PRESS 2014activities May31

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The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

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For Immediate Release CONTACT:
National Park Service
Jodi rench!"urr
Take a Stroll on the Blestone Ri!er
Join us for a ranger-guided program in National Park Service sites!
"len #ean$ %est &ir'inia$ Ma( )*$ )+,-* +xplore the life and heritage of a mountain stream along the
"luestone ,iver- The season is officially here and .hat a good excuse to /oin a ranger for a guided hike in
the gorge of the "luestone ,iver on Saturday0 1ay #) from )$2$$ am 3 ))2#$ am. This leisurely0 river!
side .alk is a fun .ay to experience the out!of!doors and learn about the natural .orld that surrounds us.
This program is also a good place to find out more about the people .ho shaped our past too. 1eet at the
base of the Pipestem ,esort State Park tram.ay for this (.$ mile round!trip .alk into the "luestone
National Scenic ,iver. "ring 4(.$$ for the return tram ride. 5ear comfortable .alk shoes for this guided
or more information about area National Park Service sites visit http266....nps.gov6neri0 check out the
park acebook page at http266....facebook.com6ne.rivergorgenps0 or stop by any Ne. ,iver 7orge
National ,iver visitor center.

A.ot the National Park Ser!i/e
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may
experience our heritage. or more information about the National Park Service0 visit
P89T9 caption2 Park ,anger leads a group of visitors on a guided .alk along the "luestone ,iver.
National Park Service photo.
New River Gorge
National River
P. O. Box 246
104 Main Street
Glen Jean, WV 2!46
"04#46#00! $%one
"04#46#0&1 'ax
National Park Ser!i/e
U0S0 1e2artment o3 the Interior

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