St. Rita Parish Bulletin 10/19/2014
St. Rita Parish Bulletin 10/19/2014
St. Rita Parish Bulletin 10/19/2014
SUNDAYS: Sat. 5:30 pm (Vigil), 7:30 am, 10 am & 12 N
WEEKDAYS: Mon., Tues., Fri, and Sat. 8 am
(Wed. & Thurs. 8 am Communion Service)
HOLY DAYS: (eve of) 5:30 pm; (day of) 8 am & 6:30 pm
(Confession) Saturdays 4 - 5 pm or by appointment
Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Saturday 7:50 am
First Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm, Rectory Oratory
Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V.F.Pastor
Deacon Manuel Valencia Deacon John Hull
318 North Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre
Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Phone: 626/355-1292 FAX: 626/355-2290
Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V. F.Pastor
626.355.1292 x. 228 [email protected]
Dcn. Manuel & Chela Valencia
[email protected] 355.1292
Dcn. John [email protected] 355.1292
Weekend Presider:
10 am MassFr. Chris Thiel, OFM Capuchin
Parish Office/Mailing Address
50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 6pm; Sat. 9 am to 1 pm.
Office Email: [email protected]
Director of Administration
Mary Lou Butler: [email protected] 355.1292
Pastoral Council
Parish Office: 355.1292
Finance Council Chair
Bill Sullivan: 355.3707
St. Rita SchoolOffice: 626.355.6114
Principal: Joanne Harabedian [email protected]
Director of Liturgy & Music
Paul Puccinelli: [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Cristina Cullen: 355.1292 [email protected]
Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation
Theresa Bui Costanzo: 626.590.8828 [email protected]
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Team: Deacon Manuel and Chela Valencia; and
Susan Blakeslee: [email protected]
How to Contact Us
Parish Ministries and Organizations
Liturgy & Worship
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: David & Jill Muhs
355.9810 [email protected]
Altar Servers, Youth: Kathy Ganino 626.398.9302
[email protected]
Altar Servers, Adult: Bill Cosso 355.5656
Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Ganino 626.398.9302
[email protected]
Rosary Prayer Group: Susan Day 355-3835
Sacristans: Sat. Vigil: Gary Fidone/Bill & Patti Huber
Sunday Masses: 7:30-Bill Cosso/David Banis;
10:00-David Muhs; 12N-Bernie Grace
Weekdays: John Bigley, Margaret Duran
Porter: (Evening Church Lockup) Sheila Palazzolo
Environment: Denise Villalovos/Gil Lazo [email protected] 355.1292
Ministries & Organizations
Bereavement Ministry: 355.1292 [email protected]
Christian Family: Ana Ptasinski 355.3146
Greeters & Ushers: Erny Henry 626.289.3504 626.446.6715
Mens Club: Dave Loera [email protected]
New Members/Welcome: Contact the Parish Office
St. Rita Guild: Patty Sullivan 355.3707 [email protected]
Senior Ministry: Marilyn McKernan [email protected]
Shawl Ministry: Mary Taillac 355.3179 Marilyn Delgatto 355.8717
Other Contacts
Archivist: Marilyn McKernan [email protected]
Bulletin Submissions: [email protected] or drop off at Office
Public Relations: [email protected]
Registration Information: [email protected] 355.1292
Webmaster: Ralph Seymour: [email protected]
Let Saint Rita Be There For You . . .
Communion for Sick and Homebound Parishioners
St. Rita Eucharistic Ministers provide Communion home visits. Contact the Parish Office 355.1292 or Jill Muhs 355.9810 [email protected]
Anointing of the Sick
Please notify us (355.1292) for the Anointing of the Sick, the sacrament intended for the seriously ill or dying and Our Lords special presence
and companionship in serious time of need. Anointing may take place in the home, at the hospital or elsewhere and as often as once a month.
If someone should die without anointing, remember that the desire to receive is sufficient.
If You Should Experience the Loss of a Loved One Please call us at 355.1292
If you feel you will be in need, or your loved one has passed, we will assist in making arrangements with your chosen funeral director; refer you
to our Bereavement Ministry and Music Ministry; and offer you helpful guidelines that will aid in the selection of readings for a Mass or
Memorial Service. We know this can be a tough time and we want you to know that your parish is there for you. PLEASE UNDERSTAND we
only have one resident priest; sometimes arrangements for another priest may be needed.
For Information about the Sacraments
BaptismPlease contact the Parish Office for further information on the Baptism process and requirements.
