CTDA Newsletter

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Charleston Trident Dietetic Association

Newsletter, September 2014

2014-2015 Officers
Rebecca Fuller
Kaci Adams
Jillian Morgan
Mara Lee Beebe
Kati England
Chair Elect:
Molly Jones
Nominating Committee:
Caroline Colquitt
Nominating Chair Elect :
Magie Young
Outreach Committee
Brooke Jackson

Inside this issue:
Letter from the
2014-2015 Officers 1
Kick off Event 2
Save the Date 2
Outreach Committee 2
Tentative Calendar 3
T-shirts 3
Save the Date 3
Membership form 4

Welcome to a new
Charleston Trident Die-
tetic Association member-
ship year! I want to start
by saying I am honored to
serve as your 2014-2015
CTDA President. Each
year, the board works
very hard at developing
events and activities that
our members will enjoy.
This year, we are looking
forward to planning an-
other fun and eventful
year. Last year was filled
with great CEU opportu-
nities and community
volunteer events which
allowed us to demon-
strate our expertise in the
community while also
giving back. We look to
continue to provide inter-
esting and creative CEU
opportunities and contin-
ue the partnerships weve
developed within the com-
munity this year.
Although we get feed-
back throughout the year,
we strongly encourage
everyone to complete the
membership survey at
the end of each year. The
membership survey is a
valuable tool to provide
suggestions on how we
can better meet the
changing needs of our
members. The 2013-2014
membership year survey
results were reviewed by
the board and are the ba-
sis for planning the year
to come. In the survey
responses, members stat-
ed their favorite benefit is
networking with fellow
dietitians. What better
way to do this than at our
membership kick off so-
cial at Bohemian Bull on
Wednesday, September
. You also told us
there is interest in social
media and cooking
demonstrations. The edu-
cation chairs are working
diligently to develop ac-
tivities for both topics.
More details on these ac-
tivities as well as other
events will be communi-
cated as the year pro-
gresses. In the past few
years, book club partici-
pation has been small.
This year we hope to in-
crease participation by
providing CEUs for book
clubs. This will double
the number of CEU op-
portunities members will
have throughout the year.
What a valuable benefit
We are committed to
continue our involvement
in the community this
year by partnerships with
Cooking Matters, Low
Country Food Bank, Lou-
ies Kids, Habitat for Hu-
manity, and Junior Girls
Day Out. If you are inter-
ested in volunteering for
one of these events or
have a community group
that would like to partner
with CTDA, please con-
tact our Community Out-
reach Leader, Brooke
We continue to
improve and adapt our
member benefits each
year. Feedback doesnt
have to wait till the end
of year survey! Feel free
to contact me at any time
with suggestions or con-
cerns. You can contact me
directly at rebeccaeastep-
[email protected]
Rebecca Fuller

Food Day: Grocery Store Tours
This year, CTDA is teaming up with the Lowcountry Food Banks Cooking Matters to lead interactive,
guided grocery store tours teaching low-income families how to make the most of their limited budgets.
We are looking for 8-12 volunteers to give tours at 3 different Bi-Los in the area on October 24th from
9am to 1pm. If you are interested in getting involved, visit http://strength.force.com/cmvolunteer/
CMVolunteerSignup to sign up, selecting the Lowcountry Food Bank as the main partner. Once you
complete the application please contact Dana Mitchel at [email protected].
CTDA members attended Junior Girls Day Out to coordi-
nate the Junior Girls Olympics Food & Nutrition Finale
Event on Saturday, September 6th. Girls from the Charleston
community got to enjoy a Celebrity Chef Cook-off, Salad
Building Competition, Beach Relay Activities, Beach Run,
Lunch and Cool Prizes! Pictured left is one of our own stu-
dent members, Amy Beischel, facilitating a cooking demo.

Are you interested in volunteering for community events?
CTDA has an outreach committee to assist with the many
requests for speakers and volunteers we receive each year. If
you are interested in joining the volunteer committee, please
email the CTDA secretary or the committee chair, Brooke
Jackson, at [email protected]
Outreach Committee Update:
The New CTDA Board

Join us for the membership year kick-off
event at Bohemian Bull on James Is-
land at 1531 Folly Rd. Charleston, SC
29412 on Wednesday September 24th
from 6-8pm. Get to know your fellow RDs
over food and drinks while learning
about what CTDA has to offer this up-
coming year!

Save the Date: Kick-off

Calendar of Events

September: Annual Kick-off , Wednesday September 24th
at Bohemian Bull

October: CEU Dinner
Food Day on October 24th Grocery Store Tours
America the Beautiful 3- Sottile Theater
On October 2nd at 6:30pm

November: Book Club The Big FAT Surprise,
Tuesday November 11th

January: CEU Book Club Stranger Here

February: CEU Event (TBD)

March: CTDA sponsored members-only
RD Day Event
SCAND Annual Meeting
Legislative Day
National Nutrition Month

April: CEU Book Club

May: CEU Event (TBD)
CEU Dinner

Keep a look out for a CEU dinner evite covering the
topic of weight management. The event will be held
in October 2014, free to members and just $10 for
CTDA Book Club
Join us on November 11th for CTDAs first
Book Club pot-luck dinner of the year. We will
be discussing the book The Big Fat Surprise by
Nina Teicholz. Molly Jones and Kaci Adams
will be hosting the event in Mount Pleasant,
SC. Please bring your favorite dish to share
with the group. Look out for an Evite with
more information and directions.
CEUs provided. $10 for non-members.
This year the CTDA shirts
feature the slogan, Live.
Love. Nutrition. They
come free with CTDA
membership or can be
purchased for $10 for non-
members. The shirts will
be available at the kick-off
event or you can contact
Rebecca Fuller at rebec-
[email protected]
CTDA T-Shirts

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