Satchit Essay
Satchit Essay
Satchit Essay
In broader terms my research and work experience can effect the three most impor-
tant metrics that are a measure of a manufacturing industry today, 1. Time-to-market
in product/process realization, 2. Quality of a manufactured product, and 3. Cost of a
product/process. My research contributions (Academic & Industrial) and its implications
on Lucent Technologies product/process realization process is categorized into following
Contributions to CAD/CAM/CAE, DFMA, and Design Optimization Research and its Applications in
Solid Modeling: In the past most designs were worked out and drafted on paper, My
work [13][14] in solid modeling will help translate these designs into valid com-
puter models. The algorithm that I developed will help 1. Realize these scanned
design drafting information, 2. Represent this information in a valid mathematical
form on the computer, and finally 3. Render this information on a computer. The
actual process being in scanning these 2D legacy draftings, building a valid 3D rep-
resentation from this disparate 2D information with the developed algorithm as a
Boundary Representation, and finally rendering this 3D model on a computer. The
software that I developed on a PC using C language can also be useful in realizing,
representing, and rendering data from Coordinate Measuring Machines, Computer
Tomography data, or as a visualization tool for other scientific purposes.
Contributions to CAD/CAM/CAE, DFMA, and Design Optimization Research and its Applications in
Contributions to CAD/CAM/CAE, DFMA, and Design Optimization Research and its Applications in
Presently I have been involved with systems level design and optimization of Lucent
communication products focusing on reducing costs. This concurrent engineering ap-
proach involves the use of competitive information in designing a product to meet cus-
tomers requirement in Lucent's products for maximum functionality at minimal cost of
manufacture. The is achieved by deploying processes like Target Costing, Conjoint Analy-
sis, & Quality Function Deployment within Lucent's business units.
[1] S. Kashyap, & W. R. DeVries, ``Achieving Design Specifications Through Finite Ele-
ment Analysis and Structural Optimization During Product Realization'', International
Journal of Process and Product Design Optimization.
[2] S. Kashyap, & W. R. DeVries, ``FEA and Structural Optimization in Fixturing Design'',
Journal of Structural Optimization.
[4] S. Kashyap., `` Modular Cost Effective design of Wideband CDMA Macro Cell for Do-
CoMo'', Technical Report(Restricted), Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories 1998.
[5] S. Kashyap., `` Confluence of Voice, Video, and Data on Packet Switched Networks,
QoS, Reliability, Scalability: Business Propositions and Technical Feasibility of Small-
Contributions to CAD/CAM/CAE, DFMA, and Design Optimization Research and its Applications in
[7] S. Kashyap, & W. R. DeVries, ``An Integrated Concurrent Engineering Framework for
Manufacturability Evaluation, Fixture Design, Analysis, and Optimization in Virtual
Prototyping'',31st International CIRP Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Berkeley
1998, page 517-522.
[8] S., Kashyap., `` Product Design for Automated Assembly'', Internal technical Document
ITD-97-324945, Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories 1997.
[9] S., Kashyap., `` An Integrated Methodology for Fixture Design, Analysis, and Opti-
mization'', Ph.D. Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, 1997.
[10] S., Kashyap, & W. R. DeVries, ``Kinematic Constraint of Workpiece During Machin-
ing, A Feature Based Approach", Transactions of XXV North American Manufacturing
Research Institution of SME.
[12] S., Kashyap., `` Curvature Continuous Blending Using Variable Sweeps'', Masters The-
sis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 1994.
[13] S., Kashyap., ``Realizing, Representing, and Rendering 2D Design Data as B-REP Solid
Models'', Bachelors Thesis, Bangalore University, 1987.
[14] S., Kashyap., ``Automatic Generation of 3D Solids from 2D Orthographic Views'', Tech-
nical Report #: 94039, Design & Manufacturing Institute, Rensselaer Polytechnic In-
stitute Troy NY.