Basics of Scrum

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Basics Of Scrum

Scrum is an incremental and also iterative agile software development

framework for managing software products application development. Scrum
focus on a flexible product development strategy whereby the development
team works as unit to reach a common goal. It is a framework within which
you can employ various processes and techniques.
Scrum framework:
The scrum framework consists of scrum teams and their associated roles,
events, artifacts and rules. ach component within the framework serves as a
specific purpose which is essential to scrum!s success and usage
Scrum "oles:
There are three core roles and a range of sub#ordinate roles, sometimes core
roles are referred to as $I% and subordinate roles as &'I&()S. The core
roles are those committed to the pro*ect in the scrum process + they are the
ones producing the product,ob*ective of the pro*ect-. They represent the
Scrum Team.
SCRUM TEAM: The scrum team consist of the product owner,
development team and a scrum master. Scrum teams are and
cross#functional. They deliver products iteratively and incrementally, opportunities for feedback.
The product /wner:The product owner is responsible for the
value of the product and the work of the development team. The product
owner is the sole manager of the product backlog. The product owner
represents the stakeholders and is the voice of the customer.
"esponsibility of a $roduct owner:
clearly expressing $roduct 0acklog items1
/rdering the items in the $roduct 0acklog to best achieve goals and
nsuring the value of the work the development team performs1
nsuring that product 0acklog is visible, transparent, and clear to all,
and shows what the Scrum Team will work on next1 and,
nsuring the development team understands items in the product
backlog to the level needed.
The 2evelopment Team:
The development team consists of professionals who do work of delivering a
potentially releasable increment of 2/) product at the end of each sprint.
These professionals with cross#functional skills who do the actual
work,analy.e, design, develop, test, technical communication, document,
etc.-. The teams are structured and empowered by the organi.ation to
organi.e and manage their own work.
&haracteristics of the 2evelopment Teams1
They are self#organi.ing1
2evelopment Teams are cross#functional, with all of the skills as a team
necessary to create a product increment1
Scrum no titles for development Team members other than
developer, regardless of the work being performed by the person1 there
are no exceptions to this rule1
Individual 2evelopment Team members may have speciali.ed skills
and areas of focus, but accountability belongs to the development Team
as a whole1
2evelopment Teams do not contain sub#teams dedicated to particular
domain like testing or business analysis.
The Scrum 3aster
Scrum is facilitated by a scrum master, who is accountable for removing
impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the sprint goals or
deliverables. 'e4she is to ensure scrum process is understood and enacted by
the team. The scrum master is also referred to as a servant#leader for the
scrum team
The scrum master serves the $roduct /wner in several ways, including:
5unding techniques for effective $roduct backlog 3anagement1
&learly communicating vision, goals, and product 0acklog items to the
development team1
Teaching the scrum team to create clear and concise $roduct 0acklog
6nderstanding long#term product planning in an empirical
6nderstanding and practicing agility1
5acilitating Scrum events as requested or needed.
The scrum master serves The development Team in several ways,
&oaching the 2evelopment Team in self#organi.ation and cross#
Teaching and leading the development Team to create high#value
"emoving impediments to the 2evelopment Team!s $rogress1
5acilitating Scrum events as requested or needed1 and
coaching the development Team in organi.ational environments in
which scrum is not yet fully adopted and understood.
The scrum master service to the organi.ation
7eading and coaching the organi.ation in its scrum adoption1
$lanning scrum implementations within the organi.ation1
'elping employees and stakeholders understand and enact Scrum and
empirical product development1
causing change that increases the productivity of Scrum Team1 and,
8orking with other scrum 3asters to increase effectiveness of the
application of Scrum in the organi.ation.
The Sprint
The sprint is the heart of Scrum, its a time#box of one month or less during
which a 92one:,usable, and potentially releasable product increment is
needed. ach sprint is proceeded by a planing meeting where the tasks for the
sprint are identified and an estimate commitment for sprint goal is made, and
followed by a review or retrospective meeting, where the progress is
reviewed and lessons for next sprint are identified.
2aily Scrum
The daily scrum is a ;<#minute time#boxed event for 2evelopment Team to
synchroni.e activities and create a plan for the nest => hours. It is also called
a daily stand#up
The Scrum artifacts are the $roduct 0acklog, Sprint 0acklog, and increment.
2efinition of 92/):
8hen the product backlog item or increment is described as 92/):,
everyone must understand what 92/): means. 2efinition of 92/):
varies significantly per scrum team, members must have shared
understanding of what it means for work to be complete, to ensure
transparency. This is the 9 2efinition of 2/): for scrum team and is used
to assess when work is complete on the product increment.

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