Traffic Theory
Traffic Theory
Traffic Theory
Frederick S. Hillier, Series Editor Stanford University
Fang, S.-C., Rajasekera, J.R. & Tsao, H.-S.J. / ENTROPY OPTIMIZATION
Weglarz, J. / PROJECT SCHEDULING: Recent Models, Algorithms & Applications
Tayur, S., Ganeshan, R. & Magazine, M. / QUANTITATIVE MODELING FOR SUPPLY
Gal, T., Stewart, T.J., Hanne, T./ MULTICRITERIA DECISION MAKING: Advances in MCDM
Models, Algorithms, Theory, and Applications
Wolkowicz, H., Saigal, R., Vandenberghe, L./ HANDBOOK OF SEMI-DEFINITE
PROGRAMMING: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
to the Use of Multicriteria Methods
Dar-El, E./ HUMAN LEARNING: From Learning Curves to Learning Organizations
Armstrong, J. S./ PRINCIPLES OF FORECASTING: A Handbook for Researchers and
Balsamo, S., Personé, V., Onvural, R./ ANALYSIS OF QUEUEING NETWORKS WITH
Bouyssou, D. et al/ EVALUATION AND DECISION MODELS: A Critical Perspective
Vanderbei, R.J./ LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Foundations and Extensions, 2nd Ed.
Baptiste, P., Le Pape, C. & Nuijten, W./ CONSTRAINT-BASED SCHEDULING
and Applications
Song, J. & Yao, D. / SUPPLY CHAIN STRUCTURES: Coordination, Information and
Honor of Bernard Roy
Cox, Louis Anthony, Jr./ RISK ANALYSIS: Foundations, Models and Methods
Dror, M., L’Ecuyer, P. & Szidarovszky, F. / MODELING UNCERTAINTY: An Examination
of Stochastic Theory, Methods, and Applications
Dokuchaev, N./ DYNAMIC PORTFOLIO STRATEGIES: Quantitative Methods and Empirical Rules
for Incomplete Information
Sarker, R., Mohammadian, M. & Yao, X./ EVOLUTIONARY OPTIMIZATION
Demeulemeester, R. & Herroelen, W./ PROJECT SCHEDULING: A Research Handbook
Denos C. Gazis
No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Traffic Characteristics 46
Delays to Pedestrians 63
Index 257
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Some time in the 1970s, Doxiades coined the term "oikomenopolis" (and
"oikistics") to describe the world as man's living space. In Doxiades' terms,
persons are associated with a living space around them, which describes the
range that they can cover through personal presence. In the days of old,
when the movement of people was limited to walking, an individual
oikomenopolis did not intersect many others. The automobile changed all
that. The term "range of good" was also coined to describe the maximal
distance a person can and is willing to go in order to do something useful or
buy something. Traffic congestion is caused by the intersection of a
multitude of such "ranges of good" of many people exercising their range
utilisation at the same time. Urban structures containing desirable structures
contribute to this intersection of "ranges of good".
xii Preface
Around the middle of the 20th century, some notable scientists laid the
foundations of understanding of automobile traffic. You can find the names
of some of these scientists in an article I wrote for the 50th anniversary issue
of Operations Research, entitled "The Origins of Traffic Theory". Much
work followed after those pioneering contributions, some of it productive
and some readily classified as "solutions in search of a problem". Traffic
Theory followed the tradition of other physical sciences, with many
scientists entering the field in order to apply what they knew to model
traffic. Some of them did not make the necessary effort to justify their
modeling effort in terms of realistic models of human behaviour, often
ignoring the admonition of Albert Einstein shown at the beginning of this
preamble. Comments on such misguided effort will be made later in this
book. Suffice it to say here that mere good fit with data is not sufficient to
justify a theory, which must also be based of a rational consideration of
physical properties of the things that the theory purports to describe. This
book concentrates on theoretical work tested over the years, which is based
on such foundations of proper pursuit of science.
In this book, I present key models of traffic flow and associated traffic
phenomena such as conflicts in traffic, traffic generation and assignment,
and traffic control. The book builds on my earlier work, (*Traffic Science,
edited by Denos C. Gazis, Wiley Interscience, New York, 1974), and the
work of other transportation scholars. I have focused on identifying the
appropriate use of the various models developed over the years for the
improvement of traffic systems. I discuss how proper use of some of these
models may accelerate the successful deployment of ITS, and also
enumerate opportunities for development of additional models needed for
continued improvement of ITS. The book comprises four chapters, namely:
all the contributions, which do not alter substantially these concepts and/or
methods. Some of these contributions are listed in the References section of
each chapter as “additional references”.
Denos Gazis
Chapter 1
q = the "flow rate" of traffic along a highway lane, in vehicles per hour.
u = the (average) speed of the traffic, in miles per hour.
k = the "density" of traffic, in vehicles per mile.
A comparison of Eqs. 2 and 3 shows that they are equivalent, and lead to
the following general definitions for the three traffic variables:
1.1.1 Shockwaves.
takes place at point S , which in general moves along the roadway, and we
are about to find out how it does so. The corresponding points on the flow
versus concentration curve are points 1 and 2 in Figure 2. We can
visualise the movement of individual vehicles corresponding to these two
points as shown in Figure 5, where the trajectory of each vehicle transitions
from a straight line with slope to one with slope The movement of
point S of Figure 4 is represented by the line separating the domains 1 and
2 in Figure 5. The speed of propagation of the “shock wave” associated with
the change from state 1 to state 2 is the slope of this line. If it is positive,
the shock propagates forward with respect to a stationary observer. If
negative, the shock propagates backwards. If we denote this speed of
propagation of the shock wave as we can compute its value as follows.
The first model for the q-k curve derived entirely on the basis of a
hydrodynamic model was that proposed by Greenberg (1959), who assumed
that traffic could be approximated by a one-dimensional fluid satisfying the
continuity equation. He assumed an equation of motion for the fluid, which
10 Chapter 1
Now, the continuity equation, (Equation 4), together with the relationship
q = uk, yield
If it is now assumed that the speed of the traffic stream is only a function
of the concentration, i.e. u = u ( k ) , then
There are many possible causes for the scatter of data at densities
corresponding to relatively dense traffic. Some of these causes are discussed
in what follows.
one, the only difference being that the merging point moves with the speed
of the slow truck. This produces the effect of a “moving bottleneck”
described by Gazis and Herman (1992). The moving bottleneck may be
transformed into a “phantom bottleneck” if the truck reaches a level or
downhill portion and resumes its normal speed. In that case, drivers trapped
behind the moving bottleneck see no bottleneck when they move past the
congested portion caused by the moving bottleneck and see no apparent
cause for this congestion.
When a vehicle finds itself in the unblocked lane abreast of the slow
vehicle, it escapes at a speed which is generally different from both
and Let us assume that a vehicle escaped at time t= 0 (Figure 8). After a
time it will travel a distance while the slow vehicle travels a
distance If the spacing between escaping vehicles is , then the flow
past the slow vehicle is
1. Traffic Flow Theories 15
Around 1959, Ilya Prigogine, who was later to receive a Nobel Prize for
his work on Statistical Mechanics, proposed a treatment of traffic on a
multilane highway analogous to the Boltzmann approach for deriving the
properties of gases from consideration of the movement of individual atoms
of gas. Prigogine (1961), and Anderson et al (1962) developed a theory of
traffic flow based on a description of traffic in terms of a probability density
for the speed, v , of an individual car. This density, f ( x, v, t), may vary as
a function of time, t, and a co-ordinate x along the highway. The basic
equation for the distribution is assumed to be
The form of these two terms was chosen for mathematical convenience
and plausibility. In the end, Eq. 24 was assumed to have the specific form
interaction term of Eq. 24, and tends to approach zero when the
concentration of cars is light and the probability of passing is close to unity.
In that case, the relaxation term is dominant. If. In addition, we assume a
highway with a homogeneous distribution of cars, then and the
solution of Eq. 25 is
Extending the ideas in the Boltzmann-like model, they assumed that the
average speed of the moving cars, depended on the fraction of cars that
were moving, according to a power law, namely,
20 Chapter 1
where is the stopped time per unit distance, T is the trip time per unit
distance, and Equations 29 and 30 lead to a simple
transcendental equation relating the stop time to the trip time, both per unit
distance, namely,
The two-fluid model has been scrutinised extensively over the years, and
found to represent remarkably well the behaviour of traffic during congested
periods in various cities. In general, several hours of data were sufficient to
determine the two-fluid parameters, namely and for a typical urban
street network of the central business district of a city. Thus, the two-fluid
model provided a means for a quantitative assessment of the quality of
traffic in a large number of cities in the United States and abroad. A further
investigation and validation of this model was provided by simulation
studies of Mahmassani et al (1987). The simulation provided an important
supporting tool for further development and extension of the theory,
especially the dependence of the proposed relations among network-wide
variables on the topological and operational features of a network.
where n denotes the number corresponding to the lead car, n+1 that of the
following car, T is the reaction time lag, and is a coefficient of
proportionality of the driver reaction to the stimulus, variously referred to as
22 Chapter 1
the sensitivity coefficient or the gain factor. In the first car following studies,
this sensitivity coefficient was assumed constant. Herman and his colleagues
went on to test their model by conducting car following experiments, and
investigating the consequences of this model on the stability of flow of a
stream of traffic.
in which
1. Traffic Flow Theories 25
It is seen that the long time behaviour of z(t), and hence y(t), is
approximately that of the leading term of the series in Eq. 45, namely,
in which is the root of Eq. 44 with the largest real part. The nature of this
root, depends on the value of the product
It may be seen from Eq. 53 that low frequencies cause the greatest
limitations on the sensitivity and time lag T. For in order to have
decreasing amplitude of the perturbation upstream, and T must satisfy the
In Fig. 12, the spacing between successive pairs of cars is shown, after a
deceleration-acceleration manoeuvre of the lead car, and for three different
values of C.
1. Traffic Flow Theories 29
In all three cases, we have local stability in the sense that the amplitude
of the perturbation in the spacing between cars eventually decreases toward
zero with increasing time. However, in the third case, C = 0.75, the
amplitude of the perturbation increases between successive pairs of cars,
causing asymptotic instability. This is shown more dramatically in Fig. 13,
where the position of nine cars is shown with respect to a system of co-
ordinates that moves with the original speed of the lead car. The original
spacing of the cars is 40 ft, and it is assumed that C =0.8 and T= 2 sec. It is
seen that the spacing between successive pairs of cars suffers a perturbation
of increasing amplitude as we move upstream, until there is a collision
between the and cars.
30 Chapter 1
For two roads through hilly country, is much greater for a narrow
two-lane road than for a four-lane divided highway.
For a road in hilly country, is greater for a downhill journey than for
an uphill one.
For two drivers driving at different speeds below the design speed of a
highway, is much the same.
If one or both the drivers exceed the design speed, is greater for the
faster driver.
Increasing traffic volume increases
Increasing traffic congestion generated by parking cars, stopping buses,
cross traffic, crossing pedestrians, etc., increases
The value of may be a better measure of traffic congestion than travel
times or stopped times.
High values of on a highway indicate a potentially dangerous
Jones and Potts cautioned against the use of arbitrary interpretation of the
values of but they made the observation that is a low
value, and is a high value.
where G is the velocity gradient, the acceleration noise, and u the mean
velocity during a trip. The reasoning behind their proposal of G as the
measure of goodness was that acceleration noise alone does not describe the
quality of the trip, because a fast trip and a slow trip could both have the
same value of but the fast trip would be more desirable. The time T
used in their calculation of was the total trip time, including stopped time.
It is seen from this figure that the acceleration noise increases rapidly
with the position of the car up to about the position, after which it reaches
a plateau. This result was obtained for an isolated platoon. In actual traffic,
the movements of cars around the platoon will probably accentuate the
disturbances to the platoon and the resulting acceleration noise.
where u is the speed of the average vehicle and s is the spacing between
vehicles. Equation 58 states that the acceleration of the average vehicle,
du/dt, is proportional to the average relative speed, ds/dt. Integrating Eq. 58
we obtain
where is the integration constant. Its value can then be determined from
the end condition that the speed be zero at the jam density hence
and the flow versus concentration curve comes out as a straight line with a
slope The intercept of this line with the q axis is the maximum
value of flow, when This result does not agree with most
observations, which indicate a flow versus concentration relationship
represented by a convex curve, such as Greenberg’s model shown in Fig. 6.
But Gazis et al (1959) showed that the Greenberg steady-state model could
be derived from car-following theory by a nonlinear model in which the
sensitivity, or gain factor, was not a constant but was inversely proportional
to the spacing between cars. In this case, the car-following equation becomes
1. Traffic Flow Theories 35
which, with appropriate choices for l and m , gives any of the above
models, and more.
For data taken by car-following runs in the Lincoln tunnel of New York
City, Gazis et al found the best correlation for values of m= 1 and l= 2. It is
interesting to note that May and Keller (1969) investigated the possible
choice of fractional exponents for freeway and tunnel data, and found that
those giving the best correlations were m= 0.8, l= 2.8, for freeway data, and
m= 0.6, l= 2.1, for tunnel data.
traffic flow models, that under certain circumstances a vehicle would reach
its destination earlier by starting later. The Smeed paradox was based on the
following argument. Suppose a car is standing at the entrance of a long
section of the roadway, considering making an entrance toward its
destination at the end of the roadway section.
