This document provides 27 untapped traffic sources that are working well for the author. These include image/photo sharing sites like Flickr where images can include links, document sharing sites like Scribd and SlideShare where documents can include links, eBook sharing sites where eBooks can be uploaded, Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora where questions and answers provide exposure, press release sites to distribute news, and guest blogging opportunities on other sites. The author recommends testing these lesser-known traffic sources that could bring new visitors.
This document provides 27 untapped traffic sources that are working well for the author. These include image/photo sharing sites like Flickr where images can include links, document sharing sites like Scribd and SlideShare where documents can include links, eBook sharing sites where eBooks can be uploaded, Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora where questions and answers provide exposure, press release sites to distribute news, and guest blogging opportunities on other sites. The author recommends testing these lesser-known traffic sources that could bring new visitors.
This document provides 27 untapped traffic sources that are working well for the author. These include image/photo sharing sites like Flickr where images can include links, document sharing sites like Scribd and SlideShare where documents can include links, eBook sharing sites where eBooks can be uploaded, Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora where questions and answers provide exposure, press release sites to distribute news, and guest blogging opportunities on other sites. The author recommends testing these lesser-known traffic sources that could bring new visitors.
This document provides 27 untapped traffic sources that are working well for the author. These include image/photo sharing sites like Flickr where images can include links, document sharing sites like Scribd and SlideShare where documents can include links, eBook sharing sites where eBooks can be uploaded, Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora where questions and answers provide exposure, press release sites to distribute news, and guest blogging opportunities on other sites. The author recommends testing these lesser-known traffic sources that could bring new visitors.
)e*ie(ing "+ sur*e+ results, -.*e noticed that "ost of "+ lo+al readers are interested in traffic generation sources! /nd that.s no suprise, kno(ing that traffic0"one+:1 -nstead of co*ering (ell%kno(n sources like S23, *ideo "arketing, article "arketing, -.*e decided to take a look at 27 co"pletel+ different 4untapped1 t+pe of traffic sources that are (orking *er+ (ell for "e! So, if +ou are read+, let.s get into it: 5! -"age/photo sharing traffic!
There are "an+ i"age sharing sites, such as flickr!co", (here +ou can share +our i"ages 4in an+ niche1 and include a link 7ack to +our o(n site/7log! 8ut +ou kno( (hat (orks e*en 7etter9 -f +our (e7site U): is (ritten on +our picture; This can 7e e<tre"el+ po(erful if +our i"age goes *iral! $e"es!! hint hint Here.s a co"plete list of photo sharing sites that +ou can use: http://en!(ikipedia!org/(iki/:ist=of=photo=sharing=(e7sites 2! Aocu"ent sharing sites
