The Year Of The Pig document provides an analysis of the Chinese calendar and the implications of 2019 being the Year of the Pig. Key points:
1) 2019 is symbolized by the elements of fire sitting on water, indicating potential conflict and international struggles. The "yin fire" also represents tension and instability.
2) Historically, the last yin fire on pig year was 1945 when World War 2 ended and the Cold War began. Health issues may arise relating to the heart and nervous system.
3) The economy is predicted to rise in the first half of 2019 before seeing a substantial setback later in the year, though not as severe as the Asian financial crisis of 1998. Certain industries like real
The Year Of The Pig document provides an analysis of the Chinese calendar and the implications of 2019 being the Year of the Pig. Key points:
1) 2019 is symbolized by the elements of fire sitting on water, indicating potential conflict and international struggles. The "yin fire" also represents tension and instability.
2) Historically, the last yin fire on pig year was 1945 when World War 2 ended and the Cold War began. Health issues may arise relating to the heart and nervous system.
3) The economy is predicted to rise in the first half of 2019 before seeing a substantial setback later in the year, though not as severe as the Asian financial crisis of 1998. Certain industries like real
The Year Of The Pig document provides an analysis of the Chinese calendar and the implications of 2019 being the Year of the Pig. Key points:
1) 2019 is symbolized by the elements of fire sitting on water, indicating potential conflict and international struggles. The "yin fire" also represents tension and instability.
2) Historically, the last yin fire on pig year was 1945 when World War 2 ended and the Cold War began. Health issues may arise relating to the heart and nervous system.
3) The economy is predicted to rise in the first half of 2019 before seeing a substantial setback later in the year, though not as severe as the Asian financial crisis of 1998. Certain industries like real
The Year Of The Pig document provides an analysis of the Chinese calendar and the implications of 2019 being the Year of the Pig. Key points:
1) 2019 is symbolized by the elements of fire sitting on water, indicating potential conflict and international struggles. The "yin fire" also represents tension and instability.
2) Historically, the last yin fire on pig year was 1945 when World War 2 ended and the Cold War began. Health issues may arise relating to the heart and nervous system.
3) The economy is predicted to rise in the first half of 2019 before seeing a substantial setback later in the year, though not as severe as the Asian financial crisis of 1998. Certain industries like real
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The Year Of The Pig
Released: April 29, 2013
The Chinese calendar, commonly known as the Farmers Calendar, or the Hsia Calendar, is a fascinatingly accurate system, which not only records the passage of time, but is also a tool for fortune-telling. The famous traditional fortune-telling system The Four illars of !estiny is e"actly referring to reading a persons destiny from his birth data as presented in the Hsia calendar format. The uni#ue feature of such calendar is that all information about time year, month, day and hour are presented in terms of the fi$e basic elements metal, water, wood, fire and earth, which are belie$ed to be the basic components of e$erything in the %ni$erse. The relationship between the fire elements accurately helps one predict what is to come by way of ones fortunes and thus, one can by using this knowledge, multiply the good luck or minimi&e the bad luck in ones life. The 'ear of the ig, ())*, in the Hsia calendar, is symboli&ed by two elements with fire sitting on top of water. +ccording to the cycle of birth and destruction, which go$erns the inter-relationship between the elements, fire will be con#uered by water. Therefore, fire sitting on water is a symbol of conflict and skirmish and this may bring a relati$ely less peaceful year with more international conflicts and struggles. ,n recent years, the last time such fire and water elements appeared was in ())( in the year of the water horse, which was the year immediately after -.. and terrorist attacks became a global threat . The fire standing on top in ())* is yin fire which is compared to the candle flame. /hilst the yang fire in ())0 symboli&es the sun and represents openness, optimism, warmth, politeness and care, the 'in fire in ())* symboli&es tension, temperamental emotions, agitations, and illusions. The 'in fire is candle flame, and a spark of fire. There is a common Chinese saying that 1+ spark of fire can burn down the whole plain2. +s such, yin fire can be more damaging and destructi$e than yang fire. ,t is anticipated that there will be more international conflicts and disharmony which will e$en lead to regional warfare, uprising and unrest, or o$er throwing of the go$ernment in certain countries. The Chinese calendar year goes on 0)-year cycle. This means that we ha$e e"perienced the same year of yin fire on pig in .