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Conceptual Discussion
This paper discusses the Strategies adopted by Athi water services board towards the
achievement of millennium development goals on water and sanitation, with the aim of shedding
light on the steps undertaken by the company to address the issues of water and sanitation. By
2008, it was apparent that no African country was likely to achieve all of its goals by 2015. The
international community strengthened partnerships with Africa at the highest level to ensure that
its development needs are mainstreamed in the global economy. Numerous environmental,
social, and political constraints, however, continuously pose significant challenges to achieving
the MDGs in Africa (IISD 2008).
Kenyas environment has suffered from the impacts of human activities. Deforestation, land
degradation, and water pollution are some of the challenges the nation needs to address in order
to achieve MDG 7. Overall, Kenya has made progress since 1990 in providing its growing
population access to clean drinking water more progress than sub-Saharian Africa in general.
In Kenya's urban areas, however, access had declined during that time. Much effort is still
needed to reach the 2015 target of halving the number of Kenyans without access to clean
drinking water. According to the Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey, only 49 per cent
of Kenyas rural population has access to clean
water compared to 83 per cent in urban areas (GoK 2007). This disparity also exists between
districts and regions (Figure 10). For example, access to safe water varies from a high of 96 per
cent in Nairobi to as low as 14 per cent in Mwingi District (GoK 2007).An estimated 1 600
million people will need access to improved sanitation over the period 2005-2015 to meet the
MDG targets
(UNEP 2008). Yet if trends since 1990 continue, the world is likely to miss the target by almost
600 million people. In Africa, only northern Africa is on track to halve the proportion of people
without basic sanitation by 2015, whereas sub-Saharan Africa is set to achieve only half of the
2015 objective, with a small increase from 26 to 31 per cent between 1990 and 2006. To date,
only 19 per cent of the Kenyan population living in urban areas has access to proper sanitation
facilities (UnStats 2005). If this trend continues, Kenya is likely to miss the target.
The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (Table 1 on the following page) provide a
framework to plan and implement development, and include time-bound targets and indicators
by which progress can be measured over the period from 1990 until 2015 when the targets are
expected to be met. Each year, the United Nations Secretary-General presents a report to the
United Nations General Assembly on progress achieved towards implementing the Declaration,
based on the 60 selected indicators and 21 targets aggregated at global and regional levels.
Research Gaps.
The number of existing publications that analyse and argue for the potential of different water
and sanitation interventions to reduce the prevalence of diseases is considerable and diverse.
There are also articles that argue for the use of interventions based on their effectiveness, their
cost-benefit ratio, their cost-effectiveness, and on grounds of the soundness of their
Similar Studies .
There are 190 studies which use cost or production functions to evaluate the performance of
water and sanitation across the globe. The studies examine the scale, scope or density economies
of utilities in a particular country or region, the influence of ownership on efficiency the
existence and power of incentives associated with different governance systems (including
external regulation), and (performance assessment (benchmarking).In addition, this paper will
present some patterns regarding quantitative methods adopted over time and major trends in
results. Studies appear in specialized and general journals and in other venues, including working
Papers, books, reports and dissertations. The former are more readily accessible and have passed
the scrutiny of impartial reviewers, so this paper will focus on journals.
Objectives .
The research paper has both general and specific objectives as outlined below
General Objective :
To identify Strategies adopted by Athi water services board towards the achievement of
millennium development goals on water and sanitation.
Specific objectives.
To find out the role of the Athi Water Services board in meeting the millennium
development goals of water and sanitation.
To identify the management strategies adopted by the management of Athi Water Board
to meet these goals.
To identify the challenges faced by the board as they try to meet these goals.
To identify ways that can be used by the board to improve user satisfaction with drinking
water and sanitation services.
To find out the impacts of implementing the suggested strategies .
Add to the existing research on the millennium development goals of water na d
References .
MoWI. 2007. National Water Services Strategy 20072015; and 2009. Sector Investment Plan
for the Water andSanitation Sector in Kenya.
Ministry of Health. 2007. National Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Policy.
MoWI (Ministry of Water and Irrigation). 2009. Sector Investment Plan for the Water and
Sanitation Sector in Kenya.
MoWI and Development Partners. 2008. Water Sector in Kenya: A Sector-Wide Approach to
Planning, Partnership Principles.

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