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2008;70;2067-2074 Neurology
S. Herdman, M. J. Morrow and G. S. Gronseth
T. D. Fife, D. J. Iverson, T. Lempert, J. M. Furman, R. W. Baloh, R. J. Tusa, T. C. Hain,
American Academy of Neurology
evidence-based review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the
Practice Parameter: Therapies for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (an
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All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.
since 1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright 2008 by AAN Enterprises, Inc.
is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously Neurology
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Practice Parameter: Therapies for benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo
(an evidence-based review)
Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American
Academy of Neurology
T.D. Fife, MD
D.J. Iverson, MD
T. Lempert, MD
J.M. Furman, MD,
R.W. Baloh, MD
R.J. Tusa, MD, PhD
T.C. Hain, MD
S. Herdman, PT, PhD,
M.J. Morrow, MD
G.S. Gronseth, MD
INTRODUCTION Benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo (BPPV) is a clinical syndrome character-
ized by brief recurrent episodes of vertigo trig-
gered by changes in head position with respect to
gravity. BPPV is the most common cause of recur-
rent vertigo, with a lifetime prevalence of 2.4%.
The term BPPV excludes vertigo caused by le-
sions of the CNS. BPPV results from abnormal
stimulation of the cupula within any of the three
semicircular canals (figure e-1 on the Neurology

Web site at www.neurology.org); most cases of

BPPV affect the posterior canal. The cupular exci-
tatory response is usually related to movement of
otoliths (calcium carbonate crystals) that create a
current of endolymph within the affected semicir-
cular canal. The most common form of BPPV oc-
curs when otoliths fromthe macula of the utricle fall
into the lumen of the posterior semicircular canal
responding to the effect of gravity. These ectopic
otoliths, which have been observed intraoperatively,
are referred to as canaliths. The canaliths are dense
and move in the semicircular canal when the head
position is changed with respect to gravity; the cana-
lith movement ultimately deflects the cupula, lead-
ing to a burst of vertigo and nystagmus. In some
cases, canaliths adhere to the cupula, causing cupu-
lolithiasis, which is a form of BPPV less responsive
to treatment maneuvers.
Typical signs of BPPV are evoked when the
head is positioned so that the plane of the affected
semicircular canal is spatially vertical and thus
aligned with gravity. This produces a paroxysm
of vertigo and nystagmus after a brief latency. Po-
sitioning the head in the opposite direction re-
verses the direction of the nystagmus. These
responses often fatigue upon repeat positioning.
The duration, frequency, and intensity of symptoms
of BPPV vary, and spontaneous recovery occurs fre-
quently. Table e-1 outlines the characteristics of
BPPV by canal type.
Repositioning maneuvers are believed to treat
BPPV by moving the canaliths from the semicir-
cular canal to the vestibule from which they are
absorbed. There are a number of repositioning
maneuvers in use, but they lack standardization.
The figures and Web-based video clips do not in-
clude all variations but represent those maneuvers
and treatments used in the Class I and Class II
studies that are reviewed as well as several others
in common use.
This practice parameter seeks to answer the fol-
lowing questions: 1) What maneuvers effectively
treat posterior canal BPPV? 2) Which maneuvers are
effective for anterior and horizontal canal BPPV? 3)
Are postmaneuver restrictions necessary? 4) Is con-
current mastoid vibration important for efficacy of
the maneuvers? 5) What is the efficacy of habitua-
tion exercises, BrandtDaroff exercises, or patient
self-administered treatment maneuvers? 6) Are med-
ications effective for BPPV? 7) Is surgical occlusion
of the posterior canal or singular neurectomy effec-
tive for BPPV?
Supplemental data at
Address correspondence and
reprint requests to the
American Academy of
Neurology, 1080 Montreal
Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116
[email protected]
AAN American Academy of Neurology; BPPV benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; CONSORT Consolidated Stan-
dards of Reporting Trials; CRP canalith repositioning procedure; NNT number needed to treat.
