Researching Your Campus Guide
Researching Your Campus Guide
Researching Your Campus Guide
Your Campus
If we do not reverse perspective, then the perspective of power will
succeed in turning us against ourselves once and for all.
-Raoul Vaneigem, The Revolution of Everyday Life
Table of Contents pg
1. Starting Out 2
2. Research
A. Common Resources 2
B. Administrative Salaries 5
C. Combing the University Budget 6
D. Military Research 7
E. Corporate Research and Connections 9
F. Tuition 13
G. Diversity 13
H. Harassment 14
I. Student Housing 14
3. What Next? 15
4. Media Guide 16
5. More Resources 19
6. Acknowledgements 19
By Nick Schwellenbach of
Copyleft 2003- feel free to copy, distribute, quote, whatever. This
information is no ones and everyones.
Starting Out
So you figured out your university is fucked up and you want to
do something about . Researching your campus can help you
change your university. Hopefully this modest guide will help in
your research pursuits. It should be taken simply as a starting
point and is not all encompassing.
The internet is an important and convenient resource, but do
not rely heavily on it. Find a primary source a person,
document or organization- and go straight to it. Narrow down
your topic to a manageable size.
Here is a brief list of questions to ask yourself when starting
1) What are my purposes and goals?
2) What do I need to find out and why?
3) What questions do I want to answer in my research?
4) How much time do I have to do research?
5) Who will know answers to my questions? Has the research
already been done? Think creatively and broadly. Dont rely on
the internet.
6) Who are my allies? Who will be willing to share research
Brief disclaimer on this guide: It is geared toward public
universities; many things are applicable to private schools as
well. Note: many schools use phrases, terms, etc different than
those used here- learn the local jargon!
A. Common Resources
Read your campus and local newspapers daily for basic
information on your university. Your city may have a business
journal (ex. Austin Business Journal); read it to find out what
relationships exist between your university and the business
In early September, The Chronicle of Higher Education releases
its annual "Almanac issue" containing all the statistical tables it
has published in the past year. This resource is an excellent
starting point for finding enrollment, financial, and
administrative statistics, as many of the Chronicle's tables are
sorted by university:
All student watchdog groups should gain access to The
Chronicle of Higher Education (if affordable getting an internet
subscription may be ideal since every member can share the
password and access it anywhere, plus you can search the
Chronicles archive online); your library might already have a
subscription. If they dont, request that they get one.
Go to your library and ask for three university documents: the
annual financial/treasurer's report, the annual report on
sponsored research, and the annual reports to the president by
each department. If the library does not have public copies of
these documents, find out what they are called and request
copies from the appropriate university offices. These
documents can be quite intimidating- you may want to seek
economics or accounting allies in trying to decipher whats
going on in these documents. Also there may be people doing
work outside of the university who may be willing to help. In
Texas a group called Texans for Public Justice helped UT Watch
understand the personal financial reports of the Regents.
Your university most likely offers free access to Lexis Nexis
( for students. You may have to go
through a library computer or enter a school ID. Lexis Nexis
allows you to search years of media documentation -
newspapers, news wires, etc. The Guided News Search provides
options for selecting a preferred media type as well as
searching for various terms throughout the articles. Students
will usually want to select General, Business and University
news. Look for old articles on fee increases, administrative
scandals, student protests, etc. Also search your school
newspapers archives, and ask around to see if any alternative
publications existed in the past.
Other common tools for researching are the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) and state Open Records Requests
(ORR). FOIAs can help you obtain information relating to the
federal government. ORRs are used to retrieve information at
the state or local government level.
A link for an excellent open records request letter generator:
ACLUs FOIA guide is very useful; it gives you the basics,
examples and more:
If you would like a printed FOIA guide, then send for a copy of:
"The Freedom of Information Act: A User's Guide."
Freedom of Information Clearinghouse
PO Box 19367
Washington, D.C.
Also, an FOIA help-line service is available at 202-512-FOIA.
