PC Engine Gamer Issue 4
PC Engine Gamer Issue 4
PC Engine Gamer Issue 4
モンスター•レ アー
P I A omething
NEWSTOm of news reporters have pafotireenretl gurgitating it for you here.
y w aite d for s
F ’s one thing more fun th f little animated scene
an playing a
Japanese RPG,s from it.
If there
g hundre ds and hundreds o
REVIEW : Rarian action games has a seqsuteel.aming pile?
rb a
The king of ba up to the original or is it just
Does it match
TOP SBegAa’sNhA NA head-to-head in battle as
eroes go e death.
Two of Opa Opa fight to th
Tyris Flare and
once again re gales us with heartwarm
ppy face!
The doctor childhood. Put on your ha
tales from his
UE r selection of oldies
GA er slobbers over anothe em yourself.
Joe Redif ) to save you playing
(and one newie
t make big boom in
mbs in
g noises are ju shoot ‘em ups.
Things th bo
n t down the top ten smart
we cou
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giGAMER Issue 4
MAR 20e.c1o.u1k/gamer
Issue 4
PC Engine Gamer is a free, non-profit, fan produced digital magazine aimed to spread
the love of NEC’s PC Engine games console. All images/screenshots/artwork used in this publication
are copyright their respective owners/creators/companies and are used here for the purpose of comment, review and parody.
All written text is copyright Paul Weller, or the original author if stated, and is not to be reproduced without prior permission.
Earthworms have 5 hearts.
PC Engine Gamer
Monster Lair
Poor Tom-Tom. He’s already
rescued his girl and saved the land
from the evil Meka Dragon, and
he’s just sat down for five minutes
hoping to get a cup of tea and a bit
of a kip, when invaders from across
the galaxy appear and pinch a load
of legendary weapons and armour.
In fact, he’s so put out by all this, he
changes his name to Leo, dyes his
hair bright green and sets out to plan a viable strategy for success,
knock seven shades of Deep Blue this sucker is full-on auto-scroll at
out of these little scumbags that are all times so you need to keep on
about as welcome as a dose of clap. your toes and focus on what you’re
And to make things worse, all these doing instead of tickling the dog
years of running around naked in and munching a biscuit as you play.
the jungle and he STILL can’t get a Believe me, it doesn’t work.
decent tan.
And if that’s not enough to raise
From the very first second, you can the tension, the good old original
tell that Leo really means business Wonder Boy style health system has
- after all he’s running...all the time. been slotted neatly back in place, so
There’s no standing around to you’ll need to collect lots and lots of
take stock of your surroundings or fruit to stop your life being sucked
Watch out for ice; you’ll slip around
like an oiled baby in a non-stick pan.
4 Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair ©1989 Hudson Soft/Alfa System ©1988 Westone
Issue 4
Pop that pink fairy and you might just get a quick
snog out of her (or maybe just a wand to the head)
away faster than marriage and I’m very tempted to cook it dinner
children ever could. one evening.
Now this wouldn’t be too fair if you You see, in many games you tend
were given the same old offensive to find the ‘best’ weapon and
tools. Throwing small hatchets or stick with it, never picking the less
gently poking critters with your effective ones or the complete
tiny sword won’t cut the mustard duffer (for there is always one). But
here. No, this time Leo has far Beat off these ghouls before they
more power as at the very least his become fully erect and block your path.
sword shoots out cannon ball sized
projectiles that maim anything that
dares to get in their way.
That’s not all though dear reader, that watching a chimp’s tea party
for when you are done with a level that is going horribly wrong before
of frantic platform hopping, the your eyes. Monster Lair is just pure
second half of every level has you arcadey goodness, and I find myself
riding a stylish pink dragon in a not caring a jot whether I can finish
traditional shoot ‘em up scenario. the game (which I quite definitely
Admittedly, these stages are more can’t) because I just enjoy the
a warm-up for the approaching playing so much. It’s fast moving,
nasty boss creature, but they are a great reflex platforming that (aside
welcome diversion nonetheless. from a few bosses) never feels like
it’s cheating you into dying unfairly
The bosses are quite a highlight in - the finger is always pointed back
Monster Lair. They are all very well at your ineptitude, so you only have
designed and most are memorable yourself to blame.
encounters from the R-Type
So how good is Monster Lair?