From the Barrow Neurological Institute and University of Arizona College of Medicine (T.D.F.), Phoenix, AZ; Humboldt Neurological
Medical Group, Inc. (D.J.I.), Eureka, CA; Department of Neurology (T.L.), Schlosspark-Klinik, Berlin, Germany; Department of
Otolaryngology (J.M.F.), University of Pittsburgh, PA; Department of Neurology (R.W.B.), Reed Neurological Research Center, University
of California, Los Angeles, CA; Departments of Neurology (R.J.T.) and Rehabilitation Medicine (S.H.), Emory University; Atlanta, GA;
Northwestern University (T.C.H.), Chicago, IL; Providence Multiple Sclerosis Center (M.J.M.), Portland, OR; and University of Kansas
(G.S.G.), Kansas City, KS.
Approved by the Quality Standards Subcommittee on May 1, 2007; by the Practice Committee on June 21, 2007; and by the American
Academy of Neurology Board of Directors in July 2007.
QSS Subcommittee members, AAN classification of evidence, Classification of recommendations, Conflict of Interest Statement, Mission
Statement of the QSS, and references e1e32 are available as supplemental data on the Neurology

Web site at www.neurology.org.

Disclosure: Author disclosures are provided at the end of the article.
All figures in this manuscript and online were printed with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute.
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Otoneurologists with expertise in BPPV and gen-
eral neurologists with methodologic expertise
were invited by the Quality Standards Subcom-
mittee (appendix e-1) to perform this review. Us-
ing the four-tiered classification scheme described
in appendix e-2, author panelists rated all rele-
vant articles between 1966 and June 2006.
Articles included in this analysis met all of these
criteria: 1) BPPV was diagnosed by both symptoms
of positional vertigo lasting less than 60 seconds,
and paroxysmal positional nystagmus in response
to the DixHallpike maneuver (figure 1) or other
appropriate provocative maneuver; 2) for all forms
of BPPV, the nystagmus was characterized by a brief
latency before the onset of nystagmus or a reduction
of nystagmus with repeat DixHallpike maneuvers
(fatigability); 3) for posterior canal BPPV, a positive
DixHallpike maneuver was defined by the pres-
ence of upbeating and torsional nystagmus with the
top pole of rotation beating toward the affected
(downside) ear; and 4) for horizontal canal BPPV,
the DixHallpike or supine roll maneuver produced
horizontal geotropic (toward the ground) or apo-
geotropic (away from the ground) direction-
changing paroxysmal positional nystagmus.
Geotropic direction-changing positional nystag-
mus refers to paroxysmal right beating nystagmus
when the supine head is turned to the right and
paroxysmal left beating nystagmus with the su-
pine head turned to the left. Conversely, apogeo-
tropic indicates the nystagmus is right beating
with the head turned to the left and left beating
with head turned to the right.
maneuvers effectively treat posterior canal BPPV?
Canalith repositioning procedure for BPPV. Of 15 ran-
domized controlled trials identified, there were
two Class I studies
and three Class II studies.
The first Class I study of 36 patients
pared the canalith repositioning procedure (CRP)
(figure 2) with a sham maneuver where the pa-
tient was placed in a supine position with the af-
fected ear down for 5 minutes and then sat up. All
patients were symptomatic for at least 2 months;
the median duration of symptoms was 17 months
(range 2240 months) in the treatment group and
4 months (range 2276 months) in the control
group, a difference that approached significance.
At 4 weeks, 61% of the treated group reported
complete symptom resolution, vs 20% of the
sham-treated group (p 0.032). The number
needed to treat (NNT) was 2.44. The NNT is an
epidemiologic measure that indicates the number
of patients that had to have treatment to elimi-
nate symptoms in one patient. The DixHallpike
maneuver was negative in 88.9% of treated pa-
tients vs 26.7% in sham-treated patients (p
0.001; NNT 1.60), as measured by an observer
blinded to treatment.
The second Class I randomized controlled trial
and crossover study,
of 66 patients with a diag-
nosis of posterior BPPV based on a positive Dix
Hallpike maneuver, compared a CRP (figure 2)
with a sham procedure. The sham procedure con-
sisted of a CRP performed on the contralateral,
asymptomatic ear.
