A Unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. LTD

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A unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Office Address- G-20, Ground Floor, Janki Plaza, Jankiura! near "ehri Pulia #rossin$, Luckno%
&e'site- %%%.naukrirovider.co!, and (ou can like us on face'ook- face'ook.co!)naukrirovider
*-!ail- hr+naukrirovider.co!, contact- ,-.-/22-002.0/2
A unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Company Profile
Company Background: naukriprovider.com is one of the leading Placement Firms,
placing candidates in leading companies. The chief objective being promoting employment
of Indian manpower in India & foreign countries. e wish to introduce ourselves as
nau!riprovider.com a "# $olution, proactive part of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
In the business since %&'(, i2pl.in that has been into providing e)cellent reliable
Information technology services and host of complete $ystem Integration solutions for
almost all the leading Corporate as well as government organi*ations we also provide +uality
web hosting services. ,any organi*ations entrusting us with their web presence, technical
solutions as well as all "uman resource need. e understand the importance of reliable
service. -ur ,otto of reliability before profitability goes far in why we are rated among the
top IT & "# services providing companies in .P. ith numerous other accomplishments, we
have been set apart from our peers as a +uality software development, web/hosting,
company that cares for its customer0s wants and desires. e provide the best breed of 1#P
& related services, web hosting & designing solutions to small and medium si*ed businesses
around the world. It is not a typical dot.com, we have been both profitable and cash flow
positive every +uarter since inception.
The Management:
2 strong 3oard of 4irectors and 4edicated 1)ecutive Team consist of leaders from various
industries and bac!grounds aimed at helping e)ecute the plan. -ur e)ecutives have
combined years of IT & "# e)perience. e simply put, our principle has always been to
invest in !ey internet technology and infrastructure before ma)imi*ing our profits. e want
to build a company that puts its services and customers ahead of its ban! account.
The main solutions services include:
!. "uman #esource services.
Job Evaluation
Organization Structuring
Compensation & Benefit
Strategic Consulting
Specialized Training & Development assignments
$ur %reas of &'pertise:
#ecruitment Consulting5 Temporary or Permanent.
Provide total departmental solutions by offering Contractual $ervices or "uman
#esource -utsourcing $ervices.
Conduct salary surveys and provide consultation on compensation pac!ages
1)ecutive $earch ing
Office Address- G-20, Ground Floor, Janki Plaza, Jankiura! near "ehri Pulia #rossin$, Luckno%
&e'site- %%%.naukrirovider.co!, and (ou can like us on face'ook- face'ook.co!)naukrirovider
*-!ail- hr+naukrirovider.co!, contact- ,-.-/22-002.0/2
A unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
The &(&C)TI*& +&%#C" ,I-. /&+,0 of nau!riprovider.com "# $olutions addresses
e)clusively to the needs of large turn!ey staffing assignments. 1$ will manage
the entire staffing function from identifying potential candidates and bringing the
selected candidates onboard. -ur turn!ey staffing solutions include salary
negotiation, competence assessment 6technical and cognitive tests7, advertisement
management and management of administrative and logistic details.
1$ offers a complete recruitment solution, within tightly defined time schedules, with
e)tremely attractive cost savings, ensuring your freedom to focus on your other core
-ur #&C#)ITM&-T C$-+)LT%-C1 even caters to specific positions that an organi*ation
might want to hire for from time to time. These positions could be temporary or permanent.
The recruitment consulting team comprises of bright and aggressive headhunters. 2 vast
majority of these recruitments is a result of a much focused and clearly planned
headhunting e)ercise. -n an average, the recruitment consulting team, successfully close at
least 8& positions per month per location.
Brief %2out the Company: The Company is driven to provide customers with complete
solutions to their entire current and future software, IT and "# needs. e provide complete
systems software integration along with re+uired wor! force .-ur customer base includes all
consumers and all small/ to medium/si*ed and large Corporate 3usinesses and portals,
including start/ups. i%pl.in. also has huge corporate and public sector companies in its
clientele. 2ll our services are competitively price and targeted to all segments, particularly
towards the $mall & ,edium 1nterprises 6$,10s7. e believe that this mar!et segment has
largely been neglected by our competitors, because of the amount of 9hand/holding9
re+uired by this segment and the inability to pay the astronomical fees.