The problem with Smeed’s argument lies in the assumption that a vehicle
entering a roadway section in effect influences the steady-state speed of
vehicles in front. This amounts to an assumption that disturbances propagate
downstream. However, as every driver knows, traffic is a uni-directional
medium, in which disturbances can only propagate upstream. (Here, we can
ignore the minor effect of a “tailgater” influencing a car in front to drive
faster!) Another way of discerning the error in Smeed’s reasoning is the
following. Suppose the vehicle does not enter the roadway, but a “phantom”
vehicle does, which does not influence the roadway density but moves with
the steady-state speed of the traffic stream. After the vehicle enters, it will
never be able to catch up with the phantom vehicle and overtake it, leading
to the resounding conclusion that it must arrive later if it starts later. The
conclusion is that Smeed, an outstanding leader in traffic science, slipped
into an erroneous line of reasoning in this case.
traffic phenomena runs the danger of fallacy similar to that of the Smeed
the stream splits among the two routes, abz and acz. Assuming congested
conditions, any increase of the flow along any link would substantially
increase the delay to drivers. Braess went on to compute the performance of
the network after addition of the link bc, which would attract some of the
traffic along abz. He found that under certain circumstances the penalty to
the cars would increase in the new network, because even an improvement
along bz would be far exceeded by the worsening along cz.
1. Traffic Flow Theories 39
The problem with the Braess paradox is that one can question the specific
delay functions that he assumed. In the example he gave corresponding to
Fig. 15, these delay functions, if assumed as multiples of the inverse of
speed, would correspond to extraordinary, and very debatable, flow versus
concentration relationships. For example, he assumed for link 1 the delay
function 10q, where q is the volume. If we set the delay as where is
the link length, then we obtain the corresponding q versus k (density)
relationship a rather unlikely relationship for which q tends
to infinity as k goes to infinity. The distribution of traffic after the addition of
the link is obtained from an optimisation procedure, which depends on these
unrealistic delay functions. For an uncongested system, anyone familiar with
network flow theory recognises that the “minimal cut” of the network cannot
possibly get worse after addition of a link. For a congested system, the point
z could only be viewed as an exit point, which will probably be the
bottleneck, and its performance is not in any way affected by the addition of
a link. The most that can be said in this case is that the addition of the link
does not improve the performance of the system, but it does not make it
worse either. To be sure, the addition of an attractive, new link may draw
some drivers into a route choice which degrades the performance of the
system, even for realistic choices of delay functions. This does not mean that
the system has worsened, and it may very well be that trial and error, plus
some sensible instructions to drivers, can bring drivers into a better set of
route choices. In any case, the conflict between individual route choices in a
network and global optimisation objectives has been well known for many
decades, and there is nothing paradoxical about it, as discussed in Chapter 4
of this book.
generation” effect may be true, but it has nothing to do with the original
statement of the Braess paradox.
Several models of traffic systems and traffic flow have been proposed in
recent years, including those based on “chaos theory”, “cellular automata”,
and “hopping models”. Some of them had the advantage of providing a
convenient simulation tool, and in this way may have been helpful to
researchers, since calibration of these models showed them to be reasonably
good in describing actual traffic conditions. However, many of these models
fail to describe the actual behaviour of traffic, and the partial fit with some
measurement does not justify their promotion as improved modelling tools.
For example, the hopping models essentially convert automobile traffic into
what might be called a “moving block” system, using the nomenclature of
railway traffic, and it is very unlikely that this is how people drive. The
chaos theories, while very attractive to journalists who love the concept of
chaotic behaviour of traffic, do not contribute any understanding of this
behaviour. Many of the seemingly chaotic features of traffic can be
explained as the effects of accidents, the geometry of the roadways, or such
phenomena as the “moving and phantom bottleneck” discussed earlier in this
The above comments do not mean to imply that the modelling of traffic
flow is finished. There are many challenges ahead, and meeting these
challenges holds promise of additional tools for improved traffic
management. One of the needed key improvements of traffic flow theory
concerns the effect of roadway geometry.
Virtually all the traffic flow models discussed in this chapter are good
mainly for an infinitely long, flat, and straight roadway. However, every
good driver knows that the geometry of the roadway affects driving patterns.
For example, a curve may necessitate some slowing down of traffic before
the curve with some acceleration along the curve and past the curve. This
effect would alter the nature of either the macroscopic or the microscopic,
car-following models of traffic. An additional effect of geometry is that due
to inclined roadway sections. An example of the effect of such sections was
given in this chapter, in the discussion of the “moving and phantom
bottleneck”, which may result from the slowing down of a truck by an uphill
portion of the roadway. It should also be mentioned that the effect of uphill
1. Traffic Flow Theories 41
Anderson, R. L., Herman, R. and Prigogine, I. (1962), “On the statistical distribution
function theory of traffic flow”, J. Opns. Res., 10, 180-195.
Braess, D. (1968), “Uber ein Paradoxen der Verkehrsplannung”, Unternehmenstorchung,
12, 258-268.
Chandler, R. E., Herman, R. and Montroll, E. W. (1958), “Traffic Dynamics: Studies in
Car Following”, Operations Res., 6, 165-184.
Daou, A. (1964), “On Flow in Platoons”, Bull. Operations Res. Oc. Amer., 25ty National
Meeting, 12, B40.
Edie, L. C. (1961), “Car-Following and Steady-State Theory for Non-Congested Traffic”,
Operations Res., 9, (1), 66-76.
Edie, L. C. (1974), “Flow Theories”, in Traffic Science, edited by D. C. Gazis, Wiley-
Interscience, New York, pp. 1-108.
Forbes, T. W., Zagorski, M. J., Holshouser, E. L. and Deterline, W. A. (1958),
“Measurement of Driver Reactions to Tunnel Conditions”, Proc. Highway Res. Board, 37,
Gazis, D. C., Herman, R. and Potts, R. B. (1959), “Car-Following Theory of Steady-State
Traffic Flow”, Operations Res., 7, 499-505.
Gazis, D. C., Herman, R. and Rothery, R. W. (1961), “Nonlinear Follow-the-Leader
Models of Traffic Flow”, Operations Res., 9, 545-567.
Gazis, D. C., Herman, R. and Rothery, R. W. (1963), “Analytical Methods in
Transportation: Mathematical Car-Following Theory of Traffic Flow”, Proc. Am. Soc. Civil
Engrs, Eng. Mech. Div., 6, 29-46.
Gazis, D. C. and Herman, R. (1992), “The Moving and ‘Phantom’ Bottlenecks”, Transp.
Science, 26, No.3, 223-229.
Greenberg, H. (1959), “An Analysis of Traffic Flow”, Operations Res., 7, No.l, 79-85.
Helly, W. and Baker, P. G. (1967), “Acceleration noise in a congested signalized
environment”, in Vehicular Traffic Science, Proc. Third Intern. Symp. on Th. Of Traffic Flow,
American Elsevier, New York, pp. 56-61.
Herman, R., Montroll, E. W., Potts, R. B. and Rothery, R. W. (1959), “Traffic Dynamics:
Analysis of Stability in Car Following”, Operations Res., 7, 86-106.
Herman, R. and Potts, R. B. (1961), “Single-Lane Traffic Theory and Experiment”, in
Theory of Traffic Flow, edited by R. Herman, Amsterdam:Elsevier, 120-146.
Herman, R. and Rothery, R. W. (1962), “Microscopic and Macroscopic Aspects of Single
Lane Traffic Flow”, Operations Res. Japan, 5, 74.
Herman, R. and Prigogine, I. (1979), “A Two-Fluid Approach to Town Traffic”, Science,
204, 148-151.
Jones, T. R. and Potts, R. B. (1962), “The measurement of acceleration noise – a traffic
parameter”, Oper. Res. 10 (6), 745-763.
Lighthill, M. J. and Whitham, G. B. (1955), “On Kinematic Waves, II. A Theory of
Traffic Flow on Long Crowded Roads”, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 229A, 317-345.
1. Traffic Flow Theories 43
Additional References
Buckley, D. J. (1962), “Road Traffic Headway Distributions”, Proc. Aust. Road Res.
Board, 1, 153-187.
Daganzo, C. F. (1997), Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations, New
York: Elsevier.
Darroch, J. N. and Rothery, R. W. (1972), “Car Following and Spectral Analysis”, in
Traffic Flow and Transportation, edited by G. F. Newell, New York: Elsevier.
Dunne, M. C., Rothery, R. W. and Potts, R. B. (1968), “A Discrete Markov Model of
Vehicular Traffic”, Transp. Sci., 2, No. 3, 233-251.
Gazis, D. C., Herman, R. and Weiss, G. (1962), “Density Oscillations Between Lanes of a
Multi-Lane Highway”, Operations Res., 10, 658-667.
Greenberg, H. (1959), “An Analysis of Traffic Flow”, Operations Res., 7, No. 1, 79-85
Greenshields, B. and Loutzenheiser, A. (1940), “Speed Distributions”, Proc. Highway
Res. Board, 20.
44 Chapter 1
The preceding discussion does not take into account explicitly driver and
vehicular interactions, which would alter the resulting headway distribution.
There have been numerous contributions toward making the headway
distributions more realistic than the idealized exponential distribution.
Among other issues, the exponential distribution assigns a relatively high
weight to very small gaps, near zero, which are in effect impossible due to
the finite size of cars. One suggestion was that of Schuhl (1955) who
suggested the function
where n is the number of cars in the queue, and r and m are parameters
fitted from the data.
where H(x) is the delta function; namely, H(x)=0 for x<0, and H(x)=1 for
Measurements of actual driver behavior reveal a more complicated
behavior than that described by Eq. 10. For this reason, alternative
expressions for have been suggested, in conjunction with
experimental evidence. For example, Herman and Weiss (1961) found that,
on the basis of experiments conducted under somewhat idealized conditions,
the gap acceptance function could be represented by
50 Chapter 2
At this point, some remarks are appropriate regarding the realism of the
presented models of gap acceptance. One obvious observation is that human
behavior may not be as simplistic as stipulated by the models which assume
that the size of the acceptable gap remains constant for a given individual. A
few observations will convince anyone that this may not be the case, because
the patience of a driver may be tested to the point of shrinking the size of
acceptable gaps. Another effect on gap acceptance is the succession of gaps.
A driver looking for an opening may skip a gap which appears to be
acceptable, if he detects an even more pleasing gap coming next.
Nevertheless, the methodology presented here gives a handle for estimating
the delays to traffic movement caused by traffic competing for the same
roadway space, for the purpose of planning improvements to transportation
Let us now assume that a single car arrives at a stop sign at time t = 0,
and faces an unobstructed stream of traffic while trying to either cross, or
merge with the main stream of traffic. We assume that the driver’s gap
acceptance function is We will calculate the probability density,
of the delay to the driver, following the work of Weiss and Maradudin
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 51
(1962). In what follows, we will talk about a “merging maneuver”, but the
results are also applicable to the case of crossing a single stream of main
where w(t)dt is the probability that a car on the main road passes the
intersection in the time interval (t, t + dt), and no merge has been made up to
that point. We now show that w(t) is the solution to an integral equation of
convolution type. Let us define two functions
52 Chapter 2
which have the following meaning: dt is the probability that the first
gap is between t and t + dt and is unacceptable, and dt has the same
meaning for succeeding gaps. If a car in the main stream passes the
intersection at time t and no merge has been made, it is either the first car to
do so, or the last such event occurred at some time and the succeeding
gap was unacceptable. These two possibilities are summed up in the
Using this formula, we find that the first two moments of the delay are
given by
If we now expand the right-hand side of Eq. 23 in series, and invert term
by term, we obtain
54 Chapter 2
The mean and variance of the delay time are readily obtained from the
expression for in Eq. 23, and they are
If we further assume
where is the gap acceptance function for the gap preceding the arrival
of the car on the main highway. Drew et al (1967a, 1967b) also
considered this case and gave detailed results for the case in which the gap
acceptance is a step function with a threshold decreasing in some regular
manner with successive passages of cars on the main highway.
