Safety and Health Policy Statement: WSU Accident Prevention Program

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WSU Accident Prevention Program


WSUs is committed to establishing and maintaining a
[Department Name]

safe and healthful wor environment! "he commitment involves the development#
implementation and review of an Accident Prevention Program# as part of the universit$s
overall occupational in%ur$ and illness prevention efforts!
"he purpose of this program is to prevent undesired events that could lead to occupational
in%uries and illnesses b$ identif$ing# evaluating# controlling or eliminating potential ha&ards!
"he program emphasi&es incorporating safet$ and health measures into each tas so
safet$ and health and tas performance become integrated!
A safe and health$ wor environment is accomplished through the cooperative efforts of
management# emplo$ees and safet$ committees in developing and implementing this
Accident Prevention Program!
'anagement and emplo$ees are responsible for following the Accident Prevention
Program# WSUs Safet$ Policies and Procedures and memoranda from Universit$ safet$
and health departments!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 1
WSU Accident Prevention Program

[Department Name]
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety promotes the Universit$s overall
safet$ and health program b$ offering a variet$ of services to assist departments in
developing and implementing this Accident Prevention Program! Administrators#
supervisors# emplo$ees and safet$ committees are encouraged to call (nvironmental
)ealth and Safet$ 011231.456 for assistance on an$ safet$ and health matter!
Environmental Healt an! "a#ety$s and WSUs "a#ety Poli%ies an! Pro%e!&res
Man&al web sites provide additional safet$ and health information and resource
Management and Employees will establish and maintain a safe and healthful woring
environment b$ following the programs and procedures in this Accident Prevention
Employee Parti%ipation
(mplo$ee involvement in preventing worplace in%uries and illnesses is critical! "o assure
emplo$ee participation either an emplo$ee,management safet$ committee or monthl$
safet$ meetings have been established! "he purpose of the safet$ committee,safet$ and
health meeting is to bring emplo$ees and management together to promote safet$ and
"ele%t one o# te t'o options belo'(
Option 1: Safety Committee
All departments of eleven or more emplo$ees are to have a designated safet$ committee
composed of emplo$er3selected and emplo$ee3elected members!
Safet$ committees are to be organi&ed as follows7
(mplo$ee3elected committee members are to serve one3$ear terms!
"he number of emplo$er3selected members is not to e8ceed the number of emplo$ee3
elected members!
"he safet$ committee is to have an elected chairperson!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 2
WSU Accident Prevention Program
Safet$ committee meetings are to be held at least once ever$ two months! "he e8act
time and location to be determined b$ committee vote!
Option 2: Department Monthly Safety and Health Meetings
Departments with less than eleven emplo$ees or with emplo$ees woring in widel$
dispersed locations ma$ elect to have monthl$ safet$ and health meetings instead of
establishing a safet$ committee! Safet$ and health meetings can be held as part of
regularl$ scheduled staff meetings!
Safet$ and health meetings will be conducted on the of ever$ month!
Safet$ 9ommittee,'onthl$ Safet$ and )ealth 'eeting agenda items for possible
discussion include7
:ob assignments and potential ha&ards!
;eview of safe wor practices!
New e<uipment and wor practices and related safet$ and health ha&ards!
(mplo$ee safet$ and health concerns!
=bserved ha&ardous conditions,practices and recommended corrective actions!
Safet$ and health inspection results!
Accident investigation review!
Accident Prevention Program review!
Additional topics can be found in the "a#ety Committee Man&al 0under development6
Safet$ 9ommittee and 'onthl$ Safet$ and )ealth 'eetings are documented using the
"a#ety Meetin) Report form in the Safet$ Policies and Procedures 'anual! "he minutes
are retained b$ the department for one $ear! A cop$ of the minutes is sent to
(nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 0'ail 9ode 55>-6!
"a#ety *&lletin *oar!
"he safet$ bulletin board located is used to post
notices re<uired b$ law and other information to enhance worplace safet$! (mplo$ees
should chec this board regularl$ for new notices! "he following posters and information
are displa$ed on the safet$ bulletin board7
W?S)A Poster of (mplo$ee ;ights and ;esponsibilities
?ndustrial ?nsurance Poster
(mergenc$ "elephone Numbers
=S)A 1.. @og Summar$ of ?n%uries and ?llnesses 0Posted for the months of Aebruar$3
April6! (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ sends the summar$ to each safet$ committee!
