Arginine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. Sepsis is a highly frequent condition in the intensive care unit. A deficiency of argininine can be considered from changes in argine metabolism.
Arginine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. Sepsis is a highly frequent condition in the intensive care unit. A deficiency of argininine can be considered from changes in argine metabolism.
Arginine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. Sepsis is a highly frequent condition in the intensive care unit. A deficiency of argininine can be considered from changes in argine metabolism.
Arginine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid. Sepsis is a highly frequent condition in the intensive care unit. A deficiency of argininine can be considered from changes in argine metabolism.
Yvette C. Luiking, PhD; Nicolaas E. P. Deutz, MD, PhD
S epsis is a major complication of an acute infection, triggered by a systemic inammatory re- action. According to its pro- gressive injury process, the sepsis syn- drome can be classied as mild or severe sepsis or septic shock. Severe sepsis co- incides with multiple organ failure, while septic shock is characterized by addi- tional cardiovascular failure and the need for blood pressure supportive therapy (1). Sepsis is a highly frequent condition in the intensive care unit with a high mor- bidity and mortality rate, the latter vary- ing between 20% and 50% within the rst month of disease (2, 3), still further increasing thereafter (4). Risk factors for sepsis are age (70% of patients are 60 yrs), gender (63% male vs. 37% female), and comorbidities like malignancies, re- spiratory failure, and diabetes (70% of all patients) (25). Most common sites of infection are the lungs (47%) and the abdomen (34%) (5). Arginine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid: not essential under normal healthy conditions but essential in disease states like sepsis (68). This is partly because arginine is a key amino acid in several metabolic pathways of which synthesis of nitric oxide is consid- ered of main importance during disease (for recent reviews, see Refs. 914). This review focuses on arginine metabolism in sepsis and implications for arginine avail- ability and related functions, arginine and arginine-related therapies, and po- tential mechanisms by which exogenous arginine may improve the condition of the patient with sepsis/multiple organ failure. Arginine Deciency in Sepsis: Rationale A deciency of arginine can be consid- ered from changes in arginine metabolism that may compromise the availability of arginine with functional consequences. Both are described in detail later. For extensive information on arginine metab- olism in normal health, we refer to exist- ing reviews (9, 10, 1214). Changes in Arginine Metabolism in Sepsis. Sepsis is characterized by a reduc- tion in plasma and tissue arginine levels compared with healthy individuals or nonseptic critically ill patients (1518). In addition, plasma amino acid levels are in general lower during sepsis, which is partly related to starvation due to limited nutritional protein supply as well as to increased amino acid clearance (17) through gluconeogenesis, oxidation for energy supply, and protein synthesis in especially the liver and immune cells (1921). This negative amino acid bal- ance apparently cannot be compensated for by the excessive protein catabolism (protein breakdown is increased by 50% in septic patients (YC Luiking, unpub- lished data), mainly from muscle but also from the gut (21). In addition, recent evidence suggests that arginine metabolism in sepsis is dis- turbed in various aspects, probably re- lated to the severity of the inammatory response and induced by inammatory mediators. In sepsis, de novo arginine production, that is, the endogenous syn- thesis of arginine from the amino acid citrulline (2226), is reduced to one third of the normal level (18). Studies in an animal model of sepsis demonstrated ac- cordingly that impaired de novo arginine From the Center for Translational Research on Aging & Longevity, Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR. Supported, in part, by Novartis Consumer Health, St. Louis Park, MN. The authors have not disclosed any potential con- icts of interest. Address requests for reprint to: N. E. P. Deutz, MD, PhD, Center for Translational Research on Aging & Longevity, Room 3.121, Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 4301 W. Markham Street, Slot 806, Little Rock, AR. E-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2007 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000279191.44730.A2 Sepsis is a severe condition in critically ill patients and is considered an arginine deciency state. The rationale for arginine deciency in sepsis is mainly based on the reduced arginine levels in sepsis that are associated with the specic changes in arginine metabolism related to endothelial dysfunction, severe catabolism, and worse outcome. Exogenous arginine supplementation in sepsis shows con- troversial results