Scorbot Er 4u

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Aim: To make a Robotic Program for loading a given job on CNC turning machine.

Apparatus Used: SCORBASE Software for Robot.

Procedural Steps:

Various steps involved in making a Program are:
Search Home Robot
Search Home Peripherals
Go Home All Axes- Robot- Peripherals
On-line Mode/ Off-line Mode
Control On/ Control Off (CON ON/ CON OFF)
Position Definition
Absolute and Relative position


The SCORBOT-ER 4u robot is an industrial robot a general purpose programmable
machine possessing certain anthropomorphic characteristics the most typical anthropomorphic
characteristic of a robot is its arm. This arm together with robot capacity to be programmed
makes it ideally suited to a variety of production tasks. The SCORBOT-ER 4u robot is a
versatile and reliable system for educational use. The robot arm can be mounted on a tabletop,
pedestal or linear slide base. The robot's speed and repeatability make it highly suited for both
stand-alone operations and integrated use in automated work cell applications such as robotic
welding, machine vision, CNC machine tending and other FMS operations. The robot is
supported by Rob Cell 3D graphic software that lets students design, create and control
simulated industrial work cells. Robot Cell is fully integrated with SCORBASE robotics
programming and control software and provides dynamic simulation of the robot and work cell
devices during position teaching and program execution. The SCORBOT-ER 4u is a powerful
tool for teaching science and technology in the classroom or lab. Many teachers have already
discovered its potential in subjects such as:

Major uses of robot in industrial activities:

Machine Loading
Spot Welding
Spray Painting

Programming capabilities for Robot (SCORBASE):

The robot can be programmed to perform a sequence of machine operations and it can
repeat that sequence over and over until reprogrammed to perform other job.
Communication with the robot controller over USB channel.
Control and real-time status display of five robot axes, gripper and two peripheral axes.
Full support and real-time status display of eight digital inputs, eight digital outputs, four
analog inputs, and two analog outputs.
Position definition and display as well as manual robot movement in reference to Joint
coordinate System (encoder units).
The Cartesian Coordinate System (X,Y,Z Pitch and Roll) is also used.
Robot movement definition as Go to Position, Go Linear, or Go Circular, with ten active
speed settings. (Availability depends on Experience Level setting).
Default setting of 1000 positions and 1000 active program lines.
Interrupt programming for handling responses to changes in digital input status.
Variable Programming, in three levels of complexity, to moderate the learning curve this
makes it possible for beginners to start at a lower level, and advance through the levels,
as they become more skilled in robotics programming.
Saving and loading projects.
SCORBASE can be installed as part of RoboCell, an interactive graphic software
package, which provides simulation of the robot and other devices in the work cell.
A robot is a programmable multi-function manipulator designed to move materials,
parts, tools etc.

Special devices through variable programmed motion for the performance of variety of tasks.


CONSTRUCTION: The SCORBOT-ER-4u is a vertical articulated robot with five revolute
joints with gripper attached. The robot has six degrees of freedom. This design permits the end
effector to be positioned and oriented arbitrarily within large work space. The main components
of this kind of robots are given in Table 1.1

Axis No. Joint Name Motion Motor No.
1 Base Rotates the body 1
2 Shoulder Raises and lowers the upper arm 2
3 Elbow Raises and lowers the forearm 3
4 Wrist Poll Raises and lower the end effector (gripper) 4+5
5 Wrist Roll Rotates the end effectors 4+5

Configurations of SCORBOT-ER-4u: Industrial robots come in variety of shapes and sizes.
They are capable of various arm manipulations and they possess different motion system .almost
today the available. Robot has one of the following configurations:

Polar Coordinate Configuration
Cylindrical Coordinate Configuration
Jointed Arm Configuration
Cartesian Coordinate Configuration


Mechanical Structure Vertical Articulated
Number Of Axis 5 Axis Plus Servo Gripper
Axis Movements:
Axis 1: Basic Rotation
Axis 2: Shoulder Rotation
Axis 4: Elbow Rotation
Axis 5: Wrist Roll

+130 /-35
+- 130
Unlimited(mechanically)+-570 (electrically)
Maximum Operation Radius 610mm(24.4)
End Factor DC servo gripper , with optical encoder
Parallel finger motion;
Measurement of object size by means of
Gripper sensor and software
Maximum gripper opening 75mm(3) without rubber pad
65mm(2.6)with rubber pads
Homing Fixed position on each axis ,
Found by means of micro switches
Feed back Optical encoder on each axis
Actuators 12 VDC servo motor
Motor capacity(axis1-6) Peak Torque(stall)
70 w power for Peak Torque
Gear Ratios Motor 1,2,3:127.1:1
Motor 4,5: 65.5:1
Motor 6gripper19.5:1
Transmission Gear, timing belt, lead screw
Maximum Pay load 1kg(2.21b)including gripper
Position repeatability +-0.18mm(0.007)at TCP(tip of gripper)
Weight 10.8kg (23.6 1b)
Maximum path velocity 600mm/sec(23.6)
Ambient operating temperature 2-40 c(36-104f)

The important components of robot necessary in performing the Function:

Shoulder / Arm
Figure: Block Diagram of Controller and Teach Pendant

Teach Pendant:

FIGURE Teach Pendant


Every SCORBASE project includes a set of pre-defined positions and a program that
sends the robot from one position to the other. Prior to running a program all the positions used
in that program should be defined. SCORBASE offers various tools to define and store positions
that will be used in the programs. The following SCORBASE tools are used in the position
definition process:

Manual Movement Dialog Box
Teach Positions Dialog Box
Robot Movement Dialog Box
Position Data Dialog Bars
Positions Window

To activate the dialog boxes which are most useful for position definition, select:
Window Teach and Edit.

