St. Rita Parish Bulletin 6/1/2014
St. Rita Parish Bulletin 6/1/2014
St. Rita Parish Bulletin 6/1/2014
SUNDAYS: Sat. 5:30 pm (Vigil), 7:30 am, 10 am & 12 N
WEEKDAYS: Mon., Tues., Fri, and Sat. 8 am
(Wed. & Thurs. 8 am Communion Service)
HOLY DAYS: (eve of) 5:30 pm; (day of) 8 am & 6:30 pm
(Confession) Saturdays 4-5 pm or by appointment
Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Saturday 7:50 am
First Friday 8:30 am5 pm, Rectory Oratory
Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V.F.Pastor
Deacon Manuel Valencia Deacon John Hull
318 North Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre
Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Phone: 626/355-1292 FAX: 626/355-2290
The The The
Ascension Ascension Ascension
of of of
The Lord The Lord The Lord
God God God
mounts mounts mounts
His throne His throne His throne
to shouts to shouts to shouts
of joy; a of joy; a of joy; a
blare of blare of blare of
trumpets trumpets trumpets
for for for
The Lord. The Lord. The Lord.
Psalm 47 Psalm 47 Psalm 47
Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V. F.Pastor
626.355.1292 x. 228 [email protected]
Dcn. Manuel & Chela Valencia
[email protected] 355.1292
Dcn. John [email protected] 355.1292
Weekend Presider:
10 am MassFr. Chris Thiel, OFM Capuchin
Parish Office/Mailing Address
50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 6pm; Sat. 9 am to 1 pm.
Office Email: [email protected]
Director of Administration
Mary Lou Butler: [email protected] 355.1292
Pastoral Council
Parish Office: 355.1292
Finance Council Chair
Bill Sullivan: 355.3707
St. Rita SchoolOffice: 626.355.6114
Principal: Joanne Harabedian [email protected]
Director of Liturgy & Music
Paul Puccinelli: [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Cristina Cullen: 355.3841 [email protected]
Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation
Theresa Bui Costanzo: 626.590.8828 [email protected]
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Team: Deacon Manuel and Chela Valencia;
Susan Blakeslee: [email protected]
How to Contact Us
For Information about the Sacraments
If you are a parishioner interested in baptizing your child, please
contact the Parish Office for further information on the Baptism
process and requirements.
Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Preparation for children who have attained the age of reason
(usually during 2
grade) is arranged either through the
Office of Religious Education or St. Rita Elementary School.
Contact the Parish Office upon engagement; at least
six months is needed for preparation of this joyous sacrament!
A two-year program for freshman/sophomore age teens.
Apply through the Office of Religious Education.
NOTE: Adult applicants for the sacraments should contact the Parish Office.
Anointing of the Sick See adjoining column.
Liturgy & Worship
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: David & Jill Muhs
355.9810 [email protected]
Altar Servers, Youth: Kathy Ganino 626.398.9302
[email protected]
Altar Servers, Adult: Bill Cosso 355.5656
Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Ganino 626.398.9302
[email protected]
Rosary Prayer Group: Susan Day 355-3835
Sacristans: Sat. Vigil: Gary Fidone/Bill & Patti Huber
Sunday Masses: 7:30-Bill Cosso/David Banis;
10:00-David Muhs; 12N-Bernie Grace
Weekdays: John Bigley, Margaret Duran
Porter: (Evening Church Lockup) Sheila Palazzolo
Environment: Denise Villalovos/Gil Lazo [email protected] 355.1292
Ministries & Organizations
Bereavement Ministry: 355.1292 [email protected]
Christian Family: Ana Ptasinski 355.3146
Greeters & Ushers: Erny Henry 626.289.3504 626.446.6715
Mens Club: Nick Sotis: 358-2495 [email protected]
New Members/Welcome: Contact the Parish Office
St. Rita Guild: Patty Sullivan 355.3707 [email protected]
Senior Ministry: Marilyn McKernan, [email protected]
Shawl Ministry: Mary Taillac 355.3179 Marilyn Delgatto 355.8717
Other Contacts
Archivist: Marilyn McKernan [email protected]
Bulletin Submissions: [email protected] or drop off at Office
Public Relations: [email protected]
Registration Information: [email protected] 355.1292
Webmaster: Ralph Seymour: [email protected]
Parish Ministries and Organizations
Let Saint Rita Be There For You . . .