-3*. This was a year when the 4econd /orld /ar is o$er and the Cold war between %445 and %4+ began. ,n .-3* the %.4. resident Truman declared his famous doctrine to stem the spread of communism. +nd the %445 re6ected the %4 plan for %7 atomic energy control. 4o the race to produce nuclear weapon began. ,n the same year ,ndia and akistan became independent from 8ritish rule and then engaged into a bloody war. The Chinese character for 1'in fire2 is like the shape of the alphabet 1T2. 9ne can remember the 1T2 shape as the mushroom cloud which appears during a nuclear e"plosion. ,ndeed, the 'in fire can bring fire disasters and big e"plosions. ,n recent history we ha$e found #uite disastrous e"plosions happened on a 'in fire day. The ob$ious e"amples are 0th +ugust, .-3:, the day when the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and 4eptember, ())., the famous -.. terrorist attack on %4+. 8oth these days are 'in fire. The 'in fire symboli&es fire arms, and the deadly weapon +;-3* assault rifle was actually designed in .-3*. <"actly 0) years ago, same year of 'in fire on the pig. 4o it will not be surprising that there will more gun battles, murder with guns, bombing attacks in the year ())*. The ig belongs to water element, howe$er, it represents the beginning of winter and is the birth month of wood. +s such, the pig symboli&es the germination of a plants, a new life is born. +s such, the pig year can bring a new beginning of international relationships and social order, this could bring new regimes with new go$ernment in some countries. The pig is also considered as a 1Tra$eling star2. 4o years of the pig will stimulate more tra$eling and this will $ery much benefit tourist industry. Howe$er, the ig is in clash relationship against the snake. This is a clash between water and fire elements and will often bring accidents related to both air and the sea. The snake can also symboli&e the train. 4o traffic accidents related to train, shipping, and airplanes could be more serious in this year. +s the ig is the animal in clash against the 4nake, and forms a configuration called 1self penalty with the ig itself. Therefore people born in years of 4nake and the ig ha$e to be particularly careful in ())*. +s it is water clashing against fire, the danger could be associate with water and fire disasters such as traffic accidents in the air or at sea. Therefore, for people born in the year of 4nake and ig, it is recommended that they carry the pendant of a Tiger which will help to attract away the ig, so as to minimi&e the negati$e influence of the clash or penalty. +nyhow, people who are born in the year of 4nake will e"perience a more turbulent year with more mo$ements and tra$eling, changes. ,t is suitable to engage in such mo$ements, such as mo$ing house or mo$ing offices. Tra$eling is also good but one should a$oid going straight towards the 7orthwest direction as it is the direction of the =rand !uke in ())*. The Fi$e basic elements also represent different parts of our body, fire in general relates to blood circulation and the heart, and yin fire also represents the brain, the eyes and the ner$e system. +s such, the health problems related to yin fire could be heart disease, inflammation, hyper tension, in serious cases> it could bring about heart attack and stroke, or ner$ous breakdown, an"iety, depression and insomnia as well as obesity. Therefore in ())* we should pay more attention to health of the heart as well as mental health. For people who are born in the day of yin fire, it is always ad$isable to take up more rela"ation e"ercises such as Taichi and yoga in order to reduce tension and stress. ,t is necessary to take more fresh fruit and $egetables, $itamin C, $itamin <, omega ? oil, C9@.) etc, to pre$ent cardio$ascular diseases. ,t is also necessary to pay attention to problem related to eyesight. The famous people who are born on a day of 'in fire include 8ois 'eltsin, +riel 4haron, !a$id 8owie, Tony 8lair, Harrison Ford, Chairman Aao Tse tung and most of these people are known to ha$e suffered stroke or problem of the heart. ,n recent years world wide epidemic such as a$ian flu has been worrying and there is also reason to see such threats could intensify in ())*. ,n human history the most serious outbreak of epidemic is the 8lack !eath which started in <urope in the year .?3* which is e"actly a year of yin fire on the ig. This epidemic wiped out about one third of the population in <urope and this is estimated to be about ?3 million people. . +nother signal of such threat to health in ())* also appears in the feng shui flying stars. ,n ())* the star number (, representing sickness is in the centre. This centre number often reflects the focus of e$ents pre$ailing in the year. Take for e"ample, in ()): we ha$e 3 in the centre and the number 3 symboli&es the chicken. 