Liverpool: Liverpool Is A City in Merseyside, England, On The Eastern Side of The Mersey

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Liverpool is a city in Merseyside, England, on the eastern side of the Mersey

Estuary. The city was historically part of Lancashire. Its urbanisation and expansion were
largely brought about by its status as a major port, which included its participation in
the Atlantic slae trade. Lierpool was the port of registry of the ocean liner,
the !M" Titanic, and many other #unard and $hite "tar ocean liners such as
the !M" Lusitania, %ueen Mary, and &lympic.
Lierpool's status as a port city has contributed to its dierse population, which,
historically, was drawn from a wide range of people, cultures, and religions, particularly
those from Ireland. The city is also home to the oldest (lac) African community in the
country and the oldest #hinese community in Europe.
"eeral areas of Lierpool city centre were granted $orld *eritage "ite status
by +,E"#& in -../. The Lierpool Maritime Mercantile #ity includes the 0ier
*ead, Albert 1oc) and $illiam (rown "treet. Lierpool is also the home of two 0remier
League football clubs, Lierpool and Eerton. Matches between the two are )nown as the
Merseyside derby. The world2famous 3rand ,ational also ta)es places annually
at Aintree !acecourse on the outs)irts of the city.
Lierpool has been described as haing 4the most splendid setting of any English
city.4, located on the Lierpool (ay of the Irish "ea the city of Lierpool is built across a
ridge of sandstone hills rising up to a height of around 5. m aboe sea2leel at Eerton
*ill, which represents the southern boundary of the $est Lancashire #oastal 0lain.
Lierpool's history means that there are a considerable ariety of architectural
styles found within the city, ranging from 67th century Tudor buildings to modern2
day contemporary architecture. The majority of buildings in the city date from the late2
68th century onwards, the period during which the city grew into one of the foremost
powers in the (ritish Empire. The city also has a greater number of public sculptures than
any other location in the +nited 9ingdom aside from $estminster and more 3eorgian
houses than the city of (ath. This richness of architecture has subse:uently seen
Lierpool described by English *eritage, as England's finest ;ictorian city. The alue of
Lierpool's architecture and design was recognised in -../, when seeral areas
throughout the city were declared a +,E"#& $orld *eritage "ite.
As a major (ritish port, the doc)s in Lierpool hae historically been central to the
city's deelopment. "eeral major doc)ing firsts hae occurred in the city including the
construction of the world's first enclosed wet doc) <the &ld 1oc)= in 656> and the first
eer hydrauliclifting cranes. The best2)nown doc) in Lierpool is the Albert 1oc), which
was constructed in 68/7. The Albert 1oc) houses restaurants, bars, shops, two hotels as
well as the Merseyside Maritime Museum, International "laery Museum, Tate
Lierpool and The (eatles "tory. ,orth of the city centre is "tanley 1oc), home to
the "tanley 1oc) Tobacco $arehouse, which was at the time of its construction in 6?.6,
the world's largest building in terms of area and today stands as the world's largest bric)2
wor) building.
&ne of the most famous locations in Lierpool is the 0ier *ead, renowned for the
trio of buildings @ the !oyal Lier (uilding, the #unard (uilding and the 0ort of
Lierpool (uilding@ which sit upon it. #ollectiely referred to as the Three 3races, these
buildings stand as a testament to the great wealth in the city during the late 6?th and early century. (uilt in a ariety of architectural styles, they are recognised as being the
symbol of Maritime Lierpool, and are regarded by many as contributing to one of the
most impressie waterfronts in the world.
The commercial district is centred around the #astle "treet, 1ale "treet and &ld
*all "treet areas of the city, with many of the area's roads still following
their medieal layout. *aing deeloped oer a period of three centuries the area is
regarded as one of the most important architectural locations in the city, as recognised by
its inclusion in Lierpool's $orld *eritage site. The oldest building in the area is
the 3rade I listed Lierpool Town *all, which is located at the top of #astle "treet and
dates from 65>/.
$hile the majority of Lierpool's architecture dates from the mid268th century
onwards, there are seeral buildings that pre2date this time. &ne of the oldest suriing
buildings is "pe)e *all, a Tudor manor house located in the south of the city, which was
completed in 6>?8. The building is one of the few remaining timber framed Tudor houses
left in the north of England and is particularly noted for its ;ictorian interior. The oldest
building within the city centre is (luecoat #hambers, which was built between 6565 and
6568. #onstructed in (ritish %ueen Anne style, the building was influenced in part by the
wor) of #hristopher $ren and was originally the home of the (luecoat "chool. "ince
6?.8 it has acted as a centre for arts in Lierpool.

Lierpool is noted for haing two #athedrals, each of which imposes oer the
landscape around it. The Anglican #athedral, which was constructed between 6?./ and
6?58, is the largest #athedral in (ritain and the fifth largest in the world. The !oman
#atholic Metropolitan #athedral was constructed between 6?7- and 6?75 and is noted as
one of the first #athedrals to brea) the traditional longitudinal design .
Lierpool is internationally )nown for music and is recognised by 3uinness $orld
!ecords as the $orld #apital #ity of 0op. Musicians from the city hae produced >7
number one singles, more than any other city in the world. (oth the most successful male
band and girl group in global music history hae contained Lierpudlian members.
Lierpool is most famous as the birthplace of The (eatles. Many notable musicians of the
time originated in the city including (illy A 9ramer, #illa (lac), 3erry and the
0acema)ers and The "earchers.

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