Communion for Sick and Homebound Parishioners
St. Rita ministers provide Communion home visits. Contact the
Parish Office 355.1292 or Jill Muhs 355.9810 [email protected].
Anointing of the Sick
Please notify us (355.1292) as early as possible for the Anointing of
the Sick, the sacrament intended for the seriously ill or dying. It is Our
Lords special presence and companionship in serious time of need.
Anointing may take place in the home, at the hospital or elsewhere
and as often as once a month. If someone should die without
anointing, remember that the desire to receive is sufficient and the
Lord cares!
If You Should Experience the Loss of a Loved One
Please call us at 355.1292
If you feel you will be in need, or your loved one has passed, we will
assist in making arrangements with your chosen funeral directors;
refer you to our liturgy and music directors; and offer you helpful
guidelines and a book that will aid in the selection of readings for the
Mass or Memorial Service. Areas we can help you with prior to the
passing may help in the planning of funeral services. We know that
this can be a tough time and we want you to know that your parish is
there for you. PLEASE UNDERSTAND we only have one resident
priest; sometimes arrangements for another priest may be needed.
Dear Parishioners,
Today we might look up at the great sculpture of Christ above our main altar and call
it The Ascension of the Lord. At the same time, we might imagine ourselves to
be those disciples who received his blessing as he was taken up into heaven. But now
what? The original disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy to be found later,
continually in the temple praising God. Well I dare say we will be found these days
continually in the temple, but more likely there to attend graduations.
Graduations to the right of us, graduations to the left of us! and all those
valedictorian speeches! Just how many times can you promise ending world
hunger, halting global warming, and realizing world peace? What I want to hear
from one of our Catholic valedictorians this year is a promise to end SIN. Is that
asking too much?
Actually that is the connection to todays Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord. Both the Ascension of
Jesus to the right hand of the Father (and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, for
good measure and to be gender inclusive), is about freedom from sin and preservation from sin. NO SIN is
exactly what qualified both Jesus and Mary to be taken up into heaven. Therefore I recommend to all
graduates that they focus on eradicating sin as the best gift to the world that their generation could possibly
offer. I tell second graders every year that sin is any way that we turn our backs on Godany way that we
refuse to be the good and caring people God has called us to be. So if our 2014 grads could just twitter and
Instagram us into turning away from sin, they could bring us all and themselves a long way to assuring our own
ascensions into heaven one day.
When all is said and done, really, we cant hang all the challenges of the Gospel on our graduates. On this
Ascension Sunday, it is to all of us here, and to all who would follow Jesus, that the two men in white
garments ask, Why are you sitting here looking up at the sculpture on the wall? Get busy! busy about
spreading the Good News and building the Kingdom (poetic license taken).
Msgr. Richard
Lost and Found at St. Rita
From time to time, items are left in the pews and around the property. Lately, more electronic devices are
being turned in. (I just know you arent using these during my homilies!) What to do? Check with an
usher if you are missing it from a Mass on Sundaythe item may have been turned into the Sacristy area
for safe keeping. Ultimately, items are kept at the Parish Office and you may call (355-1292) to see if it may
have been turned in there.
Msgr. Richard
Eva Shammon, Margie Schubert, Sheila Pierce, Mary Zuckerburg, Emily Young,
JoAnn Douglass, Mary McColl, Evelyn Tres, Barbara Hester, Phil Huddleston,
Gerald Drean, Charlotte Bollman Fuchs, Gerry Krekelberg, Leah Greteman,
Raymond Payne, Peter Delgatto, Jr., Montserrat Marti, Jordan Alabart, Linda
Milligan, Susan Skousen, Brooke Manning, Arthur Contreras, Jr., Robert
Quinonez, Richard Krier, Patsy Starkey, Margaret & David Duran, Jean
Mansour, Jacob Bigley, Dorothy Van Gorden, Maria Carmen Marti, Dennis &
Clare Marquardt, Kathleen Ramsey, Tonyja Blakeslee, Addie Marshall, Jackie
Bagnuolo, Mary Ellen Isoard, Rose Mary Taquino, Paul Viger, Zdenka Czerny,
Hal Finney, Ailey Gardner-Ybarra, Cathy Hundshamer, Eva Bernejo, Edith
Olah, Lancelot Loera, Fred Mycroft, Brian Eck, Alex Arranaga, Anna Mary
Hession, Joseph Moore.
