Cloud Computing With Open Source Tool :OpenStack

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American J ournal of Engineering Research (AJ ER) 2014

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American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)
e-ISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936
Volume-3, Issue-9, pp-233-240
Research Paper Open Access

Cloud Computing with Open Source Tool :OpenStack

Dr. Urmila R. Pol
Department Of Computer Science , Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

ABSTRACT: OpenStack is a especially scalable open source cloud operating system that is a global alliance
of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing
platform for public and private clouds. OpenStack provides series of interrelated projects delivering various
components for a cloud infrastructure solution as well as controls large pools of storage, compute and
networking resources throughout a datacenter that all managed through a Dashboard(Horizon) that gives
administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface.In this
paper, we present a overview of Cloud Computing Platform such as, Openstack, Eucalyptus ,CloudStack and
Opennebula which is open source software, cloud computing layered model, components of OpenStack,
architecture of OpenStack. The aim of this paper is to show mainly importance of OpenStack as a Cloud
provider and its installation.

KEYWORDS: Cloud Computing, OpenStack ,Eucalyptus, cloudStack , Open Nebula

Cloud computing is relatively a new concept for which the resources are dynamically extended,
virtualized as well as provided as a service on the Internet, it also allow providers to give users access to a
virtually unlimited number of resources i-e outsourcing of resources[1]. OpenStack was founded by NASA and
Rackspace Hosting which is rapidly grown to be a global software community of developers collaborating on a
standard and massively scalable open-source cloud operating system. Cloud computing is a quite new concept
that brings together all technologies (Web services, virtualization, service oriented architecture, grid computing,
etc.) and business models used to deliver IT capabilities (software, platforms, hardware) as a service request,
scalable and elastic. OpenStack is an industry initiative based on a global collaboration of developers and cloud
computing technologists producing the open standard cloud computing operating system for both public and
private clouds.

Cloud Computing [5] is a modern computing paradigm that providing IT infrastructure and it is very
essential requirement for the IT companies. Cloud Computing providing essential service i.e. infrastructure as a
service (IaaS), network as a service (NaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS). Cloud
computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources such as network, servers, storage, applications, and services that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort. Cloud Clients Can access and use the services of
cloud applications using browsers, mobile devices, while all the data as well as software is stored on servers at a
remote location, which are also used to perform all the heavy duty processing.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), is the most basic and essential cloud service model under which
virtual machines, load balancers, raw block storage, firewalls and networking services are provided. In The
platform as a service model, a computing platform including APIs, operating system, development
environments, programming language execution environment and web server are typically provided. But In the
software as a service model, cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud.Overall, a
cloud computing layered model is very important as well as main aims to provide benefits in terms of lesser up-
front investment in infrastructure during deployment, higher scalability, lower operating costs, ease of access
through the Web, reduced business risks and maintenance expenses.

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Fig 1. The Cloud-computing layered model


A. OpenStack : OpenStack [3,5] is the fastest growing free open source software was announced in July 2010,
but initial contributes are NASA and Rackspace. Rackspace contributed their "Cloud Files" platform (code)
while NASA contributed their "Nebula" platform (code). OpenStack open source software is a collection of
open source software project that cloud computing technologist can use to setup and run their cloud compute
and storage infrastructure. OpenStack provides an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution through a variety
of complemental services. Each service offers an application programming interface (API) that facilitates this
integration. Dashboard Service project name Horizon Provides a web-based self-service portal to interact with
underlying OpenStack services, such as launching an instance, assigning IP ad-dresses and configuring access
controls. Compute service project name Nova Manages the lifecycle of compute instances in an OpenStack
environment. Responsibilities include spawning, scheduling and decommis-sioning of virtual machines on
demand. Networking service project name Neutron Enables Network-Connectivity-as-a-Service for other
OpenStack services, such as OpenStack Compute. Provides an API for users to define networks and the
attachments into them. Has a pluggable architec- ture that supports many popular networking vendors and
technolo-gies. Object Storage project name Swift Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data objects via a
RESTful,age HTTP based API. It is highly fault tolerant with its data replication and scale out architecture. Its
implementation is not like a file server with mountable directories.

Block Storage service project name Cinder Provides persistent block storage to running instances. Its
pluggable driver architecture facilitates the creation and management of block storage devices. Identity service
project name Keystone Provides an authentication and authorization service for other OpenStack services.
Provides a catalog of endpoints for all OpenStack services. Image Service project name Glance Stores and
retrieves virtual machine disk images. OpenStack Compute makes use of this during instance provisioning.
Telemetry service project name Ceilometer Monitors and meters the OpenStack cloud for billing,
enchmarking,scalability, and statistical purposes. Orchestration service project name Heat Orchestrates multiple
composite cloud applications by using either the native HOT template format or the AWS CloudFormation
template format,through both an OpenStack-native REST API and a CloudFor-mation-compatible Query API.
Database Service project name Trove Provides scalable and reliable Cloud Database-as-a-Service functionality
for both relational and non-relational database engines.

