Format For Agreement To Sell Property

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AGREEMENT TO SELL This deed of Agreement to sell is made at [location] on [10th Oct, 2010], between [Saller], hereinafter called

the First Party AND Shri [!"rchaser], hereinafter called the second !arty #hereas the First Party is the absol"te owner and in !ossession of First Floor Portion, witho"t roof rights, area meas"ring 2000 S$ %trs bearing Pro!erty [location of !ro!erty] And whereas the First Party hereby agrees to sell and the second !arty hereby agrees to !"rchase the abo&e said Pro!erty with all the rights, titles and interests at the total consideration amo"nt s"m of [consideration of !ro!erty], on the following terms and conditions'(


NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER :1 That the First Party has been recei&ed in cash the said amo"nt of [)arnest money] from the second !arty on dated 10th Oct, 2010, as an earnest money before the marginal witnesses, as an earnest money*ad&ance amo"nt That the second !arty shall !ay balance of [+alance of consideration] to the first !arty till 20th Oct 2010, when the first !arty shall be e,ec"ted the rele&ant doc"ment s"ch as Sale -eed*.eneral Power of Attorney etc regarding sell of the abo&e said !ro!erty in fa&o"r of second !arty That in the e&ent of the second !arty does not ma0e the balance !ayment to the first !arty within the sti!"lated !eriod the first !arty shall ha&e right to forfeit the earnest money and the second !arty shall ha&e no ob1ection o&er it That in the e&ent of the first !arty will fails to hando&er the com!lete !eacef"l &acant !ossession of the abo&e said !ro!erty "nder sell and necessary doc"ments and or fails to e,ec"te the rele&ant doc"ments for sale of the said !ro!erty in fa&o"r of the second !arty till 20(10(2010, then the second !arty shall be entitle to reco&er the do"ble amo"nt of the earnest money from the First Party and the Second Party shall also be entitled to get the e,ec"tion of the doc"ments and s!ecific !erformer of the agreement thro"gh the co"rt of law at the cost and ris0 of the first !arty That the first !arty has no ob1ection if the second !arty change the name of the !"rchaser, the first !arty is also bo"nd to e,ec"te the sale deed*.PA or any other related doc"ment of the abo&e !ro!erty in fa&o"r of the second !arty or his nominated !erson That the first !arty hereby ass"res to the second !arty that of enc"mbrances s"ch as sale, mortgage, gift, lien, decree, charges, co"rt in1ections, attachment, s"rety, sec"rity, litigation, legal laws, dis!"tes, notifications, attachments, ac$"isitions and there is no legal defect in the title of the first !arty That the first !arty has not entered into any sorts of agreement with anybody for sale, transfer of the said !ro!erty

6n witnesses whereof the both !arties ha&e signed this )arnest %oney Agreement on the day, month and year first abo&e written in the !resence of the following witnesses




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6, 7i1ay Pal Singh S*o Sh .o!i 8am Saini 8*o 9O :o ;(2*204, 66nd Floor, <am"na 7ihar = 11003/, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as "nder '(

6 ha&e a!!lied for sanction of ;hange of :ame*8econnection*Terrif ;hange*Additional >oad*-ecrease >oad*8estoration of s"!!ly against the e,isting connection bearing ? :o 123024142@ in the name of %r Aee&an Prasad to %r 7i1ay Pal Singh 6 hereby "nderta0e to !ay the o"tstanding d"es of the said connection which is feeding to my !remises incl"ding cost of meter*assessment bill*FA) bill and other charges, if any, on demand to +S)S*<P>, at any later stage and any other connection of which 6 e&er remained beneficiary 6n case, 6 fail to abide the abo&e +S)S*<P>, shall ha&e the right to disconnect my s"!!ly with !re1"dice to any other action as it may deemed fit "nder the r"les witho"t any intimation to me

-)PO:):T 7erification 7erified at -elhi on this 23 12 2010 that the contents of the abo&e affida&it are tr"e and correct to the best of my 0nowledge and belief


!No O23%&t'on C%#t'"'&)t% 2( Co-o4n%# "o# n)*% &+)n,% o" %$%&t#'&'t( &onn%&t'on1./- Non-/0d'&')$ St)*p P)p%#


6, Smt 8"!a #*o Sh 7i1ay Pal Singh 8*o 9 :o ;(2*204, 66nd Floor, <am"na 7ihar, -elhi = 11003/, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as "nder '(

1 2 /

That 6 am the act"al !artner of !remises mentioned as abo&e That 6 ha&e no ob1ection if the )lectric ;onnection iss"ed in the name of Sh 7i1ay Pal Singh, who is my 9"sband 6 #o"ld declare that if at a later date he fails to !ay the bill for the connection sanctioned in his name then 6 wo"ld be liable to !ay the bill and failing which +S)S*<P> at its discretion witho"t any notice may disconnect the s"!!ly with !re1"dice to any other action as it may deemed fit "nder the r"les witho"t any intimation to me

-)PO:):T 7erification 7erified at -elhi on this 23 12 2010 that the contents of the abo&e affida&it are tr"e and correct to the best of my 0nowledge and belief


!5SES )dd#%66 &o##%&t'on 7 Ind%*n't( 5ond 7 R6.1../- Non /0d'&')$ St)*p-

Ind%*n't( 5ond !Add#%66 Co##%&t'on-

This indemnity bond is e,ec"ted on this day of 02 th Aan 2011 by S+.8'3)( P)$ S'n,+ R/o C-2/2.9: I6t F$oo#: )*0n) 8'+)#: D%$+' 7 11..;< Bhereinafter referred to as Cthe PremisesD in fa&o"r of +S)S <P> Bhereafter referred to as Cthe licenseeED

#hereas 6 am the owner*occ"!ant of the !remises for the 1 BoneD month and whereas )lectricity ;onnection has been iss"ed in the name of M#./%%=)n P#)6)d at old address C-2/2.9: IInd F$oo#: )*0n) 8'+)#: D%$+' 7

11..;< &ide ? :o 12;. 811. .<>1 ;8: :o 12;.2919?@, whereas the address has to be corrected and new address of the same !remises is C-2/2.9: I6t F$oo#: )*0n) 8'+)#: D%$+' 7 11..;<

#hereas 6 ha&e a!!lied to transfer the abo&e said connection in the name of S+. 8'3)( P)$ S'n,+

And whereas the address of the abo&e said !remises has to be corrected and new address of the same !remises is C-2/2.9: I6t F$oo#: )*0n) 8'+)#: D%$+' 7 11..;<.

#hereas 6 am enclosing herewith Sale -eed in s"!!ort of new address

:ow this indemnity bond witnesseth that 6 shall 0ee! the licensee indemnity against all losses, charges, e,!enses and com!ensations which it may ha&e it inc"r in case of the abo&e statement !ro&e to be false or incorrect and that in s"ch case the licensee has e&ery right to disconnect my s"!!ly witho"t any notice

6 shall also 0ee! the licensee indemnified against any loses or e,!enses inc"rred by the licensee in case of recei!t of a reference from concerned com!etent land owning*law enforcing agency regarding sealing demolition*&acation of the !remises and or in case where any s"it is filed against the licensee on acco"nt of gi&ing the s"!!ly to the !remises s"ch electricity connection can be disconnected and the meter*ser&ice line can be remo&ed by the licensee witho"t any f"rther notice to me 6n that case, 6 shall !ay litigation charges to the licensee irres!ecti&e of the fact whether any cost are granted by the co"rt or not



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