The bylaws establish an Executive Committee to determine the means and methods for carrying out the work of the NGO Committee on Youth at the United Nations. The Executive Committee consists of a Chairperson, up to two Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary, Treasurer, and two or more Members-at-Large. Officers and Members-at-Large are elected for two-year terms. The bylaws also establish rules for membership, finances, sub-committees, meetings, elections, and amendments.
The bylaws establish an Executive Committee to determine the means and methods for carrying out the work of the NGO Committee on Youth at the United Nations. The Executive Committee consists of a Chairperson, up to two Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary, Treasurer, and two or more Members-at-Large. Officers and Members-at-Large are elected for two-year terms. The bylaws also establish rules for membership, finances, sub-committees, meetings, elections, and amendments.
The bylaws establish an Executive Committee to determine the means and methods for carrying out the work of the NGO Committee on Youth at the United Nations. The Executive Committee consists of a Chairperson, up to two Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary, Treasurer, and two or more Members-at-Large. Officers and Members-at-Large are elected for two-year terms. The bylaws also establish rules for membership, finances, sub-committees, meetings, elections, and amendments.
The bylaws establish an Executive Committee to determine the means and methods for carrying out the work of the NGO Committee on Youth at the United Nations. The Executive Committee consists of a Chairperson, up to two Vice-Chairpersons, Secretary, Treasurer, and two or more Members-at-Large. Officers and Members-at-Large are elected for two-year terms. The bylaws also establish rules for membership, finances, sub-committees, meetings, elections, and amendments.
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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the bylaws of the NGO Committee on Youth at the UN, including its purpose, membership requirements, leadership structure, and procedures.
The purposes of the NGO Committee on Youth at the UN are to strengthen the position of youth and youth NGOs, provide a forum for information exchange and discussion on youth issues under UN consideration, facilitate cooperation among member organizations on youth issues, and promote dissemination of information on youth issues.
There are three types of membership in the NGO Committee on Youth - Regular membership is for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC, Associate membership is for NGOs associated with DPI or a UN program/agency, and Supporting membership is for other interested organizations/individuals. Regular and associate members can vote, while supporting members cannot vote or hold office.
NGO Committee on Youth By-Laws
BYLAWS of the Non Governmental Organizations (NGO Committee on Youth! a
Committee of the Conferen"e of Non Governmental Organizations in Consultative #elationshi$ with the %nite& Nations A#'(CL) ( * +%#+OS) 'he $ur$ose of the NGO Committee on Youth at the %nite& Nations ,ea&-uarters in New Yor. is/ 0 Strengthen the $osition of youth an& youth NGOs1 2 +rovi&e a forum for the e3"hange of information an& for su4stantive &is"ussion on issues an& $oli"ies relate& to youth un&er %N "onsi&eration1 5 'o fa"ilitate "oo$eration among its mem4ers organizations in areas relate& to youth issues at the %nite& Nations1 6 7a"ilitate su4stantive &ialogue an& &is"ussion 4etween mem4er organizations an& the Youth 7o"al +oint of the %N Se"retariat1 8 +romote the &issemination of information among NGOs an& among the general $u4li" on issues relating to