An FOIA letter generator:
To find information on where to send an ORR, go to your
universitys website or call the office of financial
affairs/business administration or a similar office. Your school
may challenge your FOIA or ORR, so get the contact information
of your local ACLU for help. Also FOIA or ORR requests can
sometimes be costly, so to get around paying for them say that
the request will be used for the public interest. Ask for a fee
Organizations like the College Board can act as general
information sources. For example, the College Boards website
has a useful feature that allows you to compare various
university/college statistics:
The Center for Responsive Politics (nationally focused) and The
Center for Public Integrity (state politics) are great resources
for retrieving money-in-politics data:
As a final suggestion, pick up a copy of The Reporters
Handbook: An Investigators Guide to Documents and
Techniques by John Ullman and Jan Colbert. This book explains
how to research almost any topic and find the information you
need. It will blow your mind! I discovered it while writing this
B. Administrative Salaries
"administrative budgets at public universities have increased at almost three
times the rate of increase in instructional budgets.
-Mark G. Yudof, chancellor of the UT System and highest paid university
administrator in 2002
Salaries of the top ten officials at any private university are
located in the universitys I-990 form, an IRS tax form that all
non-profit organizations must file. In a few states, it may be
kept for public inspection in the public charities division of the
state capital. Otherwise, download and print form 4506-A
("Request for Public Inspection or Copy of Exempt Organization
Tax Form") from the Internal Revenue Service by going to: Once you fill out the
form you need to take it to an IRS disclosure officer. Call 1-
800-829-1040 to find the closest IRS office.
At public universities, the salaries of top administrators are
usually in the state budget, and the regents and president will
most likely be required to file a financial disclosure with the
state. Check with the same bureaucracy that handles financial
disclosures for political candidates or call the president's/
regents offices and ask for copies of their Personal Financial
Statements. Other names to look for can be (or are similar to):
General Operating Budget, Annual Financial Statements,
Statement of Economic Interests, etc.
The Chronicle of Higher Education has a database listing the
salaries of private/public university presidents, as well as the 5
highest paid university employees for most schools.
C. Combing the University Budget
When you obtain copies of your universitys budget and/or
financial statements, they can be quite intimidating at first.
Researching the budget is a daunting task, but there are
several places you can start.
Try to find a listing of endowed chairs at your school.
Corporations or individuals donating money to your school fund
these chairs, but the university usually matches at least part, if
not all of the private contribution. In many instances, such
chairs are merely glorified, private-sector employees who are
subsidized by your school and who may not teach any classes.
For a contextual analysis, faculty salaries in general can be
examined alongside endowed chairs or broken down into
various categories. You will most likely find that women and
minorities are making less than their white, male counterparts.
Finding out which faculty members have (or dont have) tenure
and tenure-track may also be enlightening.
Another great starting point may be to discover how your
tuition and fees are being used. If this money is funding the
construction of various research centers, then it is most likely
subsidizing corporate/military research. Your tuition might be
paying off years of debt incurred by your school from such
construction (look for tuition revenue bonds).
Not With Our Money has an excellent guide to higher education
bonds and how your tuition money funds Lehman Brothers, a
global investment bank supporting the for-profit prison
industry. Check out:
Look around and dont be afraid to bring questions to your
university financial officer.
D. Military Research
"People in the university science-and-technology community who are supported
by the Pentagon should crawl under their desks in shame."
-Gary Chapman, former green beret
Your university may be willing to provide you with a free listing
of all externally funded research, both corporate and military
(try Office of Sponsored Projects, Sponsored Projects Office,
Office of Research Administration, etc.). Track down your
school's office and obtain materials on campus research. If the
office does not help you, remind them that as a taxpayer you
have the right to obtain information on all publicly funded
Much of this is available on the internet- search your
universitys site and search engines such as Google. Terms
that will uncover projects include: DoD, DARPA, ONR, AFOSR,
ARO, LLNL, LANL, Defense, etc. Be creative and follow the
links. Also, surf the web pages of researchers, professors, and
labs at your university. Most often the funding agency will be
listed somewhere on the page. For quick searches use the
"find" option on your browser by holding the Control and F
keys at the same time. The DoD page can yield info on
contracts to universities
Search for your universitys name and check the results.
Other great DoD sites to look for information are the Office of
Naval Researchs (ONR) Industrial and Corporate Programs site
at , the
Army Research Offices (ARO) Program Divisions page at , and the Air
Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) page at .
Another available option is to apply pressure within the
university in order to obtain a current (not a 2-year-old) list of
contracts, and then pursue other means if you are refused.
You can also try the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and
request work unit summaries at your school by sending a letter
to: Defense Technical Information Center, 8725 John J.
