Primary Tillage
Primary Tillage
Primary Tillage
Primary tillage is the first working after the last harvest and normally the most aggressive
tillage operation. It is normally undertaken when the soil is wet enough to allow the field to be
ploughed and strong enough to give reasonable levels of traction. This can be immediately
after the crop harvest or at the beginning of the next wet season. When there is sufficient
power available some soil types are ploughed dry.
The objectives of primary tillage are:
till the soil to attain a reasonable depth (1!1"cm # with varying clod si$es.
kill weeds by burying or cutting and exposing the roots
soil aeration and water accumulation. %epending on the soil type and the plough the
soil will normally be inverted aerating the deep layers and trapping water during a
rainfall event
chop and incorporate crop residues.
Ploughing using draft animal
Ploughing using disc plough
The implement most commonly used with an animal powered system is the moldboard
plough. In clay soils& the fields often have to be fully saturated before tillage can be
undertaken. In lighter texture soils such as loam or sand& tillage can be undertaken at moisture
levels below field capacity. In '!wheel powered systems both moldboard and disc ploughs are
used. The disc is usually the preferred system as it takes less power and can handle obstacles
much easier. When traction is a problem& cage wheels need to be fitted to the tractor.
In a (!wheel tractor system& three!disc& seven!disc and offset ploughs are the most common.
Tined ploughs are preferable in the upland systems but as yet not widely available in )sia.
*oldboard ploughs are also not commonly used in tractor based systems.
Ploughing using offset disc
+are needs to be taken when using the moldboard and disc plough as a large cut!out furrow
left in the middle of the field causes ma,or problems with field levelness. If the soil is too dry
or hard& unploughed strips may be left if the plough is not properly aligned or if the plan
-opens up- during working. .or moldboard and disc ploughs fields are best ploughed in /lands0
so drainage channels are left at the outer edges of the field.
Primary Tillage Implements
The implements used for primary tillage are the moldboard& one!way disc& tine and offset disc
Moldboard plough
The moldboard plough is most commonly used in animal and '!wheel powered systems in
)sia. *oldboards are still commonly used in the 12) and 3urope in upland farming systems.
The number and si$e of moldboard shares (bottoms# vary according to the power source.
)nimals normally pull I plough share& '!wheel tractors 1or ' and (!wheel tractors will pull 4!
( ploughshares. In )sia all systems are mounted on the tractor.
Moldboard plough for hand tractor
The moldboard plough causes total inversion of the soil sod and relies on the digging point for
penetration. This plough cause the least damage to soil structure& works well in very hard soil
conditions but does not have in built stump or obstacle protection mechanisms. They have
very heavy power re5uirements and kill weeds through inversion and pulveri$ation of the soil
sod. The moldboard normally throws the soil in one direction but reversible models are
available for larger (!wheel tractors.
2oil inversion using moldboard plough
One-way disc
The one way disc plough is used in '!wheel and (!wheel tractor powered systems in )sia. The
number and si$e of disc shares vary according to the power source. '!wheel tractors will use
' or 4 disc ploughs& while a (!wheel tractor will pull 4&( or 6 disc versions. In )sia all systems
are mounted on the tractor.
Disc plough used in with 4-wheel tractor
The disc plough causes total inversion of the soil sod and relies on the ploughs in built weight
for penetration. This plough works well in hard soil and heavy trash conditions and can ride
over stumps or obstacle in the soil. The power re5uirement for the disc plough is less than a
moldboard plough but it will ride out of the ground if soil conditions are very hard. The disc
plough throws the soil in one direction and kills weeds through cutting& inversion and
pulveri$ation of the soil sod.
Offset disc
)s the name suggests this is a disc plough that is capable of operating offset from the tractor.
The plough is made up of between four and twenty!four discs mounted in two gangs. 3ach
gang has a common center bolt and throws the soil in different direction. These ploughs are
only used on (!wheel tractors and are very versatile. )n offset plough can be operated in any
ploughing pattern. The offset plough can be either 4!point linkage mounted or a trailing
7ffset disc for (!wheel tractor
The very aggressive action of the plough gives good weed control and cuts and buries crop
residues. This plough is also widely used in upland situations.
Offset disc for 4-wheel tractor
Tined plough
Tined ploughs are the most versatile primary tillage implement as they can be also used
secondary tillage and modified to be used as a seed drill. Tine implements are used only in dry
working situations as they cut the soil rather than invert the soil and kill weeds by cutting and
lifting the weeds to the surface. %ifferent si$e ploughshares or sweeps can be fitted to the
tines. 2weeps range from "mm to "mm in width. These ploughs are widely used where
residues need to be left on the surface. Tine ploughs have lower power re5uirements than disc
and moldboard ploughs and are used with animals and (!wheel tractors. These ploughs can be
configured as 4!point linkage mounted or as trailing versions.
Trailing tine plough in operation
Primary tillage implements may be used for subse5uent tillage operations8 that is& for
secondary tillage. 7ffset disc and tined ploughs are often used between primary tillage and
2ummary of tillage e5uipment performance
Moldboard One way Disc Offset disc
Tine Implement
System Animal,2-wheel,
4-wheel tractor
2-wheel, 4-wheel
Animal, 2-wheel, 4-
wheel tractor
Width -! shares 2-4 disc "-2 discs -# tine
Soil dist$rbance %i&h Medi$m -hi&h %i&h 'ow
(lo$&h action Total in)ersion In)ersion In)ersion
Soil (enetration Share desi&n Machine wei&ht Machine
Weed control ,$ry ,$ry +$t*b$ry +$t
%andle obstacles (oor -ood -ood Medi$m -&ood
%ea)y Medi$m-hea)y Medi$m-