Homemade SNES Arcade Machine

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Food Living Outside Play Technology Workshop
Homemade SNES Arcade Machine
by djkurtz92 on January 3, 2014
Table of Contents
Homemade SNES Arcade Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Intro: Homemade SNES Arcade Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Related Instructables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Intro: Homemade SNES Arcade Machine
This is my second entry in the homemade arcade machines. A Super Nintendo in a bartop arcade machine. I'm now up to 3 machines. Some of these pics are also of the
Sega Genesis Arcade machine that I did not make build pics for. My next machine will be an original xbox running MAME with hundreds of original arcade games.
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42 comments Add Comment
themacguru says: Jul 14, 2014. 7:44 AM REPLY
How much would it cost for you to build one of those for a dad of 3 year-old twin boys?!! I have little time and energy to build one of my own - sadly to say...
Please let me know... 562-413-0336 text me
djkurtz92 says: Jul 15, 2014. 3:24 PM REPLY
I sent you a text and got no reply. To anyone viewing this, I AM willing to sell any of my 3 machines. Please email me for further details. My machines are
not emulation. These are actual game systems inside so you do not have to worry about the legality of the machine. These machines will play any
cartridge that would play on the respective systems. Gun games will not work without some modification due to LCD displays.
themacguru says: Jul 16, 2014. 7:23 AM REPLY
that's weird - i never got any text from you.. anyway, my email address is [email protected] - please email me or message me via Google
Hangout or gChat under [email protected] so we could discuss further... thanks.
synthescape says: Jul 14, 2014. 2:13 PM REPLY
Sweet machines !
mcurtis-evans says: Jul 9, 2014. 1:47 AM REPLY
You willing to sell 1 of those
djkurtz92 says: Jun 22, 2014. 4:54 PM REPLY
1.ebay used. I soldered wires to the tv controls pcb.
2. The smallest drill bit you can use to facilitate a 20 gauge wire.
3. I measured the width of the wood to make sure I drilled in the middle. I used regular wood screws. I countersunk the holes so the holes could be covered
with wood putty.
xxDrkNitexx44 says: Jun 22, 2014. 12:23 AM REPLY
Hi ! Me again, okay so I have a few questions,
1) Where did you get the monitor for your arcade and how did you wire them for volume control and power ?
2) What's the size of the drill bit you used to drill the holes for the controller PCB ?
3) How did you drill the holes for the wood and What were the types of screws you used to construct the arcade ?
I know these are a bit odd but I am determined to finish this project by the end of this summer, and I'll be sure to post an Instructable on the build ! Thanks !
kris6761 says: May 31, 2014. 11:22 AM REPLY
Cool thanks. Where would you get the wiring that you ran to the arcade controls. Sorry if that sounds silly but I'm capable of doing all the work but not sure
on the wiring specifications.
djkurtz92 says: May 31, 2014. 12:33 PM REPLY
Did you check out the build pics? I drilled holes thru the contact pads of the PCB and soldered directly to it. The two halves of the contact pad make up
the push button. Connect the positive side to any ground and it completes the circuit. If you touch the two wires together from each button it actuated that
button. Just wire these to each button and you have arcade controls. The PCB looks just like the controller when you pull it out of the case. Or you could
test each pad to see what button it is.
kris6761 says: May 30, 2014. 11:32 AM REPLY
Hi djkurtz. Excellent project. I'm starting a xbox arcade shortly and the only issue I have is the wiring. Is there special wiring you need to use to connect the
control pads to the jamma buttons and wires for extending components like power switches ect. Thanks.
djkurtz92 says: May 31, 2014. 9:54 AM REPLY
I used the original equipment controller PCB's and soldered directly to them. Then ran wires to the arcade controls. In some cases I used aftermarket
controllers because I didn't care about destroying those. Sometimes I buy game and controller lots and use the ones that are in the worst shape.
fburton1 says: May 2, 2014. 2:40 PM REPLY
Excellent job. I'm in the process of doing the same thing with my nes sega and snes. I do have one question as far as the power and reset buttons what pins on
the motherboards did you connect them to to make each of them work with arcade buttons
djkurtz92 says: Mar 29, 2014. 3:06 AM REPLY
First you must clean off the graphit coating on the spots where the buttons are to make them shiny . I did this by using a a razor blade and scraped it off. You
could also use a Dremel tool with a wire wheel attachment. Then I used a very small drill bit and Dremel tool and made a small hole in the metal contact pad.
