Effect of Channel Dimensions On Micro PEM Fuel Cell Performance Using 3D Modeling
Effect of Channel Dimensions On Micro PEM Fuel Cell Performance Using 3D Modeling
Effect of Channel Dimensions On Micro PEM Fuel Cell Performance Using 3D Modeling
, S.P. Duttagupta*
*Department of Electrical Engineering,IIT Bombay
[email protected], [email protected]
Corresponding Author; P.Ramesh, Department of Electrical Engineering ,IIT Bombay, Mumbai ,Maharashtra,
400076, 00919496370467, [email protected]
Received: 20.02.2013 Accepted: 04.04.2013
Abstract- Proton exchange membrane fuel cells are electrochemical devices, which are emerging as promising power sources
for portable electronic applications. One of the key component of the fuel cell is the flow channel. The flow channel ensures
uniform distribution of the fuel and oxygen to the reaction sites. If the distribution is non uniform, it will affect the
performance of the fuel cell. The width of the channel and the rib plays a significant role in uniform fuel distribution . Here we
build a three dimensional model for a fuel cell using COMSOL Multiphysics. The performance of the cell is studied under
varying channel widths and rib widths.
Keywords- PEM Fuel cell, 3-D modeling, Gas Diffusion layer, Membrane Electrode Assembly.
1. Introduction
Fuel cells [1] are emerging as the power sources of the
future. PEM fuel cell [2] are the most popular type of fuel
cells which use hydrogen as the fuel. The necessary
improvements for fuel cell operation [3] and performance
demands better design and optimization. These issues can be
addressed easily if mathematical models [7][9][10] are
available. Traditionally the flow field plates are made of
graphite and the current collection is carried out from the
flow field plates. But in literature, many authors [4][5][6]
have reported building micro fuel cells, where the flow field
plates are also made of silicon. The channel width and rib
width plays an important role in the performance of micro
fuel cells. Rib width is defined as the width of the GDL
which is not covered by the flow channel.
Various researchers have performed simulation studies
[12,13] on the effects of flow-channel geometric parameters
on cells with varying channel dimensions. Palaniappan etal
[26] investigated the effect of mal flow distribution in PEM
fuel cells and reported performance loss as a result of non
uniform fuel distribution across the reaction sites. Scholta et
al [23] predicted that narrow channels are preferable for high
current densities, whereas wider channels are favored at low
current densities. Shimpalee et al [20,24] showed that the
flow-channel path length and other channel geometric
dimensions affect cell performance .They also found that too
deep channel depth tend to reduce the local gas pressure,
leading to variances in fuel distributions. Wang et al [21]
build a numerical model for a PEM fuel cell with serpentine
channels and studies the effect of channel dimensions.
Kumar et al [18] studied the effect of channel dimensions
and shape on pem fuel cell performance .The studies by Feng
et al [13] revealed that the performance of a PEMFC with a
serpentine flow channel is insensitive to channel depth in
certain operation conditions. Investigations by Manso et al
[25] on the effects of the aspect ratio (defined as the ratio of
channel depth to width) on the performance of miniature cell
indicated that cells with a high aspect ratio yield higher
current densities. This result differs from other simulation
results, in which channel depth had no significant effects
[22,23]. This disagreement may result from the differences in
channel scales. Deeper channel depths provide sufficient
space for reactant transportation and water removal.
