This Agreement Is Made The Day Of: Between

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THIS AGREEMENT is made the

day of



(her ein aft e r referr e d to as th e Ve n d o r ) of the one part; AND (her ein aft e r referr e d to as th e Purc h a s e r ) of the other part

WHEREAS!" (1) (hereinafter referred to as the #Company#) is a $ompany in$orporated in and has an a%thorised $apita& of RINGGIT MALAYSIA NE H!N"RE" NE H!N"RE" TH !SAN" #RM$%%&%%%'%%( on&y di'ided into NE H!N"RE" TH !SAN" #$%%&%%%( ordinary shares of RINGGIT NE #RM$)%%( on&y ea$h o%t of (hi$h NE H!N"RE" TH !SAN" #$%%&%%%( are iss%e d and paid %p as at the dat e of
this a)re e m e n t

(2) (3) (,)

The *ompany is prin$ipa&&y en)a)ed in the in'estment ho&din) a$ti'ities The +endor is the re)istered o(ner of $*&%%% iss%ed and f%&&y paid ordinary shares in the *ompany The +endor has offered to se&& his *%% of his ordinary share (hereinafter referred to as the #Sa+e Shares#) free from a&& &iens- $har)es- mort)a)es- $&aims and other en$%m.ran$es to)ether (ith a&& ri)hts atta$hed thereto and the /%r$haser desires to a$0%ire the same The +endor and the /%r$haser ha'e no( rea$hed a)reement (ith respe$t to the sa&e and p%r$hase of the 2a&e 2hares for the $onsideration and %pon the terms and $onditions herein $ontained and set forth


N W IT IS HERE,Y AGREE" as fo&&o(s!" $ 11 "E-INITI NS AN" INTERPRETATI N Definitions

3n this A)ree m e n t %n&es s the $ont e 4t other(is e re0%ir e s - the fo&&o(in) e4pr e s si on s sha&& .e ar the me a ni n ) s assi)n e d to it in the opposit e $o&% mn!"

Words ,a+ance Purchase Cons.derat.on

5eanin)s means the s%m of R.n//.t Ma+ays.a Ten Thousand #RM$%&%%%'%%( on&y to .e paid .y the /%r$haser to the +endor means the e4piry date of the period of T0o #1( months from the date of this A)reement means the s%m of R.n//.t Ma+ays.a Ten Thousand #RM$%&%%%'%%( on&y paid .y the /%r$haser as deposit and part payment to(ards the /%r$hase *onsideration means the p%r$hase pri$e of R.n//.t Ma+ays.a Tenty Thousand #RM1%&%%%' %%( on&y to .e paid .y the /%r$ha s e r
to the +endor for the 2a&e 2har e s

Comp+et.on "ate


Purchase Cons.derat.on


3nterpretation 3n this A)reement- %n&ess there is somethin) in the s%.6e$t or $onte4t in$onsistent (ith s%$h $onstr%$tions or %n&ess it is other(ise e4press&y pro'ided!" 1 2 1 (ords importin) the mas$%&ine )ender on&y sha&& in$&%de the feminine and ne%ter )enders and vice versa; 1 2 2 (ords in the sin)%&ar on&y sha&& in$&%de the p&%ra& and vice versa; 1 2 3 any a)reements $o'enants terms stip%&ations and %nderta7in)s e4pressed to .e made .y or .indin) %pon the +endor sha&& .e deemed to .e made .y or .indin) %pon the +endor 6oint&y and se'era&&y; 1 2 , a period of days from the happenin) of an e'ent or the doin) of any a$t or thin) sha&& .e deemed to .e in$&%si'e of the day on (hi$h the e'ent happens or the a$t or thin) is done and if the &ast day of the period is a (ee7&y ho&iday or p%.&i$ ho&iday (#e2c+uded day#) the period sha&&
in$&%de the ne4t fo&&o(in) day (hi$h is not an e4$&%d e d day;

1 2 1 a&& refer e n$ e s to *&a%s e s and 2$he d %& e s are to $&a%s e s of and s$he d %& e s to this A)ree m e n t and ea$ h refer e n$ e to a s%." $&a%s e is to the re&e'a n t s%." $&a%s e of the *&a%s e in (hi$h the refer e n$ e app e a r s ; 1 2 8 refer e n$ e refer e n$ e ther e of; to the pro'isions of any &e)is&ation in$&%de s a to any stat %t or y modifi$ation and re" ena $ t m e n t

