1. The document is a Deed of Indemnity and Undertaking between an individual and I-I-I Venture Funds Management Company Limited regarding the provision of a vehicle by the Company to the individual.
2. The individual acknowledges and agrees that the Company has procured and provided a vehicle for their official use in accordance with the Company's policy.
3. The individual undertakes to bear all costs of the vehicle beyond the limits set by the Company, maintain the vehicle at their own cost, make it available for inspection by the Company, return the vehicle to the Company when required, and not use the vehicle for illegal purposes or allow unauthorized use.
1. The document is a Deed of Indemnity and Undertaking between an individual and I-I-I Venture Funds Management Company Limited regarding the provision of a vehicle by the Company to the individual.
2. The individual acknowledges and agrees that the Company has procured and provided a vehicle for their official use in accordance with the Company's policy.
3. The individual undertakes to bear all costs of the vehicle beyond the limits set by the Company, maintain the vehicle at their own cost, make it available for inspection by the Company, return the vehicle to the Company when required, and not use the vehicle for illegal purposes or allow unauthorized use.
1. The document is a Deed of Indemnity and Undertaking between an individual and I-I-I Venture Funds Management Company Limited regarding the provision of a vehicle by the Company to the individual.
2. The individual acknowledges and agrees that the Company has procured and provided a vehicle for their official use in accordance with the Company's policy.
3. The individual undertakes to bear all costs of the vehicle beyond the limits set by the Company, maintain the vehicle at their own cost, make it available for inspection by the Company, return the vehicle to the Company when required, and not use the vehicle for illegal purposes or allow unauthorized use.
1. The document is a Deed of Indemnity and Undertaking between an individual and I-I-I Venture Funds Management Company Limited regarding the provision of a vehicle by the Company to the individual.
2. The individual acknowledges and agrees that the Company has procured and provided a vehicle for their official use in accordance with the Company's policy.
3. The individual undertakes to bear all costs of the vehicle beyond the limits set by the Company, maintain the vehicle at their own cost, make it available for inspection by the Company, return the vehicle to the Company when required, and not use the vehicle for illegal purposes or allow unauthorized use.
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This Deed of Indemnity executed at _______________on this _______ day of
____________________!!" #y _______________________ I ________________________ $e%manent&y %esidin' at __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________do he%e#y so&emn&y ac(no)&ed'e* dec&a%e* a+%m* state* ac(no)&ed'e and unde%ta(e as fo&&o)s, That* in te%ms of the $o&icy of I-I-I .entu%e Funds Mana'ement -om$any /imited 0the 1-om$any23* )hich I ha4e %ead 0he%einafte% the 15o&icy23* I am e&i'i#&e fo% a 4ehic&e to #e $%ocu%ed and $%o4ided to me at the cost of the -om$any6 and t 7 Tthat the -om$any has $%ocu%ed a __________________________#ea%in' %e'ist%ation no8 ____________________du&y %e'iste%ed in the -om$any9s name 0name 0he%einafte% the 1.ehic&e23 and has handed o4e% 'i4en the $hysica& $ossession of the said .ehic&e to me fo% my o+cia& use6 and That in conside%ation of the -om$any ha4in' $%o4ided to me the .ehic&e* I ________________* unconditiona&&y* a#so&ute&y and i%%e4oca#&y unde%ta(e and a'%ee to the -om$any that, 0i3 I sha&& meet a&& costs and ex$enses incu%%ed on the said 4ehic&e o4e% and a#o4e the &imits $%esc%i#ed #y the -om$any fo% $%ocu%ement of the said .4ehic&e6 0ii3 I sha&& maintain at my cost and ex$enses the said .ehic&e* to'ethe% )ith a&& its accesso%ies in a $%o$e% and satisfacto%y conditionmanne%6 0iii3 :ith $%io% intimation* I sha&& ma(e a4ai&a#&e the .ehic&e fo% ins$ection #y the autho%i;ed %e$%esentati4es of the -om$any at a&& times6 0i43 I sha&& %etu%n the .ehic&e* to'ethe% )ith a&& the accesso%ies* in 'ood and $%o$e% condition* sa4e and exce$t fo% no%ma& )ea% and tea%* to the -om$any* at any time the -om$any so desi%es6
043 I sha&& not use o% cause the .ehic&e to #e used fo% i&&e'a& o% fo% un&a)fu& $u%$ose o% cause the .ehic&e to #e used #y an unautho%i;ed $e%son6 6 04i3 I sha&& not a&ienate in any manne% o% c%eate any &ien )hatsoe4e% on the said .ehic&e6 04ii3 The .ehic&e sha&& #e used fo% the so&e #ene<t of myse&f and my immediate fami&y mem#e%s* in $a%ticu&a% the .ehic&e sha&& not #e used fo% any comme%cia& $u%$ose=s6 04iii3 In the e4ent I cease to #e an em$&oyee of the -om$any )ithin th%ee 0>3 yea%s f%om the date of $u%chase of the .ehic&e* fo% any %eason )hatsoe4e%* I unde%ta(e to $u%chase the .ehic&e f%om the -om$any at the )%itten do)n 4a&ue 0:D.3 in the #oo(s of the -om$any* as on the date I ceased to #e an em$&oyee of the -om$any8 Fu%the% in such an e4ent* I unde%ta(e to $ay inte%est ? @A 0ei'ht $e%cent3 $e% annum on the $u%chase $%ice of the .ehic&e f%om the date of $u%chase of the .ehic&e ti&& the date of #uy #ac( of the .ehic&e #y me* as $e% the $o&icy of the -om$any in this %e'a%d,
0ix3 I am a)a%e and I ac(no)&ed'e that* as $e% the $o&icy of the -om$any* I am entit&ed to $u%chase a ne) 4ehic&e 0the 1Ne) .ehic&e23 at the end of th%ee 0>3 yea%s f%om the date of $u%chase of the .ehic&e 0the 15e%iod238 In the e4ent* I o$t fo% $u%chase of the Ne) .ehic&e afte% ex$i%y of the 5e%iod* I unde%ta(e to $u%chase the .ehic&e f%om the -om$anyI at the )%itten do)n 4a&ue 0:D.3 at the end of the 5e%iod8
I fu%the% ac(no)&ed'e that in the e4ent I do not o$t fo% $u%chase of
the Ne) .ehic&e at the end of the 5e%iod o% the%eafte%* I sha&& continue to use the .ehic&e and at the end of <4e yea%s f%om the date of $u%chase of the .ehic&e 0the 1Ne) 5e%iod23* I sha&& ha4e an o$tion to eithe% 0i3 $u%chase the .ehic&e f%om the -om$any at the )%itten do)n 4a&ue 0:D.3 as on the Ne) 5e%iod6 o% 0ii3 su%%ende% the .ehic&e to the -om$any8 0x3 I sha&& a#ide #y the $%o4isions of the Income Tax Act and such amendments a$$&ica#&e the%eto f%om time to time6 0xi3 I sha&& a#ide #y a&& the $%o4isions of the 5o&icy and any amendments the%eto* f%om time to time* in %es$ect of $%o4idin' .ehic&e to em$&oyees8 I ac(no)&ed'e that the -om$any has a %i'ht to a&te%* modify o% )ithd%a) the 5o&icy at any time at its so&e disc%etion8 In the e4ent of )ithd%a)a& of the scheme* I sha&& a#ide #y the decision of the -om$any6 0xii3 In the e4ent of any #%each o% defau&t of this Unde%ta(in' #y me* the -om$any sha&& #e entit&ed to %eco4e% a&& and any amounts due f%om me $u%suant to this Unde%ta(in' f%om my sa&a%y and %eti%ement #ene<ts $aya#&e to me #y the -om$any and I autho%i;e the -om$any to ma(e such deductions in its so&e disc%etion8 0xiii3 I a'%ee to indemnify and (ee$ the -om$any indemni<ed sa4ed and ha%m&ess a'ainst a&& &osses* dama'es* costs* c&aims* &ia#i&ities* &iti'ations* $ena&ties* demands and ex$enses )hatsoe4e% )hich the -om$any may di%ect&y o% indi%ect&y suBe%* $ay o% incu%* inc&udin' &e'a& $%oceedin's ta(en a'ainst me o% the -om$any #y %eason of o% in connection )ith the usa'e of the .ehic&e #y me* my nominee0s3* my d%i4e% o% my fami&y mem#e%s8 0xi43 I a'%ee and ac(no)&ed'e that the -om$any may chan'e o% 4a%y the te%ms and conditions of the 5o&icy f%om time to time8 In the e4ent of any chan'e in the 5o&icy* )hich sha&& %ende% any inconsistency #et)een the $%o4isions of the 5o&icy and this Unde%ta(in'* the $%o4isions of the 5o&icy sha&& $%e4ai& and the %e4ised $%o4isions of the 5o&icy sha&& #e deemed to ha4e #een inco%$o%ated into this Unde%ta(in'8 0x43 I unconditiona&&y and i%%e4oca#&y a'%ee that the this Unde%ta(in' and Indemnity sha&& #e 'o4e%ned #y and const%ued in acco%dance )ith a$$&ica#&e Indian &a)s and the cou%ts situated in Can'a&o%e sha&& ha4e exc&usi4e Du%isdiction in the e4ent of any dis$ute in this %e'a%d8 Eo&emn&y a+%med at ______________#y _______________________on this ________day of ___________________* !!___ > Date, Signature of the Declarant ____________________ 5&ace, Name F