However, it also enlarges the channel cross-sectional area
and slow down flow velocity, which subsequently affects
mass transfer rate and water balance in the membrane
electrode assembly Although numerous papers [12,15,16,17]
explore flow channel geometric variables using two
dimensional simulation , only a few papers [8,13,14,19] have
dealt with three dimensional simulation, especially in
P.Rumesh et ul., vol., No.z, zc
miniature scale. It is more challenging to implement a three
dimensional fuel cell model and examine the effects of flow-
channel geometric parameters on efficient miniature fuel
2. Governing Equations for the Fuel Cell Model
The gas flow within the channel is assumed to take place
by convection and diffusion .The gas flow in the gas channel
is modeled with the momentum and continuity equations (the
Navier-Stokes equations):
( )
.( ) .( )
uu p u S
c c c
+V = A +V A +
( )
.( ) 0 u
+V =
where c is the porosity , the dynamic viscosity, (Pa.s),
the density (Kg/m
is the source term (for any
external force),p is pressure (Pa),u gas velocity vector
Navier Stokes equations are applied in the gas channel
with source term equal to zero while it is added as Darcy
law in the GDL and catalyst layer to describe the flow in the
porous media (Darcy law) along with the viscous effects that
are important at the boundary between flow channel and
The mass flux in the gas phase is based on the Maxwell-
Stefan diffusion and convection equations. It is described by
this expression for species j:
.( ) .( )
i ij j i
X u D X S
V = V V +
Where D
is the effective diffusion constant.
Since gas diffusion layers (GDL) and catalyst layers are
porous media, the velocity distribution is therefore
formulated by Darcys law and mass conservation equation.
Darcys Law:
u P
= V (4)
where is the permeability, m
; and the dynamic viscosity,
The continuity of current in a conducting material is
described by
. 0 i V = (5)
In a PEM fuel cell, the conducting materials are porous
electrodes and membrane. The current is therefore split into
two parts: the ionic current and the electronic current.
Protons travel through the ionic conductor (the membrane) to
form an ionic current denoted by i
, while electrons can only
be transferred through the solid matrix of electrodes which
results in an electronic current denoted by i
. The continuity
equation of current then becomes:
. . . 0
s e
i i i V =V +V (6)
In the catalyst layer, where a chemical reaction occurs
on a three-phase boundary, electrons are either transferred
from the solid matrix to electrolyte or vice versa. This two-
way transfer of electrons between solid matrix and
electrolyte makes the transfer current density, denoted by j, a
source term in one phase, and a sink term in the other phase.
The potential equations for both solid and electrolyte phases
are obtained by applying Ohms law to Eq. (12).
Electron transport
.( ) 0
s s s
o | V V + = (7)
Proton transport
.( ) 0
m m e
o | V V + = (8)
Where | is the phase potential,
o is the effective
electric conductivity or also can be termed as the ionic
conductivity in the membrane given by S/m;
o is the
effective electrode conductivity,
S the current source term, A/m
; the subscript s denotes
the property of a solid phase and e denotes that of an
electrolyte phase. The source terms in the electron and proton
transport equations, i.e., Eq. (13-14), result from the
electrochemical reaction occurring in the catalyst layers of
anode and cathode sides. The effective conductivity
o is
given by
1 1
1.5 303
.(0.5139 0.326)
eff T
m m
e o
| |
\ .
= ;
1 >
1 1
1.5 303
eff T
m m
e o
| |
\ .
= for
1 s
- Volumetric fraction of ionomer in the
catalyst layer, T is absolute temperature in Kelvin,
is the water content in the membrane phase which is
related to the activity of water vapor in the adjacent pores,
given by
2 H O
_ = ,P is the gas pressure, P
is the
saturation gas pressure,
2 H O
_ is the gas phase water mass
Using an experimentally derived relationship by
Springer for Nafion 117 membrane
=0.043 + 17.81a - 39.85a
+ 36a
for 0a1 (10)
=14 + 1.4(a-1) for a>1
The source terms are
Anode catalyst layer and Cathode catalyst layer
s a s c
S j S j
| |
= = (11)
e a s c
S j S j
| |
= = (12)
Where j
and j
are the transfer current density
corresponding to the electrochemical reaction at the anode
P.Rumesh et ul., vol., No.z, zc
and cathode catalyst layers. The transfer current densities are
given by Butler-Volmer equations
( )
, ,
/ /
c a a a a a
F RT F RT ref H
a a ref
j Aj e e
o q o q
| |
\ .
