G.R. No. L-15752 December 29, 1962
RUPERTO SORIANO, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellees,
ASILIO AUTISTA, ET AL., defendants.
ASILIO AUTISTA !"# SO$IA DE ROSAS, defendants-appellants.
G.R. No. L-17%57 December 29, 1962
ASILIO AUTISTA, ET AL., plaintiffs,
ASILIO AUTISTA !"# SO$IA DE ROSAS, plaintiffs-appellants,
RUPERTO SORIANO, ET AL., defendants appellees.
Amado T. Garrovillas, Ananias C. Ona, Norberto A. Ferrera and Pedro N. Belmi for
appellants Basilio Bautista and Sofia de Rosas.
Javier and Javier for appellees Ruperto Soriano, et al.
The judgent appealed f!o, !ende!ed on Ma!ch "#, "$%$ b& the Cou!t of 'i!st (nstance of
Ri)al, afte! a joint t!ial of both cases entioned in the caption, o!de!s *the spouses Basilio
Bautista and +ofia de Rosas to e,ecute a deed of sale cove!ing the p!ope!t& in -uestion in
favo! of Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de /esus upon pa&ent b& the latte! of P",0%#.##
1hich is the balance of the p!ice ag!eed upon, that is P2,$##.##, and the aount p!eviousl&
!eceived b& 1a& of loan b& the said spouses f!o the said Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de
/esus, to pa& the su of P%##.## b& 1a& of atto!ne&3s fees, and to pa& the costs.
Appellants Basilio Bautista and +ofia de Rosas have adopted in thei! appeal b!ief the
follo1ing factual findings of the t!ial cou!t4
+pouses Basilio Bautista and +ofia de Rosas a!e the absolute and !egiste!ed
o1ne!s of a pa!cel of land, situated in the unicipalit& of Te!esa, p!ovince of Ri)al,
cove!ed b& .!iginal Ce!tificate of Title No. 2$#%, of the Registe! of 5eeds of Ri)al
and pa!ticula!l& desc!ibed as follo14
A pa!cel of land 6lot No. 7$8#9 of the Cadast!al +u!ve& of Te!esa: situated
in the unicipalit& of Te!esa: bounded on the NE. b& ;ot No. %##7: on the
+E. b& ;ots Nos. %##2 and 7$%8: on the +<. b& ;ot 7$7$: and the <. and
N< b& a c!ee= .... Containing the a!ea of T>(RT? T>.@+AN5 T<.
>@N5RE5 T<ENT? T<. 62#,AAA9 s-ua!e ete!s, o!e o! less. 5ate of
+u!ve&, 5ecebe! "$"2-/une, "$"7. 6'ull technical desc!iption appea!s
on .!iginal Ce!tificate of Title No. 2$#%.9lap!il.net
That, on Ma& 2#, "$%0, the said spouses fo! and in conside!ation of the su of
P",8##, signed a docuent entitled *Basulatan Ng +anglaan* in favo! of Rupe!to
+o!iano and .lipia de /esus, unde! the follo1ing te!s and conditions4
". Na ang sanglaang ito a& agpapatulo& laang hanggang dala1ang 6A9
taon pasiula sa a!a1 na lagdaan ang =asunduang ito, at
agpapalapas ng dala1ang panahong ani o ani ag!icola.
A. Na ang aanihin ng bu=id na isinangla a& apupunta sa pinagsanglaan
bilang pa=inabang ng nabanggit na halagang inutang.
2. Na ang bu1is sa paahalaan ng lupang ito a& ang agbaba&ad a&
ang Nagsangla o a&a!i.
7. Na ang lupang nasanglang ito a& hindi na aaa!ing isangla pang uli
sa ibang tao ng 1alang pahintulot ang @nang Pinagsanglaan.