The second variation concerns a driver who considers more than the gap
he faces at any moment. Specifically, it considers a driver who also looks at
the next following gap, and waits for that one if it is larger that the one just
in front even though it is acceptable. This case was considered by Weiss
(1966), who treated the case of a negative exponential headway distribution
and a certain probability that the driver would skip an acceptable gap for the
sake of a larger following gap. The probability function assumed by Weiss
only on the time gap, but also on the speed of the oncoming vehicle on the
main road. In this case, let us denote the gap acceptance function by
and let be the probability that the gap is between t and t + dt ,
and the speed of the oncoming vehicle is between and The
treatment given for the standard case can be adapted by making the
substitutions for a few key variables
If is a linear function of
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 57
We now again define the p.d.f. of delay time as and its Laplace
transform as which is found to be
where is the Laplace transform of q(t). From Eq. 41, we derive the
mean delay as
It may be observed that the Eq. 22 for the delay caused by a sequence of
cars rather than queues, is derived from Eq. 43 by setting v = 0, which also
implies p = 1. Miller tested his model against some data on pedestrian
crossings in Sweden, finding that his “random queue” model fitted the data
slightly better than the “random car” model, and the probability of
immediate crossing was predicted definitely better by the random queue
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 59
and that the headway distribution in each lane was a negative exponential,
with the mean headway in lane j denoted by
We now let be the p.d.f. of the waiting time, and its Laplace
transform. First of all, the probability of zero delay is the product
where is the probability that the gap in lane r is
acceptable, namely,
and therefore
where the may be different from the which are used for
subsequent gaps. Let be the Laplace transform of the p.d.f. for the
delay following the first unacceptable gap. We also define the probabilities
that the driver crosses with a flying start, or after the first unacceptable gap,
We also define the p.d.f. for the wait to the end of the first unacceptable
gap be given by the expression in Eq. 49, with replaced by
(t). Then, and satisfy the relationships
probabilities, are defined for the event that “there are m people in the
queue at the regeneration point, given that n people were in the queue at the
previous regeneration point”. There are two possible cases in computing
. If n > m , the transition can only be realized in the sequence
namely, the group of n crosses as a whole, and then at least m new
pedestrians come to the crossing point, of which m remain in the queue. If,
however, the transition can either occur as or
since the initial group does not necessarily have to cross, but can be
augmented to the size m with the addition of some new arrivals. Therefore,
is decomposed as
Of the new arrivals, m remain in the queue and k cross the road on
arrival. These assumptions imply that is given by
The moments of the queue length can now be derived from these last two
equations by differentiation, leading to the following expressions for the
mean queue length and the associated variance
The preceding statistics are for queue lengths at a regeneration point, but
similar results can also be obtained for the statistics of queue length at a
random time. In agreement with a general result by Little (1961), it is found
that the mean number of pedestrians at a random time is
68 Chapter 2
One may observe that there are a number of deficiencies in the underlying
model of the preceding discussions. For example, the assumption that all
pedestrians have the same gap acceptance function is obviously a
questionable one. The question is, how much of an effect this assumption
has on the results. It turns out that this particular deficiency can be
circumvented quite easily. Let us suppose that the gap acceptance function
depends on the gap and on a random variable v with associated p.d.f. g(v),
and let the rate parameter also depend on v. Then, Eq. 71 changes into
It turns out that unless very heavy traffic intensities are involved, the
corrections due to a random variation in the gap acceptance function are
negligible, as was shown by Weiss (1964).
Another deficiency of the presented theory is the assumption that the gap
acceptance function is independent of the group size. If we introduce a set of
gap acceptance functions, such that is the relevant function for
a group n , the general problem cannot be solved in a closed form. However,
if we further assume that only a finite number of are different, then a
solution can be obtained. For example, if
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 69
that is, each arriving pedestrian makes a decision to cross on the basis of
(t), but thereafter makes decisions on the basis of then
Let us assume that the interval over which measurements are made is
large enough so that the travel time over it is a constant whether a stop is
made or not, namely, the deceleration and acceleration times due to a stop
are negligible. Then the total travel time is equal to where is the
expected delay at the zebra crossing. If the arrival of pedestrians is described
by a Poisson process with arrival rate and the driver has a step gap
acceptance function, we may use the expression given in Eq. 25 for with
If, furthermore, is small, we can expand the exponential to find
the approximation so that the total travel time comes out to be
a linear function of as found by Smeed (1958, 1968).
Incidentally, the value of T suggested by Smeed’s data lies between 5.4
70 Chapter 2
and 6.5 sec. Smeed also went on to estimate the cost of pedestrian delays,
in conjunction with the cost of traffic delays, with idea of leading to warrants
for construction of zebra crossings.
where is the duration of the green phase. Thedeen also showed that the
expected waiting time for a single pedestrian is
and the limiting value of the total waiting time, measured over a reasonably
long total period of time, is just Furthermore, the long-term portion of
time spent in the green phase, i.e. the fraction of the time during which cars
are delayed, is
Evans et al showed that this limit existed, and that could be calculated
as the ratio of the expected cars to merge in a single gap over the expected
headway. If is the probability that n cars merge during a gap of t,
and E (t) is the expected number of cars that merge during that gap, then by
where the second of Eqs. 84 is derived by assuming that the first car merges
with a move-up time and is followed by a merge of exactly n – 1 cars.
Equation (85) does not have a simple solution in general, but it does in the
special case when we have a constant move-up time We then have
where is the Dirac delta function, and Eq. 84
The preceding discussion is the most general one for the queueing
problem encountered in merging or crossing situations. The generality, of
course, also entails difficulty in obtaining closed form solutions for specific
situations. Several investigators have addressed such specific situations
using simplified models in which some of the features ofqueueing are either
ignored or approximated. Some of these contributions have preceded the
work described above, and others followed it. Perhaps the first treatment of
vehicular queueing was by Tanner (1953, 1962), who considered queues
generated by two conflicting traffic streams competing for the use of a
stretch of road AB wide enough for only a single vehicle. Such a situation
might arise when two lanes must merge into one. It is assumed that traffic
stream 1 arrives at point A as a Poisson process with a rate parameter
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 75
The most interesting of the three, from the point of view of applications,
is the first one, and it is the only one that was treated. It corresponds to the
situation when either one of the queues has control of AB , and retains
control as long as there are still some vehicles in that queue. The other two
cases shown above allow intermittent changes of control between queues
without the intervention of any external controls.
Yeo and Weesakul (1964), and Evans, Herman, and Weiss (1964) have
treated variants of the Tanner model, in which the merging time is related to
the critical gap appearing in a step gap acceptance function. In this case, a
value of merging time is chosen from an arbitrary distribution, and this time
is the critical gap in a step gap acceptance function. Consequently, both of
these models take into account the possibility of a distribution of critical
gaps over the population of cars. The expression obtained by Evans et al is
obtained as follows. Let g (t) be the p.d.f. of the merging time, and its
Laplace transform. Let the input of cars on the feeder road be Poisson with
rate parameter and let the p.d.f. for headways be
Let us also define a dimensionless rate parameter Then, the
mean delay is obtained as
Traffic signals, and the delay they cause to individual drivers, are of
paramount importance and have received a great deal of attention. One
wants to understand the delay effect of signals, and then try to minimize it by
proper design of the signal cycle. The first problem is to find the delay to a
single traffic stream arriving at an intersection, which handles several such
streams. In order to obtain expressions for the expected delay for a single
stream, it is necessary to specify the signal settings, the arrival process of the
incoming stream vehicles, and the manner in which the vehicles pass
through the intersection.
The starting point for many studies of delays at traffic signals has been the
assumption of a simple Poisson process describing the arrival of cars. This
assumption is reasonably satisfactory for very light traffic, and the absence
of a nearby upstream signal which creates bunching of the cars into platoons.
In heavy traffic, when the interactions between cars cannot be neglected, a
generalization of the simple Poisson process is the “compound Poisson
process”, in which, if N (t) is the number of arrivals in any interval of length
In the process of binomial arrivals described in Section 2.1, let the time
be regarded as consisting of discrete, contiguous intervals, each of duration
h . Let the numbers of arrivals in the intervals h be independent, identically
distributed random variables with a probability generating function
This process specializes to the binomial process if
However, if
and if, in addition, we assume that the arrivals during a particular h interval
are randomly distributed over the interval, the process reduces to the
compound Poisson process described above. Since the index of dispersion
for the binomial and compound Poisson process are, respectively, smaller
and greater than unity, the above process generalizes the simple Poisson
process in both directions of the dispersion index. In general, it may be
shown that the dispersion index for Darroch’s process is given by
when they view the combination of the red plus yellow phase, R , and they
move during the green phase, G = T – R. The simplest way in which
departures can be modeled, is by assuming that the cars move when they are
free to do so, and the departure intervals are independent and identically
distributed random variables. In the case of a single lane of traffic, it is not
unreasonable to assume that the departure headways are identical,
corresponding to some “saturation flow” rate. This assumption has been
made in most of the literature concerning fixed-cycle lights. One may expect
that the departure time of the first vehicle may be somewhat larger than that
of the rest of the vehicles, but this can be accommodated by enlarging
somewhat the value of R. It is also assumed that if the cars arrive during the
green phase, and there is no queue, they can move on, so they incur no
departure delay.
If all the vehicles do not proceed straight through the intersection, but
make a right or left turn, the department times are not necessarily the same
for all cars. Cars turning right may slow down somewhat, possibly unevenly,
and cars turning left slow down even more, unless they are given a “green
arrow” corresponding to an obstruction of the through traffic in the opposite
direction, which competes for the same road space as the left-turning
vehicles. In any case, it is reasonable to divide the cars into classes, and
assume that, for each class, the departure times are independent, identically
distributed random variables. This, of course, assumes that the classes do not
interfere with each other, as is the case if there is enough storage space to
accommodate slowed-down vehicles making a turn. If there is not enough
space, we have a “spill-back” effect, which drastically changes the
computation of delays, as discussed by Gazis (1965).
Let A(t) be the number of vehicles which join the queue during th time
interval (0,t), where the origin is taken to be the start of the red phase. No
departures are possible during the red phase, (0,R), but departures proceed
unrestricted during the green phase, (R,T). We assume that A(t) is a Poisson
process with and that each vehicle takes a constant time s to
depart from the queue. Let
82 Chapter 2
from which, using Eqs. 104 and 105, we obtain, for the expected total wait
per cycle,
84 Chapter 2
Let us now consider the simplest arrival process of all, namely, the case
when the vehicles in the input stream are all separated by the constant
interval This simple model was first investigated by Clayton(1941),
who used it to obtain an optimal signal setting of a traffic signal which
minimizes the delay at an intersection. While the process Q (t) is now
completely deterministic and therefore relatively trivial, it is worth
considering here because it gives a measure of the minimum possible delay
at an intersection. The amount by which the expected delay exceeds this
minimum delay may be viewed as due to the randomness of arrivals. Clearly
in this case Q(0) 0 and I = 0, so Eq. 116 becomes
The expected total delay during the red phase is the same as given for
constant departure times, and therefore given by Eq. 107. To find the
expected total delay during the green phase, we can use a result of
Daley and Jacobs (1969), which generalizes Eq. 108 to
The fact that the end of the green phase does not coincide with the end of
a departure time does not allow us to simply replace Q (R) by Q (T) in
Eq. 119 and subtracting. Such a replacement yields a value which is greater
than the correct value by the amount where is the expected
difference between a departure time that starts at time T and the amount by
which a departure time that ends the time period T overshoots the end of
the green phase, therefore where V is the forward recursion
time in the departure process. On the basis of renewal theory, (see, for
example, Cox 1962, p.63), we find
Equation 121, together with Eqs. 107, 111,112, and 120, yields
It is seen from this figure that the rate of delay increases rapidly for values
of the light cycle time smaller than the optimum, but less rapidly for values
larger than the optimum. This means that it is wise to err on the safe side by
stretching the traffic light cycle toward somewhat larger values than the
computed optimum, if such a setting is realistic.
The models we have presented thus far involve traffic lights in which the red
and green phases are of fixed duration. However, there are situations, in
which one direction may start getting higher input, while the cross direction
still has portions of the green phase to spare. If we have the intersection
properly instrumented to detect such variations in real time, we can hope to
borrow some green light from the under-loaded direction and give it to the
over-loaded one. For example, we can wait until the queue in the overloaded
direction empties before we give the green to the cross traffic, thus utilizing
the available total green time more effectively, and reducing the overall
delay to users. This defines traffic actuation of signals, in which the green
and red phases of both directions vary in response to actual measurements of
demand. If the departure processes in the two competing directions are the
same, the best policy is to wait, if possible, until the queue in the over-loaded
direction empties, and then switch. The challenge, of course is to position
traffic sensors properly, so that they can determine the end of the queue. This
end is generally defined by measuring the headways of the arriving vehicles.
It should be pointed out here that in most cases there is maximum allowable
green period, intended to avoid having the vehicles in the opposing direction
wait for inordinate amounts of time. (It has been said that “if a red phase is
more than two minutes long, drivers assume that the light is broken down
and choose to ignore it”). This limitation on the duration of the green light
may negate our desire to completely exhaust the queue in the over-loaded
direction, even though this may result in an increase in the expected delay to
the users.
Even in the simple case of two intersecting on-way streets, the analysis
gets to be quite complicated, unless we remove the upper bound for a green
phase, as was done, for example, by Tanner (1953), and by Darroch et al
(1964). In both these papers, it is assumed that the arrivals are a simple
Poisson process, but Darroch et al allow for variable departure times and lost
times, whereas Tanner does not. Tanner’s model is more realistic in dealing
with the change-over of allocation of the green, at the expense of increased
mathematical complexity, which does not burden the model of Darroch et al.