Now you can feed the wire through and the soldering will be much easier. Please let me know how you make out with this. Make an instructable out of it and
post it on here.
xxDrkNitexx44 says: Mar 28, 2014. 8:00 PM REPLY
Awesome ! Could you please help me with the SNES controller wiring and soldering, I'm having trouble making the solder stick to the controller board.
amulder1 says: Feb 18, 2014. 10:25 AM REPLY
love it! Now I'm curieus for that xbox case. Still have one laying around that needs a use.
ZeroVirus says: Jan 8, 2014. 8:22 AM REPLY
Have you thought of maybe building a Raspberry Pi based cabinet? I just built one into a SNES case and it acts as a MAME/SNES/NES/Genesis/ETC machine.
Otherwise, very interesting builds.
djkurtz92 says: Jan 8, 2014. 10:03 AM REPLY
I'm a former USN Sonar Technician (submarines). I'm not familiar with Rasberry pi but would like to see your build. I'd be interested in learning that.
ZeroVirus says: Jan 8, 2014. 10:16 AM REPLY
It's not that hard wiring wise. Jut used a couple panel mount adapters, USB SNES adapter, and generic SNES controllers I got from adafruit. You could
do it without the USB adapter though. Just more research/work. I love it because it looks semi-original and uses hdmi for video
djkurtz92 says: Jan 8, 2014. 9:24 PM REPLY
This looks really cool. Do you have to connect a hard drive? Where do you put the ROMS? I guess I have to do some google research to see
how this is done/works.
ZeroVirus says: Jan 8, 2014. 10:08 PM REPLY
It's Linux based, boots off the 16GB SD card I have in it which also has all my roms. Can also make it into a home theater system and add an
external drive full if movies and etc. Can select different emulators with just the SNES controller
Kuwabara89 says: Jan 7, 2014. 12:58 PM REPLY
Great builds, looking to do one myself at some point. didn't see it mentioned anywhere but how did you go about cutting the grooves for the stripping round
the sides? Thanks
djkurtz92 says: Jan 7, 2014. 5:47 PM REPLY
I think you are asking about the speaker grills? For those I drew out what I wanted and got inspiration from the original Donkey Kong machine speaker
grill (google it). I just made it to fit the 4" speakers I had already picked out for it. I drilled a starter hole for each groove and cut with a jigsaw. I used a
router to smooth it out and make it look uniform. I took alot of measurements from the inside to outside to get the speaker exactly where I wanted it.
Kuwabara89 says: Jan 8, 2014. 3:32 AM REPLY
Sorry, the grooves for the T-Molding, wondering how you went about doing that. Also if your familiar with them have you used the 'competition'
buttons? curious if they are much better. Will probably go with some basic ones are they are bundled altogether on ebay. Thanks
djkurtz92 says: Jan 8, 2014. 6:47 AM REPLY
The T- moulding is done with a slot cutter router bit. You can purchase the t-moulding at tmoulding.com. They also sell the applicable bit on the
website as well and it's good quality. I have both the competition and regular and like them both. For games that use one or two buttons regular is
fine. Games like Streetfighter it's nice to be able transfer your fingers thru all the buttons when you have to do it quickly, then the competition
buttons are nicer. You'll be happy with either.
kmyers8 says: Jan 7, 2014. 11:13 AM REPLY
ok sweet thanks for the info dude. i got a few more questions too
1.what are the buttons for on the bottom of the arcade?
2.what are the dimensions for the side L shape wood peices?
3.where did you get the logo decals from or did you just make them yourself?
4.wouldnt it be easier to just take the console apart and just put a few screws to hold it in place instead of building a whole space for it?
5.are you going to or currently working on another project like these ones?
djkurtz92 says: Jan 7, 2014. 6:08 PM REPLY
Here you go:
1. The buttons on the bottom are for game system power, reset, tv power, volume up , and volume down. On the "Nintendo" machine they are on top, the
machines evolve everytime I build a different one.
2. The "L" shaped piece is approx. 34" tall and 21" deep. Each of the 3 machines is slightly different. I made the newer ones wider because i wanted
more room for 2 player. I'm still playing with different designs. It all depends on what you want to put inside.I made them bartop size because my house
is small and I don't have alot of room plus I felt they were more versatile since they don't take up as much space you can just put it on a table or right on
the floor for a kid.
3. The logos on the SNES machine I got all from gameongraphix.com they are pretty much the only place you can find these of this quality. My first
machine I used vehicle wrap from a friend of mine in the sign business. The graphics make this an expensive project. About $100 more just for the vinyls.