style snake to the fruit machine
mushroom. This is, however, where GAUGE OF GOODNESS
one of Monster Lair’s few flaws is
apparent, as some of the bosses
(particularly the later ones) are
Natalie Portman
disproportionately challenging
compared to the levels themselves,
meaning that you will drop a good
many lives if you’re unlucky enough
to have the wrong (or no) weapon. Monster Lair
An Enema
Red Dwarf © BBC, Marmite is a trademark of Unilever UK Limited, Natalie Portman is hot 7
PC Engine Gamer
if you know the original. arrangements are perfect! TOTAL SCORE
Yesterday’s News Today
Answer: 57344
10 Kato Chan & Ken Chan ©1987 Hudson Soft, PC Genjin 2 ©1990 Hudson Soft/Red, Gate of Thunder ©1992 Hudson Soft/Red
Issue 4
Rastan Saga II
Once in a while, something gritty, let’s take a look at what
truly remarkable happens. A makes this the truly unique
development team manages to experience it is.
take all their experience and skill
and somehow, magically combine The original Rastan Saga was
them, resulting in a product that released in the arcades in 1987
achieves results that you couldn’t by Taito. It was well received, with
have expected in your wildest its Conan-like fantasy setting,
imaginings. Well folks, Rastan Saga II challenging platforming action
is such a game. Holes can be tricky to spot, especially
with the chunky backgrounds
But before we get into the nitty
Sword envy was a common thing
back in those simpler days. When I approached this game to
review, I promised myself that I
And so you take control of this would take a more positive outlook
young hero, a man whose bulging than people might expect. My
muscles and stylish red boots opening paragraph, for example,
you could only dream of having. is essentially true. It takes a great
Progressing through the various
landscapes, defeating monsters
sometimes gives the opportunity
to alter your weaponry. You begin
with a rudimentary short sword
and shield (which can be raised
above your head to avoid falling
blocks) but also available are such
classics and the ‘bloody great big
sword’ and ‘a pair of claw gloves so
you can pretend you’re that dude Upthrusts are quite useful, and a bit of cold steel
from those X-Men films.’ There are poked up the arse is always a laugh.
also other little bonuses like the
ability to expel a powerful electric
charge from your current weapon,
which can really cause some nasty
deal of skill for a development team known, but also manages to take
to produce a title which, given its a dump on its classic prequel with
heritage and no-brainer money- such skill it is to be admired.
making possibilities, manages to
propel the player into new and But let’s remain positive. What
quite amazing realms of complete makes Rastan Saga II so great at
apathy that they have never before unentertaining me? Could it be the
experienced. impressively large sprites that work
absolute wonders in cramping the
They have succeeded superbly in gameplay and proving that bigger
creating a sequel which not only is not always better? Or could it be
disinterests me in ways I had never the stunningly twee soundtrack
Conversion Connections
It’s all very well reviewing the game which results in a much blockier
‘as is’, but how does it compare as an looking game. Some background
arcade conversion? details (like trees) are missing, but on
the whole it fares very well.
Surprisingly, it is mostly very accurate.
The sprites are spot on, save a few The gameplay is much faster in the
frames of animation that had to be arcade version, although the jumping
dropped. Colours are accurate - the PC seems to have a delay which the PC
Engine has a slightly more vibrant and Engine version doesn’t suffer from.
contrasty palette, so it’s not as subtle Levels also scroll continuously and
in places. The backgrounds are also don’t have the somewhat jarring fade
generally pretty good, although the out that just feels odd.
main failing is a lack of parallax scrolling
The tunes are the same, but the arcade
music is both faster and uses far more
appropriate sounds. It’s a lot more
heroic, which does make a difference
to how the game feels, but still doesn’t
save it from itself.
PC Engine Arcade Mega Drive
PC Engine Gamer
Issue 4
that sounds more like something I always look forward to this bit
my granny would knit to than the
theme of blood soaked barbarian
after a while. aren’t memorable. TOTAL SCORE
Blackadder ©BBC 17
PC Engine Gamer
Dr. Bakuda’s
Happy Hour
Shown the error of his ways, Dr. Bakuda has
turned his powers to good and wishes to
spread joy and cheer to all around him.
Please note the opinions of Dr. Bakuda may not represent the opinions of the Editorial staff.
Gaming Tongue
The world of gaming is not confined to the PC Engine.