In the analysis that follows, we simplify matters by assuming that all the
departure times have a fixed duration s , the lost times are of fixed length L,
and the competing streams of traffic are a simple Poisson process with rate
in the i direction. It is further assumed that the traffic signal may extend
the green in either direction until the queue is exhausted, which is
determined by the detection of a headway of at least in the arrivals near
the end of the queue. This is a special case of the Darroch et al model, but
their generalization to independent and identically distributed departure
times, possibly with different distributions for the two competing streams, is
straight-forward. The optimization problem consists of finding the values of
which minimize the total rate of delay at the intersection. Since there is
no “overflow” at the end of the green phase, with headways exceeding
the expected total waiting time per cycle is given byEq. 116, without the
term involving E [Q (0)]. The red period is now a random variable, and so
we have, in equilibrium,
where is the time it takes to discharge the queue i, is additional time that
elapses before the beginning of a headway of at least and the
superscript j denotes the cycle number.
Now, taking expected values in Eq. 124 and using Eq. 126, we obtain
Next, we obtain the average cycle time. From Fig. 3, we see that
It can now be shown that the condition for equilibrium is, as expected,
Next, we can determine the values of which minimize the total delay
per unit of time. In general, graphical or numerical methods are required for
this task, except in special cases. Interestingly enough, the derivation of the
rate of delay is simplified considerably if the intersection is operating close
to saturation, that is, if is very close to unity. In such a case, the
right-hand side of Eq. 128 is very large, since its denominator is very small.
This results in and being the dominant terms in the right-
94 Chapter 2
hand side of Eq. 131. Neglecting the other terms of the right-hand side and
using Eq. 126, we obtain
From Eqs. 123 and 136 we now obtain a good approximation for the rate
of delay, as tends to unity, given by
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 95
The right-hand side of Eq. 136 only involves the values of through the
mean cycle time E [T ] . The values of for which E [T ] is minimum are
obtainable from Entering Eqs. 132 into Eq. 130 and
differentiating, we obtain the optimal values
subject to the additional requirement that Eq. 138 gives the values
of which minimize the total rate of delay, at high traffic volumes. It
should be pointed, however, that the usefulness of the result may be limited
by constraints on the maximum value of the red phase, in which case one
may seek settings which are as close to the optimum obtained above as
Additional References
Ashworth, R. (1970), “The Analysis and Interpretation of Gap Acceptance Data”, Transp.
Sci., 4, 270-280.
Blumenfeld, D. E. and Weiss, G. H. (1970a), “On the Robustness of Certain Assumptions
in the Merging Delay Problem”, Transp. Res., 4, 125-139.
Blumenfeld, D. E. and Weiss, G. H. (1970b), “On Queue Splitting to Reduce Waiting
Time”, Transp. Res., 4, 141-144.
Blumenfeld, D. E. and Weiss, G. H. (1971), “Merging from an Acceleration Lane”,
Transp. Sci., 5, 161-168.
2. Queueing and Delays at Isolated Intersections 99
Traffic Control
Bermant, 1966, and San Jose Project, 1966). In these computerized systems,
progression choice was based on actual measurements of traffic, and it was
coordinated with traffic-actuated control of “critical intersections”. Finally,
in recent years, the concept of “Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS” has
been introduced. An ITS system is supposed to optimize the design of traffic
lights in a network, and also inform the drivers of events that influence the
performance of the traffic system, such as accidents and other “incidents”.
There are two main objectives in traffic control. One is Safety, and the
other one is Comfort and Convenience of Drivers. The safety objective is
obvious, and it consists of separating streams of traffic to avoid collisions,
and instructing drivers on points of danger, such as sharp curves. The
objective of maximizing the comfort and convenience to drivers comprises
means for allowing drivers to complete their journey in as short time as
possible, and means for easing the driving task, for example by reducing the
number of unnecessary stops. Viewed as a control theory problem, traffic
control entails the goal of improving an objective function , subject to
constraints of the traffic system. Optimization is to be achieved by selecting
any of a number of controllable parameters of the system. Such parameters
include the split , i.e. division of the green phase among competing streams,
the offset of a sequence of lights, i.e. the time difference between the start of
the green phase of these lights, etc.
An isolated intersection,
A system of intersections amenable to signal coordination, or
coordinated control for optimizing the objective function,
Critical traffic links, such as tunnels, bridges, and special freeway
sections, and
An urban street network.
The pursuit of ITS has, in principle, integrated all the above objectives,
and added a few others, as will be discussed later. One of the distinguishing
points of ITS is the desire to communicate with drivers, in order to alert
them as to the current traffic conditions. Such communication is expected to
influence the route choices of drivers, thus affecting the inputs to the
optimization problem for the network.
3. Traffic Control 105
We can now use the following reasoning: During the green phase
the throughput in the i direction is It is reasonable to set the green
phases in a way that provides equal saturation levels, in both
directions, where of course it is assumed that these saturation levels, and
their sum, are smaller than unity. This yields to the empirical formula5 for
the split of the effective green
where the green phases in the two directions satisfy the relationship
The above relationships have been the bible of traffic engineers for ever.
Webster (1958) investigated the optimum setting of traffic lights under
realistic assumptions about arrival patterns and queue discharge during the
106 Chapter 3
green phase, and obtained the optimum traffic cycle, and “split” of the green
between the two directions. Webster found that the split defined by Eqs. 1,2
was pretty close to the one obtained by his optimization process, in most
practical situations.
On the basis of the diagram shown in Fig. 2, we can discuss some of the
basic properties of a progression design, which allow variation of a single
design in order to accommodate varying demands. Extensive discussions of
the principles of progression design can be found in Dunne and Potts (1964),
and in Matson et al (1955).
We can stretch the time scale of the diagram in Fig. 2 . This amounts to a
change from a set of speed and cycle (v , c) to a set with
an arbitrary constant, with the same efficiency of progression.
108 Chapter 3
On the basis of all three of the above observations we can simply seek an
optimal design for some speed and cycle, from which we may them obtain a
multitude of alternate designs accommodating different traffic demand
situations. An optimal design can be obtained from the following
If, in addition, all travel times between intersections are integer multiples
of the half-cycle, we can achieve a perfect utilization of the green phase at
all intersections, and in both directions, resulting in the highest possible
efficiency. If the distances between intersections do not allow this perfect
3. Traffic Control 109
1. Let be the distances of the intersections from the one with the
minimum green phase, taken as the reference intersection, the green
phases of these intersections, and the green phase of the reference
intersection. We compute
3. Traffic Control 111
where the symbols “mod” and “int” denote the modulo (i.e., the
residue after division), and “int” denotes the integer part of the division.
The quantities li and are the left and right interferences of the light
i on the band emanating from the reference intersection. Aligning the
mid-phases results in intersection i being associated with either a right
or left interference.
3. We can now try to improve the solution by trading off left interferences
for right interferences. This is accomplished by shifting the offset of the
corresponding intersections by c/2 . If the number of left interferences
is k , then the optimum bandwith is obtained by maximizing over k the
It should be noted that not all values of k must be considered, but only
those corresponding to increasing values of
Little’s formulation starts with the following definitions, where all the
variables are expressed as multiples of the cycle c .
time from the center of the red phase at i to the center of a red
phase at j , where the two red phases are adjacent to a through-band,
and on the same side of the band
3. Traffic Control 113
As in all MILP problems, for any set of the integer values, the problem is
a linear Programming (LP) one. For the MILP problem, Little suggested a
branch and bound approach, which provides a “tree” one searches on the
way toward the solution, such as that shown in Fig. 5. The tree is formed by
considering intersections one at a time, and all the values of the integer
variable m associated with the pair of the intersection at hand and a
reference intersection. For each node of the tree, we solve a LP problem to
obtain a value of the through-band, assuming fixed values of for a
subset of the intersections. The branch and bound technique starts with the
3. Traffic Control 115
node with the highest through-band and searches along the branches of the
tree, until all the values of have been selected.
Now, one may suggest a method for finding the relative offset of the two
lights for all traffic situations, from light traffic to heavy traffic, (but not
extreme congestion). When the traffic is light, l is generally zero, and the
relative offset is
In this case l = d , and we have reached the level of full saturation. If,
along an artery, the density builds up gradually from A to B (Fig. 8), and
then decreases toward zero from B to C, then the offset with respect to A
may be given by a curve such as which can be obtained following the
method given above.
118 Chapter 3
It should be pointed out that such a design may only indirectly reduce
delays, by preventing or reducing the blocking of intersections, and the
infamous “gridlock”. Its main effect would be to minimize the number of
starts and stops of vehicles by starting each vehicle only when there is room
enough for it to proceed.
1. The IN pattern, which is the flow of traffic past the downstream end of a
link, if traffic is not impeded by a traffic light.
2. The OUT pattern, which is the actual traffic flow past the intersection
into the next link, and
3. The GO pattern, which is the flow obtained if there is a residual queue
upstream of the intersection during the entire green phase.
The OUT pattern of one intersection generates the IN pattern of the next
downstream intersection, with some allowance of “dispersion”, the
spreading out of platoons due to varying speed between platoon cars. A
typical IN pattern is shown in Fig. 10, in the form of a histogram of flow
during each of 50 equal fractions of the cycle.
It may be seen that the position of the green phase along the time axis of
the IN pattern allows one to compute both the delay and the number of stops
at an intersection, which contribute to the objective function D. A minimum
for D is then obtained by the following “hill-climbing” procedure. The offset
and/or split of a single intersection is changed by a small amount, and a new
3. Traffic Control 121
1. The amount of traffic at each intersection does not depend on the traffic
light settings, and
2. The delay along a given link of a network depends only on the settings
of the lights at the two ends of the link.
The method is based on the observation that, if the above assumptions are
true, links can be combined in series or in parallel, in computing and
minimizing delay. Consider a pair of intersections A and B (Fig. 11),
connected by two traffic links. Assumption 2 above states that the delay of
traffic along link 1 depends only on the offset between A and B. Let this
delay be given by the function
3. Traffic Control 123
It may be pointed out that an exhaustive search of all the regions of the
domain of Eq. 24, for all possible values of runs into an extraordinary
amount of computations. For example, it has been estimated by Ross (1972)
that a square grid with 25 signalized intersections, all serving two-way
streets, would correspond to about 1028 regions of the domain defined by
Eq. 24.
One of the first contributions in the area of traffic responsive signals for a
single intersection was made by Dunne and Potts (1964), who proposed their
own heuristic algorithm for traffic actuation, and also gave an interesting
method for representing and analyzing the operation of traffic lights. The
representation consists of describing the condition of the intersection in the
3. Traffic Control 129
moves along this barrier until the light is changed, with only the not favored
queue increasing.
Dunne and Potts went on to propose and test an algorithm which treats the
lines and in Fig. 15 as “reflecting barriers”, meaning that
the light changes as soon as the state of the intersection reaches either one of
these lines attempting to cross. Incidentally when the reflecting barriers are
just the axes the Dunne-Potts algorithm treats the case known as the
Saturation Flow Algorithm, in which the light changes only when the
favored queue is exhausted, which may be impractical in many real-life
3. Traffic Control 131
and l is the lost time for clearance at phase change-over. The duration of the
limit cycle is
The above results concerning the limit cycle are applicable, whether or
not the portions of the reflecting barriers coincide with the axes
However, Dunne and Potts point out that the delay to users is minimal when
the barriers coincide with axes which is the case of the saturation
flow algorithm.
Another strategy was proposed by Koshi (1972) for the city of Tokyo, and
it is one of the most adaptive ones proposed for a relatively large traffic
system. In general, for large systems, the general approach has been to
separate control of intersections into “Macrocontrol” and “Microcontrol”.
Macrocontrol comprises an overall strategy for the entire system, and
microcontrol involves small changes in this strategy to accommodate
detectable departures from expected demand at some “critical intersections”.
In effect, Koshi introduces microcontrol over the entire system, but he does
it in a way that generates a continuously changing grand strategy for the
entire system. The optimization is performed over the time period of one
cycle. Koshi looks at every intersection and tests to see whether or not a
small advance or delay of the next traffic light phase may decrease the
aggregate delay to the users. If it does, the change in the offset is
implemented, resulting in a continuous application of a “policy
improvement” scheme, which is responsive to changing traffic conditions. It
should be mentioned here that a continuous change from one grand strategy
to another has distinct advantages over an abrupt one, which may cause
problems in transition from one to another.
A number of other programs have been contributed over the years for
improving the control of traffic lights in a network. The onset of the use of
computers for real-time traffic control, starting in the 1960s, has made the
application of such contributions to real systems possible. Among these
contributions are the following:
3. Traffic Control 135
The SCOOT program was first developed by Hunt et al (1982) and has been
extended in several respects by others. It may be viewed as the traffic-
responsive version of TRANSYT, which was discussed earlier. It has been
used in many cities around the world, particularly in the United Kingdom.
data are collected and the optimization program is solved again for a time
horizon H.
rather than ones with step function changes. If the net input at some
intersections, i.e. influx minus outflow of traffic, is positive along an
appreciable length of the artery, then the demand along the artery may
increase above capacity levels over a section of the artery. In Fig. 16, the
demand is shown as a continuous curve f(x). The demand along each point
is the integral of this curve, F(x). If
where Q is the maximum throughput of the artery, then congestion will set in
along a major portion of the artery. Progression becomes meaningless in this
case, but for lack of a better design it is not uncommon in many cities to
have the lights synchronized for progression anyway – to the frustration of
the traffic engineers and driving public.