8:00 AM Tom Viola RIP
5:30 PM For All Parishioners
7:30 AM George Taylor RIP
10:00 AM Dorothy Hoffman INT
12 NOON Dr. Joseph Ryan RIP
8:05 AM Mary Hassett RIP
8:05 AM Lathrop Hoffman RIP
8:05 AM Communion Service
8:05 AM Communion Service
8:05 AM Hanna Nolan RIP
8:05 AM Jacque & Louise Daust RIP
5:30 PM Jacque Daust RIP
7:30 AM For All Parishioners
10:00 AM Emmett & John Kenny RIP
12 NOON Janet Heins RIP
MondaySs. Marcellinus and Peter
TuesdaySt. Charles Luwanga & Companions
ThursdaySt. Boniface
FridaySt. Norbert
First ReadingJesus tells the disciples that
they will be witnesses to the ends of the
earth (Acts 1:1-11).
PsalmGod mounts his throne to shouts
of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord
(Psalm 47).
Second ReadingMay the Father of glory
give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation
(Ephesians 1:17-23).
GospelJesus instructs the Eleven to
baptize and teach people of all nations
(Matthew 28:16-20).
Lou Gregory
Brother-in-law of Marilyn McKernan
Bereavement Team Training Class
Begins Wednesday, July 2 at St. Dorothy in Glendora
Call Sr. Lovina Pammit for information 818/365-6065
Have you thought about becoming part of our Bereavement
Ministry at St. Rita? It is such a rewarding experience to help
people by just being a friendly, welcoming presence at
funerals. We can use your skillsafter you have attended
Trainingas a greeter, a Eucharistic Minister, or as a lector.
For information, please contact
Deacon John Hull 355-1292 x225
Special Commemoration of Cardinal Timothy Manning
Sponsored by St. Johns Seminary
Monday, June 23, 7:15 pm
St. John Baptist de la Salle Parish
Cardinal Timothy Manning served the Church of Southern
California for over 55 years. Through the years, he ordained
349 priests and confirmed approximately 650,000. He took part
in two papal elections, including the Conclave that elected
newly-canonized Saint John Paul II.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the death of this holy
and faithful priest and servant of the Gospel. Monsignor
Francis J. Weber, Archivist Emeritus of the Archdiocese, and
friend of Cardinal Manning, will present a public lecture
entitled Cardinal Timothy Manning: The Human Side of a
Princely Cleric.
St. John Baptist Church is located at 10738 Havenhurst
Avenue, Granada Hills, 91344. All are invited.
For further info:
805/389-2035 [email protected]
St. Rita Catholic School
91 Years of Faith, Excellence, and Stewardship
Friday, June 6Graduation Day
7 pm In the Church
Edge Bowling PartyMon., June 2, 3:45 - 5:30 pm.
Join us for our end of year celebration at Bowlmor in
Pasadena. Includes bowling, pizza and drink. Please
respond to your evite invitation or call me.
Theresa Costanzo [email protected]
Articles for the Bulletin should be submitted to
[email protected] or to the Parish Office. Ask for or
leave a message for Rosemary, 355-1292 x226.
Deadline is 10 days before the desired weekend.
Space is limited so the earlier submissions take priority.
Sunday School for Ages 3-6. All families with
younger children are invited to join us for Sunday
School in Gara Hall (upstairs) during the 10 am Mass.
Please let your children experience our curriculum
based upon the Sunday Gospel.
Cristina Cullen [email protected]
Are You Being Called To Become A Deacon?
Diaconate Formation Office: Information
Meeting for Men Interested in the Permanent
Diaconate Sunday July 20, 2014
The Diaconate Formation Office will host an
information meeting for all men who are interested in
finding out more about becoming a permanent deacon
in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Members of the
Archdiocesan Diaconate Formation Office will be
present to explain the role of the deacon in the
Church, to explain the Diaconate Formation Program,
and to answer any questions. Men must be between
the ages of 30 and 60 years to enter the formation
program. It is important for men who are married to
attend with their wives.
The meeting will be Sunday, July 20, from 2-4 pm, at
St. Jerome Church, Thornburn St., LA 90045. For
further information, please contact Mrs. Claudia Ortiz
in the Diaconate Formation Office.
