SOP Doctor
SOP Doctor
SOP Doctor
1. Definition
Definition of "Doctor" is a health personnel (doctors) which became the first contact
with the patient's doctor to solve all the health problems faced regardless of illness,
organological, ages, and gender, and as early as possible, as a whole, plenary,
continuous, and in coordination and collaboration with other health professionals,
using the principle of effective and efficient services and uphold the professional
responsibilities, legal, ethical and moral !he service is limited to the convening of the
basic medical competence gained during medical education
2. Relation
Patient " doctor relationship
#elationship between doctor and patient relationships that arise in the practice room
Patient and physician relationship is the primary process of the practice of medicine
!here are many views on the relationship of this relation
!he ideal view , as taught in medical school , too$ the side of the doctor to learn the
signs , issues , and values of the patient % therefore doctors e&amine patients ,
interpret clinical signs , and ma$e a diagnosis and then used as an e&planation to the
patient and care plan or treatment 'asically , the duty of a doctor is acting as human
biologists !herefore , a doctor must understand e&actly how a normal state of
human beings so that he can determine the e&tent of the patient's health condition
!his process is $nown as a diagnosis
(our $eywords of diagnosis in medicine are anatomy ( structure ) what's in there ) ,
physiology or physiology ( how the structure wor$s ) , pathology ( what abnormalities
of the anatomy and faalnya ) , and psychology ( mind and behavior ) * doctor should
also be aware of the meaning of ' healthy ' from the patient's perspective !hat is,
the socio"political conte&t of the patient ( family , wor$ , stress levels , confidence )
must be ta$en into account and it can sometimes be a clue in the interest of
establishing a diagnosis and subse+uent treatment
,hen meeting with the doctor , the patient will present his complaint ( the signs ) to
the doctor , who will provide a variety of information about the clinical signs !hen
the doctor will e&amine , record everything found in the patient and estimate the
range of possible diagnoses ,ith the patient , the doctor will prepare the ne&t
treatment or subse+uent laboratory tests when the diagnosis is uncertain ,hen the
diagnosis has been made , then the doctor will give you ( " teach " ) medical advice
!his teaching relationship puts doctor as teacher ( Physician in -nglish % derived from
the .atin word meaning teacher )
Doctor and patient relationship can be analy/ed from the view of the ethical issues
0any values and ethics issues that can be added to this relation Obviously , the
ethical issues are heavily influenced by the level of society , period , culture , and
pemahan against moral values (or e&le , in the last 12 years , and the
affirmation of the right of patient autonomy demands are becoming increasingly
common in the world of ,estern medicine
#elations practices and processes can also be seen in terms of social power relations (
such as 0ichel (oucault e&pressed or economic transactions Profession physicians
have a higher status in the last century , and they are believed to act in the public
health !his brings an individual strength and brings advantages and disadvantages
for the patient
3n the past 45 years , doctors narrowed freedom -specially with the presence of
insurance companies as rising health care costs 3n many countries ( such as 6apan )
insurers also have an influence in medical decision ma$ing
7uality of the patient and physician relationship is very important for both parties
0utual respect , trust , e&change of opinions about the disease and life , the
availability of sufficient time , sharpen the accuracy of diagnosis , and enrich the
$nowledge about the disease patients , and all this is done in order to increasingly
good relations
3ncreasingly comple& relationships outside of the private practice physicians, such as
on a hospital ward 3n the hospital, not only relations between doctors and patients,
but also with other patients, nurses , social wor$ers from agencies , and others
3. Responsibility Of Doctor
!he tas$ of a "doctor" is covering the following matters)
a Perform chec$s on patients to diagnose patients +uic$ly and provide rapid and
precise therapy
b Provide therapy to cure the patient's disease
c *ctively providing medical services to patients at the time of healthy and sic$
d Deal with acute and chronic diseases
e Organi/ing medical records that meet the standards
f !a$ing action early stage of severe cases to be ready to be sent to hospital
g #emains responsible for the patient be referred to a specialist doctor or treated
in hospital and onitor patients who have been referred or consult
h *ct as a partner, advisor and consultant for their patients
i Provide advice for treatment and preventive maintenance as sic$
8 *long with the development of medical science, patients now have a comprehensive
treatment, include promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative Physician has
the right and also the obligation to act for the patient's health Promotive measures
such as giving lectures, for e&le preventive vaccination, give curative medicine 9
surgery, rehabilitative services such as medical rehabilitation
$ (oster families of patients to participate in improving standards of health, disease
prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
l 3ntrospection and self"development 9 lifelong learning and conduct research to
develop medical science
m !as$s and the e&clusive right to provide physicians Sic$ :ertificate and
:ertificate of #egulated ;ealth after e&amining the patient
4. Procedure
Practice of medicine combines science and art Science and technology are the basis
of evidence on a variety of clinical problems in society !he art of medicine is the
application of a combination of medical science, intuition, and medical decisions to
determine the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for each patient and treat
patients in accordance with what is re+uired by it
:enter of medical practice is the relationship between patient and physician
relationship that is built when one is loo$ing for physicians to address the health
problems he suffered
3n practice, a physician must)
establishing relationships with patients
gather data (medical history and physical e&amination with laboratory results or
medical images)
analy/e the data
care plan (which must be the ne&t test, treatment, and referral)
care for patients
monitor and assess the course of treatment and may alter treatment when
*ll that was recorded in a physician medical record, which is domiciled in legal