Congestion may be avoided by controlling the net input along the artery,
and may take one of several forms:
phase are completely served during the green phase, near the end of which
newly arriving vehicles may go through the intersection without stopping.
The average green time required for serving all the cars arriving during a
light cycle c is
where is the average arrival rate of vehicles during the light cycle. As
discussed in the preceding section, the standard practice accepted by traffic
engineers and managers has been to divide the “total available green time” in
proportion to the values of Eq. 35, leading to the same “degree of
saturation” along all competing directions. Accordingly, the effective green
phases satisfy the relationships
where L is the lost time for acceleration and clearance. Equation 37 defines
the case of oversaturation, discussed by Gazis and Potts (1965). The
allocation of the green may still be done in this case according to Eq. 36, but
140 Chapter 3
The situation is shown in Fig. 17, where the cumulative arrival, Q, and
cumulative service, G, are plotted versus time, for one of the competing
streams. The quantities Q and G are the integrals over time of the arrival
rate and service rate, respectively, namely
where is the service rate, and the time origin is taken as the onset of
oversaturation. The service curve is actually more like the sawtooth curve of
Fig. 17, but it will e drawn as a smooth curve during our discussion, for
where the equality applies when sufficiently long queues exist in both
directions to supply saturation flow during the entire length of the green
The objective function of the control problem is the aggregate delay to the
users, and the statement of the problem is the following:
142 Chapter 3
and it is assumed that after time T the capacity of the intersection exceeds
the demand in both directions.
In Eq. 43, and Fig. 16, the are known functions of t, based on
historical data of rush period traffic inputs for the intersection. The single
setting strategy is not the only strategy which exhausts both queues at the
same time, neither does it constitute the control which minimizes the
aggregate delay. It can be seen in Fig. 18 that we can construct multistage
service curves, which also exhaust both queues at the same time, by
increasing the delay in one direction and decreasing it in the other. The dash-
dot lines in Fig. 18 show such a strategy, in which we give a little more
green to direction 1 up to time and take some away from until T, so
that queue 1 is exhausted at time T. This decreases the delay to stream one,
at the expense of an increase in delay for stream 2, but it can be proved
easily that queue 2 will also be exhausted at time T.
We can continue trading off delay, in a way that favors the stream with
the greater saturation flow, until we reach the optimum strategy, which is a
two-stage operation. During the first stage, stream 1 receives the maximum
green phase, and stream 2 receives the minimum one, and during the second
stage the allocation of the green is reversed. The switch-over point is given
with T and satisfying Eqs. 43. Incidentally, the switching from one
extreme of the control variable to the other is generally referred to as bang-
bang control , a term somewhat less than reassuring when used in
connection with traffic.
3. Traffic Control 145
It can be seen from the preceding discussion that the exact shape of the
cumulative demand curves during most of the rush period does not
change the solution, or the minimization result, as long as the cumulative
demand curves do not dip below the cumulative service curves, as shown in
the top curve of Fig. 18. If the cumulative demand curves can be
approximated reasonably well by some asymptotic straight lines near the end
of the rush period, we can obtain simple expressions for T ,and for the
switch-over time For example, if
The total delay to the users may be further reduced, if we prolong a little
bit the agony of the drivers in stream 2, with The ultimately
optimum setting is obtained when the durations of the last straight line
portions of the two service curves, satisfy the relationships, (Fig. 18),
146 Chapter 3
Now, let
3. Traffic Control 147
T= 80 min., and
Of course, such a choice for c is acceptable only if the range of the cycle
includes the derived optimum cycle of 2.3 min.
below the cumulative demand curve during the rush period, ad the area
between these two curves is a measure of the aggregate delay to the users.
The best way of reducing this aggregate delay is by maximizing the service
rate as much as possible during the early pert of the rush period, with proper
adjustments during the last part of the rush period for the purpose of ending
congestion simultaneously in both directions. The operative words here are
that we must get those cars out of here as soon as possible. It will be seen
later on in this chapter that this principle applied to even more complex
oversaturated systems.
Let us refer to Fig. 21, which shows the cumulative demand and service
curves versus time, for two competing demands. The queue sizes and
3. Traffic Control 151
are the state variables of the system, and they satisfy the differential
and the constraint that the control variable u be within the admissible
control domain, i.e.
a) A Pair of Intersections
When two oversaturated intersections are close together, they are coupled
through the number of vehicles that pass through both intersections in
sequence. Gazis42 considered the system of two intersections serving the
traffic streams 1, 2, and 3, where the stream 1 is assumed to go through the
pair of intersections (1, 2) and (1, 3) without turning, (Fig. 22). Let us
assume that the saturation flows in the three directions satisfy the
Let us assume that the transit time and queueing storage between the two
intersections are negligible relative to the other retained variables of
comparable nature, and that the two intersections become oversaturated
roughly at the same time. We can again obtain an optimal policy of
allocation of green phases by applying the same policy improvement scheme
used for the single intersection, namely, trading off delays of the various
streams if they reduce the aggregate delay. First, we obtain the earliest end
of the rush period for each one of the two intersections, viewed as isolated.
Let these ends be the times and for intersections (1, 2) and (1, 3),
respectively. We also compute the switch-over times corresponding to
optimizing the operation of these two intersections as isolated ones. These
switch-over times are given by
If the maximum and minimum service rates for stream 1 are the same at
both intersections, the relative magnitude of is the same as that of
We now obtain the complete solution to the problem, shown in Fig 23,
as follows:
where t is the time, given in hours. Let us assume that the saturation flows
are and vehicles per hour. We also assume
that the maximum green phase is 60 s and the minimum 20 s, with 10 s
allowed per cycle for clearing the intersection at phase changes.
158 Chapter 3
In Fig. 25, the variables are the fractions of the light cycle allocated to
the three traffic streams. It is assumed that a common cycle is used at all
intersections, hence
where is the usable green phase for the stream, and L is the 10 s time
allowed for clearance at phase change. For example, the apex A of Fig. 25
corresponds to and The usable green phase for
streams 2 and 3 is applied where these two streams intersect stream 1, and
they produce streams which do not constitute congestion at their intersection,
since the sum of the two greens is smaller that the available green at that
intersection. Thus, the specific allocation of the green at that intersection has
no influence on the performance of the intersection.
3. Traffic Control 159
It may be easily ascertained that during the rush period at least one of the
green phases must be equal to the maximum, in order to decrease the effect
of the lost time for clearance. This means that only the apexes A, B, C, and
D need be considered in seeking an optimum solution. Table 1 shows the
service rates for the three streams, for each choice among the four apexes,
listed in order of decreasing total throughput of the system.
The traffic light settings corresponding to the four apexes are assumed to
be maintained for times and and it is required that all
three queues be served out simultaneously at time
We have seen from the preceding examples that the optimum control
policy must produce a concave curve for the cumulative service. The same
principle applies here, and so we are led to a procedure for finding the
optimum policy, which can be formulated as a linear programming (LP)
problem, the following:
160 Chapter 3
subject to
can be seen from the above solution that the best policy starts with equal
splits for all streams. Yet, as of the writing of this book, if we drive around
many congested areas around the world, we are likely to find that the local
traffic authorities set traffic lights at such triangle systems in proportion to
the saturation flows, being unaware of the consequence of such a policy in
the case of oversaturated systems.
spillback will take place from time to time where these times are
determined by drawing the curve
eliminated. It should be pointed out here that such a situation is not always
possible in many situations of this type, largely because of a very limited
capacity Let us continue with the assumption that it is possible. Since
If the delay criterion is the dominant one, we find that a critical constant
rate of demand along the expressway exists, which is related to
according to a relationship obtained by setting in Eq. 84 equal to zero,
leading to the relationship
3. Traffic Control 165
If the demand rate is smaller than then spillback is the lesser of two
evils, since it corresponds to minimum aggregate delay. By similar
arguments we may investigate the possibility of allowing spillback during a
portion of the interval If the rate of demand along the expressway
falls sufficiently below it may be profitable, in terms of delay, to adopt
a strategy such as that shown by the dashed line in the middle diagram of
Fig. 27, and the complementary service curves for streams 1 (not shown in
the figure), and 3. Such a policy will introduce some additional delay to the
stream 2, and because of spillback it will also delay some vehicles along the
expressway, but it will reduce the delays to stream 3. The net change can be
computed by an expression similar to Eq. 84, and the policy may be adopted
if it is found to be indeed profitable. Finally, if the demand rate along the
expressway falls below it is always profitable to allow spillback.
A few remarks are in order at this point. One key observation is that
intersection 4 should not, in principle, be operated as an isolated one. Many
such intersections are operated as isolated, resulting in unduly large delays
along the expressway. Indeed, in most cases, the demand along the
expressway is so great that it pays to try and eliminate spillback for as long
as possible. Another observation is that the storage capacity of the exit ramp
is a very crucial quantity. Improvements to the system should probably place
a high priority to increasing this capacity; for example, by building a long
extra lane leading to the exit ramp, and advising drivers that they can exit
only from that lane, thus preventing the blockage of the neighboring lanes by
exiting vehicles.
For simplicity, let us assume that all streets are essentially identical and
carry about the same amount of traffic, which is pretty close to saturation,
therefore the corresponding traffic streams require the entire length of he
green phase in order to be served without queueing extending to the next
cycle. With equal demands in both directions, the network would operate
optimally with equal green phases in all directions.
3. Traffic Control 169
given that
170 Chapter 3
given that
D’ Ans and Gazis (1976), Singh and Tamura (1974), Michalopoulos and
Stephanopoulos (1977a, 1977b), Lim et al (1981), Davison and Ozguner
(1983), Park et al (1984), Rathi (1988), Kim and Bell (1992), and Diakaki et
al (1999). However, application of the approach has been limited in practice,
probably because many theoreticians and practitioners do not realize that all
traffic networks are of the store-and-forward variety, as soon as even one
TLP appears, let alone many of them. Many theoretical contributions
continue to use phenomenological relationships to describe flow behind such
TLPs, which is at best a rather pointless exercise. Links upstream of a TLP
do not miraculously set themselves to accommodate heavy densities by
obeying these phenomenological relationships. They simply pile-up traffic
into queues, which are served at the discharge rate supplied at the TLP.
Modeling of the details of flow upstream of the TLP only imposes
computational burdens, without making any contribution to the solution of
the problem. Papageorgiou (1999) cites one application of a variant of the
store-and-forward approach known as TUC, to which he and his colleagues
have contributed. The application took place in Glasgow, Scotland, with
very successful results.
Generally, all these control strategies do not account for what happens
behind the ramp entrance. If the entrance is from surface streets, it is tacitly
assumed that it does not matter what happens to them, as long as one gets
some improvements for the freeway operation. This is not the case, however,
if the ramp input comes from another freeway. In Section 3.5.2-c, we
discussed the disastrous effects on the supplying freeway, which an
obstruction of the ramp outflow such as ramp metering can cause. Clearly,
the best solution for ramp metering should consider the entire system, and
not an isolated point of the freeway. Here are some examples of what can go
wrong with consideration of isolated input ramps:
We conclude that, more often than not, the freeway with its ramps and
possibly other freeways constitute yet another store-and-forward system, and
they should be treated as such. The optimization procedure should consider
not just a portion of the freeway in the vicinity of the entrance ramp, but the
entire freeway and its traffic-feeding partners, be they surface streets or other
We shall discuss here the Lincoln tunnel, which demonstrates well the
specific nature of the problem, and which was the subject of greater
experimentation with control measures aiming at improving the efficiency of
its operation. The key feature of this tunnel causing congestion is also found
in other roadways, making the tunnel experience relevant to congestion
control in general. Also common to all traffic systems is the challenge of
measuring traffic densities, for which key contributions originated in the
course of experiments aiming at improving the tunnel performance.
The Lincoln tunnel has a special geometry shown in Fig. 31. There are
three distinct sections of the tunnel, a downgrade section, a level section, and
an upgrade section. Generally, it is the upgrade portion that causes problems,
as soon as demand increases into levels of congestion.
As long as traffic densities inside the tunnel are low, traffic moves
relatively freely, at flow rates approaching 1400 cars per lane per hour.
However, congestion sets in as soon as demand increases and many cars pile
into the tunnel. Congestion generally starts at the foot of the upgrade portion,
point 3, as reported by Edie and Foote (1958). There, some cars, particularly
trucks, can get into trouble. If they have to slow down just at point 3, they
have difficulty accelerating, opening up a large gap in front and squandering
throughput. They, in effect, become “moving bottlenecks” of a very special
type, restricting traffic movements only in their lane, since lane changing is
forbidden in the tunnel. The phenomenon is not unlike the “acceleration
hysteresis” phenomenon described in Chapter 1, caused by the asymmetry
between acceleration and deceleration of cars. The result of the moving
bottleneck in the case of the tunnel is that its throughput is suddenly reduced
to 1200 cars per lane per hour, or even less than that.
