LOPA and Human Reliability
LOPA and Human Reliability
LOPA and Human Reliability
A 10
PFD value for a human response indicates that the correct response occurs at least 9 out of
10 times (or no more than 1 wrong response for every 10 attempts). Most organizations will
have identified many human responses involving a number of personnel, as part of their LOPA
studies. Some organizations believe that if they have a procedure and a training program in
place, that they can claim the PFD value of 0.1 for a Human IPL. This is no truer for a human
IPL than it is for an active component IPL. A Human IPL must be tested and validated the same
as a component IPL. On the next few pages are the options for validating human IPLs; these (1)
include 100% testing for each human responder and for each action to be taken and (2) a sample
plan testing of random combinations of human responders and actions.
Using a 100% Individual Test Plan Approach for Validation of Human IPLs.
One method to prove the operators will reliably respond for each Human IPL trigger is to have
each operator demonstrate they can individually respond to each alarm (or other trigger). This
response can be demonstrated by walkthroughs in the field or using simulators of the process
unit. The nuclear power industry uses this approach for validating response by control room
operators, but many in the chemical industry perceive this will take too much time. As an
example of the effort required, one nuclear power plant allocates about 200 hours per year per
operator for refresher training activities, including 60 hours per year per operator for
demonstration of skill in responding to critical alarms (from Tennessee Valley Authority [TVA]
internal requirements to meet the performance-based requirements of NRC regulations 10 CFR
55.45 and 55.59). But is this time too much? Well explore that answer in the rest of the
Consider the following as an example of the application of this method of testing for 100% of the
responses by 100% of the operators at an actual chemical plant:
Background: The operating area being evaluated has 25 operators and 130 identified
(from a hazards analysis and LOPA) human response IPLs.
Validation Test: The tests are documented on a set of index cards that call out various
alarm conditions; these are the events (triggers) for a scenario identified in the hazards
analysis (and LOPA) to be protected by the given human response IPL.
Demonstrated Result: A correct answer (success of the IPL) is the desired response to
the alarm scenario. A wrong answer (failure of the IPL) is any other response than the
one desired or a response that takes too long.
Estimation of Resources Requirements for 100% Testing Scheme: How much test
effort is needed to ensure that training and retraining programs are sufficient to validate a
value for the PFD of all of these identified human response IPLs? An example
estimate is as follows:
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1. Determine the number of test to be performed. This would be the number of
human response IPLs multiplied by the number of people who are expected to
respond (perform as the human IPL) at some point in the future during their own
shift. This example would yield 2750 (25 x 130 = 2750) discrete tests for one test
of each combination of trigger and human responder (which makes up the 2750
2. Determine the test frequency. It is difficult to get consensus on this value. One
documented example is from the nuclear industry. The US NRC regulation for
control room operators (10 CFR 55.45 and 55.59) requires annual demonstration
of proficiency in response to critical alarms and signals. This in fact would likely
Not be enough testing to give a 90% chance of proper response to every alarm,
except that response to one alarm is normally similar to response to other alarms,
so the operator is in essence getting more practice on similar alarms as they
perform each demonstration. Operators under this regimen of recertification have
shown a 90% chance or better of proper response (detection, diagnosis, and
action) within 10 minutes of an annunciation of an event of interest (from internal
power plant records and also inferred from, Swain, 1983 and NUREG 1278 data,
since the basic control room regimen of testing each operator with each action
each year was essentially the same in the 1970s as they are now). For this
example, a frequency of 1 validation per year is chosen.