Kingman Rd., Suite 0944, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218. Theres
also a website (after all, the internet is a civilian military
spinoff!) -
If needed other key terms to use are federally funded
contracts, grant applications and/or research proposals.
If you acquire a list of contracts by agency, you will be able to
request the specific contracts themselves. Each research
contract includes 100 pages of irrelevant information, so it is
best to choose what you want carefully before becoming
inundated with paper. If your university refuses to provide the
contracts, you should use the federal FOIA to obtain them.
Federal funding includes: the Army Research Office (ARO),
Office of Naval Research (ONR), Air Force Office of Scientific
Research (AFOSR), Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA), the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL),
the Dept. of Energy and NASA. Non-federal includes: industry,
business assoc's, foundations, and foreign, state/local gov't.
Use the National Science Foundation's (NSF) reports. The NSF
is a great resource for general data. The NSF Division of
Science Resource Statistics website provides many search
options to research a single institution or the nation as a whole.
The website is The
National Science Foundations "Academic Institutional Profiles"
(, outlining the
sources of research funding for particular universities, are
especially helpful. NSF has other great information about
science and research statistics.
A good info source on the FOIA and the military is:
Another good source for researching a universitys ties to the
military is:
E. Corporate Research and Connections
"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism
because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini
Corporate research contracts are sometimes harder to track
down. The procedure is the same as for military contracts,
except that you cannot go to the federal government for
assistance since they do not fund the contracts. At public
universities corporate research contracts will be available under
open records statutes, although in some states segments of
contracts dealing with "proprietary" information will be deleted.
You might discover a few leads by checking the advisory boards
for all technology-related university departments and buildings
(biotechnology, nanotechnology, microelectronics, engineering,
business - Capitalism has gone high tech!). Find which
corporations are represented. If you do get a copy of a
corporate contract, see if it is a subcontract of a military
contract. Is a company farming out a small piece of its weapons
research to your school? Does the professor who works on that
project consult for that company? Looking at endowed chairs
(names like IBM endowed chair on microelectronics are
obvious) can give you an idea of what is being researched and
for whom.
Use tips from the military research section above, they are also
useful in uncovering corporate research. Finding lists of
technology licensing can also be useful (try Office of
Technology Licensing, Office of Technology Transfer, etc).
[adapted and updated from Z magazine, 2/90] Administrators
or faculty members that are beholden to outside companies
may have agendas or time commitments which get in the way
of their teaching duties. Such outside ties are worth exposing if
they will show how the university is concealing the profit motive
of a company - using up public resources which could otherwise
be used to directly help people. From our experience, you are
better off focusing on one or two particularly bad cases of
conflict of interest, because if you go after everyone
simultaneously you scare the faculty, your attack loses focus
and the people you attack gang up on you.
Guess which academics are the most likely corporate agents.
Go to a business library and try to find at least one board of
directors on which each individual sits. Once you find one
company, you can find out the other "directorships" of that
individual by obtaining the proxy statement for that company,
which is sent to all shareholders in advance of the company's
annual meeting and is available for free if you write the
company. The proxy will also have a photograph of that person,
a brief biography, his or her board subcommittees, the number
of meetings attended, the annual stipend he or she receives for
sitting on the board, and possibly additional consulting
Once you find this information, search through the
administration's newspaper and look for the names of the
companies you discover. You may find some interesting
connections. Also check out the company in the business press.
The Wall Street Journal Index, The New York Times Index, and
The Business Periodicals Index will be your best and most
accessible sources - they will be available in any business
library. Once you find articles concerning controversies
involving the company, start calling individuals or organizations
that have previously struggled with the target company. Unions
and environmental groups will be particularly helpful, but
anyone who's fought a large company at any level is likely to
have files to share and stories to tell.
Also, if the company has recently been involved in a lawsuit,
call the county courthouse where the suit was filed and ask for
a copy of the "original complaint" for the suit, as well as any
"amended complaints." If the trial is over, you can even get
transcripts of the proceedings. And don't forget to call the other
litigant or her/his attorney for further leads. [end of
Professors and their corporate connections may have conflicts
of interest. Obtain the professors curriculum vitae/resume
through an FOIA of any research proposal they have submitted
to the federal government. Often, this info is available through
a personal homepage or a university public relations office. Also
check out faculty publications for corporate connections. Most
universities have limits on how much time can be spent doing
outside work, but are often lax in enforcing them. If you find
enough outside activity, then you may be able to demonstrate
a conflict of interest.
