Mike Reuter

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4533 Rhonda Sue Court
Imperial, MO 63052
[email protected]
!636" #42$366%
Jefferson County Sheriffs !e"#rt$ent% &ill'(oro, Mi''ouri
Sheriffs Deputy, October 2004-January 2013
)rite Report' and i''ue itation' *or ordinane and tra**i +iolation'
Re'pond to dome'ti all', 'er+ie all' and +ehile aident'
,ro+ide pu(li 'a*ety 'er+ie' ounty$-ide
.ran'port pri'oner' (et-een loation' throu/hout the mid$-e't
,ro+ided tra**i en*orement, 0udiial 'er+ie', in+e'ti/ation' and 'er+ie o* proe''
Ser+ed one year on ounty$-ide 1)I Speial 2nit, 3d+aned Road'ide Impaired 1ri+in/
4n*orement !3RI14"
5ield .rainin/ O**ier !5.O"
R46IS Certi*ied
Ki$$s&i'( Po)i'e !e"#rt$ent% 7imm'-i8, Mi''ouri
Patrol Officer, Septem(er 2003 to Oto(er 2004
,ro+ided /eneral pu(li 'er+ie' *or 'mall hi'torial, ommerial and re'idential ommunity
Mons#nto Co$"#ny, St. 9oui', Mi''ouri
Corporate Security Professional, 1eem(er 2000 to Oto(er 2005
Conduted medial trainin/ in Cardiopulmonary Re'u'itation !C,R" and 3utomated 4:ternal
1e*i(rillator !341" and 5ir't 3id *or ompany medial re'pon'e team', per'onnel and loal la-
,ro+ided emer/eny medial treatment to employee' and +i'itor' at head;uarter' *aility.
Coordinated protetion o* 4,000 employee' and +i'itor' at -orld$-ide head;uarter' *aility -ith
internal 'a*ety team' and loal polie, *ire department' and ha<ardou' material team'.
1e'i/ned mo+in/ +iolation' and tra**i ontrol poliy and proe''e'.
Pin(erton Ser*i'e Cor"or#tion, 5enton, Mi''ouri
arit!, "nc# Security $uar%, =o+em(er 1##6 to 3u/u't 1##>? 6une 2000 to 1eem(er 2000
Maintained 'eurity *or %,000 per'onnel at -orld$-ide head;uarter' *aility.
,ro+ided emer/eny medial treatment to employee' and +i'itor' at head;uarter' *aility.
Conduted medial trainin/ in Cardiopulmonary Re'u'itation !C,R" and 3utomated 4:ternal
1e*i(rillator !341" and 5ir't 3id *or ompany 'eurity department mem(er'.
A$eri'#n Re+ Cross, St. 9oui', Mi''ouri
"nstructor, 3pril 2000 to 6une 2001
Conduted medial trainin/ in Cardiopulmonary Re'u'itation !C,R" and 3utomated 4:ternal
1e*i(rillator !341" and 5ir't 3id, 5ir't Re'ponder, @lood$(orn ,atho/en', ,et C,R *or orporate
/roup' and indi+idual'.
Mihael 4. Reuter
Unite+ St#tes ARM,, )orld-ide 3''i/nment'
&nliste% 'e'ber, May 1#># to 1eem(er 1##6
(onorably Dischar)e%
O(tained the le+el o* =on$ommi''ioned O**ier, Ser/eant.
3''i/nment'A Small 3rm' Repair Speiali't, 3rmor .an8 Cre-man, .ran'portation Speiali't *or
Chie* o* Sta** o* 4th In*antry 1i+i'ion, Re/iment 4n+ironmental ,rotetion 3/eny !4,3" =on$
Commi''ioned O**ier, Com(at 9i*e Sa+er.
3-ard' and Medal'A 4:pert Mar8'man @ad/e' *or Ri*le, ,i'tol and &and Brenade, 3RMC Bood
Condut Medal, =ational 1e*en'e Ser+ie Medal, 3RMC 9apel @utton, =on$ommi''ioned
O**ierD' ,ro*e''ional 1e+elopment Ri((on, 3RMC Ser+ie Ri((on, O+er'ea' Ser+ie Ri((on.
Jefferson Co))e-e Po)i'e Institute% &ill'(oro, Mi''ouri
3''oiate o* 3rt' 1e/ree, Criminal 6u'tie, 1eem(er 2010
4%0 &our', Cla'' @ Certi*iation, 6uly 2002
>00 &our', Cla'' 3 Certi*iation, 3pril 2003
Certi*iate' o(tainedA
1e*en'i+e 1ri+er .rainin/
,epper Mae
5ir't Re'ponder
Shot/un 5irearm' .rainin/
.-o &and/un'
,R$24E4:panda(le @aton
&a<ardou' Material'
1ata Ma'ter
5ield So(riety .e'tin/
.ra**i and Radar
5ield .rainin/ O**ier
3d+aned In+e'ti/ation
Unite+ St#tes ARM,
.rainin/ ,ro/ram' CompletedA
1# 7 20 3rmor Cre-mem(er'
45@10 Small 3rm' Repair Speiali't
,rimary 9eader'hip 1e+elopment
Com(at 9i*e'a+er
4n+ironmental ,rotetion 3/eny
Mons#nto Co$"#ny
.rainin/ ,ro/ram' CompletedA
1ru/' that Impair
1eatur Bene'i' Radar
1eatur Bemini Fideo
I$$#nue) Luther#n Chur'h% /#rnh#rt% Mi''ouri 1#>6$pre'ent
Mem(er, MenD' Clu( ,re'ident, Chairman o* FoterD' Committee
A$eri'#n Le-ion% I$"eri#) Missouri 01123"resent
Mem(er, Ser/eant$o*$3rm'
I$"eri#) ,outh Asso'i#tion /#se4#)) Le#-ue% Imperial, Mi''ouri 1##%$ 2002
Seretary o* @oard o* .ru'tee', 2mpire, Coah
/oy S'outs of A$eri'#% P#'( 567, I$"eri#)% Mi''ouri 1##>$ 2000
Cu( Sout Ma'ter, 1en 9eader

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