The document discusses quantifying hardwood vessel picking defects in offset printing. It describes capturing high-resolution digital images of print defects using inexpensive scanners and image analysis software. Higher scanner resolutions provide more precise defect measurements but increase file sizes and scan times. The method allows mills to establish databases of defects to help identify sources of problems.
The document discusses quantifying hardwood vessel picking defects in offset printing. It describes capturing high-resolution digital images of print defects using inexpensive scanners and image analysis software. Higher scanner resolutions provide more precise defect measurements but increase file sizes and scan times. The method allows mills to establish databases of defects to help identify sources of problems.
The document discusses quantifying hardwood vessel picking defects in offset printing. It describes capturing high-resolution digital images of print defects using inexpensive scanners and image analysis software. Higher scanner resolutions provide more precise defect measurements but increase file sizes and scan times. The method allows mills to establish databases of defects to help identify sources of problems.
The document discusses quantifying hardwood vessel picking defects in offset printing. It describes capturing high-resolution digital images of print defects using inexpensive scanners and image analysis software. Higher scanner resolutions provide more precise defect measurements but increase file sizes and scan times. The method allows mills to establish databases of defects to help identify sources of problems.
By H.U. Heintze HE OFFSET PRINTING PROCESS is prone to contamination of the offset blankets, generally with a resulting visible defect in the printed material. Print- ing press contamination can arise from a number of paper sources, as well as from the pressroom. Any attempt to diagnose and solve an offset press picking problem must be guided by a proper definition of the nature of the prob- lem [3]. An in-depth physical or chemical analy- sis should be preceded by documentation of the frequency and appearance of the defects, fol- lowed by estimation of their sizes. However, despite the fact that such defects are commonly encountered in complaints, benchmarking stud- ies and product development trials, the evalua- tion of how many defects appear in a print and how big they are remains subjective. The vessel elements that are an essential com- ponent of every hardwood species give rise to a peculiar offset printing defect variously known as lint, fuzz, or vessel picking in woodfree fine papers. Overviews have been published that give a good introduction to the vessel pick problem and possible remedies [2, 4]. The objective of the present work is to provide a practical guide for mills and their technical service representatives to address the question of how many picking defects are in a print area and how big they are. In par- ticular, an outline is given of a method to quanti- fy the severity of hardwood vessel picking in the offset printing of fine papers. High-resolution page scanners now cost less than a thousand dollars and are capable of pro- ducing very good images. Disk storage on a PC is also inexpensive and, with little effort, it becomes feasible for a mill to establish a pictorial database of offset picking and other print quality prob- lems. Such a reference can help to identify the source of the picking in present and future com- plaints. While this may not be as good as having photomicrographs prepared by an expert micro- scopist/photographer, it is within the reach of any mill that deals with offset press contamina- tion problems. EXPERIMENTAL The samples used in this study were commercial- ly printed uncoated fine papers, primarily direct 34 108:1 (2007) PULP & PAPER CANADA offset printing T1 mail advertising pieces and a variety of financial statements. All samples were printed by offset. The selected prints were scanned at an optical resolution of up to 94 pixels/mm (2400 dpi) using a Canon D2400UF scanner with an optical resolution of 94 pixels/mm x 189 pixels/mm (2400 dpi x 4800 dpi). Some prints were also scanned at an optical resolution of up to 189 pix- els/mm (4800 dpi) using an Epson 4870 photo- scanner with an optical resolution of 189 pix- els/mm x 378 pixels/mm (4800 dpi x 9600 dpi). The pages printed on both sides were backed by a black sheet to minimize the effect of print- through from the reverse of the sheet Higher magnification images were obtained using a Canon 10D 6.3 mega-pixel digital camera fitted to a Wild-Heerbrugg microscope. Image file manipulations such as cropping and rotating were done with Jasc PaintShop Pro 9.0. Image analysis measurements were made using ImageJ (version 1.34), the public domain software devel- oped at the United States National Institutes of Health by Wayne Rasband and available on the Internet at This soft- ware runs under the Windows operating system, as well as under Linux and on Apple computers. Over twelve hundred users of ImageJ support the development of new measurement routines that address a wide range of problems. All files were converted to 8-bit grayscale images for the opera- tions carried out in this study. CAPTURING A DIGITAL IMAGE OF A PRINT DEFECT Definition of the problem The diagnosis of offset press blanket contamina- tion normally starts with a visual