Aid +ou kno(, that +ou can share !doc or !pdf files (ith +our link inside the docu"ent9 These doc sharing sites gets a decent a"ount of traffic and can 7ring +ou so"e nice a"ount of *isitors to +our site/7log in a short period of ti"e! Here are top 2B docu"ent sharing sites: 5! scri7d!co" 2! docstoc!co" C! slideshare!net D! crocodoc!co" E! -ssuu!co" F! docshare!co" 7! (epapers!co" G! "+plick!co" H! po(ersho(!co" 5B! slidesi<!co" 55! goto"+files!co" 52! "+!huddle!net 5C! t(ido<!co" 5D! pe<!(e7e<one!co" 5E! docuter!co" 5F! slide7oo"!co" 57! authorstrea"!co" 5G! slideli*e!co" 5H! slideser*e!co" 2B! slide7urner!co" 8+ the (a+, +ou can auto"ate the (hole !pdf docu"ent creation and distri7ution process (ith Aoc Iresser JordIress Ilugin K Click Here to )ead "ore! This (ill sa*e +ou a ton of ti"e and hassle! Take a look at this *ideo:
LLClick Here to get +our cop+ of Aoc Iresser JordIress plugin NN
C! e8a+!co" traffic
e8a+ is one of the 7iggest internet sites on the internet! /nd as (ith other 7ig sites out there, there.s al(a+s a (a+ to get a slice of that traffic! Pou can do this 7+ selling reports and e%7ooks +ou (rite in +our niche 4(rite so"e useful ho(%tos and sell the" for *er+ lo( price, the point in this case is the traffic, not the "one+1! /lso +ou can create an a7out page , (here +ou can put a link to +our 7log/site! D! Craiglist!co"
Craiglist is the "ost trafficked classified ad site on the internet! -.ll 7e honest (ith +ou, - ha*en.t used craiglist +et, ho(e*er -.*e heard so"e incredi7le success stories (ho cracked the code of craiglist! 3ne thing to keep in "ind, that "ost of the CI/ net(orks don.t accept craiglist traffic, so +our 7est option is to send the" to a sQueeRe page, 7uild a list and then pro"ote stuff through e"ail "arketing! Craiglist traffic can (ork for an+ niche: 7iRR%op, dating, free stuff, local lead gen!! +ou na"e it! Here.s a great *ideo on Craiglist: Pou can also tr+ these classified ad sites: a7le(ise!co" adoos!co" adpost!co" allfreeads!co" a"erican%classifieds!net 7ackpage!co" classifiedads!co" classifiedsgiant!co" do"esticsale!co" e7a+classifieds!co" eclassifiedsDu!co" epage!co" finditclassifieds!co" freeclassifieds!co" gee7o!co" inetgiant!co" kedna!co" locanto!co" ne(freeclassifieds!co" ol<!co" oodle!co" penn+sa*erusa!co" salespider!co" usfreeads!co" (e7classifieds!us E! Iinterest!co" traffic
/ccording to $asha7le!co", Iinterest!co" Ari*es $ore Traffic to 8logs Than T(itter; /lso Iinterest is generating "ore referral traffic to (e7sites than PouTu7e, SoogleT and :inked-n Uco"7inedU! -f +ou are not utiliRing pinterest traffic +et, +ou are "issing out a lot! Jith Iinterest +ou can pro"ote al"ost an+thing, fro" /"aRon, CI/, /dsense sites to +our o(n products and click7ank offers! 3ften - hear "+ su7scri7ers sa+ing that it takes a lot of "anual (ork to see decent traffic co"ing in fro" Iinterest!co"! Jell, not if +ou are using auto"ation and tools! -n "+ 7usiness - tr+ to auto"ate as "uch things as - can! This is the 7eaut+ of online 7usiness! Wor Iinterest "arketing - use /uto Iinterest $arketer Soft(are! Check out the *ideo 7elo( to see it in action: LLClick here to get /uto Iinterest $arketer Soft(areNN
F! $issspeled do"ain traffic
This goes "ore into the gre+ hat area! -." not doing this nor do - reco""end, ho(e*er -.ll co*er this an+(a+ if +ou (ant to take a risk:1 $iss%speled traffic is essentiall+ a traffic that co"es fro" "issspelled (e7 addresses! Wor e<a"ple, there are "illions of people e*er+da+ t+ping google!co" into the address 7ar, a s"all X of these people so"eti"es "ake a "istake and put gppgle!co" 7+ "istakenl+ clicking YppZ instead of YooZ! So, if +ou o(ned gppgle!co" - 7et +ou.d recei*ed a great a"ount of traffic e*er+ single da+! Set the point9 This is [ust an e<a"ple, ho(e*er +ou can still use this idea on other (e7sites! Here.s a hint: trending e*ents! Such us popular "o*ies! /t this "o"ent (hen -." (riting this article, The Aark \night )ises is all o*er the place! Ha*ing this in "ind, +ou can 7u+ all sort of *ariation do"ain na"es: (((!darllnight!co", (((!darkknoght!co" and etc! 7! Coupon traffic
