage of capacity backed
solutions to our problemswe need input
from every segment of society, including
prisoners. If we overlook the insights of
knowledgeable prisoners, we may in fact
be ignoring the next Malcolm X.
Letters From Prisoners
Understanding The Role Of Prisoner Intellectuals
The Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) is now
organizing prisoners for IWW membership and direct action.
We need your help.
Can you write letters to prisoners? Can you spread the news? Can you
spare $10 for stamps and other campaign needs?
Please donate to IWOC directly through IWW GHQ, or through,
and contact us via Facebook at
Sponsor an Industrial Worker
subscription for a prisoner! The
IWW often has fellow workers
& allies in prison who write to
us requesting a subscription to
the Industrial Worker, the offcial
newspaper of the IWW. This is
your chance to show solidarity!
For only $18 you can buy one
full years worth of working-class
news from around the world for a
fellow worker in prison. Just visit:
worker-sub-prisoner.html to order
the subscription TODAY!
Graphic: L.A.W. Riotous Conditions @ S.E.C.C.
In November We Remember Steve Biko,
murdered in September 1977 in the apartheid
states police room 619, and his colleague Den-
nis Brutus who helped organize the expulsion of
South Africa from the 1964 and 1968 Olympics.
In November We Remember Nate Smith and
the urgent need for racial integration of the
building trade unions in Pittsburgh today and
Pittsburghs favorite son of the Black Diaspora
August Wilson.
In November We Remember the victims of
factory fres and factory collapses in Bangla-
desh, the people who make our clothes, and we
lift up, hold in the light, the National Garment
Workers Federation of Bangladesh, their re-
gional organizing of workers and victims and
their organizing with us in the diaspora. As the Catholic Workers in Pittsburgh
ofer, Traveling Mercies for us all.
Buy press stamps from your IWW Delegate to support the ongoing print
publication of the Industrial Worker.
Ad paid for by the Pittsburgh Anti Sweatshop Community Alliance
Steve Biko. Photo:
Page 16 Industrial Worker November 2014
Support international solidarity!
Assessments for $3
and $6 are available
from your delegate or
IWW headquarters:
PO Box 180195,
Chicago, IL 60618,
The IWW formed the International Solidarity Commission to help the union build
the worker-to-worker solidarity that can lead to effective action against the bosses
of the world. To contact the ISC, email [email protected].
Building Connections Around The World
By IWW Greece
Sept. 18, 2014 marked one year since
the murder of anti-fascist artist and work-
er Pavlos Fyssas by thugs of the Golden
Dawn, the Greek neo-Nazi party. IWW
Greece commemorated the one-year an-
niversary of Fyssass sacrifce participat-
ing in Thessaloniki, Athens, and in the
block of the local assemblies of Keratsini,
reminding people that an injury to one is
an injury to all. Under no circumstances
should we forget his sacrifce. It was a
political assassination, a cowardly effort
by the political underworld to hit critical
humanism and social consciousness.
A monument in his memory was
unveiled in Keratsini, at the spot where
he was murdered. Anti-fascist rallies
were held in several cities across Greece
and abroad. Up to 10,000 attended the
unveiling ceremony and demonstrated
in the streets of Keratsini. During the
demonstration in Keratsini clashes broke
out between the police and a group of
protesters. Similar clashes also broke out
in Patra, Mytilene and Thessaloniki dur-
ing anti-fascist demonstrations. Mayor of
Keratsisni accuses police of fascist bru-
tality. Greek police fred teargas without
discrimination at protesters and espe-
cially at the block of the local assemblies
of Keratsiniwhich was the largest block
(more than 5,000 people)at the begin-
ning of the demonstration. In this block
Anti-Fascist Demonstrations In Greece
gathered activists and protesters from
the greater anti-authoritarian, anarchist
and anarcho-syndicalist groups, initia-
tives and movement. It was evident that
this block will be targeted by the police
since it presents radical, self-organized
and uncontrollable social activism. The
government sent a message that de-
mocracy is synonymous with repression
and the totalitarian state of exclusion by
spreading more than 4,000 riot police for
provocation in the area, similar to a junta.
With this threat in mind, IWW Greece
offered to coordinate the medical support
of the demonstration and to organize a
team of street medics to support protest-
ers during all phases of the demonstra-
tion. The police attacks were continuous
and intensive for more than two hours,
against the determined protesters who
scattered in four directions. More than
100 people required frst aid and medi-
cal treatment. Fellow Worker Argyris
Argyriadis, the IWW doctor who coordi-
nated the medical support within the lo-
cal assemblies and the anti-authoritarian
block, mentioned that in many cases not
only had the police attacked without any
provocation from the protesters, but they
also refused to allow frst aid to injured
people. They also attacked and beat medi-
cal personnel during the protest.
If you would like to contact IWW
Greece, email [email protected].
