1) Information systems are tools that can help organizations improve customer relations, provide better information for decision making, increase productivity, and gain a competitive advantage if used effectively.
2) Data must be processed and converted into information to be useful to users. Only a subset of the total data is relevant to any particular user's needs and becomes information.
3) Early computer systems, called data processing (DP) systems, focused on repetitive transaction processing but provided little support for strategic decision making. These systems had limitations and frustrations for both computer specialists and users.
1) Information systems are tools that can help organizations improve customer relations, provide better information for decision making, increase productivity, and gain a competitive advantage if used effectively.
2) Data must be processed and converted into information to be useful to users. Only a subset of the total data is relevant to any particular user's needs and becomes information.
3) Early computer systems, called data processing (DP) systems, focused on repetitive transaction processing but provided little support for strategic decision making. These systems had limitations and frustrations for both computer specialists and users.
1) Information systems are tools that can help organizations improve customer relations, provide better information for decision making, increase productivity, and gain a competitive advantage if used effectively.
2) Data must be processed and converted into information to be useful to users. Only a subset of the total data is relevant to any particular user's needs and becomes information.
3) Early computer systems, called data processing (DP) systems, focused on repetitive transaction processing but provided little support for strategic decision making. These systems had limitations and frustrations for both computer specialists and users.
1) Information systems are tools that can help organizations improve customer relations, provide better information for decision making, increase productivity, and gain a competitive advantage if used effectively.
2) Data must be processed and converted into information to be useful to users. Only a subset of the total data is relevant to any particular user's needs and becomes information.
3) Early computer systems, called data processing (DP) systems, focused on repetitive transaction processing but provided little support for strategic decision making. These systems had limitations and frustrations for both computer specialists and users.
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ICT for strategic Advantage
Introduction Information Systems are a tool for building successful organisations. They can help companies improve their customer relations, provide better information for decision making, strengthen productivity and promote global competitiveness. Effective IS can help businesses provide improved customer service, can add value, and in that way lead to a greater market share. sed effectively, Information !ommunication Technologies may give an organisation strategic advantage. "usinesses need to learn how to use computers and the related technology to achieve and sustain success for society, organisation and the individual. #ou are re$uired to work through the subse$uent Study %uide sections, reading the !hapter and pages of &obson as indicated. #ou are also re$uired to read the articles, indicated within the sections of the workbook, which have been provided for you as a start to your research. %roup discussions are encouraged as they will assist you in answering the S'(s. ' number of ma)or articles have been supplied. #ou are to read and further research the topic introduced by the article designated to you. *n a specified date you are to lead a group discussion session on your designated article. ICT for strategic Advantage 't the end of this Topic you will be able to+
,ifferentiate between IS and IT ,escribe the different categories which make up an IS E-plain the differences between data and information ,iscuss the different levels of decision.making / operational0tactical0strategic E-plain the need for $uality in data ,iscuss the three sources of data Information Technolo! 1IT2 34ardware, software, telecommunications, database management, and other information processing technologies used in computer.based information systems.3 Information "!#tem# 1IS2 are systems that deliver information to individuals and organisations. They consist of hardware, software, data, telecommunications, business processes and rules, people, and environmental factors. $ata and information% The terms data and information are often used interchangeably in discussions of data processing 1,52 and information systems. There is, however, a key difference between the two terms which is fundamental to understanding the role and operation of information systems within organi6ations. $ata% The term data refers to the complete range of facts, events, measurements, opinions and value )udgements, etc. that e-ist both within and outside the organi6ation. ,ata can be classified in an organi6ational conte-t into a number of different categories or levels. i.e data recorded in organisation7 data available to organisation7 data potentially available to organisation. The data information con&er#ion 'roce## (fi )* The data conversion function may be viewed schematically as shown 1fig 82. The first stage in the process is the capture and recording of the basic or raw data. The term ra+ data is used to refer to data that has not been modified or processed by the organi6ation. ,ata capture and storage today can still be in a written form, although other methods of data capture are increasingly being used. "A,% 9hat other methods of data capture can be used: ICT for strategic Advantage The ne-t stage is the