-f +our 7usiness offer coupon codes for +our product or ser*ices 4and - highl+ reco""end +ou to do that1, don.t forget coupon directories! Ieople lo*e discounts and coupons! Sroupon!co" is a li*ing e<a"ple! $ake sure +ou add +our coupons to the follo(ing coupon/deal of the da+ directories: 7ens7argains!co" couponca7in!co" couponcraRe!co" couponcraRe!co" coupongirl!co" coupon"ountain!co" currentcodes!co" dail+edeals!co" dealcatcher!co" dealhunting!co" dealofda+!co" 4Woru"1 deals27u+!co" dealsDdu""ies!co" dealtaker!co" edealsetc!co" gottadeal!co" 4Woru"1 happ+coupons!co" headlinedeals!co" [ackscouponcodes!co" ke+code!co" "+coupons!co" pro"otioncode!org Quicktoclick!co" ulti"atecoupons!co" (anting!co" /7o*e sites are hugel+ popular and get incredi7le a"ount of traffic e*er+da+! Aon.t ha*e a coupon code +et9 -." gonna (rite a (hole post on creating a coupon code for +our product/ser*ice *er+ soon! Coupons are great not [ust 7ecause it increases con*ersions, 7ut succesfull+ co"7ining it (ith social/incenti*e aspects, +our coupon code can go *iral at the speed of light! G! Iodcasting traffic
Ieople lo*e *ideo, 7ut the+ also lo*e audio too! Iodcasting is a great (a+ if +ou are sh+ in front of the ca"era and feeling "ore co"forta7le talking in to the "icrophone! Iodcasting can 7e used for an+ niche! Jhat - like a7out podcasting is that it highl+ i"pro*es +our credi7ilit+ and authorit+! 2speciall+ if +ou are inter*ie(ed 7+ other person! ]er+ po(erful stuff! allpodcasts!co" digitalpodcast!co" feedsDall!co" 4podcast categor+1 fluctuG!co" getapodcast!co" gigadial!net godcast5BBB!co" 4Christian1 ipodder!org itunes!co" learnoutloud!co" "irpod!co" pod7ean!co" podcastD55!co" podcastalle+!co" podcast7laster!co"/director+/ podcastdirector+!co" podcastingne(s!co" podcasting%station!co" podcastpickle!co" podcastpup!co" podfeed!net ri"podcast!Quickpla+!ca/ri"podcasting/ 48lack7err+1 social!Rune!net/podcasts/ 4^une1 stitcher!co" techpodcasts!co" H! Tutorial traffic
Tutorials are a HUS2 untapped traffic source online! -f +ou ha*e a (e7site related to graphic design, (ordpress, (e7 de*elop"ent, S23, "arketing, or progra""ing, then +ou can use tutorials to send thousands of *isitors to +our (e7site! So"e of the popular tutorial sites: Sood%tutorials!co" 4Sraphics/Ihoto/Irogra""ing1 TutorialiRed!co" 4Je7 design and "arketing1 tutorial%inde<!co" 4photoshop, coding, *ideo, etc1 tutorial%center!co" 4co"puter related1 geekpedia!co" 4Irogra""ing1 tutorialsphere!co" 4(e7, *ideo, audio, etc1 tutorialsgarden!co" 4photoshop _ coding1 the(e77lend!co" 4Aesign1 fstutorials!co" 4Je7 design1 noupe!co" 4Sraphics related1 tutorialiRed!co" noupe!co" instructa7les!co" pi<el2life!co" ps:o*er!co" tutorialkit!co" eho(!co" instructa7les!co" 4there are doRens "ore1 5B! e8ook traffic
There are plent+ of free and paid e7ook sharing (e7sites (here +ou can upload +our o(n e8ooks! Here are so"e of the": free%e7ooks!net getfreee7ooks!co" e7ookdirector+!co" e%7ooksdirector+!co" free!+udu!co" "an+7ooks!net (itguides!co" 7ook+ards!co" 7i7liotastic!co" s"ash(ords!co" share(aree7ooks!co" e7ook[unkie!co" 4Wree e7ooks categor+1 e7ook"all!co" 4Wree e7ooks categor+1 /"aRon!co" 4\indle *ersion1 55! `_/ traffic
5GGGpressrelease!co" 2Epressreleases!co" afl+!co" 7igne(s!7iR do(nload[unction!co" 4soft(are related1 e"eapr!co"/en/ freepressinde<!co" free%press%release!co" i%ne(s(ire!co" idea"arketers!co" "edias+ndicate!co" ne(sreleaser!co" ne(s(iretoda+!co" onlineprne(s!co" openpr!co" pr!co" press7o<!co!uk presse<posure!co" pressking!co" press"ethod!co" pressreleasepoint!co" pr%inside!co" prlog!org prurgent!co" release%ne(s!co" theopenpress!co" (e7ne(s(ire!co" - highl+ reco""end paid I) sites! Jh+9 Wor e<a"ple, I)Je7!co" for aGH (ill distri7ute +our press release to thousands of ne(s sites including giants like cnn!co", 77c!co" and other! Pou can get thousands of *isitors and hundrends of high Qualit+ links fro" ne(s authorit+ sites! bust don.t forget to include +our (e7site link in +our press release; 5C! Suest 7logging traffic