Any of the following four methods can be used for position definition:

Method Level
1 Absolute position Joint coordinates 1, 2, Pro
2 Relative position Joint coordinates 2, Pro
3 Absolute position Cartesian coordinates 2, Pro
4 Relative position Cartesian coordinates 2, Pro

Manual Movement Dialog Box:

Recording a robot position (in Joint coordinates) is done by manipulating the robot to the
required position and then recording it. The Manual Movement dialog box allows direct control
and manipulation of the robot and peripheral axes. The Manual Movement dialog box is
automatically opened when a project is opened, or when the selected. To open the Manual
Movement dialog box when there is no open project, select View Manual Movement. The
dialog box is given as under.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TABLE Manual Movement Dialog Box (Joints)

The following chart explains how clicking the buttons in the Manual Movement dialog box (or)
pressing the corresponding keys on the keyboard, controls the robot and peripheral movements:

Joints: When Joints is selected, clicking the buttons (or pressing the corresponding keys on the
keyboard) moves one robot axis at a time, as described below.

Keys Joint Motion
1 / Q Rotates the BASE right and left.
2 / W Moves the SHOULDER up and down.
3 / E Moves the ELBOW up and down.
4 / R Moves the wrist (PITCH) up and down.
5 / T Rotates the wrist (ROLL) right and left.
6 / Y Opens and closes gripper via servo control.
7 / U Moves peripheral axis #7 (if connected).
8 / I Moves peripheral axis #8 (if connected).

1 2 3 4 5

Manual movement dialog box
When XYZ is selected, clicking the buttons
(or pressing the corresponding keys on the
keyboard) moves the TCP, as described
Movements in XYZ mode are sometimes a
combination of simultaneous movements of
a few axes

Keys XYZ Motion
1 / Q TCP moves along X-axis (back and forth).
2 / W TCP moves along Y-axis (right and left).
3 / E TCP moves along Z-axis (up and down).
4 / R
Axes move in order to change the grippers
pitch angle; the TCP position does not
5 / T
The gripper rolls; the TCP position does not

The robot can be manipulated from the Manual Movement dialog box before it has been
homed in Joint mode only. In fact, it is often necessary to bring the robot into a more suitable
position before initiating the homing routine. However, an axis limit error message may appear
during manipulation of a robot that has not been homed. Movement of an axis continues as long
as the button or key is pressed, or until a software or hardware limit is reached.

Adding and Editing Commands:

SCORBASE commands are organized in a Command Tree, which is displayed in the
Workspace Window. SCORBASE only displays the commands which are available in the
currently set Experience Level.

At the Introductory level (Level 1), only basic commands appear in the Command Tree.
At the Advanced level (Level 2), the number of commands is increased.
At the Professional level (Pro Level), all commands are accessible.

To see the Command Tree, click the Command tab in the Workspace Window.

SCORBASE commands are grouped into these categories:
Axis & Control
Program Flow
Inputs & Outputs
Advanced - By default, this category is hidden. Select Options Advanced Options
Advanced Commands to display these commands.
Vision - By default, this category is hidden. Select Options Advanced Options
View Flex Commands to display these commands.
Clicking on a category opens/closes the list of commands.

To add commands to a program, do one of the following:
Double-click on the desired command in the Command Tree.
Type the two letters written next to the command.
Click on the command icons in the Program Window.


While operating the SCORBASE ROBOCELL (SCORBASE ER 4u) the operator should
follow the safety precautions as discussed below:
Make sure the robot base is properly and securely bolted in place.
Make sure the robot arm has ample space in which to operate freely.
Make sure a guardrail, rope or safety screen has been set up around the SCORBRT-ER-
4u Operating area to protect both the operator and by standers.
Do not enter the robot safety range or touch the robot when the system is in operation.
Before approaching the robot make sure the motor switch on the controller front panel
has been shut off.
Make sure loose hair and clothing is tied back when you work with the robot.



The Welding machine supplies the electric energy required for the welding process to the
welding gun. As such, you cannot save a cell containing only a welding gun or only a welding
machine. Neither or both must be present in order to save the cell.

To open the welding machine properties window do one of the following:
Select 3D Image Welding Setting from the Robo Cell Main Menu A

Note: The Welding Setting option is only available if both a welding gun and a welding machine
have been defined in the cell.
A Double click on the welding machine image in the 3D window.