1 2 9 the he a din ) s of ea$h of the pro'isions herein $ont ain e d are insert e d mer e& y for $on'e ni e n $ e of refer e n$ e and sha&& .e i)nore d in the interpr e t a ti on and $onstr %$ tion of any of the pro'isions herein $ont ain e d


3n $onsid er a tion of the /%r$h a s e r payin) the /%r$ha s e *onsider a tion to the +endor- the +endor sha&& se&& and transf er to the /%r$ha s e r the 2a&e 2har e s free from a&& &iens- $har) e s - mort ) a ) e s - $&aims and other en$% m . r a n $ e s to)e t h e r (ith a&& ri)hts att a $ h e d ther e t o in$&%din) di'ide n d s ri)ht s .on%s iss%e s a&&ot m e n t s or other distri.%tions de$&ar e d- paid or ma d e on or after the dat e of this A)ree m e n t /:;+3DED T<AT the /%r$ha s e r sha&& not .e o.&i)e d to $omp& e t e the p%r$h a s e of any of the 2a&e 2har e s %n&es s the p%r$h a s e of a&& the 2a&e 2har e s is $omp& e t e d sim%&t a n e o % s & y




The +endor here . y irre'o$a.&y a%thorises and instr%$ts the /%r$haser to pay the /%r$hase *onsideration in the fo&&o(in) manner!"

(i) (ii)

=pon the e4e$%tion of this A)reement- the /%r$haser sha&& pay the Deposit to the +endor; and The Ba&an$e /%r$hase *onsideration sha&& .e paid .y the /%r$haser to the +endor .y the *omp& e tion Date - THE P!RCHASE C NSI"ERATI N

4 ,1


=pon the e4e$%tion of this A)reement- the +endor sha&& deposit (ith the 2ta7eho&der(hereinafter referred to as the Sta5eho+der) the fo&&o(in) do$%ments!" (i) (ii) the ori)ina& shares $ertifi$ates in respe$t of a&& of the 2a&e 2hares (hereinafter referred to as the Share Cert.6.cates); transfer forms (>orm 32A) d%&y e4e$%ted .y the +endor (hereinafter referred to as the Trans6er -orms) to transfer of the 2a&e 2hares to the /%r$haser or its nominees;


$ertified tr%e $opy of the reso&%tions of the Board of Dire$tors and 2hareho&ders of the *ompany appro'in) the transfer of the 2a&e 2hares p%rs%ant to this A)reement and a%thorisin) the re)istration of the said transfer s%.6e$t to the stampin) thereof; - THE P!RCHASE C NSI"ERATI N



=pon f%&& payment of the Ba&an$e /%r$hase *onsideration to the +endor .y the /%r$haser in a$$ordan$e (ith *&a%se 3 1 a.o'e- the 2ta7eho&der sha&& re&ease a&& the do$%ments referred to in *&a%se , 1 a.o'e to the /%r$haser and the /%r$haser sha&& .e entit&ed to effe$t the re)istration of the transfer of the 2a&e 2hares into the /%r$haser?s (or its nominees?) name and )i'e effe$t to the re&e'ant do$%ments referred to in *&a%se , 1 a.o'e 7) "!E "ILLIGENCE A!"IT

8 1 The parties hereto here.y a)ree that it sha&& not .e ne$essary for the /%r$haser to $ond%$t a pre"$omp&etion d%e di&i)en$e a%dit for the p%rposes of this A)reement 8) 91 VEN" R9 WARRANTIES +endor? (arranties in respe$t of the 2a&e 2hares The +endor here.y represent and (arrant to the /%r$haser that!" (i) (ii) the +endor is the &e)a& and .enefi$ia& o(ner of the 2a&e 2hares; the +endor has the f%&& po(er and a%thority to enter into the sa&e and p%r$hase here%nder of the 2a&e 2hares and to do a&& a$ts and thin)s on their part that are ne$essary to .e done and performed to $omp&ete the sa&e and p%r$hase of the 2a&e 2hares herein; the 2a&e 2hares are as at the date of this A)reement free from a&& &iens- $har)esmort)a)es- $&aims and other en$%m.ran$es and there is no a)reement or arran)ement to )i'e or $reate any s%$h en$%m.ran$es and no $&aim has or sha&& .e made .y any person to .e entit&ed to any of the 2a&e 2hares