Pes, - realiRe that "ost of +ou ha*e pro7a7l+ alread+ heard a7out the po(er of guest 7logging! 8ut ho( "an+ of +ou are actuall+ doing it9 -n order to find guest 7logging opportunities, +ou can conduct a ke+(ord search on Soogle! So"e search suggestions follo( to help narro( +our results: % Use Quotes and popular phrases such as Y(rite for usZ or Ycall for guest 7loggersZ or Yguest 7log su7"issionZ! % /dd a ke+(ord to target +our results 7ased on the topic +ou (ant to (rite a7out such as Yguest 7loggerZ 7ase7all! -f +ou are seriousl+ considering to use guest 7logging as +our pri"ar+ traffic source, then check out this article: The Ulti"ate Suide to Suest 8logging! 5D! 8log co""enting traffic
8log co""enting is an e<tre"el+ po(erful strateg+ for 7uilding traffic and de*eloping relationships (ith other people in +our niche! Click here to find out ho( one 7log co""ent can 7ring 2CBT uniQue *isitors! 5E! CI/ cet(ork traffic
This one is incredi7l+ underground and po(erful traffic source! -f +ou ha*e a product 4in an+ niche1 +ou can put +our product in front of thousands of acti*e affiliates 4pu7lishers1 and start recei*ing sales al"ost i""edeatl+! Pou (ill onl+ pa+ if +ou "ade a sale! So it.s a (in% (in situation! \eep in "ind though, CI/ net(orks (ill onl+ talk (ith +ou if +ou ha*e a huge 7udget and high con*erting offer! )ecentl+ 7ro(sing through Ieerfl+ offers - found one *er+ cle*erl+ structured offer! The idea (as to ha*e an e"ail opt%in 7o< on the landing page collecting e"ails, 7ut onl+ pa+ on a sale that is "ade after opt%in! Can +ou i"agine ho( "an+ free opt%ins that gu+ gets9 5F! -nfographics 4*iral traffic1
-nforgraphics are getting "ore and "ore popular these da+s! The onl+ do(nside is can 7e e<pensi*e to create one, ho(e*er if it.s done right K the results can 7e enor"ous! Successful infographics can go *iral at the speed of light! 8loggers si"pl+ digg infographics; The+ are also *er+ popular on Iinterest!co" and Aigg!co"! Ha*ing an U): on the infographics or gi*ing the per"ission to repost the infograhics including a link 7ack to the site can 7ring so"e nice a"ount of traffic! /nd here are the other 55 untapped traffic sources! This article originall+ (as posted 7+ (ell%kno(n internet "arketer \i" )oach on Jarrior Woru" and recei*ed a huge a"ount of attention: 57! High%Irofile Content S+ndication K /s +ou pro7a7l+ kno(, si"pl+ su7"itting +ou articles to sites like 2Rine/rticles!co" is 7eco"ing less and less effecti*e! Pou can get e<ponentiall+ "ore results 7+ Roning on in high%profile content s+ndication K su7"itting +our articles to the top 7logs and (e7sites in +our niche! Wor e<a"ple, here are [ust a fe( top%tier (e7sites that accept article contri7utions: http://7leacherreport!co" http://"asha7le!co"/(riters/ http://(((!"o"snet(ork!co"/su7"it%articles!sht"l http://(((!site%reference!co" http://(((!7etternet(orker!co" http://(((!current!co" http://(((!fa*orideas!co"/su7"it%(edding%articles/ http://(((!associateprogra"s!co"/authors/register http://seekingalpha!co"/page/su7"it%an%article http://(((!(ise7read!co"/guest%post http://(((!du"7little"an!co"/2BBF/BG/su7"it%article%to%dl"!ht"l http://(((!lifehack!org/a7out/contri7ute http://articles!"ercola!co"/su7"it/ /nd that.s [ust the tip of the ice7erg! co "atter (hat "arket in, there are *er+ popular (e7sites that +ou could 7e su7"itting articles to for "assi*e traffic! 