with only limited data in humans and variable results in animal models of sepsis. Since in these studies the severity of sepsis varies but also the route, timing, and dose of arginine, it is difcult to draw a denitive conclusion for sepsis in general without considering the inuence of these factors. Enhanced nitric oxide production in sepsis is related to suggested detrimental effects on hemodynamic instability and enhanced oxidative stress. Potential mechanisms for benecial effects of exogenous arginine in sepsis include enhanced (protein) metabolism, improved microcirculation and organ function, effects on immune function and antibacterial effects, improved gut function, and an antioxidant role of arginine. We recently performed a study indicating that arginine can be given to septic patients without major effects on hemodynamics, sug- gesting that more studies can be conducted on the effects of arginine supplementation in septic patients. (Crit Care Med 2007; 35[Suppl.]:S557S563) KEY WORDS: arginine; sepsis; supplementation; critically ill; nitric oxide; citrulline; nutrition; metabolism; amino acid; pro- tein S557 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) synthesis in the kidney is a major factor responsible for the rapid decrease in ex- tracellular arginine content after lipo- polysaccharide injection (27). Another metabolic change in sepsis is the four- fold increase in arginase activity (YC Lu- iking, unpublished data), that is, the catabolism of arginine to urea and orni- thine, probably through up-regulation of arginase I activity in macrophages by cy- tokines (interleukin-4, interleukin-10, and transforming growth factor ) se- creted by T-helper lymphocyte cells (28). Changes in arginine metabolism can sub- sequently affect availability of arginine for nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) and therefore NO production. NO production is essential for smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation via NOS-3 (or eNOS) and as a neurotransmitter via NOS-1 (or nNOS) (29, 30), and NO production is stimulated by inammatory mediators through induction of NOS-2 (or iNOS) (10). Besides arginine availability, other factors that probably affect NO produc- tion in sepsis are 1) coupling of NOS with other enzymes involved in argi- nine metabolism (3133); 2) the effects of bacterial endotoxins and host cyto- kines on intracellular cationic trans- port systems (34, 35); and 3) increased presence of endogenous NOS inhibitors like asymmetric dimethylarginine, a by- product of protein breakdown (36). Al- though dramatic increases in NO pro- duction have been suggested in sepsis and are ascribed to stimulation of NOS-2 by cytokines (interleukin-1, in- terleukin-2, tumor necrosis factor, and -interferon) produced by T-helper 1 cells (28), evidence was mainly based on reported increases in plasma nitrate levels and increased NOS gene expres- sion (increased NOS-2, but unchanged or even lowered NOS-1 and NOS-3) (3745). Stable isotope studies could, however, not conrm this dramatic in- crease in NO production in septic ani- mal models (4648) and humans (49) (YC Luiking, unpublished data). The discrepancy in measures of NO in sepsis may be due partly to an effect of renal failure on plasma nitrate levels (39), since nitrate is excreted via the urine (50) and its concentration correlates with the glomerular ltration rate in septic patients (49). However, time- specic changes in NOS enzyme activ- ity in sepsis may also play a role (32, 5153), as well as diversity of the septic population related to, for example, the initial presence of trauma (42). The previously described changes in arginine availability and arginine me- tabolism in sepsis therefore make sepsis an arginine deciency disease with functional consequences. It can be hy- pothesized that this is a time-related mechanism represented by an early phase with adaptive changes in activity of metabolic pathways to preserve amino acids and a late adaptive phase aimed at cell survival with enhanced protein breakdown before the onset of arginine deciency when all adaptive mechanisms are exhausted (Fig. 1). Functional Consequences of Arginine Deciency. Changes in arginine metabo- lism in sepsis have mainly focused on NO production. The presumed excessive NO production in sepsis related to enhanced NOS-2 activity is thought to contribute to the systemic hypotension and vascular hyporeactivity in sepsis (42, 54, 55). How- ever, inhibition of NOS turned out to be detrimental also in terms of diminished blood ow (56), and, although resolution from shock was promoted (57), mortality and especially cardiovascular deaths were higher in patients treated with a nonse- lective NOS inhibitor in a multicenter trial (58). On the other hand, basal NO production (by endothelial NOS or NOS-3) is limited due to endotoxemia (59) and related to diminished vasodila- tion as observed in aortic rings (60) but probably also in the microcirculation. This latter hypothesis is supported by the observation that administration of the NO donor nitroglycerin in