4o this the year the threat of a$ian flu began. ,n ())0 the star ? in the centre represents conflict and earth#uakes, and so we ha$e to assume the ( in the centre in ())* will bring more health problems. The best precaution against such health threat is to take a more healthy diet and taking health supplements such as anti-o"idants to impro$e our immune system. The economy in the year ())* showed yin fire on the Hea$enly stem. Fire is the symbol of the financial market and yin fire is illusi$e candle fire. ,llusion of a good market can also generate o$er optimism that will dri$e up the stock market in the first half of ())*, when the spring and summer months of wood and fire make the candle fire appear stronger. Howe$er, yin fire standing on water pig the terminator of fire, is illusory fire. 8ut the stock market is often dri$en by illusion of profitability. 4o it is e"pected that the economy and the stock market will shot up to $ery high le$els in the months from February till about Buly. Howe$er, in$estors ha$e to be cautious towards autumn and winter as there will be substantial set back as the fire element will disappear in ())C, the year of the <arth 5at. The situation bears some similarity to the +sian currency crisis that broke out in around +ugust of .--*. .--* is also a 'in fire year and such illusi$e fire pushed the stock and property market sky high in first half of .--* before the collapse came in +ugust. Howe$er, in general, we do not e"pect the setback in second half of ())* will be as serious as that of .--*. The reason being that there is hidden wood element in the ig which still pro$ide support to the 'in fire e$en in winter time. The strong water of the ig year fa$ours earth and metal industries, as earth con#uers water, so the ig is a symbol of money to the earth industry, which includes property, mining, hotel, chemicals, insuranceD +s for metal industries, metal gi$es birth to water, so the strong water element in the year indicates producti$ity and strong acti$ity in metal industries this include machinery, computer, high tech industries, skincare, health business. The /ood industries, which include te"tile, fashion, books, publications, paper, forestry, furniture is not as strong as pre$ious year, but still remains reasonably prosperous as the yin fire year symboli&es producti$ity of wood industry. The less prosperous industries in ())* will be businesses of water and fire elements. /ater industries refers to shipping, communication, drinksDetc. The strong water appearing in the ig year will bring stronger competition in the water areas and this will $ery much weaken the profitability. Fire industries refer to finance, stock market, energy, electricity, entertainment, and airline businesses. +s fire con#uers metal and produces <arth element, so to Fire industry, metal represents money and earth represents producti$ity. Howe$er, in ())* both metal and earth elements are absent. That is why it is a relati$ely weak year for the industries related to the fire element. The property market is symboli&ed by the earth element. This industry had stronger acti$ities in the past years of monkey and rooster in ())3 and ()): as the metal elements represent producti$ity of earth industries. There had been some slowdown in ())0, as the fire ad earth year brought stronger competition and eroded profitability. Howe$er, in ())* the water element of the pig will bring some money luck to the earth industry, despite there will be some setback towards the second half of the year when the stock market is undergoing some ad6ustments. /ith respect to the hi-tech industries sector, as represented by the 7+4!+@. , ha$e postulated that this industry is mainly represented by the metal element. +s such, the prosperity of hi-tech industry re#uires the strong appearance of water and wood, which are symbols of producti$ity and money of the metal industry. ,n ())* the water element, meaning acti$ities to hi-tech industries returns. +s such, it is anticipated that the year is fa$ourable for hi-tech or internet types of business. 8ut the absence of wood in this year could mean there are more acti$ities without real substantial money gains. ,n summary, the industries that will perform well in the year of the ig will be industries related to earth and metal elements such as property, hotel, mining, insurance, machinery, engineering, health, computer, and high tech industries. ,ndustries relating to water and fire will not be doing so well. /ater industries include shipping, communication, drinks , and fire industries are stock market, finance, energy, electricity, entertainment business. The wood industries such as te"tile, publications, fashion, furniture, etc are into a year with some superficial prosperity but not substantial. ,n general, the yin fire ig year, with fire on top con#uered by water below, is symbol of more disharmony and struggle before the birth of a new world order. There will be more international conflicts and uprisings and unrest but such e$ents may bring positi$e changes leading to longer term benefit for the future of humanity and global well- being. The animal sign which is most unfa$ourable is the 4nake which is in direct clash against the ig. 4uch clashes will usually bring about turbulence, mo$ements, accident or changes.. 