23st Alternative Edition of New Light of Myanmar

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23st Alternative edition of New Light of Myanmar editor in chief: James Russell Brownwood

Established 2008

Volume XVII, Number 243@ 14th Waning of Nadaw 1371 ME Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

INSIDE HIV Information for Myanmar [him]

HIV Information for Myanmar [him] is a weblog and
To join or not to join email list that is updated daily. If you have email access
and an interest in the response to HIV in Burma then
send a message to
I think the opinions on the 2010 [email protected] to become a
elections are ambiguous: on one side new subscriber. If you have internet access the weblog
everyone wants to escape from the version of [him] is at http://him.civiblog.org
dictatorial repression as much as HIV Information for Myanmar [him] tries to get closer to
possible and thus may think it is best truth because, as U Thant pointed out over forty years
to participate in the elections. On ago, "in times of war and of hostilities the first casualty is
the other side it is contradictory to
have to accept the junta's rules in
order to participate in the elections
and to accept that the result will
never be 100% of what one would
desire: 100% elected
representatives, no 25% unelected San
military representation. An
additional practical issue is the Suu
impossibility to fully participate
while many main leaders are
politically imprisoned.


Than Shwe, above the law, escapes conviction for

genocide, crimes against humanity, while Aung San
Suu Kyi has been convicted for offering hospitality to a
stranger; all that because of the junta's excessive,
rigid, invalid, unfair and undue laws and orders.
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


To join or not to join

James Russell Brownwood

Rigged elections Broken promises The junta would like to urge the pro-
democracy forces to co-operate with the
(04mar2009) (25sep2009) SPDC. Well, it could be put the other way
What is to be expected from the I wish I would have positive around as well: I rather would urge the
upcoming 2010 elections? Will they be fair? expectations of the 2010 elections. SPDC to bilaterally cooperate with the
Unfortunately I don't due to the past opposition. Until know the SPDC has
Won't they be rigged? Won't they be
experience we have with the credibility of shown its unwillingness to enter into
manipulated? I think those elections will be
the junta. The so-called improvements are reconciliation (note the difference with
as fake as the 2008 referendum. First of all rather disputable. Cease-fires with ethnic, 'reconsolidation') talks with the opposition,
many opposition parties may not be armed groups sometimes have been forced where the opposition (e.g. Aung San Suu
involved for logical reasons that I already or reached using deception. Ethnic groups Kyi) has always shown its preparedness to
explained in detail in my article "To oppose not having agreed to a cease-fire (returning start those. It is the SPDC that is rigid,
or to compromise", published in the 13th to the "legal fold", becoming border guards) stubborn and only wants others to accept its
and 14th @NLMs of 14 and 24 November risk and face being violently attacked by the conditions. I want the SPDC to be flexible
2008 (see website below). Hence the results Tatmadaw. The 2008 Referendum on the and bend in the first place. Only then
of the elections never will be a Constitution was very much rigged as we all substantial progress can be made.
representative reflection of the people and know. What may we expect from the
what they actually would like to vote. promises of the junta regarding the To join or not to join
Secondly, knowing the junta by now, they elections? Does one remember what
just will fool and deceive everyone again, as happened in 1990? Broken promises! (14aug2009)
What consequences may all this
they always have done. Before the 2008
I think the opinions on the 2010 have to the preparations (if any) of various
Referendum I have declared their results as
elections are ambiguous: on one side opposition parties for the 2010 elections?
invalid and I'll do the same with the 2010 everyone wants to escape from the Making clear that the junta should leave, or
elections: its results will be invalid and dictatorial repression as much as possible at least does not make (a 25%) part of a next
should not be recognised by anyone. and thus may think it is best to participate in government and else not participating? Or
the elections. On the other side it is making the best of it, participating in the
Junta supporters blame the NLD (or contradictory to have to accept the junta's elections as prescribed and foreseen by the
the opposition in general) for not wanting to rules in order to participate in the elections junta, and see what happens? A difficult
participate in the upcoming 2010 elections. and to accept that the result will never be dilemma as Burma still is in the phase of
It would show their lack of cooperation, 100% of what one would desire: 100% repression by the dictators, who have the
their lack of "pity for the poor citizens", elected representatives, no 25% unelected physical power and the arms and can do as
their lack of experience and quality to rule military representation. An additional they like. And if wanting to participate, how
the country democratically, their practical issue is the impossibility to fully to if many good party members are
incapability to improve the country participate while many main leaders are politically jailed? Of course the junta
politically imprisoned. deliberately puts its opponents in such a
economically and their lack of a feeling of
weak and vulnerable position.
responsibility for the people and the
One might expect the political
country. The NLD (LA) and other prisoners to be possibly released after An intermediate solution possibly
opposition parties would only be interested '2010'. That may be true, but that is 20 years might be to participate in the 2010 elections,
in their own power and not so much in the too late. The NLM often carries a slogan to prepare for it now, while at the same time
fate of the Burmese people. These views of "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years continuing to repeat the demand to want a
course represent wishful thinking, hoping ago, the second best time is now.". I think it government without the junta and,
that the opposition will not compete, hoping is intended to point to stimulating the especially to the NLD, to want the necessary
that they will be intimidated sufficiently to people's cooperation in building the country, immediate release of all political prisoners.
indeed refrain from participating. In such a persuading them to follow the government One may also declare to participate under
case the junta would be able to say that the and to stop opposing. But I think it could protest, that is to accept the situation as a
opposition has no moral right to raise its also be applied to persuade the junta to status quo for the time being, but that if the
voice anymore, it had its chance and didn't admit its past and present mistakes and to situation changes, if the junta in some way
take it. That situation should preferably be release the political prisoners immediately, is ruled out, and that at that time the 2008
they should be released now and not just in referendum, constitution and 2010 elections
avoided, rigging or not.
one or two years. (see page 12)
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


Duties or crimes
James Russell Brownwood

Main humanitarian crimes of the junta 66 different towns and cities across the lives could yet have been saved;
country. The SPDC responded to the
(14+19aug2009) protests with predictable and 10. The lies and deceptions in the state run
Junta supporters regard the below disproportionate levels of violence despite media about the 1990 elections: Examples
listed actions of the junta as just the best and numerous international calls for restraint. of making calculations in the NLMs: 30% =
necessary legal actions to take in certain Thousands were arrested, hundreds 31% = 38% = 1/3; 15million = 20million =
circumstances, in order to "maintain peace wounded, and scores are believed to have (almost) 21million; 7million = (almost)
and stability, law and order", to prevent and been killed." 8million; "more than 12M were against
combat unrest, rebellion, anarchy, a civil <http://www.ncgub.net/article.php?story=20 NLD", whereas only 5.3M valid votes were
war, possibly disintegration of the country 080309233352689> not NLD; "20% for NLD" based on not
and to control criticism and protest against eligible, invalid and non- voters too instead
their policy. Opposition supporters (and the 4. The (long lasting) detention (mostly of on voters; arbitrary exchange of "eligible
opposition) regard each of the below listed without a trial) of Aung San Suu Kyi and voters" (20,818,313), "voters" (15,112,524)
actions more or less criminal acts, the existence of some 2200 political and valid voters (13,253,606) in
unnecessary and unjustified, only to the prisoners, including lawyers; calculations; different calculation methods
benefit of the rulers (military leaders and for NUP and NLD (different 100%
judicial system) for which they have to 5. The testified, officially reported torture, amounts) and as a result: "33% NLD vs
account some time. It is irresponsible to let denial of medical care and murder of 20% NUP", while in reality 60% NLD
this feudal, medieval government continue political prisoners (genocide); (7,934,622 votes) and 21% NUP (2,805,559
to exist. Crimes that the junta can be votes), almost 3 times as many for the NLD
accused of are: 6. The continuous killing and abusing (resulting in 81% seats). Deception or
(raping) of ethnic people and the destruction idiocy. The Big Brother 1+1=3 effect.
1. Detaining ASSK unlawfully during 14 of of their villages by the Tatmadaw Responsible people should be fired;
the past 20 years without taking (genocide);
responsibility for all the (judicial) 11. The prohibition of personal freedom,
consequences of that detention. 7. Chasing ethnic groups out of the country freedom of (critical) speech, freedom of
(Rohingyas) (genocide). "Rohingyas are not press;
2. The abuse of an abolished law (from Myanmars" and must leave, junta: "we don't 12. The child-soldiers recruited by the
1974-1988) to get ASSK convicted and put accept them", shoot them into space, Tatmadaw.
away from the political stage for the 2010 whatever. Race discrimination! Comparison
elections. 1988: 1974 Constitution annulled, to EU, US and UK is lacking here: "Jews Why can't the junta members be prosecuted
including the 1975 State Security Law (art. are no Europeans, should be murdered in Burma? Doesn't the law have articles to
2). The prosecution had testified that the (done), Black Americans are not the original prohibit all that? Isn't the law in accordance
Restriction Order was imposed to restrict ones, imported as slaves from Africa; with the Universal Declaration of Human
(or) withdraw her Fundamental Rights as should be sent home. Indians, Pakistanis, Rights? Or only on paper?
stipulated in the 1974 Constitution of the Burmese, etc. from former UK colonies
Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma. don't belong in UK, should leave forcedly"; Criticise and arrest