;eplacement posters can be obtained from (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 3
WSU Accident Prevention Program
Ha+ar! Noti#i%ation

(mplo$ees observing a potential safet$ and health concern are to contact their supervisor
and,or (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456! A Ha+ar! Noti#i%ation ,orm should
be completed and submitted to the supervisor# department administrator# and
(nvironmental )ealth and Safet$! "he appropriate departments0s6 will develop and
implement corrective action!
"a#ety an! Healt Inspe%tions
"he Universit$ is committed to identif$ and promptl$ control ha&ardous conditions and
practices that are liel$ to result in in%ur$ or occupational illness to emplo$ees! Dail$ and
annual inspections are performed to proactivel$ identif$ potential ha&ards!
=nce a ha&ard is identified# control procedures are developed and implemented as
described in the )a&ard 9ontrols section below! "he dail$ and annual inspections assure
a safe and health$ wor environment is established and maintained!
Prior to using an$ tools and e<uipment# a brief visual inspection is conducted according to
the manufacturers specifications to determine if there are an$ obvious defects! Defective
tools and e<uipment will be removed from service!
During the month of a safet$ and health inspection of all
processes# tools# e<uipment and facilities is coordinated b$ !
[position or person]
"he (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ "el#-Inspe%tion Ce%.list in the Safet$ Policies
and Procedures 'anual should be used as a guide! ?nspection results and corrective
action should be documented on a the Self3?nspection 9heclist! "he completed checlist
is retained and a cop$ sent to (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 0'ail 9ode 55>-6!
Deficient inspection items that cannot be corrected during or immediatel$ after# the
inspection are to be brought to the department administrators attention! "he administrator
will develop a strateg$ for corrective action! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$
011231.456 for assistance in identif$ing and developing corrective action strategies!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 4
WSU Accident Prevention Program
Ha+ar! Controls
9onditions and practices creating an imminent and serious ha&ard will be immediatel$
controlled and brought to the supervisors attention! Employees %ill not remain e&posed to
a serio's ha(ard) Serious ha&ards that cannot be corrected immediatel$ are to be brought
to the department administrators attention! "he department administrator will develop a
strateg$ for corrective action! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456 for
classif$ing ha&ards and assistance in developing corrective action strategies!
'inor safet$ and health deficiencies identified either during the course of wor or through
an inspection will be corrected as3soon3as3possible!
)a&ardous conditions and practices are to be controlled through the use of engineering
controls when technologicall$ and economicall$ feasible! (ngineering controls are passive
measures designed to prevent contact with a ha&ard! (8amples of engineering controls
include installing barriers# enclosing ha&ards# and using local ventilation!
When engineering controls are not feasible# timel$# or do not completel$ eliminate the
ha&ard# personal protective e<uipment must be used! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and
Safet$ 011231.456 for assistance in evaluating the need for engineering controls!
Personal Prote%tive E/&ipment 0PPE1
Assessments are conducted for all activities to determine if ha&ards are present
necessitating the use of PP(! will assure that
[position or person]
ha&ard assessments have been conducted! "he Personal Prote%tive E/&ipment
Ha+ar! Assessment an! Certi#i%ation G&i!elines should be used to conduct
assessments in non3laborator$ settings! )a&ard assessments are to be documented and
retained using the 2or.pla%e Ha+ar! Assessment Certi#i%ation ,orm3 @aborator$
departments should use the @aborator$ Safet$ 'anual! Section ?B# Standard =perating
Procedures to assess and document chemical ha&ards# select PP( and record training!
A ha&ard re3assessment will be conducted whenever new e<uipment or processes are
introduced or an investigation of an in%ur$ or illness indicates the need for personal
protective e<uipment!