examination of the defect in the print or on a suitable tape pull from the press blanket. In an ideal situation, a microscopist is available to produce photomicro- graphs that illustrate the defect and produce esti- mates of their size. Figure 1 illustrates the appearance of three typ- ical defects, as captured with a 2400 dpi scanner. All three pictures in Fig. 1 are at the same magni- fication. The resolution may not be as good as can be achieved with a microscope, but these images can be captured quickly and inexpensively. The image on the left is a typical hickey, the H.U. HEINTZE, Consultant Montreal, QC [email protected] T Abstract: Offset printing of fine papers containing hardwood-fibre can give rise to small, repeat- ing defects in printed solids or halftones. The evaluation of this and of other picking problems is subjective. Public domain image analysis software and consumer-level page scanners can help with the quantification of this problem. An analysis of the issues is given, along with typical results. Rec- ommendations are made for the implementation of this low-cost approach. most common defect appearing in offset prints on fine papers. The centre image displays a common problem caused by several types of contaminant. The small white repeating defects on the right image in Fig. 1 are typical of hardwood vessel picking. These are smaller than the defects in the other two images and are not likely to be confused with them when comparing magnified images such as these. The size and shape of these repeat- ing defects is characteristic of the hard- wood species from which the vessel ele- ments are derived. It should be clear that the ability to show manufacturing groups pictures such as these will be more helpful than simply saying we have a picking problem. Clear definition and communication of the defect appearance are essential to ensure an effective search for a solution. The structure of a scanned image The image captured by a scanner or by a digital camera is made up of discrete units called pixels and each pixel represents a certain area and average intensity (gray level) on the scanned original picture. Figure 2 illustrates the sequence from a continuous tone photomicrograph origi- nal at the left to a coarse pixel represen- tation at the right. The continuous-tone image can be considered as divided into a grid representing the individual scanner elements or pixels. The gray level of each pixel can be thought of as approximately the average brightness of the image area captured by each pixel. Instrumental fac- tors and image capture software also play a role and have to be evaluated for specif- ic applications. A detailed understanding of digital image capture and manipula- tion can be found in sources such as The Image Processing Handbook [1]. Scanner resolution setting The resolution setting on a scanner defines the number of pixels that make up a captured image feature. Figure 3 compares an image taken with a micro- scope and camera (left) to the same area of print captured with an Epson scanner at resolution settings of 4800 dpi (centre) and 1200 dpi (right). The differences in image resolution are obvious. The scanned image at 4800 dpi gives a reason- able approximation of the white area caused by a vessel on the press blanket and even gives an indication of the fibre structure in the print. The image at the right, scanned at 1200 dpi, clearly has poorer resolution, making it more diffi- cult to characterise the shape and size of the vessel defect. Since image analysis works with the individual pixels in an image, it should be evident that a lower- resolution image, such as the 1200 dpi image on the right of Fig. 3, will provide less precise measurements such as image area or length. Although a higher scanner resolution is desirable to give better definition to the individual print defects, there are trade- offs against the resulting scan times and image file sizes, especially as the total area to be scanned is increased. Scan times on the CanoScan for a 50 mm x 50 mm area of print increase from 20 seconds at 600 dpi to 145 seconds at 2400 dpi. Compara- ble times on the Epson Perfection 4870 Scanner are 12 seconds and 101 seconds. At 4800 dpi the scan time on the Epson increases to 214 seconds. Higher scanner resolution settings also increase the size of the resulting image file. TIFF (tagged image file format) 8-bit grayscale file sizes for the 50 mm x 50mm areas scanned on the Epson increased from 1.3 MB at 600 dpi to 21.2 MB at 2400 dpi and to 85.1 MB at 4800 dpi. These scan times and file sizes are a clear indication that it may not always be desirable to scan larger areas at very high scanner resolution. Scanner exposure setting Image capture always involves some form of exposure setting to balance the specif- ic requirements of the original image, the illumination and the sensitivity of the image capture device. This is true for old- er film-based methods and also for newer digital cameras and scanners. It is impor- tant to evaluate the effect of scanner exposure control in developing a database of scanned defect images. Page scanners are designed to capture relatively large images, such as documents or pho- tographs, for digital enhancement. Scan- ner control software is frequently installed with a default option to optimize the quality of the captured image. Such auto- matic image enhancement is not desirable for the present purpose. It can