septic patients improves the microcirculation (61). A re- lation between de novo synthesis of argi- nine in the kidneys and renal perfusion was observed in an animal model of sepsis (27) and suggests a functional relation between de novo arginine synthesis and NOS-3 activity, which was also demon- strated by the colocalization of the enzy- matic pathways involved (33). Other metabolic changes in sepsis with functional consequences are the se- vere catabolic state of sepsis. This cata- bolic state is related to impaired protein synthesis and increased protein break- down and may result in loss of muscle mass and function and impaired recovery (62). Besides diminished substrate supply due to impaired (microvascular) ow, other factors like cytokines and hor- mones probably affect protein turnover in sepsis (62). Loss of skeletal muscle mass can result in fatigue and reduced quality of life after recovery, but loss of muscle mass from the diaphragm may also affect respiratory muscle during sepsis (63). On the other hand, however, muscle fatigue has also been associated with the forma- tion of peroxynitrite due to access of NO (64). Muscle catabolism is not specic for lack of arginine (62), as muscle protein comprises other amino acids besides ar- ginine in larger amounts (65). Besides, it has been demonstrated that for the syn- thesis of acute phase protein, which is greatly elevated in sepsis, an estimated double amount of muscle protein has to Figure 1. Hypothesis: Time-related changes in arginine availability and arginine metabolism in sepsis (1) or sepsis with optimal nutritional supply (2) with functional consequences. This time-related mechanism in sepsis is represented by an early phase with adaptive changes in activity of metabolic pathways to preserve amino acids and a late adaptive phase aimed at cell survival with enhanced protein breakdown before the onset of arginine deciency when all adaptive mechanisms are ex- hausted. Optimal nutritional supply may preserve metabolism and function. S558 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) be broken down to supply aromatic amino acids in adequate amounts (66). Regarding the role of arginine in wound healing (67), which seems to oc- cur via enhanced ornithine and subse- quent collagen formation (68) or via a NO-mediated mechanism (69), it is feasi- ble that arginine deciency may impair wound healing, if present, in sepsis. Fi- nally, lower plasma arginine levels also correlated with a poorer prognosis and higher mortality rate from sepsis (15). In summary, the rationale for arginine deciency in sepsis is mainly based on the reduced arginine levels in sepsis that re- ect the specic changes in arginine me- tabolism with functional consequences regarding endothelial dysfunction, severe catabolism, impaired wound healing, and worse outcome. However, we need to mention that direct effects of cytokines and hormones are also involved in these pathophysiological processes and that other amino acids may also be present in inadequate amounts (70). Exogenous Arginine Supplementation in Sepsis: Where Do We Stand and Is It Safe? Arginine has been supplied in various forms, of which incorporation into the so-called immunonutrition has been most widely used and described. Only a few studies supplied exogenous arginine as a monotherapy. Moreover, the dose and route of exogenous arginine supply (i.e., intravenous or enteral) vary. This section gives an overview of arginine sup- plementation in patients with sepsis, which is still subject of debate regarding harm or benet (7173). Immunonutrition Containing Argi- nine in Sepsis. Immunonutrition con- taining arginine has been investigated in several clinical trials (7479). In addi- tion, several published meta-analyses, re- views, and opinion papers have focused on arginine-containing immunonutrition in sepsis (8087). Despite apparent ben- ets of immunonutrition on infection rate and length of hospital stay, meta- analyses identied no benecial effect on mortality rate (84) or even suggested a higher mortality rate with immunonutri- tion (80). However, benets of immunonu- trition were considered most marked in surgical patients (84). Especially these outcomes caused the greatest contro- versy and discussion, which also resulted in a recommendation by the Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines against sup- plemental arginine in critically ill adults and especially nonsurgical patients with sepsis (82). Immune-enhancing nutrients have as their principal components several nutri- ents with putative benets. Besides argi- nine, these include omega-3 fatty acids and nucleotides, and some contain also glu- tamine. Although all these components are considered benecial, adequate evaluation of individual effects of components and possible mechanisms of (combined) action are largely missing. Concerning the latter, counterregulating effects of other compo- nents in immunonutrition on the efcacy of arginine have been considered but not yet identied (88). Animal Studies in Septic Models. Var- ious animal models of sepsis