?f PP( is re<uired as determined b$ the ha&ard assessment will
[position or person]
assure emplo$ees receive and formation and training on how to use the assigned PP(!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 5
WSU Accident Prevention Program
"raining and information to be provided to each emplo$ee includes7
Wh$# when and what PP( is
Selection criteria * limitations of
)ow to properl$ put on# tae off#
ad%ust# and wear the PP(
Proper care# inspection#
maintenance# useful life and
disposal of the PP(
(ach emplo$ee will demonstrate an understanding of this training before being allowed to
perform wor re<uiring the use of PP(! 'ethods of demonstrating this understanding
include orall$ <uestioning the emplo$ee# observing the emplo$ee using PP( in a real or
artificial setting# or administrating a written test!
A Personal Prote%tive E/&ipment Trainin) Certi#i%ation ,orm will be completed and
retained verif$ing each emplo$ee using PP( has received and understood the re<uired
(mplo$ees using high3speed tools and mechani&ed e<uipment and,or operating heav$
mobile e<uipment ma$ be re<uired to wear hearing protection! As a general guide# if a
person has to shout to be clearl$ heard from two feet awa$ noise monitoring should be
conducted! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ for an evaluation of the need for
hearing protection! (mplo$ees re<uired to wear hearing protection are covered b$ WSUs
Hearin) Conservation Pro)ram3
(mplo$ees performing activities creating dusts# mists# fumes and vapors ma$ be re<uired
to wear respirator$ protection! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456 for an
evaluation of the need for respirator$ protection! (mplo$ees re<uired to wear assigned
respirator$ protection are covered b$ WSUs Respiratory Prote%tion Pro)ram!
A%%i!ent Reportin)
Supervisors and emplo$ees are to immediatel$ report ma.or in%ur$ accidents to
(nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456 and )uman ;esource Services 0112342C/6!
'a%or accidents are those events that result in death# serious in%ur$ 0e!g!# fracture#
amputation6 or in3patient hospitali&ation! "he site of a ma%or in%ur$ accident is to be
secured and preserved! =nl$ (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ can release the site for
return to service!
(mplo$ees are to promptl$ report occupational in%uries and illnesses and near misses to
their supervisor! "he supervisor completes an on3line In%i!ent Report! Additional
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 6
WSU Accident Prevention Program
information on accident reporting and accident investigation after business hours is found
in WSUs Safet$ Policies and Procedures 'anual 0S-2!-.6!
A%%i!ent Investi)ation
"he investigation of accidents and near misses is an essential part of the Accident
Prevention Program! A thorough investigation identifies unsafe acts and conditions
re<uiring corrective action! An accident investigation and subse<uent corrective action
minimi&es the potential for future accidents!
(nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ upon notification investigates all ma%or accidents
resulting in death# serious in%ur$ 0e!g!# fracture# amputation6 or in3patient hospitali&ation!
"he supervisor should immediatel$ investigate and complete a "&pervisor$s A%%i!ent
Investi)ation Report when7
An emplo$ee involved in a minor occupational accident is unable to wor the
subse<uent full shift0s6 due to a resulting in%ur$ or illness# or
"he emplo$ee receives medical treatment# or
(vents and conditions involving a near miss or non3in%ur$ accident indicate there was a
high probabilit$ of serious in%ur$# illness or significant propert$ damage!
After the cause0s6 of the accident is determined# the supervisor initiates corrective action or
provides recommendations for corrective action to the department administrator!
Witnesses and in%ured persons ma$ complete a 2itness4In5&re! Person "tatement!
9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456 for assistance in conducting accident
Emer)en%y A%tion Plan
"he following (mergenc$ Action Plan establishes administrative and emplo$ee actions for
reporting emergencies# building evacuations# administering first3aid# fire planning and
ha&ardous materials spills!
Department,(mergenc$ 9all
Aire /55
Police /55
(mergenc$ 'edical Services /55
Serious ?n%uries and ?llnesses /55
)a&ardous 'aterials Spills /55
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 7
WSU Accident Prevention Program
(mplo$ees are to evacuate the building and meet at the gathering location upon activation
of emergenc$ alarms! An evacuation map for each floor is posted! ?t shows the location of
e8its# fire e8tinguishers# first3aid its# emergenc$ e$ewashes and showers and the
gathering location outside! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 011231.456 and Aire
'arshall 011234/-/6 for assistance!
