Reflection 3 PDF

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Learning: A Never End Journey

Like some other aspects in human development, languages have gone through several changes
throughout time. Apart from all the analysis that linguistics do, I see these changes in a language
in a very simple way: languages are alive. Form, meaning and use vary in any language since
native speakers add a new word or a new meaning to their everyday vocabulary, modify the form
of a word or simply stop using one. Globalization, seen as media, immigration, and the wide
spread use of digital technology, has contributed to a rapid change in language usage in the last
3 decades, especially English. Thus, this three-week immersion into an English speaking
environment has been very rich. I have had the opportunity to be exposed to several accents not
only from non-native speakers but also from native ones, different ways of expressing ideas and
lines of thoughts. Having the opportunity to interact with colleagues have helped me practice the
language, learned new words and expressions without the artificial influence that textbooks
sometimes provides.
This whole experience of using different models and techniques makes me reflect on my own
classroom experiences and on the elements I would like to put into practice. There are two
particular elements that made me think in my teaching practices. First, when I think on the
community builders and their contributions into the classroom, I cant help wondering why most
teachers I know, including myself, use an icebreaker the very first day of classes and then forget
about them. Learning English can be a very stressful situation that hinders some students
language acquisition. Community builders can help teachers set up a more relaxed and confident
classroom atmosphere. Lowering the affective filter, as stated by Krashen, provides students with
better opportunities to acquire the target language. That sense of being a community has helped
Comentario [L1]: These are such
wise words for the title of your
reflection! I cant wait to read about
your experience this week
Comentario [L2]: Im glad to know
that you value the richness that can
be found when interacting with
people with different backgrounds,
beliefs, culture and ways of perceiving
the world. I also think that language
cannot be left behind in all the
fruitfulness that the precious diversity
of its users leave when using it for
us create bonds, to have empathy and respect for everyone. To understand each other needs,
expectations, and fears in relation to the training and our teaching experience. These same
practices can be experienced by our students. Second, when I think about the importance of
team work I think about the gift of giving and receiving feedback. Gathering in El Rancho every
morning to know what each of the rancheros will be teaching that evening allows you to analyze
the different tasks present in the planning. To analyze them in terms of proficiency level, how to
approach them, to use CCQ, to provide feedback to students, the materials, the instructions, and
to decide on a topic have given all of us a better perspective what team work and feedback is all
about. Besides, Meeting with the trainers to get feedback encloses a very professional and
positive insight of your own work as seen from colleagues. This is something I wish I could do in
my school so that our students benefit from better prepared and enriched classes.
I have learned and relearned many things in last three weeks. Since I started teaching back in
1987, that was two years before I finished my major, I noticed the gap that exists from theory to
practice. I tried hard to apply what I was learning in the university to what I was doing in my
classes, but every classroom situation was different. I believe that in trying to close this gap that
is how I developed my teaching style, my own strategies and apply different techniques to help
my students acquire the language. However, it seems like I have left some basic, though
essential, teaching principals behind throughout the years. Learning about ECRIF and going back
to the purpose of using PDP and FMU has given me an opportunity to relearn many things. This
is like CCQing my own teaching, what, how and why I do the things I do in my classroom. But I
guess the most important question is how will my classes be from now on? I would say that I am
half way through my professional life so my biggest responsibility is to continue learning and
finding new or better ways to help my students learn. ECRIF has been an awaking to all that
Comentario [L3]: I understand
exactly what you are talking about
here Ileana! When I took this course
two years ago, I was fascinated by the
power that the sense of belonging to a
community can have in any context
where human beings interact. I was
also impressed by how this same
sense helped create an atmosphere of
support and cooperation among me
and my peers. Im wondering about
how it is for you to build community
with your students in el INVU. Id love
to hear more about that!
Comentario [L4]: Great to hear that
this learning was so relevant for you!
What would be some of the
implications of taking what you
learned about feedback and working
in teams back to the context where
you work? Im curious
Comentario [L5]: Its so nice to read
about your beginning as a teacher.
What are some of the strategies and
techniques that define(d) your
teaching style?
Comentario [L6]: I can relate to this
thought as well. I believe that in order
to help students learn, its essential to
set our own learning and growth as a
goal. For this reason it is almost a
must to continue discovering the
amazing, diverse world of learning and
all the conditions that affect it.
creativity and curiosity teachers normally have. It is a framework that fosters students production
from the very beginning of the learning process and leads to objectives achievement in a shorter
period of time, so it is feasible to assess students progress.
After experiencing learning and teaching using ECRIF and reviewing key elements of PDP, FMU,
and TPS, I would dare to say that my strength as a teacher is my eagerness to learn, to know
new techniques. My challenges would be to discover what may work in my class, to put into
practice what I have experienced bearing in mind that the learner must be the center of whatever
I try to implement. As I teacher trainer I feel like Santa Claus, I am carrying a bag full of gifts for
my colleagues that I hope will light up their classes the same way they would light up mine.

Comentario [L7]: This is such a
powerful realization! Im so happy to
have witnessed this shift in your
beliefs about learning and teaching.
Im sure youll be able to enrich many
teachers practices in their classroom
back in your context.