3. The violent crackdown of peaceful mass 8. The breaking of promises from before the (04mar2009)
demonstrations against the exorbitant raise elections in 1990 after them. During 1989 If we wouldn't really expect any
of fuel prices (Sep 2007) (genocide). The the SLORC statements gradually became change in Burma as a result of protests of
army shot unarmed demonstrators, killed somewhat obscure and less pronounced. human rights activists, as a result of the
31, wounded and arrested many. "In August They came back on their promises after the (failed, past and future) diplomatic UN
and September 2007, the people of Burma NLD campaigned clearly for basic civil missions to Burma or as a result of the
took to the streets in protest of the continued rights, including freedom of expression, economic sanctions, then should we yet
oppressive rule of the State Peace and publication and assembly; accept to let all kinds of abuse and
Development Council (SPDC). These oppression to go on, should we stop
protests represented the largest overt public 9. The genocide by restricting foreign and protesting and leave the victims to
display of dissent against the SPDC in 20 private, non-governmental domestic themselves? Should we allow the abuse and
years with hundreds of thousands of humanitarian aid after the cyclone Nargis. A repression to continue because we can do
demonstrators marching in protest in no lot of international help refused for a long nothing about it? Should we close our eyes,
fewer than 227 separate demonstrations in time or indefinitely. Many thousands of (see page 12)
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


The junta breaks contracts

James Russell Brownwood
(01sep2009) break the cease-fire agreements with them themselves and participating in the 2010
The junta breaks the cease-fire agreements and forcing them "to return to the legal elections still is a disputable issue. Of
fold". That is no reconciliation, no course it would be nice if the junta created
Quite recently I questioned: does the compromise, no peace, that is forced such conditions that it would become
junta care for its people? Does the junta surrender and expelling (or else attractive to join, but I don't see that happen.
really want peace and democracy? Does the extermination), consolidating and Examples of such conditions though would
junta really want to fulfil everybody's reinforcing the position of the junta in the be: the release of all political prisoners and
political desire, uninfluenced, not forced, country, continuing the oppression. Not that allowing international advisors and
not intimidated, freely expressed? Until now I am amazed about it, it could be expected observers during the election process.
everything points in the opposite direction: from criminals like them. After all, they are
continuing imprisonment of political plotting all kinds of tricks to rig the Consolidation (01sep2009)
opponents, one-sided breaking cease-fire elections and its results beforehand. We still It looks like the junta is
contracts with (ethnic) armed groups since should expect many more like tricks in the orchestrating the ideal conditions around the
June 2009 and chasing, expelling tens of coming months, especially directed towards 2010 elections for themselves, not being
thousands of ethnic people out of Burma the NLD and its leaders. That is how Than bothered by opponents, intimidating every
(over the Chinese border), pogroms, Shwe spends his time. national by the physical power of the giant
extermination, genocide, neo-Nazism. and strongly armed Tatmadaw, letting
"National interest" I have heard many times, I don't regard the armed, ethnic everyone fear the junta's physical power and
junta interest; where did I hear that before? groups with cease-fire agreements with the will over one's life and death, convincing
Worshipping collectivism, nationalism, Tatmadaw/SPDC as traitors. Doing business and forcing everyone to obey the junta
patriotism, self-denial. Collective interest with the junta in the interest of the people blindly, prohibiting freedom and criticism in
over individual interest, collectivism over (from a specific region) is not wrong or the broadest sense, eliminating all armed
individualism, communism over socialism, reprehensible. Just as long as those groups opposition. Peace and stability, according to
dictatorship over democracy. People are keep their identity, strive for their goals, the junta's notion of it, no compromise, no
supposed if not forced to sacrifice their life,respect their (civil) people's (human rights) dialogue, no reconciliation, but negligence
even while living, for their country. Armed and are not manipulated or forced by the of serious attempts by the opposition to
opposition groups are violently forced "to SPDC. It is NPT plotting to take their concede, brutal oppression, catching critical,
return to the legal fold" or be killed. Is all weapons and freedom, weakening those but innocent people by the tentacles of the
that government violence necessary to groups, making them puppets of Nay Pyi octopus, a black hole, no way out, a hell of a
prevent a civil war? Destroying a nation and Taw, obedient and easily manipulated. NPT country like in George Orwell's novel
its inhabitants, the people themselves can't does not give in but demands from groups "1984". Chasing and silencing, rape and rob,
possibly do it more thoroughly? Do we have like that to give in. That is no equality, no catch and tie, torture and murder, that is the
to believe that? respect, not fair. I rather would like seeing junta's way to force quietness and stability,
those groups to stay as and where they are, their notion of law and order, the fabricated
(02sep2009) preparing for once turning over the junta and rigid laws and the warlike situations and
The problem with (some of) the and until then to protect their people as conditions they create, provoking and
armed, ethnic groups is that their origin and much as possible and to serve as a symbol justifying international critic and sanctions.
actions may be disputable, not always of independence, freedom and power to its The rigging of the 2010 'elections' already
having behaved according to human rights people. has started. Democracy? Terror! Endless
standards. However, goals and means of terror! Worse than a temporary civil war.
groups and individuals may change over I very much condemn the tricks of
time and currently most of the armed groups the junta that we've seen and those that we The junta is going its own way,
exist as an expression of some independence still will see to weaken the position of their already clearly defined. They don't care a bit
of the junta in Nay Pyi Taw, representing, opponents and to intimidate the (ethnic) about the opposition's or international
and if necessary, protecting the ethnic people even more. I don't see any gain for opinion; they laugh at the UN and the
people in their concerning regions, a status those regional, armed groups in joining the puppets of the US government. They go
of freedom fighters (not rebels or Tatmadaw, much more a loss of physical along as it suits them and not an inch
insurgents). These indeed could transform power, of identity, of status. They directly further. Than Shwe shapes his own course
into (regional) political parties. can form political parties from that position and everything, everyone has to make way
if they want to, instead of or next to their for him. He does not tolerate critic and
But I think it is completely wrong of armed wings. But I do not say that they disobedience. His thoughts are the law and
the generals in Nay Pyi Taw to one-sided 'should' do so; they have to decide about it (see page 12)
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


The junta can lift the sanctions!