Sufficient numbers of emplo$ees are trained in first3aid,9P; to assure at least one person
is alwa$s available to provide <uic and effective first aid to all emplo$ees! (mplo$ees
designated to provide first3aid as listed in their position description are covered b$ the
departments *loo!borne Pato)ens E6pos&re Control Plan3
A list of current first3aid and 9P; certified emplo$ees ma$ be posted on the safet$ bulletin
board along with the e8piration dates of their cards!
?n case of in%ur$# first3aid its are placed at the following locations7
Airst3aid its and supplies are available from 9entral Stores! Airst3aid its are re3stoced
whenever an item is used! Airst3aid its are to be checed during the annual safet$ and
health inspection! Additional information on first aid its can be found in the Safet$ Policies
and Procedure 'anual S-.!4.6!
/I+E #A""I",
Department administrators and supervisors are to plan how the department will respond to
a fire emergenc$!
"ele%t one o# te tree options belo'(
Option 1:
All emplo$ees are instructed to evacuate the building! (mplo$ees are instructed not to
attempt to e8tinguish an$ fire and on evacuation procedures! (mplo$ees will be trained on
evacuation procedures!
Option 2:
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WSU Accident Prevention Program
Some emplo$ees will be designated to fight incipient stage fires 0about the si&e of a
wastepaper baset6 and will be trained annuall$ in the use of fire e8tinguishers! All
emplo$ees not designated to fight fires and all designated emplo$ees not involve in
e8tinguishing the fire are to evacuate! (mplo$ees will be trained on evacuation
Option 2:
All emplo$ees will be designated and trained to fight incipient stage fires! (mplo$ees not
engaged in e8tinguishing the fire are to evacuate the building! 9ontact the WSU Aire
'arshall to schedule to annual fire e8tinguisher training! (mplo$ees will be trained on
evacuation procedures!
Upon discovering a fire7
?mmediatel$ notif$ another person in the area! 9all or have them call /55!
?f the fire is small 0such as a wastebaset fire6 and there is minimal smoe# designated
trained personnel ma$ attempt to put the fire out with a fire e8tinguisher!
Non3designated personnel are to immediatel$ evacuate and go to the designated
gathering area!
?f the fire grows and,or there is thic smoe# do not continue to fight the fire!
Notif$ other emplo$ees in the area to evacuate!
Supervisors notified of a fire are to7
?nstruct emplo$ees to evacuate to the designated gathering area
?nsure all emplo$ees have been evacuated!
Berif$ /55 has been called!
Determine if the fire has been e8tinguished! ?f fire has grown or there is thic smoe#
evacuate an$ emplo$ees attempting to fight the fire!
Do to the designated gathering area and verif$ all emplo$ees are accounted for! ?f an
emplo$ee is missing# no one will be permitted to re3enter the building! "he responding
fire fighting personnel will be notified an emplo$ee is missing and ma$ be in the
?n the event of a ha&ardous materials spill7
?mmediatel$ secure the area to prevent people from entering
Notif$ people in the immediate vicinit$
9all /55 if $ou are not trained per the applicable program to clean3up a ha&ardous
materials spill!
;efer to the applicable program and,or polic$ for responding to ha&ardous materials spills7
"he departments Cemi%al Ha+ar! Comm&ni%ation Pro)ram
"he departments 7aboratory "a#ety Man&al
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 9
WSU Accident Prevention Program
"he departments Eiosafet$ 'anual
Safet$ Policies and Procedures 'anual7 Ra!iation "a#ety
9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$# ;adiation Safet$ and,or the Eiosafet$ =fficer for
additional information!
"a#ety an! Healt Trainin)
Supervisors will assure all new emplo$ees receive a safet$ orientation on the first da$ of
wor! "opics to be covered in the safet$ orientation should include an overview of the
"his Accident Prevention Program Accident ;eporting
(mergenc$ Action Plan Potential :ob )a&ards
)a&ard Notification Procedures (<uipment Specific Safet$ "raining
Eac ?n%ur$ Prevention
@ocout,"ag =ut 3 if applicable
=utdoor )eat Stress F if applicable
9hemical )a&ard 9ommunication
Program 3 if applicable
Personal Protective (<uipment 3 if
@aborator$ Safet$ 'anual 3 if
;espirator$ Protection Program 3 if
)earing 9onversation Program 3 if
Eloodborne Pathogens (8posure
9ontrol Plan 3 if applicable!
