The document is a request for proposal from the Barack Obama Foundation for the development of the Barack Obama Presidential Library, Museum, and campus. It provides background on the Foundation and outlines guiding principles in the areas of core components, programming, and community context that will inform the selection of a site and partner. Interested institutions are invited to submit formal proposals and qualifications for consideration.
The document is a request for proposal from the Barack Obama Foundation for the development of the Barack Obama Presidential Library, Museum, and campus. It provides background on the Foundation and outlines guiding principles in the areas of core components, programming, and community context that will inform the selection of a site and partner. Interested institutions are invited to submit formal proposals and qualifications for consideration.
The document is a request for proposal from the Barack Obama Foundation for the development of the Barack Obama Presidential Library, Museum, and campus. It provides background on the Foundation and outlines guiding principles in the areas of core components, programming, and community context that will inform the selection of a site and partner. Interested institutions are invited to submit formal proposals and qualifications for consideration.
The document is a request for proposal from the Barack Obama Foundation for the development of the Barack Obama Presidential Library, Museum, and campus. It provides background on the Foundation and outlines guiding principles in the areas of core components, programming, and community context that will inform the selection of a site and partner. Interested institutions are invited to submit formal proposals and qualifications for consideration.
The Barack Obama Foundation THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 2 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ABOUT THE FOUNDATION Request for Proposal Overview & Background In March of 2014, The Barack Obama Foundation (Foundation) released a Request for Qualifcations (RFQ) intended primarily to solicit responses from institutions of higher learning, not-for-proft organizations, private developers or municipalities that wish to sponsor, develop and maintain a multi-unit facility consisting of the Barack Obama Presidential Library (Library), the Barack Obama Presidential Museum (Museum), the Foundation offces, an academic institute (Institute) and a broader campus. This multi-unit facility is hereinafter referred to as the Project. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the Foundation to review formal proposals and qualifcations in order to select a site and partner for the Project. This is not a formal solicitation and the Foundation reserves the right to enter into negotiations with one or more partners based on their responses to this RFP or to request that one or more partners respond as part of a formal solicitation process. This RFP does not commit the Foundation to enter into negotiations and/or select any partner. This RFP does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Foundation with any partner or others involved in their RFP response. The Foundation, offcially established as an operating, 501(c)(3) nonproft corporation in January of 2014, will both plan and develop the Project and engage in activities refecting President Obamas values and priorities throughout his career in public service: expanding economic opportunity, inspiring an ethic of American citizenship and promoting peace, justice and dignity throughout the world. The Project will be an anchor for economic development and help cultivate a strong relationship in the surrounding community. In addition to the Library and Museum, it will include an Institute that will enhance the pursuit of the Presidents initiatives beyond 2017 and have local, regional and global impacts. The Foundation will raise private funds, convene partners who share the Presidents goals and vision, serve as a repository of information and otherwise marshal resources to address present and future global and domestic challenges of interest to the President. The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors and chaired by civic leader Martin Nesbitt. The Foundation will serve as the vehicle by which the Library, Museum and Foundation offces are constructed, and, in accordance with the statutory requirements outlined in the Presidential Libraries Act, by which the endowment necessary for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to operate the Library is created and funded. The Foundation anticipates negotiating a joint use agreement with NARA in the future that will outline the responsibilities of both the Foundation and the federal government. 