More sources:
The "Board of Regents/Trustees": They usually give the final "OK"
to research funding and other corporate ties -- the minutes of their
meetings should give a survey of what's going on. Their ties to
corporate boards can also be found in the proxy statements of specific
corporations available in most business school libraries, Who's Who in
Finance and Industry, Who's Who in America, and in university
catalogs. One method for establishing some corporate affiliations is to
create a list of regents/trustees and compare this to listings in Who's
Who in Finance and Industry.
University/Industry Relations Office: A university office dedicated
to linking researchers with industry! Check out their information and
any seminars -- find out their annual budget!
University propaganda: Universities frequently promote their
corporate ties in department newsletters, glossy brochures, annual
reports for donors, university newspapers, and alumni magazines.
University web sites: Enough information may be organized here to
allow keyword searches.
Corporate annual reports: Check them out at the job placement
office, business school or engineering school. They may mention
projects at your university.
University policies: on "extramural" (outside) funding, patent
policies & guidelines, research ethics, disclosure on conflict of interest.
SEC Documents: your school or regents may own a considerable
share of a corporation. Look at a companys proxy report to see which
individuals or institutions own 5 percent or more of the company, the
names of board members, and the pay of top officers. A system called
EDGAR archives all SEC documents and is available for free at this site;look especially for the 10-K
and shareholder proxy statement, and the DEF14A. These are good
places to find out just who the major stockholders are, if school
officials double as corporate directors, which lawsuits are pending,
what shareholder resolutions are being considered at the annual
meeting, etc. If your school has over $100 million in holdings, it must
also file a 13F with the SEC, outlining these investments, which may
be another route to obtain this information if your school is private
and/or not respecting open records request for their portfolio - be sure
to ask for a 13F both under your school's proper name and
"Trustees/Regents of insert name of University."
Once you discover the corporate interests at work on your
campus, dig the dirt. Find out about their record with the
environment, labor, etc.
The site has profiles on over 14,000
corporations. Also find the corporations website - it may
include full reports that you can get info from.
Campaign Contributions
For Federal Election Commission data, see:,, or
More and more state information is coming online as well. See:
Environmental Data
The EPA website has a feature that allows you to search for compliance
information on a company or facility from a variety of databases at once:
The Environmental Defense Fund has a website that allows you to view
environmental data on a specific geographic area:
You can see what the corporations themselves say in their environmental
reports at:
Job Safety and Health Data
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a database of
inspection records, including complaints issued:
Keeping an Eye on Business
Check out the Center for Comprehensive Corporate Research: http://www.corp-
F. Tuition, getting screwed?
Start researching tuition by looking at statistical handbooks,
annual financial statements, etc. It may be useful to compare
tuition increases to changes in state appropriations, overall
budget and revenue generated by tuition. Many schools
distinguish between tuition and fees and therefore can say that
tuition has increased only so much, thus leaving out the fact
that fees have increased at a faster pace. UT Watch created our
own tuition and fees report last year. Check it out:
The College Board puts out an annual report on tuition and
financial aid availability. The 2002-03 report is at:
They also put out two yearly reports Trends in College
Pricing, and a similar tabulation of financial aid availability.
Their conclusions are sometimes questionable, but their data is
vital to gauging the affordability (or lack thereof) of your
Finding out where your tuition and fees are going and what
they were 20, 10 or 5 years ago can help in fighting
skyrocketing tuition at your schools (go to Section C for more
info). The Chronicle of Higher Education also has data on tuition
and fees.
G. Minority Enrollment and Faculty Representation
[taken from a Center for Campus Organizing research guide]
Your first task is to gather enrollment statistics, which your
university is required to keep if it accepts government funds
(look for Statistical Handbook). A summary by race appears
each year in The Chronicle of Higher Education for all colleges
except those which escape the reporting requirement by
refusing government financial aid money. Are these figures
correct, or is your university playing with the numbers to
escape the heat? Network with other minority students to see
what efforts have been made to correct any deficiencies in
minority representation.
While you are gathering statistics, demand a tally of minority
and women faculty by department and by tenure status from
the President or Provost of your school. You may ask whether
the official faculty regulations and hiring policies contain explicit
anti-racist language. If affirmative action is endorsed by the
administration but left up to individual departments, do
departments ignore this policy? We must publicize the numbers
so that departments with bad records will feel the heat and
open up a few slots to untenured women or faculty of color.