After 24 hours, 80% of treated patients were
asymptomatic and had no nystagmus with the
DixHallpike maneuver compared with 10% of
sham patients (p 0.001; NNT 1.43). At this
point, all patients in both the treatment and con-
trol groups with a persistently positive Dix
Hallpike maneuver underwent a CRP. Ninety-
three percent of patients from the original control
group reported resolution of symptoms 24 hours
after undergoing the CRP. By 1 week, 94% of pa-
tients in the original treatment group and 82% of
patients in the original control group (all of whom
underwent a CRP at 24 hours) were asymptomatic
(p value not stated). At 4 weeks, 85% of patients in
both groups were asymptomatic.
Three studies were rated as Class II because
the method of allocation concealment was not
specified. Allocation concealment is a technique
for preventing researchers from inadvertently in-
fluencing which patients are assigned to the treat-
ment or placebo group; inadequate allocation
concealment may cause selection bias that overes-
timates the treatment effect.
The first Class II study of 50 patients
pared a CRP with the same sham maneuver per-
formed by Lynn et al.,
with blinded outcome
measurements of symptom resolution and absent
Figure 1 DixHallpike maneuver for diagnosis of
right posterior canal benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo
The patients head is turned 45 degrees toward the side to
be tested and then laid back quickly. If BPPV is present, nys-
tagmus ensues usually within seconds.
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nystagmus in response to the DixHallpike ma-
neuver. One to 2 weeks after treatment, 50%
of the treated group reported symptom resolution
vs 19% in the sham group, an absolute difference
of 31% (95% CI 0.06-0.56, p 0.02; NNT
3.22). Using the absence of nystagmus after the
DixHallpike maneuver as an outcome measure-
ment, an improvement was seen in 65% of
treated patients vs 38% of sham patients, a
27% absolute difference (95% CI 0.020.52,
p 0.046; NNT 3.7).
Another Class II study
randomized 29 pa-
tients to a CRP and another 29 patients to no
treatment. The diagnosis of posterior BPPV was
based on observing nystagmus after the Dix
Hallpike maneuver and a complete neurotologi-
cal examination. All patients were given a
prescription for cinnarizine to use for vertigo.
Over the next month, all patients were exam-
ined at weekly intervals by a blinded observer.
Patients with a positive DixHallpike maneu-
ver who were assigned to the treatment group
underwent repeat CRP. A questionnaire was
administered to patients with a negative Dix
Hallpike maneuver.
At 1 week, 41% of treated patients were symp-
tom free, vs 3% of untreated controls (p 0.005;
NNT 2.63). The DixHallpike maneuver was
negative in 75.9% of treated patients vs 48.2% of
untreated controls, an absolute difference of
27.7% (95% CI 0.2410.489, p 0.03; NNT
3.68). At 2 weeks, 65% were symptom free in the
treatment group vs 3% of controls (p 0.005). At
3 weeks, 65% were symptom free vs 21% of the
controls (p 0.014). There were no significant
differences at 4 weeks. The control group used
cinnarizine more often (23 doses) than did the
treatment group (5.8 doses, p 0.001).
The third study
randomized 124 patients to a
CRP, a Semont liberatory maneuver (figure 3),
BrandtDaroff exercises (figure e-2), habituation
exercises, or a sham maneuver of slow neck rota-
tion and flexion performed with the patient in a
sitting position. The diagnosis for posterior canal
BPPV was based on history and paroxysmal posi-
tional nystagmus in response to the DixHallpike
maneuver (figure 1). The median duration of
symptoms was 4 months (range 10 days to 30
years). The outcome measure was an arbitrary
patient-rated vertigo intensity and frequency scale
of 1 to 10 (10 being the most severe or frequent),
recorded by a blinded observer.
The treatment effect in this study is difficult to
quantify because the results are expressed in the
form of regression curves, rather than as discrete
values. At 90 days after treatment, vertigo fre-
quency was reportedly significantly reduced in
both CRP and Semont maneuvertreated pa-
tients. Both treatment maneuvers were superior
to the sham maneuver (CRP, p 0.021; Semont
maneuver, p 0.010) for vertigo intensity. The
vertigo scores were not significantly different be-
tween the CRP and Semont maneuver. There was
significantly less frequent vertigo in those treated
by either CRP or Semont maneuver compared
with BrandtDaroff exercises (p 0.033).
The remaining randomized controlled trials
were graded as Class IV because they did not
clearly state whether the outcomes were obtained
in a blinded and independent manner
or be-
cause of important baseline differences between
study and control groups.