3 Guiding Principles As initially articulated in the RFQ, the following are guiding principles that inform and refect the overarching vision for the Project. The principles are organized into three distinct, but interrelated, sections. CORE addresses tangible components of site and facility; it also deals with economic development impacts of site selection. PROGRAM attends to principles most closely associated with President Obamas time in offce and the work of the Foundation. CONTEXT situates the project in relation to host institution and other community stakeholders. THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 4 Core The Core principles apply mostly to the site and physical facility of the Library. They are concerned with factors that impact space planning, character and quality of architectural design, site plan, ongoing operations and maintenance and economic impact. Guiding Principles (Contd) ECONOMIC ENGINE Encourages smart and sustainable economic growth Anchors public and private investment Celebrates and leverages existing community assets Civic identity is shaped by community Identifed as part of the fabric of the community FLEXIBLE & FORWARD-THINKING Agile, fexible, and relevant continually reinventing itself Accommodates a variety of uses Is technologically responsive Uses best practices in sustainability, technology, and operations Exercises leadership and foresight, anticipating change FUNCTIONAL Rational, purpose-driven design Attentive to site, infrastructure, existing urban fabric Effcient in systems, materials, and operations State-of-the-art archives and museum Cost-effective 5 TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED Extends digital footprint Next-generation platform New models for social interaction Can adapt with changes in technology ACCOUNTABLE & PERFORMANCE-DRIVEN Responsible steward of the environment immediate and global Energy-effcient building Exceeds LEED Platinum standards Sustainable practices Embodies principles of biomimicry to create a living building UNIFIED DESIGN VISION Consistently expresses design principles, mission, and vision Aligns with programmatic goals Communicates a clear and coherent message Integration of site and building design THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 6 Program Principles in the Program section pertain to the mission and vision of the Library and Foundation. They consider the ways in which the Presidential Offce and, more specifcally, the legacy of President Obama, may be manifested through the Library. Guiding Principles (Contd) AUTHENTIC Represents ideals of the Obama campaign: respect, empowerment, inclusivity Represents and explains the presidential legacy Inspires an ethic of citizenship Tells a compelling, accurate story about the Presidents life, service, and vision Approachable and immediately resonating with visitors Reveals the complexity and inspiration of the offce of the President Empathetic and respectful of other viewpoints CIVIC Communicates the ideals of democracy Celebrates community character Articulates a compelling, shared vision Generates discourse and dialogue Informs and engages policy debates HEALTH & WELL-BEING Promotes a healthy, wholesome environment Contributes to a cleaner, safer planet Supports a healthy lifestyle Nurtures the next generation 7 GLOBAL Creates a new international destination Serves as a gateway to other cultural, civic, and academic resources in the region Establishes a global network to communicate ideas and aspirations Collaborates with like-minded institutions around the world INSPIRATIONAL Emotionally resonates with visitors and the surrounding community Ethically forthright Refects and reinforces the Obama legacy Emits a spirit of optimism and hope Empowers visitors to create change and make a difference PURPOSEFUL Attuned to programmatic needs and symbolic signifcance Each element responds to a central idea Accommodates refection, exploration, learning, and conversation Focused on service to visitors, local and international communities, and the nation THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 8 Context Principles in the Context section deal with the interface between the Library and the community it serves at the immediate, regional, and global scales. This set of principles considers the function of the potential host and the myriad connections between the Library and the community. Guiding Principles (Contd) ENGAGEMENT Accessible to people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and socioeconomic status Fosters intellectual discourse and disagreement Prizes and responds to audience needs Provides real-time, immediate connection Partners with other organizations to share ideas, resources and audiences WELCOMING & TRANSPARENT Open and welcoming to all visitors, physical and virtual Clear and accessible communication with constituents Actively advances intellectual and cultural openness Uses collective intelligence and social media to collaborate with people INNOVATIVE Incubates new ideas and approaches Nurtures thinkers, artists, activists and change agents Creates a space for investigation and experimentation civic, technological and academic Interfaces with social sector startups 9 CONNECTED Hub of physical and technological networks that enable exchange and collaboration Serves as a dynamic visitor destination for national and international visitors Extends a compelling virtual presence through digital media Sited in an easily accessible, multimodal transportation environment INQUIRY Welcomes individual expression and multimodal learning Intellectually honest and rigorous Expects and promotes academic excellence Facilitates scholarly research as well as Informal learning Fosters a climate of intellectual curiosity and openness THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 10 Response Address the questions in this section fully, using as much space as necessary. Include images and diagrams as needed. Responses should be in the same numerical order as the corresponding questions. If you believe that your RFQ response adequately addressed any of these questions, please note so in your response. A. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 1. An executive summary articulating the long-term strategic vision for the university, including its global footprint and vision, as well as any existing or projected expansion plans. Detail any complementary relationship with the Project. 2. Biographies of administrators, faculty and staff assigned to the Project, including a summary of responsibilities and an organizational chart indicating reporting relationships both internally and with appropriate personnel of the Foundation. Information should include staffng for academics, fundraising, communications, marketing, real estate development and construction and facilities management. 3. List of external consultants engaged by you in support of the Project. Please provide their qualifcations, responsibilities and projected fee structure. 4. Summary of any formal or community-based partnerships with the university that are relevant to the Project. 5. Summary of the diversity of the universitys employees, including demographic composition (e.g., race, gender) allocated by role (e.g., administrative board, secretarial, tenured faculty, associate faculty). 6. Description of the universitys long-term diversity goals and the plan to achieve them. 7. Description of the universitys level of experience and success with work similar to the Project: i. Include detailed presentations of the most relevant projects demonstrating success in large-scale, multi-use development. ii. Emphasize developments where the proposed team members have worked together and had primary involvement in leading the project. 11 Response (Contd) B. SITE AND DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION 1. Provide the following with respect to the site(s) under consideration: i. Existing title reports of the proposed site(s), together with documents specifed therein. ii. Existing ALTA plat of survey with clearly delineated easements, food zones and/or designated wetlands. iii. Existing environmental reports including, but not limited to, phase I and phase II reports, No Further Action Letters, geotechnical studies and topographic maps. iv. Plan for land assembly, including anticipated costs for preparing the site for development (e.g., remediation, demolition of existing structures). v. Circulation and traffc study highlighting how the Project will interact with existing uses, facilities and the neighborhood. Include information regarding ingress/egress and traffc mitigation. vi. Estimated parking needs for both personal vehicles and tour buses, and any existing proposed availability for vehicles and buses in the surrounding area. vii. Explanation of tax status of each site. If site is currently tax exempt, specify the basis for tax exempt status. If a site is taxable, specify the taxes imposed. viii. Analysis as to whether the proposed use of the site(s) will be taxable. If so, please specify the taxes to be imposed. ix. Current zoning applicable to the site(s), including set-backs, FAR, the specifcation of height and other similar restrictions on limitations. x. Analysis as to whether the Project is permitted under current zoning. If not, provide a detailed explanation of rezoning process and timing. xi. Assessment of public transportation alternatives serving the site(s) as well as any recommendations for improvement, if necessary, to support the proposed development. Assessment should include transit time by vehicle, bus rapid transit, train, boat, bike, etc. from central downtown location in your city. 2. Detailed proposed process to obtain control of the site and convey it to the Foundation. 3. Affrmation that the proposed site(s) will meet NARAs Architectural and Design Standards, as revised in July, 2014, related to site conditions. A copy of such standards will be emailed to you and concurrently posted on the website. 4. Analysis of site-specifc development risks and identifed mitigation plans. 5. Summary of other specifc characteristics of the site(s) or immediately adjacent property that will beneft or hinder the construction, development or operation of the Project. 6. Projected timeline listing activities and timeframes required to plan, design, develop and open the Project. THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 12 Response (Contd) C. SURROUNDING COMMUNITY INFORMATION 1. Information about the surrounding neighborhood most connected to the proposed site(s) and/or the area within a 1, 3 and 5-mile radius of the proposed site(s): i. Inventory of existing complementary facilities or operations. For each, describe any existing relationship and potential partnership opportunities. ii. Outline of existing community demographics, as well as future trends (e.g., population density, employment, home ownership, income level, age). iii. Inventory of university partnerships with community organizations and other relevant affliations. Describe these existing relationships and include any information that would impact the Project. 2. Details regarding zoning, ownership and current use of properties within a mile radius. 3. Assessment of the economic beneft of the Project to the community. Include the positive and negative impacts of the development on the community. 13 Response (Contd) D. ACADEMIC COLLABORATION 1. Vision for academic collaboration that will enhance the pursuit of the Presidents initiatives beyond 2017. The academic collaboration will include an Institute and possibly a degree-seeking program. An Institute may include academic research, undergraduate coursework offered in collaboration with existing academic departments, infrastructure to achieve real world impact and/or collaboration with partner universities. 