-aukriprovider.com is a fast/growing conglomerate focused on altering the landscape of
the future with intelligent and inventive thin!ing. 2t nau!riprovider.com, we see the
opportunity to create a world where everything is customi*ed to the shape and si*e of our
dreams and designed to unfold just the way we planned. Through the implementation of
radically advanced technology and an integrated business model, we have diversified
businesses into "# $olutions, #eal 1state, Infrastructure, Foods, #etail and 1nergy.
or! force can help you anticipate and benefit from the changes happening now and ne)t in
the contemporary world of wor!. e have e)perience in staffing, recruitment, training, "#
services, outsourcing and consulting for all industries, s!ills and levels.
2t naukriprovider.com, we are constantly trying to craft wor! environment that is
conducive for the interface with our clients, as we strongly believe that our success is
contingent to the success and growth of each of our clients. -ur performance driven culture
is a constant enabler to accomplish the goals of our cliental organi*ations. The group has its
corporate office in :uc!now. e are speciali*ed in talent ac+uisitions & e)ecutive search &
have e)pertise in head hunting the right talent for right job. e encompass database of
potential and result oriented candidates across India.
Infrastructure: nau!riprovider.com is head+uartered in :uc!now 6capital of .ttar Pradesh7
and soon spread in all over India. 2ll the offices are e+uipped with high end des!top
computers with broadband connectivity.
Office Address- G-20, Ground Floor, Janki Plaza, Jankiura! near "ehri Pulia #rossin$, Luckno%
&e'site- %%%.naukrirovider.co!, and (ou can like us on face'ook- face'ook.co!)naukrirovider
*-!ail- hr+naukrirovider.co!, contact- ,-.-/22-002.0/2
A unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Personal %ttention 5 / 3oth the clients and the candidates are given personal
attention as and when re+uired. 2ll the +ueries are being solved giving due respect
to both of them.
+atisfaction : 3 e wor! in such a way that we satisfy our clients and our candidates
by giving them what they want. e give our clients the best candidates and we give
our candidates the best clients.
Time Management: 3 e are very punctual and give respect to time. e are never
out of time and finish our wor! before the deadlines.
Today our clients choose us, to partner them in providing 1ffective $olutions because we
4)IC5: e understand their business needs and meet their re+uirement +uic!ly. The secret
to effective speed in this business, is People networ!ing and we are constantly networ!ing
to ensure that our client does not have to wait for a solution.
&66&CTI*&: The emphasis is on +uality solutions. This way we ensure that our client gets
the best. $olutions provided by us are lasting and effective. -ur team brings to you
!nowledge and e)perience in both business and technology that help smooth your way
through the intricate hurdles of "uman #esource.

6$C)+&7: e wor! on 8one3team3to3one3client9 basis. $o one gets a team, wor!ing
e)clusively for them. -ur effective, fast and focused solutions ensure that you stay ahead of
"uman #esource is our only business.