5G! ]ideo )esponses % This is one of the easiest (a+s to get hundreds of e<tra *ie(s on +our PouTu7e *ideos! 5H! Tag Pour ]ideos K -f +ou use the sa"e tags as another related *ideo on PouTu7e, then +ou (ill ha*e a *er+ good chance of appearing in the related *ideos in the side7ar of that *ideo, (hich can send +ou tons of e<tra traffic, especiall+ if it.s a popular *ideo! 2B! Set $ore ]ie(s on Pour 2Rine/rticles 8+ getting in the Y$ost ]ie(edZ or the Y$ost Iu7lishedZ section at the end of each article! Pou can do this 7+ su7"itting +our article to all of the different social 7ook"arking sites until +ou are the Y"ost *ie(edZ in +our categor+! 3nce +our article is placed in the Y$ost ]ie(edZ section or the Y$ost Iu7lishedZ section, it (ill 7e placed on e*er+ single article (ithin that particular categor+! That "eans e<tra e<posure for +our article and "ore :-c\ bU-C2! The internal linking structure (ithin 2Rine/rticles!co" is 2dT)2$2:P po(erful for ranking in Soogle, gi*ing +ou a "uch 7etter chance of ranking for +our chosen ke+(ord phrase! -f +ou (ant to guarantee +our spot in the Y$ost ]ie(edZ section +ou can use Stu"7leUpon ad*ertising, (hich is [ust E cents per *ie(! This is one of the si"plest (a+s to get +our article in the Y$ost ]ie(edZ section! Ilus, 7+ using Stu"7leUpon, also dri*ing lots of targeted traffic to +our article and increasing +our e<posure! 25! Cool Site of The Aa+ K Ao +ou ha*e a cool (e7site9 -f so, +ou can su7"it it to Cool Site of the Aa+! -f chosen, +ou (ill recei*e thousands of *isitors to +our (e7site! 22! Wree JS3.s for 7uilding +our list 2C! b] Si*e(a+s 2D! Host +our 3(n b] Si*ea(a+s 2E! /d S(aps 2F! Use a Contest to Aou7le Pour :ist SiRe K -." al(a+s surprised at ho( fe( people use this techniQue! Cla+ton $akepeace, one of the s"artest "arketers online, has used this techniQue Quite effecti*el+! This techniQue allo(s +ou to le*erage +our e<isiting list in order to add thousands of additional su7scri7ers! 27! 8u+ 2<isting Je7sites K -." al(a+s surprised ho( fe( people are 7u+ing e<isting (e7sites online! Pou can easil+ 7u+ an untapped (e7site and Quickl+ turn it into an auto"atic lead "achine for pennies on the dollar! Source: http://(((!(arriorforu"!co" Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/$edia%Traffic%$eltdo(n Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/Sodadd+ Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/Hostgator Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/ca"eCheap Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/Social/dr Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/TrafficJa*e Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/-"nica$ail Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRle8ackToSchoolStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleCardShapesStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleCreateCusto"TshirtsStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleCusto"iRe-t/llStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleAisne+sWroRenStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleSraduation-n*itationsStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRle-nternationalStores Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleiIhoneFCasesIreorderStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleSa*eTheAateStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleSa*eTheAate$agnetsStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleJrappedCan*asStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleSiftCenterStore Click Here: http://guiderightgroup!co"/^aRRleShop/ndCreate-nUS/