( )
, ,
/ /
c c a a c a
F RT F RT ref O
c c ref
j Aj e e
o q o q
| |
\ .
electrode active surface area in m
activation overpotential
F Faradays constant
R universal gas constant
T- absolute temperature in Kelvin
exchange current density A/m
3. Experimental
The Nafion 212 membrane was boiled in 3% H
solution for 1 hour. Then membrane was placed in deionized
water and boiled for 1 hour. Again membrane was boiled in
0.5 M H
solution and again boiled in deionized water.
The membrane is ready for use now. Two pieces of Toray
carbon paper were cut in size of 2.2cm x 2.2cm.Amorphous
carbon Vulcan XC- 72 of weight was ultra sonicated in
isopropanol to which PTFE dispersion was added, which
varies from 15 to 30 wt% to make the slurry. This slurry was
then brushed on carbon paper pieces and dried at 80
C to
make GDL.The above steps were repeated with platinized
carbon from E-Tek. 20% weight of platinum on carbon.
Nafion concentration was kept fixed at 30 wt % of catalyst.
Platinum loading was 0.2 mg/ cm
on anode and 0.4 mg /
on cathode. Now the two electrodes are ready and placed
the membrane in between the two electrodes, which was
sandwiched between 2mm thick Teflon sheets and hot
pressed the assembly together for 2 min under 50 atm of
pressure, at approx 125 degrees.
The MEA is tested in Arbin Instruments fuel cell test
station with 100 % humidified oxygen and hydrogen gas.
Flow rates were maintained at 0.2 SLPM. The gas was
passed for 15 min to completely humidify the membrane
after which a constant current was drawn in the intervals of
five minutes and voltage is noted. Impedance spectroscopy
was performed in galvanostatic mode for current densities
upto 1.2 A/cm
where anode is used as a reference and
counter electrode whereas cathode served as a working
4. The Model
A 3 dimensional model[8] of a PEM fuel cell is
implemented using COMSOL Multiphysics. The present
model is established based on the following assumptions:
- Flow is laminar everywhere due to small gas
pressure gradient.
- Reactant gases behave as the ideal gas mixture.
- The electrodes and membrane are made of
homogeneous materials.
- The temperature distribution across the cell is
- Water exists only in the gas phase in the fuel cell.
- The polymer electrolyte membrane is impermeable
to reactant gases.
- Protons can only transport through the electrolyte,
and electrons through the solid phase.
- Three species including oxygen, water and nitrogen
are considered on the cathode side while only
hydrogen and water are considered on the anode
- The fuel cell is operating at the steady state.
Figure 1 shows the structure of the model developed in
Comsol Multiphysics. The top part is the anode side while
bottom part corresponds to the cathode. The operating
conditions and parameters of the model are given in Table 1.
Fig. 1. The schematic PEM fuel cell model
Table 1. Operating conditions of the model
Cell length (L) 1mm
Channel height 1mm
Channel width 0.7mm
Rib width 1mm
GDL width 0.3 mm
Porous electrode thickness 0.5 mm
Membrane thickness 0.05 mm
GDL Porosity 0.4
GDL electric conductivity 1000 S/m
Inlet H
mass fraction (anode) 0.743
Inlet H
O mass fraction (cathode) 0.023
Inlet oxygen mass fraction (cathode) 0.228
Anode inlet flow velocity 0.2m/s
Cathode inlet flow velocity 0.5m/s
Anode viscosity 1.19 E-5 Pa.s
Cathode viscosity 2.46 E -5 Pa.s
Permeability (porous electrode) 2.36 E -12 m
Membrane conductivity 10 S/m
P.Rumesh et ul., vol., No.z, zc
5. Result
Figure 2 shows the experimental and modeled
polarization plot. Fitting is obtained by varying active
surface area of the catalyst per unit volume and cathodic
Tafel slope. Membrane conductivity was determined from
the high frequency intercept in the Nyquist plot, assuming
negligible contact resistance. Its estimated value is 10 S/m
over the modeled current density range.
Fig. 2. Polarization plot for experimental and modelling
Impedance spectroscopy in Fig 3 shows the Nyquist plot
for the MEA. Following observations can be made from
these plots.