James Russell Brownwood
The junta can lift the During the coming weeks and effect the same goals are aimed at via
sanctions by themselves months we will see whether the junta really another strategy: dialogue, a means and a
cares for its people (or for itself); until now goal on itself.
This is a repetition of what already the opposite is apparent. The junta can and
has been said many times, including by me should do the first step, not the West. After I have said before that there are
(October 2008): the generals themselves all the sanctions were largely imposed as a (intended) advantages and (undesired,
have the power and means to lift the kind of retaliation after not honouring the adverse) disadvantages of those sanctions
sanctions completely. They are the key to results of the 1990 elections and making for the Burmese people. The intended
the solution, they can do the right move. Of political prisoners, not the other way advantages are touching, affecting the
course the generals did not really put those around. If the junta does not want to despotic rulers, forcing them to respect at
sanctions into force themselves and they cooperate in ending the sanctions they are to least minimal human rights norms, which
can't lift them directly, but they can blame, they are responsible for the has hardly been realised. Undesired side
indirectly. They created the conditions continuation of the poverty and misery in effects may be direct and indirect adverse
under which the sanctions were/are which many Burmese live. Now they should effects on the well-being, the poverty of the
provoked and justified and they can change break their isolation from the world. common people. Unintended direct effects
those conditions. The junta should not so may be for example unemployment,
much concentrate on the lifting of the Disputing the sanctions unintended indirect effects may be due to
sanctions by the West, but the more on the measures of the government as a result of
removal of the sanctioned conditions by [18nov2009] sanctions or for which the sanctions are
themselves. No symptom control but Since the beginning of October used as an excuse. Examples of unintended,
combating the source. Aung San Suu Kyi attempts to approach the indirect side effects are all kinds of goods
junta by saying she wants to discuss getting more expensive, tougher oppression
If the junta really cares for the important matters about Burma with Than (knife on the throat), political prisoners
Burmese people they should: Shwe or matters around possibly lifting or when criticising the government, denial of a
- immediately release all political prisoners, reducing the economic sanctions with large amount of Western humanitarian aid
including Aung San Suu Kyi; Western diplomats. Apparently her to the cyclone victims.
- resign themselves and transfer power to advances are not received unwillingly and
the winner of the latest (1990) elections; she already had talks with Western The sanctions, when they began (by
- possibly reconcile with the opposition to representatives. Her request to meet Than the US in 1988 after the violently crushed
avoid criminal prosecution. Shwe still hasn't been granted. pro-democracy demonstrations; by the EU
It would involve sacrificing themselves, but in 1996, increased in 2007 after the harsh
they were not elected after all. They only [09oct2009] crackdown of protests) were justified,
have to (re)define their priorities: I think it is good that Daw Aung San immediate and clear signs of Western
- the interest of the Burmese population; Suu Kyi (apparently) has changed her mind disapproval of the severe oppression in
- the justice for the Burmese people; about the economic sanctions of Western Burma, there is no doubt about that. But in
- cooperation with the Burmese people and nations against Burma. It is good if the the long term they did not have the intended
the opposition; sanctions would be considerably lifted; I effect, weakening the position of the
- the desire to fulfil the people's wishes, aka think the sanctions involving the denial of generals. Balancing the advantages and the
democracy; military equipment to the Burmese disadvantages, the intended effects and the
OR government that could be abused against the adverse effects, now has led the US to
- their personal interests in power, wealth, Burmese people, should remain effective. attempt another approach, which apparently
'adoration'; Furthermore I think Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is supported by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. I
- their extremely strong desire to suppress knows that she will get attention and be think that is good for the people and for her
any other competing powers; allowed to talk to Western diplomats if she and the opposition. It removes an important
- their extremely strong desire to prevent announces to reconsider the sanctioning argument of the junta (and its supporters)
(potential) disintegration and a (potential) measures, showing preparedness to request against the West and the opposition. Let's
civil war by way of violent force, fighting relief of the sanctions to the West. It is a wait and see what happens and let's hope for
one (possible but yet uncertain) evil with means to talk, to be heard, to be active, to positive developments in Burma,
another one; promote talks between the junta and the economically and politically, even before
- their fear of being arrested and tried (if West, exactly what is necessary to become '2010'. I support these initial developments.
they don't reconcile with the opposition, more influential. All of that initially was
admitting their mistakes). attempted to be forced the hard way; now
What will it be? that does not appear to have the desired ********
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


To capitulate or to revolt
James Russell Brownwood
Internal NLD revolution resulting in a bloody civil war? Would one order, peace and slavery, unity and
(03nov2009) have respect for such energetic deeds? obedience, no civil war or revolution,
Rumours are being spread in the quietness and silence, no objections, not a
Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.burma about Or would one want the younger sound as everyone's mouth is shut.
an upcoming rebellion inside the NLD. NLD members to change the direction of Prosperity, fulfillment of life like the
Younger party members would be their noses to blindly follow the self- working life of an ant. What a higher
dissatisfied about the goals and appointed, dictatorial junta and Than Shwe, horrendous perspective!
achievements of the older leaders, including even more enthusiastically than they now
Aung San Suu Kyi. They soon would follow the elected, democratic NLD leaders The fact that many of the efforts of
commit a coup, dismiss the existing and Aung San Suu Kyi? Would one want the opposition, inside and outside Burma,
leadership and take over. These rumours are them to become soldiers in the Tatmadaw, inside and outside prison, by Burmese and
being spread by one of the junta supporters, following Than Shwe's orders to destroy foreigners, turn out to be useless, a waste of
reporting about secret gatherings to that border regions, to rape ethnic women and to time and energy, is due to the stubborn and
purpose, that he claims ot know of. It is arrest opposition politicians? Would one strongly armed government, that doesn't
suggested that the younger generation want them to become like robots, fighting want to cooperate with the people, that
would be fed up with the allegedly rigid machines for the (d)evil Than Shwe? doesn't want to respond to the people's
attitude of the older generation and would "Befehl ist Befehl" / 'order is order' and desires. Indeed, if everyone would mind his
like to sail a more constructive and 'junta law is law'? own business nobody would complain. If
conformist course in the direction of the one obeys the junta one does not necessarily
junta's policy. Whether these rumours are Capitulate, accept reality need to expect oppression, though that in
true or may be plausible is not substantiated. (23+25sep2009) practice does not always seem true. If the
And even then the question is, whether the What an idea! Don't waste time, monks don't mind the wellbeing of the
younger ones would be more moderate or stop opposing the SPDC. Go along with the citizens, if they don't help and support the
just more extreme and ready for action. SPDC, set aside your principles, surrender. common people, they won't face the
Make plans for the future (elections and so repression so much. Likewise, if the
One way or the other on) as long as not contradictory to what the generals would mind their own business,
(18sep2009) Big Boss wants. You may choose any which is to give up their role as dictators
One fact is clear, which is that the colour as long as it is black. Plan to release making the rules and laws, deciding about
junta supporters apparently attribute a lot of the political prisoners in 65 years from now, the freedom of others and so on, they
power to the NLD leaders, more than don't spoil energy in getting them free wouldn't face opposition either.
realistically justified perhaps, being able, earlier, it wouldn't work at all. And you
even from jail, despite prohibition of don't risk to be beaten if not opposing, that Or never give up
speech, despite their weakness and being on itself already makes a difference. Just do
confined, to demand reconciliation talks as Than Shwe says, don't object if he chases Given that stuck situation, no
with the junta. That is very brashly at the you out of the country, rapes you, robs you correction of 1990, no substantial political
point of the Tatmadaw's guns, how dare or otherwise abuses you; it won't have any and social improvements yesterday and
they. Would one want the younger NLD effect as he is Big Brother with the guns and today, no release of major political prisoners
members to correct for the allegedly feeble bullets. If he puts you in prison for (previously elected politicians and potential
attitude of the 'pathetic' NLD leaders? something you said, don't say anything candidates), given the vain attempts to
Would one want those NLD members to anymore, don't protest and make plans for successfully oppose the junta, does not
take up their own responsibility? Would one the time after that, positive thinking! justify the termination of those efforts and
really want the younger members to choose Opposition is a waste of time and energy, it giving in to the junta. After all the common
new leaders from among themselves, who won't help because he will kill you and main and first goal is the removal of the
can be decisive, powerful and authoritarian, you've nothing left to obey him with. generals, the SPDC and the release of all
because they are not jailed? Would one (about 2300) political prisoners now, not
want them to follow their hearts and to carry Actually thinking and desiring on only in 2010, 20 years too late. So, despite
out their own desires? Would one want itself are a waste of time and energy, your the lost time and energy and the delay it
them to solve the Burmese problems and to goals will be unfeasible. Than Shwe will may cause in the junta's developments and
save Burma? Would one want an NLD think for you and knows what's best for you, promises, it is principally impossible to give
armed wing? Would one want the younger so you'd better kill your mind already and in to the junta, to set aside the primary goals
ones to ignore their current leaders and start continue living as a zombie/robot. Stop and to only strive for secondary (and
a violent revolution against the junta, thinking, obey! Then there will be law and (see page 7)
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


