Correlativity Fiction

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Copyright 2009 by Hew, Yon Long

About the Author

Hew, Yon Long (Y. L. Hew), a civil engineer, graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States of America in 1988. Two years later he obtained his Masters from the same university. He then worked in Atlanta, USA as an Environmental Specialist. Hew was invited to present his Theory of Correlativity in the World Yi Jing Convention 2000 held in Nanjing, China. Due to his busy schedule, he postponed his presentation to the following year, i.e. the World Yi Jing Convention 2001 held in Singapore. At the convention, Hew stunned his audience by presenting a scientific paper showing how human behavior change with respect to time as well as the burial site and the tombs orientation can affect the descendants of the deceased. Hew was then honored by the President of Yi Jing (I-Ching) Society, Nanjing, China in 2002 for his contributions in promoting Chinese wisdoms to the western world. Hew was also given an honorary doctorate from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2006 for his discovering and founded the science of Correlativity.

ISBN 978-983-44693-0-6 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author.

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Hew, Yon Long, 1964Correlativity and The Riders of Lost Crystallites / Hew Yon Long. ISBN 978-983-44693-0-6

Cover Design: YL Hew Publishing Published by: YL Hew Publishing Edited by: Bill Poh Compilation by: Kenneth Tang, H. W. Foong, Valen Foong Website : Email: [email protected]

This is the first of its kind science fiction (sci-fi). I depict myself as a Soothsayer Master Hew in this fiction. In 1999, a Soothsayer, from his Pyramid Observation Deck, observed two crystallites landing on an imaginary island near China. These two crystallites that possessed strong primordial energy fields - will change the islanders genetic materials accordingly i.e. a Hitler-like-being will be born in this island on 16 April 2009 (The Ox Year in Chinese Zodiac). Based on the Soothsayers calculation and the hints from The Chinese Push-Back Prophecy (Tui Bei Tu , the name derived from Li pushed Yuans back (the 60 Phenomenon) by Tang Dynasty (618-907)s Li Chun Feng () and Yuan Tian Gang (), Hitler-like-being with the help of crystallites energy will conquer the world approximately fifty years from today. (Note: There are 60 Phenomena posted in The Chinese Push-Back Prophecy mainly to foretell Chinas political and domestic affairs since Tang Emperor Li Shimin (599-649). This prophecy is made known to the public only in recent years (some article wrote that the British Alliances discovered this book when they raided Forbidden City during the Chin Dynasty). Rumor spread that only Emperor can view on the contents of this book because of its authenticity - the phenomena related to the rise and decline of a dynasty. Many historians and scholars were convinced that the 39 Phenomenon of The Chinese Push-Back Prophecy related to Japanese invaded China during the Second World War. At present, the Persian Gulf War in 1990, the downfall of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the rise of Boris Yeltsin in 1991, the US and UKs military forces ousting Iraqs Saddam Hussein in 2003, and the Olympic Game in 2008 in China were all well illustrated in the 45 and 46 Phenomena, see the attachment at the end of this book). To stop this future disaster, Soothsayer then invited his friend, a biologist cum archaeologist to clone both biological and energy sound human via his newly discovered theory Correlativity. The theory that unifies the laws and concepts of Yi Jing (I-Ching, the Book of Changes), Zi Wei Dou Shu (the Book of Destinies), Gravitational Law, Energy Equation, Uncertainty Principle, and DNA Structure. This reminiscent that Einsteins theory of Relativity was just in time for Robert Oppenheimer to make two atomic bombs at that time to stop Japanese conquering the world more than sixty years ago. The fiction also takes the reader on a fantastic voyage into the past and the future where hate and romance coexisted. The reader will also experience how the Fantastic Five (Kids with sticks, the 54 Phenomenon) ousted the Ox by overcoming the Water (), Wood (), Metal (), Earth (), and Fire () hurdles. The application of Yi Jings 64 Hexagrams in XY letter format also appears for the first time in this fiction (Note: Y () is Yang and X (- -) is Yin, the left triplet symbolizes space and the right triplet symbolizes time; originally a lower and the upper one).

Correlativity and The Riders of Lost Crystallites

10:15 a.m., 20 October 2000, Correlativity Institute of Bioenergetics (CIB), Chinatown, Atlanta, USA I was invited to present the Theory of Correlativity in the World Yi Jing( I-Ching) Convention 2000 that was held in Nanjing University, China on 27 October 2000. A week before the presentation, I called my students to meet at CIB Pyramid (96 feet high), a structure that was built five times smaller than the Great Pyramid (481 feet high) at Giza, Egypt.

They are Cecilia Blue, the biologist, Jack Green, the anthropologist, Susan Yellow, the astrophysicist, Mike Orange, the computer specialist, and Pauline Red, the archaeologist. The combination of these five persons are somewhat akin to five types of frequency blue frequency, green frequency, yellow frequency, orange frequency, and red frequency, the five essential frequencies used to describe the theory of Correlativity. Master Hew, what is the purpose of this meeting? Jack asked. The rest of them seemed to have the same question in their minds. First, I like to invite you all to Nanjing, China, I replied. Besides visiting China, I would also like to invite you all to Hoha Island not far from Nanjing," I said. Where is Hoha Island, Master Hew? Cecilia asked. Hoha Island, an autonomous island, is situated at East China Sea, south of Japan about latitude 30 degree North and 125 degree longitude East of Greenwich. It has 40,000 square kilometers of land with a population of 300,000, I explained.


What is the purpose of visiting this area, Master Hew? Mike asked.

Indeed, this is a top secret mission. I observed two crystallites landing at this area on 10 July 1999 at 10 pm. from CIB observation deck, I replied. All of them were puzzled by my top secret reply. I will tell you if you can keep a secret, I added. "No problem, Master Hew, All replied. Based on my calculation, a Red Evildoer will be born on this island on 16 April 2009 at 4:00 pm (EG5-9). Red crystallites that carry primordial energy fields or in short PEF will impact the residents over there. Technically speaking, the residents genetic material will be mutated accordingly with the interference of red crystallites energy field. A newborn baby that was born after 10 July 1999 will bear the crystallites characteristics. Population will soar during the next 40 years because of the strong primordial energy fields, I said. My students looked surprised after my statement. Where do you get this information? Jack asked. Basic instinct, I joked. Indeed, I glimpsed at this phenomenon for about five seconds at the CIB observation deck during a thunderstorm night shortly after the landing of two crystallites. According to the theory of Correlativity, they are the primordial energy fields of Justiciar and Swordsman from the northern hemisphere. In fact, this is not the first time that the crystallite form of primordial energy fields impact on the livelihood on Earth. It had happened before when an outstanding individual was born. The birth of Genghis Khan in Mongolia that dated back some 800 years ago is a good example, I said. Master Hew, can you explain further? We are curious, Mike asked. Genghis Khan (1162-1227), a legendary warrior not only invaded northern China but also conquered Persian Gulf. A purple crystallite, which landed at the northern part of Mongolia, rendered the birth of the conqueror. Indeed, the Mongolian crystallite was situated about 320km northeast of Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia. Through the Anthropologic Principle, we can assume that the crystallite would be situated at the tomb of the conqueror. This is partly due to the correlativistic force or in short correlative force. He preferred to die near his energy source, I said. Is the crystallite still active in Mongolia? What is the impact in todays world? Susan asked curiously. Once upon a time, a conqueror died and the crystallite energy also perished accordingly, I replied. This is a good time for us to test the authenticity of Correlativity in Hoha Island because of the newly landed crystallite. We will test the birth codes of a newborn baby for those who are born after 10 July 1999. If I am not mistaken, most of the babies will have the characteristics of Justiciar and Swordsman. The trip to Hoha Island is very dangerous because crystallites have bodyguards accompanying them. Our intention is to de-energize the crystallite. If we find the crystallite, we will bring back to Atlanta for our research and development. The energy of crystallite that will impact on human genes at Hoha Island will vanish accordingly, I elaborated.