The +endor e4pr e s s& y $o'e n a n t s (ith the /%r$h a s e r to inde m nify and sa'e it har m& e s s from any and a&& $&aims - &osse s- da m a ) e s - $osts- e4pe n s e s and defi$ien$ y (in$&%din) &e)a& $ost s on a so&i$itior and $&ient .asis) in$%rre d or s%st ai n e d .y the /%r$ha s e r in $ons e 0 % e n $ e of or in re&ation to any ina$$%r a $i e s - errors- misr e pr e s e n t a t i o n s or .re a $ h e s of (arr a n t y on the part of the +endor %nd er the ter ms of this A)ree m e n t

:) @1

"E-A!LT AN" TERMINATI N Defa%&t .y /%r$haser


3f the /%r$haser fai&s to pay the Ba&an$e /%r$hase *onsideration or any part thereof in a$$ordan$e (ith the pro'isions of this A)reement (sa'e and e4$ept d%e to the defa%&t of the +endor andAor the *ompany)- the +endor sha&& .e entit&ed to terminate this A)reement .y )i'in) noti$e in (ritin) of termination to the /%r$haser and forfeit the Deposit as a)reed &i0%idated dama)es =pon s%$h termination .ein) )i'en- the /%r$haser sha&& immediate&y rede&i'er (if de&i'ered) or $a%se to .e rede&i'ered to the +endor a&& the re&e'ant do$%ments referred to in *&a%se , 1 herein Thereafter this A)reement sha&& .e n%&& and 'oid and of no effe$t and neither party sha&& ha'e any $&aim a)ainst the other @2 Defa%&t .y +endor (i)
3n the e'e nt of any .re a $ h or defa %&t on the part of the +endor of any of the pro'isions of this A)ree m e n t - the /%r$h a s e r sha&& .e entit&ed (in addition to and (itho%t pre6%di$ e to a&& other ri)hts or re me di e s a'ai&a.& e to it in$&%din) da m a ) e s ) to se e7 the re me d y of spe$ifi$ perfor m a n $ e of this A)ree m e n t and a&& $ost s and e4pe n s e s in$%rre d .y the /%r$ha s e r in $onn e $ tion ther e (it h (in$&%din) .%t not &imite d to so&i$itorsB fees and $ost s on a so&i$itor and $&ient .asis in $onn e $ tion (ith the sa&e and p%r$h a s e her ein and in resp e $ t of the said a$tion for spe$ifi$ perfor ma n $ e ) sha&& .e .orne and paid .y the +endor

; C1



Warranties to s%r'i'e after $omp&etion Not(ithstandin) the $omp&etion of the sa&e and p%r$hase herein- a&& (arranties$o'enants and %nderta7in)s $ontained herein sha&& remain in f%&& for$e and effe$t and sha&& $ontin%e hereafter to s%.sist for so &on) as may .e ne$essary to )i'e effe$t to ea$h and e'ery of them in a$$ordan$e (ith the terms hereof


:i)ht to res$ind A)reement

3f prior to the *omp& e tion Date it sha&& .e fo%nd that any of the (arr a n ti e s on the part of either partie s has not in a&& ma t e ri a& resp e $ t s .e e n $arried o%t or $omp&ie d (ith or is other (is e %ntr% e or in$orre $ t in any ma t e ri a& resp e $ t and not re$tifia.&e- the /%r$h a s e r sha&& .e entit&ed .y noti$e in (ritin) to the +endor prior to the *omp& e tion Date to res$ind this A)ree m e n t and ther e a ft e r this A)ree m e n t sha&& .e ter mi n a t e d (itho%t pre6%di$ e to any ri)hts or re me di e s a'ai&a.& e to the /%r$ha s e r for s%$h .re a $ h of (arr a n t y

$% 10 1

MISCELLANE !S PR VISI NS Entire A)reement This A)reement (to)ether (ith any do$%ments referred to herein) $onstit%tes the (ho&e and entire a)reement .et(een the parties hereto and no 'ariations thereto sha&& .e made %n&ess a)reed in (ritin) .y the parties hereto