have unde- sirable consequences, such as reducing contrast or producing images that are too light or dark for the intended purpose. Suitable scanner exposure settings must be identified and controlled for each application. Figure 4 illustrates the effect of extreme differences in exposure set- tings. The high contrast image on the right was scanned with an automatic enhancement setting and it is obvious that this has changed not only the overall gray levels, but also has increased the size of the vessel pick features. This indicates the need for a high-quality scanner, adequate lamp warm-up time and the use of known and controlled scan exposure settings. This is not a major problem; it just requires attention to detail and a docu- mented method for scanning images. A control sample is always a good idea to check on the stability of any test over time. IMAGE ANALYSIS MEASUREMENT OF A PRINT DEFECT Basic considerations for image analysis size measurement A database of scanned image defects can serve simply as a basis for visual compar- isons, but it is better to also estimate the size of printing defects such as hickeys or repeating vessel picks. A scanned digital image defect can be quantified by the sim- ple expedient of using a ruler on the monitor and a scaling factor or by the use of image analysis software. Image analysis systems and software have been available for a long time [6]. Proprietary image analysis software is fre- quently bundled with dedicated instru- ments for specific applications. The cost of such software and the apparent com- plexity of image analysis concepts have discouraged many people from consider- ing it as an option for their less-common measurement needs. However, the avail- PULP & PAPER CANADA 108:1 (2007) 35 offset printing T2 FIG. 1. Examples of offset blanket contamination with fine papers. Hickey on the left, hickeys and long threads in centre, and hardwood vessel picking on the right. FIG. 2. Illustration of the transformation of a continuous- tone, high-resolution photomicrograph image at the left to a low-resolution pixel image at the right ability of high-quality public domain soft- ware, such as ImageJ, provides a path for the casual or infrequent user to gain access to the power of image analysis for applications where canned commercial products do not exist or cannot be justi- fied economically. The basic difference between the human visual system and an image analy- sis system is the ease with which we can analyze patterns in complex images. The eye-brain combination is so efficient that we rarely consider how it works. On the other hand, an image analysis system has to be given specific rules to separate the desired features from their background. This is done by adjusting the gray level of a features boundary until its outline agrees with visual assessment. This process is called thresholding and is most com- monly done on 8-bit grayscale images where the gray levels can take on values ranging from 0 for black to 255 for white. The definition of measurement condi- tions that quantify small white defects in offset prints is remarkably easy for an oth- erwise uniform printed solid area. It is up to the user to ensure that the white spots have the shape and size characteristic of hardwood vessels. Photomicrographs of vessel elements for various hardwood species have been published [5, 7]. Lengths of larger vessel elements for vari- ous species were measured from pho- tomicrographs [7] and are summarized in Fig. 5. Length is not an unambiguous indicator of vessels by species, since there will be differences in vessel length and width for any given species due to season- al growth patterns [5,7]. In addition, some species such as oaks have earlywood vessels that, in the tree, are wider than they are long, giving a square appearance in offset vessel picking. It is evident from Fig. 5 that maples tend to have smaller/shorter vessels than birches or poplars. Thus, the length of vessel pick images can provide an indirect indication of the wood species causing the problem. People planning on using this approach should first familiarize them- selves with their pulp furnish and the ves- sel shapes/sizes corresponding to the hardwood species being used [5,7]. How to define image analysis settings for vessel picking The details of developing a method will vary slightly, depending on the image analysis software that is used. The follow- ing steps are kept general in nature, but they should guide anyone wishing to use this approach. The first step is to scan the print area containing the defect(s) at a suitable scan- ner resolution and exposure. The selected print area should be a solid print with 100% ink coverage. Vessel picking in halftone screen areas takes the form of missing screen dots that are noticed visu- ally but are lacking the clear boundary required for image analysis. The selected area should be neither too small nor too large. A print area of 60 mm x 160 mm that is scanned at a resolution of 1200 dpi will produce a TIFF file of about 22 MB. This gives a good balance of image area, resolution and file size for hardwood ves- sel picking. The maximum image file size that can be analysed depends on the avail- able computer system. A typical PC with 512 MB is adequate for most work, but it should be noted that ImageJ will only use up to about 1.5GB of RAM. Other limita- tions may arise from video card memory. The second step is to define