What if we fail to displace the crystallite? Cecilia asked.

What if we fail to displace the Crystallite? Cecilia asked.

I will tell you after the Hoha Island trip. I replied. Mike, please prepare all the computer equipments for this trip, I instructed. Yes, Master Hew, Mike replied. The rest seemed very excited about this project. Before we go to China, I need to brief you all about the theory of Correlativity, I elaborated. The Yang has evolved from basic chemistry to todays human genome project whereas the Yin, human energy project, has yet to be fully developed. For the Yin and Yangs combination, we are still at the infancy stage, I explained and pointed to the newly installed Human Aura Computer that was fixed in the center of Pyramid. What is the purpose of this Human Aura Computer? Susan asked. Over the past few decades, biochemistry and molecular biology have dominated biology and medicine. The Human Genome Project elucidated less than 40,000 genes in the human genome. It is surprising to find such a small number of genes, and some scientists questioned as to whether the human genome is sufficient to account for all the information specifying a human being. Moreover, the genetic view of life is limited because it is unable to explain many of human being's subtle behavior. Indeed, the human aura computer is created as a part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine or in short CAM to view human beings subtle biological field namely Primordial Energy Field Scanning or in short PEF Scanning. For example, when we are sick, our aura appears dim in color or in technical terms, weak wavelengths. The Human Aura Computer can identify the shortage of required wavelengths and subsequently recharge them if necessary. This phenomenon is just like you recharging your cellphones flat battery. The Human Aura Computer can refurbish beneficial wavelengths as well as diverse detrimental wavelengths, I added. What is CAM anyway, Master Hew? Jack asked. Famous CAM practices like Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Color Therapy, etc, I explained. Unlike the rest of CAM in which only electromagnetic force is involved, PEF Scanning involves all four forces participation. That is why I constructed the pyramid structure for my research and development, I elaborated. Can you explain further, Master Hew? Pauline asked eagerly. Okay, allow me to use my correlativity equation for explanation. Correlativistic Force = Gravitational Force + Energetic Force The first part of the equation is Newtons Inverse-Square Law. It symbolizes the gravitational forces from galaxies, stars and planets that tie with us so that we would not be spun off into space. The second part is Mass times the Speed of Light Square divided by Distance, it derives from Work Energy Equivalence (W = E; W=fd and E = mc2) concept. I named the second part equation as Energetic Force because this equation is derived from Einsteins energy equation.

Hold it Master Hew, you mean Correlativity theory is a theory that involves gravitational force and energetic force, among others? Susan interrupted. Yes, Newtons theory of gravity proved that the universe is held together by powerful yet invisible force, the yin force. But the gravitational force hardly interferes with living organisms metabolic system. That is why I need to incorporate the energetic force, the yang force to explain human primordial energy field or in short Human PEF, I replied. If that is the case, Correlativistic Force can also be explained in genetic way, Correlativistic Force = Gene Orientation nion Gene Development The first part of the equation is responsible for gene orientation whereas the second part, the gene development, Cecilia added. Human DNA is made up of 2.91 billion base pairs, A (adenine) must pair with T (thymine) and C (cytosine) must pair with G (guanine). Similarly, human PEF is also made up of four letters, M (mass), C2 (Speed of Light Square), F (Force) and D (Distance). Mass symbolizes ones initial mass and Speed of Light Square symbolizes ones initial aura or wavelength. Force symbolizes ones initial strength and Distance symbolizes ones displacement, birthplace as initial point. Einsteins photon electric effect concept indicates that Energy is equal to Plancks Constant times the Frequency of the Light Wave, here called the external fluctuations. Photon radiation or a quantum of light from the universe will then correlate with internal fluctuations, which is Work equal to Force times the Distance, the initial behavior of living systems that produce bifurcations in behavior and generate completely new modes of behavior. That is to say the movement of galaxies, stars, and planets in every single second and minute will create different patterns of energy fields, I said. You mean that the identical twin with the same genetic code will behave differently due to birth code variation? Cecilia asked. Yes, even a five minute difference. Imagine the twins brain as a video player, compact disc as energy field. Let say the older twin and younger twin were born at 12:00 and 12:05 respectively. This is quite similar to the same video player playing with different compact discs, I added. You mean the Energy from the environment correlates with the Work of living systems? Jack asked. Exactly!, the energetic force can also be explained as photon radiation divided by distance. Imagine when you travel towards the Sun and away from the Sun, what is your psychological feeling? Indeed, this phenomenon is named as PEF dilation, which means increased energy field and PEF contraction, the decreased energy field. I can prove this phenomenon via my Human Aura Computer and my electrical car. For example, Jack is sitting on the electrical car. When the car displaces, Jacks aura showing in the computer also encounters a slight displacement or aura shifting. That is to say if we know the beneficial forces from the universe according to an individuals birth code, we can apply the rule of PEF dilation, or PEF contraction if detrimental forces. I discovered that the majority of the symptoms are caused by PEF disintegration or PEF distortion, I explained. Can you elaborate further, Master Hew? Mike asked curiously. Correlativistic Force mainly comprises of two basic interactions which is the gravitational force,

the yin nature and electromagnetic force, the yang nature. The rest of the other two forces, strong nuclear force, the yin nature and weak nuclear force, the yang nature are involved indirectly. Indeed, energetic force comprises of electromagnetic force because the light itself is electromagnetic wave and the chemistry of all stars is controlled by strong and weak nuclear forces. Many CAM practitioners only use the electromagnetic force in their treatments. This is partly because they have no knowledge about the use of the energetic forces in their practices. PEF Scanning involves the participation of all four forces, I added. How does the PEF Scanning work? Cecilia interrupted. Well, Correlativity equation only provides mathematical proof. We need to modify the Correlativity equation to morphomatical equation in accordance with the system of Zi Wei Dou Shu, The Book of Destinies, because we cant solve the mathematical equation, I elaborated. What does morphomatical mean? Susan interrupted. Morphomatical is an adjective hence Morphomatics is the correct word to use - which means the combination of morphology and mathematics and was first coined by Ian Stewart a British scientist. Ian Stewart also pointed out that we are in the era of morphomatics because we cant explain many phenomena especially the human subtle behavior. It seems the yin and yang era has arrived, I said. I am getting confused, Master Hew. What is the era of morphomatics? Pauline asked. Well, let me explain. Newtons idea of gravity was believed to be triggered by an apple that fell on his head. If we apply Newtons gravity theory, we can calculate the force of an apple that hit his head by Force equals to Mass times Acceleration. The requirement of this calculation is the mass, the mathematical portion, of an apple despite the shape, the morphological portion. If we assume durian, has an equal mass with an apple, Newton will receive a different impact because durian has different morphological outlook. My story indicates that we not only consider the mathematical portion but also the morphological portion especially when dealing with the living systems subtle behavior. It dawned on the Birth Code, the mathematics as an essential part of genetic code, the morphology in terms of understanding human behavior, I concluded. 8:00 a.m., 28 October 2000 at Hoha Island The Testimony A team, six of us, led by me headed to Hoha Island after the presentation at Nanjing University. The Six of us landed at Hoha Island via a one-hour boat ride from Shanghai Harbor in the cold wind breeze. Hoha Island is a Third World country with only a few major roads that are laid with stones and pebbles. Buggy tracks could be seen everywhere. Horses and wagons are major forms of transportation in this area. One side of the island appears flat and bushy, while the other side is hilly. Agriculture is the major income source of the nation. We all felt like being trapped in ancient times. It is hard to believe that forty years from now, a dictator will try to conquer the world with a special power. Our trip to this island was rather secretive. Nobody, apart from my team, knew about the mission. Cecilia, the biologist, blue frequency dominance, easily adapted to the new environment. She was the first one to approach the town folks because of her friendly disposition. She told the town folks that we were genetic specialists and that our intention on this island was to collect genetic samples and birth codes. Jack, the anthropologist, with green frequency dominance, the one with philosophical outlook,


was responsible for interviewing the town folks about their social functions, sex lives and family history, and diseases. Susan, the astrophysicist, with yellow frequency dominance, with mysterious outlook was responsible for analyzing the birth codes. Mike, the computer specialist, with orange frequency dominance, who possesses an honest appearance, was responsible for data collecting and sequencing. Pauline, the wild and sexy archaeologist, with red frequency dominance, was responsible for crystallites search. I, of course, managed the whole program. 9:00 am., 28 October 2000 at the Great Tomb of Alexander, Alexandria, Egypt The Tomb Raider