processing of the data into a more convenient form for the users, which may include conversion into other units of measurement, sorting, summari6ing, storing, and so on. The third stage involves the communication of the processed data to the users, which may involve te-tual, graphical or oral methods of communication. p to this point, the process is still only concerned with data, although the process is developing the data into a form in which it can potentially become information. The general term applied to these activities is data processing. Information Information can be viewed as a sub.set of the data held within the organi6ation. This indicates that although the data processing system delivers data to the user in a processed form, only a part of this data will be converted into information7 the remainder will be discarded by the particular user. In other words, all members of an organi6ation will receive a stream of data inputs in the form of instructions, letters, statistics, internal memoranda, and so on. ' proportion of this data will be either filed away automatically and never referred to or alternatively deposited in the wastepaper bin. *nly a proportion of the data received will be read, used or acted on by the receiver. This will then be classified as information rather than data. Information is that part of the total data available which i# a''ro'riate to the re-uirement# of a 'articular u#er or rou' of u#er#. 'n effective information system will, therefore, be one which minimises the amount of data passing through the hands of the user without becoming information, that is, one which reduces or eliminates the contents of the data bo- and increases the contents of the information bo- 1fig 82. !ertain parts of the data may be appropriate to only one user in the organisation 1fig ;2, or alternatively 'art# of the data are appropriate or common to a number of users, with other parts specific to each individual 1,E<2 ser 4 re$uires only part of the information that user % re$uires. i.e the chief accountant 142 and the payroll clerk 1%2 ser 4 also relies on both formally recorded and unrecorded data from other sources outside the accounting function. Fiure . Pre#entation of data This may be differentiated according to their different need. !hief accountant may re$uire only summarised statements of salary and wage e-penditure, whereas the payroll clerk will re$uire details of each member of staff. An item of data i# onl! information to #ome of the 'eo'le #ome of the time and not all of the 'eo'le all of the time/ $ATA PROCE""ING "0"TEM" In the beginning, computers were all rather limited, highly speciali6ed machines which re$uired a dedicated environment and specialist personnel to make them function correctly. Such machines were called mainframes and the organi6ation needed a computer department to provide the necessary data processing services or to produce reports. The ,ata available within organisation D F C G E A B H ,ata recorded in organisation ICT for strategic Advantage systems which these computer installations supported were called data processing 1,52 or transaction processing systems. Some e-amples of ,5 systems in a typical organi6ation are+ a payroll system a stock control system an order entry system. 'll these system types have one thing in common. They involve repetitive tasks using well. defined information which is easy to capture and to store. In a word, they are operational systems. 9hile they may have helped the business to run efficiently, they probably did little to support the decision.making process or to help manage the business more effectively. Some other features of ,5 systems include the following+ the computer programs are written in a third.generation language 1=%>2 and are capable only of carrying out the task for which they are designed the data storage files are structured to suit one particular application 1e.g. payroll2 and are not easily changed to cater for new re$uirements there is an identifiable gap 1organi6ational and cultural2 between the specialist data processors and the users. These factors led to a lot of frustration between the users 1accountants, production and sales people2 and the computing specialists. Typical reasons for such frustration include+ the fact that the ,5 department seemed to have different ob)ectives from the user departments. There were fre$uent arguments over who owned the data and complaints that the ,5 department only wants to develop systems which are technically interesting the limitations of the technology. ntil the 8?@As many ,5 systems were still running important applications in batch mode 1the overnight run2 and simple re$uests for changes to programs could take months to achieve the computer specialists lack of understanding of the users problems. Information systems seemed to take years to develop and, when completed, often did not do what the users wanted. !learly, there was a need for systems which were more fle-ible, which could put information into the hands of the user and which could support the processes of tactical and especially strategic management. CATEGORIE" OF 1U"INE"" INFORMATION "0"TEM" "usiness Information Systems 1"IS2 can be divided into two broad categories+ systems that support an organisations business activities, and systems that support managerial decision making.+ O'eration# information #!#tem# are generally concerned with process control, transaction processing, communication 1internal and e-ternal2 and productivity. Manaement information #!#tem# provide feedback on organisational activities and help to support managerial decision making. )% OPERATION" INFORMATION "0"TEM" Tran#action Proce##in (TP* Involves recording and processing the data that results from an organisations business transactions. Transaction processing can be carried out by batch processing or real.time processing.
