Thomas Szasz: Psychiatry's Gentleman Abolitionist
Thomas Szasz: Psychiatry's Gentleman Abolitionist
Thomas Szasz: Psychiatry's Gentleman Abolitionist
Psychiatrys Gentleman
he history of mans unsuccessful and sorry efforts to deal with his mental
problems is well documented but seldom read. Moreover, its message has
never been accepted and acted upon. We have learned little from our mis-
guided efforts in the name of healing, despite our vaunted scientific progress. The
assumption that mental health is synonymous with physical health is a catastrophic
mistake and a glaring failure to understand the basic nature of the human being. This
erroneous assumption is the foundation and guiding principle of the pseudoscientific
branch of modern medicine we call psychiatry.
To correct this error and to revolutionize completely the way that modern medi-
cine regards and treats individuals whose behavior deviates from the norm has been the
lifelong crusade of eighty-one-year-old psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. Throughout his bril-
liant and distinguished career and in the pages of some thirty books and hundreds of
articles in scientific, medical, and popular journals, Szasz has waged an often solitary,
unrelenting battle against medical misunderstanding, medical error, medical mistreat-
ment, medical abuse, and medical injustice in the industrys dealings with people whose
behavior is odd or deviant and who therefore are labeled mentally ill. According to
Szasz, the very concept of mental illness is a colossal mistake and error of judgment.
Since the publication of his first scholarly article in 1947, Szasz has authored a
steady stream of publications defending human freedom and individual liberty. He
has offered principled opposition to all that infringes on the individuals right to med-
ical self-determination.
The Independent Review, v. VII, n. 3, Winter 2003, ISSN 1086-1653, Copyright 2003, pp. 455 460.
Robert A. Baker is a professor of psychology emeritus at the University of Kentucky.
His first book, Pain and Pleasure (1957), was a mild criticism of the psychiatric
(medical) view that all pain has a physical origin and thus for which medication is the
answer. His second book, The Myth of Mental Illness (1961), notified the medical
world that he was a major intellectual force to be reckoned with. He shocked the psy-
chiatric profession by arguing that in no way was mental illness akin to the disor-
ders caused by bacteria or viruses. Labeling people as mentally ill freed them from
personal responsibility for their actions, gave psychiatrists the power to commit peo-
ple involuntarily to mental hospitals, and promoted the erroneous view that dis-
eases of the mind and diseases of the brain are identical. Almost all so-called mental
disorders are emotional disordersthat is, disorders of thinking and behavior that
cannot be likened to physical disorders, such as cancer and pneumonia. As psychiatric
thinking maintained when The Myth of Mental Illness was published, so psychiatric
thinking today continues to maintain that all mental disorders are physical; if no
physical or neurological defect has been found to account for a disorder, eventually it
will turn up. The quintessential example of this logical error is psychiatrys futile two-
century search for the biological cause and physiological marker of schizophrenia
a category error analogous to attempting to photograph a dream.
Szasz has maintained from the outset that involuntary psychiatric commitment is
worse than being sentenced to prison because ordinary prisoners are released after
serving their time. Not so with mental hospital inmates. They are incarcerated at the
discretion of psychiatrists, often for a lifetime and often because they are said to be
dangerous. Szasz correctly notes that the alleged dangerousness of mental patients
does not really matter, but rather who the person is and the manner in which he is
dangerous. For example, drunk drivers kill many more people than paranoids, yet
paranoids are subjected readily to psychiatric commitment, whereas drunk drivers are
not. The mental hospitals (prisons staffed by medical guards) where the mentally
ill are committed do not make their inmates better; they make them worse as soon
as the inmates adapt to being institutionalized, losing the social skills they had before
Szaszs third book, Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry (1963), earned him even more
attention and respect and made his views even more controversial and himself more
despised by establishment psychiatrists, who did their best to blacken his name and
ridicule his views.
Szasz coined the term therapeutic state in 1963 to describe a society that invokes
medical justifications for stripping individuals of their rights and lives. He unflinch-
ingly has confronted psychiatrys medical model, the pseudoscientific excuse for
managing and controlling every aspect of human behavior. Despite his efforts, the
therapeutic state has grown in reach and power, with its biological theories and
genetic speculations having led to the diseasing, shrinking, and tranquilizing of
Americans. Obeisance to the therapeutic state now renders us a nation of victims.
Far from succeeding in its avowed program of producing and maintaining mentally
healthy citizens, psychiatry instead has created a nation of whining, self-pitying, and
irresponsible drug and therapy addicts, increasingly incapable of living free, inde-
pendent, and spontaneous livesthe very kind of lives that, paradoxically, psychiatry
claims as its goal for its patients.