Another team, eight of them, was led by Dr. Alan Philip, an archaeologist cum biologist from Houston, Texas, USA. I knew Alan ten years back at a museum in New York. He and I have something in common. Both of us like historical events and we both were born in 1964, the Dragon year according to the Chinese Zodiac. Alan has told me before that his life ambition was to search or discover anything pertaining to Alexander the Great. He claimed to be his descendant. The Great Tomb of Alexander was built about 323 B.C. According to historical data, many rockcut tombs of Alexander were built after his death and yet no one knows where his body was actually buried. According to legend, Alexander was preserved in a clay vessel full of honey as a preservative and interred in a glass coffin. Ptolemy then stole the body and brought it to Alexandria, where it was on display until Late Antiquity. It was here that Ptolemy IX, one of the last successors of Ptolemy I, replaced Alexanders


sarcophagus with a glass one, and melted the original down in order to strike emergency gold issues of his coinage. Its sarcophagus whereabouts are unknown. According to history, Alexanders body was placed in a gold sarcophagus, which was in turn placed in a second gold casket and covered with a purple robe. Alexanders coffin was placed, together with his armor, in a gold carriage which had a vaulted roof supported by an Ironic Peristyle. This is the so-called Alexander Sarcophagus, discovered near Sidon and now in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. The recent discovery of the North-South Tomb, by a farmer, 30km west of Alexandria was believed to be the biggest one. The tomb contains two parts the Northern field of rock-cut tombs and the Southern field of sculpture tombs. It was at the Southern field that Alan discovered a glass-seal pyramid about the size of coconut beneath the round sculpture rock ten feet from ground level. The glass-seal contains hairs and a horoscope carving on the four sides of the apex. He rotated the pyramid and discovered the wording of Alexanders Hairs and Birth Ephemeris on the bottom side of the pyramid. Besides those valuable sculptures buried under ground for over two thousand years, this glass-seal pyramid is the strangest one. 4:00 am. 29 October 2000 at Dynasty Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt The Horse Seal A warrior wields his swords and stabs the Red Evildoer. Riders are everywhere and there is also a horse seal. Alan suddenly awakened from his awful dream. He broke out in a sweat and pondered about the significance of the dream. The awful dream had deprived him of a good nights sleep, and he believed one man could solve his mystery. He opened up his laptop and intended to send an email. But he noticed that I had already sent him an email and instructed him to break the glass-seal pyramid. I also suggested he perform a DNA sequencing for Alexanders hairs secretly and subsequently clone a human according to Alexanders genetic code on 19 August 2001. Alan returned my email and asked for the reason. I replied that cloning such a human is a must in order to stop the actions of a future Hitler-like being. I further elaborated that the morphomatics era has arrived. Alan pondered that he only had ten months to accomplish the so-called Secret Project. Ring.Ring broke through the silence. Cindy Philip called her husband and told him an awful dream she just had. The strangest thing is that they dreamed almost the same dream. Cindy told Alan that she dreamed of many warriors and riders. She also dreamed of a loud burst of thunder and of lightning striking her womb. Alan told her wife that he dreamed of the horse seal on her womb. Alan then looked up at the dark sky from the Hotels window and said, This could be Gods will. 10:00 p.m., 31 October 2000 at Houston, Texas, USA The Secret Project It was Halloweens night, and an eerie ambience prevailed. The nation celebrated the festive season but only one man locked himself up in the laboratory and began his Secret Project. Alan broke the glass-seal pyramid and removed the hairs. He discovered the hairs contained dandruffs but the hair cells were surprisingly preserved very well under the structure of the glass pyramid. Through electric fusion, the cell was cultured to replicate into thousands of cells. Meanwhile, the genetic material was removed from his wifes unfertilized egg. Alexanders cultured cells were


then transferred to the egg by electric fusion. The egg divided and grew. The process took nearly ten months, which included the research and development and finally, Alan successfully implanted the cultured egg back into his wife Cindy (the surrogate mother) on 19 August 2001 according to the targeted date set by me.

9:00 am. 15 November 2000 at CIB, Chinatown, Atlanta, USA The Findings After two weeks in China and Hoha Island, my students and I met at CIB Pyramid again. The trip to China and Hoha Island was fruitful even though we failed to de-energize the crystallites. We had collected lots of invaluable data as well as empirical experience. Cecilia was the first to conclude the findings. Master Hew, can I present my findings? Cecilia asked. Go ahead, I replied. We had collected and analyzed 3,000 folks ranging from 3 to 80 years old and 3,000 newborn babies that were born after 10 July 1999. The results show a 50% increase of Tryptophan -YXX, Arginine -YXX, Glutamine -YXX, Leucine -YYX, Proline -YYX, Serine -YYX, Histidine -YXY and Yyrosine -YXY, the Justiciars XY triplets and Leucine -YYY, Phenylalanine -YYY, Proline -YYY, Serine -YYY, Cysteine -YXY and Arginine -YXY, the Swordsmans XY triplets in the


genes when we compare the folks with the new born babies. It is certainly unbelievable that the genetic materials of the nation changed tremendously within two years. We cant imagine how these crystallites will continue to affect the nation in the long run, Cecilia concluded. Good job Cecilia, Jack, your turn please, I said. Yes, Master Hew, Jack replied. It is a bit difficult to compare the folks with the newborn babies in terms of their behavior and family diseases at this moment because of newborn babies young age. But I discovered that 70% of the newborn babies were born within these hours: 3:00 - 4:59, 5:00 - 6:59, 7:00 - 8:59, 11:00 12:59, 15:00 - 16:59, 17:00 - 18:59, 19:00 - 20:59, and 23:00 - 0:59. This finding indicates that the newborn babies Subconscious Mind fall at Conscious Mind, Activity Zone, Feeding, and Reference Frame Zone respectively, Jack concluded. Susan and Mike, will you both present the birth code portion please, I said. Yes Master Hew, Susan and Mike replied. We analyzed the 3,000 folks who were selected and their newborn babies using Correlativity Analysis. We discovered that 80% of newborn babies Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, Reference Frame, Activity, and Feeding contain Swordsman. This is really strange, Master Hew, Susan concluded and Mike smiled. Master Hew, you promised to tell us the next course of action if we fail to de-energize the crystallites, Pauline lamented and added that she couldnt even locate the crystallites at all during the visit to Hoha Island. Okay, guys! We all know that we cant change Gods will to a huge extent but with wisdom we can overcome many hurdles in life. In fact, I have already instructed my friend to start the Secret Project. A cloned man named Alexander who was born on 19 June 2002 at 12:00 noon (EG5-1) or Pole-Branch Pairs I7 (Year), C7 (Month), E7 (Day), E7 (Bihour) will eventually destroy the Red Evildoer. But this cloned man needs to overcome his deadly genetic mutation at the quantum age 34 in the year 2035. He will be here for PEF Scanning approximately 34 years from now. The cloned man and his four counterparts, forming The Fantastic Five, each of them possessing their unique frequencies will successfully overthrow the Ox in 2045 (the Red Evildoer, from energy form to human form that will be born in 2009, the Ox year according to the Chinese Zodiac), I elaborated. Master Hew, it sounds strange to have a Pole-Branch Pairs containing four 7, Pauline interrupted. Yes, all Terrestrial Branches have animal symbols: 1 is Rat, 2 is Ox, 3 is Tiger, 4 is Hare, 5 is Dragon, 6 is Snake, 7 is Horse, 8 is Ram, 9 is Monkey, 10 is Rooster, 11 is Dog, and 12 is Boar. Pole-Branch Pairs containing four 7 means four horses in action, I added.