The literature search also yielded four meta-
analyses and one systematic review. All four
Figure 2 Canalith repositioning procedure for right-sided benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo
Steps 1 and 2 are identical to the DixHallpike maneuver. The patient is held in the right head
hanging position (Step 2) for 20 to 30 seconds, and then in Step 3 the head is turned 90
degrees toward the unaffected side. Step 3 is held for 20 to 30 seconds before turning the
head another 90 degrees (Step 4) so the head is nearly in the face-down position. Step 4 is
held for 20 to 30 seconds, and then the patient is brought to the sitting up position. The
movement of the otolith material within the labyrinth is depicted with each step, showing how
otoliths are moved from the semicircular canal to the vestibule. Although it is advisable for
the examiner to guide the patient through these steps, it is the patients head position that is
the key to a successful treatment.
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concluded that CRP and Se-
mont maneuver have significantly greater efficacy
than no treatment in BPPV. All references in-
cluded in these four meta-analyses were reviewed
individually for this practice parameter.
In all these studies, complications of nausea
and vomiting, fainting, or conversion to horizon-
tal canal BPPV occurred in 12% of patients. In a
retrospective study of 85 patients treated with a
6% developed a conversion to either hori-
zontal canal BPPV or anterior canal BPPV.
Semont maneuver for BPPV. One Class II study
showed that patients treated with Semont maneu-
ver were significantly improved compared with
those treated with a sham maneuver. A Class III
randomized 156 patients to Semont ma-
neuver, medical therapy (flunarizine 10 mg/day
for 60 days), or no treatment. At 6-month follow-
up, 94.2% of patients treated with Semont ma-
neuver reported symptom resolution, vs 57.7% of
patients treated with flunarizine and 34.6% of pa-
tients who received no treatment.
A Class IV study
comparing Semont maneu-
ver and a CRP either with or without post-
treatment instructions found success rates for all
groups ranging from 88% to 96%, with no differ-
ences between groups. Another Class IV study
compared patients randomized to treatment with
CRP, Semont maneuver, or BrandtDaroff exer-
cises. Symptom resolution among those treated
with either CRP or Semont maneuver at 1 week
was the same (74% vs 71%; 24% for Brandt
Daroff exercises). At 3-month follow-up, 93% of
patients treated with CRP were asymptomatic vs
77% of those treated with Semont maneuver (p
0.027); 62% of patients treated with Brandt
Daroff exercises were asymptomatic at 3 months.
Conclusion. Two Class I studies and three Class
II studies have demonstrated a short-term (1 day
to 4 weeks) resolution of symptoms in patients
treated with the CRP, with NNT ranging from
1.43 to 3.7. The Semont maneuver is possibly
more effective than no treatment (Class III), a
sham treatment (Class II), or BrandtDaroff exer-
cises (Class IV) as treatment for posterior canal
BPPV. Two Class IV studies comparing CRP with
Semont maneuver have produced conflicting re-
sults; one showed no difference between groups,
and the other showed a lower recurrence rate in
patients undergoing CRP.
Recommendation (appendix e-3). Canalith reposi-
tioning procedure is established as an effective
and safe therapy that should be offered to patients
of all ages with posterior semicircular canal BPPV
(Level A recommendation). The Semont maneu-
ver is possibly effective for BPPV but receives only
a Level C recommendation based on a single
Class II study. Although many experts believe
that the Semont maneuver is as effective as cana-
lith repositioning maneuver, based on currently
published articles the Semont maneuver can only
be classified as possibly effective. There is in-
sufficient evidence to establish the relative effi-
cacy of the Semont maneuver to CRP (Level U).
Question 2: Which maneuvers are the most effective
treatments for horizontal canal and anterior canal
BPPV? Horizontal canal BPPV. Horizontal canal
BPPV accounts for 10% to 17% of BPPV,
though some reports have been even higher.
The nystagmus of horizontal canal BPPV is hori-
zontal and changes direction when the head is
turned to the right or left while supine (direction-
changing paroxysmal positional nystagmus). The
direction-changing positional nystagmus may be
either geotropic or apogeotropic.
The geotropic
form, which is thought to result from free-moving
otoconial debris in the long arm of the semicircular
duct, is generally more responsive to treatment. The
apogeotropic form is likely due to otoconial mate-
rial in the short arm of the canal or attached to the
cupula (cupulolithiasis).