ICT for strategic Advantage 1atch Proce##in In 1atch processing identical product items are processed as a group through each of the processing stages. The products in each batch may be associated with the same customers order or may relate to orders for several different customers. The usual reason advanced for batch processing is that there may be variations in the production operations re$uired to produce either completely different products or variations on the same product design. The costs associated with preparing the machinery for each new product type or variation may make it more efficient to process a number of similar items before ad)usting the machinery for the ne-t type of product. <or e-ample, in a car plant it is clearly more efficient to paint all the batched blue cars consecutively before spending time in cleaning the spray gun and changing the paint supply to paint the red cars, as opposed to undertaking these operations separately after each car is sprayed in the re$uired colour. The data on the costs of resources used in the production operations are collected and charged to each batch of items processed. The cost of individual items would normally be assessed from the average cost of the batch produced. ' good e-ample of batch processing is the production of bills for utilities and other services. Typically, customer data is collected and prepared for processing during the day. The processing itself takes place during the night, when the demand on an organisations computer resources are lowest.
On2line Proce##in In real.time processing 1sometimes known as on.line processing2, transaction data is processed immediately. 'n e-cellent e-ample of real.time processing is a cashpoint system, where balance en$uiries and cash withdrawals are processed almost instantly. On2line systems re$uire $uick response times and necessitate a high degree of security and data integrity "A, 9hat is the difference between a batch system and an on.line system: 9hat would be most appropriate for the following+ ' periodic update of a data warehouse from an operational database " capturing information on customer sales transactions. ICT for strategic Advantage .% Manaement Information "!#tem# (MI"#* If the first phase of business computing was to automate the manual and clerical processes of business with the aim of increasing efficiency, the second phase was to emphasi6e the role of information. Early management information systems sought to use the output from e-isting ,5 systems 1and the ,5 department2 in some form which made it more suitable for middle management to understand. 4ere are two e-amples+ a stock control system used to automate the capture, verification, collation and storage of information about goods may produce potential information about purchasing patterns, stock replenishment and the profitability of certain product lines or outlets airline booking systems may provide spin.off information to management about customer preferences, route patterns and reactions to world events. It soon became apparent that BISs had considerable potential for the firms that were prepared to develop them. <orecasting, reporting and budgeting0control systems were developed and for the first time managers began to be affected 1sometimes positively, sometimes negatively2 by computeri6ation pro)ects. It also became apparent that BISs would re$uire ma)or technological and organi6ation changes. The corporate database containing all the information that a company owned about its products, customers, suppliers, and so on, could be accessed in a number of different ways and could be changed in format without re$uiring ma)or programming effort. The BIS function was seen as part of a service to management. 4ence the profile of computing tended to be raised within the organi6ation and often the ,5 department became part of a management services department. *ther, complementary functions such as operations research were therefore to be found alongside the information systems specialists. Buch new technology 1or old technology which previously e-isted only in an academic or scientific environment2 came to be offered for commercial use. The ob)ective of an BIS is to provide the operational and tactical 1lower and middle2 managers of an organi6ation with the information which they need to carry out their function. BISs are based on report.producing software which draw data from the same source as the data processing system C usually the corporate database. If the ,5 system is said to carry out the companys day.to.day business processes, then the BIS is the feedback loop which monitors the system. It is possible to form some generali6ed facts about BISs+ BIS reporting structures are relatively rigid 1the software and procedures are not fle-ible2 and therefore BISs are more suitable for monitoring a stable environment the analytical powers of a BIS are limited. BISs tend to rely on information being e-tracted in a routine way and presented in a form 1usually management reports2 that makes it more meaningful than raw data BISs cope best with well.structured decision situations, such as ratio analysis or stock control calculations. 