Guys, here is the cloned man Alexanders PEF Model. Do you all notice that his Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind zones contain Treasurer, Weak Martial Artist, and Swordsman? This synthesis symbolizes strong leadership and conquering skills. He loves to mingle with his mother rather than father because Sun, which symbolizing father at Parentage zone appears unstable. He will meet a girl with Pioneer, Logician, and Hunchbacks characteristics who will later become his wife, I said. How do you know that, Master Hew? Pauline asked. I pointed to the PEF Models Mating at Zone 11, the zone of Responsive Passive. If I am not mistaken, this girl will help Alexander to locate the crystallites. Alexanders most active years are revealed at Quantum Age Range 23-32 at Zone 3 in which the Celestial Pole I triggers the same forces as his birth forces. Double Weak Martial Artist renders him restlessly dreaming of conquering or martial art practicing. His deadly genetic mutation actually appears at Quantum Age 33-42 when Celestial Pole J triggers the Weak Entertainer at Habits. The Habits Zone with disintegration appearing symbolizes life under pressure. Moreover, the energy at this Quantum Age Range is also weak. Thats all, students, I concluded. 12:00 pm. Noon, 19 June 2002, Houston, Texas, USA The Birth of Alexander Philip A baby boy was born in Houston Hospital at 12.00 Noon, 19 June 2002. Mr. and Mrs. Philip named him Alexander Philip. Young Alexander would behave differently from anyone of his own age. He would like horses and would love horse riding when he reached age thirteen. He would have the ability to communicate with horses. He would experience taming a horse where a horsetrainer failed to do so. This may be the in-born talent that is embedded in his genetic code as well as his birth code. When he reached 20, he would start to query about his existence. His father, Alan, never told him about the fact of his existence but instead persuaded him to participate in all kinds of martial arts training. Son, you will have an important mission waiting for you, Alan would reiterate.


Young Alexander would seem confused about his fathers statement. Because of this miscommunication, young Alexander would love to mingle with his mother more than his father. Even though Alan couldnt tell his son about the truth, he would inculcate into young Alexander to look for Master Hew for assistance when he reached the quantum age of 34, the year of 2035. (Alexander the Great died at age 33, cloned Alexander Philip might follow). Alan knew that CIB could help his son to overcome the deadly genetic mutation. Alan also knew that this would be a big challenge for CIB. If Alexanders life couldnt be prolonged to quantum age 43, then no one would be able to stop the Red Ox. The world would be in great turmoil. 11:00 pm. 9 June 2035, CIB, Chinatown, Atlanta, USA The PEF Scanning It was a windy night. My two young assistants, Debby and Amy together with Mike were helping Alexander to hook up the wire for PEF Scanning. Alexander had been here for PEF Stabilization since 8 February 2035, the marking of B4 year. The B celestial pole had already triggered a Weak Moon at his Parentage zone interchangeable with Organs zone. The disintegration of Moon rendered his DNA to mutate. To maintain his DNA stabilization, I kept Alexander inside the center of the Pyramid Chamber for PEF dilation and contraction. This Chamber was connected with high technology wiring with a disc antenna at the peak of the Pyramid. Master Hew, are you ready? Debby asked. Yes, Debby. I replied with Alexanders PEF Model on hand. Suddenly, the girls screamed and their fingers pointed to the southeast corner. I saw two shadowy figures waiting outside the Pyramid Chamber. Close the door, hurry! I yelled. Master Hew, who are they? the girls asked. Alexander seemed panicky. They are the Angel and the Devil. They are here to bring Alexander back to his origin, I stressed. Am I safe inside the chamber? Alexander asked. Dont worry, this chamber contains high primordial energy field when it is airtight. That is why I instructed the girls to close the door. They will not dare to enter, I explained. Master Hew, you got to tell us about this phenomenon, Alexander said. Okay, let me explain. Angel and Devil are two members of the 64 PEFs. They are here when our time is up. That is why they always flanked the Reference Frame zone. Angel is always situated at Organs Zone while Devil at Socializing Zone. This is quite logical since we either die naturally or are killed while socializing. They dont really care for those who commit suicide because it is artificial timeout. The suicide souls will linger on Earth until their time is actually up. Angel and Devil carry a scanner. The scanner will scan our lifetime story both past and present such as our good or bad deeds. Good deeds dominant will follow the Angel while bad deeds dominant, the Devil. It is actually the 62 PEFs reporting our lifetime story.


According to my research, the ancestor tomb, especially great-grand parents tomb also plays an important role of intervening with our behavior. Ones subtle behavior or achievement relies on three factors: Birth Code, Space-time, and Ancestor Tomb or in other explanation, the personal characteristics, timing, and family history, I added. Suddenly, Alexander screamed when the Human Aura Computer showed termination signal. I quickly instructed Mike to stop the PEF Scanning. After investigation, I realized that the disc antenna at the peak of the Pyramid had changed its direction from south to north. Apparently, it was the strong wind (or perhaps, the Angel or Devil) that was responsible for the sabotage. Why did you point the disc antenna to the south, Master Hew? Amy asked. I needed to trap Marshal, the south primordial energy fields because of his longevity energy field. Immortal, the distance PEF, also symbolizes longevity but I do not know its actual direction. You see, I dont look like a 70 year-old man, I boasted. Yes, you look like you're in your early 50s, Mike lauded. I trapped the Marshal Energy Field to slow down my aging process. Marshal Energy Field can stimulate telomeres activity in normal cells. Telomerase, the immortalizing enzyme which is made of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and protein helps to stabilize the telomere length in human stem cells, reproductive cells and cancer cells. Indeed, you will discover that a person with PEF Marshal at Conscious Mind, Parentage, Organs and/or Subconscious Mind Zone will look a bit younger than his or her actual age. I applied the same technique to Alexander and hope to stabilize the mutating DNA that is caused by the Weak Moon, I elaborated. How long are we going to stay in this chamber, Master Hew? Debby asked. We can all get out from this chamber at 6.00am., tomorrow morning, except Alexander, I replied. Why do you select 6.00am., Master Hew? Mike asked. Angel and Devil cant see Alexander from 5.00am to 6:59am because of Blackholes interference (I then pointed my finger to Zone 4, the Alexanders PEF Model). I select 6.00am in order to avoid any hourly uncertainty. Safety always comes first, I stressed. When can I get out from the chamber and when will Angel and Devil disappear, Master Hew? Alexander lamented. You cant go out at this moment of time because Angel and Devil are still targeting you. And frankly speaking, I dont have the power to stop them, I said. At 6.00 am. the next day, Debby, Amy, Mike, and I walked out from the chamber. Suddenly, lightning struck the disc antenna at the peak of the Pyramid. We saw a soul-like creature that resembled Alexander appears beside him. We were stunned by this phenomenon. It seemed like the soul of "Alexander the Great had arrived at CIB. The soul walked out from the chamber and headed to the direction of Angel and Devil. We saw the angel guided the soul away and suddenly the strange phenomenon disappeared. Yes! I did it. Thanks to the soul of Alexander the Great, I yelled. Blackhole can create illusions. Congratulations Alexander, you have successfully lifted your deadly genetic mutation. But you cant leave the chamber until 27 January 2036, I added.


