Bob Giloth CV
Bob Giloth CV
Bob Giloth CV
26 6
Street S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 547-8201 (home)
(410) 223-2908 (work)
Personal Information
Born: October 6, 1950; Evanston, Illinois
B.A. University of Colorado (Phi Beta Kappa), 1972 (History).
M.U.U.P. University of Illinois at Chicago,1978 (City Planning).
Specialized in housing and community development.
Ph.D. Cornell University, January 1989 (City and Regional Planning)
Specialized in urban and regional theory; organizational theory; and housing
Positions Held
Vice President, Center for Community and Economic Opportunity, Annie E. Casey
Foundation. September 2010-Present. Directs Foundation investments in promoting
family economic well-being and family-supporting communities.
Director, Family Economic Success, Annie. E. Casey Foundation.
January 2002 2010. This unit is devoted to developing workforce, work support, and
asset-building approaches that strengthen families and communities
Senior Associate, Annie E. Casey Foundation. Responsible for designing
and implementing the foundations $30 million multi-site Jobs Initiative,
managing economic opportunity portfolio of grants, and managing five sites of
the Making Connections family and community building initiative. December
1993 December 2001.
Executive Director/Executive Vice President, Southeast Community
Organization/Southeast Development, Inc. (SECO/SDI). Director
of nationally-known community development agency that implements
adult literacy, affordable housing, economic development and community
planning initiatives in southeast Baltimore. July 1988 November 1993.
Deputy Commissioner, Department of Economic Development, City of Chicago.
Managed commissioners staff for policy analysis, public information and research and
demonstration projects. Coordinated external research contracts, evaluation research and
demonstrations, such as business incubators, early warning system, and resource
recycling. 1984 August 1987.
Executive Director, Eighteenth Street Development Corporation. Managed
non-profit neighborhood development organization; twenty person staff; real
estate development; employment training; housing counseling; fundraising; and
community participation. 1976-1980.
Laying the Groundwork for Collective Action: A Working Paper, (2014). Baltimore:
The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (with Gail Hayes and Kerri Libby).
Connecting People to Work: Workforce Intermediaries and Sector Strategies. (Eds).
(2014). New York: The American Assembly, Columbia University (with Maureen
Labor Market Intermediaries, (2013). In: Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, (Ed.)
Lillian Smith. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications, Inc. (with Helen Scalise).
Human Capital and Legacy Cities. In: Rebuilding Americas Legacy Cities: New
Directions for the Industrial Heartland, Allan Mallach (Ed.). New York: American
Assembly, Inc. (2012). (with Jillien Meier).
Mistakes to Success: Learning and Adapting When Things Go Wrong. (Ed.) New York:
iUniverse. (2010). (with Colin Austin).
Philanthropy and Mistakes: An Untapped Resource. The Foundation Review 1/1
(Winder 2009):115-124. (with Susan Gewirtz).
Economic Development in American Cities: The Pursuit of an Equity Agenda. (Ed.).
Albany, NY. SUNY Press. (2008). (with Michael Bennett).
Nonprofit Leadership: Life Lessons from an Enterprising Practitioner. New York:
iUniverse. (2007).
East Baltimore Revitalization Project: Opportunities and Challenges in Transforming an
Urban Neighborhood. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 10/2
(Spring/Summer, 2005): 127-140. (with Patrice Cromwell and Marsha Schachtel).
Workforce Intermediaries for the 21
Century. (Ed.). Philadelphia: Temple University
Press. (2004).
Workforce Development Politics: Civic Capacity and Performance. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press. (2004).
Social Enterprise and Urban Rebuilding in the United States. In Entrepreneurship: A
Catalyst for Urban Regeneration. Paris, France: Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD): 135-175. (2003).
Workforce Intermediaries: Partnerships for the Future. Economic Development
Quarterly Vol. 17 No. 3, (August 2003).
Getting Results: Outcome Management and The Annie E. Casey Foundation Jobs
Initiative, Innovating, Vol.8, No.1 (2001): 215-219.
Learning From the Field: Economic Growth and Workforce Development in the 1990s.
Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 4 (November 2000).
Community Building on Chicagos West Side North Lawndale, 1960-1997, In:
Rebuilding Urban Neighborhoods. (Eds.) W. Dennis Keating and Norman Krumholz.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 67-86. (1999).
Adapting Rowhomes for Aging in Place: The Story of Baltimores Our Idea House.