Last Wednesday I was developing my reading comprehension lesson when I had one of those
moments that challenge you to think fast. While I was on my second pre-task activity, I was
projecting some images so students would to match them with the vocabulary. They had the
words on slips of paper on their desks. They matched the words correctly but suddenly Daniel
asked tell me more about straw and Donay said Yes, is it the shape or the thing? I was
teaching the meaning of the word straw and I showed, what I thought until that moment, a very
clear picture. The first thing that came to my mind was it is a type a dry grass. Donay seemed
pleased with my explanation but Daniel kept on saying tell me more, which is his way of asking
the meaning of a word. Then I began to think about how to clarify his question and I said it is
what they used to stuff mattresses with in the past. He said ok, ok and continued trying to do
the task, but he still looked puzzled. Finally, Jesus came to my mind. Yes, I thought about Baby
Jesus birth and so I told Daniel that it was the kind of dry grass they used to lay Baby Jesus on
when he was born. I felt relieved when Daniel said Ah ok I know now.

I hindered Donay and Daniel
learning by using a picture that
I assumed was clear enough
for them to understand the
meaning of straw just by
looking at it.
I see! Its sometimes tricky to
choose the right pictures to
represent the meaning of
It is important for teachers to
choose the images they plan to
use in class very carefully and
make sure they are clear
enough for students to grasp
the meaning.
I agree! I also think that it is
sometimes hard to predict what
will be clear for students or not.
This is why I think it is
sometimes helpful to have a
plan B, like a definition, realia,
etc. that will help support the
meaning conveyed by a
I will be more careful in
choosing images that actually
represent the meaning I need
them to convey.
This sounds like an
achievable plan! Im
wondering about how it could
be more specific and
measurable. One way would
be to say: I will ask 1 or 2
colleagues to tell me if the
pictures I chose represent the
meaning of the target
vocabulary clearly.
What would be another way of
making it specific and
Giving them the first
explanation about dry grass,
satisfied Donays question but
not Daniels. Then I provided
another explanation assuming
that Daniel knew what a
mattress was.
I noticed in your description
that this challenging situation
made the moment significant
for you.
How/why did this situation
Teachers cannot make any
assumptions about students
knowledge of specific words.
Id say that its hard to assume
what students know or dont
know sometimes. I think that
when planning, teachers make
lots of assumptions based on
what they know about their
students. What do you think
are the advantages and
disadvantages of making
When selecting the new
vocabulary I make sure I think
about different ways to
explain their meanings in
Great! I think this action plan
will help you get prepared for
the next time you teach
vocabulary! Id love to hear
more about one of the ways
you intend to use in order to
clarify vocabulary.
Comentario [L8]: Id love to hear
more about this part of the event! Itd
be helpful to know which image you
showed to represent the meaning of
straw because it seems to have
been one of the reasons that affected
Donay and Daniels understanding.
Comentario [L9]: This was such a
cool moment you chose! It was really
exciting to read about how you put
your intuition into work in order to
help Daniel! Also, you did a very good
job describing this moment! It was
easy for me as a reader to have a clear
view of what was happening in the
moment that was relevant for you.
help/hinder their learning? assumptions of the words
students know/dont know?
Being aware of the fact that
Daniel was still puzzled in spite
of my previous too
explanations made me think
about a different way to clarify
its meaning without using the
Its interesting how students
challenge our teaching
strategies and are able to bring
the best out of us!
It is important for a teacher to
know their students well.
Teachers need to observe their
students and know somehow
when they understand or not.
Due to their linguistics needs
are not always expressed
I agree on the point that
observing students learning is
very helpful to apply strategies
that better serve their learning.
I will try to establish rapport
with my students and be
present because that helps
me identify their linguistic
Good to know! Id like to hear
more about what helps you be
present for your students
needs in the classroom.
Knowing about Costa Rican
strong common religious
background helped me coming
up with an example that finally
clarified Daniel question.
Im glad to hear you could
connect to Daniels learning
needs and thus provide an
explanation that helped clarify
his doubts.
It is essential for teachers to
know their students
background knowledge.
I couldnt agree more! I know
there are many advantages of
knowing students background
knowledge. What do you think
are some of the advantages?
I will try to learn more about
my students background
knowledge and take it into
account when planning my
Nice! What aspects of their
background do you think will
be helpful to know about?

Dear Ileana,
It was such a pleasure to read and comment on your last extended reflection! Im so grateful to have
witnessed your growth as a learner, as a teacher and as a human being throughout the course. Im sure
that this is just the beginning of a never ending journey of joy, growth and amazing invaluable rewards
on the part of your students. Im sure that not only your students but your colleagues will benefit a
great deal from having such a loving, committed and confident teacher/boss/ human being.
From your essay, it was so inspiring to learn about how the positive, fruitful experience you have had
on the course so far has helped you enlighten your beliefs as a teacher. I was also thrilled when reading
that learning and working in community has had such an impact in who you are as a learner and as a
teacher. This makes me think about the power of transformation that building community in the
classroom can have not only on students but also on teachers, supervisors and other members involved
in the education field. I am completely sure that you will be able to touch thousands of lives in
unimaginable ways when you share the gifts you are taking from this experience back to your context.
In relation to your DAPA for this third week on the course, you have done a great job describing the
moment you chose to analyze. It was so clear that you are able to choose relevant, meaningful
moments to reflect upon in order to learn from them. It was such a pleasure to get to know about the
beautiful moments in your experience that helped you discover new aspects of teaching and learning.
There was a substantial amount of detail that allowed the interpretations, generalizations and action
plans to be based on reliable, consistent facts. I would suggest checking action points to see if they are
all specific and measurable. Overall, you have demonstrated to have the ability to go through ELC when
reflecting upon meaningful learning events and coming up with intended future plans of action.

Ileana, your paper has met the requirements for this extended reflection and is a pass. If you have any
questions, let me know.
With gratitude and admiration,

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