H. Harassment (sexual or racial)
[taken from a Center for Campus Organizing research guide]
For harassment research, you are likely to encounter some
obstacles. You can check campus police crime reports, but
internal university records on harassment by faculty members
are seldom disclosed. It may take quite a bit of digging around,
including meetings and interviews with other students, to
identify professors prone to racial or sexual harassment or
An open records request may be useful here. Do a request on
complaints against campus police, administrators or whoever
you want info on.
It may be helpful to consult the discrimination related
government agencies of your city, your state, the US
Department of Education, and the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Finally, go to the clerk's office
in the courthouse of the county in which your school is located
to see if your school is a defendant in any active cases which
may relate to sex or race discrimination. Simply look up the
docket numbers of the cases your university is involved in and
request to see them.
I. Student Housing
Many students live in unsafe and unhealthy living environments
on and around campus at inflated prices. The best places to go
to obtain records are property ownership and rental housing
Since most communities have housing codes that require
standards to be met, inspection records can be useful when
researching a housing situation. The city public works
department or appropriate local agency is the best source. Also
check land ownership records.
What Next?
Now that you possess a wealth of information about your
university, you need to find a way to publicize it that will grab
peoples attention. Some issues like tuition and student housing
are relatively easy issues to gain student support on since they
directly affect students. Corporate and military research can be
an uphill battle. Show how such research runs contrary to a
free exchange of ideas at the university, and then interconnect
these issues with tuition increases and curriculum.
You may find you are fighting a battle over what and for whom
the university exists. Read books like The Uses of the University
by Clark Kerr, the writings of Free Speech movement leader
Mario Savio, as well as critiques of them. You will find them
surprisingly applicable to todays corporate university.
Most universities charters or mission statements can be used
against your average corporate university technocrat. Those
old 19
century statements typically say something to the
effect of the school is supposed to be used for the public good
and to promote positive social change and to be affordable
(especially if its a public school) to all citizens. Gaining
community support can really make the difference.
Good luck! Remember be creative and resourceful- this guide is
not a bible.
[The following piece was taken from the 180/MDE site at]
Brief Guide to Using the Media
Media exposure can broaden the impact of a campaign or an event. Television
or newspaper coverage enables you to reach thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of people in your community. Such coverage can help you advance
the goals of a campaign, educate and influence the public and elected officials,
enhance your group's name recognition and credibility, and attract new
Many seasoned activists recommend devoting ten percent of your organizing
time to attracting media attention. There are virtually boundless opportunities
to seek out the media. A few of the best opportunities include: the launch of a
new campaign, before or after an important vote, a major visibility event, after
a victory has been secured, the release of a report or new information, the
recognition of an anniversary, or the announcement of a new coalition.
Getting Prepared:
Develop a list of all local/regional media outlets, including television stations
(network and cable), newspapers (campus, dailies, and weeklies), radio
stations, and news wires (i.e., Associated Press, Reuters, UPI). Familiarize
yourself with the general programming content of the different media outlets.
Try to determine which reporters might be more inclined to cover stories on
your issue or organization. For each outlet, include its name, address, phone
number, fax number, and contact's name on your list.
Media Coverage Techniques:
- Press releases are used to announce newsworthy events and to get your
comments on an event into easily printable form. You write a press release as if
you were the reporter covering the event. It allows you to answer a reporter's
questions before they are asked and to frame the issue as you want it to
appear. Press releases are written in conjunction with a press conference or
when you want to notify the press about something important.
- Press advisories inform a reporter or editor about an upcoming event or press
conference. It should include the date, time, place, and purpose of the event or
press conference. Be sure to mention if any important speakers will be present
or special visuals will be used. However, the advisory should not describe the
event in detail, so as to leave incentive for the press to show.
- Press conferences are used to 'make news.' These are often the best way to
generate television coverage and act as signs to the media that your story is
particularly urgent or important.
- Media events are often used to capture the media's attention in order to
dramatize a message. These often require large numbers of people or a
creative flair to be effective. Examples would include rallies, protests, marches,
- Letters to the editor are one of the best ways to publicize your campaign's
message or organization's point of view. Your letter is more likely to get printed
if it is a response to recent editorials, articles, or other letters to the editor. Be
sure to check the paper for length requirements.