Joe Redifer gives you a taste of whatever else is out there.
Super Famicom • Nintendo • 1990
Aim for the cat, dude!
I first saw Pilotwings being displayed
in a store on a Japanese Super
Famicom many months before
the SNES launched in the USA. I
was mesmerized by the spinning
and tilting playfield which was
powered, in part, by the mighty DSP
chip inside the cartridge as the full
potential of the Super Famicom had
calm and relaxing music. You simply
already been reached before its first
try to land correctly or fly through
game was completed.
rings or whatnot. Amazingly you
aren’t called upon to stop some evil
regime and save the entire universe.
I also happened to think that one of
the teachers in the game was quite
cute. Hey, I was a teenager with
ragin’ hormones!
Space Harrier
ARCADE • SEGA • 1985
It was games like this
one which helped me
decide which would be
the first gaming console
I ever bought, the Sega
Master System. I wasn’t
tremendously good at
games back then, but I was Just as much fun today as it ever was.
impressed enough by this and Space Harrier was no exception
and other Sega games that my with tons of colour, a crap-ton of
choice was clear. I was an arcade scaling sprites and lots of objects all
game lover and I felt Sega had the moving around very fast at a rock-
best arcade games, so the SMS was solid 60 frames per second.
the console of choice for me.
I used to impress onlookers as I
zipped through Stage 14 “Asute”,
the fastest and most frenetic stage
in the game, without dying. I simply
loved this arcade game and still do.
It has aged very well in my opinion.
However I was disappointed that
there was no final boss. The SMS
It may look unique, but I had a
dream like this just last night. version had a final boss called Haya-
Oh which had awesome music, but
A bit after buying that console and the last boss in every other version
beating the home version of Space of the game including the arcade is
Harrier, I began to get really good at just a wimpy reappearance of Valda,
the arcade version which featured the single-headed skeleton dragon.
slightly smoother graphics and a But that doesn’t stop me from
touch more colour than the home loving the arcade version.
counterpart (though it is nearly
impossible to tell the difference Here’s a tip for you which should
between the two versions if you work in ALL versions of this game:
stand 2 miles away). Sega really was The harder you set the difficulty, the
ahead of their time in the arcades easier it actually is. JR
I used to play this game in the also hit a bell which plays a little
grocery store when I was a little kid tune, but I never was able to figure
while my mom did the shopping. out if it had any other purpose.
I was pretty good at it and could Maybe it makes the monkeys stop
even make it up to round 4. I was throwing chewed-up apples at
the envy of all the other kids in the you for the time being. The game
neighbourhood. also features original BGM which is
something that games at that time
did not usually feature. It rocked
hardcore as most music from
Sunsoft games tend to. Yes, this
company eventually became what
is known as Sunsoft.
9. Gate of Thunder
If the loud screeching sound doesn’t
cause a violent bowel movement in your
enemies, the massive wall of fire racing
towards them at high speed is sure to
make them turn tail and run...at least until
they burst into
flames and die 6. Cotton
in screaming Despite Cotton being a cute little girl, she
agony. It’s the can still make sith-like bolts of lightning
humane way to shoot mercilessly from her fingertips, and
do it you know. do it without hammy overacting too.
8. Final Soldier
Rather than some
brutish fiery death
bomb, this hippy
weapon looks like
a nice explosion of
pretty flowers that
tastefully spiral out
from your ship,
radiating peace and joy.
24 Raiden ©1991 Hudson Soft/Seibu Kaihatsu, Gate of Thunder ©1992 Hudson Soft/Red, Final Soldier ©1991 Hudson Soft, Star Parodier ©1992 Hudson Soft/ Inter State/Kaneko, Cotton ©1993 Hudson Soft/Success
Issue 4
3. Tatsujin
This game
couldn’t be
harder if it
took viagra,
so you’ll be
plenty of
these bombs to progress. Luckily they
look both scary and wonderful and are
one of the classic bombs in gaming.
Parodius ©1992 Konami, Super Star Soldier ©1990 Hudson Soft/Inter State/Kaneko, Tatsujin ©1992 Taito/Toaplan, Winds of Thunder ©1993 Hudson Soft/Red, Kyukyoku Tiger ©1989 Taito 25
w w w. p c e n g i n e. c o. u k / s u n t e a m