9:00 am, 17 February 2045, Hoha Island The Judgment Day It was a spring morning. Alexander and his three counterparts, Elizabeth, 23, Dong, 37 and Edwin, 39, landed on Hoha Island. They saw a beautiful girl, with a bit macho look, around 30 years old gazing at them after they alighted from the boat. The girl moved toward them and said Welcome, Fantastic 4, my name is Rose Sarah. They were astonished. This is a top-secret mission. How does she know? We could be in danger if the Red Ox knows of our existence," Alexander whispered to them. "I believe you must be Alexander. You will understand after seeing this, Rose handed an artifact to Alexander. It was about the size of playing cards and contained five metal pieces that were carved with many X and Y symbols and the serial numbers. It was apparent that the metal plates had been carved more than forty years ago. Where did you get this souvenir? Alexander asked. My mother passed it to me and she told me to wait for you all here today, Rose replied. Who is your mother? Dong asked. Thats not important. It was Master Hew who had handed these plates to my mother forty five years ago, Rose replied. They all finally realized that Master Hew had predicted their existence. What is the purpose of these plates? Edwin asked. I know, Elizabeth replied confidently. Can you tell us? Alexander asked curiously. Hey guys, we have not introduced ourselves. My name is Alexander, this is Elizabeth, Dong, and Edwin, Alexander said without waiting for a reply. Nice to meet you all, welcome to Hoha Island, I will be your tour guide. Hoha Island was once colonized by the British some 200 years ago. We are the descendants of both the Chinese and the British. Our national language is English and the population here is two million, Rose emphasized. Okay, Elizabeth, you said you know something about the plates, Alexander asked. This could be a riddle to de-energize the crystallites, Elizabeth replied. Rose, Hoha Island has modern facilities, nice houses, nice ports, et cetera but why does the government still use horse as a major form of transportation? Alexander asked curiously. A strange thing happened on this island some time back in 2019. My mother told me that the government then intended to introduce automobiles to this island. During a test run ceremony, a car traveling at the speed of 120km per hour suddenly disappeared into the thin air. After this event, no one dared to drive a car on this island. After a while, an airplane from Japan with 144 passengers also disappeared above the northern mountain. Many folks witnessed the incident (she pointed to the mountain at 666 meters above sea level about 10 km from the port). The government tried to cover this incident (no one outside


knows about this except the islanders but the rumor still spreads) by promoting the Environment Friendly Island No Modern Transportation Allowed slogan. The Japanese government did sent a team to this island to investigate the whereabouts of the missing airplane but they encountered mysterious force rendering them to give up. Since then, we haven't seen an airplane or a helicopter hovering above the island. After the airplane disappeared, the northern mountain had since become mysterious. No one has ever walked out alive from the mountain since then. The new government, led by Adam Owen, prohibited the people from reaching the mountain by dismantling the bridge that crossed the Gang River, the river that demarcates the mainland and the northern mountain. He also banned the islanders from possessing lethal weapons. There is a rumor spreading that he carries out Bioenergetic Cloning Project - a project that produces both biology and energy sounds clones. Their secret base is believed to be behind the northern mountain, Rose elaborated. Does he have any red features? Alexander asked eagerly. Yes, he has a red face. We also called him red dictator. It is difficult for outsiders like you all to view his actual features because he has never been photographed nor appeared on television before, Rose replied. It is the Red Ox. He is scared of photoelectric effect, Dong yelled. Tone down your voice, please, Alexander warned Dong. Rose, tell me the truth, do you really know our task on this island?" Alexander asked. Yes, I do. Without my presence, you cant form the Fantastic Five to de-energize the crystallites. It seems that the peak of the northern mountain is the position of the two crystallites. The five plates indicate five important gates or five quantized elements namely water element, wood element, rock element, earth element, and fire element that we need to overcome before we can reach the peak. Gang River is the first gate. We are not dealing with normal human beings. Instead we are dealing with the energy-form-like creatures. The missing car and airplane were believed to have entered to another dimension. It might have been the high speed metal form under the strong primordial energy field that had shifted the present time zone to either pre-time zone or post-time zone. They had gone to the past or to the future, Rose replied candidly. Your mother told you this story? Alexander asked. Yes, she told me this story when I was 10 years old. She also told me that she was a student of Master Hew. But she passed away when I was 20. A year later, my father also followed my mothers footsteps. Im the only child in the family. My mother had taught me the application of Correlativity theory and she inculcated it into me to assist you, Rose added. Im sorry about your parents, Rose, Alexander said. Thank you. Please come to my house now for a rest before we start our journey to the northern mountain, Rose said. 8:00 am. 18 February 2045, Gang River, Hoha Island The First Gate The Fantastic Five rode horses to the river site and met the aborigines.


Hey guys, let me introduce my friend Peca, the leader of the aborigines. Fourteen of them are going to assist us, Rose said. Welcome to our group, Peca, Alexander said. Here are the bamboo swords, bows and arrows, the weapons for all of you, Peca replied. How about your team? Alexander asked. Were regularly armed with axes and bamboo spears, Peca replied. But how are we going to cross the river? The current is strong and it is 72 feet wide, Elizabeth lamented. Hey, guys, there are crocodile in the river, Edwin yelled. Peca, is there any other way to cross the river?" Rose asked. No, after the airplane had gone missing, the bridge was also destroyed, and no one had crossed the river since, Peca replied. Suddenly, they heard a strange sound from the peak of the mountain: Hoooooohaaaaa. Hurry, Rose, show us the plates, Alexander said. The first plate shows XXXYYX which is interpreted as Earth-Wind, Observation, the 20th Hexagram. What does that mean? Rose asked. What are we going to observe?" Dong grumbled. XXX is the base, the space. YYX is on top of the base, the time. XXX symbolizes Earth which suppresses water, the river. YYX symbolizes Wind or Fibrous Passive, the water plant or shrub. I got it! Rose exclaimed. Master Hew hinted that we have to use earth to slow down the current as well as the base of crossing. We dont have the machinery and how can we excavate so much of earth in this short period of time? Rose lamented. Ah! It is the giant bubble plant. Its root contains a lot of earth and its body can float on water. I know where to get it (she pointed to the swamp area). This hexagram indicates that we need to observe first before we move to the next step. Of course, we have to wait until the windy period, Rose added. Why do we need to wait until the windy period? Alexander asked curiously. If I not mistaken, windy period can distract crocodiles attention while we are crossing, firstly because the swaying trees can create illusion, secondly, the river surface is apparently more turbulent, Rose explained. After a long laborious task of transferring and constructing the giant bubble plants into a raft at about 7 pm., they finally constructed a Plant Raft big enough to cross the river. Can we cross now? Edwin asked.