Hence, one seeks to
convert the more treatment-resistant apogeotropic
to the more treatment-responsive geotropic nystag-
mus form of horizontal canal BPPV.
The nystagmus and vertigo of horizontal canal
BPPV may be provoked by the DixHallpike ma-
neuver but are more reliably induced by the su-
pine head roll test or so-called PagniniMcClure
maneuver (figure 4).
The methods used to de-
Figure 3 Semont maneuver for right-sided benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
While sitting up in Step 1, the patients head is turned 45 degrees toward the left side, and
then the patient is rapidly moved to the side-lying position as depicted in Step 2. This position
is held for 30 seconds or so, and then the patient is rapidly taken to the opposite side-lying
position without pausing in the sitting position or changing the head position relative to the
shoulder. This is in contrast to the BrandtDaroff exercises that entail pausing in the sitting
position and turning the head with body position changes.
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termine the affected side in horizontal canal BPPV
are described elsewhere.
CRP or modified
Epley maneuvers are usually ineffective for hori-
zontal canal BPPV,
so a number of alternative
maneuvers have been devised.
Variations of the roll maneuver (Lempert ma-
neuver or barbecue roll maneuver) (figure 5) are
the most widely published treatments for hori-
zontal canal BPPV.
Success in
treatment, based on all Class IV studies, is proba-
bly 75%
but ranges from approximately
50% to nearly 100%. However, the studies used
differing and sometimes unclear endpoints, and
many lacked control groups to allow comparison
between the treatment and the natural rate of res-
olution of this condition.
The Gufoni maneuver is another technique
that has been reported as effective in treating hor-
izontal canal BPPV
(figure e-3, A and B). Several
studies, all Class IV, have reported success using
this or a similar maneuver for horizontal canal
BPPV for both the geotropic and apogeotropic
nystagmus forms.
Similarly, the Vannuc-
chiAsprella liberatory maneuver may be effec-
tive, but there is only limited Class IV data
supporting its use.
Casani et al.
and Appiani
et al.
review other techniques used with success in
the treatment of both the geotropic and apogeotro-
pic forms of horizontal canal BPPV.
Another treatment reported as effective
is referred to as forced prolonged positioning. With
this method, the patient lies down laterally to the
affected side, and the head is then turned 45 degrees
toward the ground and maintained in that position
for 12 hours before the patient is returned to the
starting position. Some authors advocate this tech-
nique for refractory horizontal canal BPPV.
ing this approach, one Class IV study reported
remission rates of 75% to 90%.
Anterior canal BPPV. Anterior canal BPPV is usu-
ally transitory and most often is the result of ca-
nal switch that occurs in the course of treating
other more common forms of BPPV.
We identified only two studies specifically ad-
dressing the treatment of anterior canal BPPV;
both were Class IV studies.
Success rates were
between 92% and 97%, though there were no
controls to determine whether this represents an
improvement over the natural history of this fre-
quently self-resolving form of BPPV.
Conclusion. Based on Class IV studies, variations
of the Lempert supine roll maneuver, the Gufoni
method, or forced prolonged positioning seemmod-
erately effective for horizontal canal BPPV. Two un-
controlled Class IV studies report high response
rates to maneuvers for anterior canal BPPV.
Recommendation: None (Level U).
Question 3: Are postmaneuver activity restrictions
necessary after canalith repositioning procedure? In
one Class I study
and one Class II
study demon-
strating the benefit of CRP, patients wore a cervi-
cal collar for 48 hours and avoided sleeping on the
Figure 4 Supine roll test (PagniniMcClure maneuver) to detect horizontal canal
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
The patient may be taken fromsitting to straight supine position (1). The head is turned to the
right side (2) with observation of nystagmus and then turned back to face up (1). Then the
head is turned to the left side (3). The side with the most prominent nystagmus is taken to be
the affected horizontal semicircular canal. The direction of nystagmus in each position deter-
mines whether the horizontal canal BPPV is of the geotropic or apogeotropic type.