%. Na pinag=asunduan din dinatnan na sa=aling ag=a!oon ng
=a=a&ahan ang Pinagsanglaan a& aaa!ing bilhin ng patulu&an ng lupang
nasanglang ito =ahit anong a!a1 sa loob ng taning na dala1ang taon ng
sanglaan sa halagang Tatlong ;ibo at +ia na Raan Piso 6P2,$##.##9,
salaping Pilipino na pinag=aisahan.
0. Na sa=aling ang pag=a=ataon na ipinag=aloob ng Nagsangla sa
sinundang talata a& hindi aisaga1a ng Pinagsanglaan sa Ba1alan ng
aiba&ad at ga&on din naan ang Nagsangla na hindi agbali= ang
halagang inutang sa taning na panahon, ang sanglaan ito a& lulutasin
alinsunod sa itinatagubilin ng batas sa baga&-baga& ng sanglaan, na ito
a& ang tinata1ag na 6'.REC;.+@RE .' M.RTCACE+, /@5(C(A; .R
EDTRA /@5(C(A;9. Maa!ing a=apili ng ha=bang ang Pinagsanglaan,
alinsunod sa batas o =a&a naan a& pagusapan ng dala1ang pa!te ang
abuting pa!aan ng paglutas ng baga& na ito.
That siultaneousl& 1ith the signing of the afo!eentioned deed, the spouses
Basilio Bautista and +ofia de Rosas t!ansfe!!ed the possession of the said land to
Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de /esus 1ho have been and a!e still in possess of
the said p!ope!t& and have since that date been and cultivating the said land and
have enjo&ed and a!e still enjo&ing the p!oduce the!eof to the e,clusion of all othe!
pe!sons. +oeties afte! Ma& 2#, "$%0, the spouses Basilio Bautista and +ofia de
Rosas !eceived f!o Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de /esus, the su of P7%#.##
pu!suant to the condition ag!eed upon in the afo!eentioned docuent fo! 1hich
no !eceipt issued and 1hich 1as !etu!ned b& the spouses soetie on Ma& 2",
"$%8. .n Ma& "2, "$%8, a ce!tain Att&. Angel .. Ee! 1!ote a lette! to the spouses
Bautista 1hose lette! has been a!=ed Anne, 3B3 of the stipulation of facts
info!ing the said spouses that his clients Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de /esus
have decided to bu& the pa!cel of land in -uestion pu!suant to pa!ag!aph % of the
docuent in -uestion, Anne, *A*.
The spouses inspite of the !eceipt of the lette! !efused copl& 1ith the deand
contained the!ein. .n Ma& 2", "$%8, Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de /esus filed
befo!e this Cou!t Civil Case No. %#A2, p!a&ing that plaintiffs be allo1ed to consign
o! deposit 1ith the Cle!= of Cou!t the su of P",0%# as the balance of the pu!chase
p!ice of the pa!cel of land -uestion and that afte! due hea!ing, judgent be
!ende!ed conside!ing the defendants to e,ecute an absolute deed of sale of said
p!ope!t& in thei! favo!, plus daages.
.n /une $, "$%8, spouses Basilio Bautista and +ofia Rosas filed a coplaint
against Rupe!to +o!iano and .lipia de /esus a!=ed as Anne,ed 3B3 of the
+tipulation of 'ac&s, 1hich case afte! hea!ing 1as disissed fo! lac= of ju!isdiction
.n August %, "$%$, the spouses Bautista and 5e Rosas again filed a case in the
Cou!t of 'i!st (nstance against +o!iano and 5e /esus as=ing this Cou!t to o!de! the
defendants to accept the pa&ent of the p!incipal obligation and !elease the
o!tgage and to a=e an accounting of the ha!vest fo! the ha!vest seasons 6"$%0-
"$%F9. The t1o cases, 1e!e b& ag!eeent of the pa!ties assigned to one b!anch so
that the& can be t!ied jointl&.