Reconciliation and First EucharistPreparation for children who have attained the age of reason (usually during 2
grade) is
arranged either through the Office of Religious Education or St. Rita Elementary School.
MatrimonyContact the Parish Office upon engagement; at least six months is needed for preparation of this joyous sacrament!
ConfirmationA two-year program for freshman/sophomore age teens. Apply through the Office of Youth Ministry.
If I may paraphrase from the
Gospel of Matthew today,
Repay to Civil Government what
belongs to Civil Government,
and repay to God
what belongs to God.
Actually, nothing really belongs to
civil governmentfor those of faith,
it ALL belongs to God! In Gods
words from the mouth of the
Prophet Isaiah, I am the Lord and
there is no other! Recall Jesus
words to Pilate, You would have no
authority, unless it were given you by
my heavenly Father. (Just so, I
wouldnt recommend trying to use
this with the IRS or with the
Franchise Tax Board, just saying.)
When in history has civil authority
not been in tension with religion and
people of faith? As a young student
following the history of our Catholic
Church, I remember thinking
Hooray for our side! when I read
that the Emperor Constantine had
converted to Catholicism and, at the
First Council of Nicaea, had declared
religious tolerance for all Christians.
Finally, I thought, an end to all of
those horrible and terrifyi ng
persecutions! (right) What I didnt
understand at the time, though, was
that Constantines emperorship
would also mark the beginning of the
Churchs fascination with and
eventual lust for temporal power.
Render to Caesar and Render to
God quickly became blurred and,
somewhere in heaven, a voice could
be heard, NO! NO! NO!
Thus it was and, unfortunately, so it
is today. Our United States of
America is iconic in trying to keep
the lines of authority clean by
declaring separation of church and
state. Of course, what that really
means, according to Thomas
Jefferson, is that no one religion will
ever be declared a state or official
religion in our country. In the
meantime, we allow all legitimate
religions to coexist and people to
worship as they choosefreedom of
religion. Well, back to Caesar and
Some of us will remember that Fr.
Ed Benioff recently reminded us that
God gave us souls that inherently
know right from wrong. For us this
means that peopl e of faith,
collectively, need to be an effective
influence and presence within any
nation, state, city, town or village. In
a country that practices tolerance,
this is how we may live Gods
declaration in Isaiah that I am God
and there is no other. Religion at its
best will function as societys
conscience, if you willsocietys
soul. Therefore, we need to speak up
from time to time: Dont mess with
our religious freedom! or Human
life is sacred from natural birth to
natural death!
In our democracy, we actually get
close to living e pluribus unum (from
many, one), but mostly these days we
know grid lock all too well. Not
easy to arrive at consensus, especially
when you are talking religion. And
yet that is the vocation of believers.
Just as our annual Candlelight Walk
is a multi-denominational testimony
to Emmanuel, God with us, we
must ever strive to allow the great truth
of One God to be our humility and,
ultimately, our salvationsometimes
salvation from our errant selves.
Please God, we may know and hold
as sacred our souls inclination
toward God and Gods Divine
Mercy. Please God, our currency
may never lose its fundamental
recognition, IN GOD WE TRUST!
Dear Parishioners,
Msgr. Richard
Everything belongs to God
Jean Wood, Jos Colayco, Mario de la
Torre, Barbara Vanni, Freya Sheasby
Bailey, Anna Schube, Aubrey Randolph,
Joseph Malvin, Madeleine Loera, Randy
Graff, Toni Navarro, Susan Watson, Molly
Lynch, Juanito & Marilou Pe, Willard
Bochte, Joann Ruggles, Margaret Duran,
Lori Ann Little, Guia Canizales, Anne
Frealy, Eva Shammon, Margie Schubert,
Mary Zuckerburg, Emily Young, JoAnn
Douglass, Mary McColl, Evelyn Tres,
Barbara Hester, Phil Huddleston, Gerald
Drean, Charlotte Bollman Fuchs, Gerry
Krekelberg, Leah Greteman, Raymond
Payne, Peter Delgatto, Jr., Montserrat
Marti, Jordan Alabart, Linda Milligan,
Susan Skousen, Brooke Manning, Arthur
Contreras, Jr., Robert Quinonez, Richard
Krier, Patsy Starkey, Jean Mansour, Jacob
Bigley, Maria Carmen Marti, Clare
Marquardt, Kathleen Ramsey, Tonyja
Blakeslee, Addie Marshall, Jackie
Bagnuolo, Mary Ellen Isoard, Rose Mary
Taquino, Paul Viger, Hal Finney, Ailey
Gardner-Ybarra, Eva Bernejo, Edith Olah,
Lancelot Loera, Fred Mycroft, Brian Eck,
Alex Arranaga, Joseph Moore.