's such they do not directly support the decision.making process, but make available information on which a decision may be based the information which BISs produce is usually internally gathered and deals with the reporting of past performance rather than pro)ecting the future there are fre$uent time delays in BISs between an event occurring and it being reported. ICT for strategic Advantage !omputer.generated reports are clearly a very important part of a BIS. The designers of BISs often go to great lengths to limit the amount of information to which managers are sub)ected. The principle of responsibility reporting applies+ managers are informed only about things that are under their direct control. Specific types of report include the following+ E3ce'tion re'ort#4 which are another method of preventing information overload by causing the software to produce a report only when a significant event occurs C for instance, when specific control conditions are broken. 'n e-ample would be a report which listed only the customer orders which had not been delivered within five days. If no orders were overdue by this length of time, no report would be produced. "A, 4owever, consider what happens if the e-ception was a sudden, une-pected rise in profit, or in sales. 9ould this event have been input into the system for flagging: !an it be considered a noteworthy event: On2demand re'ort#4 which enable managers to re$uest reports on a particular fact or part of the organi6ation on an as and when basis. Such a reporting system re$uires fle-ible technology, such as a relational database and D%> system. "cheduled re'ort# are produced automatically on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, usually to a fi-ed format. E-perience shows that such reports may lose their news value and may be ignored as, unless they are presented in minimal summary form, they contain much information which re$uires no management action. "OURCE" OF INFORMATION 4owever, data can be formal, as seen above, and informal 1i.e. grapevine2 this can be termed unprocessable data. Un'roce##a5le data Hard or ,uantitati&e data This includes the use of figures, such as statistics. 'lso known as hard data, often collected in order to measure or $uantify an ob)ect or situation. "oft data or ,ualitati&e data ,escribes without the use of figures, the $ualities or characteristics of an ob)ect or situation. 'lso known as soft data. Formal and in formal information #!#tem# 'll organi6ational information systems are a mi-ture of formal and informal elements. The differences are as follows+ <ormal information systems use reports, meetings and pre.defined data to process data around the organi6ation. Buch of what goes on in a formal information system ICT for strategic Advantage will be well structured, routine and capable of being defined with precision. <or this reason formal systems are sometimes called hard systems and are relatively easy to computeri6e. Informal information systems consist of less well.defined e-changes of information, using less structured channels of communication. Telephone conversations, memos and discussions over lunch are all informal. Bost managers rely far more on informally obtained information than they do on formally produced reports. *pinions, feeling and hunches are all important factors in decision making and are central to an approach to information analysis called soft systems which has links with operations research and general systems theory. It is impossible to state whether one type of information system is more important to an organi6ation than another. ' good system will take both elements into account and will seek to allow the users some fle-ibility in how they use the information. <ormal communication often ignores group and social mechanisms. ' formal report, for e-ample, might marginalise or ignore staff opinions, causing offence and leading to reduced morale. Informal communication In general, very little of the information transmitted by word of mouth is retained by the recipient. ' number of factors, for e-ample noise, can reduce the amount of information retained to as little as ;A per cent. In the conte-t of communication, noise refers to any factor that serves to hinder the transmission of information or distort its meaning. Informal communication is always present in an organisation, regardless of its si6e or nature. Information of this kind can be considered a valuable resource and can be harnessed to work for the benefit of the organisation. 