4o people born in the year of the 4nake will anticipate more tra$eling , or mo$ements such as changing 6obs or mo$ing house. ,t is necessary to carry the pendant of a Tiger as protection to attract the ig away. For the 4nake people, the clash against the ig could bring accidents related to the water and fire element, such as e"plosion, fire disasters, air and sea traffic accidents. For people who are under clash with the year, it is ok to tra$el more, making changes such as mo$ing house, or change 6ob. Howe$er, for people born in the year of the 4nake, it is recommended not to tra$el directly towards the direction of the =rand !uke, which is the northwest direction, and it is also not recommended for them to tra$el by sea. The other animals signs facing unfa$ourable positions is the ig, as when ig encounters a ig year will form 4elf enalty relationship. . 4uch self penalties will usually bring irritation and frustrations, such as putting in a lot of effort without any concrete achie$ements. +lso the imbalance of fire and water elements brought about by the 4nake and the ig may bring fire and water diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart burn, inflammation, diabetes, and kidney problems. +s such, it is necessary to take hea$y dosages of anti-o"idant, omega ? oil or C9@.) which is good protection against cardio$ascular diseases, hyper-tension and inflammation problems. The animals combining with the ig year are the Tiger, the 5abbit, the =oat. These animals are into a year of harmony . Howe$er, such animal astrology is not totally reliable as the system is not recogni&ed as a formal type of fortune-telling. For more reliable assessment of ones fortune in the year of the ig, it is recommended that one checks the full Four illars of !estiny, which re#uires full birthdata information of the 'ear, Aonth, !ay and Hour of birth. +s the animal signs can appear in all four pillars in a persons birth data, the clash and penalty relationship with the ig will not only impact people born in the year of 4nake and ig. 4uch clash and penalties can also impact any one who has such animals in the birth month, or day or hour. 4ome e"amples of famous people born in the year of the 4nake and under clash in ())* are Tony 8lair, 8ob !ylan, 8en 4. 8ernanke, Aartha 4tewart, B. ;. 5owling, 4tephen Hawking, and 8rooke 4hield. There are people who are not born in the year of 4nake, but they are also under clash because they are born on the day of 4nake, so they will also face a challenging year. 4ome e"amples of these people are =eorge 8ush, 9sama 8in Eaden, Taksin 4hinawatra, ;obe 8raynt, +ngelina Boli, and Bohn Tra$olta. For people who are born in the year of the 5at, the ig year will bring 1Flower of 5omance2 so one can anticipate a more sociable year with more opportunity to de$elop friendship with the opposite se". eople born in the years of 4nake, 5ooster, and 9" will see a tra$eling horse in the year of the ig and will e"pect more tra$eling, mo$ement and changes in their li$es. Feng 4hui energies also change from year to year. Therefore, it is necessary to watch for the re-allocation of good and bad energies at the beginning of each year, so that we can take necessary precautions if some bad energy happens to arri$e at important locations of our residence or offices. ,n the year of the ig, the bad energy called 1Fi$e 'ellow2 symboli&ing obstacles and misfortune, arri$es at the 7ortheast. ,f your northeast of the house is an important area such as bedroom or entrances, it is recommended that one hangs a metal windchime there to dissol$e this bad energy. The worst months will be in February, +ugust, and 7o$ember. +nother bad star number (, symboli&ing sickness, will arri$e in the centre in ())*. The traditional method to dissol$e this ( is to hang a string of si" metal coins in the affected area in the Centre of the house The =rand !uke this year is in the 7orthwest, hence it is not fa$ourable to 1mo$e earth2 or make substantial construction work in this direction. ,t is also not recommended for one to sit with back against e"act /est as you will be sitting against the unfa$ourable energy called 1Three 4hars2 or 1Three ;illings2. The bad star ? is a star of conflict and robbery. This is present in the northwest of the house. ,t is necessary to put a piece of red paper in the northwest to minimi&e such a bad influence. +lso the bad star *, representing scandals is in the 7orth, the traditional solution for this bad star * is to place ? or 3 of bamboo plant grown in clear glass $ase of water in the 7orth location.