Mastery Exercises: Physics Form 5: Chapter 5 Electronic-Logic Gate Date: .
Mastery Exercises: Physics Form 5: Chapter 5 Electronic-Logic Gate Date: .
Mastery Exercises: Physics Form 5: Chapter 5 Electronic-Logic Gate Date: .
1. Which of the following Boolean algebraic
expressions is not correct?
2. Which of the following logic gates is
known as the universal gate?
3. Diagram 7 shows a logic gate circuit.
Which truth table is correct?
. Diagram ! shows a circuit that represents a
Boolean algebraic principle with output "
Which of the following Boolean algebraic
expressions represents the output "?
#. Diagram $ shows a logic gate circuit with
input signals% & an' B.
Which of the following output signals is
pro'uce' b( the logic gate circuit?
Physics Form 5: Chapter 5 Electronic- Logic Gate Date: ..
). Diagram 1* shows a circuit that
'emonstrates the concept of a logic gate. Which logic gate is being 'emonstrate' b(
the circuit?
S!%C%!E &%ES$'(S
1. Diagram 3 shows a combination of logic gates to control a home securit( alarm.
+a, -ame the logic gate &.
+b, .sing the electrical components shown belo 'raw a circuit 'iagram which pro'uces the
same output as &.
/able 3 is a truth table for the home securit( alarm s(stem.
0omplete /able 3.
2. -ewton wishes to 'esign a securit( s(stem for his house% like the one shown in Diagram .1.
When an intru'er crosses the infrare' beam at night% the infrare' sensor will sen' a signal to the
Physics Form 5: Chapter 5 Electronic- Logic Gate Date: ..
logic gate which will switch on the securit( alarm. /he alarm has a 2* 1 alternating current
suppl( an' will onl( activate at night.
/he circuit of the securit( s(stem is shown in Diagram .2.
+a, 2f the potential 'ifference across resistor 3 is ) 1% what is the potential 'ifference across
the infrare' sensor?
+b, 0omponent 4 has a high resistance when the surroun'ings is 'ark an' a low resistance
when the surroun'ings is bright. -ame component 4.
+c, 0omponent D is the switch that connects the 2* 1 a.c. alarm circuit. -ame the t(pe of
switch an' state its function.
+', +i, .sing the given ke(% complete the following truth table.
Dark surroun'ings logic 819
Bright surroun'ings logic 8*9
2ntru'er passing infrare' path logic 819
Physics Form 5: Chapter 5 Electronic- Logic Gate Date: ..
-o intru'er passing infrare' path logic 8*9
:witch D is on logic 819
:witch D is off logic 8*9
+ii, -ame the t(pe of logic gate use'.
+iii, :ketch the s(mbol of the logic gate in +',+ii,.