Roberts Resume 2014

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Robert B.

Rohling, Sr
47000 Bermont Road Punta Gorda, FL. 33982 9!08 "ell #hone$ %94&'(28 0847 )mail$ rrohling*

OBJECTIVE$ ,o utili-e m. /urrent +0ill+ and abilit. to +ee0 ne1 o##ortunitie+ 1ith a 2ualit. 1ith o##ortunitie+ 3or long term em#lo.ment and ad4an/ement #otential. EMPLOYMENT &0520&3 &2520&3

Circle Bar A Leming, TX. Oil Well Fracking San Tran!"#r$er 6Sa3el. and e33e/ti4el. deli4er 3ra/0ing +and to oil 1ell+ in ,e7a+ and 8e1 9e7i/o 6:b+er4e all ;:, regulation+ 6Cer$i%ie Shell <#+tream =meri/a+ >S) :rientation 6Cer$i%ie 3or Re+#irator u+e 6Cer$i%ie Shell <#+tream =meri/a+ :n+hore ?ell+ ?or0+ite )7#e/tation+ A c#ck & Fiel ! Tran!"#r$a$i#n P'n$a (#r a, FL. Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6Sa3el. and e33i/ientl. deli4er blo/0 #rodu/t+ to regional /u+tomer+ 6,ran+#ort a !3@ 3latbed trailer and o#erate a mo33it 6:b+er4e all ;:, regulation+ M'r")* Tran!"#r$a$i#n Arca ia, FL. Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6Sa3el. and e33i/ientl. deli4er a 4ariet. o3 good+ to lo/al /u+tomer+. 6,ran+#ort a !3@ dum# trailer, !3@ 3latbed, !3@ dr. bo7. 6:b+er4e all ;:, regulation+ S'n+el$ Tran!"#r$ Jack!#n,ille, FL. Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6Sa3el. and e33i/ientl. deli4er a 4ariet. o3 good+ to all 48 /ontiguou+ +tate+ 6 ,ran+#orted !3@ 3latbed trailer 6 :b+er4ed all ;:, regulation+ through man. +tate+ and maintained a dri4er@+ log Trilli'm -ri,er! Arca ia, FL. Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6 Sa3el. and e33i/ientl. deli4ered a 4ariet. o3 good+ to all 48 /ontiguou+ +tate+ 6 ,ran+#orted !3@ dr. 4an and 3latbed trailer 6 :b+er4ed all ;:, regulation+ through man. +tate+ and maintained a ;ri4er@+ log L(S L#gi!$ic! S'mmi$, IL. Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6 Sa3el. and e33i/ientl. deli4ered a 4ariet. o3 good+ to all 48 /ontiguou+ +tate+ 6 ,ran+#orted !3@ dr. 4an and re3rigerated trailer+ 6 :b+er4ed all ;:, regulation+ through man. +tate+ and maintained a ;ri4er@+ log ( an T Tran!"#r$ Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6 :#erated a tra/tor trailer hauling a mil0 trailer P#r$ C)arl#$$e, FL