are avail- able, using different animals as well as different challenges to induce sepsis. Moreover, the route of arginine supply (i.e., intravenous or enteral) also varies. The effects of arginine supplementation on survival are not homogeneous in animal models of sepsis. While some studies re- ported improved survival (89, 90), others showed no effect (91) or even reported in- creased mortality (92, 93). In the latter study, this coincided with increased plasma ornithine and serum levels of nitrate and nitrite, a lowered mean arterial pressure, and worsened organ injury (93). In septic sheep, arginine supplementation also re- sulted in decreased blood pressure (94). A reduction of the production of inamma- tory mediators at the site of infection (91), as well as an increase in albumin, histone, and liver protein synthesis (95), was ob- served with intravenous arginine in septic rats. In a hyperdynamic pig model of sepsis, arginine supplementation increased organ NO production (47, 96), with decreased liver protein turnover and increased mus- cle protein turnover (97). Arginine supple- mentation nonspecically (i.e., no differ- ence between L-arginine and D-arginine) prevented endothelial dysfunction by re- storing endothelial histologic injury in rab- bit endotoxic shock, while it did not affect acidosis, coagulation, or monocyte tissue factor expression (98). From this study it was questionable whether the action of ar- ginine supplementation was via enhanced NO synthesis or otherwise. Exogenous Arginine Supplementation as a Monotherapy in Human Sepsis. Only a few studies have investigated the effects of arginine per se in patients with sepsis. Lorente et al. (99) supplied seven septic shock patients with 200 mg/kg L-arginine as an intravenous bolus, which resulted in immediate but transient hemodynamic changes consistent with systemic and pulmonary vasodilation. In a dose- response pilot study in eight patients with septic shock (100), intravenous L- arginine infusion in doses increasing from 0.6 to 1.8 mol/kgmin (each dose for 2 hrs, equal to 1133 g daily for a 75-kg adult) resulted in plasma arginine levels of four times baseline at the high- est dose. No changes in systemic blood Figure 2. Dose-response pilot study of intravenous L-arginine supplementation in septic shock patients (n 8). Each dose was supplied for 2 hrs in a stepwise increasing order. No signicant effect on systemic blood pressure was observed. BP, blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure. Adapted from Luiking et al (100). S559 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) pressure or use of vasopressive medica- tion were observed with any dose, but stroke volume increased (Fig. 2) (100). In addition, a recent randomized controlled trial with 3-day intravenous continuous arginine supplementation at 1.2 mol/ kgmin also could not demonstrate an effect on hemodynamic parameters (101). Factors That Potentially Affect the Effectiveness of Exogenous Arginine. First, differences between enteral and in- travenous supply of exogenous arginine may inuence the outcome of treatment. Continuous supply of arginine via the en- teral route will result in a high rst-pass uptake of arginine in the gut mucosa and the liver, regarding the 40% splanchnic extraction that is reported in healthy sub- jects using stable isotope techniques (102). Intravenous arginine supplemen- tation, on the other hand, bypasses the large rst-pass extraction of arginine in the splanchnic area. In addition, the im- paired absorptive gut function in sepsis (103, 104) may further negatively affect bioavailability of enteral arginine. This was also demonstrated in a peritonitis rat model, in which oral arginine supple- mentation did not increase plasma argi- nine levels and survival, whereas intrave- nous arginine improved survival when administered after initiation of sepsis (90). In addition, differences in arginine- stimulated NO production between intra- venous (105) and dietary arginine supple- mentation (106) in healthy subjects suggest that the route of arginine admin- istration is probably also important for the NO-stimulating effect of arginine. Second, it is well possible that bolus administration of arginine differs from continuous administration with regard to bioavailability. After an oral bolus of ar- ginine (10 g), a bioavailability of about 20% in healthy subjects has been re- ported (107), which is substantially lower than the 60% availability to the periph- eral circulation after continuous intra- gastric arginine supply (102). Intrave- nous bolus arginine supply (30 g in 30 mins) that causes a rapid peak in plasma arginine of 8 mmol/L results in urinary excretion of arginine, as the threshold for renal reabsorption probably is exceeded (107). Intravenous arginine supply as a bolus in sepsis, like 200 mg/kg (about 15 g) arginine administered in the study by Lorente et al. (99), caused transient hy- potension, while continuous arginine sup- plementation at 12.5 mg/kghr (reaching plasma levels of about 300 mol/L) did not affect blood pressure in