5erhaps the most common means by which informal communication takes place is by word of mouth. In a sales organisation, for e-ample, a casual conversation between a salesperson and a client might yield information that can be used to enhance a product or find new ways of making it more attractive to customers. "A, Attri5ute# of data "ummar! of Attri5ute# of Information ,ualit! Timeline## Accurac! Granularit! Additional Characteri#tic# !urrency <re$uency Time 5eriod &elevance !ompleteness !onciseness Scope !larity ,etail *rder 5resentation Bedia !onfidence in source &eliability 'ppropriate &eceived by correct person Sent by correct channels ICT for strategic Advantage The three attributes that we are interested in are timeliness, accuracy and granularity. The time dimension describes the time period with which the information deals and the fre$uency with which the information is received. Information that contains errors, omissions, or which is inappropriate has limited value to an organisation. The correct level of detail is essential, for some a summary is all that is re$uired for others highly detailed information is necessary. ,ualitati&e dimen#ion# of information It is possible to differentiate categories of information on the basis of $uality. The term $uality in this conte-t refers to the dimensions which enhance the value of the information to the user. The figure below illustrates a number of the more important $ualitative dimensions of information. <our key points need to be stressed in relation to these $uality dimensions+ not all the dimensions will be relevant in any given decision situation each dimension may be represented by a range of potential levels of $uality even where there are several relevant dimensions, certain dimensions may be more important than others. In the case of financial accounting information, for e-ample, a high degree of accuracy may be more important than the timeliness or currency of the information received the importance of a particular dimension in a given decision situation is a reflection of the decision situation, the nature of the problem faced, and the skills of individual decision.makers. In the case of a decision.maker with strong analytical abilities, the provision of detailed and comprehensive information as opposed to summari6ed and partial information may enhance the decision taken. 4owever, if the decision.makers analytical abilities are less well developed, a more summari6ed version of the information may yield higher value. Attri5ute RANGE OF ATTRI1UTE" Granularit! Accurac! Time 'er#'ecti&e ,etailed 4ighly accurate !urrent Summari6ed Inaccurate 4istoric 'ccessibility !ompleteness &elevance "ias Eerifiable (uantifiable ,egree of uncertainty !larity &eadily available <ully comprehensive 'ppropriate to current needs *b)ective Self.verifiable (uantified !ertain !learly e-pressed ,elayed availability 5artial outline Inappropriate to current needs Sub)ective Fo means of checking Fot amenable to numeric e-pression 4ighly uncertain 'mbiguous ,ualitati&e dimen#ion# of information% ICT for strategic Advantage Co&erae of an orani#ation6# I" E-pert System i.e. !redit !ontrol System 'uditing Investment 'ppraisal ITEM $"" E" *rganisational >evel Banagement 'll *b)ective ,ecision aid Spread E-pertise ,omain Farrow / Simple "road / !omple- Interface ser (ueries system System (ueries ser E-planation >imited !onsiderable "A, ) >ocate at least two different e-amples of information. <or each e-ample determine whether the information is of good or poor $uality. E-plain your reasoning with reference to the three attributes of information described above. . Information can be transmitted via formal and informal means. sing specific e-amples, you are re$uired to+ a describe the advantages and disadvantages of each method b discuss each method in terms of the attributes of information $uality that are likely to be present. EI" MI" TP7$P #!#tem $"" E" "trateic Tactical O'erational T!'e of "!#tem Le&el of Manaement ICT for strategic Advantage The Le&el# of Manaement 5lanning and !ontrol of *verall *rganisational ,irection by top management 5lanning and !ontrol of *rganisational sub.units by middle management 5lanning and !ontrol of ,ay.to. ,ay *perations by supervisory management $ATA 8 INFORMATION Accurac! <reedom from error. 4opefully the data capture and data edit processes will detect and re)ect inaccurate data. This should not be confused with level of accuracy. Com'letene## *f data is re$uired to ensure that valid information is derived from the data Rele&ance The data must pertain to the decision at hand to be useful Timeline## ,ecisions can involve rapidly changing conditions. Fot to be confused with level of timeliness. Audita5ilit! 'bility to verify the accuracy and completeness of data. $ATA CRITICAL TO THE "UCCE"" OF AN ORGANI"ATION There are three sources Internal The organisation3s own internal operations, activities and plans <orecast future sales and plan deployment of sales force Internal The data that describes the business transactions that flow into the firm from e-ternal sources. These sources are Invoices from suppliers and orders from customers, E,I E3ternal Insight about the market, industry and other elements of the environment in which the firm competes. "trateic Manaement Tactical Manaement O'erational Manaement ICT for strategic Advantage $ATA MANAGEMENT ,ata Banagement is an abstract concept that serves to group a number of related activities directed at managing data as a resource. The ob)ective is to ensure that data needed to solve business problems or e-ploit opportunities are made available to the right people at the right time and in the proper form to be used. ,ata is a vital resource of the enterprise and must be managed as an important asset. In increasingly competitive global markets, the availability of more powerful computers and literacy of employees there is a need or rather a demand for more and better data. 'dded to this we now have more empowered end.users.