CLOUD CLIENTS Browsers, Apps etc.

Software As A Service (SAAS) :Application
Platform As A Service(PAAS): APIs
Infrastructure As A Service(IAAS):VMs ,
DBs ,IPs


Hard ware : Network Storage
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B. Eucalyptus : EUCALYPTUS[3,5] is the acronym for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking
Your Program to Useful System, which is an open source private cloud software for building private or hybrid
cloud resources for compute, network, and storage that are compatible with Amazon Web Service (AWS) APIs.
It was developed by University of California-Santa Barbara for Cloud Computing to implement Infrastructure as
a Service (IaaS). Eucalyptus [3] provide an Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) -compatible cloud Computing
Platform and Simple Storage Service (S3)-compatible Cloud Storage. Eucalyptus has some high-level
components such as Cloud Controller (CLC), Cluster Controller (CC), Storage Controller (SC), and Node
Controller (NC). The main benefits to use this open source software for private clouds which provide highly
efficient, scalability, organization agility.

C. CloudStack : CloudStack,[5] initially developed by, it was purchased by Citrix then later on
released into the Apache Incubator program. The first stable version of CloudStack was released in 2013 and in
this time governed by the Apache Software Foundation and supported by Citrix. CloudStack support some
commendable features such as storage independent compute, new security features, Smooth Deployment,
Scalability, Multi Hypervisor support, Detailed Documentation and Interactive Web UI. CloudStacks followed
architecture which posed some challenges one of them being reduced installation flexibility.

D. OpenNebula : OpenNebula [3,5,6] was first established as a research project back in 2005 by Ignacio M.
Liorente and Ruben S. Montero, which is used by many enterprises as an open, flexible alternative to vCloud on
their VMware-based data center. OpenNebula is primarily used as a virtualization tool to manage virtualized
infrastructure in the data center, which is usually referred as private cloud and supports hybrid cloud to combine
local infrastructure with public cloud-based infrastructure, enabling highly scalable hosting environments.
OpenNebula cloud infrastructure provide users with an elastic platform for fast delivery and scalability of
services and also support Public cloud by providing cloud interfaces to expose its functionality for virtual
machine, storage and network management.

OpenStack [4] is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for
public and private clouds as well as it is a collection of open source software projects which provides an
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution through a set of interrelated services. In July 2010 NASA and
Rackspace Hosting combindly launched an open-source cloud-software initiative which is known as OpenStack.
OpenStack [3] code came from NASA's Nebula platform and from Rackspace's Cloud Files platform.
OpenStack, project is an open source cloud computing platform which provide the ubiquitous open source cloud
computing platform for public as well as private clouds, also it is free and open-source software released under
the terms of the Apache License. The cloud is mainly providing computing features for end users in a remote
environment, where the actual software runs as a service on reliable, scalable servers rather than on each end
users computer. OpenStack give facilities for deploy virtual machines (VMs) and other instances which handle
different tasks for managing a cloud environment. It provides horizontal scaling very easy, which means that
tasks which benefit from running concurrently can easily serve more as well as less users on the fly by just
spinning up more instances[2].
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Fig 2. OpenStack Architecture

Components of OpenStack:

Compute (Nova): OpenStack Compute (Nova) is a cloud computing fabric controller, which is used for
deploying and managing large numbers of virtual machines and other instances to handle computing tasks.

Object Storage (Swift): OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) is a scalable redundant storage system for objects
and files. Objects as well as files are written to multiple disk drives spread throughout servers in the data
center, OpenStack software only responsible for ensuring data replication and integrity

across the cluster.

Block Storage (Cinder): OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) is a block storage component, which is more
analogous to the traditional notion of a computer being able to access specific locations on a disk drive as
well as it provides persistent block-level storage devices for use with OpenStack compute instances. In
OpenStack, the block storage system manages the creation, attaching, detaching of the block devices to

Networking (Neutron): OpenStack Networking (Neutron) provides the networking capability for
OpenStack and it is a system for managing networks and IP addresses easily, quickly and efficiently.

Dashboard (Horizon): OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) is the dashboard behind OpenStack which provides
administrators and users a graphical interface to access, provision and automate cloud-based resources.

Identity Service (Keystone): OpenStack Identity (Keystone) provides identity services for OpenStack or it
is a central directory of users mapped to the OpenStack services they can access. It provides multiple means
of access, and acts as a common authentication system across the cloud operating system and can integrate
with existing backend directory services like LDAP.

Image Service (Glance): OpenStack Image Service (Glance) provides image services to OpenStack,
discovery, registration and delivery services for disk and server images, it also allows these images to be
used as templates when deploying new virtual machine instances.

Telemetry (Ceilometer): OpenStack Telemetry Service (Ceilometer) provides telemetry services, which
allow the cloud to provide billing services to individual users of the cloud, it keeps a verifiable count of
each users system usage of each of the various components of an OpenStack cloud.
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Orchestration (Heat): OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) is a service which allows developers to store the
requirements of a cloud application in a file that defines what resources are necessary for that application.
Database (Trove): OpenStack (Trove) is a database as a service which provides
relational and non-relational database engines.