No, we have to wait for windy period, remember observation first, Rose replied. They wait until 8 pm. and suddenly a strong wind was blowing towards their direction. Hurry up! Let's cross the river, Rose urged. After 10 seconds of crossing, crocodiles suddenly attacked the raft. Watch out! Stay on the middle of the raft, Rose warned. Leaf stalks suddenly splashed down to the river and stunned the crocodiles. Run! Rose urged again. The crocodiles seemed to have lost their directions. The process only took 45 seconds and the team successfully circumvented the crocodiles attack. Yes, we did it! They all cried with joy. The team and the horses finally crossed the river and the first gate was successfully unlocked. They set up a camp near to the river and the team prepares to march to the second gate after the sunrise. Alexander and Rose finally sat down in the cold windy night and gazed at the stars together. They were feeling being attracted to each other. Meanwhile Elizabeth, Dong, and Edwin, danced with aborigines near the campfire. Look, Alexander, the Plough, the Great Bear seven bright stars appeared in the northern sky (she pointed to the northern sky). The two stars at the end of the bowl of the Plough, act as pointers to Polaris, the pole star. Chinese called this star as Zi Wei, literally means purple wave, it symbolizes power and dignity, L Dong Bin, the head of Chinese eight immortals then invented Zi Wei Dou Shu, The Book of Destinies, based on the Polaris (Zi Wei) and the Ploughs constellation (Dou Shu). The two lost crystallites were believed ejecting from these bright stars, Rose explained.

I see, Alexander said. Look, Supernova (she pointed to the extremely bright star which is located below the Plough). It signifies some abnormal phenomenon is going to happen on Earth, Rose said. 9:00 am. 19 February 2045, Arbela Jungle, Northern Mountain The Second Gate The team had entered the Arbela Jungle. It takes about an hour to cross the jungle, Peca said.


Peca, you lead the team since you are familiar with this terrain, Alexander suggested. The team walked for about five minutes. Suddenly two aborigines fell into a deadly wild boars trap. Impossible! the trap was supposed to be on the other side. We were the ones who built this trap before the government banned this area, Peca was upset at the death of his two members. Be careful guys, we have already lost two of our members, Alexander warned. Hey, look! Snakes! Rose yelled, pointing at the swampy area. It seems like we are trapped. No matter how hard we try, we are still not able to walk out of this jungle. We are in the Trap Zones, Rose elaborated. What are the Trap Zones? Peca asked. According to Zi Wei Dou Shu, there are the Yin Trap zone and the Yang Trap zone. One will be trapped if the Conscious Mind or Subconscious Mind falls in either one of the two zones. I mean he or she will be stranded unless he or she meets with the electromagnetic force. Zone 5, the sunrise hour, indicates the Yin Trap. All ghosts or spirits must return to their origin before this hour. Zone 11, the sunset hour, indicates the Yang Trap. All living organisms especially animals in the jungle, must return to their abodes before this hour, Rose explained. You mean these people will face difficult or unpleasant predicaments throughout their lifetime? Alexander asked. Exactly, when our quantum age range falls inside the Yin Trap and Yang Trap, we will face predicament within the decade unless there is help from electromagnetic force. Like you Alexander, your quantum age range is exactly at Zone 5 when you will face the Yin Predicament of the mysterious force. Perhaps Master Hew had already calculated that you will overcome this trap because of the Electromagnetic Controller at this zone. We are trapped here because the mysterious force used the jungle to create illusions or mirror images so that we cant really differentiate left from right, Rose added. Rose, show us the second plate. Dong requested. The second plate shows XYYYXY which is interpreted as Swamp-Fire, Parting/Exposing, the 38th Hexagram. What does that mean? Rose asked. You mentioned electromagnetic force, well, sunlight is the product of electromagnetic force, Dong said. Thanks Dong, I know what this hexagram means. Swamp the inner, the bottom, Fire, the outer, the top indicates that we need to chop the trees at swampy area so that we can see the sunlight directly. But we cant approach the swampy area due to the presence of snakes, Rose lamented. Why must it be swampy area and not the other areas? Edwin asked curiously. You look at the trees that is surrounding you. Their trunks are one meter in diameter. There is no way we can chop the trees with only a few axes, Rose replied. The trees at the swampy area are smaller and most of them are mangroves. No wonder the mysterious force invite the snakes to guard this area, Elizabeth said. Dont worry! Ive brought some sulfur to ward off the snakes, Peca said. The team spent about four hours chopping the trees at the swampy area. The lights illuminated the gloomy jungle and it automatically broke the curse of the Yin Trap. The team took a rest and


then marched to the third gate. 3:00 pm. 19 February 2045, Rock Valley, Northern Mountain The Third Gate The team marched to the big rock valley approximately 300 feet deep and 200 feet wide with a sword-like stone at the bottom of the valley. The big rock valley terrain was across the island. We will surely die if we slip and fall into the valley. But how shall we cross the valley? Our challenge with the mysterious force is getting tougher and tougher, Alexander lamented. I can still remember my father once told me that there should be a wooden suspension bridge that was built during British colony. After a thunderstorm night some time back in 1999, the bridge suddenly disappeared. Since then no one has ever crossed the valley, Peca said. Have you ever come to this place during night time before the government banned this area? Rose asked curiously. Yes, we saw fog covering up the valley and heard eerie sound from the other side of the valley, Peca replied. If Im not mistaken, there must be some light interference taking place, Elizabeth deduced. You're right. They are caused by the reflection of light from many sword-like stones. The strong primordial energy field has changed the wavelength patterns. The position of suspension bridge is coincidently located at the light interference zone. The waves canceled each other out so that we cant see the bridge, Rose explained. Rose, without wasting our time, please show us the third plate?" Alexander asked eagerly. The third plate shows YXXYXY which is interpreted as Mountain-Fire, Traveling, the 56th Hexagram. What does that mean? Rose asked. It is obvious that the inner is Mountain or Valley, the place we stand or walk and the outer is Fire, 3:00 pm. afternoon is quite warm. The Sun is on top of us. Traveling means crossing over the valley, Rose explained. We cant see the bridge. How are we going to cross it? Alexander seemed desperate. Edwin began concentrating hard on something. Look, the suspension bridge that links to the cemetery on the other side of the mountain! he yelled suddenly and he pointed to the left side of the valley. Where? all replied. I remember now, Master Hew had told me that Edwin possesses a special type of red frequency which can clear the light interference, Alexander said. If that is the case, we can cross the valley after sunset, Peca said. No, the hexagram indicates fire on top, mountain at bottom. We must travel before dark as suggested by Master Hew, Rose replied seriously. I think crossing at night time is dangerous due to poor visibility, Alexander said.


Earth can solve this problem, follow me, Dong said confidently. It then occurred to them that Dong planned to use the earth to spread on the invisible bridge. After two hours, they managed to prepare twenty bags of earth for crossing. Hurry, we need to cross the valley before dark. We must leave our horses here, Rose urged. Suddenly, they saw five eagles flying towards the bridge while they are crossing it. Watch out! Alexander warned. Ah! Three aborigines slipped and fell into the valley. Prepare bows and arrows, Alexander shouted. The mysterious force already possessed the eagles, Rose warned. What are we going to do now? The eagles will delay our time of crossing, Elizabeth said. Mountain-Fire, Mountain-Fire, Rose grumbled. Ive got it! Light up the torches. Fire will stop the eagles, Rose urged. The eagles eventually flew away after seeing the fire. The team then marched to the fourth gate, the gate to the peak of the mountain. 7:00 pm. 19 February 2045, Cemetery Gate, Northern Mountain The Fourth Gate I dont feel right guys. Its a bit warm here. Please be fully alert, Alexander warned the team. There is a dim red light at the peak of the mountain. It seems we are reaching the fifth gate. What happened? Rose was puzzled. Strong wind was blowing, and suddenly eight of the aborigines screamed and ran towards the tombs. Guys, we have encountered the evil spirit, Alexander said. The mysterious force with the dead spirits possesses the aborigines to launch attacks. Dead spirits select those who have weak Human Energy Field to possess. Dead spirits will then control the aborigines emotions and behavior. Look like we have to fight against our own team, Rose explained. Hey guys! Are you all ready? Alexander asked. Please dont kill my guys, Peca begged. They are in the possession stage, hurry, show us the fourth plate, Dong said urgently. The fourth plate shows XXXYXX which is interpreted as Earth-Mountain, Falling Apart, the 23rd Hexagram. What does that mean? Rose asked anxiously. Rose, did your mother tell you about the ancestors tomb effects? Maybe we can get some clues


