ASSURE Model Instructional Plan: "Wallace's Lists" Emilie Mannheim 1 Grade Language Arts 1 Hour

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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Wallaces Lists
Emilie Mannheim
Language Arts
1 Hour
Analyze Learners
1. 18 students
2. 10 males/8 females
3. Ages !"
#. Mental$ Social$ P%&sical$ Social 'otes suc% as(
o )*o c%ildren %a+e A,-,
o .isual$ /inest%etic$ and .er0al learners in t%e classroom
o )%ree c%ildren s1ea2 Englis% as t%eir second language
o 3ne c%ild is li+ing in a foster %ome.
4. 5%ildren 1roficient in reading s2ills. Strengt%ening t%eir reading com1re%ension
ca1a0ilities$ as *ell as t%eir a0ilit& to relate lesson to %is/%er 1ersonal life.
. 6earning St&les
7Estimate 8 of Students9
o .isual 34 8
o Auditor& 7Aural9 24 8
o /inest%etic 7-ands 3n9 #0 8
State O!ecti"es
Students *ill 0e a0le to com1are and contrast t%e c%aracters in :allace;s 6ist;s using a
/ids1iration *or2s%eet.
Students *ill relate t%e stor& to t%eir 1ersonal li+es as t%e& *rite a0out t%eir 0est friends.
)%ese acti+ities *ill test students; a0ilities in reading com1re%ension.
Select Media# Materials# and Methods
All media and materials needed for t%e lesson are listed$ and are lesson a11ro1riate.
:allace;s 6ist;s 0& <ar0ara <ottner
Smart <oard or o+er%ead!1ro=ector for class discussion and 0rainstorming
4 com1uters *it% /ids1irational Soft*are 7com1uters %a+e *or2s%eet made so
students ma& t&1e information into a11ro1riate s1aces.
>?ournal@ *or2s%eet made from /ids1iration
$tilize Media# Materials# and Methods
Wallaces Lists )%e 0oo2 *ill 0e read aloud to t%e class at t%e 0eginning of t%e lesson.
Smart oard%O"er&head 'ro!ector )%is *ill 0e used to re+ie* t%e main e+ents t%at too2
1lace in t%e stor&. It *ill also 0e used to demonstrate %o* to com1lete t%e /ids1iration
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(om'uters Students *ill 0e 1aired off$ and *ill com1lete t%e >5om1are/5ontrast@
/ids1iration acti+it& toget%er.
)ournal Wor*sheet Students *ill *rite a0out t%eir 0est friends and com1are/contrast
t%emsel+es *it% t%eir friends.
+e,uire Learner -artici'ation
Introduce t%e idea of com1are/contrast to t%e class. ,iscuss o11osites in 1ersonalities.
Read t%e stor& aloud to t%e class. Using smart 0oard$ com1lete a stor& ma1 of t%e main
e+ents as a class. <egin to 0rainstorm ideas of %o* to descri0e c%aracters.
,i+ide t%e class into 2 grou1s. -a+e t%e first grou1 start t%e >=ournal@ *or2s%eet$ *%ile t%e
ot%er grou1 does t%e /ids1iration 1ro=ect on t%e com1uters.
)ournal Wor*sheet
)%is acti+it& *ill strengt%en students; *riting s2ills as *ell as t%eir a0ilit& to relate lessons to
t%eir li+es. Students *ill descri0e ion detail t%eir 0est friends. )%en$ t%e& *ill com1are
t%emsel+es to t%eir 0est friends. )%e& *ill discuss %o* t%e& are li2e t%eir friends and %o*
t%e& are different from t%eir friends.
0ids'iration 'ro!ect
)%e second grou1 *ill 0e s1lit u1 into 1airs. Eac% 1air *ill *or2 at one com1uter. )%e
com1uter *ill alread& %a+e a *or2s%eet loaded on /ids1iration. )%e students *%o s1ea2
Englis% as a second language *ill 0e 1aired *it% students *%o are successful in t%e
classroom. )%e students *ill *or2 toget%er to fill in t%e 0lan2s in descri0ing %o* :allace
and Al0ert are ali2e and %o* :allace and Al0ert are different. )%is acti+it& *ill strengt%en
t%eir reading com1re%ension as *ell as t%eir a0ilities to com1are/contrast c%aracters.
)%e students *ill s%are t%eir /ids1iration stor& ma1s *it% t%e rest of t%e class +ia t%e smart!
0oard. PriAes *ill 0e a*arded to most original stor& ma1 and most detailed stor& ma1.
1 minute re"ie2
Reinforce *%at t%e students s%ould %a+e learned from t%e lesson.
E"aluate 3 +e"ise
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Student -er4ormance
Students *ill 0e e+aluated on %o* *ell t%e& *or2ed *it% t%eir 1eers in t%e /ids1irational
1ro=ect. )%e teac%er *ill float around t%e room and o0ser+e %o* t%e& *or2 in t%eir 1airs.
)%is *ill also 0e seen in t%eir 1resentation of t%eir stor& ma1. Stor& ma1s *ill 0e graded on
t%eir accurac& in identif&ing li2es/disli2es among main c%aracters in t%e stor&.
?ournals *ill 0e graded on com1letion$ grammar/s1elling$ and content. Students s%ould
%a+e at least t*o li2es/disli2es mentioned in com1aring t%emsel+es *it% t%eir friends.
Media E44ecti"eness
:as t%e smart 0oard useful in 1romoting class discussionB ,id it 1ro+e useful for
+isual learnersB
,id t%e /ids1iration acti+it& *or2 *ell amongst t%e classB :as it eas& to useB :as
it %el1ful for 2inest%etic learnersB
:as t%e >=ournal@ *or2s%eet %el1ful in focusing student res1onses;B
.nstructor -er4ormance
,id t%e lesson run smoot%l&B :as it *ell!1lannedB
,id t%e class res1ond *ell to t%e lessonB
:ere t%e learning o0=ecti+es ac%ie+edB
5ould t%e lesson 0e im1ro+ed in t%e futureB
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