The p!incipal issue in this case is 1hethe!, having seasonabl& advised appellants that the&
had decided to be the land in -uestion pu!suant to pa!ag!aph % of the inst!uent of
o!tgage, appellees a!e entitled to special pe!fo!ance consisting of the e,ecution b&
appellants the co!!esponding deed of sale. As t!anslated, pa!ag!aph % states4 *That it has
li=e1ise been ag!eed that if the financial condition of the o!tgagees 1ill pe!it, the& a&
pu!chase said land absolutel& on an& date 1ithin the t1o-&ea! te! of this o!tgage at the
ag!eed p!ice of P2,$##.##.*
Appellants contend that, being o!tgago!s, the& can not be dep!ived of the !ight to !edee
the o!tgaged p!ope!t&, because such !ight is inhe!ent in and insepa!able f!o this =ind of
cont!act. The p!eise of the contention is not enti!el& accu!ate. <hile the t!ansaction is
undoubtedl& a o!tgage and contains the custoa!& stipulation conce!ning !edeption, it
ca!!ies the added special p!ovision afo!e-uoted, 1hich !ende!s the o!tgago!s3 !ight to
!edee defeasible at the election of the o!tgagees. The!e is nothing illegal o! io!al in
this. (t is sipl& an option to bu&, sanctioned b& A!ticle "7F$ of the Civil Code, 1hich states4
*A p!oise to bu& and sell a dete!inate thing fo! a p!ice ce!tain is !ecip!ocall& deandable.
An accepted unilate!al p!oise to bu& o! to sell a dete!inate thing fo! a p!ice ce!tain is
binding upon the p!oisso! if the p!oise is suppo!ted b& a conside!ation distinct f!o the
(n this case the o!tgago!3s p!oise to sell is suppo!ted b& the sae conside!ation as that of
the o!tgage itself, 1hich is distinct f!o that 1hich 1ould suppo!t the sale, an additional
aount having been ag!eed upon to a=e up the enti!e p!ice of P2,$##.##, should the option
be e,e!cised. The o!tgago!s3 p!oise 1as in the natu!e of a continuing offe!, non-
1ithd!a1able du!ing a pe!iod of t1o &ea!s, 1hich upon acceptance b& the o!tgagees gave
!ise to a pe!fected cont!act of pu!chase and sale. Appellants cite the case of "#i$o vs. Court
of Appeals, ;-%%FA, ..C. No. "", %A8", 1he!e 1e held that a stipulation in a cont!act of
o!tgage to sell the p!ope!t& to the o!tgagee does not bind the sae but c!eates onl& a
pe!sonal obligation on the pa!t of the o!tgago!. The citation instead of sustaining appellant3s
position, confi!s that of appellees, 1ho a!e not he!e enfo!cing an& !eal !ight to the disputed
land but a!e !athe! see=ing to obtain specific pe!fo!ance of a pe!sonal obligation, nael&,
the e,ecution of a deed of sale fo! the p!ice ag!eed upon, the co!!esponding aount to cove!
1hich 1as dul& deposited in cou!t upon the filing of the coplaint.
Refe!ence is ade in appellants3 b!ief to the fact that the& tende!ed the su of P",8##.## to
!edee o!tgage befo!e the& filed thei! coplaint in civil case No. $$ in the /ustice of the
Peace Cou!t of Mo!ong, Ri)al. That tende! 1as ineffective fo! the pu!pose intended. (n the
fi!st place it ust have been ade afte! the option to pu!chase had been e,e!cised b&
appellees 6Civil Case No. $$ 1as filed on /une $, "$%8, onl& to be disissed fo! lac= of
ju!isdiction9: and secondl&, appellants3 to !edee could be defeated b& appellees3 p!eeptive
!ight to pu!chase 1ithin the pe!iod of t1o &ea!s f!o Ma& 2#, "$%0. As al!ead& noted, such
!ight 1as availed of appellants 1e!e acco!dingl& notified b& lette! dated Ma& "2, "$%8, 1hich
1as !eceived b& the on the follo1ing Ma& AA. .ffe! and acceptance conve!ged and gave to
a pe!fected and binding cont!act of pu!chase and sale.
The judgent appealed f!o is affi!ed, 1ith costs.