By Florian H., William B., J. Pierce,
and Anders M. of the ISC
The International Solidarity Commis-
sion (ISC) is sponsoring a speaking tour
by Taiwan IWW member Fellow Worker
(FW) Catta Chou. She is an organizer for
the Youth Labor Union 95, runs the mi-
grant worker shelter of Serve the People
Association, hosts labor flms with Trans-
Movement Studio, and organizes around
gender justice. Her talks will highlight
the fghts by tech manufacturing workers,
youth and migrant workers, and indig-
enous residents in Taiwan. She will be
presenting at a conference in Washington,
D.C., with stops in New York City, Portland
and Seattle. Make sure to meet her!
Ellison Mooreheads talk at this years
IWW Convention in Chicago was tremen-
dous and she met many Wobblies eager to
hear about the Confederacin Nacional del
Trabajo (CNT) in Spain, their fghts, their
internal organization, and their response
to the capitalist crisis. Thanks, FW Bran-
don, of the 2013 ISC, for helping make this
talk a success and in strengthening our
bond to our CNT comrades!
The ISC is endorsing FWs Monika
and David as they head to Rome and
Vatican City, Italy to represent the IWW
at the World Meeting of Popular Move-
ments. This unique conference is being
hosted by the Catholic Church and FW
Francisco (Pope Francis), and organized
by Brazils Movimento dos Trabalhadores
rurais Sem Terra (MST) and Argentinas
Confederacin de los Trabajadores de la
Economa Popular (CTEP). The IWW was
invited to attend by members of CTEP with
whom FW Tristan made a good connection
during his travels in South America. Say
some Hail Marys for our FWs and wish
them luck!
In the past few months, the ISC has
been discussing the renewed attacks on
Gaza by the Israeli government and sub-
sequent international efforts to respond,
including the Block the Boat campaign.
The ISC will be publishing a statement
reaffirming the IWWs commitment to
the struggle of Palestinian workers and
in favor of the effort to isolate the Israeli
government using economic means, such
as blocking shipping, boycotts, etc. This
statement will also include support for
those who speak out in favor of the Pal-
estinians and condemnation of the U.S.
governments complicity in war crimes.
Look for that statement.
The ISC sends greetings to the confer-
ence of the Red & Black Coordination in
Madrid, Spain. The red & Black Coor-
dination, of which the IWW is a friendly
observer, includes sister unions such as
the Confederacin General del Trabajo
(CGT) in Spain, the Sveriges Arbetares
Centralorganisation (SAC Syndikaliste-
rna) in Sweden, Inicjatywa Pracownicza
(IP) in Poland, and the Confdration
Nationale du Travail (CNT-f) in France.
The ISC voted to assist an FW from Europe
to attend on behalf of the IWWs European
Regional Administration (ERA) and the
ISC. Hello, syndicalists!
Other interesting contacts include:
a hotel worker in the Cayman Islands
asked for advice on building a union there
where such organizations are evidently
illegal; a doctor who is helping to build a
radical union in Pakistan inquired about
creating a connection with the IWW; the
ISC is following heated struggles in Hong
Kong and is supporting the call for general
strikes; and lastly we are also sending a
condolence letter to the Central Sindi-
cal e Popular (CSP Conlutas-Brasil) in
remembrance of Dirceu Didi Travesso,
who recently passed away after months in
the hospital. Dirceu was active for years in
numerous labor and socialist projects and
will be missed by many Brazilian workers
You can reach the ISC by emailing
[email protected].
By John Kalwaic
On Sept. 8, construction workers
launched a protest against poor working
conditions in Istanbuls Halkal neighbor-
hood. In addition to bad working condi-
tions, many workers said they they did
not receive regular wages and many had
worms and other parasites in the meals
Construction Workers Riot In Istanbul
the company fed
them. Ten workers
also died in a con-
struction disaster
on Sept. 6, caused by
unsafe conditions.
The construction
workers went on
strike and held signs
and shouted slogans
calling for the man-
agements resigna-
tion. Other workers
blocked the major
roadways near the
construction sites, effectively shutting
them down. Some construction workers
began setting materials and equipment
on fre. riot police were dispatched to the
area as well as fre trucks to put out the
fres. The riot lasted around fve hours.
With fles from Revolution News!
By John Kalwaic
On Aug. 18, approxi-
mately 10,000 port truckers
went on strike in Ningbo,
China. The workers havent
gotten a raise in eight years.
The port of Ningbo is Chi-
nas third busiest port and
the worlds sixth busiest
port. The main strike took
place in Ningbo-Zhoushans
seaport, which surpasses
Shanghai in terms of com-
mercial importance. Work-
ers locked down the con-
tainer yards and prevented scabs from
picking up the containers.
Around 200 other drivers
from smaller companies
then locked down all six
terminals. Both the Chinese
police and military were or-
dered in to quell the strikes
but were overwhelmed by
the striking drivers. The po-
lice managed to arrest only a
few of the drivers. The strike
lasted almost a week with the
employers fnally agreeing to
give the workers a 12 percent
With fles from
Port Trucker Strike In Ningbo, China
Photo: IWW Greece Block of the local anti-fascist assemblies of Keratsini.

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