Journal of Housing for the Elderly, Vol. 13, No. 1 / 2, (1999): 3-18. (with Jo Fisher).
Jobs, Equity, and the Mayoral Administration of Harold Washington in Chicago(1983-
87), Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1 (1999): 120-146. (with Kari Moe).
Jobs and Economic Development: Strategies and Practices. (Ed). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications, (1998).
Jobs, Wealth, or Place: The Faces of Community Economic Development, Journal of
Community Practice, Vol. 5, No. 1 / 2 (1998): 11-27.
Making Connections: Job Opportunities and Low-Income Communities. 1997
Entrepreneurial Economy Review. Washington D.C.: Corporation forEnterprise
Development (1997).
Commentary on Can Economic Development Programs be Evaluated. In: Dilemmas
of Urban Economic Development. (Eds). Richard D. Bingham and Robert Mier.
Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications (1997): 278-284.
Equity Development in Chicago: Rober Miers Ideas and Practice.
EconomicDevelopment Quarterly, Vol. 19, No.3 (August 1996): 201-216. (with Wim
Social Justice and Neighborhood Revitalization in Chicago: The Era of Harold
Washington, 1983-1987. In: (Eds) W. Dennis Keating, Norman Krumholz, and Philip
Starr. Lawrence, KA.: University of Kansas Press (1996).
Mobilizing Civic Infrastructure: Foundation Supported Job Creation, National Civic
Review, (Summer-Fall 1995): 196-209.
Social Investment in Jobs: Foundation Perspectives on Targeted Economic
Development, Economic Development Quarterly, Vol.9 No.3 (August 1995): 279-289.
Cooperative Leadership for Community Problem Solving, In: Social Justice and Local
Economic Development, by Robert Mier, with Robert Giloth and Kari Moe. Sage
Publications: Newbury Park, CA (1993): 165-181.
The Economic Development of Localities and Neighborhoods. In: Economic
Development in the United States: A Theoretical Perspective. (Eds). Richard D.
Bingham, Edward W. Hill, and Robert Mier. Sage Publications: Newbury Park, CA
(1993) (with Wim Wiewel and Michael Tietz)
From Cannery Row to Gold Coast in Baltimore: Is this Development? In: Comparative
Studies in Local Economic Development, (Ed). Peter Meyer. Westport Connecticut:
Greenwood Press (1993).
Stalking Local Economic Development Benefits: A Review of the Evaluation Issues,
Economic Development Quarterly, Vol.6, No.1 (February 1992): 80-90.
Making Policy With Communities: The Research and Development Division of the
Department of Economic Development, In: Harold Washington and the Neighborhoods:
Progressive City Government in Chicago; 1983-1987. (Eds). Pierrre Clavel and Wim
Wiewel. (1991).
Designing Economic Development Incentives: The Case of Industrial Development
Bonds in Chicago: 1977-1987, Policy Studies Review. Vol. 10 No. 2/3 (Spring/Summer
1991): 161-171.
Beyond Common Sense: The Baltimore Renaissance, Local Economy, Vol. 4, No. 4
(February 1990): 290-297.
Spatial Change and Social Justice, In: Spatial Variations: Community, Politics and
Industry in Postwar United States. (Ed.) Robert Beauregard. Sage Publications: Beverly
Hills. (1988) (with R. Mier).
Community Economic Development: Strategies and Practices of the 1980s, Economic
Development Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 4 (November 1988): 343-350.
Where Downtown Meets Neighborhood: Industrial Displacement in Chicago, 1978-87,
Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Summer, 1988) (with J.
Betancur): 279-290.
The Social Organizations of a Land-Based Elite: The Case of the Failed Chicago 1992
Worlds Fair, Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Winter 1987) (with A. Shlay):
Chicagos Industry Task Forces: Joint Problem-Solving for Local Economic
Development, Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 4 (November 1987) (with
S. Alexander and J. Lerner).
How to Fight Plant Closings, Social Policy, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Winter 1987) (with S.
Rosenblum): 20-26
Playskool and Democratic Populism, Cities: An International Quarterly of Urban
Policy Vol.3, No. 1 (March 1986) (with R. Mier): 72-74.
Hispanic Employment Opportunities: A Case for Internal Labor Markets and Weak-
Tied Social Networks, Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 2 (June 1985) (with R.
Mier): 296-309.
Organizing for Neighborhood Development, Social Policy, Vol.15, No.3 (Winter
1985): 37-42.