- Radio feeds are thirty second opportunities to give your opinion on the air to a
large audience. They are generally done in conjunction with press conferences,
press releases, or major events. Feeds are generally played during morning or
evening commuting times or at mid-day, so call radio stations between 5:00-
6:00 am, between 10:30-11:30 am, and before 4:00 pm.
- Public service announcements (PSAs) are used to publicize an important event
that is not necessarily newsworthy, such as a general meeting. Some TV and
radio stations are required to run PSAs for free.
- New briefings provide a group of reporters with in-depth, background
information on an issue. These are often useful at the beginning of a campaign.
- Editorial board meetings are held with the editorial boards of media outlets
and are used to educate them on the issues, build your reputation as an expert,
and win their support. These are good opportunities to involve credible and
influential coalition partners.
- Talk shows provide an opportunity for you to address the public directly and
response to their questions.
[Media Coverage Techniques adapted from the Grassroots Environmental
Effectiveness Network's Skills Manual.]
The Media Timeline:
- Fax a press advisory four days before the event to TV stations and
newspapers. Follow-up with a phone call that day to verify that your fax was
- Make reminder calls to all media outlets on the day before the event. Use this
call as an opportunity to plug the event's newsworthiness directly to the
- On the day of the event, call all media again to confirm that they have
information on the event. Try to call during the first hour of business-often 5:30
for radio, 7:00 am for TV, and 8:00 am for daily newspapers. If a reporter does
not know about the event, offer to fax him or her the press advisory. If you
contact someone who wants to cover the event but cannot attend it, arrange to
call him or her afterwards.
- At the event, staff a table marked "Press." Have each reporter sign-in and
hand out a press packet to each. The press packets should include a press
release, fact sheets, one page biographies of the people speaking, hard copies
of any speeches being given, news clips, visuals, and reports.
- After the event, follow-up with both the media outlets that did and did not
attend. Fax a press release to all no-show print outlets and do a follow-up call.
Call all no-show radio and TV media sources and offer to do a feed on the event
over the phone. Ask the reporters that did not attend, what should be done to
compel them to attend the next event. For those outlets that did attend, call
them to ask if they have any questions and thank them for coming.
- Be sure to save copies of all media coverage that you receive and keep good
records. Maintain good relationships with all receptive reporters-personal
contact is key to getting coverage.
Press Release:
Standard layout -
- At the top of the page, note on what date the news is relevant and who
the reporter can contact for additional information.
- An informative and catchy title should be used to get attention.
- The opening paragraph should lay out the who, what, when , where, and
why of your story.
- The second paragraph should include a quote that personalizes your story.
- The third paragraph should provide more factual detail to support your
- The fourth paragraph should include another quote from you or a coalition
Tips -
- it should be no longer than one or two pages
- set margins at 1 inches & double space
- spell-check and make sure it is free of errors
- more: a release running more than one page, use the word "more" at the
bottom of each page
- mark the end of release, by written either "-30-" or "###" at the center
bottom of the last page
Selected websites:
UT Watch-
NYU Watch-
Harvard Watch-
180/Move for Democracy and Education-
Student Press Law Center-
Campus Greens-
Center for Responsive Politics (Money in politics data)-
Corporate Watch-
United Students Against Sweatshops-
UC Demilitarization Project-
Campus Activism-
National Lawyers Guild-
Some useful books:
Universities in the Business of Repression by Jonathon
Academic Capitalism by Sheila Slaughter and Larry Leslie
The Reporters Handbook: An I nvestigative Guide to
Documents and Techniques by John Ullmann and Jan Colbert
Many thanks to the writers whose guides and information were
used here - Center for Campus Organizing guide put out by
Rich Cowan, UW-Madisons Alliance for Democracy guide,
Robert Ovetz and Scott Henson. Thanks to John Pruett, David
Peterson and Forrest Wilder for their wisdom and advice while
reviewing this guide.
Nick Schwellenbach is a History senior at the University of Texas at Austin. He
can be reached at [email protected]
UT Watch is a student watchdog group at UT-Austin. We
promote campus democracy, affordable education and genuine
access to higher education for all Texans. We resist corporate
control of education, authoritarian decision-making, and misuse
of public money. Website:
UT Watch
PO Box 7080
Austin, Texas 78713
[email protected]
This guide can be found online at: