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Figure 10-1: System Level Debugging Architecture
System Console Flow
A high-level flow for the System Console comprises the following:
Figure 10-2: System Console Flow
Analyzing and Debugging Designs with the System Console Altera Corporation
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System Console Flow 10-2
Related Information
Qsys Components on page 10-6
Starting System Console on page 10-8
Locating Available Services on page 10-9
Opening and Closing Services on page 10-10
Use-Cases for the System Console
You can leverage the SystemConsole for multiple debugging use-cases. There are tutorials, application notes,
and design examples to aid in this evaluation.
Board bring-up
Remote debug over TCP/IP
Test the signal integrity of serial links with the Transceiver Toolkit
Debug memory interfaces with the External Memory Interface Toolkit
Related Information
Debugging Transceiver Links Documentation
External Memory Interface Documentation
Application Note 693: Remote Debugging over TCP/IP for Altera SoC
Application Note 624: Debugging with System Console over TCP/IP
Board Bring-Up with the System Console Tutorial on page 10-11
System Console GUI
The System Console GUI consists of a main window with four separate panes:
The System Explorer pane allows you to view a hierarchy of the System Console virtual file system in
your design, including connections, devices, designs, design instances, and scripts.
The Tools pane allows you to launch tools such as the GDBServer Control Panel and Transceiver Toolkit.
The Tcl Console allows you to source scripts, set variables, and write procedures.
The Messages pane displays status, warning, and error messages.
Altera Corporation Analyzing and Debugging Designs with the System Console
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10-3 Use-Cases for the System Console
Figure 10-3: System Console GUI
Related Information
System Console Online Help
Introduction to Tcl Online Training
System Explorer Pane
The System Explorer pane contains the following information about the system being debugged:
The connections folder displays information about the debug cables which are visible to the System
The designs folder displays information about Quartus II project designs which have been loaded into
the System Console.
The devices folder contains information about each device connected to the System Console.
The design_instances folder contains design instances.
The scripts folder stores scripts for easy execution.
Analyzing and Debugging Designs with the System Console Altera Corporation
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System Explorer Pane 10-4
You will be doing most of your work within the devices folder. Within the devices folder is a folder for each
device currently connected to the SystemConsole. Each device folder contains a (link) folder and sometimes
contains a (files) folder.
The (link) folder shows debug agents (and other hardware) which the System Console is able to access,
arranged by connection type. The (files) folder contains information about the design files loaded from the
Quartus II project for the device. Folders under the design_instances folder are linked to the appropriate
(files) node.
Figure 10-4: System Explorer Pane
The Figure shows that the EP4SGX230 folder contains a (link) folder. The link folder contains a JTAG
folder. The JTAG folder contains folders that describe the debug pipes and agents that are connected to
the EP4SGX230 device via a JTAG connection.
The (files) folder contains information about the design files loaded from the Quartus II project for the
device. Instances within the design_instances folder are linked to the corresponding files in the (files)
Folders that have a context menu available show a small context menu icon. Right-click these folders to
view the context menu.
Folders that have informational messages available display a small informational message icon. Hover
over these folders to see the informational message.
Folders corresponding to debug agents have a clock status icon. There is a green clock signal icon if the
clock is running or a red clock signal icon if the clock is not running.
Setting Up the System Console
Set up the System Console according to the hardware available in your system. You can access available
debug IP on your system with the System Console. The debug IP allows you to access the running state of
your system.
The System Console Examples provide you with detailed examples of using the System Console with debug
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10-5 Setting Up the System Console
Related Information
On-chip Debugging Design Examples Website
This page contains example design files that you can download.
System Console Examples on page 10-11
Qsys Components
You can use the System Console to help you debug Qsys systems. The System Console communicates with
debug IP in your system design. You can instantiate debug IP cores using Qsys or the MegaWizard Plug-In
The following table describes some of the IPcores you can use with the SystemConsole to debug your system.
When connected to the SystemConsole, these components enable you to send commands and receive data.
Table 10-1: Qsys Components for Communication with the System Console
Component Interface Types for Debugging Component Name
Components that include an Avalon
Mapped (Avalon-MM) slave interface. The JTAG
debug module can also control the Nios II processor
for debug functionality, including starting, stopping,
and stepping the processor.