8:00 AM Artemia Deresma INT
5:30 PM Valerie Bassell RIP
7:30 AM For All Parishioner
10:00 AM Richard Tina RIP
12 NOON Marija & Rozika Piskur RIP
8:00 AM James J. Stehly RIP
8:00 AM Skip Spence RIP
8:00 AM Communion Service
8:00 AM Communion Service
8:00 AM Ken Crawford RIP
8:00 AM William Quinones RIP
5:30 PM Bill Grimm INT
7:30 AM Gertrude Tobin RIP
10:00 AM For All Parishioners
12 NOON Rosario Sabido INT
Imagine being born in the 14th
century. One-thi rd of the
population and nearly 40 percent
of the clergy were wiped out by the
bubonic plague. The Western
Schism split the Church with two
or three claimants to the Holy See
at one time. England and France
were at war. The city-states of Italy
were constantly in conflict.
John Capistrano was born in 1386.
His education was thorough. His
talents and success were great.
When he was 26 he became
governor of Perugia. Imprisoned
after a battle, he resolved to change
his way of life completely. At the
age of 30 he entered the Franciscan
novitiate and was ordained a priest
four years later.
His preaching attracted great
throngs at a time of religious
apathy and confusion. He and 12
Franciscan brethren were received
in the countries of central Europe
as angels of God. They were
instrumental in reviving a dying
faith and devotion.
The Franciscan Order itself was in
turmoil over the interpretation and
observance of the Rule of St.
Francis. Through Johns tireless
efforts and his expertise in law, the
heretical Fraticelli were suppressed.
When the Turks captured
Constantinople in 1453, he
preached a crusade for the defense
of Europe. Gaining little response
in Bavaria and Austria, he decided
to concentrate his efforts in
Hung a r y a nd g a i ne d a n
overwhelming victory. Worn out
by his superhuman efforts,
Capistrano was an easy prey to an
infection after the battle. He died
October 23, 1456.
All Souls Day Mass
Sunday, November 2, 10 am
We will remember in a special way all
those who were buried from St. Rita
during the past year. This is also the
Day of Remembrance for all of our
departed loved ones. We invite you to
bring a photo of your loved one to the
Parish Office for display in the Church
during the month of November.
Questions? Parish Office 355-1292
As the family
goes, so goes the
nation and so
goes the whole
world in which
we live.
St. John Paul II
Dr. Richard Diroll
Delbert Werdeman
Barbara White
(sister of Chuck McDaniels)
Youth Nites are for all teens and we
encourage our teens to invite their
friends to join in the fellowship.
Theresa Costanzo [email protected]
Are you a parent of a 3-5 year old?
Your children are invited to join us for
Preschool Sunday School every
Sunday during the 10 am Mass.
Attend Mass while your child is
learning the Sunday Gospel in a fun,
age-appropriate way. No registration
requiredjust show up. We meet
above Gara Hall in the TK Classroom.
Cristina Cullen [email protected]
Did you see something at the Ministry
Fair that appealed to you? Did you
leave your contact information at the
table? If not, or if you have not yet
been contacted by the Ministry, please
call the Parish Office.
Mary Lou Butler 355-1292 x222
Deadline for the Bulletin is
Thursday, 10 days before the
requested publication date.
Please email: [email protected]
Or bring the written information to
the Parish Office, ATTN: Rosemary
Come for our one-hour meeting and
then stay to help with a new
project! Or just come at 3 pm to
help us for one hour while we
decorate lunch sacks for the St.
Francis Center in downtown LA
Bring your ideaswell supply the
sacks, markers, stickers, etc. We also
will be assembling cutlery packets of
napkins and plastic utensilsalso
Marilyn McKernan 355-1292 x233
[email protected]
St. Rita Guild invites all women and girls to join us at the
10 am Mass, with a gourmet breakfast to follow in OMalley Hall. Our guest
speaker, Ban Angoorly, is a native of Iraq and member of St. Phillips parish.
Her topic will be The Persecution of Christians in IraqA Modern Day
Cost: $20 per person. Reservations:
Patty Sullivan 355-3707 [email protected]
Jeanne Peterson 355-1302 [email protected]
Trick or Treat!