213/637-7383 [email protected]
Sean Aguilar
Gavin Blackwell
Anthony Camacho
Amanda Coscarelli
Will Cosso
Henry Gardner
Andrew Garriola
Tess Gauthier
Natalie Gohrick
Katelyn Gutierrez
Zoltan Hargitay
Alexandra Houston
Blake Howard
Carlee Ladesich
Natalie Lodolo
Jack Love
Makenna Maucher
Abby McKiernan
Bradley Noble
Ali Nolan
Laura Noriega
Timothy ONeill
Taylor Pekerol
Zoe Samerjan
Victor Scalzo
Donielle Taylor
Rebecca Troescher
Madeline Tupy
Valentina Urteaga
Brian Valmonte
Jonathan Valmonte
Grayson Wade
Nicholas Zuniga
May you always remember your days at St. Rita and give
thanks to: your parents for sacrificing to provide you
with a Catholic education; your teachers through the
years who have guided you and helped you prepare for
this graduation day; other School Staff who help provide
enrichment programs and athletic development; the
Office Staff for their daily help and guidance; your
principal for her unbounded energy and devotion;
Msgr. Richard for his care and concern from your first
years at St. Rita until this special dayand beyond; and the
St. Rita parishioners who support the School both
through prayer and financial contributions.
God Bless You!
St. Rita Mens Club
Annual Dinner and Installation of New Officers
Friday, June 20, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
St. Rita Meadow & OMalley Hall
Plan to join us as we celebrate the end of another successful
year and recognize our past and new officers. Wives and
girlfriends are invited. Cost is $15/person and includes our
famous blended margaritas and Mexican food.
Nick Sotis 358-2495 [email protected]
Alan Leahy 355-9783
This Week at St. Rita This Week at St. Rita This Week at St. Rita
Sunday, June 1The Feast of the Ascension
Sunday, June 1Baptisms
1:30 pm In the Church
Thursday, June 5Liturgy of the Hours
& Evening Prayer
5 pm Music & Meditation 5:30 pm Prayer
Parish Office Oratory
Friday, June 6Adoration
After the 8 am Mass until 5 pm Parish Office Oratory
Friday, June 6St. Rita School Graduation
7 pm In the Church
See page 5 for the names of the Class of 2014.
Save the Date Save the Date Save the Date
Sunday, June 8Town Hall Meeting
1:30 pm OMalley Hall
Your chance to hear about plans for the Parish.
Thursday, June 12Bible Study Resumes
7 pm In the Parish Office Meeting Room
Friday, June 20
Mens Club Dinner & Installation of Officers
Check next weeks Bulletin for information.
Monday, June 30Baptism Preparation Class
7 pm Parish Office Meeting Room
For July 6 Baptisms
Benediction at 7:30 PM
St. Rita Feast Day
School Mass 8 AM
Armenian Mass at Noon
Celebrating the Feast of our Patroness
What a beautiful day! So many people showing
their love and devotion to St. Rita of Cascia.
St. Rita WebsiteTake a Look!
Did you knowyou can read the Bulletin online? Did you
knowyou can find information about ministries and
upcoming events? Did you knowyou can find Mass
schedules for Sundays and holydays? Did you knowyou
can read The Tidings online via a link on our website?
Did you knowtheres a link to make your Sunday
Offering donation using your credit card?
Looking for St. Rita School Alumni
Please help us update our contact information. Fill out the
form below and place it in the Sunday Offering basket or
return it to the School Office. You may also email
[email protected]
Year of Graduation
Healing Mass at St. Luke Catholic Church
Thursday, June 5, 7 pm. Fr. Bill Adams, CSsR, will
celebrate a Charismatic Mass with Healing Service.
St. Luke Church, 9451 Broadway, Temple City.
Monthly Book Sale, Sierra Madre Public Library
June 6 & 7. Find hundreds of books from almost new to
slightly used, priced from 25 cents to $1, in the parking lot
behind the Library. Come early for best selection.
Info: Alan Leahy 355-9783
Is This Dementia?Thursday, June 12. What is
normal forgetfulness and what isnt? Discover more about
the early warning signs and common dementias, including
those that can be reversed. Doors open 8 am.
Breakfast $4.50/seniors; $5.50 for others.
Santa Teresita, Madonna Hall, 819 Buena Vista, Duarte.
Info: 626/256-3059
Yearnings of the Restless HeartJune 13-15. A
weekend restreat for adults in their 20s and 30s. Singles and
married couples welcome. Requested donation$125. Mater
Dolorosa Retreat Center.
Info: Cathy Hainley 626/355-7188, x101
Catholic Community
& Local Events