Figure 5 Lempert roll maneuver for right-sided horizontal canal benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
When it is determined to be horizontal canal BPPVaffecting the right side, the patient is taken
through a series of step-wise 90-degree turns away from the affected side in Steps 1
through 5, holding each position for 10 to 30 seconds. FromStep 5, the patient positions his
or her body to the back (6) in preparation for the rapid and simultaneous movement from the
supine face up to the sitting position (7).
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affected side for 1 week. One Class I study
two Class II studies
that demonstrated the ben-
efit of CRP used no post-treatment restrictions or
instructions. These studies were not designed to
determine whether such restrictions affect treat-
ment success; however, there seems to be little dif-
ference in the rate of treatment success whether or
not restrictions were included.
Six Class IV studies comparing CRP with and
without post-treatment activity restriction were
Five studies
showed no
added benefit from post-treatment activity re-
striction or positions. Only one study showed a
minimal benefit in patients with post-activity re-
strictions, as measured by the number of maneu-
vers required to produce a negative DixHallpike
Conclusion and recommendation. Five Class IV
studies support the omission of post-treatment
activity restrictions; one study supports the use of
post-treatment restrictions. There is insufficient
evidence to determine the efficacy of post-
maneuver restrictions in patients treated with
CRP (Level U).
Question 4: Is it necessary to include mastoid vibration
with repositioning maneuvers? Mastoid vibration
was included in the original Epley repositioning
maneuver. One Class II study,
comparing pa-
tients with posterior canal BPPV treated by ap-
propriate canalith repositioning maneuvers,
performed with and without vibration, showed
no difference in immediate symptom resolution
or relapse rate between groups.
A Class III study
compared patients treated
by CRP with and without mastoid vibration.
There was no difference in symptom relief be-
tween the groups at 4 to 6 weeks (p 0.68).
Two Class IV studies
showed no differ-
ence in the rate of symptom resolution between
patients treated by a CRP with or without mas-
toid vibration. A third Class IV study
that of patients treated by a CRP with vibration,
92% were improved, vs 60% improvement
with CRP alone.
Conclusion and recommendation. One Class II, one
Class III, and two Class IV studies showed no
added benefit when mastoid vibration was added
to a CRP as treatment for posterior canal BPPV.
Mastoid oscillation is probably of no added bene-
fit to patients treated with CRP for posterior ca-
nal BPPV (Level C recommendation).
Question 5: What is the efficacy of BrandtDaroff
exercises, habituation exercises, or patient self-
administered treatments for BPPV? A Class II study
that randomized patients to a CRP, a liberatory
maneuver, BrandtDaroff exercises, habituation
exercises, or a sham treatment found that patients
treated with habituation exercises did no better than
those treated with a sham procedure.
treated with BrandtDaroff exercises did worse
than those treated with CRP or liberatory maneu-
vers but were not compared with sham-treated
A Class IV study
compared BrandtDaroff
exercises, performed three times daily, with the
Semont maneuver or CRP. Patients treated with
maneuvers were pretreated with diazepam and
given postmaneuver activity restrictions; patients
treated with BrandtDaroff exercises were not.
Compliance with the exercises was not recorded.
At 1-week follow-up, 24% of patients treated
with BrandtDaroff exercises were symptom free,
vs 74% of those treated with the Semont maneu-
ver or CRP. Given the limitations of the study, its
validity is questionable.
Three Class IV studies investigated the effi-
cacy of patient-administered treatment for
BPPV using various techniques. One study
found 88% improvement of BPPV when treated
with CRP and home CRP compared with 69%
improvement in those only treated with CRP
Another study reported improved reso-
lution of nystagmus among patients that self-
administered CRP (64% recovery) vs self-
administered BrandtDaroff exercises (23%).
The third study found that 95% had resolution
of positional nystagmus 1 week after self-
treatment with CRP vs 58% of self-treatment
with a modified Semont maneuver.
Conclusion and recommendation. One Class II and
one Class IV study suggest that BrandtDaroff
exercises or habituation exercises are less effective
than CRP in the treatment of posterior canal
BPPV. Self-administered BrandtDaroff exercises
or habituation exercises are less effective than
CRP in the treatment of posterior canal BPPV
(Level C). There is insufficient evidence to recom-
mend or refute self-treatment using Semont ma-
neuver or CRP for BPPV (Level U).