Its that time of year again when we
ask for donations of wrapped candies
to hand out to all the goblins who visit
the Parish Office. Drop them at the
Office or in the collection box in the
Vestibule! Thank you for helping.
We are in need of gently
used or new artificial green
trees for use in the
Sanctuary during the
Christmas Season. Or we
will gladly accept your
donation to purchase trees.
We need 7 foot or taller trees, pre-lit
is okay.
Environmental Committee
Gil Lazo or Denise Villalovos
[email protected] 355-1292
In observance of Respect Life
Month, and in response to an
appeal from St. Francis Center, we
are conducting a Diaper Drive!
Please read the flyer insert in this
weeks bulletin for complete
Thank you for your generosity!
This Week at St. Rita This Week at St. Rita This Week at St. Rita
This Sunday, October 19World Mission Sunday
Special envelopes available in the Vestibule.
You can donate over the next several weekends. Thank you!
Tuesday, October 21Senior Ministry Meeting
All are welcome to come help with our new project
for the St. Francis CenterSee page 5 for more information.
Tuesday, October 21RCIA
7:30 pm Parish Office Meeting Room
Thursday, October 23Liturgy of the Hours
5 pm Meditation 5:30 pm Prayer
Oratory in the Parish Office
Save the Date Save the Date Save the Date
Sunday, October 26St. Rita Guild Communion Breakfast
All women and girls welcome!
See page 5 for more information.
Monday, October 27Baptism Preparation Class
7 pm Parish Office Meeting Room
For November 2 Baptisms
Saturday, October 25 thru Sunday, November 2
Disposable Diaper Drive for St. Francis Center
See page 5 and/or Bulletin Insert for more information.
October 31-November 2St. Rita Womens Retreat
See page 5 for more information.
Sunday, November 2, 10 amAll Souls Mass
A special remembrance our departed love ones and
especially for all those buried from St. Rita since October 2013.
See page 4 for more information.
Weekend of November 8-9Holiday Boutique
Watch for more information in future Bulletins.
This weeks Questions and Answers addresses a number of
questions that are mostly areas of clarification.
Q: I want to make a pledge but have lost my
pledge card. How can I get another one?
A: Call the Parish Office (355-1292). We will be
happy to provide you with another pledge card and/or
another copy of the DVD or any other Campaign
materials that you would like to receive.
Q: I have some questions about my pledge, but
dont want my questions published in the
bulletin. Can I make an appointment to talk with
A: Of course. Well be glad to set up an appointment
for you with Msgr. Richard, one of our Staff or
someone on the Campaign Cabinet.
Q: If I want to make a one-time gift, can I use a
Credit Card or do I have to write a check?
Donations, one-time gifts or pledge payments can be
made by check or Credit Card. Checks should be
made payable to St. Rita Capital Campaign.
Q: I want my pledge to be used for the church
renovation; can I specify that it be used only for
A: Pledges and gifts may be designated for a
particular area, i.e., the church, Gara Hall, the School,
etc. Your designations will be honored and used
according to your wishes.
Fingerprinting for VIRTUS
Tuesday, October 28Holy Family, 1501 Fremont
Ave. South Pasadena. 12:30pm-3:40pm & 5pm-7:20pm.
Call for appointment: 626/403-6106
Friday, October 31Immaculate Conception, 740 S.
Shamrock Ave. Monrovia 91016. 12Noon-3:40pm
& 5pm-7:20pm. Call for appointment: 626/358-1166.
Tuesday, November 18At St. Rita, OMalley Hall.
12 pm-3:40 pm & 5 pm-7:20 pm
Must call for an appointment: 626 355-6114
Saturday, November 1Fall Boutique and Family
Festival, 9 am until 4 pm. Sacred Heart Retreat House,
920 E. Alhambra Road, Alhambra 91801. Carmel Kitchen,
Boutique, Silent Auction. Food trucks.
Info: 626/289-1353 x200
Catholic Community
Last weekend about 33% of our 1278 registered
families donated to our Sunday Offering, either
using Church envelopes, pew envelopes, by check,
or by credit card. In addition to monthly
maintenance and repairs expenses, there are
salaries to meet; church supplies to provide (hosts,
sacramental wine, Mass booklets, etc.); office
supplies for the Parish Office as well as for
Ministries (postage, paper, repro costs, etc.).