Monthly spy reports

James Russell Brownwood
every month of 2009
Chinese and DPRK Those from Chinese and Those from Chinese and
diplomats visited SPDC DPRK Embassies visited DPRK Embassies visited
HQ 28 times in August SPDC (Headquarters) SPDC (Headquarters)
30 times in September 27 times in October
07oct2009 10nov2009
RANGOON, 7 Sept - As State Peace and
Development Council (SPDC) has kept in RANGOON, 6 Oct-The State Peace and RANGOON, 9 Nov-The State Peace and
contact with embassies of the People's Development Council (Headquarters) has Development Council (Headquarters) has
Republic of China (PRC) and Democratic kept in touch with the Chinese and North kept in touch with the Chinese and North
People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and has Korean embassies and is following their Korean embassies and is following their
carried out their instructions, people have instructions. The people are criticizing such instructions. The people are criticizing such
criticized the Council for its actions and act of SPDC and keeping a watchful eye on act of SPDC and keeping a watchful eye on
have kept a watchful eye on it. Diplomats of it. Those from the Chinese and DPRK it. Those from the Chinese and DPRK
the embassies of China and North Korea in embassies visited the SPDC (Headquarters) embassies visited the SPDC (Headquarters)
Rangoon visited the headquarters of the at Bayint Naung Yeik Tha in Nay Pyi Taw at Bayint Naung Yeik Tha in Nay Pyi Taw
Council at Bayint Naung Yeik Tha in Nay 30 times in September 2009. During their 27 times in October 2009. During their
Pyi Taw (NPT) for 28 times in August. visits, they met with high ranked military of visits, they met with high ranked military of
They met with high ranked military of the the junta and gave small and large the junta and gave small and large
junta and presented small and big envelops envelopes and parcels to the latter - NLM. envelopes and parcels to the latter - NLM.
to them. – NLM.
Source: New Light of Myanmar, English Source: New Light of Myanmar, English
Source: New Light of Myanmar, English edition, 7 October 2009 (page 9) edition, 10 November 2009 (page 8)
edition, 8 September 2009 (page 9) ******** (see page 13)

the quality of the remaining life? Or would to oneself to give up fighting for freedom
To capitulate or to you say that the research efforts already and human rights, for one's quality of life.
have proven to be rather fruitless and better
revolt could be stopped, while you would Responsible decision
(James Russell Brownwood) concentrate on the things that you still can
(from page 6) do before dying soon, accepting a painful (03nov2009)
death? Whatever is true of those rumours
individual) goals or to postpone the primary on an emerging internal revolution in the
goals until 2010 or later. How can the A human being might give up his NLD? I haven't seen/read any other
people continue to do as if there are no main secondary and less important goals, but evidence pointing towards that direction. It
problems, influencing their life, their never his primary ones that form the does not seem logical either; conforming to
freedom, their health? meaning and purpose of his life. Apart from the junta by more or less giving in is
that psychological impossibility it is also contrary to the primary goal of desiring the
If a swarm of mosquitoes is politically unacceptable to let the oppression existence of the junta to cease and getting
attacking and stinging you, you hit around go on, to accept the continuing crimes more extreme is not sensible and feasible. I
you to chase them away. If that does not against humanity by the junta, the political think the current leaders are doing a good
work or not sufficiently, you don't stop debacle of 1990 and to deal with the junta as job as far as possible. They don't have much
attempting to chase them away, letting them if nothing is wrong. If an airplane with 150 power, but they are being heard, like Aung
prick you undisturbed while concentrating people has been hijacked and lengthy San Suu Kyi. And remaining non-violent,
on the walk you are about to do. No, you negotiations don't yield any result, one pacifist, is a strong quality, justifying the
can't do anything else than trying to get rid doesn't give up negotiating, letting those NLD's viable position as an important,
of those aggressive and irritating insects, 150 people die. One continues to negotiate legitimate opposition party. I wish them all
because they are thwarting your walk. Or if and to attempt to get all people free, the best with their decision to participate in
you would get cancer wouldn't you want the whatever it takes in terms of time, effort and the upcoming elections or not.
medical research to put all its efforts in money. One never gives up the primary goal
finding a cure or at least a means to increase in life, which is to live! It would be treason ********
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


Break with the past

James Russell Brownwood
the NLD will contest too, whether with or our generation, but by our forefathers, the
Broken promises and credibility without its main leaders like Aung San Suu older generation. Yet the currently still
Kyi, but rather with. Of course a new ongoing mistakes do not primarily need
[26sep2009] government has to learn how to govern a apologies, but correction and termination
During the past 21 years the SPDC country, but it will only have the full instead; they still can and should be changed
and its predecessor SLORC has shown to be support of the people if it will have been now, prevented to continue. So instead of
largely incredible, it has broken its promises 100% elected. waging a war against ethnic armed groups
around the 1990 elections, it has lied about such war crimes better should be prevented
it during the past 19 years and it has lied Until the 2010 elections we also now instead of apologised for afterwards.
about the course of the NC and the validity have to continue to influence and criticise And instead of releasing the political
of the 2008 Referendum. Of course we can't the junta to really give up its power and prisoners in a slow tempo after '2010' they
go back 19 years now and many things and dictatorship, not just in 2010, but also better should all be released today rather
opinions have changed since then, but quite before that, because that is the best for the than tomorrow, if the junta really has good
a lot can be corrected that hasn't been country. That isn't disturbing the course intentions of course (which I doubt very
corrected at all.. towards the elections; it is just a measure to much).
urge and forcing the junta to be fair and
First of all the SPDC could admit its honest this time. The SPDC may have Possible reasons for repression
failures of that time, like many other honourable objectives for the nation, but in Avoiding disintegration of Burma
governments of other countries have a democracy it is the people who take the
admitted failures from the (recent) past. final decision. I hope the people will have One of the junta's main reasons to
Doing so, showing its present good confidence in their own favourite parties remain in power may have been, as I've
intentions, the SPDC should immediately and in the future. heard, to avoid disintegration, splitting up
release all political prisoners and restore Burma. Then the main question is: was and
freedom, stop oppression and ethnic Historical mistakes, making good is it worth the repression, the killings, the
persecution, while inviting all parties to political prisoners, the tortures, the raping
participate in the 2010 elections, while [29sep2009] by the Tatmadaw, the lies and the
excluding themselves from a new What good reasons did the junta in deceptions? Is violently preventing division,
government unless elected. 1990 have not to transfer the state power to artificially uniting the country, really more
the NLD, the winner of the elections, important than obeying the people's wishes,
Until today the cease-fires with despite the junta's promises in advance? I whether or not that would involve splitting
armed ethnic groups form quite an think it would be good if younger (military) up? What benefit do the people have from
equilibrium with the Tatmadaw/SPDC in generations in Burma would apologise for such an artificial breathing device? Is
Burma and no one would like to change the mistakes in the history by their disintegration absolutely out of the question,
that. However, to the SPDC this is not ancestors, like many countries (US, even at the cost of blood, lives and
enough, the SPDC doesn't want that European countries) apologised for the freedom?
equilibrium and wants all regional armed slavery and race discrimination in the past,
groups to be broken down or to join the Germany apologised to the Jews, Japan to Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD around
Tatmadaw, that is why they are violently the abused women in occupied regions 1990 also declared to be against any
combating them. The SPDC wants all the during WWII, Australia recently apologised division of Burma, just like the junta. So,
power, just in their own interest, not in that to the aboriginals and there are more such what was the difference between the junta
of the people. examples. But in the case of Burma the and the NLD with regard to disintegration?
responsible people are still alive themselves Didn't the junta actually abuse the
Many people have reported not to be and I would like to hear some excuse from argument? Or was the difference that the
able to vote freely and were forced to vote them; then we can proceed towards the junta would violently force unity while the
YES. The reports and information on the future. NLD wanted democratic talks and
course of the voting procedures are widely agreements, not the guarantee that the junta
known. Of course, if (almost) all parties will The history of the world is full of wanted? And wasn't the reality that the junta
participate in the 2010 elections we can only humanitarian mistakes, there are black was startled from the election results,
hope to make the best of it. The prospects history pages everywhere. We can only intended to legitimise their position, failed
are not sufficient, the military still apologise for those mistakes and possibly in that, but yet wanted to maintain their
consolidate a quarter part of their presence somewhat correct for them by financial power and status?
in the government. But disregarding the compensation as those mistakes cannot be (see page 9)
elections isn't a good option either. I hope undone and have not been committed by us,
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf


