For Immediate Release Contact:: Join Us For Ranger-Guided Programs and Talks!
For Immediate Release Contact:: Join Us For Ranger-Guided Programs and Talks!
For Immediate Release Contact:: Join Us For Ranger-Guided Programs and Talks!
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience
our heritage.
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For Immediate Release CONTACT:
National Park Service
Jodi French-Burr
American Indian Reenactment at Sandstone
Join us for ranger-guided programs and talks!
Glen Jean, West Virginia, September !, "#$ Step ack in ti!e to the 1"
centur# at a livin$ hi%tor#
de!on%tration on Septe!er 21 at Sand%tone &i%itor 'enter( )he interpreter% o* )rail% +nc( ,ill pre%ent an
all-da# pro$ra! o* interactive de!on%tration% and di%cu%%ion%- %harin$ their kno,led$e o* ,ood% lore that
allo,ed the .!erican +ndian% o* the Ne, /iver 0or$e re$ion to %urvive and thrive durin$ their huntin$
e1pedition%( )hi% i% one o* %everal pro$ra!% aout local National Park Service %ite% thi% ,eekend( .ll
ran$er pro$ra!% are F/22 unle%% other,i%e noted( 3ear co!*ortale ,alkin$ %hoe% *or the $uided ,alk
on a trail alon$ the Blue%tone /iver( 3ater- %nack%- ca!era and inocular% are other u%e*ul tool% to rin$
alon$( Belo, i% a li%t o* thi% ,eekend4% *eatured ran$er pro$ra!%5
Frida%, September &, "#$:
/an$er ooth at 0aule# Fe%t
5500 p! 6 "500 p!( 0aule# Fe%t i% held at the Nichola% 'ount# &eteran% 7e!orial Park in Su!!er%ville8
9 - event ha% an entrance *ee( 7eet ,ith ran$er% at a National Park Service *e%tival ooth to learn !ore
aout Ne, /iver 0or$e National /iver and 0aule# /iver National /ecreation .rea( For co!plete 0aule#
Fe%t ti!e% and detail% vi%it ,,,(a!erican,hite,ater(or$(
Sat'rda%, September "#, "#$:
Blue%tone 3alk
10500 a! - 11530 a!( 7eet at the a%e o* Pipe%te! /e%ort State Park tra!,a#( 2 !ile ,alk( 3alk ,ithin
Blue%tone National Scenic /iver *or a !ile and return( .lon$ the ,a#- en:o# the *lora and *auna o* the
area and di%cover re$ional hi%tor#( Brin$ 92(00 *or the return tra! ride(
/an$er ooth at 0aule# Fe%t
2500 p! 6 "500 p!( 0aule# Fe%t i% held at the Nichola% 'ount# &eteran% 7e!orial Park in Su!!er%ville8
9 - event ha% an entrance *ee( 7eet ,ith ran$er% at a National Park Service *e%tival ooth to learn !ore
aout Ne, /iver 0or$e National /iver and 0aule# /iver National /ecreation .rea( For co!plete 0aule#
Fe%t ti!e% and detail% vi%it ,,,(a!erican,hite,ater(or$(
S'nda%, September ", "#$:
Ne !iver "orge
National !iver
P. #. $ox %&'
1(& )ain Street
"len *ean+ ,- %./&'
0(&1&'.1(.(/ phone
0(&1&'.1(.21 fax
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience
our heritage.
Page %
;arve%t < ;unt5 Ne, /iver4% .!erican +ndian ;erita$e
10500 a! - 3530 p!( 7eet at Sand%tone &i%itor 'enter in Sand%tone( =ivin$ hi%tor# interpreter% %et up an
centur# ,arrior ca!p and di%cu%% the culture o* .!erican +ndian% o* the Ne, /iver 0or$e area(
)opic% ,ill include !en and ,o!en4% %ocial role%- re$ional a$ricultural practice%- ,arrior>huntin$ %kill%-
trail *ood preparation- trackin$ pro,e%%- and !ore( Stop # an# ti!e(
For !ore in*or!ation aout area National Park Service %ite% vi%it http5>>,,,(np%($ov>neri- check out the
park Faceook pa$e at http5>>,,,(*aceook(co!>ne,river$or$enp%- or %top # an# Ne, /iver 0or$e
National /iver vi%itor center(
Abo't t(e National )ar* Ser+ice
,-),RI ,NC, .O/R A0,RI CA
)he National Park Service care% *or %pecial place% %aved # the .!erican people %o that all !a#
e1perience our herita$e( For !ore in*or!ation aout the National Park Service- vi%it http5>>,,,(np%($ov.
Photo caption3 Native American living history demonstration. Photo courtesy of 4oug ,ood.