10 2

*osts and Dis.%rsements Ea$h party sha&& pay its o(n respe$ti'e &e)a& and other $osts in re&ation to this A)reement .%t a&& stamp d%ty thereon and on the transfer of the 2a&e 2hares and the $ertifi$ates thereof sha&& .e .orne and paid .y the /%r$haser

10 3

Noti$es (i) Any noti$e re0%ired to .e )i'en .y one party to the other sha&& .e deemed 'a&id&y ser'ed .y prepaid re)istered &etter sent thro%)h the post to their respe$ti'e addresses )i'en herein or s%$h other addresses as may from time to time .e notified for this p%rpose and any noti$e so ser'ed sha&& .e deemed to ha'e .een ser'ed three (3) days after the time on (hi$h it (as posted Any noti$e may a&so .e ser'ed .y hand or fa$simi&e transmission to their respe$ti'e addresses and s%$h noti$e sha&& in the $ase of any ser'i$e .y hand .e deemed to .e 'a&id&y ser'ed %pon a$7no(&ed)ement of re$eipt of the &etter .y the re$ipientBs offi$e and in the $ase of any ser'i$e .y fa$simi&e transmission sha&& .e deemed to .e 'a&id&y ser'ed on re$eipt .y the sender of the ans(er.a$7 $ode of the addressee after transmission Any noti$es sent .y fa$simi&e transmission sha&& .e fo&&o(ed .y ser'i$e of the same .y hand on the same day


10 ,

Time Time (here'er mentioned in this A)reement sha&& .e of essen$e in this A)reement

10 1

2%$$essors Bo%nd This A)reement sha&& .e .indin) %pon the s%$$essors in tit&e and permitted assi)ns of the parties hereto

10 8

Da( This A)reement sha&& .e )o'erned .y the &a(s of 5a&aysia and the parties hereto a)ree to to the non"e4$&%si'e 6%risdi$tion of the *o%rts in 5a&aysia

10 9

Non"Wai'er No fai&%re to e4er$ise nor any de&ay on the part of any party hereto in e4er$isin) any ri)hts- po(ers- pri'i&e)es or remedies a$$r%in) to s%$h party here%nder %pon any defa%&t on the part of the other party sha&& impair s%$h ri)hts- po(ers- pri'i&e)es or remedies or .e $onstr%ed or operate as a (ai'er thereof or an a$0%ies$en$e in s%$h defa%&t- nor sha&& any a$tion .y any party in respe$t of any defa%&t or any a$0%ies$en$e in any s%$h defa%&t- affe$t or impair any ri)hts- po(ers- pri'i&e)es or remedies of s%$h party in respe$t of any other or s%.se0%ent defa%&t The ri)hts and remedies herein pro'ided are $%m%&ati'e and not e4$&%si'e of any ri)hts and remedies pro'ided .y &a(

10 @



=n&ess the parties other(ise spe$ifi$a&&y so determine- the parties hereto here.y a)ree that they sha&& 7eep stri$t&y se$ret and $onfidentia& a&& $omm%ni$ations .et(een the parties hereto and a&& information and other materia&s s%pp&ied to or re$ei'ed .y any party from the other (hi$h is either mar7ed #pri'ate E $onfidentia&# or is .y its nat%re intended to .e e4$&%si'e&y for the 7no(&ed)e of the re$ipient a&one or any information $on$ernin) the finan$ia& arran)ements of the parties hereto or of any person (ith (hom any of the parties is in a $onfidentia& re&ationship (ith re)ard to the matter in 0%estion $omin) to the 7no(&ed)e of the re$ipient sha&& .e 7ept $onfidentia& .y the re$ipient %n&ess or %nti& $ompe&&ed to dis$&ose .y 6%di$ia& or administrati'e pro$ed%res or in the opinion of its $o%nse&- .y other re0%irements of &a( The parties hereto sha&& ta7e a&& reasona.&e steps to minimiFe the ris7 of dis$&os%re of $onfidentia& information .y ens%rin) that on&y persons (hose d%ty re0%ire them to possess any of s%$h information sha&& ha'e a$$ess thereto and that they sha&& .e instr%$ted to treat the same as $onfidentia& GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


IN WITNESS WHERE - the partie s her e t o ha'e her e % n t o e4e$ %t e d this A)ree m e n t on the day and the ye ar first a.o' e (ritte n

23HNED BI the +endor in the presen$e of

) ) ) ) )


23HNED BI the /%r$haser in the presen$e of!"

) ) )



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