Question 6: What is the efficacy of medication treat-
ments for BPPV? One Class III study
found no
difference between lorazepam, 1 mg three times
daily; diazepam, 5 mg three times daily; or pla-
cebo over the 4-week study period. Another Class
III study
found that flunarizine was more effec-
tive than no treatment but less effective than Se-
mont maneuver in eliminating symptoms. There
are no randomized controlled trials of meclizine
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or other drugs used for motion sickness in the
treatment of BPPV.
Conclusion and recommendation. Asingle Class III
study did not demonstrate that lorazepam or di-
azepam hastened resolution of symptoms in
BPPV. A single Class III study demonstrated some
benefit of flunarizine, a drug that is unavailable in
the United States, in BPPV. There is no evidence
to support a recommendation of any medication
in the routine treatment for BPPV (Level U).
Question 7: What are the safety and efficacy of sur-
gical treatments for posterior canal BPPV? All stud-
ies of surgical treatment for refractory BPPV are
Class IV. The most common procedure is fenes-
tration and occlusion of the posterior semicircu-
lar canal. Five studies,
with a total of 86
patients undergoing canal occlusion, reported
complete relief of BPPV symptoms in 85, as as-
certained by the treating surgeon. Reported com-
plications included a mild conductive hearing
loss for 4 weeks or less, mild and transient
unsteadiness in most patients, and a high fre-
quency sensorineural hearing loss in 6 patients.
In a Class IV study of singular neurectomy
as a treatment for intractable BPPV,
were reported to have complete relief; severe
sensorineural hearing loss occurred in 3.7% of
Conclusion and recommendation. Six unblinded,
retrospective Class IV studies report relief from
symptoms of BPPV in nearly every patient under-
going posterior semicircular canal occlusion or
singular neurectomy. Because the studies are
Class IV, they do not provide sufficient evidence
to recommend or refute posterior semicircular ca-
nal occlusion or singular neurectomy as treatment
for BPPV (Level U).
SEARCH Class I studies are needed to clarify the
best treatments for horizontal canal BPPV. Future
studies on these topics should adhere to the
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
(CONSORT) criteria using validated, clinically
relevant outcomes.
lapse rate and second recurrence rate of BPPV are
not fully established. Short-term relapse rates range
from 7% to nearly 23% within a year of treatment,
but long-term recurrences may approach 50%, de-
pending on the age of the patient.
The authors report the following disclosures: Dr. Fife has
received research support from GlaxoSmithKline and esti-
mates that 6% of his time is spent on canalith repositioning
procedures. Dr. Iverson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lempert
estimates that 5% of his time is spent on videooculogra-
phy. Dr. Furman holds stock options in Neurokinetics, has
received research support from Merck, has served as an ex-
pert witness on vestibular function, and estimates that 1% of
his time is spent on the Epley maneuver. Dr. Baloh estimates
5% of his time is spent on ENG. Dr. Tusa estimates that 5%
of his time is spent on quantified positional testing. Dr. Hain
estimates that 5% of his time is spent on ENG and 5% on
VEMP. Dr. Herdman received research support from
VAMC and served as an expert witness on the Hallpike-Dix
maneuver. Dr. Morrow has received honoraria from Bio-
genIdec and has served as an expert witness and consultant
on medico-legal proceedings. Dr. Gronseth has received
speaker honoraria from Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and
Boehringer Ingelheim and served on the IDMC Committee
of Ortho-McNeil.
This statement is provided as an educational service of the
American Academy of Neurology. It is based on an assess-
ment of current scientific and clinical information. It is
not intended to include all possible proper methods of
care for a particular neurologic problem or all legitimate
criteria for choosing to use a specific procedure. Neither is
it intended to exclude any reasonable alternative method-
ologies. The American Academy of Neurology recognizes
that specific patient care decisions are the prerogative of
the patient and the physician caring for the patient, based
on all of the circumstances involved.
Received August 1, 2007. Accepted in final form February
23, 2008.
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2008;70;2067-2074 Neurology
S. Herdman, M. J. Morrow and G. S. Gronseth
T. D. Fife, D. J. Iverson, T. Lempert, J. M. Furman, R. W. Baloh, R. J. Tusa, T. C. Hain,
American Academy of Neurology
evidence-based review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the
Practice Parameter: Therapies for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (an
This information is current as of November 16, 2008
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