Szasz courageously has fought the therapeutic state in a series of books and arti-
cles that attack its fundamental assumptions and contentions: The Manufacture of
Madness (1970), Ceremonial Chemistry (1974), Schizophrenia: The Sacred Symbol of
Psychiatry (1976), The Theology of Medicine (1977), The Myth of Psychotherapy (1978),
The Therapeutic State (1984), and Pharmacracy: Medicine and Politics in America
(2001). In Our Right to Drugs (1992), Szasz shows that under the paternalistic guise
of protecting the vulnerable members of our societychildren, minorities, the
infirmgovernment has persecuted and injured them. Instead of offering protec-
tion to blacks and Hispanics from dangerous drugs, the holy war on people
who self-medicate (dishonestly called a war on drugs) has allowed the government
to persecute them in the name of therapy. Just as tragically, millions of sick Americans
are deprived of the valuable medications they need because effective painkillers have
been made illegal or available only through a prescription that most physicians are
afraid to provide lest they come to the attention of state medical boards and lose their
In Liberation by Oppression: A Comparative Study of Slavery and Psychiatry (New
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2002), his latest thrust at the therapeutic state and psy-
chiatric mendacity, Szasz leaves no doubt as to the legitimacy and credibility of his
arguments. Masquerading as therapy and working under the name of medicine,
present-day psychiatry subjects its patients (victims) to the most heinous forms of
mental and physical oppression. Comparing psychiatry to slavery may seem extreme
at first glance, but as Szasz expands his argument, we find his reasoning profound and
convincing. Because the state proclaims that psychiatry is a branch of medicine and
that all mental diseases are brain diseases, psychiatry takes ever-greater control of peo-
ple and their behaviors. With the power forcibly to drug, restrain, and imprison, it
occupies the throne of the therapeutic state. Despite all of its self-proclaimed efforts
to free persons from their illnesses, it actually oppresses and confines them. Ther-
apeutic enslavement by psychiatry is worse than all the forms of political slavery the
world has endured thus far.
In his introduction to Liberation by Oppression, Szasz points out that psychiatrists,
aided by uncritical judges, have the power to diagnose and treat an individual against
his will. He details the similarities between chattel slavery and coercive psychiatric
interventions. He observes that psychiatric diagnoses, treatments, and incarcerations
like the Spanish Inquisitionbrook no dissent because the doctors have the power to
enforce obedience. Standard psychiatric practice relies on coercion, but coercive
control of bad behavior should be invoked on moral and political, not medical and
therapeutic, grounds. Psychiatric slavery is in every way inimical to individual lib-
erty and responsibility, to the rule of law and the very existence of a free society.
Criminal behavior is hardly the only thing that qualifies a person to be treated
forcibly by psychiatry. With the creative expansion of psychiatric diagnoses, virtually
everyone now qualifies as mentally ill and is vulnerable to forced treatments.
Whereas in the past mental patients were restrained physically, today they are
restrained chemically, with pharmacological restraint masquerading as therapy. In psy-
chiatrists view, the right to refuse treatment is one right too many. In 1900, 67 per-
cent of the mentally ill were deemed recovered and released from confinement in
an average of 3.9 months. That outcome was a much better result than coercive drug-
ging produces today. Unfortunately, most Americans now believe that giving psychi-
atrists more power is beneficial, and most psychiatrists believe that people have the
right to be rescued but not to be left alone. Although the evidence for the positive
effects of psychiatry is lacking, the proofs of its harm are voluminous, as Szasz power-
fully demonstrates.
In the first chapter of Liberation by Oppression, Szasz explains that two kinds of
people are imprisoned psychiatrically: criminals and crazies. Here he also reviews how
the mentally ill were treated in the past and considers critical questions. Why do so
many people refuse treatment? If psychiatric medications really help, why do so many
people stop taking them? And why do so many people not consider themselves crazy
even if psychiatry has labeled them so? Szasz says that psychiatric practices will always
remain controversial and problematic as long as we cannot decide how to regard
patients, therapists, and mental hospitals. Are patients competent adults who ought to
be treated as moral agents, or are they incompetent wards of the state who need to be
sheltered by depriving them of liberty? Are psychiatrists primarily physicians or jailers?
Are psychiatric institutions hospitals or prisons?
In the second chapter, Szasz examines the psychiatrists role as putative public
protector. Assuming the duty to warn about dangerous madmen and to protect both
patient and public, psychiatrists greatly expand their power. Accepting the role of res-
cue agents, psychiatrists wholeheartedly embrace the Tarasoff ruling that gave them
the duty to warn about the dangerousness of their patients, even though neither they
nor anyone else has the ability to predict future violent behavior. Psychiatrists fre-
quently make contradictory claims about their ability to predict patient behavior, but
if they actually were able to predict violence, they would not become so frequently the
victims of their own patients assaults. Nonetheless, claiming that dangerousness is
a disease further enhances psychiatrys claim to exercise repressive powers.