Break with the past

James Russell Brownwood
(from page 8)
Whether or not those goals of the Change future history
Avoiding foreign influence junta are justified, whether or not the people
support those goals, it is very much the [01oct2009]
Avoiding foreign influence at all question whether the costs aren't too high to Mistakes have been made in the past
costs may be a main objective of the junta, meet them. After all, the people have to in Burma, in the remote past, in the recent
that may be clear. Democracy also implies past and even today. My opinion is that, no
suffer from the consequences of these
foreign influence, in particular Western matter what mistakes have been committed
influence from previously colonising intentions, while they do not decide about it. in the past, which we cannot change, we are
countries. That kind of influence obviously able to change, improve the present and the
is very much undesired by the junta. That (Re)consolidation future and we should do so by condemning
may be the junta's real argument to detain the presently ongoing repression by the
people like Aung San Suu Kyi, potentially Last but not least I sense a government/Tatmadaw. I must disapprove
forming a 'threat' to independence. contradiction between not wanting foreign the current existence of political prisoners,
According to them it is the opposition that influence and wanting no (economic) the ongoing oppression of (mainly) ethnic
would like to establish relations with the sanctions. How can the West, if lifting the groups and demand the immediate
West and to risk independence. But do the sanctions and doing business with Burma termination and correction of those
common Burmese people dislike foreign and Burmese companies, fully refrain from atrocities. Otherwise the current situation
influence that much? Have they been asked? imposing its (cultural and political) may lead to a long lasting civil war that will
Is foreign influence so bad that it should be be condemned afterwards in the year 2250
influence on Burma and how would Burma
avoided that much? How about other (while we still can prevent it now), just like
fully protect itself from Western influences
foreign influences, e.g. Chinese? the American civil war can be be
while at the same time wanting to do
condemned now, however logically
A particular aspect of unwanted business with the West? Might it be possible explained and understood. Any war should
foreign influence is foreign (non-physical) that the mentioned desire to prevent outside be fought with words, any violence and
intervention in internal affairs by foreign influences is only abused and exaggerated repression of weak people is to be
human rights activism, like mine. Yet I as an excuse to make political prisoners and condemned. I know I sound idealistically
think in extreme circumstances, where to postpone democracy as long as possible? and unrealistically, but these are my
human rights are at stake, where people's To me there seems to be some hypocrisy in principles for which it is worth to strive for.
health, life and freedom are at stake and the this ambivalent attitude.
national government doesn't do anything I don't regard my intervention as a
about it or even is the cause of it, any Isn't it all about power, wealth, form of neo-colonisation from above. I want
human rights activist or aid worker, from to support the Burmese people from below
adoration, status, like with every dictator in
whatever nationality, is entitled to intervene. with what they want themselves. They need
the past? Does the government really care
In such situations national borders do not the support to become a little bit 'stronger' in
apply; helping people and fighting the cause for its people (enough)? Do the generals their struggle against the junta. They have to
of the threats are more important than really have good intentions for 2010? Will know that they are not alone and that a large
national sovereignty. The goal is not to they really take the consequences of every part of the world stands behind them. My
bring foreign influence but to help the possible outcome? Will they enable the principle is to help the weak and meek to
people to help themselves in reaching their people, politicians sufficiently to prepare for make their own principles true, however
own goals, to liberate them from repression, the elections? Will they release the political difficult or impossible it seems. Yes, my
(civil) war and the need to flee. prisoners in advance, including Aung San intervening principle is to break the power
Suu Kyi? Will the elections be fair? We will of those who apparently are repressing other
Above I indicated two possible, be watching the junta and we will be able to people against their will, worse than
important reasons that the junta may use to observe the developments, or the lack colonialism.
stress the need of their presence. These are:
thereof, towards the elections. Even before
1. to avoid disintegration at all costs, [24nov2009]
the elections we will be able to draw
repression, killing, torture, rape, lying We can only urge the military junta,
and deceiving; conclusions about the direction that the
together with a large part of the world, to
2. to avoid foreign influence at all costs, junta wants to follow. Especially failing to
hold 'free, fair, inclusive and transparent
to protect against the potential 'threat' release the political prisoners would be a elections' in 2010, to release Aung San Suu
to independence by the NLD, sheer sign of contempt for the people and Kyi and all other political prisoners and to
especially Aung San Suu Kyi, at the the prisoners and a clear sign of the junta's show the good face of the generals.
cost of political prisoners. strong desire to remain in power. *********
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

10 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

Than Shwe for President?

James Russell Brownwood

President level military as well. Now he left Burma interesting to know whether Than Shwe
secretly and apparently plans to return in agrees or likes to be called like that in the
[13nov2009] four days. Can he return safely, I mean country he visits. It could be a serious slip
I have never seen Than Shwe being could he be intercepted on his travel home, of the (Sri Lankan) tongue as well. But I
called Myanmar's President. I only saw him whether by plane or by boat in international haven't seen any further reports on his visit
referenced as 'the Head of State' or 'Senior air space or waters? And is there any by the Sri Lankan ITN news.
General Than Shwe'. I always thought he international authority to arrest him at this
and the government abolished the title time? Has an arrest warrant been released? The Lanka Business Online on 11
President by an unwritten habit to New developments, new opportunities. November already reports about criticism
distinguish their dictatorial regime from a from Colombo monks on the invitation to
democratically elected one, recognising the, Press reports Than Shwe in view of disputable human
mildly put, not entirely legitimate character rights in Sri Lanka too. The news site does
of their domination to a certain extent. I We'll see how the national and not use the title President for Than Shwe.
thought that was a sign of at least some international press will report on his visit Yet the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence in a
respect to the people of Burma, suggesting and his return. We'll also see how the press release calls him President as does the
there is currently not a real President of international community will respond to official site of the 'Democratic Socialist
Myanmar. Than Shwe's hazardous trip. If it doesn't Republic of Sri Lanka'. Further examples of
have any consequences for the personal news sites using the term 'President' are the
Now I read about Than Shwe's four safety of Than Shwe would he make more InfoLanka news site and Asia Observer. The
days visit to Sri Lanka, prepared secretly, of such trips in the future? Would he want Asian Tribune, published by the WIAS in
not at all unleashed to the public media to gain the goodwill of 'friendly' nations for Sweden also uses the word 'President' for
before. In the article from the Independent himself and the elections? Would he really Than Shwe. Many other news sites do not
Television Network in Sri Lanka (published step down as Head of State after the qualify Than Shwe as Myanmar's President.
here in SCB by U Myint Lwin) he is elections, whether or not the opposition Anyone interested can find enough
addressed as the 'President of Myanmar'. parties would win? examples himself.
Where do they get that qualification from?
Did the President of Sri Lanka Rajapakse Than Shwe's depart has been What would the common people in
want to use that title himself? Did the ITN reported in the NLM of 13 November 2009. Burma think about Than Shwe's leave? If
reporters use the term by their own? Did or The report contains the usual dry summary the NLM were a serious, free news medium,
does Than Shwe agree with that title? Will of all people joining Than Shwe on his trip it would report about opinions of the man in
he be called 'President of Myanmar' from to Sri Lanka and all people seeing them off. the street, but we should not expect that
now on, even more consolidating his No further elaboration on the purpose of his kind of stories. The man in the street is not
position? trip, except to pay a goodwill visit in return. important to the mouthpiece of the junta.
Nothing yet about his arrival in Sri Lanka. The only important issues to report about
Striking is that the China View news Not surprising as the NLM is renowned for Myanmar are the reality soaps of the
agency also reports about Than Shwe's its delayed, afterwards publications. We generals and the material achievements, the
unexpected visit to Sri Lanka, but without may expect further reports on Than Shwe's developments in the infrastructure of
using the title 'President'. They call him 'top visit to Sri Lanka and his return in Burma Burma. Never anything negative about
leader Senior-General Than Shwe' and after his safe return on 15 November. So, on Burma, never reports on poignant situations
'Chairman of the SPDC'. The news is still 16 November the NLM will be full of that urgently need improvement. Instead
quite hot, we have to wait and see how he reports on his foreign trip. everything possible to discredit the West,
will be called by other news agencies, the US in particular, every unsavoury detail
including the Burmese, e.g. in the New No president of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and daily
Light of Myanmar from 13 November 2009, slogans like "VOA, BBC-sowing hatred
if reported live at all in there. It is remarkable that the current among the people". We would like to know
report in the NLM does not at all use the more about the consequences and opinions
Traveling abroad title 'President', just 'Chairman of the State in Burma of Than Shwe's visit; well that
Peace and Development Council of the may gradually become known via the
I also thought Than Shwe wouldn't Union of Myanmar Senior General Than various news media.
dare to travel abroad, afraid of being Shwe'. So it must be that the Sri Lanka
arrested or something; he always lets the authorities and/or press used the (see page 11)
international visits to his ministers, higer qualification at their own accord. It still is
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