Welding Settings: Welding Settings is an additional option in the welding machine Properties
menu. The welding settings dialog box enables definition of the following weld parameters:

Parameter Description: Voltage Tap sets welding machine voltage output supplied to the
welding gun, an important variable in determining the quality and appearance of a weld. The
voltage tap value is a reference number (and 2 do not indicate a voltage value). The voltage tap
should be set according to several factors, such as robot speed, wire speed and metal thickness.
Wire Diameter Sets diameter of the welding wire being fed to the MIG welding gun. Cannot be
changed. Default of wire diameter used in the AMT tek LINK is 0.023 inch. Wire Speed Sets
speed at which the wire is fed to the MIG welding gun. Also known as feed rate.The wire speed
setting is essentially a reference value to the controller built into the welder. Valid values: 10 -
100.The wire speed is automatically regulated by the welder for optimal performance and does
not need manual input. The welder determines the feed rate setting by weighing three factors:
type of shielding gas, metal thickness and wire diameter. Shielding Gas Sets type of gas for
shielding the weld from oxidation, which causes rust and poor joining of the welded pieces. The
system only works with CO2 gas. The default parameters are set according to the Millermatic
recommended settings (see Millermatic Users Manual).Some parameters are interrelated. For
example, changing the voltage tap causes the wire speed default to change automatically. Note
that the wire speed can also be changed independently of the voltage tap. Welding settings can
also be changed by the user when working within the Graphic Display window. The settings will
remain in effect for all subsequent simulated welds. Note: Changes in this dialog box do not
affect the actual Millermatic welder settings. This dialog box can also be accessed by double-
clicking on the welding machine knobs. Note that parameter changes are reflected in the knobs
The welding machine operation is controlled using a controller output. After placing the
welding machine (in Cell Setup) you should assign a free controller output for controlling the
welding machine.

Gun Stand: The gun stand does not require the user to define any additional configurations or
properties. The user need only place it in an accessible position on the welding table. Cell Setup
draws the cable that connects the welding machine to the gun. You cannot save a cell containing
only a welding gun or only a welder. Neither or both must be present in order to save the cell.

Welding Jig A (T-Joint): Welding Jig A is a device used to securely hold two materials being
welded together in a T-joint. This jig does not require the user to define any additional
configurations or properties. The user need only place it in a position on the welding table in
which the robot can access the jig from both ends to place and remove parts.

Welding Settings: Parameter Description voltage Tap Sets welding machine voltage
output supplied to the welding gun, an important variable in determining the quality and
appearance of a weld. The voltage tap value is a reference number (and 2 do not indicate a
voltage value). The voltage tap should be set according to several factors, such as robot speed,
wire speed and metal thickness.
Wire Diameter: Sets diameter of the welding wire being fed to the MIG welding gun. This
value cannot be changed. Default of wire diameter used in the AMT tel link is 0.023 inch.

Wire Speed: Sets speed at which the wire is fed to the MIG welding gun (also known as feed
rate). The wire speed setting is essentially a reference value to the controller built into the
welder. Valid values: 10 - 100.The wire speed is automatically regulated by the welder for
optimal performance and does not need manual input. The welder determines the feed rate
setting by weighing three factors: type of shielding gas, metal thickness and wire diameter.

Shielding Gas: Sets type of gas for shielding the weld from oxidation, which causes rust and
poor joining of the welded pieces. The system only works with CO2 gas. The default parameters
are set according to the Melodramatic recommended settings (see Millermatic Users Manual).

Recording Position
Teaching Position
Program editing
Variable Programming
Project File Management
Configuring the System for the Program


Set variable tested = 0
Set variable tested = tested +1
If input tested off call sub off
If input tested on call sub on
If tested < 8 jump to loop
Jump to start
Set Subroutine off
Turn off output tested
Return from subroutine.
Set Subroutine on
Turn on output tested
Return from subroutine


Aim: To run the developed program for loading the given job on CNC turning machine in
simulation mode.

Apparatus Used: SCORBASE Software for Robot installed on a Computer System.

Procedural Steps:

Various steps involved in running the prepared Program in simulation mode are:




Setting Input/ Output through Input/ Output Dialogue Bars.
Configuring the system.
Simulating and Editing.
Teaching and Editing.
Running the Program.
Executing the Program on project Screen.
Simulation can be seen on CIM Screen.
Other functions involve
Hardware Setup
Parameters setting like line number, reloading last project at startup etc.


Aim: To perform the loading operation of given job on CNC turning machine in machine
mode of the Robot set up.

Apparatus Used: ROBOCELL Robot connected to the Computer with a compatible
SCORBASE Software installed on it.

Procedural Steps:

Install the Robotic arm on a fixed foundation near the CNC Lathe Turing machine so as
to make them compatible to load a job on the machine by the robotic arm.
Connect the Robotic arm to the power supply and the Controller, Teach Pendant and
other accessories.
Also make the CNC Turning machine ready to work on a job to be loaded by the robotic
arm later.
Turn on the power supply to the Robot and check for all the alignments of the arm to the
CNC Turning machine. Also check for any misalignment in the system so as to avoid any
Put the SCORBASE software in the machine mode and start running the program till the
robot loads the job on the machine and returns back to its initial position.

Safety Precautions:

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