W! nau"riprovider#com $
%# T&e corporation maintains computerized Data Ban" in '&ic& bio(data of personnel in various
disciplines rig&t from Doctors and Engineers do'n to s"illed professional from )T & non()T
*# Based on t&e client+s re,uirement- nau"riprovider#com screens several candidates and gives t&e
best(suited s&ort listed candidates#
.# )n case of deart& of suitable candidates in its Data Ban"- candidates are mobilized t&roug&
/# 0fter t&e C1+s are s&ort(listed- intervie' is arranged at 2uc"no' in its o'n spacious premises#
)n case of bul" recruitment- intervie' can be arranged at an3 centre in )ndia#
4# 5au"riprovider#com underta"es t&e responsibilit3 of receiving t&e Delegates at airport and
arranging &otel accommodation for t&em# Since nau"riprovider#com arranging in all t&e Star
&otels at 2uc"no'- t&e clients en6o3 7o3al &ospitalit3 in cit3 of na'abs for reservations made
t&roug& nau"riprovider#com#
Office Address- G-20, Ground Floor, Janki Plaza, Jankiura! near "ehri Pulia #rossin$, Luckno%
&e'site- %%%.naukrirovider.co!, and (ou can like us on face'ook- face'ook.co!)naukrirovider
*-!ail- hr+naukrirovider.co!, contact- ,-.-/22-002.0/2
A unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
89 S3stems :P; 2td
<uture 8roup
8lobodoc Documents :P; ltd#
Patriot Safet3&controls :P; 2td#
0lert )ntailizence :P; 2td#
Tata Docomo
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Tata Westside
i(Tec& Engineering
0d(Point 0dvertising
=acleods P&armaceuticals 2td#
)C)C) 2ombard 2td#
indu6a 8roup
)dea Cellular 2td
<#)# <ertilizers
Continental Seeds 2td
0nand 8roup
Param S3stems
Caf> Coffee Da3
0=0 erbals
=B0 guru
Times of )ndia:Times Pro;
0egon 7eligare
D<C 2ife
=era Doctor
)nfra Developers 0la"&nanda Pvt#2td#
5eel=ani fragnances
5ara3an 0utomobile
Top land enterprises
Wave infratec&
&onda 6ugal "isor-
J?802 @)SO7 JEWE22E7! Store
2?C@5OW SO207 Energ3
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?nicodes S3stems Pvt 2td
Auere E(Tec&nologies Pvt 2td
.8 Tec&nologies Pvt 2td
1eBile )nfotec& Pvt# 2td
Wings Web Solution Pvt 2td
?t"rist& )nfosolutions Pvt 2td
)T academics india Pvt# 2td#
8oodma3s3s Soft'ares Tec&nologies Pvt 2td#
)nfosee" Soft'are Solutions
Cardinal Tec&nologies
=arg soft'are solutions
maara6 strategic development luc"no'
7&D TEC5O2O8!
T)5@ 1)D!0 P71# 2TD#
Commercial Terms
Office Address- G-20, Ground Floor, Janki Plaza, Jankiura! near "ehri Pulia #rossin$, Luckno%
&e'site- %%%.naukrirovider.co!, and (ou can like us on face'ook- face'ook.co!)naukrirovider
*-!ail- hr+naukrirovider.co!, contact- ,-.-/22-002.0/2
A unit of Innovador Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
!0 Professional +ervice 6ee
a7 The payment will be made on the basis of our mutual understanding.
b7 The Invoices shall be submitted by us after the candidate joins the company.
$uch invoices are to be remitted within (& days of the candidate joining the
organi*ation. The payment has to be made via che+ue in favour of ;Innovador
Infotech Private :imited<.
20 #eplacement
In the event of the candidate leaving = resigning your company within (& days of
joining, we will provide a free replacement for the same position.
:0 7eferred "iring Clause
The professional fees would also be paid to i%pl.in in the event of the company not
ta!ing the candidate referred to immediately, but offering employment within a
period if ( months from the date of the candidates are referred to the company.
;0 Contract and %greement
Contracting and agreement signing person must have authority and power of
approval from the management.
<0 %ppointment Letter
a7 2fter the interview of the candidates, it is the liability of the company = client to
dispatch an appointment letter of which a copy must be sent to us at first via email =
phone = fa) and to the candidate. >
b7 2ll the information and terms must be clearly mentioned in the appointment letter
and other regulations as per ;The ?ational =International 1mployment< rules.
=0 6eed2ack
i%pl.in should be intimated of proceedings including scheduling of interviews,
selection = rejection of candidate6s7 and their date of appointment
>0 2ny communications in this regard should be made to the said address, phone
number and = or through email.
?0 2ll solicitations are subjected to :uc!now @urisdiction only.
Contact ?sD
Office: )nnovador )nfotec& Pvt# 2td#
G-20, Ground Floor Janki Plaza,
Janki Puram Lucknow. U.P. India
E-mail: hr@naukriproid!r.com
=obileD EF%G%GGGHHHI/-H4**(/H*%/4*
emailD hr@naukriproid!r.com
[email protected]
web: www.naukriprovider.com
Office Address- G-20, Ground Floor, Janki Plaza, Jankiura! near "ehri Pulia #rossin$, Luckno%
&e'site- %%%.naukrirovider.co!, and (ou can like us on face'ook- face'ook.co!)naukrirovider
*-!ail- hr+naukrirovider.co!, contact- ,-.-/22-002.0/2

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