1. For all current densities HFR is nearly the same
which means no change in membrane conductivity.
But there is slight increase in HFR above current
density of 1 A/cm
, which may be due to gradient of
water across the membrane due to higher production
rate of water at the cathode.
2. Mid frequency arc diminishes as current density
increases. This is due to decrease in charge transfer
resistance which is related to the faster kinetics of
oxygen reduction at high current densities. This
behavior is observed upto current density of 1.2
, the mid frequency arc starts increasing after
this. This may be attributed to oxygen mass transport
limitations due to water accumulation on the cathode
3. The low frequency arc of small diameter appears
above the current density of 1.5 A/cm
, which is
attributed to the start of flooding in the electrode due
to liquid water accumulation.
Fig. 3. Nyquist plots of the mea, values assigned to the
markers refers to the total current
6. Effect of Channel Width
Effect of channel width on the performance of the cell is
studied by varying the width of the channel and keeping
channel width to rib ratio constant at 1. All other parameters
of the cell are kept constant. As can be seen from the Figure
4 that the performance of the cell degraded as the width of
the channel is increased from 0.5 mm to 2 mm. The probable
reason for this stems from oxygen concentration distribution
in the cell for various channel widths as oxygen
concentration is directly related to local current density
inside the cell at higher current densities.
Figure 5 shows oxygen mole fraction on the surface of
cathode catalyst layer along the length of the channel. These
line graphs are taken at the center of the length of the cell.
From these profiles it appears to contradict the assumption
mentioned above as the oxygen fraction is highest for the
channel width of 2 mm and lowest for the channel width of
0.5 mm. But the situation becomes clearer when we look at
Figure 6. It shows oxygen mole fraction plotted in the
direction perpendicular to the channel on the catalyst surface.
Gaussian distribution of the species is observed with the peak
in the middle of the channel. It includes the effect of the rib
where the catalyst underneath the rib is hidden. From the
Figure 5, it is clear that oxygen mole fraction is increased
under the rib as the width of the channel is decreased. This is
due the higher pressure drops created along the length of the
channel at smaller widths of the channel. This scenario is
clear from the Figure 7 which shows the pressure of the
mixture along the length of the channel. Higher pressure drop
forces more oxygen molecules inside the rib thereby
increasing their concentration.
P.Rumesh et ul., vol., No.z, zc
Fig. 4. Polarization curves for different channel widths with
channel width to rib width ratio is one
Fig. 5. Oxygen mole fraction along the length of the channel
for different channel widths at cell potential of 0.4 V
Fig. 6. Oxygen concentration profiles across the length of the
channel for different channel widths at cell potential of 0.4 V
Fig. 7. Pressure variation along the length of the channel for
different channel widths
7. Effect of Rib Width
Figure 8 shows the simulated polarization curves for the
constant channel width and varying channel rib. As expected
the performance of the cell is lowered as the width of the rib
is increased because of the oxygen mole fraction distribution
as shown in Figure 9. But the performance degradation is
higher beyond rib width of 0.7 mm. Cells with rib widths of
0.2 and 0.7 have nearly the same performance.
Fig. 8. Polarization curves for different rib widths with
channel width kept constant at 0.5
Fig. 9. Oxygen mole fraction profiles across the length of the
channel for different rib widths for cell potential of 0.4 V
8. Conclusion
A 3-dimensional model for PEM fuel cell is validated
under the experimentally feasible assumptions. The effect of
channel width and rib width on the fuel cell performance is
studied by considering various channel widths and rib widths
employing different distributions and dimensions. The
performance of the cell is degraded as the width of the
channel is increased from 0.5 mm to 2 mm. The performance
of the cell is lowered as the width of the rib is increased. But
decreasing the channel width and rib width below a threshold
value can affect the fuel transfer along the channel and hence
affect the cell performance. So there exists an optimum value
of channel. width and rib width for which the fuel cell will
give better performance. Experimental study has to be
performed with various channel and rib widths so as to
validate the simulation results.
P.Rumesh et ul., vol., No.z, zc
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