The cause of congestion was recognized for many years, and several
attempts were made to mitigate it, including the work of Greenberg and
Daou (1960), Herman and Potts (1961), Edie et al (1963), Crowley and
174 Chapter 3
Greenberg (1965), and Foote (1968). In all these attempts, an effort was
made to prevent congestion by limiting the input rate into the tunnel, often
citing the paradoxical objective of “increasing throughput by decreasing
input”. The rule of thumb, which evolved during these attempts, was that
limiting the input rate to 22 cars per minute, or 1320 cars per hour, could
maintain relatively free flow and prevent congestion. The rate of 1320 cars
per hour was below the maximum observed at the tunnel, but it often did
work in preventing congestion for a few minutes. Unfortunately, this “open
loop” control failed if, by chance a truck found itself at the foot of the
upgrade at low speed and caused the beginning of congestion, after which
the limited input became too high to handle. Eventually, “closed loop”
control was implemented, first using some fixed-logic control hardware,
(Foote and Crowley, 1967), and then an on-line digital computer, (Gazis and
Foote, 1969). We discuss here this last experiment of computerized
surveillance and control of the tunnel, which achieved the most reliable
results, while also contributing to such areas as the measurement of traffic
densities in sections of a roadway.
The speed of vehicles, together with the count of vehicles per unit of time,
were used to determine the flow parameters at the observation point. The
average speed is one of these parameters. Density, equal to the number of
cars in a section divided by its length, could be obtained by initializing the
count of cars somehow, and then using the formula
entering the tunnel section between the times of entrance and exit of the
pattern used was the exact number of vehicles in the section at the time of
exit of the pattern. The reader will recognize that in present days, with the
availability of in-vehicle devices such as the RFID (Radio Frequency ID)
used for electronic toll payment, the detection of individual cars is a very
simple matter.
The detectors in the tunnel yielded the speeds and throughputs over the
traps, and the counts of vehicles between the traps. On the basis of these
variables, a control function could be developed, which would in general
depend on the time series of these variables. Only one control action was
available, namely, a restriction of traffic input into the tunnel. Initially, a
binary decision was made between imposing or not imposing a restriction.
Later, a four-level control possibility was implemented, refining the response
to the measurements of speeds and densities over the entire tunnel
If fps, set
Otherwise, is given by
3. Traffic Control 177
and A,B are constants allowing a variable threshold density for the
imposition and removal of traffic input control. The values of A and B most
frequently used were 25 and 1.
The single density, binary control algorithm worked some of the time, but
often failed to anticipate congestion in time. In addition, the binary nature
led to over-reaction or under-reaction at times. Or this reason, a multi-level
control algorithm, based on the measurements at all three sections of the
tunnel, was developed and implemented.
Let the state of the tunnel be described by three state variables, the counts
and Then, the probability that congestion will set in within a
short period, say 30 sec., increases with increasing values of any or all the
The control algorithm was based on the tacit assumption that the
instantaneous values of were the primary determinants of impending
congestion. In addition, four possible levels of control were implemented,
corresponding to integer values for the control variable C ranging from 0
to 4. The value 0 corresponded to no control, and the values 1 to 4
corresponded to increasing restraints on entering traffic, with a red light
corresponding to the value 4.
178 Chapter 3
and set
where and are constants, H is the step function given in Eq. 96,
and µ is a history-dependent variable, taking the values 0 and 1, which
was used to generate the double-ladder function shown in Fig. 33. The
meaning of the double-ladder control is that used in many “governor-type”
control devices, namely, imposing or increasing control at some critical
value of the state variables, but removing or reducing control at lower values
of these variables, to avoid “chattering” of the control process. Thus, the
value of µ was taken as 0 in computing ascending values of C, and 1 in
computing descending values.
Allsop, R. E. (1968a), “Choice of offsets in Linking Traffic Signals”, Traffic Engr. &
Control, 10, 73-75.
Allsop, R. E. (1968b) “Selection of Offsets to Minimize Delay to Trafic in a Network
Controlled by Fixed-Time Signals”, Transport. Sci., 2, 1-13,
Bavarez, E. and Newell, G. F. (1967), “Traffic Signal Synchronization on a One-Way
Street”, Transport. Sci., 1, 55-73.
Bellman, R. and Dreyfus, S. E. (1962), Applied Dynamic Programming, Princeton, NJ:
Princeton Univercity Press.
Boillot, F., Blossville, J. M, Lesort, J. B., Motyka, V., Papageorgiou, M. and Sellam, S.
(1992), “Optimal Signal Control of Traffic Networks”, 6th Intern. Conf. On Road Traffic
Monitoring and Control, London, England, pp. 75-79.
Buckley, D. J., Hackett, L. G., Keuneman, D. J. K. and Beranek, L. A. (1966), “Optimum
Timing for Coordinated Traffic Signals”, Proc. Aust. Road Res.Board, 3, Pt. 1, 334-353.
Crowley, K. W. and Greenberg, H. (1965), “Holland Tunnel Study Aids Efficient Increase
of Tube's Use”, Traffic Eng., 35, 20.
D' Ans, G. C. and Gazis, D. C. (1976), “Optimal Control of Oversaturated Store-and-
Forward Transportation Networks”, Transportation Science, 10, 1-19.
Davison, E. J. and Ozguner , U. (1983), “Decentralized Control of Traffic Networks”,
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 28, 677- 688.
Diakaki, C., Papageorgiou, M. and McLean, T. (1999), “Application and Evaluation of the
Integrated Traffic-Responsive Urban Corridor Control Strategy”, 78th Annual Meeting of
Transp. Res. Board, Washington, DC, Paper No. 990310.
Dunne, M. C. and Potts, R. B. (1964), “Algorithm for Traffic Control”, Operations Res.,
12, 870-881.
Edie, L. C. and Foote, R. S. (1958), “Traffic Flow in Tunnels”, Highway Res. Board Proc.,
37, 334-344.
Edie, L. C., Foote, R. S., Herman, R. and Rothery, R. W. (1963), “Analysis of Single-Lane
Traffic Flow”, Traffic Eng., 33, 21-27.
Evans, H. K., Editor, (1950), Traffic Engineering Handbook, Institute of Traffic
Engineers, New Haven, CT, p. 224.
Farges, J-L., Henry, J- J. and Tufal, J. (1983), “The PRODYN Real-Time Algorithm”, 4th
Intern. Symp. on Transp. Systems, Baden Baden, Germany, pp. 307-312.
Foote, R. S. and Crowley, K. W. (1967), “Developing Density Controls for improved
Traffic Operations”, Highway Res. Board Record, 154, No. 1430.
Foote, R. S. (1968), “Instruments for Road Transportation”, High Speed Ground Transp.
Gartner, N. H. (1972a), “Constraining Relations among Offsets in Synchronized Signal
Networks”, Letter to the Editor, Transport. Sci., 6, 88-93.
3. Traffic Control 181
Ross, D. W., Sandys, R. C. and Schlaefli, J. L. (1970), A Computer Control Scheme for
Critical-Intersection Control in an Urban Network, Menlo Park, CA, Stanford Research
Ross, D. W. (1972), “Traffic Control and Highway Networks”, Networks, 2, 97-123.
San Jose Traffic Control Project – Final Report, (1966), San Jose, CA: IBM Corp., Data
Processing report.
Sen, S. and Head, L. (1997), “Controlled Optimization of Phases at an Intersection”,
Transp. Science, 31, 5-17.
“SIGOP”, Traffic Research Corporation, New York, 1966. Distributed by Clearinghouse
for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, PB 17 37 38.
Singh, M. G. and Tamura, H. (1974), “Modelling and Hierarchical Optimisation of
Oversaturated Urban Traffic Networks”, Intern. Journal of Control, 20, 269-280.
Van Zijverden, J. D. and Kwakernaak, H. (1969), “A New Approach to Traffic-Actuated
Computer Control of Intersections”, Proc. 4th Intern. Symp. on Traffic Theory, edited by W.
Leutzbach and P. Baron, Bonn: Bundesminister fur Verkehr, pp. 113-117.
Webster, F. V. (1958), “Traffic Signal Settings”, Road Research Technical Paper No. 39,
Road Research Laboratory, England.
Additional references
The investigation of all three topics has borrowed from Graph Theory of
Flows in Networks, (see Ford and Fulkerson, 1962), which has been
developed over the years for the investigation of networks of all types, and
in particular communication networks. In what follows, we shall discuss the
network representation of a transportation system, and the methodology for
investigating the traffic generation, distribution, and assignment for such
186 Chapter 4
An urban region is divided into a few sectors, then into smaller districts,
and finally into zones, such as the 15 zones shown in Fig. 3. Traffic is
viewed as moving from one zone to another in the network. It is customary
to view traffic as emanating from a centroid of the node, or reaching the
centroid if originating from another centroid. All discussions of traffic
generation, distribution and assignment refer to movements of traffic
between the centroids plus the entering and exiting odes of the network. The
centroids are connected either to the nodes of the network, or to some mid-
points along the links. The network itself may either be a geometric
representation of actual roadway segments and their intersections, or it may
be the result of an aggregation of roadway segments within zones into a
network representing traffic movements from zone to zone. The Spider Web
network, in which nodes are the centroids, and links connect adjacent
188 Chapter 4
centroids, is of the latter type, in which the links do not correspond to actual
road segments, but represent desired movements of traffic between zones. If
the network representation incorporates actual roadway sections, then the
properties of these sections can be taken into account explicitly in estimating
such things as travel times between nodes, or between centroids. If a spider
web network is used, then travel times along its links are estimates of actual
travel times between zones using all available roadway choices. In any case,
a complete description of a link would provide travel time and/or cost as
functions of the link occupancy, rate of flow, time, and other pertinent
factors. A node represents the terminus of one or more links, and may be
used either to join the termini of a number of links, or to represent a source
(origin) or sink (destination) of traffic. In Fig. 3, the numbered nodes are the
centroids, and the unnumbered ones are nodes of the roadway network.
The preceding labeling strategy allows one to describe the graph fully by
listing all the links of the graph. For example, the network of Fig. 4 is
described as comprising the links (1,2), (2,1), (2,3), (3,2), (2,5), (3,4), (3,6),
(6,3), (4,5), ad (5,6). A chain from node i to node j is a specified route
comprising links directed the same way, thus permitting travel from i to j. A
cycle is a chain that comes full circle and terminates at its origin node. A
path between nodes ii and jj is a sequence of links between these two nodes,
not all of which are necessarily directed the same way. In Fig. 4,
(1,2)(2,3)(3,6) , (12)(2,5)(5,6) , and (1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5)(5,6) are chains from
1 to 6, and (2,5)(5,6)(6,3)(3,2) is a cycle from 2 to itself. A path from node 4
to node 1, which is not a chain, is (4,5)(2,5)(2,1), which is also a path from 1
to 4.
destination is assigned to any trip. The computed values and choices for
these three processes certainly change with the time of the day. They may
also change from one day to the next, in response to changing conditions,
(e.g. construction), or special attractions. They certainly change over long
periods of time, due to changes in the distribution of population, jobs, and
shopping and entertainment opportunities, to mention some of the primary
factors of influence.
LAND USE. Clearly, the nature of land use influences the source and
nature of travel, and consequently the traffic generation and distribution
processes. Several approaches to predicting land use have been contributed,
and partially tested. They all require extant land use inventories, and
independent forecasts of the overall demand for land, the latter expressed in
terms of building construction rates for the area. The models are either
simple extrapolations of past trends, or simulations of assumed human
behavior, both constrained by the available resources. The simulations may
be further subdivided into deterministic models, in which people are guided
only by accepted economic principles, or probabilistic models, in which
human behavior is only partially based on such principles.
One of the early applications of this approach was for the Greensboro, North
Carolina area, by Swerdoff and Stowers (1966).
Another approach, which takes into account two different drivers of land
use, is known as the density-saturation gradient method. It was used in the
Chicago Area Transportation Study, (see Hansen, 1960), and it consists of
adjusting for consistency two extrapolated curves. One is for dwelling unit
density as a function of travel time to a central point, and the other is for
saturation levels of land use, also as a function of travel time to the central
Let us assume that there is just one centroid, and a builder’s site selection
proceeds from the site nearest to the one farthest from the centroid. Let M(r)
be the number of sites within a radius r from the centroid, where because of
the large number of sites in a city the integer-valued M(r) is treated as a
continuous variable. Let dM be the number of sites between M and M+dM,
and p dM the probability that a given house’s site is selected in the range
dM, given that it was not selected nearer to the centroid than M. The
parameter p is assumed constant. Then, the probability of not selecting a site
in the range (0, M+dM) is given by
If a total of houses are built, the number built on the M most central
sites is N(M) = [ 1 – Pr (M)], and the density of houses, n (M) is given by
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 195
Let N (t) be the total number of sites occupied at time t, and therefore M
(m,t) be equivalent to M(m,N). During a time increment dt, dN houses will
be built. Of these, a fraction [1 – Pr (M)] can be expected to be built on the
M most accessible and still vacant sites. The number builtduring dt on these
M sites equals the number that must be removed from the vacant site stock,
therefore we have the relationship
Now, let F (m,N) represent the expected fraction of sites occupied in the
range (m, m+ dm), which is found to be
196 Chapter 4
Figure 5, from Helly (1974), shows the form of Eq. 10 for various values
of pN and pm. In this figure, F is the probability that a site is occupied, m is
the number of sites in decreasing order of accessibility, N is the total
number of occupied sites, and p is the probability that a “considered” site is
accepted. Since the abscissa is in units of pm, large values of it correspond
to relatively inaccessible sites with large m. The curves in Fig. 5 show the
progression of a city from its beginning, with few houses and pN small, to
its later stages with increasing pN, when more and more desirable sites have
been built upon, and new construction takes place in the outer fringes.