02520&3 08520&3

0&520&3 02520&3

&2520&& 0&520&3

07520&& &2520&&

&&520&0 07520&&

03520&0 09520&0

6 Pulled +am#le+, te+ted and #um#ed mil0 into tan0er+, under m. <S;= li/en+e 6 Pro4ided #re4entati4e maintenan/e to 4ehi/le+ and e2ui#ment 07552009 &0552009 A./ M#0er P#r$ C)arl#$$e, FL. C#mmercial La0n M#0er Mec)anic 6 ;iagno+ed and 3i7ed ele/tri/al and me/hani/al #roblem+ 1ith /ommer/ial and re+idential la1n and garden e2ui#ment. 6 Loo0ed u# and ordered #art+ u+ing multi#le /om#uter a##li/ation+ and #rogram+. 6 Pro4ided e7/ellent /u+tomer +er4i/e and #i/0ed u# and deli4ered /ommer/ial and re+idential la1n and garden e2ui#ment. Fl#ri a E1$r' er! In$erna$i#nal F#r$ M*er!, FL. Trac$#r Trailer O"era$#r 6 :#erated tra/tor trailer+ 1ith 48@and !3@ long trailer+ all o4er Florida, in/luding ;o1nto1n 9iami, ,am#a, and :rlando, through narro1 alle.+ and inner /it. en4ironment+. 6 :#erated +traight tru/0+, light dut. /om#an. tru/0+, 3or0 li3t+, and 4ariou+ other loading e2ui#ment. 6 Loaded, unloaded and hel#ed other+ 1ith loading and unloading o3 tru/0+ 1ith material+ in e7/e++ o3 &!0 #ound+ manuall. a+ 1ell a+ o#erating 4ariou+ loading related e2ui#ment a+ ne/e++ar.. 2#)ling Tran!"#r$a$i#n P'n$a (#r a, FL. -'m" Tr'ck B'!ine!! O0ner3O"era$#r 6 :#erated 3ront end loader+, ba/0 hoe+ and 4ariou+ other hea4. e2ui#ment. 6 9aintained ;:, regulation log boo0. 6 Pro3e++ionall. dealt 1ith bro0er+ and /on+tru/tion /ontra/tor+ 6 >andled /u+tomer +er4i/e, +ale+ and /u+tomer relation+ 3or m. bu+ine++. 6 ;id all +er4i/e, re#air+ and maintenan/e to 3i4e di33erent /om#an. 4ehi/le+. 6 :b+er4ed and 3ollo1ed all ;:, regulation+ +u/h a+ 1eight re+tri/tion+, /omme r/ial 4ehi/le re2uirement+, and #ro#erl. tar#ing, +e/uring and in+#e/ting load+. 6 9anaged and maintained all o33i/e re/ord+, do/ument+, #a.roll+, budget+, ta7e+, li/en+ing and in+uran/e. Wa$er4! Tr'cking Arca ia, FL. -'m" Tr'ck, Trac$#r Trailer, an T#0 Tr'ck O"era$#r 6 :#erated 3ront end loader+, ba/0 hoe+ and 4ariou+ other hea4. e2ui#ment. 5 <+ing tra/tor trailer and dum# tru/0 e7#erien/e e7e/uted on and o33 road dri4ing +0ill+. 5 ,ran+#orted 1a+te material+ 1hile ob+er4ing and 3ollo1ing +tate en4ironmental regulation+. 5 Per3ormed re#air+, +er4i/e and maintenan/e to m. a++igned 4ehi/le a+ 1ell a+ other+. 6;ro4e a to1 tru/0 to #i/0 u# the /om#anie+ bro0en do1n 3leet tru/0+ Single$ar* C#ncre$e Sara!#$a, FL. C#ncre$e 2ea *.Mi1 Tr'ck O"era$#r 5 An+#e/ted, adBu+ted and tran+#orted 4ariou+ mi7e+ o3 read. mi7 /on/rete 3or /o mmer/ial and re+idential /on+tru/tion. 6 :#erated tandem 3ront end loader+, ran /on/rete bat/h #lant, ga4e dri4er+ +ho1 u# time+ and /lo+ed do1n #lant in the e4ening+. 6 Per3ormed maintenan/e and /leaned m. a++igned 4ehi/le a+ 1ell a+ other+.

&05200( 0(52009

0&52004 &05200(

0852002 0&52004

0&52002 0852002

6 )7e/uted e7/ellent /u+tomer +er4i/e and relation+ 1hile /olle/ting #a.ment+ 3rom /ontra/tor+. 0852000 0&52002 6 & S Tran!"#r$ N#r$) F#r$ M*er!, FL. M#+ile 7#me Tran!"#r$er, Se$$er an Cre0 F#reman 6 ,ran+#orted and +et u# 3rom beginning to end +ingle, double and tri#le 1ide 9odular and mobile home+. 6 :#erated and +u#er4i+ed the u+e o3 tra/tor+, h.drauli/ Ba/0+, roller beam+, auger ma/hine+, /ome along+, 1in/he+ and 4ariou+ other e2ui#ment. 6 =/ted a+ a 1or0ing 3oreman 3or a mobile home +etting /re1 o3 +i7 men. 6 An+talled home 1ater and +e1er #lumbing line+ a//ording to Lee, "harlotte and >endr. /ount. /ode+ and regulation+. 8ni$e S$a$e! Marine C#r"!. Cam" Le9'ne, NC. M#$#r Tran!"#r$ O"era$#r 6 :#erated tra/tor trailer+, +traight tru/0+, 3i4e ton tru/0+, home+ and 4ariou+ :ther ta/ti/al 4ehi/le+ in high #re++ure +ituation+. 6 Per3ormed 4ehi/le re#air+ and maintenan/e on 4ariou+ t.#e+ o3 4ehi/le+ and )2ui#ment. 6 Su#er4i+ed and delegated authorit. to grou#+ o3 ten to t1el4e marine+.

075&99( 0752000

2ELATE- S6ILLS: >ea4. e2ui#ment, die+el and auto me/hani/+ a+ 1ell a+ o#eration o3 e2ui#ment. =r/ %+ti/0 and 1ire 3eed' 1elding o3 +teel and aluminum. E-8CATION: "harlotte >igh S/hool C Re/ei4ed high +/hool di#loma, Punta Gorda FL. &99( "ollege /our+e+ and 4o/ational /our+e+ ta0en 1hile in the militar. in Guantanamo Ba., "uba &997 &998. )di+on State "ollege 0&520&4 thru #re+ent, == /our+e+ LICENSIN(: "la++ = "ommer/ial dri4er@+ li/en+e #a++enger bu+ endor+ement tan0er endor+ement+ Cer$i%ica$i#n!: Cer$i%ie Shell <#+tream =meri/a+ >S) :rientation Cer$i%ie 3or Re+#irator u+e Cer$i%ie Shell <#+tream =meri/a+ :n+hore ?ell+ ?or0+ite )7#e/tation+

MILITA2Y EXPE2IENCE: Ser4ed and /om#leted 3our .ear+ o3 militar. +er4i/e in the <8A,); S,=,)S 9=RA8) ":RPS. =nd 1a+ di+/harged 1ith an >:8)R=BL) di+/harge. 2EFE2ANCES: )7/ellent #ro3e++ional re3eren/e+ a4ailable u#on re2ue+t.

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