Szasz proposes the creation of an ingenious new legal instrument, the psychi-
atric will, a living will that would protect people against psychiatric predations. It
would clarify, mediate, and eventually resolve conflict between the coercive psychia-
trist and the coerced patient. It would preserve the right of the psychiatrist to admin-
ister and the patient to receive treatment, providing the patient agrees. It would
compel lawyers and psychiatrists to confront and transcend the misleading conflation
of mental illness with decisional impairment and legal incompetence. It would
facilitate the gradual emancipation of the mental patient from psychiatric tutelage
and lead to the eventual abolition of psychiatric slavery. Patient and doctor together
could use the psychiatric will to transform a potentially coercive relationship into a
consensual one.
In Szaszs view, psychiatrys fundamental reason for existing is to create two
classes of people: the many who are stigmatized as mentally ill and subject to coercive
psychiatric intervention and the few who are left unmolested. In the peculiar institu-
tion, the very idea of the self-determination of the slave was an insult to his master.
In the therapeutic state, the Patients Self-Determination Act (PSDA) insults the psy-
chiatrist and strikes him as absurd. Congress enacted the PSDA in 1991 to protect
common-law rights and to affirm patients rights to reject certain treatments and
interventions. Because of the inherently coercive nature of psychiatry, this act has
never been extended properly to psychiatric patients, who are deemed as unworthy of
constitutional protections as were black slaves.
In the last two chapters of Liberation by Oppression, Szasz deals with psychiatrys
current efforts to expand and solidify its dominion. The first major technique of
expansion is outpatient commitment. Incredible as it might seem, Szasz has been
blamed for the large-scale deinstitutionalization of mental patients that took place in
the 1960s and 1970s. The fiction his critics have spread is that the mental hospitals
kicked out their patients because Szasz declared mental illness to be a myth. This
claim is as dishonest as it is historically inaccurate. The real justification for deinstitu-
tionalization was economic: it was costing a great deal of money to keep a large num-
ber of people incarcerated in the psychiatric prisons. The solution, agreed to by lib-
erals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, has been a tacit agreement that
the only good mental patient is a drugged mental patient. Because most mental-
health professionals and most of the general public believe that forcing people to take
drugs constitutes treatment, implementing outpatient commitment and then investi-
gating its effectiveness are very big businesses for the psychiatric industrial complex.
According to an old joke in the mental-health business, The neurotic builds
castles in the air. The psychotic lives in them. And the psychiatrist collects the rent.
He also collects the taxes and tyrannizes the patient under the guise of liberating him.
In this connection, Szasz quotes C. S. Lewiss sage observation: Of all the tyrannies,
a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of the victims may be the most oppres-
sive. . . . To be cured against ones will and to be cured of states which we do not
even regard as disease, is to be put on a level with those who have not yet reached the
age of reason or those who never will, to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and
domestic animals (p. 163).
In his epilogue, titled Liberty Is the Prevention of Control by Others, Szasz
poignantly explains, All my professional life I have opposed the basic principles and
practices of psychiatrymental illness, civil commitment, and the insanity defense. I
was not the first person, nor will I be the last, to find himself in opposition to some
of the sacred principles of the society and group (p. 166). He then quotes Lord
Actons statement, It takes a gentleman to live on terms of hearty friendship and
kindness and intimacy with men whose ideas and conduct he abhors and when he
well knows that they view with contempt and horror the principles on which he
shapes his own character and life (pp. 16667). As I look back on my life, Szasz
observes, I pride myself on having been able to follow Actons example, at least in
this regard (p. 167).
For more than five decades, the gentleman Thomas Szasz has stood resolute in
defying a powerful profession that has tried its best to destroy him but has failed. As
a staunch defender of liberty and a champion of the most vulnerable among us, Szasz
deserves our deepest gratitude and respect. History will remember him kindly for his
unwavering battle against the psychiatric error, pseudoscience, and medical tyranny
that, in the name of the therapeutic state, continue to wreak irreparable and unfor-
givable harm.
Liberation by Oppression is a valiant and worthy effort by one of the great mod-
ern thinkers to keep the flame of liberty burning. It is a bold, powerful, and intellec-
tually spirited debunking of the psychiatric pseudoscience that debases the human
spirit and damages countless lives. Szaszs message urgently needs to reach both those
who value science and those who share the values of the Declaration of Independence.
It is a masterful defense of both reason and individual rights.