an appro- priate threshold for the image. Thresh- olding is done on a grayscale image and, if the original was scanned in colour, it must be converted to an 8-bit grayscale image. The easiest definition of a suitable threshold is to set the gray level threshold at the midpoint of the average grayscale levels for the light and dark parts of the image in the vicinity of a defect. Doing this is easier than it may sound. Magnify a section of the grayscale image around a typical white spot and measure the gray level profile of a selection line drawn across the spot. Set the threshold halfway between the gray level of the white area of the defect and that of the dark area of the surrounding print. The defect area seen at this threshold setting should agree with visual assessment of the defect size before thresholding. Make sure the image on the monitor has been zoomed to a sufficient level to show individual pixels. Features below the smallest size of a vessel pick defect are to be considered as noise. They are excluded from the mea- surement by a suitable size criterion. The minimum size criterion is chosen to be smaller than the minimum likely vessel size in the problem prints [5,7]. Initially, measurements are done at several values of the exclusion criterion to confirm that the desired results are stable. The next step is to define the mea- surement that is desired for the defects. This will depend on the hardwood species that give rise to the problem, since that determines vessel size and shape. Exami- nation of Figs. 2 and 3 indicates that the longest dimension of a vessel pick has more pixels than the width. Thus, at any scanner resolution, measurement of longest dimension may provide better definition of vessel pick size than either width or area. Longest dimension of ves- sels is obtained by selecting Ferets diame- ter as the measurement. Measurements can be made more complicated, but there may be little return on the additional investment of time and effort. ImageJ provides options for various output formats, but it is prudent to save the output image of the measured fea- tures as a separate file for comparison with the original and to copy the detailed feature measurements to a spreadsheet for future reference. Image analysis mea- surements should never be performed on the only copy of an image file! Measure- ments should always use a copy of the file in case something goes wrong and the file is lost. Image analysis software generally has a macro capability that allows a multi-step analysis to be recorded for future play- back. For repeat measurements of vessel pick or other defects in an offset print, it is easy to set up an automated image anal- 36 108:1 (2007) PULP & PAPER CANADA offset printing T3 FIG. 3. Comparison of the decrease in image resolution in going from a photomicrograph at left to scanned images at 4800 dpi (centre) and 1200 dpi (right). FIG. 4. The effect of scanner exposure setting on image appearance. Note that vessel pick images on the right are larger than those on the left. ysis routine activated by keyboard function keys in order to min- imize the risk of operator error. A detailed written method should be prepared for any image analysis method and it should clearly spell out all the steps in sample preparation, scanner set-up, image analysis operations and analysis. Minor details like scanner cleanliness are very important since a speck of dust on the scanner plate will end up looking like a speck in the scanned image. It should be obvious that the print sample to be scanned also must be cleaned of any loose dust with a soft brush or air blower before putting it in the scanner. Loose fibres or other contaminants on the surface of a printed sheet are easily mistaken for something picked out of the print. As pointed out in the discussion of vessel lengths by species, the measured values of vessel pick length in the prints can be used to help pinpoint the hardwood species causing the prob- lem. Some time spent examining vessel images [6,7] will allow even the non-expert to see the similarity with the shapes of the defects in the prints. Examples of image analysis for vessel picking The methodology described above was evaluated on both the Canon and Epson scanners at resolution settings of 600, 1200, and 2400 dpi. In addition, evaluations on the Epson at 4800 dpi quick- ly showed the problems arising from very large file sizes at this high resolution. A 20 mm x 20 mm print area scanned as a grayscale image at 4800 dpi produced a 14 MB TIFF file. Thus, it is suitable for scanning small defect areas to examine their fine structure, but this resolution is too high to be used for larger areas. The ImageJ macro was modified for each scanner resolution setting so that the minimum size exclusion limit corresponded to the same physical size on the print for each resolution, but other factors were unchanged. Figure 6 shows a print with very heavy vessel picking scanned at 1200 dpi and the resulting out- line of measured features as output by ImageJ. Area and longest dimension were also recorded. It should be evident from Fig. 6 that these defects do not all fit the model of simple straight lines. Thus, longest dimension is an approximation, but one that appears to be adequate for the present objective. The eight features in Fig. 6 range in longest dimension from a measured low of 0.44 mm to a high of 1.00 mm. On the basis of these lengths it would be