11 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009
needed, if not quite in line with the junta's Lacking reports?
Than Shwe for demands. The censor has time to review and
fine tune all articles. This is the way the Delayed reporting currently also has
President? news often is brought in totalitarian states." been applied to Thein Sein's trip to the first
(James Russell Brownwood) ASEAN-US summit in Singapore on
(from page 10) On 22 June 2009 I wrote: "I have November 14th, where just his depart has
often wondered why with such important been reported on the 15th. After his return
Delayed reporting occasions the news publication in Burma is his stay, adventures and return are expected
delayed until after the end of the visit and to be reported. Yet, until now, 19
[19nov2009] whether that is typical for totalitarian November, nothing yet has been reported in
Entirely in the tradition of the countries (and not representative for the (English language) NLM about Thein
censored state-run newspaper New Light of democratic countries as I know). I came up Sein's visit to Singapore, nothing about the
Myanmar only on November 16th, the day with the following possible explanations: ASEAN-US Summit, US President Obama's
after the return of Than Shwe from Sri - accompanying Burmese state reporters at presence, his call to release Aung San Suu
Lanka, his stay, experiences and return has the spot still use homing pigeons and Kyi and the urgent call of all ASEAN
been reported. No intermediate reports messengers on horses; countries to hold "free, fair, inclusive and
between 13 and 16 November have been - accompanying Burmese reporters have to transparent" elections in 2010 in Myanmar
issued, just like I predicted on November bring their reports home themselves when (because there is much doubt about that).
13th. The newspaper reporters and editors they return as the internet is blocked; Hasn't Thein Sein returned yet? Or did he
and the junta don't find it necessary to keep - editors want the readers to wait eagerly return on the 16th, being reported in the
the Burmese (and other English speaking for the interesting news, coming all at NLM of the 17th, but that edition never was
readers) informed about Than Shwe's visit, once; published on the internet (by Myanmar TV
while still going on. They seem to have told - draft reports have to be approved and [http://www.mrtv3.net.mm/])? Is that why
all they want on the 16th, because the NLM 'corrected' by all (visiting and visited) that edition is lacking?
of the 18th and 19th (17th November parties involved;
edition does not seem to exist) does not - censor needs time to digest all draft Is the 17 November edition lacking?
report about it anymore, no additional reports and to rewrite them in acceptable Yes and no. If one looks at
reports, no follow-ups, no comments, no language and terminology; [http://www.mrtv3.net.mm/newpaper/],
critic, a closed book. - uncertainty in advance about the course of updated every day, one sees three
the visit, it might end differently than it newspapers every day (New Light of
Such kind of delayed reporting is began, while official publications yet have Myanmar, Myanmar Ahlin and Kyaymon
quite common to the NLM. I wrote about to be in agreement with each other. {The Mirror}), except for November 17th,
possible explanations of enforced censored Actually it might be needed to redefine where the NLM is lacking. But if one looks
journalism before, in my @NLM on May the purpose of the visit, to rewrite reports, at [http://www.myanmar.com/newspaper/nl
28th, 2008, on September 8th, 2008 and on somewhat similar to rewriting history in m/index.html] and clicks on "Nov 17"
June 22nd. On 8 September 2008 I wrote "1984" by George Orwell; (during one of these days, as it is updated
(under the sub heading "Polishing history"): - if a visit would unfortunately (but not every day) one clearly sees excerpts of the
"Every time a foreign guest is expected or a likely) fail in some way it is better not to English language NLM of November 17th.
Burmese official is going to visit another have mentioned about it at all yet, failures It is clear that it contains reports of Thein
country the NLM only reports it at the are not to be reported, the media remain Sein's return from Singapore; he is even
moment that it already as happened. And at silent about them, also smelling like welcomed back by Than Shwe (the ongoing
the very moment only boring facts are being falsification of history; kind of reality soaps of the generals in the
described in very meticulous detail. Every - involved officials may write and NLM) {written on 19 November 2009}.
high official is named by his full title and reformulate their own reports, speeches
rank, not only once, but every time he is and 'correct' for mistakes and blunders; There are several additional reports
mentioned. Every factual event is described - a visit should run smoothly according to on his trip to Singapore, adding to that of
punctually accurate to the minute. But the protocol and must remain undisturbed the 15th. About the Leaders Meeting the
substantial information is completely and not influenced by (critical) media, NLM only reports: "ASEAN-US Dialogue
lacking: what subject were the talks about, reverse influence from intermediate Coordinator Philippine President Madame
how did the discussions carry on. Only after publications must be banned, planned and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo delivered a
the visitor has left or returned a more orchestrated results should not be speech. The Heads of State/Government
substantial report or brought the next day, thwarted." from ASEAN countries, the US president,
mainly copying speeches of Burmese and the US Secretary of State held talks
officials literally and summarizing the I think the main, really applicable about matters on ASEAN-US mutual
speeches of the foreigners. A real reasons are censoring and adapting reports interest." Nothing substantial about what
discussion, a conversation even seems to be to latest (possibly unexpected) events, has been said and discussed. Nothing about
not done; just monologues of more than 15 rewriting history if necessary and verifying Aung San Suu Kyi or the upcoming
minutes I guess. The advantage of such draft reports with the concerning official elections, very characteristic for the news
journalism is the possibility to polish the when back. Safe, but not free journalism. coverage in the heavily censored NLM.
facts afterwards up to the desired level if (see page 12)
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

12 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009
probably have died before any substantial duration of his whole next life. He should be
The junta breaks improvements in Burma are to be expected. broken like he breaks cease-fire agreements
and promises.
contracts His rigid character may also be his
(James Russell Brownwood) weak spot. He cannot bend, he can break. The question was: does the junta
(from page 4) He lets himself be influenced by really care for its people? The answer
he has a 'license to kill'. Even while just a superstition, so he might be fooled as well. obviously is: no! They say they do, but they
common so-called Buddhist, he feels highly In any case the international protests against do differently, they are lying. They never
extolled and he wants to be adored by his him should become so strong that he cannot acted like they said. So, what can we expect
nationals as the Big Brother spreading his ignore them anymore that he has to act to for the near future? Continuation of the
'loving-kindness'. He narcissistically wants save his face. The criticism on him and his current situation, the oppression, the lack of
to be portrayed in the media (with glittering policies should stimulate his sense of feeling freedom, even more political prisoners,
gold) and he proudly shows his material, at all. A sense of humour is unknown to chasing ethnic groups and more
infra-structural achievements in the media. him, he cannot laugh at a comedian humanitarian crimes, all under the pretext of
He orders the media to present an image of mocking with him in the same way every a legitimate democracy, just to reinforce the
Burma of peace and stability, patriotism and head of state is mocked with by local continuation of their dictatorial rule, now
unity, everyone following the leader (like in comedians; he is easily offended. He is very and then interrupted by annoying and
North Korea, former USSR and China, cold blooded, but he must be warmed up, boring, but necessary, fake and rigged,
former nazi-Germany). The newspaper New just past his melting point. Uninterrupted demotorial elections. So, no one needs such
Light of Myanmar is full of all kinds of stimulation and challenges should get him a redundant, uncooperative junta
festivities, inspections, celebrations and out of his cool temper, breaking his frozen government just for keeping up
other (prize-giving) ceremonies in Burma, mind. He should become sensitive and appearances, they can be disqualified and
an idyllic, but very much unrealistic and fearful to the awareness of the desire of flushed with the other garbage. They should
unreal image. Than Shwe is a greedy and many people in and out of Burma wanting be disobeyed, undermining and sabotaging
avaricious person, living in copious wealth, to see him prosecuted for humanitarian their authority as much as possible.
while leaving his country and people suffer crimes and genocide in an international
court, resulting in a conviction for the ********
under extreme poverty. Than Shwe must