"he safet$ orientation is to be documented on the "a#ety Orientation Ce%.list!
Supervisors will assure emplo$ees receive training on each t$pe of e<uipment and process
the$ are assigned to use!
"he following is a listing of the e<uipment and processes re<uiring emplo$ee training7
(ach emplo$ee will become familiar with the manufacturers e<uipment manuals and safe
operating procedures! "he emplo$ee will also demonstrate to their supervisor that he,she
can safel$ operate the e<uipment prior to operating without direct supervision! (mplo$ee
training should be documented!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 10
WSU Accident Prevention Program
(mplo$ee training on Chemi3al Ha(ard Comm'ni3ation4 +espiratory #rote3tion4 Hearing
Conservation and #ersonal #rote3tive E5'ipment will be provided and documented
according to those specific programs!
Safet$ and health training videos and fact sheets are available from EH8"!
Er)onomi%s4*a%. In5&ry Prevention
(mplo$ee computer worstations should be ad%usted and modified using the guidelines in
the O##i%e Er)onomi%s fact sheet! "he purpose of worstation ad%ustments and
modifications are to minimi&e chronic stress that ma$ be e8erted on the %oints# muscles#
tendons# ligaments# nerves and bones caused b$ repetitive motion activities and awward
and static postures# such as sitting and standing! (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ 01123
1.456 provides worplace ergonomic evaluations!
;epetitive lifting and lifting of heav$ and awward items can lead to bac in%uries!
(mplo$ees regularl$ lifting more than -. lbs! will receive basic bac in%ur$ prevention
training b$ reviewing a cop$ of the *a%. *asi%s fact sheet! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth
and Safet$ for an ergonomic evaluation of lifting tass and bac in%ur$ prevention training!
?ndustrial tass ma$ also place chronic stress on %oint muscles# tendons# ligaments and
bones leading to repetitive strain in%uries! 9ontact (nvironmental )ealth and Safet$ for an
ergonomic evaluation of industrial tass!
(mplo$ees e8periencing s$mptoms 0e!g!# chronic pain# fatigue# swelling# burning# tingling
and numbness of %oints6 consistent with a repetitive strain in%ur$ are to report the potential
in%ur$ to their supervisor! Supervisors are to complete an ?ncident ;eport in accordance
with the Accident ;eporting section of the Accident Prevention Program on page +!
2or. "pe%i#i% "a#ety an! Healt Pro)rams
(ach department is to determine if the following safet$ and health programs are re<uired
based on the activities the$ perform!
Chemi3al Ha(ard Comm'ni3ation #rogram
(mplo$ees# in non3laborator$ settings# are to be informed of the identities and ha&ards of
the chemicals the$ are potentiall$ e8posed to when woring and what protective measures
are re<uired! "o inform emplo$ees of the chemical ha&ards in their wor areas and the
necessar$ protective measures a Cemi%al Ha+ar! Comm&ni%ation Pro)ram has been
6lood7orne #athogens E&pos're Control #lan
(mplo$ees designated to provide first3aid as listed in their position description are to be
covered b$ the departments *loo!borne Pato)ens (8posure 9ontrol Plan
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 11
WSU Accident Prevention Program
a7oratory Safety Man'al
(mplo$ees using chemicals in laborator$ settings are covered b$ the departments
7aboratory "a#ety Man&al3
Control of Ha(ardo's Energy 8o39o't1Tag O't #rogram:
(mplo$ees performing repair# servicing# set3up and maintenance on fi8ed wired e<uipment
are to de3energi&e and locout the e<uipments energ$ sources in accordance with the
departments Control o# Ha+ar!o&s Ener)y Program! "he purpose of locout is to
prevent in%ur$ caused b$ une8pected e<uipment activation!
All cord and plug connected e<uipment is to be disconnected from outlet receptacles
during repair# servicing# set3up and maintenance when une8pected e<uipment activation
could cause in%ur$! "hese situations do not have to be covered in the locout program!
=utdoor )eat Stress Program
(mplo$ees woring outdoors are covered b$ an O&t!oor Heat "tress Pro)ram!
(nvironmental )ealth * Safet$ +,-../ Page 12

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