Needless to say that this argument applies only to new construction and not
rebuilding of earlier structures.
The above discussion has focused on residential land use, but similar
models can be used for commercial or industrial developments. In such
cases, we need data on the need for such developments, and knowledge of
the often stringent constraints concerning such developments, either imposed
by authorities or dictated by considerations of entrepreneurial success.
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 197
Having the values of the predictor variables, one can proceed to the
prediction of trips originating from a zone. Trips are made by drivers and
passengers of private cars, by people riding buses and taxis, and by
commercial vehicles such as trucks. In many cities, private cars predominate,
although this may not be the case in very large metropolitan areas like New
York City. In any case, the trip generation picture is completed by
translating the predicted data on population, economy, and land use, into
individual trips.
It has been found that often, population density and household income are
the key factors influencing trip generation from households, including
commuting trips to work and other trips during the day. This is because
automobile ownership is highly correlated with these two variables. Another
factor that must be taken into account is the availability of modal choice, for
example, using available public transportation for commuting to work.
Having the trip generation completed, the next step is to apportion the
trips originating from any zone to all possible destinations. Various models
used for this purpose are based on the levels of activity at the various
destinations, and the difficulty in getting to these destinations. It has been
found that the accuracy of trip distribution is improved if it is subdivided
into categories of activities, such as work, shopping, business or school. Any
model proposed must be validated and calibrated through the use of current
trip data, whose acquisition is one of the key challenges in transportation
In the models that are described below, it is assumed that an urban area is
divided into N zones, which comprise the totality of the area of interest.
Trips from outside the area are accounted for by being assigned to one of the
peripheral nodes of the area network. The following notation is used:
distribution model.
= number of trips from zone i to zone j during the specified time
interval, as predicted by the trip distribution model.
Some of the models proposed for the treatment of trip distribution are
known as Growth Factor Models, which try to create a set of origin-
destination choices compatible with the growth of trips originating in various
zones, and the growth of attractions in other zones. Other model use the
gravity and intervening opportunity concepts discussed in Section 4.2.1 in
conjunction with land use. Yet another approach to trip generation is
provided by a variant of the gravity model known as the minimum entropy
The growth factor models do not take into account the relative travel costs
associated with alternative destinations. These cost can change in time
because of new roadway construction, or other changes in the general area,
including mass transit schedules and availability. The Gravity Model, (see
Voorhees, 1955), is one that tries to take into account the degree of attraction
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 201
between two zones. It states that the number of trips between two zones is
proportional to the total number of trips originating at the origin zone i, the
number of potential trip ends at the terminating zone j, and a cost function
also called a “friction” between the two zones. If the zones are near each
other, is large, and if they are far from each other, it is relatively small.
For some observed, base period, travel patterns, the model states that
namely, that the sum of the trips from zone i to all other zones is equal to
the exogenously obtained estimate of this sum. The measure of attraction
may be defined for a particular class of trips, e.g. travel to work, or it
may lump together all attractions. In the latter case, if then
may be an appropriate value.
valid for at least an appreciable length of time, and thus future trip
distribution can be obtained as
Let M(d) be the number of eligible destinations nearer than d to the trip
origin, where d is commonly viewed as the travel time. Assuming that the
number of destinations is large, we can treat M(d) as a continuous
variable. Then, the probability of rejecting the nearest M sites, denoted by
P(M). can be deduced from
where is the number of destinations nearer to the trip origin than the
destinations in zone j , and is the number of destinations in zone j.
Equation 20 may now be used to calibrate the model according to available
data, by finding the best possible value of p that fits the data. After
calibration, Eq. 20 may be used to estimate in terms of
204 Chapter 4
Over a 24 hour period, we may assume that all trips are associated with a
return trip, therefore and = the number of trips observed
or estimated as originating from zone j . Then, the conditions satisfied by
this simplified model are
where T is the total number of trips in the network. The conditions in Eqs. 22
express the conservation laws, namely, that every trip has an origin and a
destination, and the total number of trips in the area is equal to the sum of all
zonal trips.
We now enter as expressed in Eq. 26, into Eq. 22, then multiply the
first two relations of Eqs. 22 and divide the result by the third expression,
206 Chapter 4
Since the result shown in Eq. 27 is the same as in Eq. 21, the entropy
formulation is shown to be equivalent to the simplified gravity model, under
the assumptions used for the various parameters. More complex versions of
the entropy model may be obtained, for example, by taking into account
explicitly the relative travel times between zones. Extensions to the above
model have been given by Wilson (1967). Although the use of the entropy
concept is not universally endorsed, (see for example Beckman and Golob,
1972), it does present a capability of handling models of increasing
complexity in a rational manner.
Having the origin-destination matrix for a network, the next and most
important question is how traffic proceeds from origin to destination. This is
a matter of route choice by an individual driver. Today, and in the
foreseeable future, such a choice is strictly in the hands of the driver. An
attempt to describe the driver’s choice was first made by Wardrop (1952),
who proposed the following two principles:
1. The journey times on all routes actually used are equal and less than
those which would be experienced by a single vehicle on any unused
2. The average journey time (for all users) is minimum.
We shall now discuss traffic assignment models proposed over the years,
including both deterministic models and stochastic models. We shall first
consider the case of time-independent traffic assignment, in which the traffic
demand is assumed to be essentially constant. We shall start with a
discussion of deterministic traffic assignment models, in which the travel
time or cost is assumed to be precisely known by the users of the system. We
shall then go on to stochastic models, in which some uncertainty is allowed
concerning the properties of the network. In particular, we shall discuss the
Discrete Choice models, which are a natural sequel to the preceding
discussion of traffic generation, and to some extent integrate traffic
generation and traffic assignment. We shall then proceed to the discussion of
both deterministic and stochastic models of the time-dependent variety,
known as Dynamic Traffic Assignment. We shall conclude with a discussion
of the effect of congestion on traffic assignment computations.
It should be pointed out at the start, that all models proposed for handling
driver choices from among alternatives implicitly assume superior wisdom
208 Chapter 4
The various cheapest route algorithms are, in effect, procedures for solving
Eqs. 28. We start with the Tree-Building Algorithms.
This algorithm consists of fanning out from the home node (origin) to all
other nodes in increasing order of their costs from the origin, as described by
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 209
Dijkstra (1959). The nodes are successively labeled with two numbers, one
describing the predecessor node on a cheapest route from the origin, and the
other the cost of the route up to the node in question. Initially, the origin is
labeled (0,0), and all the other nodes are temporarily labeled A
node is permanently labeled, when the cheapest route to it is determined.
The following notation is used in the sequel:
Step k = l :
a) For and
c) Define by
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 211
d) Define
In the above discussion, we talked about cost associated with a link. This
cost is usually strongly tied to the travel time along the link, but additional
factors may be considered, such as turn penalties and prohibitions. In the
end, the decision-making individual is assumed to select the route
corresponding to the cheapest route, according to Wardrop’s first principle,
leading to the Cheapest Route Assignment for every individual, but not
necessarily to the minimum aggregate delay for all individuals combined. It
may be pointed out here that the procedure just outlined assumes a great deal
of flexibility, and superior wisdom, on the part of all users of the network, a
rather unlikely occurrence. Quite often, users limit themselves to just a few
route choices, making the route assignment much simpler , albeit somewhat
removed from the optimum. In traffic assignment practice, the most common
cheapest route assignment is the all-or-nothing assignment, in which link
costs are supposed to be constant and flow-independent. Traffic between any
origin and destination pair is all assigned to the cheapest route, and none is
assigned to any other route. Such an algorithm is justifiable for not too heavy
traffic, but it becomes increasingly inaccurate as congestion sets in.
Random utility models assume that the decision maker has a perfect
discrimination capability, but the analyst who tries to guess the decision
making process has incomplete information, and therefore some uncertainty
will exist regarding the decision maker’s choices. The utility is modeled as a
random variable, reflecting this uncertainty. Specifically, the utility that
individual n associates with alternative i in a choice set is assumed to
be given by
It is seen that only the signs of the differences between utilities determine
the decision outcome, and not the utilities themselves. The constants µ and
are known as the scale and location parameters, respectively, and they
are chosen for various objectives. The scale factor is usually chosen for an
appropriate normalization of one of the variances of the random terms, while
the location parameter is usually set to zero.
Utility Value. The utility value is divided into the deterministic part, and
the stochastic part.
The random part of the utility can have any of several form, and we shall
describe here the ones used in two leading families of utility functions, the
Logit family, and the Probit family.
The Logit (Logistic Probability Unit) model was first introduced in the
context of binary choice, where the logistic distribution is used. When
generalized to more than two choices of alternatives, it is known as the
Multinomial Logit Model. It is based on the assumption that the error terms
are independent and Gumbel-distributed (Gumbel, 1958) , that is, for all i, n
it is described by
216 Chapter 4
1. Logit model:
2. Nested Logit Model:
3. Cross-nested Logit Model:
This model has been named after the “Probability Unit” (Probit) which
characterizes it. It is derived from the assumption that the error terms of the
utility functions are normally distributed, and captures explicitly the
correlation among all alternatives.
The matrix has a form in which the column contains -1 across all
rows. If the column is removed, the remaining matrix is
the identity matrix.
Let us first dispense with the trivial case corresponding to fixed link costs,
and no capacity restraints. This is the case in which it is assumed that the
performance of a link is not degraded by the addition of traffic, and such
addition is unconstrained. If, for example, the cost is tied to travel time, the
assumption here is that this travel time does not change appreciably with
increasing traffic demand. This is clearly a case of a network with rather
light traffic, operating in the range of densities for which speed is almost
constant, and flow is a linear function of the density. In this case, the two
Wardrop principles are simultaneously satisfied. Optimization of individual
choices results in a global optimum for the operation of the network, since
the presence of any individual on a link does not affect the performance of
that link. Even discrete choice models, like the Logit and Probit models,
would be associated with a global optimum after individual optimization, as
long as the traffic characteristics affecting individual choices, including
uncertainties, are not influenced by traffic demand and traffic densities.
It will be useful for the discussion in this section, and others to follow, to
define certain variables and illustrate them by an example. Consider the
network depicted in Fig. 7. It is assumed that a number of OD pairs have
220 Chapter 4
been defined for this network, and that the link costs for the links j =
1,2,..., 10 are given. For example, let us assume that two OD pairs exist, A-
F, and B-F. For each OD pair, there exist a number of link paths. In the
example of Fig. 7, the possible paths, nine altogether, are:
where the first six components correspond to the OD pair A-F, and the last
three to the pair B-F. It can be seen that the optimum assignment
corresponds to the choice of path 1,4,9 for the A-F pair, and 4,9 for the B-
F pair. The solution was thus obtained by complete enumeration of all
choices, but it can also be formulated as a Linear Programming problem, as
discussed by Potts and Oliver (1972).
Let us now assume that each link j is capacitated, namely, it can handle
traffic volumes only up to a maximum, Minimizing the network cost
222 Chapter 4
We now compute a flow matrix for all paths and links, according to
Minimizing the aggregate cost to the users is now translated into the
The optimization problem can become quite complex if the link costs are
complicated functions of the link flows. In many cases, traffic theorists have
assumed linear relationships between flows and costs, of the type
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 223
where A and B are constants, and is the flow along the link j. The cost
functions implied by Eq. 57 are rather crude, and the range of flows over
which they may give a reasonably good approximation has to be carefully
selected. However, they simplify considerably the optimization problem,
which again becomes a Linear Programming problem, whose variables are
the flow partitioning variables
expressed in units of vehicles per minute. For the purpose of obtaining the
minimum cost assignment, we shall also assume linear cost functions for
each link, of the type with
which is translated into the following link flows for the ten links:
user was assumed to minimize travel cost for varying traffic demand
conditions and queue evolution. The simulation divided time into time slices
with constant demand, with queue demand at the end of a given slice added
to the new demand. Yagar also contributed a heuristic solution algorithm to
the problem. The first mathematical programming approach to the problem
was given by Merchant (1974), and by Merchant and Nemhauser (1978a,
1978b). A macroscopic model was formulated for minimizing total
transportation cost, in the form of a discrete-time, nonlinear, nonconvex
mathematical programming model. Ho (1980), and Carey (1986, 1987)
contributed discussions complementing the Merchant-Nemhauser
contributions, and in the case of Carey, also reformulating the problem as a
well-behaved convex nonlinear problem. Reviews of the topic of Dynamic
Traffic Assignment has been provided by Wie (1991), and by Florian and
Hearn (1999). Both deterministic and stochastic versions of the dynamic
traffic assignment problem have been considered. In what follows, we
discuss the basic formulation of a deterministic model.
The feasible domain for the dynamic network equilibrium model must
satisfy certain flow conservation and non-negativity constraints, namely,
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 227
The question then arises as to which link cost functions satisfy the FIFO
condition given by Eq. 63. Friesz et al (1993) showed that this condition was
satisfied for a linear cost function, and a subsequent study by Xu et al (in
press) showed that FIFO conditions would also be satisfied for nonlinear link
cost functions which were not “too steep”.