To join or not to Duties or crimes Than Shwe for

(James Russell Brownwood)
join (from page 3)
(James Russell Brownwood) should we sacrifice the innocent people for (James Russell Brownwood)
the sake of national sovereignty and (from page 11)
(from page 2) immunity of the despots?
(and their results) are to be officially No more reports have emerged.
declared invalid and illegal, that an interim We never should stop criticising the
government will be formed and that new junta's rigid policy and crimes. The junta The NLM website also shows many
free and democratic, multi-party elections and its supporters cannot hide those additional reports on Than Shwe's visit to
will be held within due time. atrocities behind disputable atrocities Sri Lanka from 12 till 15 November 2009,
elsewhere (e.g. North Korea, Guantanamo but apparently the 16th and 17th November
I wish the members of the political Bay, Afghanistan, Iraq, Tibet, Middle East,
NLM editions are the only ones reporting
parties all the best in their decision on some African states like Zimbabwe), those
whether or not to participate in the elections are equally objectionable and each about his trip. The independent, but
next year. I can imagine that the NLD occurrence of atrocities should be criticised, controlled, English language, weekly
decides not to participate, especially if its condemned and contested severely. It is Myanmar Times of 16-22 November 2009
main member remains locked up. I would justified to remain active in attempting to [http://www.mmtimes.com/ and
advise to consider what's best for the overthrow a government committing such http://www.mmtimes.com/no497/n002.htm]
population and what Aung San Suu Kyi terrors. The real terrorists, the dictators, only reports about Than Shwe's arrival and
would advise. Continuous, repetitive should at least know that they are being activities in Sri Lanka; the next edition
protesting against the political imprisonment chased and incriminated in international probably will have more details. Anyway,
is the least one can do, should do and documents. Maybe, not too far away in the
the NLM and the MT don't use the title
already does. Continuously kicking on the future, a non-violent revolution may take
weak spot of the generals makes them place like that in Romania in 1989, where 'President' with regard to Than Shwe. I don't
sensitive, weaker, cooperative and hopefully the army finally chose the side of the know about other Burmese news agencies
obedient. The opposition has little to lose, people. I have said many times that I would and foreign news agencies may be divided
the junta a lot and it should be taken from certainly accept and support such a change. about that.
them as much as possible.
******** ******** ********
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

13 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

To ASEAN or to be seen
James Russell Brownwood
apter1.shtml]. How authoritative is that political changes in Burma now or will it at
What can the ASEAN do for the charter? Just a paper tiger as well, like the least wait until after the 2010 elections? If
democratisation in Burma? Or should the ASEAN itself? "Nothing contained in the waiting, how will the ASEAN react to the
question be: What will the ASEAN do for present Charter shall authorize the United expected insufficient result from the
the democratisation in Burma? What Nations to intervene in matters which are elections? What options does the ASEAN
authority does the ASEAN have with regard essentially within the domestic jurisdiction have? Can or would it ban Burma from its
to national politics in its member countries? of any state or shall require the Members to alliance? Would that be a good measure?
What actually is the ASEAN's purpose with submit such matters to settlement under the What do we have to expect from the
regard to internal affairs in its member present Charter; but this principle shall not ASEAN in view of all international effort to
countries? prejudice the application of enforcement force political reforms in Burma?
measures under Chapter Vll."
Burma joined the ASEAN in 1997. [http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/ch ********
Could or would the ASEAN have more apter1.shtml]
influence on Burma before that or after that? (from page 7)
Or did the other ASEAN countries just think Can the ASEAN be compared to an
that admitting Burma would offer better international organisation like the EU, also
conditions to exercise influence? Or was putting demands to future member countries
Burma admitted for the benefit of the then
participating countries in the ASEAN?
with regard to their economy, (inter)national
politics and human rights? Why did the
ASEAN admit Burma before any
"The ASEAN Declaration states that
the aims and purposes of the Association
are: (1) to accelerate economic growth,
substantial, internal improvements with
regard to human rights, like the EU would
do? Would their even be a similarity with
spy reports
social progress and cultural development in the early United States (banning slavery
the region and (2) to promote regional peace from all its member states)? DPRK, Chinese
and stability through abiding respect for
justice and the rule of law in the relationship Three main countries of the embassy staff visit
among countries in the region and ASEAN, Singapore, Malaysia and
adherence to the principles of the United Indonesia, opted for Burma's membership,
SPDC Headquarters
Nations Charter."
especially after "the Burmese regime
allowed the repatriation of thousands of
26 times in November
Muslim Rohingyas refugees from 09dec2009
There was a time when one of the Bangladesh in 1992"
implicit goals of the ASEAN was to attempt [http://www.idea.int/asia_pacific/burma/upl RANGOON, 8 Dec-The public have
to change the national political situation in oad/chap1.pdf]. Was that step too quick, too condemned the SPDC and remained
Burma. Officially that goal still exists (as optimistic? Was it based on sufficient constant vigilance against its Headquarters
part of its Declaration), but in practice it is promises and expectations? It certainly was that has been contacting with the DPRK and
quite rigid, nice words, virtually without any based on (expected) economic progress for Chinese Embassies in Rangoon and
practical content. The ASEAN countries are all participating countries. following their instructions. The staff of
divided and have their own problems and those embassies visited the SPDC
don't always adhere to the ASEAN's goals The main question of course is: Headquarters 26 times in the month of
themselves. Does the ASEAN pay more what can the ASEAN do for Burma November 2009. They met SPDC cabinet
interest to international relations and presently? What substantial measures can members and sent classified documents.-
economical aspects than to national, internal the ASEAN take for the benefit of the NLM
politics? oppressed Burmese people? What power
does the ASEAN have to really force the Source: New Light of Myanmar, English
The ASEAN adheres to the release of all political prisoners in Burma? edition, 9 December 2009 (page 9)
principles of the United Nations Charter And the $1000 question: what will the
[http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/ch ASEAN do about it? Will it enforce

The difference between a "patriot" and a "traitor" is only one letter

[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

14 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

To (a)mend or to mind?
James Russell Brownwood
measure of the junta to consolidate itself best from the elections, that will take place
[29sep2009] and its policies? in any case, but I fear it will be insufficient,
The Constitution was drafted by both before (allowing parties to participate)
many, if not a majority of military and for During the past time the people and and after (further reorganising the
the rest by people largely supporting the the opposition parties have clearly shown to government and politics). But I would give
junta, even selected by them. Politically that want to get rid of the junta completely, to it a try, the benefit of the doubt. Evaluation
is rather one-sided, consolidating the junta's want a revolutionary change towards afterwards will show what next steps should
power. The people were not able to have democracy, not one orchestrated by the be taken.
any influence on the Constitution, nor were junta. Several means have been applied to
they able to study it thoroughly before the fight for this goal, most of them entirely Practically impossible
2008 Referendum (not enough copies peaceful, like demonstrations (1988 and
available, too expensive and much too late). 2007) and expressed criticism. Now, with [23oct2009]
Finally the voting process in the referendum the 2010 elections in sight there seems to be While studying the details of
was seriously rigged and the procedures another opportunity for a change in a possibly amending the 2008 Constitution
were not correctly set up. There are many peaceful way. But will that change be the (by a new government after the 2010
reports about that. change that the people want, in 2010 or elections) and the many sections involved, it
somewhat later? Will it be possible, by becomes quite clear that changing anything
Strict conditions following the junta's measures and in the Constitution at least requires more
[20oct2009] regulations, to reach the change that the than 75% of the votes of all representatives
The 2008 Constitution contains people actually want, to vote the junta down in the Hluttaw, while in specifically
preconditions, obligations to any political completely? Can the people's desire ever be indicated cases an additional referendum is
party that wants to participate in the 2010 realised this way or not? necessary with more than 50% of eligible
elections. In particular paragraph 404 votes. As the military representatives of the
demands that any political party must agree If the population can not reach its current junta already will take up 25% of the
to non-disintegration forever. This is one of fundamental goals via the 2010 elections, representatives it is not likely that those
the issues from the Constitution that is very what alternatives would they have to reach 'more than 75%' will ever be feasible and
much disputed. It is not so much about their goals at all? I merely need to point to realised. So, in practice it is out of the
disintegration or no disintegration, but it is my slogan at the end of this article, with question that the Constitution can be
the about the (disputed) value and the which I express the relativity of views and changed this way by dancing to the junta's
authority of the Constitution and the real opposite views on the junta. In the one view piping. This of course already is known for
people's desire. If a party, in the long run, the junta is the legitimate government ruling over 1½ years and confirmed by both sides.
would want to get rid of the Constitution and safeguarding the country optimally; in
and to change it, would it be out of the the other view the junta is the terrorist, the I don't tell anything new by saying
question to cancel this paragraph? I mean, if insurgent, violently suppressing any that this is not sufficient and acceptable to
a party in the near future would want or opposition against itself. It only seems a most Burmese people. Their primary goal to
allow disintegration or at least not exclude matter of relative, fundamental view, not of dump the junta completely cannot and will
it, would that party be excluded from the absolute truth and right. not be realised with any election outcome
2010 elections now? If so, I think, it is and neither in the near future after that.
rather rigid. My feelings about the upcoming Political prisoners will not be released
elections are ambivalent and mine aren't the instantly if at all and the influence of the
Under the current law and only ones like that. On one hand I would military and their Tatmadaw will not be
Constitution, would be possible, with regard like that it gives the people the chances that excluded at all. Regarding this future
to paragraph 407, to participate in the they want and I would like to give the scenario is actually doesn't matter whether
elections _and_ at the same time to people the chance to attempt that, I would to engage in the elections or not, whether to
(continue to) object to the junta that made like the NLD to participate for example. On vote or not. The 2010 elections and its
up the law and the Constitution. Would it be the other hand I fear the possibilities and the results will not bring democracy, but instead
possible to discharge the junta using their result will be too less, not what most people will reinforce and legitimate the junta's
own means? If yes, wouldn't it be somewhat really would want. So, would it be better to position. The voting procedures will be
contradictory to have to accept the junta's participate in or to ignore the elections and rigged (mark my words!), just like in the
means to overthrow them? How would it be force some other way to more radical 2008 Referendum. The so-called
possible to really induce changes desired by changes? After all, it is all about what the 'democracy' after 2010 is all but a real
a party and the voting people, starting from people want, not what the junta wants? With democracy.
the current legislation? Is this paragraph a many other people I can only hope for the (see page 15)
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