septic patients (101). Third, most of the survival benets of immunotherapy occurred in groups with the lowest Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores (1015), re- ecting moderate severity of illness, with little difference in outcome in the more severely ill (74, 84). This suggests that subgroups of septic patients may benet from arginine supplementation while others do not. In summary, exogenous arginine sup- plementation in sepsis shows controver- sial results with only limited data in hu- mans and various results in animal models of sepsis. Since the severity of sepsis varies, and the route, timing, and dose of arginine differ between studies, it is difcult to draw a denitive conclusion for the effect of exogenous arginine sup- plementation in sepsis in general without considering these factors. Possible Risks and Benets of Exogenous Arginine in Sepsis Although mechanistic studies on argi- nine supplementation in septic patients are scarce, major risks of exogenous ar- ginine are ascribed to the suggested in- crease of NO synthesis. Stimulated NO production is related to reduced blood pressure (105, 108) and is suggested to impair cardiac contractility, induce liver damage, and increase vascular permeabil- ity and bacterial translocation from the intestine (109). In addition, oxidative stress (through production of peroxyni- trite, a harmful metabolite formed from NO and superoxide that nitrates the ty- rosine residues in proteins to nitroty- rosine) (110) and mitochondrial dysfunc- tion (111) are considered further risk factors of increased NO and, therefore, indirect results of exogenous arginine sup- ply. However, in a recent placebo-con- trolled study in septic patients, we could not demonstrate an effect of 3-day arginine supplementation on plasma nitrotyrosine in patients with severe sepsis (101). Besides the suggested detrimental ef- fects of NO, benets of exogenous argi- nine can also be considered. First, from a metabolic point of view, exogenous argi- nine could compensate for the increased arginine need and could diminish the need for endogenous arginine sources like body protein and, thereby, poten- tially reduce catabolism. Exogenous ar- ginine supply indeed reduced protein breakdown in a pilot study in septic patients (YC Luiking et al., unpublished data). Moreover, exogenous arginine enhanced protein synthesis and degra- dation across the hindquarter and si- multaneously reduced protein synthesis and degradation in the liver at equal rates in a pig sepsis model (97). A second mechanism is related to the importance of NOS-3 in the regulation of the microcirculation and endothelial function, as demonstrated for arginine supplementation in other vascular dis- eases (112118). Stimulation of NOS-3- mediated NO production may be bene- cial, specically regarding the fact that NOS-3 is down-regulated in sepsis (44, 45). In vitro studies also conrm that NO production by NOS-3 can be stimulated by exogenous arginine, but this occurred only when L-arginine stores were de- pleted (119). The mechanism for im- paired microcirculation in sepsis is, how- ever, multifactorial, and other factors like mechanic capillary occlusion through ex- tensive edema, occlusion from leuko- cytes, and impaired mitochondrial func- tion may be involved. Improvement of the microcirculation and local vasodila- tion may contribute to restoration of or- gan function in sepsis (multiple organ failure). Arginine may also affect the immune response in sepsis (120, 121) with an ag- gravated inammatory reaction and in- creased tissue neutrophil inltration (121). In addition, restored intestinal mo- tility was observed with arginine supple- mentation in a pig model of sepsis (96). Finally, under conditions of impaired substrate (arginine) availability, the en- dothelial NOS-3 may undergo structural disarrangement, resulting in the conver- sion of this enzyme from a NO synthe- sizer into a generator of superoxide anion (122). This uncoupled reaction can be antagonized by excess L-arginine, as was demonstrated in a rabbit model of hyper- cholesterolemia (123) and in cells in vitro (124). It may, therefore, be suggested that patients with sepsis lack antioxidant defense strategies, which may contribute to compromised NO availability, with ar- ginine acting as an antioxidant. While enhanced NO production in sepsis is related to suggested detrimental effects of hemodynamic instability and enhanced oxidative stress, potential mechanisms for benecial effects of exog- enous arginine supplementation in sepsis include enhanced (protein) metabolism, improved (micro)circulation and organ function, effects on immune function and S560 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 9 (Suppl.) antibacterial effects, improved gut func- tion, and an antioxidant role of arginine. CONCLUSION Sepsis is considered an arginine de- ciency state with reduced arginine levels and specic changes in arginine metabo- lism related to endothelial dysfunction, severe catabolism, and worse outcome. 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