from there? Alexander suggested. Yes, I got it. Listen guys, find the tombs with Owen surname and use your bamboo sword to stab on top of the tomb. Hurry! Elizabeth and Dong, you go to the left side, Edwin and Peca, the right side, Alexander and I, the middle, Rose urged strategically. After they figured out the meaning of the hexagram, they saw many spirits lingering over the cemetery. The possessed aborigines split into three groups with 2, 4, 2 formation and spearheaded towards Elizabeth and Dong, Alexander and Rose, Edwin and Peca. Hey guys, try not to kill the aborigines if possible. Use your martial arts to stop them. The evil spirit cant do anything without being attached to a human body. They can only distract your attention. We need time to search for Owens tomb, Alexander stressed. In between fighting and desperate searching, Alexander finally discovered the tomb of Franklin Owen (1911-1975) at approximately 50 feet below the peak. He saw a red energy field penetrating the tomb. No wonder the Red Evildoer selected the Owen family. This confirmed Master Hews Trio Effects Birth Code, Space-time, and Ancestors Tomb, Alexander thought. He then wielded his sword and stabbed Owens tomb. Suddenly, all the evil spirit disappeared and the possessed aborigines collapsed. 8:00 pm. 19 February 2045, Peak of Northern Mountain The Fifth Gate Hey guys, look, the red crystallite is situated at the peak of the mountain, Alexander said excitedly. Just as he planned to move towards to the Peak, he was suddenly knocked down by a red flare that was created by the red crystallite. Dont move forward, Alexander, Rose warned. It was too late and the team had climbed to the peak of the mountain. They saw Alexander collapsed. Alexander saw an army crossed the Cilician Gate, met and defeated the main Persian army under the command of Darius III. He just realized that the force of strong primordial energy field had sent his soul back to the Battle of Issus in 333 B.C. He saw a man (Darius the past life of Adam Owen) fled this battle. The man that resembled him (Alexander the Great) chased Darius as far as Arbela. While Darius fled over the mountain to Ecbatana, Alexander the Great marched to Babylon. From Babylon, Alexander the Great went to Susa, one of the Achaemenid capitals, and captured its treasury. Sending the bulk of his army to Persepolis, the Persian capital, by the Royal Road, Alexander the Great stormed and captured the Persian Gates, then sprinted towards Persepolis before its treasury could be looted. Alexander the Great allowed the League forces to loot Persepolis. A fire broke out in the eastern palace of Xerxes and spread to the rest of the city. Alexander the Great then heard from his general that Darius was kidnapped and then murdered by the followers of Bessus, Dariuss satrap and kinsman.


Wake up Alexander, Rose cried. Alexander remained unconscious. What are we going to do? All asked anxiously. Hurry, Rose, show us the fifth plate, Elizabeth asked. The fifth plate shows YXYYYY which is interpreted as Fire-Celestial Bodies, Joining Forces, the 13th Hexagram. What does that mean? Rose asked. There are Five Yang (Y) and One Yin (X) in this hexagram. We need Yang energy to recall his conscious mind, Rose added. It seems we cant do anything during night time, Peca said. We need to get our leader back as soon as possible, Dong interrupted. It was a long sleepless night at the Peak of Northern Mountain. They finally saw the sunrise on the east side of the mountain. Rose suddenly saw the halo surrounding the Sun. I got it, guys. Joining forces means the Fantastic Five must join together in a circle in order to enter the Event Horizon, the boundary of a strong primordial energy field," Rose said. But Alexander is still unconscious, Edwin said. Joining forces also means body contacts. Four of us must join hand-in-hand in a circle to recall Alexanders conscious mind. Elizabeth, you hold Alexanders left hand, I hold his right hand, Rose replied. They started the hand-in-hand lineup immediately after getting the hints from the fifth hexagram. It wasnt until 12:00 noon that the joining forces successfully recalled Alexanders conscious mind and Peca also successfully awoke his aborigines. Thank guys, Im back, Alexander said. After the five-gate battles, the Fantastic Five and the aborigines successfully removed the red crystallite and placed it into the anti-radioactive bag. The Peak of the Northern Mountain suddenly changed its temperature from warm to cold. It dawned on them that the crystallite would lose their power immediately if removed from the ground. There should be another crystallite according to Master Hews prophecy, Alexander said. Look like the one we just de-energize is the Justiciar Crystallite, Rose said. How do you know? Elizabeth asked. Alexander, can you show us again the crystallite? Edwin interrupted. Alexander then took out the crystallite from the anti-radioactive bag. See, Justiciar Crystallite has three colors, red, green, and orange. Red color is the dominant color. The one still missing is a Swordsman Crystallite, Rose explained. Look! Cloning Plant? Dong acclaimed and he pointed to the side of a mountain approximately one kilometer from the peak.


If Im not mistaken, the Swordsman Crystallite could be in the Plant, Elizabeth said. Rose, follow me, the rest of you stay back here, Alexander instructed. Alexander and Rose then headed towards the Plant via the existing mountain track. They saw armies guarded the surroundings. Well, it seems that we cant enter the Plant using this particular direction. Is there another way? Alexander lamented. The other way is the shoreline. Equipped with the customs and the seaport, it is even worse off, Rose replied. Lets go, we will come again tonight, Rose said. Starry night, Fantastic Five and aborigines gathered in the mountain top and planned for action. They all suggested that Alexander and Rose camouflaged into the Plant because of their good martial art skills. 10:00 pm. 20 February 2045, on the Side of Northern Mountain The Cloning Plant Rose, this way, Alexander discovered a tunnel that is linked to the entrance of the Plant. It was dug by the intruders or escapees many years ago. They then lighted up the torch and walked forwards. Crack! Stay back! Alexander warned Rose as she stepped on the skeleton pieces. Look! Two fellows standing out there, Alexander whispered. They arrived beneath the pantry of the assembly hall and peeped through the gap between the wooden floor tiles. Lets ambush them, Alexander and Rose jumped out from the tunnel and knocked the armies down. They subsequently exchanged their uniforms. My fellow folks and visitors, one year from today, our league will conquer the world, Adam Owen spoke to his followers and visitors egoistically in the assembly hall. There is a giant Ox portrait behind him. The audiences replied: Ox Majesty! Ox Majesty! Look, the Swordsman Crystallite and the fetuses, Alexander pointed to the left side of the assembly hall. It looks like the Swordsman Crystallite has never been shifted before. There is still some earth coverings on top, Rose said. How do this cloning process works? Alexander asked curiously. Adam Owen uses crystallites energy to expedite the process and development of cultured cells and cultured eggs. The cultured eggs are then transferred to the artificial surrogate mothers (she pointed to the human-like incubators). It seems that he can produce an adult clone in a very short period of time with the help of the crystallites energy. All the clones should bear Swordsman characteristics, a truly Bioenergetic Clones, Rose explained. Mr. Owen, based on your technology, how many days are needed to produce an adult clone?