A multinode OpenStack install using packstack contains One controller, One network hostand Two compute
hosts. Following open tools are needed for installation CentOS 6.5 ,RDO Havana,Packstack.
What is packstack?
A command-line tool for automating the deployment of simple OpenStack clouds.
Single host (--allinone) or multinode
Proof of Concept ("PoC") deployments

Above figure describes architectural overview of openstack. It contains Controller node, Network host and two
compute hosts. In controller host OpenStack provides an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution through a set
of interrelated services. Each service offers an application programming interface (API) that facilitates this
integration. Depending on your needs, you can install some or all services. The following table describes the
OpenStack services that make up the OpenStack architecture:
Table 1.1. OpenStack services

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Getting started
Set up ssh
Make sure that you can ssh as root to all your hosts from wherever you're running packstack.
Install packstack
Make the RDO repositories available:
# yum install -y
And install packstack:
# yum -y install openstack-packstack

The answers file
You can set all sorts of parameters on the command line...
packstack --allinone --os-quantum-install=y --provision-demo=n \
...but I like to generate an "answers" file and edit it:
# packstack --gen-answer-file packstack-answers.txt
Run packstack
# packstack --answer-file packstack-answers.txt
Welcome to Installer setup utility
Packstack changed given value to required value /root/.ssh/

Clean Up... [ DONE ]
Setting up ssh keys... [ DONE ]
Discovering hosts' details... [ DONE ]
Adding pre install manifest entries... [ DONE ]
Adding MySQL manifest entries... [ DONE ]
Adding QPID manifest entries... [ DONE ]
Adding Keystone manifest entries... [ DONE ]
Adding Glance Keystone manifest entries... [ DONE ]
Adding Glance manifest entries... [ DONE ]
Installing dependencies for Cinder... [ DONE ]
Adding Cinder Keystone manifest entries... [ DONE ]
What just happened?
Lots of packages installed
Configuration in /etc/{nova,glance,cinder,neutron,...}/
Firewall rules for all services
MySQL users and databases created
Services started
Post-install Configuration
Fix Horizon
You may need to fix ALLOWED_HOSTS:
# sed -i '/^ALLOWED_HOSTS/ s/=.*/= [ "*" ]/' \
# service httpd restart
Source your admin credentials:
# . /root/keystonerc_admin
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Create a disk image:
glance image-create \
--copy-from \
--is-public true \
--container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--name cirros
Create external network:
# neutron net-create external --router:external=True
# neutron subnet-create --disable-dhcp external
Create a flavor for testing:
# nova flavor-create m1.nano auto 128 1 1
This flavor consumes minimal memory and disk so it is better than the default flavors for testing in constrained
Create a non-admin user:
# keystone tenant-create --name demo
# keystone user-create --name demo --tenant demo --pass demo
And store the credentials in /root/keystonerc_demo:
export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_TENANT_NAME=demo
export OS_PASSWORD=demo
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export PS1='[\u@\h \W(keystone_demo)]\$ '
Switch credentials
From this point on we're going to be operating as the "demo" user:
# . /root/keystonerc_demo

Create an ssh keypair
Create a keypair:
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f id_rsa_demo

Create tenant networks
Create a private network:
# neutron net-create net0
# neutron subnet-create --name net0-subnet0 \
--dns-nameserver net0

Create security rules
Make sure we allow ICMP and SSH traffic to instances:
# neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp default
# neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp \
--port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 default

Booting an instance
We'll need the UUID for network net0 that we created in the previous step:
# nova boot --poll --flavor m1.nano --image cirros \
--nic net-id=77cafb07-a793-41cb-8a96-58d04408e10d \
--key-name demo test0
Create and assign a floating ip
Allocate a floating ip address from the external network:
# nova floating-ip-create external
| Ip | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool |
| | None | None | external |
Assign it to the new instance:
# nova add-floating-ip test0

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This paper compares the four most popular and commonly used open source software which are
OpenStack,Eucalyptus CloudStack, OpenNebula and; these all open source software allow users to choose
better services according to their requirement. OpenStack is an open
source software used for designed to allow researchers and administrators to deploy infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) and provide tools for creating and managing virtual machines (VMs) on top of existing resources.

[1] Paramjot Singh, Vishal Pratap Singh, Gaurav Pachauri, Critical Analysis of Cloud Computing Using OpenStack IJCSMC, Vol. 3,
Issue. 3, March 2014, pg.121 127
[2] OpenFlow as a Service; Fred Hsu, M. Salman Malik, Soudeh Ghorbani {fredhsu2,mmalik10,ghorban2}
[3] Omar SEFRAOUI, Mohammed AISSAOUI, Mohsine ELEULDJ; OpenStack: Toward an Open-Source Solution for Cloud
Computing, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Volume 55 - No. 03, October 2012
[4] OpenStack URL:
[5] CloudStack URL:
[6] Open Nebula URL:

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