2. Overview of existing institutes and centers at the university. Please detail the following: i. Institute focus (i.e., departmental-focus, inter-disciplinary) ii. Faculty composition (e.g., home university professors, partner university professors, private sector and public sector leaders) iii. Student opportunities (e.g., coursework, research) iv. Funding mechanism (e.g., privately funded, university funded) v. Collaboration with other universities vi. Governance (include any external advisory councils or boards) 3. Outline of your proposal for an Institute: i. Institute focus (i.e., departmental-focus, inter-disciplinary) ii. Faculty composition (e.g., home university professors, partner university professors, private sector and public sector leaders) iii. Student opportunities (e.g., coursework, research) iv. Funding mechanism (e.g., privately funded, university funded) v. Collaboration with other universities vi. Governance (include any external advisory councils or boards) 4. If proposing a degree-seeking program, please provide the following: i. Which (if any) current academic disciplines could be part of a degree program. ii. List any ideas for new degrees or a combination of existing degrees. THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 14 Response (Contd) E. MARKETING AND ATTRACTION STRATEGY 1. Proposed strategy to attract visitors leading up to the Project opening and long-term to sustain attendance. 2. List of signifcant local attractions that may complement and help bolster attendance for the Project. For each, list: i. Detailed historical attendance fgures, including segmentation by demographics (e.g., local vs. tourist) and attendance over time. ii. Proximity to the proposed site(s). iii. Means and method of attracting the visitors to the Project from the attraction. 3. Projected attendance, both in the short-term (i.e., frst fve years of operation) and long-term (i.e., 20 years after opening). Include underlying assumptions and your method for reaching these projections. 4. Proposed plan for supporting the ongoing marketing and communications efforts of the Project. 15 Response (Contd) F. UNIVERSITY CAPITAL COMMITMENTS AND OTHER SERVICES 1. Details regarding the capital commitment by the university to the development and construction of the Project, as well as funds available to support the annual operations of the Project. 2. Detailed master development plan for the surrounding community (academic and otherwise) that will drive economic revitalization, as well as increase connectivity to the university. Include any capital resources available for the plan. 3. Description of any plans to provide offce space to the President, First Lady and staff beginning in 2017 until the opening of the Project. 4. Summary of services that the university will make available to enhance the Project, including but not limited to the items listed below: i. Internal transportation (shuttle services) ii. Security iii. Parking iv. Utilities v. Technology vi. Other facilities available to visitors THE BARACK OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY 16 G. CITY, COUNTY AND STATE CAPITAL COMMITMENTS AND OTHER SERVICES Summary of commitments the university believes it will be able to obtain from local, regional and state governments to enhance the development including, but not limited to, the following items: i. Funding, support and opportunities for educational partnerships with local schools ii. Park improvements iii. Streetscapes and landscapes in and around the Project and surrounding community iv. Other investments in surrounding area that will create jobs and spur economic development v. Tax Increment Financing (TIF)/other fnancing recommendations vi. Public safety vii. Multimodal transportation improvements (road, pedestrian and bicycle, transit opportunities) H. DRAFT LEGAL DOCUMENTS It is our intention to present draft legal documents for your review and comments prior to the RFP submission deadline. These documents will cover, among other things, the land transfer, development obligations and Institute structure and governance. I. COLLABORATIVE PROCESS We anticipate this will be a collaborative process, and as such, expect to have discussions with each of the respondents during the submission period. Response (Contd) 17 RESPONSES RECEIVED AT: MS. ROBBIN COHEN ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THE BARACK OBAMA FOUNDATION 300 EAST RANDOLPH STREET, SUITE 4030 CHICAGO, IL 60601 * [email protected] Key Information Summary Sheet RFP Issue Date September 15, 2014 Issuing Offce The Barack Obama Foundation Point of Contact Ms. Robbin Cohen RFP Response Due Date December 11, 2014 5:00 p.m. Central Time RFP Response Format 4 hard-copies of all materials addressed as outlined below. Electronic versions of all materials should be included as part of the response. Electronic versions should be sent as a URL with a secure location containing a digital copy of the response book. Further Reference: Included on the Foundation website is the updated NARA Directive 1571: Architecture and Design Standards for Presidential Libraries, Revised July 2014. The standards can also be found at http://www. For additional questions re- garding NARA Standards, contact [email protected]. The Barack Obama Foundation. All Rights Reserved.