Whose World Moves 1992 Fair? Neighborhood Works, Vol.7, No.5 (May 1984) (with
A. Shlay): 18-20
Charting Private Interests and Public Issues, Neighborhood Works, Vol. 7, No. 6 (June
1984) (with A. Shlay): 10-14.
Gambling on Worlds Fairs: Who Plays and Who Pays, Neighborhood Works, Vol.7,
No.8 (August 1984) (with A. Shlay): 5-8.
Working the Planning Field. Planning Theory Newsletter (1994).
Gambling for Growth: The Short Life of Chicagos 1992 Worlds Fair, In: The
Festivalisation of Cities. (Ed.) Walter Siebel. University of Oldenburg (1994) (with Anne
Ph.D. Dissertation
Chicagos Industrial Revenue Bond Program: Subsidies for What? Doctoral Dissertation,
Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University (January 1989).
Lifting All Boats: Community Economic Development in the 1990s. Chicago
Assembly, Center for Urban Affairs, University of Chicago. (June 2001).
Voice and Agenda: Community Planning in Baltimore, 1988-1994. Unpublished,
September 1996.
Reinventing CDCs: Twenty-five Years of Community Development in Baltimore.
Unpublished, August 1996.
Mapping Social Interventions: Theory of Change and the Jobs Initiative. Baltimore:
Annie E. Casey Foundation, March 1996.
CRA and the Public Sector: The Baltimore and Chicago Experience:1985-1990.
Unpublished, 1994. (with Pat Wright).
Choices Ahead: CDCs and Real Estate Production in Chicago. Nathalie P. Voorhees
Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement, University of Illinois at Chicago
(May 1992) (with Charles Orlebeke, James Tickell and Patricia Wright ).
Community Resources and Leaders In: School-Community Cookbook, (Ed). Carl
Hyman, The Fund for Educational Excellence, Baltimore, Maryland (March 1992).
A Statement of Opportunity: Preliminary Report on the Feasibility of a Local
Enterprise Expansion Project (LEEP) in Southeast Baltimore, Southeast Development
Inc., (October 1989) (with John Papagni).
Waterfront Development: Impacts on Housing Affordability in Canton, Fells Point and
Upper Fells Point, 1985-88. Southeast Linkage Group, (September, 1989).
Making Neighborhood Jobs and Businesses: A Plan for Baltimores Community
Development Bank, Maryland Alliance for Responsible Investment, (June 1988)
Business Loss or Balanced Growth: Industrial Displacement in Chicago,
Department of Economic Development, City of Chicago (August 1986) (with D.
Ducharme and L. McCormick).
Neighborhood Development: Working Together for Chicagos Future, Department of
Economic Development, City of Chicago (June 1985) (with J. Capraro and A. Ditton).
Monitoring Chicagos Industrial Revenue Bond Performance: 1977-1984, Department of
Economic Development, City of Chicago (June 1985) (with G. Clemmons and R.
Research for Action: Property Research in Chicago, Center for Urban Economic
Development, University of Illinois at Chicago, (September 1984) (with J. Meima and P.
An Annotated Bibliography of Progressive City Administrations, Department of City and
Regional Planning, Cornell University, 1982 (with C. Chock, R. Jacobs and F. Viggiani).
Community Business Spinoffs, Center for Urban Economic Development, University of
Illinois at Chicago, 1982. (with W. Wiewel and R. Mier).
Disinvestment in South Shore Large Rental Properties, Center for Urban Economic
Development, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1981.
A Study of the Feasibility of Forming a Construction Company for the Eighteenth Street
Development Corporation, Center for Urban Economic Development, University of
Illinois at Chicago, 1980. (with R. Mier and J.Altman).
Pilsen Housing Needs and the Design Study, Eighteenth Street Development
Corporation, 1979. (with R. Mier and T. Amato).
Hispanic Employment Opportunities, School of Urban Sciences, University of Illinois at
Chicago, 1979. (with R. Mier and D. Less).
Oral Histories of Hispanic Unionists, Chicago Labor Education Program, University of
Illinois at Chicago, 1977.
Book Reviews
Regular book review for Neighborhood Works (50 reviews; 1981-1996).
On Democracy, by Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers, URPE Review, Vol. 17, Nos.1 and 2
(Winter 1985): 269-270.
Livable Cities, by Robert Cassidy, Journal of Community Action, Vol.1, No.2 (January
1982): 33-35.
Self Help in Urban America, (Ed.) Scott Cummings, Planning Magazine
(April 1981): 26-27.