In addition to having a direct impact as an IE or as failure of a human IPL, human error can of
course impact all other IEs and IPLs as well. This is because ALL safeguards are ultimately
controlled and maintained by humans. Typically, a base human error rate of 1 error in 50 steps is
reasonable, or for excellent control of human factors, an error rate of 1 error in 100 steps may be
achieved. Below are some examples of how human factors control the reliability of all IPLs and
Example related to I E wrong materials of construction received: If the humans fail
to control or detect errors during selection and use of materials of construction, then
perhaps the wrong grade of steel or other material will be used in a highly corrosive
environment and then the IEF will be many times higher than expected. Industry data
indicates that the materials delivered are different that what we specify about 3 to 7% of
the time. Positive material identification (PMI) detect and correct such failures,
theoretically, but plant data suggests that using 100% PMI at receiving will lower the
composite error rate to 1% and that another 100% PMI of as-welded in the field
lowers the combined error rate to about 0.3%. This still leaves a large number of
components that may be of the wrong materials.
Example related to I PL high integrity SI S: Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), can
be designed to provide risk reductions of 1, 2, or 3 orders of magnitude. However, even
the best designed SIS can be negated if (1) the root valves for the sensors are left closed
or (2) a bypass valve around an emergency isolation valve is left open (other errors are
also possible of course). The current versions of SIS standards do not explicitly require
validation of the control of human factors and the resulting human errors that can leave
the valves in the wrong position. (In addition, the humans are always capable of
revaluing trip points, etc., in the safety-rated PLC, given enough time to learn these
shortcuts and given enough spurious trips to make them want to use such a shortcut.)
Although an SIL 4 SIS is allowed by IEC 61508, with a PFD of <10
to 10
, looking
at it pragmatically, we do not believe it is possible to control the human errors
associated with in situ testing low enough to maintain a SIL 4 rating. Similar, due to
the complexity of the analysis of human errors associated with in situ testing, basic
LOPA only allows use of SIL 1. SIL 2 and SIL 3 rating is difficult to validate
statistically, due to the consideration of the human factor, as a result, SIL of 2 and 3
require human reliability event tree or similar methods to quantify, and so is considered
beyond basic LOPA.
Example related to I PL pressure relief systems: Many relief system IPLs can have a
PFD of 0.01 or better, assuming the rest of the process does not interfere or restrict the
flow. However, if you have a block valve upstream or downstream of the a relief
device, then leaving it closed will negate the entire value of the relief system. A human
reliability analysis of existing plant practices is needed to establish the PFD is better
than 0.1, and excellent sustained control of human factors is necessary to maintain a
PFD of .01 or better for a relief system; because of the relatively high probability that a
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human will leave a block valve closed upstream or downstream of a relief valve.
Common industry data for human error rates indicates that the error of leaving such a
block valve closed will likely be the dominating failure mode for the relief system, so
including block valve upstream or downstream of a relief device (though allowed by
ASME with administrative controls) will need to be evaluated by a site before assigning
a PFD for the combination system (comprised of the relief system and block valves).
The conservative PFD of 0.1 is therefore used as the default value for relief devices that
have blocks valves upstream or downstream of relief devices, unless a human reliability
for the plant proves otherwise.
Control of human factors is key to achieving high reliability of processes. Poor human factors
lead to higher initiating event rates and less or no value for IPLs. Proper control of human
factors can be achieved by following industry best practices (not minimal regulations and
Failing to control human factors will result in the time invested in LOPA to be wasted, and more
importantly will lead to more accidents. Simply installing or claiming IPLs will not change the
critical dependency all plants face on controlling risk risk control always depends on human
factor control.
1. Tew, R. and Bridges, W., Human Factors Missing from PSM, LPS/GCPS, 2010.
2. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Training Requirements for Nuclear Power Plant
Operators, 10 CFR 55.45 and 55.59
3. NUREG/CR-1278 The Human Reliability Handbook; guidelines from the US NRC on
Human Reliability Analysis.
4. Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) Guideline, AIChE/CCPS, 2001.
5. Guidelines for Independent Protection Layers and Initiating Events, AIChE/CCPS, 2010
6. Guidelines for Investigating Chemical Process Incidents, 2
Edition, CCPS/AICHE,
7. Bridges, W., Gains in Getting Near Misses Reported, 8
Conference, ASSE-MEC,
Bahrain, 2008.