reasonable to exclude maples as the like- ly cause of this particular problem and one would focus on species such as birch, poplar or alder. A knowledge of the pulp furnish would obviously simplify the puzzle of relating sizes to species. A length of 1 mm at a scanner resolution of 1200 dpi corre- sponds to 47 pixels and this defines a best case measuring pre- cision of +/- one pixel as equivalent to +/- 0.02 mm. Obtaining this degree of precision by microscopy or by other means would be a lot more cumbersome and slower than the simple and low- cost approach described here. Measurements on a range of commercial samples in both black and colour provided similar results, and enumeration of other examples would add little to the understanding of the method. The key is to avoid halftones, convert all images to grayscale and set the threshold at the value appropriate to the sample. The image analysis quantification of hickeys and other press contamination defects has not been covered in detail here, but it is simply a variant on the approach described for vessel picking. Scanner stability over time is an issue that must be addressed and that will depend on the equipment used. As already indicat- ed, the use of a control sample is a useful way to identify problems. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The investigation of picking defects in offset printing has long suffered from the difficulty in communicating to all parties the exact nature of the problem in the pressroom. The defects are generally small and appear at low frequency, and the original printed samples are not always available to all parties involved in fixing the problem. Photographic capture of the defects is the ideal solution, but requires a skilled operator with a very good macro-lens set-up or a microscope. These options are not always available in a paper mill. Where they are available, they tend to be time-consuming and expensive. High-resolution page scanners provide a fast and low-cost way to document the appearance of picking defects in offset print- ing. A mill-specific catalogue of defect images is an essential tool in the efficient communication and resolution of picking prob- lems. Without such a guide it is very easy for different percep- PULP & PAPER CANADA 108:1 (2007) 37 offset printing T4 FIG. 5. Comparison of the larger vessel element lengths for various hardwood species. FIG. 6. Example of vessel pick measurement on a 10 mm x 10 mm image at 1200 dpi. Scanned image is shown at left and ImageJ output of measured features is shown at right. tions of a problem to slow down progress in finding a solution. Scanned defect images can be shared with all parties involved in solving the problem and this will help to ensure a common under- standing of what is being addressed. A high-resolution scanned image cov- ers a much larger area than a microscope view, and panning across a zoomed ver- sion of the image on a computer monitor provides a convenient virtual micro- scope for the examination of individual print defects. ImageJ public domain image analysis software allows the rapid measurement of defect size and shape parameters for defects in uniform solid offset prints. This zero-cost software offers the potential to take basic image analysis out of the domain of research centres and make it an everyday mill tool for a large variety of problems. It should no longer be neces- sary for anyone to have to resort to the evaluation that sample looks like it has more picking. LITERATURE 1. RUSS, J.C., ed. The image processing handbook. CRC Press (1999). 2. SHALLHORN, P.M., HEINTZE, H.U. Hardwood vessel picking in the offset printing of uncoated fine papers. Pulp & Paper Can. 98(10): T353-T356 (1997). 3. EAMER, M., HEINTZE, H. Your paper, your cus- tomer, his press. Pulp & Paper Can. 96(11): 21-22 (1995). 4. HEINTZE, H.U., SHALLHORN, P.M. Hardwood vessel picking and the manufacturing process. Pulp & Paper Can. 96(11): T365-T367 (1995). 5. PARHAM, R.A., GRAY, R.L., ed. The practical identi- fication of woodpulp fibers. Tappi Press (1982). 6. GARTAGANIS, P.A., HEINTZE, H.U., GORDON, R.W. From Printograph to Videoscanner. Tappi J. 59(12): 113-117 (1976). 7. CARPENTER, C.H., LENEY, L. 382 Photomicro- graphs of 91 papermaking fibers. State University of New York, College of Forestry at Syracuse, Technical Publi- cation 74 (1952). 38 108:1 (2007) PULP & PAPER CANADA offset printing T5 Reference: HEINTZE, H.U. The diagnosis of hardwood vessel picking in offset prints. Pulp & Paper Canada 108(1): T1-5 (January, 2007). Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting in Mon- treal, QC, February 6-10, 2006. Not to be reproduced without permission of PAPTAC. Manuscript received September 29, 2005. Revised manuscript approved for publication by the Review Panel on April 24, 2006. Keywords: FINE PAPERS, PICKING, OFFSET PRINTING, IMAGE ANALYSIS . Rsum: De petits dfauts rcurrents dans les imprims en aplat ou en simili apparaissent lors de limpression offset des papiers fins contenant de la fibre de feuillus. Le processus dvaluation de ces dfauts et dautres dfauts associs larrachage est de nature subjective. Les logiciels danalyse dimage du domaine public et les analyseur pleine page lintention de la population en gnral peuvent servir quantifier ce problme. Une analyse des problmes est prsente, ain- si que des rsultats typiques. Des recommandations sont offertes pour la mise en oeuvre de cette mthode conomique.