This document provides instructions for making an intermediate level checkered tapestry crochet pouch. It requires three colors of crochet thread and a crochet hook. The pattern uses a tapestry crochet technique to create a checkerboard pattern repeating two rows over and over to the desired height of the pouch. Once the checkerboard piece is complete, single crochet edging is added in a third color with surface crochet details in the first two colors. The crochet pieces are then joined and lined, and a zipper is added to complete the pouch.
This document provides instructions for making an intermediate level checkered tapestry crochet pouch. It requires three colors of crochet thread and a crochet hook. The pattern uses a tapestry crochet technique to create a checkerboard pattern repeating two rows over and over to the desired height of the pouch. Once the checkerboard piece is complete, single crochet edging is added in a third color with surface crochet details in the first two colors. The crochet pieces are then joined and lined, and a zipper is added to complete the pouch.
This document provides instructions for making an intermediate level checkered tapestry crochet pouch. It requires three colors of crochet thread and a crochet hook. The pattern uses a tapestry crochet technique to create a checkerboard pattern repeating two rows over and over to the desired height of the pouch. Once the checkerboard piece is complete, single crochet edging is added in a third color with surface crochet details in the first two colors. The crochet pieces are then joined and lined, and a zipper is added to complete the pouch.
This document provides instructions for making an intermediate level checkered tapestry crochet pouch. It requires three colors of crochet thread and a crochet hook. The pattern uses a tapestry crochet technique to create a checkerboard pattern repeating two rows over and over to the desired height of the pouch. Once the checkerboard piece is complete, single crochet edging is added in a third color with surface crochet details in the first two colors. The crochet pieces are then joined and lined, and a zipper is added to complete the pouch.
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Checkered Tapestry Crochet Pouch
Skill Level: Intermediate
Materials: For the pouch, you'll need the following tools and materials: Crochet thread in 3 different colors. I used size 3 Royale Fashion crochet thread to make my sample pouch. he three colors I used are: !age "the green color# $$ Color % &atural "the off$white color# $$ Color ' Coffee "the (rown color# $$ Color C Crochet hook: I For the lining, you'll need the following tools and materials: Fa(ric $$ wo)en fa(ric works (est, in my e*perience. !ewing thread that matches your fa(ric % sewing machine is optional, (ut really helpful. &eedle +ipper in a length that's a(out the same size as the upper edge of your pouch !traight pins % steam iron !cissors Gauge: ,auge is not critical for success with this pro-ect, as a crocheted pouch could (e used no matter what size it turns out. 'ut if you want to check your gauge, a good range to (e in would (e in the neigh(orhood of . $ ../0 sts 1 a(out 2 inch when working sc sts using the tapestry crochet techni3ue in the checker(oard pattern, carrying your unused thread color. Finished Size: he finished pouch measures a(out 4.40 inches wide (y a(out 0 inches high. Abbreviations sed in This Pattern: ch 1 chain rep 1 repeat sc 1 single crochet sl st 1 slip stitch st 1 stitch Pro!ect "nstructions: 5ou will work the checker(oard pattern using the tapestry crochet techni3ue. If you are not familiar with this techni3ue yet, you may wish to )isit my tapestry crochet tutorial to learn how to do it. 6sing color %, ch 7.. 'egin carrying color ' starting with the )ery first stitch in row 2. If you prefer working from a chart instead of written instructions, click here to get the checker(oard pouch chart. #o$s %&': 89ork 7 sc in color %: (egin the fifth st in color % (ut change to color ' (efore completing the last step of the st. 9ork 7 sc in color ': (egin the fifth st in color ' (ut change to color % (efore completing the last step of the st.; Rep in (rackets all the way across the row. <nd the row with 0 sc sts worked in color %. #o$s (&%): "9ork 7 sc in color ': (egin the fifth st in color ' (ut change to color C (efore completing the last step of the st. 9ork 7 sc in color C: (egin the fifth st in color C (ut change to color ' (efore completing the last step of the st.# Rep se3uence in (rackets all the way across the row. <nd the row with 0 sc sts worked in color '. hese 2= rows form the (asic pattern repeat. Repeat them o)er and o)er until your pouch is the desired height. >y sample pouch is /0 rows high. <nd off. 5ou can either wea)e in your loose ends or crochet o)ertop of them "if possi(le# in the ne*t step. Pouch *dging: 6sing color C, work 3 rounds of sc st around the outer edge of the checker(oard piece. 9hen you get to a corner, work 3 sc sts in the corner st, then continue working sc all the way around. !urface Crochet ?etails: 6sing color %, work a round of surface crochet slip stitches where the checker(oard pattern touches the edging worked in color C. 6sing color ', work another round of surface crochet sl sts right ne*t to the first round you worked in color %. >ake a second piece identical to the first using the instructions a(o)e. hread a tapestry needle with color C and use it to whip stitch the pouch pieces together down one side, across the (ottom edge, and up the other side. Follow these instructions for how to sew a lining for a crocheted pouch. Insert the lining and attach the zipper using the instructions linked.