Jpeg & BNP: Image Compression Implemented in Matlab

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A Project Report
Submitted By
[Document subtitle]

Sagnik Roy(1504351)
Kartik dwidey(1504332)

Under the esteemed guidance

Mr Arpit Raj

Apart from the efforts of me, the success of this project

depends largely on the encouragement and guidance of
many others. I take this opportunity to my gratitude to
the people who have been instrumental in The successful
completion of this project. I would like to show my
greatest appreciation to Mr. Arpit Raj from Electronics
and Communication Department. I can’t say thank you
enough for their tremendous support and help. I feel
motivated and encouraged every time. Without their
Encouragement and Guidance this project would not
have materialized. The guidance and support received
from my friends who contributed and are contributing to
this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am
grateful for their constant support and help. Finally, I
must acknowledge with due respect the constant
support and patience of our parents. We are also very
thankful to Professor Arpit Raj project coordinator
(E&TC), Associate Dean Professor Dr. Amlan Datta and
Professor Dr.Arun Kumar Ray, Dean (School Of Electronics) for
their support and suggestions
during our course of the project work in the final year of our
undergraduate course.

Signature of the Student:

In this project we have implemented the Baseline JPEG
standard using MATLAB. We have done both the
encoding and decoding of grayscale images in JPEG. With
this project we have also shown the differences between
the compression ratios and time spent in encoding the
images with two different approaches viz-a-viz classic
DCT and fast DCT. The project also shows the effect of
coefficients on the image restored. The steps in encoding
starts with first dividing the original image in 8X8 blocks
of sub-images. Then DCT is performed on these sub-
images separately. And it is followed by dividing the
resulted matrices by a Quantization Matrix. And the last
step in algorithm is to make the data one-dimensional
which is done by zigzag coding and compressed by
Huffman coding, run level coding, or arithmetic coding.
The decoding process takes the reverse process of
encoding. Firstly, the bitstream received is converted
back into two-dimensional matrices and multiplied back
by Quantization Matrix. Then, the Inverse DCT is
performed and the sub images are joined together to
restore the image.
1.1 What is an image? .........................................................................................
1.2 transparency...................................................................................................
1.3 file formats.....................................................................................................
1.4 bandwidth and transmission ..........................................................................


2.1 The image compression model....................................................................
2.2 fidelity criterion ..........................................................................................
2.3 information theory ....................................................................................
2.4 compression summary...............................................................................
Multimedia images have become a vital and ubiquitous
component of everyday life. The amount of information
encoded in an image is quite large. Even with the
advances in bandwidth and Storage capabilities, if images
were not compressed many applications would be too
costly. The following Research project attempts to
answer the following questions: What are the basic
principles of image compression? How do we measure
how efficient a compression algorithm is? When is JPEG
the best image compression algorithm? How does JPEG
work? What are the alternatives to JPEG? Do they have
any advantages or disadvantages? Finally, what is
JPEG200? 1.1 What Is an Image? Basically, an image is a
rectangular array of dots, called pixels. The size of the
image is the number of pixels (width x height). Every
pixel in an image is a certain color. When dealing with a
black and white (where each pixel is either totally white,
or totally black) image, the choices are limited since only
a single bit is needed for each pixel. This type of image is
good for line art, such as a cartoon in a newspaper.
Another type of colorless image is a grayscale image.
Grayscale images, often wrongly called “black and white”
as well, use 8 bits per pixel, which is enough to represent
every shade of gray that a human eye can distinguish.
When dealing with color images, things get a little
trickier. The number of bits per pixel is called the depth
of the image (or bit plane). A bit plane of n bits can have
2n colors. The human eye can distinguish about 224
colors, although some claim that the number of colors
the eye can distinguish is much higher. The most
common color depths are 8, 16, and 24 (although 2-bit
and 4-bit images are quite common, especially on older
systems). There are two basic ways to store color
information in an image. The most direct way is to
represent each pixel's color by giving an ordered triple of
numbers, which is the combination of red, green, and
blue that comprise that particular color. This is referred
to as an RGB image. The second way to store information
about color is to use a table to store the triples, and use a
reference into the table for each pixel. This can markedly
improve the storage requirements of an image.
Image compression is the application of data compression on digital

images. In effect, the objective is to reduce redundancy of the image

data in order to be able to store or transmit data in an efficient form.
A chart showing the relative quality of various jpg settings and also
compares saving a file as a jpg normally and using a "save for web"
Image compression can be lossy or lossless. Lossless compression is
sometimes preferred for medical imaging, technical drawings, icons or
comics. This is because lossy compression methods, especially when
used at low bit rates, introduce compression artifacts. Lossless
compression methods may also be preferred for high value content, such
as medical imagery or image scans made for archival purposes. Lossy
methods are especially suitable for natural images such as photos in
applications where minor (sometimes imperceptible) loss of fidelity is
acceptable to achieve a substantial reduction in bit rate. The lossy
compression that produces imperceptible differences can be called
visually lossless.
Why do we need compression?
Requirements may outstrip the anticipated increase of storage space and
The figures in Table 1 show the qualitative transition from simple text to
video data and the disk space, transmission bandwidth, and transmission
time needed to store and transmit such uncompressed data.
Table 1 Multimedia data types and uncompressed storage space, transmission
bandwidth, and transmission time required. The prefix kilo- denotes a factor of
1000 rather than 1024.
Multimedia Data Size/Duration

Bits/Pixel or




(B for bytes)



(b for bits)


Time (using a

28.8K Modem)

A page of text 11'' x 8.5'' Varying resolution 4-8 KB 32-64 Kb/page 1.1 - 2.2 sec

Telephone quality speech 10 sec 8 bps 80 KB 64 Kb/sec 22.2 sec

Grayscale Image 512 x 512 8 bpp 262 KB 2.1 Mb/image 1 min 13 sec

Color Image 512 x 512 24 bpp 786 KB 6.29 Mb/image 3 min 39 sec

Medical Image 2048 x 1680 12 bpp 5.16 MB 41.3 Mb/image 23 min 54 sec

SHD Image 2048 x 2048 24 bpp 12.58 MB 100 Mb/image 58 min 15 sec

Full-motion Video

640 x 480, 1 min

(30 frames/sec)
24 bpp 1.66 GB 221 Mb/sec 5 days 8 hrs

The examples above clearly illustrate the need for sufficient storage space, large
transmission bandwidth, and long transmission time for image, audio, and video
data. At the present state of technology, the only solution is to compress
multimedia data before its storage and transmission, and decompress it at the
receiver for play back. For example, with a compression ratio of 32:1, the space,
bandwidth, and transmission time requirements can be reduced by a factor of 32,
with acceptable quality.

Terminology used in image compression

It refers relation between original image and the compressed file.
(1). Compression Ratio:--A large number implies a better compression.

Ex Image 256X256 pixels, 256 level grayscale can be compressed file

size 6554 byte.

Original Image Size = 256X256(pixels) X 1(byte/pixel)
= 65536 bytes
(2). Bit Per Pixel:--A smaller number implies a better compression.
Bit Per Pixel = (No. of Bits)/(No. of Pixels)

Ex Image 256X256 pixels, 256 level grayscale can be compressed file

size 6554 byte.

Original Image Size = 256X256(pixels) X 1(byte/pixel)
= 65536 bytes
Compressed file = 6554(bytes)X8(bits/pixel)
= 52432 bits


Compressed File Size

Compression Ratio Uncompressed File Size 


compression Ratio 65536 


Bits per Pixel 52432 

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