youth9 'his in"lu&es %nite& Nations &o"uments relating to youth9 A#'(CL) (( * :):B)#S,(+ 0 #egular :em4ershi$ * :em4ers of non governmental organizations in "onsultative status with the )"onomi" an& So"ial Coun"il of the %nite& Nations ()COSOC9 Su"h mem4ers shall 4e eligi4le to vote9 :em4ers &esignate& 4y their organizations shall 4e eligi4le to hol& offi"e9 2 Asso"iate :em4ershi$ * :em4ers of non governmental organizations asso"iate& with the %nite& Nations ;e$artment of +u4li" (nformation or affiliate& with a %nite& Nations $rogram or agen"y9 Su"h mem4ers S,ALL 4e eligi4le to vote9 :em4ers &esignate& 4y their organizations shall 4e eligi4le to some offi"e9 5 Su$$orting :em4ers * :em4ers of other intereste& organizations an& in&ivi&uals may 4e mem4ers9 Su"h mem4ers shall not 4e eligi4le to vote or hol& offi"e9 6 'he organizations eligi4le to vote shall 4e entitle& to only one vote for ea"h organization9 A#'(CL) ((( * O77(C)#S AN; )<)C%'(=) CO::('')) 0 'he res$onsi4ility of the )3e"utive Committee shall 4e to &etermine the means an& metho&s of "arrying on the wor. of the NGO Committee on Youth9 'he mem4ers of the Committee shall 4e .e$t informe& of the &e"isions an& a"tivities of the )3e"utive Committee9 2 'he )3e"utive Committee shall "onsist of the Chair$erson! no more than two =i"e-Chair$ersons! the Se"retary! the 'reasurer! an& two or more :em4ers-at-Large9 'he imme&iate +ast Chair$erson shall 4e an e3 offi"io mem4er without a vote9 a :em4ers-at-Large shall 4e ele"te&9 ,owever! other mem4ers may 4e a$$ointe& to the )3e"utive Committee at the &is"retion of the Chair$erson in "onsultation with the )3e"utive Committee9 Su"h mem4ers must 4e re$resentatives of organizations in "onsultative status with )COSOC or in asso"iation with the ;e$artment of +u4li" (nformation9 4 Offi"ers an& :em4ers-at-Large shall 4e ele"te& for a term of two years9 No $erson shall 4e ele"te& or a$$ointe& to the same offi"e for more than two "onse"utive terms9 " Servi"e for less than one year shall not 4e "ounte& as a term9 & 'he Chair$erson shall 4e a re$resentative of an organization in "onsultative status with )COSOC9 All other mem4ers of the )3e"utive Committee shall 4e o$en to re$resentatives of NGOs in "onsultative status with )COSOC an& in asso"iation with the ;e$artment of +u4li" (nformation9 5 (n the event of the "ontinuing a4sen"e of the Chair$erson! one of the =i"e-Chair$ersons! with the "onsent of a ma>ority of the )3e"utive Committee! shall 4e"ome the Chair$erson9 6 (n the event of the "ontinuing a4sen"e of any of the other offi"ers! the Chair$erson! u$on "onsultation with the )3e"utive Committee! shall a$$oint a re$la"ement9 A#'(CL) (= - ;%'()S O7 ',) O77(C)#S 0 'he Chair$erson shall "onvene an& $resi&e over meetings! $romote the general effe"tiveness of the Committee! maintain "ommuni"ations with other NGO "ommittees! the Conferen"e of NGOs! an& with the %N system9 'he Chair$erson shall &esignate a re$resentative to a"t of their 4ehalf when ne"essary9 2 'he =i"e-Chair$ersons shall $erform the &uties of the Chair$erson in "ase of the Chair$ersons a4sen"e an& shall assist the Chair$erson in the &is"harge of their &uties9 (nsofar as $ossi4le! the =i"e-Chair$ersons shall 4e res$onsi4le for a s$e"ial area of wor.9 5 'he Se"retary shall .ee$ the minutes of the meetings! re"or& atten&an"e at meetings an&! with the Chair! maintain the mem4ershi$ lists of the Committee9 6 'he 'reasurer shall re"eive an& &is4urse fun&s an& shall 4e res$onsi4le for maintaining an& re$orting on the a""ount-a"tivity of the Committee9 A#'(CL) = * 7(NANC)S 0 'he )3e"utive Committee is authorize& to sele"t the 4an.s or &e$osits it &eems $ro$er for the funs of the Committee9 'he )3e"utive Committee shall &etermine who shall 4e authorize& from time to time on the Committee*s 4ehalf to sign "he".s or other or&ers for the $ayment of money an& to enter into "ontra"ts? 2 +ayment of &ues to the 'reasurer! the amount to 4e &etermine& 4y the )3e"utive Committee! shall entitle mem4ers to $arti"i$ate in the a"tivities of the Committee an& to re"eive the minutes of its general meeting an& other materials9 5 'he fis"al year shall 4e from @uly 0 to @une 5A of the ne3t year9 A#'(CL) =( * S%B-CO::(''))S 0 'he )3e"utive Committee shall &etermine when a Su4-Committee! 'as. 7or"e! or Grou$ is ne"essary to fulfill a "urrent nee& to further the $ur$ose of the "ommittee9 2 :em4ers may $etition the )3e"utive Committee to form su"h a grou$9 'he &e"ision shall 4e ma&e 4y the Chair$erson in "onsultation with the )3e"utive Committee9 5 Convenors of su"h grou$s! who are a$$ointe& 4y the Chair$erson in "onsultation with the )3e"utive Committee! shall 4e res$onsi4le to an& re$ort to the )3e"utive Committee an& shall $rovi&e a written annual re$ort or summary of a"tivities9 A#'(CL) =(( * G)N)#AL +#OC);%#)S AN; :))'(NGS 0 'he )3e"utive Committee shall meet at least four times a year9 2 'he full NGO Committee shall meet at least four times in ea"h fis"al year9 5 A -uorum shall "onsist of re$resentatives of at least one-thir& of the regular mem4er organizations9 6 #e"ommen&ations or statements of $osition to 4e su4mitte& to )COSOC or any of its su4si&iary 4o&ies may not 4e ma&e in the name of Committee9 Committee mem4ers may ma.e their own statements or >oint statements on their own 4ehalf 4ut not in the name of the Committee9 8 #o4ert*s #ules of Or&er! Newly #evise&! shall $revail for any $ro"e&ure not s$e"ifie& 4y these 4ylaws9 A#'(CL) =((( * )L)C'(ONS 0 A Nominating Committee of five $ersons shall 4e a$$ointment 4y the Chair$erson! in "onsultation with the other offi"ers! not less than si3 wee.s $rior to the ele"tion at the last general meeting of the fis"al year9 'he re$ort of the Nominating Committee shall 4e "ir"ulate& in writing to all regular mem4ers of the Committee at least three wee.s $rior to the meeting at whi"h the ele"tion is to ta.e $la"e9 2 Nominations from the floor may 4e ma&e at the general meeting $re"e&ing the last general meeting9 5 'he ele"tion of offi"ers an& mem4ers of the )3e"utive Committee shall ta.e $la"e at the last general meeting9 )le"te& offi"ers shall ta.e offi"e on @uly 09 6 )le"tion of offi"ers an& ele"tion $ro"e&ural matters shall 4e &e"i&e& 4y vote of the ma>ority of those organizations voting9 8 A letter 4allot may 4e ta.en in the event that a meeting of the Committee is not $ossi4le or in the a4sen"e of a -uorum9 A#'(CL) (< * A:)N;:)N'S +ro$ose& amen&ments to these Bylaws shall 4e su4mitte& to the Chair$erson in time for "onsi&eration 4y the )3e"utive Committee an& for written "ir"ulation to ea"h mem4ers organization not less than twenty &ays $rior to the &ate of $ro$ose& a&o$tion9 An amen&ment shall 4e a&o$te& only after &is"ussion an& an affirmation vote of two-thir&s of the voting mem4ers at a general Committee meeting9 Leadership and professional development in Indian youth and also to encourage character and common sense morals education in them. To build linkages between grassroots activism and policy makers on youth related issues To generate support for youth development activities at the international, national, regional and local levels. To supports grass roots organizations with a capability for devising, implementing and overseeing developmental projects and programs. To undertake, facilitate and encourage research and documentation for promoting effective dissemination of relevant information / data to the aforementioned bodies. To provide and conduct various types of training workshop, educational and other awareness programs appropriate to the needs of Indian youth.