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Strategic Management by TESCO Super Market
In The Subject Strategic Management Submitted By ani!h S Merchant A"## M$C%m Part &I 'Bu!ine!! Management( )nder The *uidance O+ Pr%+$ Prerna Sharma T% )ni,er!ity O+ Mumbai -%r Ma!ter %+ C%mmerce Pr%gramme 'Seme!ter . I( In Bu!ine!! Management /ear0 1"23.2# S45M6S NARSEE MONJEE CO77E*E O- COMMERCE 8ECONOMICS 4I7E PAR7E '9(: M)MBAI & 3"""#;$ E4A7)ATION CERTI-ICATE This is to certify that the undersigned have assessed and evaluated the project on Strategic Management by TESCO Super Market< submitted by ani!h Merchant student of M$C%m$ & Part . I 'Seme!ter & I( In Bu!ine!! Management for the academic year 2014-15. This project is original to the best of our knoledge and has been accepted for !nternal "ssessment. #ame $ %ignature of !nternal &'aminer ( #ame $ %ignature of &'ternal &'aminer ( Principa= Shri Suni= B$ Mantri EC7ARATION B/ T>E ST)ENT !) ani!h S Merchant student of M$C%m 'Part & I( In Bu!ine!! Management) *oll #o.( "055) hereby declare that the project titled ?Strategc Managment by TESCO Super Market< for the subject Strategic Management submitted by me for %emester + ! of the academic year 2014-15) is based on actual ork carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of Pr%+$ Prerna Sharma. ! further state that this ork is original and not submitted anyhere else for any e'amination. ,lace( -umbai .ate( #ame $ %ignature of %tudent #ame ( .anish % -erchant %ignature( ///////////////// AC5NO97E*EMENT ,rojects have alays been fun 0earning e'perience) but ith groing age) at this -asters1 0evel) it surely demands 2orporate and .epth "pproach. This project as a great learning e'perience and ! take this opportunity to acknoledge all those ho gave me their invaluable guidance and inspiration provided to me during the course of this project by my guide. ! ould like to thank Mr!$ Prerna Sharma - ,rofessor of %trategic -anagement. ! ould also thank the M$C%m epartment %+ Nar!ee M%njee C%==ege %+ C%mmerce 8 Ec%n%mic! ho gave me this opportunity to ork on this project hich provided me ith a lot of insight and knoledge of my current curriculum and industry as ell as practical knoledge. 3ould sincerely thank our coordinator Mr$ >ari!h Sharma for constant guidance over the projects and curriculums. ! ould also like to thank the =ibrary !ta++ %+ Nar!ee M%njee C%==ege %+ C%mmerce 8 Ec%n%mic! for e4uipping me ith the books) journals and maga5ines for this project. ! ould also like to thank my friends and fello students ho helped me in the cause of the project. INE@ Sr.No Contents Page No 1 Introduction 1 2 Ownership of TESCO 2 3 Industry analysis: Pestel framewor 3 ! Industry analysis: Porter"s #$e forces % & Critical success factors 1' % (nalysis of resources) competence and culture 13 * Tesco"s strate+ic options 1* , -aret o./ecti$es and strate+ies implementation 10 0 Swot analysis: Tesco 22 1' (cti$ities .y Tesco super maret 2* 11 Conclusion 3' 12 1ilio+raphy 32