15 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

To vote forcedly or freely

James Russell Brownwood
Democracy in the first place is a all, they might express their distrust by not
could also cause relatively more votes from
government by the people or their elected wanting to vote in fake elections 'organised',
specific population groups than others, for
(and only them!) representatives and which voting may be important, yielding a orchestrated by those rulers, they might
political parties, taking into account the want to ignore such 'elections' as sign of
result that is not entirely representative.
desires of the majority without denying the protest. The rulers neither trust the people
Motives not to vote, if it is not compulsory,
minority's desires and rights. Its main and fear a large percentage of non-voters,
could be (1) not sufficiently informed about
characteristic is freedom in the broadest what or how to vote, (2) regarding the partially protesting non-voters, degrading
sense, freedom of speech, criticism, subject to vote about not important enoughthe outcome of the elections. So they might
gathering, press, receiving information (no want to force the people to vote in order to
(not relevant or not interested), (3) having
censorships) and so on (much more info in (1) rule out any form of protest against the
the idea that one's vote yet doesn't have any
the links). It also includes the freedom to elections, (2) get a 'valid' result based on
effect (whether a justified idea or not), (4)
choose whether to vote in elections or a (sudden) impractibility to vote, (5) no 100% votes and (3) will be able to say "the
referendum or not. Voting for the eligible entire people supported.........". Such an
actually desired alternative available, just
voters (above 18, etc.) may or may not be undesired (bad) alternatives; or whatever argument to force people to express their
(or have been) compulsory in various (apart from medical reasons of course). least unfavourable choice from a (limited)
countries. Both alternatives have their pros Election laws have to take a minimal number of all unfavourable alternatives
and cons. For example being obliged to vote percentage of voters into account before actually forces them to vote for something
stimulates thinking about it, selecting a most they dislike in any case. It can be compared
declaring an outcome valid, but I think the
desired party or candidate and making a freedom to vote, not the obligation, is anto the choice given to you by an executioner
justified choice. However, it may also cause improvement to democracy. to be killed by the gun or hanging where
blindly voting for the same party all the time you don't have the choice of not being killed
(tradition) without so much thinking about In the case of Burma I understand at all. So I don't think it is a good idea to
it. If one doesn't know what to vote, one that at this moment voting (as far as it force people to vote in totalitarian countries,
may leave one's vote blank (if possible) or occurs) neither is compulsory. I would like after all elections may be fake and rigged.
make it invalid. to keep it that way because in this particular
case making it compulsory would be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy
If voting is not compulsory it may another step towards rigging the 2010 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dem
be expected that the people voting are more elections. I'll explain what I mean. In a ocracy
motivated to do so than average, that they dictatorial country where the people don't
have a clear choice in mind. However, it like and trust the (self-appointed) rulers at ********

Power to the people

increased criticism, political and military and remain widely open to allow any
To (a)mend or to isolation (if the generals didn't do that dialogue between the junta, the opposition
themselves already), target directed and foreign authorities, just like when
mind? sanctions, not so much affecting the communicating and negotiating with
(James Russell Brownwood) population economically, mental and hijackers. The more political prisoners the
concrete support of the opposition and junta makes, the more difficult its position
(from page 14) objective information services via foreign will become in the international community.
The implication of all that is that the news media (internet, radio). National The current junta has lasted for more than
opposition, together with foreign support, criticism, demonstrations and civil 20 years now and has brought nothing but
(yes, indispensable foreign influence on disobedience will at least weaken the junta's misery. It is the time now that they should
Burma! The governmental influence in position. be knocked over. The people do not want
Burma is hostile) in agreement with the will the junta as we all know for more than 20
of the vast majority of the Burmese people, The battle fighting and prosecuting years.
should rather focus on alternative ways to the criminal junta must go on, tougher than
eliminate the junta as powerful criminals. it has been in the past. At the same time ********
The foreign influence should consist of communication channels should always be
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

16 THE ALTERNATIVE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

The funny New Light of Myanmar

James Russell Brownwood
What is the matter with the (daily employees of the NLM if giving attention to Whatever the NLM is, regarding the
English language) New Light of Myanmar the generals would be skipped for a day? foreign news it clearly is anti-West,
newspaper (NLM)? It looks like a normal especially anti-US, anti-UK, anti-EU in the
newspaper, but quite often, seeing the Why all those ceremonies and way it discredits the West with every
unilateral political stories and articles it prizegivings and reports thereoff, don't the possible detail. With regard to the rest of the
seems to be a political party magazine, almighty and godly generals have world or subjects like sports and science it is
looking at the various slogans it resembles a something more useful to do? Or is rather objective, but rather global as well;
propaganda journal, it often contains constantly being in the picture their goal and
with regard to national news and comments
religious (Buddhist) sermons and recruiment means, their fulfillment in life, the
speeches, seeming a fanatic, fundamentalist acknowledgement of their power, at least it largely is all that I already mentioned:
periodical, now and then it contains spy for today? Tomorrow there will be another politically unilateral, propagandistic,
reports and now (7 December 2009) it edition of the NLM to prove that they [the religious, secret and gossipy. It is known to
approaches a gossip magazine. What is the generals] are still in power. Do they be a censored state-run newspaper, not at all
case about? The front page and almost the themselves believe what's in the newspaper? independent and only publishes in
whole page 8 are devoted to a Golf Are they addicted to the public attention and accordance with the views of the junta, how
Tournament of government officials. Is that power? Could they live without the and what the junta wants the NLM to
important news? Who wants to know about attention, even if for just one day? publish.
Why all those openings, gift and Those superficial articles,
Is it more important than soccer in money donations? Is life one big celebration worshipping the (material) general's
the West that it should occupy the indicated for the rich and wealthy people in Burma? Is achievements, is an important part of the
pages? Is it more important than any other material progress, the infrastructural junta's ridiculous PR. These are comparable
news? Is the sport adorable or are the achievements so important to praise the to the articles appearing on all kinds of
contestants adorable? On the front page government for? Is the no poverty and
quantitative advantages and progress during
there are action pictures of Maung Aye, misery? Is there no dissatisfaction and
former communist (dictatorial actually) rule
Thura Shwe Mann and Thein Sein. Why is oppression? Isn't there a state of emergency?
in the USSR and China. Once the Burmese
that? Are those generals gods? Are they Isn't there an army fighting and killing
godly, celebrities, like film or movie stars? civilians inside Burma? Isn't there legalised dictatorial junta ceases to exist a newspaper
Do they have a sexy charisma? Do they physical violence? Are there no political like the NLM will quite likely also cease to
have a warm, reassuring voice, do they have prisoners? Is there freedom and democracy, exist. That would be no loss as the NLM
'loving kindness' to spend? Haven't we seen peace and justice for minorities? Is there does not represent freedom of press and
them yesterday already? Do they have to be tolerance and support forthe weak and freedom of criticism anyway.
photographed and showed like dolls every meek? Are there fair elections and voting
day? Or will there be discharges among the procedures? ********

All opposition groups should join hands

to form a strong front against the junta.
The junta above the law begets anarchy.
The monks back to the monasteries?
The military back to the barracks!
[email protected] Justice Reforms Burma http://jrburma.int.tf

15-12-09 @NLM 12/15/09, 09:23 PM [email protected] / http://jrburma.int.tf

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