The lexan and controls are the next big expense. About $85 for the arcade quality controls.
4. I figured it would be more sturdy to just keep the PCB inside the plastic housing since it was designed for it. Plugging cartridges in and out all the time
is a lot of abuse. I didn't think I could out engineer the engineers at Nintendo so I just kept it although I did modify the pcb's to externally control power
and reset.
5. My next machine will be a XBOX running MAME that has many many games on it. It is on the drawing board right now , but I already have the game
system and just figuring out how the controls are going to layout.
kmyers8 says: Jan 7, 2014. 8:40 AM REPLY
ok first of all nice builds they look awesome good job! second how the hell do you keep your work space so clean. thats like an acheivment in itself. and i
have a few questions that i hope you can answer.
1. how did you paint it and with what?
2. did the green monkey help with the build?
3. what type of lighting did you use for top logo part?
4. how did you connect your speakers to the snes?
5. how did you decide on the button layout for the snes?
djkurtz92 says: Jan 7, 2014. 10:10 AM REPLY
Let me see:
1. I painted it with regular old paint from Sherman Williams and rolled it on with a sponge roller.
2. I don't know why the monkey is there. It did not help with the build.
3. The light is a 21" fluorescent bulb made for under cabinet lighting.
4. I wired 4" speakers I got from autozone for about $13.00 each. They are wired to the amplifier that came standard with this monitor. I just made sure
the ohms matched.
5. I did a little research first but decided on the default button layout of StreetFighter 2 for snes so the the last 2 white buttons are the L and R shoulder
buttons. This setup defaults the top row for L, M, H punch buttons and bottom row L, M, H kick buttons. Not many other games use all six so I figured it
would just work out. Most games on Snes allowed for a button config if you want to change it around. Button layouts can be found on slagcoin.com for
multiple different configurations.
Thank you for all the positive comments it makes posting worth while. Plus I'm open to new ideas or improvements if anyone has any good ideas.
djkurtz92 says: Jan 6, 2014. 11:02 AM REPLY
Cut and paste into your browser to see videos of the machines.
justin1999 says: Jan 6, 2014. 10:17 AM REPLY
hey ill buy one
if you'll make it for me and ill pay for shipping3
rcarnegie says: Jan 5, 2014. 8:35 PM REPLY
Awesome builds , NES as well as this one. keep sharing. I want to make one, any suggestions on where I can learn about the electronics / circuits you used.
I m good with wood work, have no. clue about electronics.
djkurtz92 says: Jan 6, 2014. 6:19 AM REPLY
If your good with woodworking then you can see how it goes together by the build pics. You don't need to know anything about electronics to make this
just how to solder. I used older junk aftermarket controllers and simply scraped off the graphite coating and drilled holes using a Dremel tool. Each button
on the controller is just a switch either open or closed. All the buttons are normally open and shorting the two wires together make it closed. Solder these
wires to and arcade button or controller and you are all set. I did also desolder and relocate switches for the NES power and reset so you could change
games. If you ever have any questions just send it here.
NTT says: Jan 5, 2014. 5:33 PM REPLY
Just brilliant! I love them :-D
awsomebrawler3 says: Jan 5, 2014. 11:24 AM REPLY
1: My workplace is never this tidy
2: I love this. I will have to do this but with my PlayStation or something.
3: Thanks for sharing this!
An Najm says: Jan 3, 2014. 4:24 PM REPLY
djkurtz92 says: Jan 4, 2014. 5:45 PM REPLY
Thank you for the comment. Makes me want to share all my projects.
djkurtz92 says: Jan 3, 2014. 3:32 PM REPLY
Please tell me what you think!
Tumotar says: Jan 3, 2014. 6:31 PM REPLY
I just want to say that you did an awesome job, like everyone will say, but ill add that you have one of the tidiest work places ive ever seen :)
djkurtz92 says: Jan 4, 2014. 5:36 PM REPLY
When I'm not in the middle of a project it is really clean. All these pics are mid project. Thank you.
dmanusos says: Jan 4, 2014. 3:28 PM REPLY
Where did you get your pattern for all the wood/acrylic work?
djkurtz92 says: Jan 4, 2014. 4:55 PM REPLY
I got the ideas from on here but mostly just drew them out by hand. The control panel layouts I got from slagcoin.com (shoutout). I got the graphics from
gameongraphix(shoutout). For each machine I've changed the design a little bit so they aren't identical.
samuraijack says: Jan 4, 2014. 1:20 AM REPLY
pretty impressive.

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