Audience asked. Six days, Adam replied and the audiences applauded. The audience suddenly took out a metal knife and throw to Adam Owen. Adam stood calmly on stage but his bodyguard, a hunchback, quickly moved in front of him. Just within a split second, the audiences saw the metal knife changing its direction and flew towards the Swordsman Crystallite and disappeared totally in the air. It dawned on the audiences that the Swordsman Crystallite is a powerful magnet yet invisible sucker. Go and get him Adam instructed. It seemed more than one intruder are in the assembly hall. The assembly hall was suddenly in havoc. A fire broke out in the eastern side of the assembly hall. Perhaps, the intruders were responsible for the sabotage. Alexander and Rose then heard a sound of thunder. One pillar in the assembly hall collapsed. All the people in the hall ran in bewilderment. The armies guarding the surroundings seemed lost their directions. They were no longer loyal to Adam Owen. This was partly because Alexander had destroyed the integrity of Adams great grandfathers tomb. Lets go, Rose, our purpose is to de-energize the crystallite, Alexander reminded Rose. They then headed towards the direction of the Swordsman Crystallite. Look, this crystallite has red and yellow colors, Alexander said. Stay back, dont get too close Rose warned and Alexander stopped moving a head. No one can touch my crystallite, exclaimed Adam Owen who suddenly appeared and armed with bull horns in front of Alexander. You look familiar, Adam gazed at Alexander. The two rivals met again in another dimension. Rose, go and get the crystallite, Alexander urged and he saw a shadow moved quickly towards Roses direction. Not that easy, babe, Hunchback replied and armed with a wooden rod. A fight erupted between Alexander and Adam (the bamboo swords versus the bull horns), and between Rose and Hunchback (the bamboo swords versus the wooden rod). Spectacular martial art show dominated the bewildering hall. Alexander finally killed Adam Owen with the bamboo sword while Rose seriously injured the Hunchback. The Plant was also nearing collapsed stage. What are we going to do now? Alexander urged and gazed at the Swordsman Crystallite. All the XY Plates had used up. No more hints, Rose replied sadly. In the aftermath, they saw wreckages encircled the Swordsman Crystallite like a whirlpool and extremely beautiful. Alexander and Rose then saw their romance in the whirlpool. Rose was enlightened by this phenomenon. Alexander, do you love me? Rose asked unexpectedly. Yes, I do, Alexander replied. Come and hug me, now! Rose urged.


The union body then lifted up and spun into the whirlpool. The process of spinning and romancing lasted about ten seconds, the wreckages then dropped on the ground. This strange phenomenon disappeared and the Swordsman Crystallites energy also diminished. Alexander and Rose just realized that their romance from the past to the present had used up some of the Swordsman Crystallites energy. Alexander then placed the Swordsman Crystallite into the antiradioactive bag Lets go, Alexander said (Rose was still fantasizing and her subconscious mind filled with the romance). Wake up, Rose! Alexander yelled. Wait, I want to save him, Rose said. Who do you want to save? Alexander asked curiously. Hunchback, our team needs him, Rose said. Alexander then carried Hunchback on his shoulder. They then ran towards the exit. The Plant collapsed and The Red Oxs dream vanished. Fantastic Three and the aborigines then greeted Alexander and Rose when they returned. Peca, please save him, Rose instructed Peca to save Hunchback. Rose, please follow us back to Atlanta. Master Hew wants you to take over his task. As you know he is already 81 years old. He has also told me that the two crystallites will be used for PEF Scanning, Alexander said. Okay, I will follow you back to Atlanta. Will you marry me, Alexander? Rose asked. Yes, I will. Alexander replied and the team cheered and said: Kiss her. The story of Alexander and Rose is one of love at first sight because the genetic code and the birth code triggered the sexual chemistry between them. There is another possibility. Their romance may have been already existed in their past and future primordial energy field cones. They are the present version of Alexander the Great and Roxana the Princess.

History repeats itself. We dont know when we will meet again . The world is within the realm of Correlativity. The End


The Chinese Push-Back Prophecy












Scientific Paper Showing How Burial Site and the Tombs Orientation can affect the Descendants of the Deceased



2-10 The Art and Science of Ecological Interaction

Ecological Interaction is a dynamic, changing sequence of ecological actions and reactions between individuals and their surroundings. In other words, they are events in which people are influenced by their surroundings. Ecological interaction in Correlativity or Ecomatics (or Feng Shui (wind and water) in Chinese, is a part and parcel of Chinese culture since the beginning of Chinese civilization, which dated back some 5,000 years ago) can be differentiated into: Yin Shelter Feng Shui and Yang Shelter Feng Shui. To describe Feng Shui concept, the following principle is employed. Correlativistic Equation =i+x+j+y+z+t = Parentage + Conscious Mind + Sibling + Activity + Feeding + Reference Frame Parentage always interchanges energy with Organs Conscious Mind always interchanges energy with Reference Frame Sibling always interchanges energy with Socializing Activity always interchanges energy with Mating Feeding always interchanges energy with Habits These ten relations are considered interchangeable energy within the main equation. Only Sexual Drive (offspring) and Shelter (tomb) are isolated. This reminds us of the offspring-tomb concept which states that we cannot bring along with us any so-called ten relations when we die. Our offspring and shelter however can, because they are separate from the main equation. When we are still alive the Shelter Zone is called shelter or belongings; when we pass away, this zone becomes tomb and inheritance. In Correlativity, Shelter Zone also symbolizes great-grand parent zone. This means that this zone plays a very important role in the development of our offspring, which explains why Chinese are extremely particular about the orientation of their ancestors tomb (tombs feng shui). This Section uses hypothetical examples to prove the new theory, which can henceforth settle the controversy of ancient Chinese art and science between the tombs orientation and offspring (yin shelter feng shui) as well as the shelters surrounding that impacts on our destiny (yang shelter feng shui) because one third of our lifetime is spent in the shelter. The Ecomatics between the offspring and tomb concept breaks unless our ancestors DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) structures vanish (this can only happen when the corpse is dissipated by high temperature, as in cremation). The following are the hypothetical assumption for the above concept: Hypothetical Assumption A dead body radiates DNA frequency. This DNA frequency can be received or sensed only by the dead persons offspring (frequency identification) especially during sleep. This DNA frequency can range within the Gamma Rays (wavelength = 1 x 10-14m) or even smaller (there are no limits on the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. All frequencies and wavelengths are theoretically possible). In order to calculate the force between the ancestor (grand, great-grand, or great-great parents) and offspring, I postulate the following formula: Offspring: W = fd Ancestor: E = hf These equations combined will look like the following W=E fd = hf

moves the d to the right then


Fc = hft / d Where W is the Work E is the Energy Fc is the correlativistic force d is the distance between the two objects h is Plancks Constant (6.63 x 10-34 J.s or 6.76 x 10-35 m.Kg.s) ft is the frequency of the light wave with respect to time (Hz or cycle/s)

The dead bodys DNA frequency will fade away with time (here called wave loss). This is similar to the heat loss concept. The formula for wave loss is: ft = Where [la / (la + Cd)] x [fd] + [fg ] la is the age of living (days) Cd is the calculated days since death (days) fd is the frequency of the light wave from the dead body fg is geological frequency (assume zero for hypothetical calculation)

Example 2-10-1 The ancestors living age is 80 years (29,200 days) and the calculated days since death is 7,300 days. His offspring stays 5,000 meters from his tomb. Use fd = 1x1030 cycle/s for calculation. What is the correlativistic force between offspring and ancestor? Answer: Fc = hft / d Fc = (6.76 x 10-35 m.Kg.s) x ([29,200 / (29,000 + 7,300)] x [1 x 1030 cycle/s]) / 5,000 m Fc = 1.082 x 10-8 Kg/s If we use Time-Weighted Average concentration for one second per force radiation, the offspring interacting with ancestor is 1.082 x 10-8 kilogram per second. If we incorporate it with the geological features (the morphology of buried site) and ancestors birth code (the birth code enables us to identify the best orientation of the corpse, this is quite similar to antennas reception) into offspring and tombs equation, then feng shui is not just only the art but also the science of placement.


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