This Deed of Indemnity Executed at - On This - Day of - 2009 by - I

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This Deed of Indemnity executed at _______________on this _______ day of

____________________!!" #y _______________________ I
________________________ $e%manent&y %esidin' at
______________________________________________________do he%e#y so&emn&y
ac(no)&ed'e* dec&a%e* a+%m* state* ac(no)&ed'e and unde%ta(e as fo&&o)s,
That* in te%ms of the $o&icy of I-I-I .entu%e Funds Mana'ement -om$any
/imited 0the 1-om$any23* )hich I ha4e %ead 0he%einafte% the 15o&icy23*
I am e&i'i#&e fo% a 4ehic&e to #e $%ocu%ed and $%o4ided to me at the cost of
the -om$any6 and t
Tthat the -om$any has $%ocu%ed a __________________________#ea%in'
%e'ist%ation no8 ____________________du&y %e'iste%ed in the -om$any9s name
0name 0he%einafte% the 1.ehic&e23 and has handed o4e% 'i4en the $hysica&
$ossession of the said .ehic&e to me fo% my o+cia& use6 and
That in conside%ation of the -om$any ha4in' $%o4ided to me the .ehic&e* I
________________* unconditiona&&y* a#so&ute&y and i%%e4oca#&y unde%ta(e and
a'%ee to the -om$any that,
0i3 I sha&& meet a&& costs and ex$enses incu%%ed on the said 4ehic&e o4e%
and a#o4e the &imits $%esc%i#ed #y the -om$any fo% $%ocu%ement of
the said .4ehic&e6
0ii3 I sha&& maintain at my cost and ex$enses the said .ehic&e* to'ethe%
)ith a&& its accesso%ies in a $%o$e% and satisfacto%y conditionmanne%6
0iii3 :ith $%io% intimation* I sha&& ma(e a4ai&a#&e the .ehic&e fo% ins$ection
#y the autho%i;ed %e$%esentati4es of the -om$any at a&& times6
0i43 I sha&& %etu%n the .ehic&e* to'ethe% )ith a&& the accesso%ies* in 'ood and
$%o$e% condition* sa4e and exce$t fo% no%ma& )ea% and tea%* to the
-om$any* at any time the -om$any so desi%es6

043 I sha&& not use o% cause the .ehic&e to #e used fo% i&&e'a& o% fo% un&a)fu&
$u%$ose o% cause the .ehic&e to #e used #y an unautho%i;ed $e%son6 6
04i3 I sha&& not a&ienate in any manne% o% c%eate any &ien )hatsoe4e% on the
said .ehic&e6
04ii3 The .ehic&e sha&& #e used fo% the so&e #ene<t of myse&f and my
immediate fami&y mem#e%s* in $a%ticu&a% the .ehic&e sha&& not #e used
fo% any comme%cia& $u%$ose=s6
04iii3 In the e4ent I cease to #e an em$&oyee of the -om$any )ithin th%ee
0>3 yea%s f%om the date of $u%chase of the .ehic&e* fo% any %eason
)hatsoe4e%* I unde%ta(e to $u%chase the .ehic&e f%om the -om$any at
the )%itten do)n 4a&ue 0:D.3 in the #oo(s of the -om$any* as on
the date I ceased to #e an em$&oyee of the -om$any8 Fu%the% in such
an e4ent* I unde%ta(e to $ay inte%est ? @A 0ei'ht $e%cent3 $e% annum
on the $u%chase $%ice of the .ehic&e f%om the date of $u%chase of the
.ehic&e ti&& the date of #uy #ac( of the .ehic&e #y me* as $e% the $o&icy
of the -om$any in this %e'a%d,

0ix3 I am a)a%e and I ac(no)&ed'e that* as $e% the $o&icy of the -om$any*
I am entit&ed to $u%chase a ne) 4ehic&e 0the 1Ne) .ehic&e23 at the end
of th%ee 0>3 yea%s f%om the date of $u%chase of the .ehic&e 0the
15e%iod238 In the e4ent* I o$t fo% $u%chase of the Ne) .ehic&e afte%
ex$i%y of the 5e%iod* I unde%ta(e to $u%chase the .ehic&e f%om the
-om$anyI at the )%itten do)n 4a&ue 0:D.3 at the end of the 5e%iod8

I fu%the% ac(no)&ed'e that in the e4ent I do not o$t fo% $u%chase of

the Ne) .ehic&e at the end of the 5e%iod o% the%eafte%* I sha&& continue
to use the .ehic&e and at the end of <4e yea%s f%om the date of
$u%chase of the .ehic&e 0the 1Ne) 5e%iod23* I sha&& ha4e an o$tion to
eithe% 0i3 $u%chase the .ehic&e f%om the -om$any at the )%itten do)n
4a&ue 0:D.3 as on the Ne) 5e%iod6 o% 0ii3 su%%ende% the .ehic&e to the
0x3 I sha&& a#ide #y the $%o4isions of the Income Tax Act and such
amendments a$$&ica#&e the%eto f%om time to time6
0xi3 I sha&& a#ide #y a&& the $%o4isions of the 5o&icy and any amendments
the%eto* f%om time to time* in %es$ect of $%o4idin' .ehic&e to
em$&oyees8 I ac(no)&ed'e that the -om$any has a %i'ht to a&te%*
modify o% )ithd%a) the 5o&icy at any time at its so&e disc%etion8 In the
e4ent of )ithd%a)a& of the scheme* I sha&& a#ide #y the decision of the
0xii3 In the e4ent of any #%each o% defau&t of this Unde%ta(in' #y me* the
-om$any sha&& #e entit&ed to %eco4e% a&& and any amounts due f%om
me $u%suant to this Unde%ta(in' f%om my sa&a%y and %eti%ement
#ene<ts $aya#&e to me #y the -om$any and I autho%i;e the -om$any
to ma(e such deductions in its so&e disc%etion8
0xiii3 I a'%ee to indemnify and (ee$ the -om$any indemni<ed sa4ed and
ha%m&ess a'ainst a&& &osses* dama'es* costs* c&aims* &ia#i&ities*
&iti'ations* $ena&ties* demands and ex$enses )hatsoe4e% )hich the
-om$any may di%ect&y o% indi%ect&y suBe%* $ay o% incu%* inc&udin' &e'a&
$%oceedin's ta(en a'ainst me o% the -om$any #y %eason of o% in
connection )ith the usa'e of the .ehic&e #y me* my nominee0s3* my
d%i4e% o% my fami&y mem#e%s8
0xi43 I a'%ee and ac(no)&ed'e that the -om$any may chan'e o% 4a%y the
te%ms and conditions of the 5o&icy f%om time to time8 In the e4ent of
any chan'e in the 5o&icy* )hich sha&& %ende% any inconsistency
#et)een the $%o4isions of the 5o&icy and this Unde%ta(in'* the
$%o4isions of the 5o&icy sha&& $%e4ai& and the %e4ised $%o4isions of the
5o&icy sha&& #e deemed to ha4e #een inco%$o%ated into this
0x43 I unconditiona&&y and i%%e4oca#&y a'%ee that the this Unde%ta(in' and
Indemnity sha&& #e 'o4e%ned #y and const%ued in acco%dance )ith
a$$&ica#&e Indian &a)s and the cou%ts situated in Can'a&o%e sha&& ha4e
exc&usi4e Du%isdiction in the e4ent of any dis$ute in this %e'a%d8
Eo&emn&y a+%med at ______________#y _______________________on this
________day of ___________________* !!___
Signature of the Declarant ____________________
5&ace, Name

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