Examination Registration Form Examination Registration Form Examination Registration Form Examination Registration Form Examination Registration Form

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National Institute of Open Schooling National Institute of Open Schooling National Institute of Open Schooling National Institute of Open Schooling National Institute of Open Schooling
Please fill correctly the subjects in which you desire
to appear in the Examination.
Code No. Subject
1. .........................................
2. .........................................
3. ..............................................
4. ..............................................
5. ..............................................
6. ..........(Additional subject if any)
7. ..............................................
Note : Please fill those subject codes, for which you have taken admission. Any error in this will lead to
debarment from appearing in examination.
Form to register for appearing in Secondary / Senior Secondary Examination of NIOS and Depositing Examination
Fees [to be submitted in the AI (Study Centre) or Regional Centre alongwith the requisite Examination fees]
Only Cash/Bank Drafts from Nationalised Banks are acceptable.
Cheques/Indian Postal Orders are not acceptable.
1. Enrolment No.
2. Name in full (Block Letters)
3. Address.............................................. Exam. fee Rs. 150/- per subject. Additional fee
............................................................ of Rs. 70/- per subject involving practicals.
Tel. No. ..............................................
(Signature of the Candidate)
+ Candidates whose AIs stand cancelled or not functioning can deposit their examination fees at the respective Regional Centre by submitting
Examination Form alongwith Bank Draft drawn in favour of "Secretary". NIOS, payable at respective Regional Centres.
* The Application Forms will not be accepted after the prescribed dates.
The students may contact their AI/RC or NIOS for information regarding their Examination Centres. If a candidate appears from an Exam. Centre
other than the one allotted to him/her on his/her own, his/her result will be withheld.
a) Candidate applying for with additional subjects/change of subjects may please attach photocopy of the permission letter of NIOS along with the
examination fee paid.
b) The Sr. Secondary candidates, before depositing the examination fee, should ensure that there is two years gap after passing Secondary exam. in their
cases. If they do not have requisite gap of two years, they will not be allowed to sit in more than four subjects. Then the registration for examination
will be done only for the first four subjects in Examination and their fee for fifth subject will be forfeited as stated in the Prospectus.
NOTE. i) Examination Form with incomplete/wrong information shall be rejected.
ii) Strike off whichever is not applicable.
iii) Please see the Subject Code (s) on the reverse of the form.
Received the Examination Form with fee of Rs. ............................ from ........................... Enrolment No. ...................
for the ................. Secondary/Sr. Secondary Examination of National Institute of Open Schooling in the following subject Codes:
Date............... Signature
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Subject Codes
Secondary Examination Senior Secondary Examination
Code Subject Code Subject
201 Hindi 301 Hindi
202 English 302 English
203 Bengali 303 Bengali
204 Marathi 304 Tamil
205 Telugu 306 Urdu
206 Urdu 309 Sanskrit
207 Gujarathi 311 Mathematics
208 Kannada 312 Physics
209 Sanskrit 313 Chemistry
210 Punjabi 314 Biology
228 Assamese 315 History
231 Nepali 316 Geography
232 Malayalam 317 Political Science
233 Oriya 318 Economics
235 Arabic 319 Commerce/ Business Studies
236 Persian 320 Accountancy
237 Tamil 321 Home Science
211 Mathematics 328 Psychology
212 Science and Technology 330 Computer Science
213 Social Science 331 Sociology
214 Economics 332 Painting
215 Business Studies 333 Enviornmental Science
216 Home Science 335 Mass Communication
222 Psychology 336 Data Entry Operations
223 Indian Culture and Heritage
225 Painting
229 Data Entry Operations

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