Having settled the FIFO issue, we can now look for a solution algorithm
for the dynamic network equilibrium model. The algorithm requires a time
discretization, and the adaptation of a general method for solving variational
inequalities in order to compute a solution of Eq. 60. The solution algorithm
may be viewed as comprising two parts. The first is to determine
given The second, referred to as the network loading problem, is to
determine given the path flow rates A schematic diagram of
the necessary process is shown in Fig. 8. It should be pointed out that the
solution to the network loading problem is a rather complex task, since it
requires the computation of time-varying link flows, travel costs, and path
travel costs, by using the time-varying path flow rates A numerical
approach to this task has been given by Wu et al (1997).
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 229
It may be pointed out that the preceding solution algorithm does not take
into consideration any capacity constraints on the link flows and
occupancies. As a result, it is likely to give erroneous results in cases of
congestion, when link capacities may be the limiting parameters of any
depend solely on the traffic volume of that link. Whether one talks about
travel cost or something related to that cost, like travel time, the implicit
assumption is inherent in all the discussions that these link characteristics are
functions of the link traffic volumes alone. Furthermore, they often are
assumed to be explicitly represented by phenomenological relationships,
such as the flow versus concentration relationships discussed in Chapter 1 of
this book.
TLP1: This is the merging of traffic along two arcs into a single
downstream arc, where the throughput of the downstream arc is less than the
sum of throughputs of the two converging arcs.
TLP2: This is the effect of an entrance ramp feeding into an arc, and thus
limiting the throughput allocated to the traffic upstream from the ramp
entrance point.
TP3: This is the possible effect of an exit ramp. An exit ramp normally
reduces the number of cars in a traffic stream and thus improves the flow.
However, much too often, there is a Spillback effect caused by a limited
capacity of the exit ramp, or an obstruction at the exit ramp such as a traffic
light or stop sign at the end of the ramp. As described in a previous paper2, in
such a case a queue is formed along the exit ramp, which spills into the main
arc and reduces its throughput.
TLP1, TLP2, and TLP3 are fixed TLPs, easily identified in a network.
TLP4 and TLP5 may be formed at any point in a network, and require good
surveillance for their timely discovery. Finally, TLP6 may be an identifiable
location, but with a possible intermittent TLP function.
The consequence of the existence of a TLP for a network arc is that exact
behavior of the flow versus concentration along the arc is more likely that
shown in Fig. 11 rather than Fig. 9. Flow does build up from zero to a
maximum with increasing density, but never falls down toward zero for
higher densities. Instead, it generally falls to a value lower than the
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 233
maximum flow, but still substantial, and equal to some Saturation Flow at
the TLP. The only instances in which the throughput of a network arc goes
to zero are cases of severe incidents or gridlocks at poorly managed
intersections, which shall be treated as exceptions to the rule.
2) When the input into the arc starts exceeding the throughput of the
TLP, queueing ensues, and traffic begins to assume a stop-and-go behavior.
If congestion persists to the point of completely filling the link with
relatively stopped traffic, then the influence of the TLP extends to the
upstream section as well, imposing the same limitation on throughput. In that
domain of densities, we shall model the movement of individual traffic units
as follows:
Let us denote by (ij) the arc of a network, from node i to node j. Let us
then consider a vehicle entering a link ij at time t and traveling toward j
with k as the next node of its travel path, (Fig. 5). Let us also assume that at
time t there are vehicles along the link ij with next destination k.
the vehicle's path is not blocked. The vehicle crosses j and proceeds
toward k without any delay.
If the inequality (1) is not satisfied, the vehicle joins a virtual queue at j
and waits for a period of time
236 Chapter 4
before being discharged toward k. The first term of the right-hand side of
Eq. 65 is the time required to discharge all the vehicles which are in the
link ij when the subject vehicle enters this link. Equation 65 simply
states that this time is exactly equal to the time during which the entering
vehicle must stay within the link.
In the preceding discussion, we have treated the node j as the TLP of the
arc (ij), a reasonable assumption in most cases. The estimation of the
vehicle's trajectory in effect ignores the detailed distribution of any delay
incurred by the vehicle along the link ij. The vehicle is assumed to proceed
from i to j at normal speed, and is stored at j in a storage "bin" of some sort
until it is free to proceed toward k on a FIFO basis. Of course, care should be
taken to ensure that the total storage capacity of the bin, for all traffic
streams queued at j, does not exceed the physical storage limit of the
roadway along ij. If it does, constraints must be imposed on the entrance of
vehicles at i and, as mentioned already, the upstream link must be viewed as
regulated by the same TLP.
The estimate of the travel time along different routes can now be
completed by combining current information about the queues and densities
at various points of the network with historical data concerning expected
demand along certain routes. This may be done by an individual optimizing
a route choice, or by a Traffic Management Center (TMC) aiming at the
global optimization of the system. In the latter case, attainment of global
optimization may be attained only if individuals follow instructions of the
TMC regarding their routes.
Having the capability of estimating the travel time along any given route,
and real-time adjustments to this estimate with changing traffic conditions,
we may now address the question of delivery of this information to the users.
238 Chapter 4
The early projections for ITS deployment intrinsically called for special
instrumentation of vehicles to receive traveler information from a TMC.
Early pilot projects were also associated with opinion surveys on price
acceptability for such instrumentation by the driving public. As of the time
of the writing of this book, The results have been less than stellar. The public
does not appear to be very convinced regarding the effectiveness of ITS
services in general, and does not seem willing to pay much to obtain such
In the long run, Intelligent Agents such as those described above may
interact with the intelligence of a TMC in order to achieve a global
optimization of the operation of a network .
4. Traffic Generation, Distribution, and Assignment 239
Putman, S. H. (1966), “Analytic Models fr Implementing the Economic Impact Studies for
the Northeast Corridor Transportation Project”, 30th National Meeting, Operations Research
Society of America.
Ruiter, E. R. (1967). “Improvements in Understanding, Calibrating, and Applying
the Opportunity Model”, Highway Res. Rec., 165, 1-21.
Schneider, M. (1960), Chicago Area Transportation Study, Vol. 2,1960.
Sherratt, G. G. (1960), “A Model for General Urban Growth”, Management Sciences –
Models and Techniques, New York: Pergamon, Vol. 2, pp.147-159.
Stopher, P. R., Meyburg, A. H. and Brog, W., editors, (1979), Proc.of the 4th Intern. Conf.
On Behavioral Travel Modeling, Grainau, Germany.
Stouffer, S. A. (1940), “Intervening Opportunities”, Amer. Sociological Rev., 5, 845-867.
Swerdloff, C. N. and Stowers, J. R. (1966), “A Test of Some First Generation Residential
Land Use Models”, 45th Highway Research Board Meeting, Washington, DC.
Tversky, A. (1972), “Elimination by Aspects: A Theory of Choice”, Psychological
Review, 79, 281-299.
Voorhees, A. M. (1955), “A General Theory of Traffic Movement”, Proc.Inst.Traffic
Engrs, 46-56.
Wardrop, J. G. (1952), “Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Traffic Research”,
Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, Part II, 325-378.
Wilson, A. G. (1967), “A Statistical Theory of Spatial Distribution Models”,
Transport. Res., 1, 253-269.
Yagar, S. (1970), Analysis of the Peak Period Travel in a Freeway-Arterial
Network, PhD Dissertation, Univ. of California, Berkeley.
Yagar, S. (1971), “Dynamic Traffic Assignment by Individual Path Minimization
and Queueing”, Trans. Res., 5, 170-196.
Wie, B. W. (1991), “Traffic Assignment, Dynamic”, in Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic &
Transportation Systems, edited by M. Papageorgiou, Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 521-524.
Wu, J. H., Chen, Y. and Florian, M. (1997a), “The Continuous Dynamic Network Loading
Problem: A Mathematical Formulation and Solution Method”, Transp. Res. 32B, 173-187.
Xu, Y., Wu, J. H., Florian, M., Marcotte, P. and Zhu, D. L. (2002), “Advances in the
Continuous Dynamic Network Loading Problem”, Transp. Sci., (in press).
Additional references
where is also a noise term. Let us assume that the state non-linearity,
are known, continuous, and sufficiently differentiable. Also assume that the
initial state vector is an n-dimensional random variable with known
Appendix 247
If the error vectors have zero mean, then the second moment matrices,
are the covariant matrices of the state estimation error. Now, the discrete-
time extended Kalman Filter algorithm is best explained by decomposing it
into three different steps:
(a) Initialize :
Start the algorithm by setting
(b) Predict :
Generate according to
(c) Update :
Generate according to
Appendix 249
Let us consider a network link shown in Fig. 1, with length L, and sensors
at the entrance and exit capable of recording the number of vehicles passing
over them and the speed associated with each vehicle. Knowing that the
count measurements are subject to error, we wish to use the speed and count
measurements in order to generate, at discrete intervals, improved estimates
of the number of vehicles within the link.
250 Appendix
where is the error (noise) term. Equation 13 is the “state equation” in the
Kalman Filter nomenclature. We now wish to utilize the speed information
in order to produce another equation, the “observation equation”. In order to
do this, we have to translate the speed information into one related to the
count of vehicles in the link, or the traffic density therein.
The space mean speed is a variable that measures the mean speed of
the entire stream of traffic. In Chapter 1 of this book, we discussed various
models relating such speed measurements to traffic densities. Although the
models discussed there are essentially appropriate for an infinitely long
roadway, they may be used for obtaining an approximation to the link
Appendix 251
where L is the link length and a and b are constant parameters. When the
stream velocity is plotted against the density we obtain a bell-
shaped curve such as that shown in Fig. 2. Again the deviations from the
approximation of Eq. 15 can be accommodated by introducing a noise term,
leading to the “observation rquation”
The application of the Kalman Filter was tested against the data obtained
from the Lincoln Tunnel experiment3 described in Chapter 3. As indicated in
that discussion, very accurate values for the densities were available for each
section of the tunnel through identification of individual vehicles or
combinations of vehicles as they passed over successive sensors. These
accurate values were used in order to test the power of the Kalman Filtering
approach, which was found to be more than adequate for most situations.
Figure 3 shows a comparison of actual vehicle count data, for a single tunnel
section, with counts estimated by Kalman Filtering.
and waiting for service. In such a case, neither the averaging of the speed nor
the phenomenological relationship are reliable. However, one may seek
alternative “observation” data for the Kalman Filter. As an example, let us
consider the case where there is some partial identification of some vehicles,
providing a handle for estimating the count of vehicles within the link.
During the time of the passage of the tagged vehicle, we measure the
entrance speeds of all the entering vehicles and compute their average,
This defines a “spread” of the aggregate of these vehicles equal to
2) As the density increases and congestion sets in, one may assume that
passing becomes relatively difficult and any tagged vehicle moves
together with the rest of the vehicles. In this case, the travel time of any
tagged vehicle is an accurate measure of the travel time of most of the
vehicles entering the link. We can simply count all the vehicles entering
the link from the time a tagged vehicle enters to the time it leaves the
link, and use this count as the observation count.
1. Gazis, D. C. and Foote, R. S., 1969, “Surveillance and Control of Tunnel Traffic by an
On-Line Digital Computer”, Trans. Sci., 3, 255-275.
2. Jazwinski, A. H., 1970, Stochastic Processes and Filtering Theory, New York:
Academic Press.
3. Szeto, M. W. and Gazis, D. C., 1972, “Application of Kalman Filtering to the
Surveillance and Control of Traffic Systems” , Trans. Sci., 6, 419-439.
Acceleration bottleneck 12 Delay at a traffic signal 77
Acceleration noise 31 Arrival process 77
Accessibility model 193 Departure process 78
Adaptive control Delay evaluation 79
Single intersection 106 Delay to a single car 50
System of intersections 132 Delay to pedestrians 63
Arrival process, Poisson 64 Density estimation 175
Assignment, all-or-nothing 211 Departure process 78
Time-dependent 193 Deterministic traffic assignment 207
Time-independent 193, 206 Discrete choice stochastic models 211
Domain, control 151, 157
Bandwidth of progression design 109 Dynamic Traffic Assignment 225
Bang-bang control 144
Bellman’s principle of optimality 127 Economic forecasts 191
Boltzman model 17 Entropy, minimum 199
Bottlenecks 12 EQUISAT strategy 134
Moving 14
Flow-concentration relationships 9
Car-following models 21 Flying start 62
Non-linear models 33 Forecasts, economic 191
Centroids of networks 187 Land use 192
Combination method 121 Freeway control 172
Complex oversaturated systems 154 Fundamental diagram 5
Computer control of traffic 102
Control domain, admissible 151 Gap acceptance 49
COP program 135 Gaps between queues 48
CRONOS program 135 Generation of trips 197
Crossing a multi-lane highway 59 Gravity model 200
Crossings with push-button control 70 Growth factor models 199
Cumulative arrival 140
Cumulative service 140 Heuristic control algorithms 128, 136
Cycle time variation 108 Hudson River tunnel 173
Hydrodynamic model 9
258 Index
Waves, propagation of 8
shock 6
Zebra crossings 69
Zones of network 187